Sunday, March 06, 2016

Drinking coffee while black, and the Democrats have a debate.

Image for the news resultI, like most working professionals, will sometimes hit up Starbucks or my local coffee shop in the mornings before I get my work on.

Sometimes there is nothing like a little jolt of java to get your juices flowing.

This is, of course, unless you happen to be a black man in America.

Tonight my racism chase takes me to Cincinnati, Ohio.   

"It was just another morning in Cincinnati, Ohio for 29-year-old Charles Harrell when he was making his way back from a early morning coffee run. Filming his trip, Harrell recorded his interaction with police officer Baron Osterman, who can be seen trailing behind Harrell on a bicycle. Sharing that the police office asked if he “had a problem,” Harrell noted that this was a normal occurrence in his hometown.
“This is what we have to go through in Cincinnati, harassment” he said. “You can’t be a black man and enjoy your morning, because the police are going to harass you in Cincinnati, Ohio.”
As the video continues to roll, Osterman approaches Harrell for allegedly crossing against the light. In response, Harrell admits that he was frightened by the officer’s trailing of him, stating, “You were scaring me, sir. I don’t know why you’re following me anyway. You followed me all the way down the street.” Osterman then demands that Harrell put his phone and coffee on the ground. Refusing to lay his objects down, Harrell instead offers his I.D., and the officer become physical, warning him: “Don’t reach around.” Harrell is pinned against the wall and handcuffed.
According to, this is not the first time Officer Osterman has been linked to the use of excessive force. He reportedly was involved in the death of a black man, Nathaniel Jones, in 2003 in a local White Castle restaurant. The Citizen Complaint Authority ruled that Osterman and his fellow officer James Pike used excessive force in subduing Jones in 2004. They were both cleared in 2008 and awarded financial compensation.
Harrell was arrested for a pedestrian violation, resisting arrest and possession of a small amount of marijuana. The police department released a statement saying that the incident was up for internal review. Watch the footage of the incident below: [Video and story]
I hope, for his sake, Charles had decaf.  
Finally, I am watching the democrats debate each other, and Bernie is doing his usual shouting about Wall Street, and Hillary is trying her best to tell the people what they want to hear by wrapping herself around his Oness.
The moderators are having a much easier job with this one, because there are only two people and they are both, for the most part, sticking to the issues. No my d**k is bigger than yours shouting match going on with these two.
Bernie is telling Hillary to release her transcript of her speeches on Wall Street and I believe that she should. She has to stop hiding behind this argument that she will do it when ALL of her opponents to the same. That argument just has disingenuous written all over it.  And worse, it is giving Donald trump and the New York Times cover for their disgraceful refusal to release the transcript of his "off the record"  conversation with the Time's editorial board where he allegedly told them that his entire campaign when it comes to immigration might be a scam. 
Sorry Joe Concha, I get the whole confidentiality thing, but this man is running to be the president of the United States for crying out loud. Nothing a presidential candidate thinks or have said in the past should be kept from the American people. 
This election is way too important to allow a scam artist to pull the wool over our eyes.
Oh wait....too late.
*Pic from


  1. Jarel9:29 PM

    Blacks are ready to die or go to jail for the chance to be near whites. If I were white, I'd be a damn supremacist too.

  2. Rhaka Khan10:06 PM

    "Do the Right Thing" taught me that niggas are really willing to be arrested and die for lack of inclusion in white spaces. Wow.

  3. "This is, of course, unless you happen to be a black man in America."

    White people's responses to black men of course has nothing to do with the actions of black men, right Field?

    “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”
    ― Saul Bellow

  4. Anonymous11:37 PM

    After tonight's debate, you can no longer seriously deny that the Democrats hate whites.

  5. The Left believes that Poverty is Holy, but Whiteness isn't.

    Therefore, there can be no truly poor White people.

  6. Anonymous11:42 PM

    That's the great thing about poor whites - you don't have to have sympathy for them. They don't deserve sympathy.

  7. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Dear white people,

    Shut the fuck up.

  8. Limpbaugh8:12 AM

    and we still don't know which Democratic candidates' thing is bigger.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Charles Harrell didn't put his phone and coffee down as requested by the officer.

    Do you support this man disobeying an officer's orders?

  10. Limpbaugh8:18 AM

    Getting the money out of politics would go a long way toward correcting a multitude of problems. is Corporations owning our government is he root of a lot of problems. Another big problem is money controlling our media information. The corporate media jumped through hoops to avoid telling us that Obama and Clinton destabilized the Middle East by arming and training ISIS. The media had just spent a year telling us that ISIS was baby rapers when it turned out that they were covertly our allies against the moderate Muslim countries of Libya and Syria. The media did briefly start out to cover 9/11 honestly. Then either the government or the media's war profiteer sponsors clamped down on them. How many times have you seen the spontaneous collapse of World Trade Center Building Seven at free fall speed on TV? It fell through itself, the path of greatest resistance five hour after the Twin Towers fell. The 9/11 Commission didn't even mention it in the first release of their report. How many times has the media shown Larry Silverstein's confession that they pulled it? When Bani Sadr told the Christian Science Monitor about Reagan's deal with Khomeini to not release the American hostages while Carter was still president, the mainstream media wouldn't even cover it as something the ex president of Iran said. The head of that cover up, a Democrat, Lee Hamilton, was pulled out of retirement to co-chair the 9/11 Commission. They even had the nerve to appoint a PNAC member (that had called for a new Pearl Harbor so we could take over the Middle East) to that Commission. His name is John Lehman. Democrats wouldn't even charge Dick Cheney for torture, much less for lying us into war. The vast majority of Democrats and Republicans are corporate whores. Hillary Clinton sure is one. Like Obama, her biggest donor is Goldman Sachs.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Anon@8:14,do u support the officer shading him for blocks because he might be a danger to the community given the temperature of his coffee cup?



  13. obama is a scam artist who pulled the wool over the eyes of blahs and white liberals. Neither hillary nor bern has a butt like Trumpf. Nothing makes Lance's cock strong like a nice tight conservative butt.

  14. "When Bani Sadr told the Christian Science Monitor about Reagan's deal with Khomeini to not release the American hostages while Carter was still president, the mainstream media wouldn't even cover it as something the ex president of Iran said. The head of that cover up"

    There was no cover up. There is no proof. Dozens or so Democrat/liberal media investigations turned up nothing.

    And thinks for robbing Jimmy Carter of the credit he deserves for getting the hostages released. Yeah that's right. It was Carter who made the deal...

  15. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anon 9:18, you didn't answer the question I asked.

    Do we know why the officer was "shading" Mr. Harrell? We do not have the officer's side of this story to answer that question.

    We do know however, Mr. Harrell "refused" to obey a direct request by the police officer to put down his coffee and phone. Do you support that decision to disobey the officer's request?

  16. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Limpbaugh said...

    and we still don't know which Democratic candidates' thing is bigger.

    8:12 AM

    That's easy, Hilary's!!!


  17. They hate you too10:09 AM

    Democrat Cognitive Dissonance:

    1. There are no poor whites.
    2. All Trump supporters are poor white rednecks.

  18. So the occasional black person might get followed / get watched / get hurt feelings. Okay, a fair enough complaint, and I do sympathize. But a white person delivering food to a black person is much more likely to be killed. And it never makes the national (meaning leftist-controlled) newsmedia. - "His Name is Shane Varnadore: Another White Pizza Deliveryman Murdered by Blacks" - "14-year-old suspect in pizza delivery driver homicide ID’d, charged as adult,, 3-2-16"

    Two pizza delivery men (both white) were killed by blacks in New Orleans in the past year, and many other white delivery people have been killed by blacks in recent years / months. No national outrage or marches from passive white America. Several cabbies and cops have also been killed by blacks in NOLA recently.

    P.S. If your theory is that black people can't do anything without being harassed in AmeriKa, explain why the Huey P. Newton Gun Club (Black Panthers armed with rifles) marched with no problem in Austin in March 2015, while chanting "The only good pig is a pig who's dead" and "Fuck the police."

  19. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Black people keep failing to learn the basic lessons when it comes to interacting with the police.

    Personally, I try to be polite when I encounter a mentally challenged person with a gun.


  20. I remember the old days when the media would protect their candidates and not release videos.

    To be clear: No reporter at The Times or any other self-respecting journalism outlet is going to sell out an agreement with a source. Not for $100,000. Not for $5 million. Not for any amount.


  21. The FieldNegro said...
    Nothing a presidential candidate thinks or have said in the past should be kept from the American people.

    I remember the old days when the media would protect their candidates and not release videos.

    To be clear: No reporter at The Times or any other self-respecting journalism outlet is going to sell out an agreement with a source. Not for $100,000. Not for $5 million. Not for any amount.

  22. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Law and order is for whitey. Blacks must have impunity to murder cops (and each other) or else America is a white supremacist nation.

  23. Racial supremacy is fucking bullshit. Fuck you if you are a race supremacist.

  24. "Law and order is for whitey. Blacks must have impunity to murder cops (and each other) or else America is a white supremacist nation."


    CODE 8 Violation. Talking hysterical racist bullshit in a lame effort to portray this blog as overtly racist.

    ***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***

    [Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]

  25. Quote:They hate you too

    "Democrat Cognitive Dissonance:

    1. There are no poor whites.
    2. All Trump supporters are poor white rednecks."

    Hi, could you please provide us an example of anyone claiming that there is no such thing as poor white people?

    Take as long as you need.

  26. Anonymous3:51 PM

    PC said: Hi, could you please provide us an example of anyone claiming that there is no such thing as poor white people?

    PC, Bernie quote 3/6/16:

    "When you are white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto,

    you don’t know what it’s like to be poor, you don’t know what it’s like to be

    hassled when you are walking down a street or dragged out of a car," Sanders said....

    I guess you didn't watch the debate on Sunday night.

  27. "When you are white, you don’t know what it’s like to be dragged out of a car"

    Oh yes you do.

  28. The Nigger Yisheng4:59 PM

    Maybe Trump really does have the biggest dick of the Republican candidates. Lance Cockstrong, what do you have to say on the subject?

  29. Pukey Donaldson5:00 PM

    Where has that greasy cunt lilac gone? Haven't seen her dumb ass in awhile.

  30. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Purple Cow wrong again:

    Michael Bloomberg Will Not Enter Presidential Race

  31. Why isn't anyone commenting on Peyton Manning's retirement? Is it because he's white?

  32. Does the debate even matter to blacks? You're all going to vote for Hillary anyway.

  33. Anonymous8:24 PM

    *plugs $700 phone into $2k laptop*
    *sips $12 latte*
    *adjusts $150 trendy beanie*

    "let me tell u about how privileged white republicans are"

  34. Imma need Hillary to take some lessons on NOT looking disingenuous, the ONLY time I think we see the "real Hillary" is when she's angry!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I know you will dig this Doc, PC too and any other science geeks out there. A buddy of mine has published a study in the American Meteorological Journal about his study to predict tornado outbreaks 2-3 weeks in advance. I should make sure I'm on his storm chase trip this year, ha!

  37. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I hope PilotX's buddy is black, if not he has violated his rule against making non-blackcentric comments.

  38. "I hope PilotX's buddy is black, if not he has violated his rule against making non-blackcentric comments."

    You're pretty stupid but I guess I've come to expect that from anonymous trolls.

  39. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I knew it, he is black.

    Who's stupid now?

  40. Anonymous3:03 AM

    "I knew it, he is black."

    Why should it matter? My you trolls are racists.

  41. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Even if you're not a Bernie fan, you've got to admire this guys rig:

  42. The sequel to this harassment: They went to this man's house and arrested him again - for the crime of recording the police.

    Just FYI- Recording the police is not a crime.

    Never forget that the first race riots of the new millennium took place in Cincinnati over the killing of 13 unarmed black men in less than a year.

    Before John Crawford and Tamir Rice in Ohio, Cincinnati was Ground Zero and still is.

    You think Killidelphia is bad? Try living in Cincinnati.

  43. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "You think Killidelphia is bad? Try living in Cincinnati."

    You know, any place with a significant number of blacks is bad. Anywhere on earth.

    Why is that?

  44. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Because white people don't know when to leave well enough the hell alone.

    White people are a warring people, even against each other.

  45. Anonymous7:29 PM

    You jump to conclusions with limited facts and one side of the story, Deg Girl. Not smart or reasonable.

  46. Limpbaugh10:35 AM

    Hillary Clinton is winning states that will vote Republican in the general election. The electoral votes will go to Trump. Little Marco is the candidate who offends me the most. I think he might be ignorant more than lying. He says 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault and Iran is allied with ISIS even though Iran's army is fighting ISIS in Iraq. I noticed he has been practicing delivering his memorized speeches with more emotion since Chris Christie exposed him. In a group that includes psychopaths, racists, and corporate whores, Little Marco stands out as the most disgusting. I am glad to see him do bad in the primaries, but I hope he gets discredited enough to lose his senate seat.

  47. Black people have driven white people to the Point of Insanity of No Return. Racism has made them lose their minds and look like live skeletons and monkeys. A scary lot, white people. You're insane!!!!!!!
