Saturday, March 19, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Dear white people, I come in peace.

*Pic from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Uh excuse me miss but the tryouts for the Trump Girls is down there.

  4. ctrl+halt+del8:19 PM

    Protester brings her own police to protect her from rowdy trump supporters.

  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    "Say it lewd, I'm black and I'm rude!"

  6. Anonymous8:43 PM

    "Black power! I needs a shower!"

  7. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Hey white people! This is how I show respect for your right to hear the candidate of your choice!"

  8. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "Don't ever try this at a Democrat's rally! We'll beat your ass down sideways and the media will blame you and call you racist!"

  9. Jimmy9:50 PM

    I am a black, fat, missing teeth,inbred loudmouth strong racist ghetto black woman. I stand in solidarity with all yishengcows who struggle to finish their first semester of junior college.

    And like all yishengcows, i will never be smart like ASIANS.

  10. ctrl+halt+del9:54 PM

    Officers Ritz, Graham and Oyster perform the barrel maneuver at trump rally.

  11. RH Cop: There's only three of us, shouldn't we get some back up?

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous10:37 PM

    We'll need the f'ck National Guard to take this beastie down.

  13. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "Woohoo! You go Trump! Power to the people!!!"

    You guys are all on the money tonight! Fields caption is the best so far though :)

  14. Wesley R11:27 PM

    Let's Go!! I read her story on The Washington Post. Good Job Sister.

  15. Pete in Arizona11:28 PM

    Ooh Say can you see...

  16. Anonymous12:21 AM

    This woman's behavior is disgraceful.

    Those who make peaceful discourse impossible make violence inevitable.

  17. The Ministry of Truth1:41 AM

    Senior Police Officer: Dwayne, Buford, y'all better be ready to slap the cuffs on her, in case she decides to assault one of these polite, respectable, law-abiding Trump supporters' fist with her face.

  18. The sista' is leading the chorus of the Black National Anthem, " Lift every voice and sing........"

  19. Anonymous2:50 AM

    @ Shitstain -

    A black woman's voice is one of the most grating, unmelodic sounds on Earth. The more you silverbacks ook and screech, the more everyone hates you.

    You think because you're loud that everyone is listening to you. They're not; they're all gritting their teeth and hoping you just go away.

  20. The Fixer ™4:07 AM

    A white man's voice is one of the most grating, unmelodic sounds on Earth. The more you silverbacks ook and screech, the more everyone hates you.

    You think because you're loud that everyone is listening to you. They're not; they're all gritting their teeth and hoping you just go away.


  21. "And, Trumpsters... You're Gonna Hear Me Roar..."

  22. Look everyone!!!! James Brown is alive and supporting Donald J. Trump!!!!

    Yeah unh
    Get up ow!
    Knock me out, dead

    Superhighways, coast to coast, Trumpmania is taking over
    On the transcontinental overload, just slide in the back while Trump has the wheel
    How does it feel when there's no destination that's too far?
    And somewhere on the way America will be great again, ooo

    Living in America
    Eye to eye, station to station
    Living in America
    Hand in hand, across the nation
    Living in America
    I got to have a celebration, rock my soul, huh, aw, huh

    Field Negro, eat your heart out!!!

  23. Pliot@7:46 the leader so far.
    MAGA@7:45 in second.
    Honorable Mention to Doc@1:47 and Doug in Oakland@10:10

  24. The change you fear and avoid is as black as my ass that you hate....

  25. The change you fear and hate is as flabby and rank as my ass that you avoid....

  26. Anonymous12:19 PM

    We have to crush Trump because my lesbian psych professor said he's literally Hitler.

  27. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Why is cool to go to a gathering of people you know nothing about and disrupt it?

  28. Anonymous1:17 PM

    To hell with jobs, we want more free stuff or else!

  29. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "They're coming to take me away, ha ha!"

  30. ctrl+halt+del1:59 PM

    I have but one regret, that I have only one life to give to my country!

  31. Where all the white men at????

  32. Reading these comments makes me ashamed to be a human being. I can't even begin to explain the kind of ugly, cynical hate-ridden language deposited here.

    As for a caption:

    Hail the Great Mother, for all races were sprung from me!

    Field---I don't know how you do it here--keeping this forum open-- and remain free of poison.

  33. MoxieBee said...
    Hail the Great Mother, for all races were sprung from me!

    Field---I don't know how you do it here--keeping this forum open-- and remain free of poison.

    WOW, now THAT is a powerful (and truthful) caption!!!

    As for Field keeping the forum open, well, there's nothing like a healthy dose of ignorance and racism to remind folks that: 1) It's a true blessing to not have folks like this in one's "real life" and 2) They'll die hateful, piss poor examples of quasi human beings.

  34. How about President Obama making the VERY decision to restablish relations with Cuba. Nothing like keeping your "enemies" close!!

    And it's also nice to reflect on the fact that he's accomplished MORE than ANY Other President in modern history, especially given what he started with and his relationship with those "do nothing" Rethugs.


    1. He'll go down as one of the better Presidents. And to think he'll be even more popular after he leaves office.

  35. Anonymous6:31 PM

    He started with Democrat majorities in both houses..And if obama was any kind of leader his relationship with "rethugs" wouldn't have been so bad.



  36. Jimmy6:54 PM

    Yishengcow overdoses ignorance and racism daily. She is so jealous of smart Asians. Jealousy is bad for a persons health. I worry about Yshengcow's health. I want yishengcow to live a long healthy life and graduate from junior college. And hopefully she will learn from smart ASIANS.

    Who i'm kidding? You can't teach an old jackass new tricks! HA!

  37. Anonymous8:00 PM

    President Obama and family landing in Cuba

  38. Lance Cockstrong9:52 PM

    I must reiterate: Yisheng is a crazy niggerette.

  39. PilotX said...
    He'll go down as one of the better Presidents. And to think he'll be even more popular after he leaves office.

    Right! In fact, Clinton needs to talk more about what was done while she was Sec'y of state, names taking DOWN bin laden!!!

  40. Dear White People. Until you do right by me everything you do will fail. Until you do right by people of color, everything you think about gonna crumble.

  41. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Thanks for the advice, Aunt Jemima!

    Now go scrub the kitchen floor and shut the fuck up.

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