Donald trump, instead of trying to enlighten the poor and working class, has chosen to exploit those fears instead of trying to educate his army of frustrated angry white males.
One of the greatest tricks that the powerful was able to pull off was convincing all of these people that conservatism is their ticket out of trailer park and rowhomes.
Anyway, I read an interesting article this morning ( by someone named Ian Walsh, I think) from the white perspective about the rise of trump, and this might be a good time to share it.
"This is not hard to understand. Wages for working class white males peaked in 1968, fourty-eight [sic] years ago. Coincidentally, I was born 1968.
I am not young.
For their entire working lives, conditions for working class males have been getting worse.
“Free trade” has not worked for them. China joined the WTO in 2000. Here’s what happened.
Now, imagine that chart adjusted for population increases.
So, for damn near 48 years, poor whites have done terribly. For fourty-eight years, ordinary politicians have promised to do something about it, and nothing has improved.
Do not tell me, or them, that they are “privileged.” Yes, it is better to be poor and white than poor and black, and better to be a poor white man than a poor white woman, but people who are in pain do not react well to some smug, upper-middle-class jerk telling them they are privileged when their lives are clearly terrible.
It is a FACT that working class whites will not see any improvement worth mentioning under any normal politician, including Clinton. They may see an improvement under Trump, they certainly would under Sanders.
They are voting for what they see as their interests, and they are not necessarily wrong. Certainly, Trump is more likely to help than Clinton, as the chance of Clinton helping them is zero. Zip. Nada.
It is insanity to expect poor white males to accept 48 years of decline and not get angry. It’s perfectly reasonable for them to respond to a man who offers them a better life in a way that is different from all the politicians who have failed them in the past.
Trump does not feel or campaign like an ordinary politician. Poor whites read this as: “He might not betray us like all the normal politicians do.”
At the least, it is worth a try.
Now, when I say “poor whites,” smart people should hear “people who are willing to be violent.”
Who mans America’s actual fighting regiments? That’s right, poor whites.
Who are your police? Who are your prison guards?
Right. Even if they make decent money as a cop or guard, they’re poor whites by culture: Scots-Irish core.
These are bad people to alienate to the point where they are willing to turn, en-masse, to a demagogue.
Just saying.
You may not like this, but the cold reality is that you need to keep the people who enjoy violence under control and, ideally happy–wanting other things more than they want to crack skulls. At the least, you make sure that they spend all their time killing and hurting each other and poor brown people, not their “betters.”
You have to be real stupid to lose control of your society’s fighting class. You have to be real stupid to degrade them over a period of decades, to employ them en-masse in jobs where they beat up other people.
Demonizing poor white men as “trailer trash” has simply alienated them. Telling them they are all sexist, racist scum has not “raised their consciousness.” Strangely, they don’t think that all the people who tell them they’re bad are right. Instead, they think those people are assholes.
In many cases, they’d like to give a good beating to said assholes. For example, Kevin Williamson:
If you spend time in hardscrabble, white upstate New York, or eastern Kentucky, or my own native West Texas, and you take an honest look at the welfare dependency, the drug and alcohol addiction, the family anarchy—which is to say, the whelping of human children with all the respect and wisdom of a stray dog—you will come to an awful realization. … The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die.You have treated these people like shit. You know how you get treated at bad jobs? Like disposable trash who can be ordered to do anything?
People become how they are treated. You have to feed the better parts of them if you want those parts to win. If half the “good jobs” available to these people jobs that involve violence, if the remaining non-violent jobs (manufacturing) are disappearing, and if the rest of their jobs are ass, you should not be surprised that they become mean.
You make them this way, then you demonize them for it.
Trump does not talk to these people like he despises them. (Neither does Bernie.)
Clinton does. She’s pandering, she knows it, and it comes through. The disdain drips.
The quality of life for the average “white male” peaked in 1968. Then, you call them trash, they have almost no good jobs, and you’re surprised they’re angry? You think they aren’t human? You think they are Jesus, and can be treated like crap for longer than most of them have been alive and that there won’t be consequences? You think that because other people are treated even worse, they will sublimate their own mistreatment?
Worse, you marginalized them and then used them as your primary violent enforcers?
That’s not just immoral, that’s crazy stupid.
Remember, they don’t just hate people who are brown. They hate most rich whites. And by rich, they mean a lot more people than the actual rich.
Treat people like trash, and don’t be surprised when they come back to bite you." [Source]
Ok, we get it, it they will "come back to bite" us. But I am pretty sure that the people in the top ten percent will not be getting bit.
Instead, all of the barking will be at the people who look a little different than they do, but sadly, who are just as weak and as helpless as they are.
*Pic from fallingdownfilm.com
So Trump is manipulating poor whites like obama manipulate poor blahs and hispanics in 2008 and 2012?
ReplyDeleteDid fn speak up back then?
Damn, I really need to get laid.
ReplyDeleteThere are no such thing as"poor whites". Just ask Democrats.
ReplyDeleteTrump no likely Asians.
ReplyDeleteDonald trump, instead of trying to enlighten the poor and working class, has chosen to exploit those fears instead of trying to educate his army of frustrated angry white males."
ReplyDeleteWhat bullshit.
Donald Trump never even acknowledges race. The voter anger he is riding is anger against the elites who have exported their jobs overseas and imported their replacements into their communities. It is not racist to ask for your government to slow down its demographic change/wage reduction program a little. No other people on earth are asked to fund their own displacement.
Trump's message can be for working Americans of all races. The Democrats are scared shitless, which is why they have to keep blacks and Hispanics on the reservation by reducing everything down to race. You are repeating the false narrative of racism, the same false narrative the Left uses against every threat to their power.
Demonizing poor white men as “trailer trash” has simply alienated them"
ReplyDeleteMovies, TV, advertisements, news, commentary, text books, the President, and every day on the Field Negro Blog.
We didn't end discrimination, we just redirected it.
Nationalism is not about disliking others.
ReplyDeleteIn a nation where median household income peaked in the 1990's, it's hard to argue that the elite consensus is good for the middle class.
ReplyDeleteThe base of the Republican party is in rebellion. The MSM is in full fury trying to delegitimize them and trying not to yield an inch of their narrative. The billionaires and their media mouthpieces don't want to accept that their right to control the political system should in any way be limited by the views of mere citizens and voters. Smart money is probably still on the billionaires, but the voters might actually win.
What's not to like?
What really happened at the Chicago Trump rally:
Bernie Sanders just handed in his NCAA tournament bracket and he has all 68 teams making the Final Four.
ReplyDelete“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
ReplyDelete― Malcolm X
Dr. Krugman weighed in on this issue also:
-Doug in Oakland
Poor whites get treated badly.
ReplyDeleteAll black people get treated worse than poor whites.
White male anger is justified.
Black people are never supposed to complain let alone be angry.
This article is supposed to make me sympathize with white people who, instead of pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, are content to blame black and brown people for all their problems.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDeborah, it's not quite that simple.
ReplyDeleteDividing and conquering the lumpen proletariat has been the chief strategy of the ruling elites for a couple of thousand years. If they can get the oppressed to hate other oppressed people rather than those doing the oppressing, then so much the better for them. That's what Malcolm X was talking about in that quote.
In the great scheme of things poor black people's problem is not poor white people, and poor white people's problem is not with black folks. Their common enemy is the bourgeoisie, most of them don;t know that. Poor white people are no more capable of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps than poor black people - and for the same reason. The entire system is stacked against them. The entire edifice of modern economic systems will tumble if the poor (of whatever colour) were given a chance to better their lives.
Racism is a side-issue. An important one, but a side issue non the less. Racism developed in the 14th and 15th century as a retroactive justification for the economic imperative of slavery. Slavery went on to supply the seed capital of the industrial revolution, and thus the whole of modern capitalism. So racism was an essential tool in the growth of the elites and is now a useful tool in keeping them there, because a divided proletariat is easier to control. However racism is only one of the many tools in their toolbox of repression.
Racism is simply class-warfare fought by other means. The sooner all poor people recognise that simple fact, the sooner the revolution will come.
Sharing the riveting four-part series presented by political and social journalist, Robert Samuels, of The Washington Post.
Whether one agrees or disagrees, what makes this a fascinating read is the authentic way each series captures the thoughts, concerns, fears, hopes and dreams of the American electorate from the Iowa to Michigan to Texas primaries.
Not a poor white man, but want to offer my two cents. Hillary's new line against Trump is that America Is Already Great, and I find that immensely insulting.
ReplyDeleteAm an educated, middle class white female and I look around and my life is not what I would call great. The sh*t going down around our country ... How can Hillary call this great?
We are at a crossroads as a society, IMO, where we've got to turn this ship around or we'll destroy the very fabric of our culture in future generations. She's clueless about this, and the great anger that fuels Trump's followers and the passion that fuels Bernie's followers. Her new motto comes across as very patronizing, demoralizing. I know gaslighting is a strong term, but that's what it feels like to me.
''You may not like this, but the cold reality is that you need to keep the people who enjoy violence under control and, ideally happy–wanting other things more than they want to crack skulls''
ReplyDeleteAnd all we have to do is look at any inner city ( with a majority black population) to find out what happens when a political party fails to keep ''the people who enjoy violence under control and, ideally happy''. We get the most violent places on earth. Not just here in America.
It's a hoot reading and watching white liberals and blacks try to understand why Donald J. Trump is so popular and will be our next president. They swing and miss every time. But bless their little hearts, they try.
For the record Trump is not that popular and has zero chance of being the next president.
ReplyDeleteThe blue collar, financially struggling white, male has been told for a decade he is stupid, racist, uneducated, a religious zealot, and a gun nut. He has been told his problems don't matter to the political elite.
ReplyDeleteThat man could support his family two or three decades ago with his labor. But now, he has lost his ability to support his family with a well paying union job because it moved overseas. He can't find another job that pays him well and has job security. There just aren't any.
The blue collar black male has also seen his job move overseas and has fallen out of the middle class. That black man has more in common with white working class man than he does with the well off, white/black liberals that support Clinton. What has she ever done in the last 35 years to help blue collar or working class men and their families?
Trump is a loudmouth, uncouth, and very un p.c. man, but he at least speaks to the need to try to help these husbands and fathers, white/black/Hispanic, get their jobs back and be able to support their families. He is campaigning specifically on bringing back manufacturing to the USA and closing the border to competition from cheap, legal and illegal laborers.
Can Trump make a difference to these salt of the earth Americans who have been insulted, rejected, and unconsidered by our politicians for decades? Who the hell knows, but Trump says he wants to try.
So after centuries of discriminating against minorities, lynchings, disenfranchisement, and institutionalized racism, it's suddenly time to feel sorry for dumb, angry white men? Who seem obsessed with telling others to go back to their country, amass guns to compensate for their inadequacy, and take cheap shots at others and women because they have allowed themselves to pitched into a mob mentality?
ReplyDeleteCry me a river...These whiny knuckleheads are simply threatened because they see their privilege slowly disappearing, and they know there is absolutely nothing that they can do about it. Whether Trump is elected or not, there is probably only two or three more election cycles to go before there's a clear visual shift in political power and demographics on a cultural and social level.
The best these clowns can do is get ready for it and deal with it. The rest of us have had to for a very long time. Angry white men...geez...
The Purple Cow said...
ReplyDelete“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Who owns the "newspapers"?
"So after centuries of discriminating against minorities, lynchings, disenfranchisement, and institutionalized racism, it's suddenly time to feel sorry for dumb, angry white men?"
ReplyDeleteThey built the greatest country on earth and have accepted minorities more than any country in history. You don't have to feel sorry for them, but to the extent you are complicit in their blanket persecution, you will share responsibility for the inevitable consequences.
Without ''dumb, angry white men'' Anonymous racist@10:54am, you wouldn't be enjoying what sad life you have.
ReplyDelete''Whether Trump is elected or not, there is probably only two or three more election cycles to go before there's a clear visual shift in political power and demographics on a cultural and social level.''
When this happens will democrats and minorities stop white shaming? Will democrats and minorities stop tax shaming whites and demanding whites do more to carry minorities who are too lazy to lokk out for themselves?
As far as I can see the expression of this anger is a good thing, in that if vented it will not grow and eventually blow up like a steam kettle without a valve. It is not fair nor will it solve anything, to tell one side that it is okay to vent their feelings then tell the other side that they must be quiet and not express their discontent. That will only bring about eventual war. There must be mediation and resolution.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I can see,or from my vantage point anyway, there is much anger,alienation,frustration in all of working class America. It would seem the only ones enjoying some small sort of "American dream" are the Hispanics working the fields,construction,service and other hard labor,and the Asians in the technological fields. The jobs that were available to the working class are no longer here. People need to work, they need to feel productive and useful. It is a prerequisite to a satisfying life.
Truth be told politicians have traditionally been known as good liars, very good liars. They tell the people what the people want to hear, then go about doing otherwise when elected. I guess we will see...
Please don't everybody attack me now. This is just my uneducated opinion :)
ThatDeborahGirl said...
ReplyDelete"This article is supposed to make me sympathize with white people who, instead of pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, are content to blame black and brown people for all their problems"
No one is blaming black and brown people for all their problems. The Trump supporters are correctly focusing blame on the elite who have divorced their interests from those of the rest of the population.
Controlled, reasonable levels of immigration are a good thing for America.
Mass immigration hurts the working class by driving down wages, dividing communities, and destroying the common identity of the people.
Mass immigration helps the elite by lowering labor costs and increasing the consumer base. Importing waves of people with different cultural norms, beliefs, languages and political outlooks dilutes American ideas about limits on government power and creates an angry, divided populace that is much easier to control than the one it is replacing.
The elite live in gated communities immune to the chaos they are creating outside the walls. Their communities become less diverse as the rest of the country disintegrates into ethnic enclaves.
Diversity as it was sold is nice - people who look different from different backgrounds coming together to live in a common culture. That was the idea. We all embrace the American ideals that has made this such a prosperous place to live, that an American was someone who held and defended those ideals.
The reality is that with extreme levels of immigration, assimilation doesn't happen. This has especially been the case here, because the government explicitly discourages assimilation by encouraging immigrants to keep their own language and culture. They teach them that America is a racist, oppressive place and gives them protected class victim status as soon as they get here. In fact, only black Americans deserve any compensatory measures because of past injustices. Extending this to every newcomer is a weapon the elite use against the common culture. Resources that should have to people whose ancestors were brought here by force 300 years ago instead go to people who came here by choice yesterday.
People no longer come here because they admire and respect American culture, they come here because they can get a subsidized living in a much nicer place, and they can keep their own culture. Some of those cultures core ideals are in direct conflict with core ideals in place today. This will have disastrous consequences down the line.
The donor classes of both parties have united to wage an unprecedented campaign against the threat to existing order posed by Donald Trump. The establishment media goes to great lengths to portray Trump and his supporters as racists in order to keep non-whites from making common cause with the white working class, and to limit the number of whites who will associate with this movement.
Listen to this guy, who rattled an MSNBC reporter when he said the wrong thing for their narrative:
Please take a harder look at these accusations before accepting them. Who does racial division really benefit?
@6:42, you're a middle class White woman and your life isn't "great"? Well boo-fcukin' hoo, NO ONE'S life is "great" all the time, YOU represent the most entitled/pampered demographic in America, yet you STILL aren't satisfied?
ReplyDeleteSo other than b*tch on a Black blog, what are YOU doing to make your life great?
If only yishengcow was smart iike ASIANS. Her life would be great. She wouldn't be a bitter, racist black woman with a big ass.
ReplyDeleteYīshēng said...
ReplyDeleteYOU represent the most entitled/pampered demographic in America, yet you STILL aren't satisfied?
Self-awareness: It's not for everyone.
ReplyDeleteLila @11am opined: "From what I can see,or from my vantage point anyway, there is much anger,alienation,frustration in all of working class America. It would seem the only ones enjoying some small sort of "American dream" are the Hispanics working the fields,construction,service and other hard labor,and the Asians in the technological fields. The jobs that were available to the working class are no longer here. People need to work, they need to feel productive and useful. It is a prerequisite to a satisfying life."
Very well stated, Lila, including when you also say it's not fair validating one set of grievances only to negate differing perspectives.
Of course, I agree because your insight mirrors similar comments I posted last week about the anger and frustration expressed by so many voters who feel betrayed by the major political establishments.
And especially note the disillusionment amongst young people whose parents prospered during the Regan Administration to those who witnessed the hope and promise of President Obama's election.
This is why, in my opinion, it's absolute madness dismissing the concerns and interests of angry white males as well as Black Lives Matters. Interestingly, to Bernie Sanders credit, his policy agenda summarizes these complex issues along with recommended solutions.
One thing I'm finally make the time for is visiting the candidates websites. Started with Donald Trump and was impressed Sen. Sanders offers PDF summaries in Spanish.
"The donor classes of both parties have united to wage an unprecedented campaign against the threat to existing order posed by Donald Trump. The establishment media goes to great lengths to portray Trump and his supporters as racists in order to keep non-whites from making common cause with the white working class, and to limit the number of whites who will associate with this movement."
ReplyDeleteThe anti-white racism that the liberal establishment has been promoting increasingly in recent years serves to unify an electoral coalition that doesn’t otherwise have much in common unless it can be given an Emmanuel Goldstein to hate. Without endless explanations in the media of why everything and anything is the fault of hereditary white guilt, African-Americans, Central American colonists, Syrian refugees and Jewish bankers will tend to notice that their interests really don’t overlap much. Native blacks might start to notice their interests align more with the native white working class. Can't have that - Trump is Hitler!
Same old Alinsky playbook:
* RULE 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Great comments so far.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I do believe that some poor whites have been programmed to believe that those "other" people are the root of their problems.
Like George Wallace and Reagan before him; Trump has been smart enough to tap into that type of angst and ignorance with the tried and true tactic of coded dog whistle language to fire up the base.
My problem with all of this is that these people they fear so much do not own corporations , and thy are not taking their jobs away by relocating to some Third World country.
They have zero influence in Washington, and in the media. So why them?
Here's an email from Hillary's server showing her using her office to help a "bud" of her son in law (Marc Mezvinsky) get what he needs from the State Department for his mining company:
Just another day serving the public.
So tell me, Anon... What's the difference between Sec. Clinton who basically "used her office" to support an entrepreneur vs. the late Justice Scalia whose mentorship and networking via the "SC office" supported the efforts of dozens of clerks and legal associates?
DeleteAnd once again, Sec. Clinton, at the time of active appointment, was not the only official whose mobile device accommodated work and personal communications.
In reply to Anon @6:42am: Fortunately penny and 2-cent candy are making a comeback. And though I agree several of Sec. Clinton's missteps during the earlier primaries were tone-deaf at best, I applaud her words of encouragement regarding America's greatness. It's not just the candidates winning the elections who must step up to plate, overcoming the various crossroads will require each of us to fight for the greater good.
ReplyDeletefield negro said...
ReplyDeleteMy problem with all of this is that these people they fear so much do not own corporations , and thy are not taking their jobs away by relocating to some Third World country.
They have zero influence in Washington, and in the media. So why them?
I was at the Trump rally in St. Louis right before the Chicago rally. There were some rowdy BLM-type protesters, but the police kept things under control and I didn't feel intimidated. The Trump crowd was mostly made up of suburbanites, an older, well behaved crowd. Nobody I heard said anything racist. They mostly tried to engage protesters, deny that we had bad intentions and convince them we're all in this together. People I talk to aren't anti-immigrant, just anti open borders. I don't see what's controversial about slowing things down for a while so we can absorb all the newcomers and get a grip on what's happening. Seems like common sense to me.
The field negro said...
Personally, I do believe that some poor whites have been programmed to believe that those "other" people are the root of their problems.
"Other people" are always the fault of those that don;t have.
Awww..., Come on, Mr. Bill: Call a spade a spade the way you usually do.
DeleteHowever, do consider another irony of comparing apples to oranges. To clarify, people and/or communities will not cite the poor working class as the reason for social and economic injustice. The issue is an elite class with obscene amounts of capital that utilize these resources to further disenfranchisement.
How about those anti Trump protestors in Arizona, lol?? This is the best political drama in my lifetime!!
ReplyDeleteFaith_and_Fairness said...
ReplyDeleteSo tell me, Anon... What's the difference between Sec. Clinton who basically "used her office" to support an entrepreneur vs. the late Justice Scalia whose mentorship and networking via the "SC office" supported the efforts of dozens of clerks and legal associates?
Are you kidding?
Mentoring is a legitimate and honorable way of transmitting knowledge and skills to the next generation. Teaching a younger person how a job is done and then vouching for that person's ability and integrity based on your personal knowledge is a service to the people you teach as well as to society. Scalia mentored hundreds of young people of all backgrounds who were entering the legal profession. He did this for no pay.
Hillary abused the power of her office, one of the highest positions in the US government, to help an associate of her daughter's husband circumvent regulations for the purpose of achieving a competitive advantage over other companies. For this you can be sure some funds were directed to Mr. Chelsea Clinton. The Clintons have done this countless times over their careers, to the point they have a personal fortune of over $300 million and a foundation worth several billion. All while working in "public service".
Seriously, come on.
Yīshēng said...
ReplyDeleteHow about those anti Trump protestors in Arizona, lol?? This is the best political drama in my lifetime!!
You really are a fan of political intmidation and violence, aren't you?
Here's a different view from someone who saw it up close and personal in Chicago:
Obviously I did not see everything that occurred as I wandered the protest grounds outside the cancelled Chicago rally. What I did see, however, was fear. Fear from the rally attendees for their immediate safety, and fear of Donald Trump from the protesters.
More than that, I feel that I experienced today, for the first time in my life, true totalitarianism and authoritarianism, expressed laterally from citizen to citizen, in order to silence opinions from being shared. This enforcement was shared through sheer numbers and intimidation, and in a few cases, violence.
People brought their children, loved ones, and friends to attend the Trump rally. I saw an older Asian man and his white wife in attendance, and the looks on their faces when the rally was declared cancelled almost broke my heart. I saw scared children clinging to their parents’ sides as they exited the building to the screams of protesters. I saw a quiet, but excited crowd of Donald Trump supporters get thrown out of Chicago.
Worst of all, I saw the first amendment trampled, spit on, and discarded like trash.
This cannot go on. As I finish this, I feel a sense of utter dread and hopelessness for what is becoming of the youth in this country, particularly those of the regressive left. So polarized has political opinion become, that dissenting thoughts on college campuses are now seen as hateful. These people deal in absolutes. They are right, and whatever means they must take to achieve their ends, they will do it. They will not stop themselves from violence or censorship. They will do it, and they will call hell down upon you if anyone dare does upon them the same.
Tonight I went to the Trump Rally to hear the thoughts of not only the man who was supposed to come and speak, but the people who support him. I found respect. I found calmness. I found peace.
The truth is, I am a legal immigrant, not a US citizen. I am not American. I am not white. I cannot vote.
After tonight, I support Donald Trump.
"More than that, I feel that I experienced today, for the first time in my life, true totalitarianism and authoritarianism, expressed laterally from citizen to citizen, in order to silence opinions from being shared."
ReplyDeleteNihilism is easy to start, but hard to finish.
If the Left succeeds in destroying Trump, the next time democracy breaks out they won't just be shouting people down.
God bless you anonymous 3:44.
ReplyDeleteDonald J. Trump is love and kindness. Donald J. Trump cares about the poor and middle class. Donald J. Trump will make America great again by helping the poor and strengthening the middle class. Donald J. Trump is the cure for the obama infection that has left us divided and wounded
Donald J. Trump is doing the Lord's work.
Good points Field. If the author of this piece thinks poor whites have been treated like shit what does he think blah folks have been treated like? At least he's honest enough to admit whites are on welfare, hooked on drugs and such while the average white ignores and denies this. Interesting article though.
ReplyDelete"What really happened at the Chicago Trump rally"
ReplyDeleteWhat you really mean is one person's account (a Trump supporter no less), about what happened. And yes I am proud of the young people who stood up and expressed themselves. A diverse crowd of Muslim, blah, Latino and whites stood together to stop the nonsense they saw in other cities, they said "not here buddy". So proud of my city!
Notably, among the ethnic alliance blacks have no particular offense to take with Trump; no "rapists and murderers" or Muslim entry ban controversy. That Trump must hate them because he's leery of Muslims, or thinks Mexican rapists and murders cross the border illegally, is a given (ironically based on "racist" assumptions inherent in the racial hierarchy of grievance: if you dislike Mexicans, or immigrants, the liberal always assumes, you must hate blacks).
ReplyDeletePilotX said...
ReplyDeleteGood points Field. If the author of this piece thinks poor whites have been treated like shit what does he think blah folks have been treated like?
I know one blah guy who got an athletic scholarship to a private university and then was hired by a major airline into its pilot training program. He has had a long career and lives a comfortable lifestyle.
So there's that.
Wow WD, you know a blah guy? Kinds surprised but hey I guess anything can happen.
DeleteI know another blah guy whose white grandparents sent him to the best private schools and who, despite not doing so well academically, got into two Ivy League universities, including the most prestigious law school in the land, where, despite never publishing anything, he was made President of the Harvard Law Review. He then entered politics and, despite never really accomplishing anything, was eventually elected President of the United States of America, twice.
ReplyDeleteSo there's that.
I know a blah woman who has been going to college on the taxpayer's dime for almost 40 years. No matter how long it takes, the society she lives in is going to support her dream to be a doctor. She doesn't have to wait tables or work in a convenience store at night to pay her way, she can use all her spare time for studying. She even gets enough pocket change to drive a Mercedes.
ReplyDeleteSo there's that.
I know this blah guy from Jamaica who came to America and was given a well-paying government job that allows him to live in a nice white neighborhood with plenty of money for nice clothes and leisure travel, not to mention time to host a blog where he excoriates his adopted country for how awful it is to people who look like him.
ReplyDeleteSo there's that.
@ So there's that:
ReplyDeleteI know, it's not PC to laugh at that but...it is humorous though, xD
You forgot the Puertorican lady who was raised in the states and now has a beautiful family and bakes cakes...
You guys are soooo baddd! hehehehe...
But we don't trash America, we only point out the discrepancies and injustices, to make it better ;) That's democracy.
Anonymous No justice, no peace said...
ReplyDelete"They built the greatest country on earth and have accepted minorities more than any country in history. You don't have to feel sorry for them, but to the extent you are complicit in their blanket persecution, you will share responsibility for the inevitable consequences."
I have to admit, this almost made me shoot coffee out of my nose. I'm guessing, satire was the intent of this statement. The very idea that their is some "blanket persecution" of white men is absolutely hilarious, and is probably something that I need to start working on a science fiction story about. Trust me, no one in the world is crying tears for white men besides other white men. Even white women are sick of the entitlement complex. It's hard to feel responsible or complicit in terms of their unstable "anger" without being high or intoxicated on some really good drugs or alcohol. Maybe catch me on a better day and I will feel sorry for white men. But, today...Nah...Talk about white fragility...
And tomorrow cry about how the white man don't be caring bout us..
ReplyDelete"Awww..., Come on, Mr. Bill: Call a spade a spade the way you usually do."
ReplyDeleteWrong take on Bill there F&F. Bill will only call a dem a spade.
Bill is a card carrying republican who still can't get over the fact that O beat his party twice. :)
I fit a lot of that poor white/middle class description. I went to high school in rural upstate New York. I think the people there had a tendency to see people of other races as aliens, unless you lived there. If you lived there you were just like everyone else. Nobody noticed interracial dating for example, when both people were from the community. I always knew there was white privlege. The same cops who were friends with minority people who lived there would be more likely to stop an outsider minority person.There used to be a lot of jobs. I always tell young people that it isn't supposed to be like it is now. I am of half Scottish decent. Overall, my income is probably about like a cop's. Right now, I make a living day trading. If Sanders taxes every thousand dollars of trades fifty cents, that will hit me hard. I am not that far away from being eligible for Medicare, so a tax increase to pay for universal healthcare would just be a tax increase burden for me also. But I voted for Sanders in the Illinois primary. I think one difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals care about other people and conservatives don't.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats, Republicans, and the media, are all sponsored by corporations that want to steal oil, sell weapons, and rip us off. Politicians do things like give your tax dollars to Israel to kill Palestinians with and then they get some of the money back for themselves through AIPAC. Sanders is the only candidate who refused to speak before AIPAC and has sainegative about Netaqnyahu, by the way. They let pharmaceutical companies charge exorbitant prices, even when the government could be bargaining for wholesale prices, and then they get paid off by the industry's lobbyists. They tell us that World Trade Center Building Seven collapsed straight down through itself at the speed of gravity because of scattered furniture fires. And then they used it as an excuse to start wars. The U.S, is a fascist country. The real axis of evil is the U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia. The "brave Americans" who died in Benghazi were terrorists. Our politicians armed and trained ISIS to overthrow the moderate Muslim countries of Libya and Syria. I am more progressive than Democrats and the "liberal media". I think a bunch of them, as well as Republicans and people in the conservative media, should all be charged with war crimes. I sometimes come to conclusions that are similar to some of those of the "angry white males", but for different reasons. Trump is a racist and a fool. All of the other candidates besides him and Sanders are psychopathic corporate whores. Sanders and Trump believe in non intervention and they are both better on the economy than the others.
"The same cops who were friends with minority people who lived there would be more likely to stop an outsider minority person."
ReplyDeleteWonder why that might be?
"The very idea that their is some "blanket persecution" of white men is absolutely hilarious, and is probably something that I need to start working on a science fiction story about."
ReplyDeleteGood idea. I'd place it some alien world where the government didn't mandate lower academic admission standards for privileged racial groups, where businesses could hire anyone they thought was best for the job without having to fill any race or gender quotas, and where people were allowed to hear the truth about just who was visiting violence upon whom.
Without incentivizing racial grievance, racial animosity would become a cost rather than an asset. Men and women could find the occupations they were best suited for rather than unhappily being a square peg in someone else's round hole. Instead of being pitted against one another, people could realize the betterment that comes by cooperation.
Nah, that's too crazy.
"Sanders is the only candidate who refused to speak before AIPAC and has said negative about Netanyahu, by the way."
ReplyDeleteBut Trump is the only one to merit the hysterical denunciations of every single Jewish billionaire, politician, media figure, internet columnist, entertainer or minor celebrity. Right or Left. Fox or ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/PBS/MSNBC.
And no one is questioning Bernie's Jewish credentials, btw.
Class and color will divide us all at the hands of the powerful. Get educated!
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Trumpy is just another Lucy who promises and promises but will snatch the football away from those po' white folks. Then their white masters will tell them it was the fault of "those" people, and boo-hoo, we would have won if we only elected a REAL conservative. Rinse and repeat.
ReplyDeleteRacism is not just another form of economic repression. It is fundamental to why the white elite can keep the poor whites in line while simultaneously working to put and keep poor whites in the same under-class as poor people of color. Poor whites are so blinded by racism they can't see they're being led to the same slaughterhouse. Such an easy job when you know which buttons to push.
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