Saturday, March 26, 2016



I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Feel the Bird.

*Pic from


  1. Wesley R9:30 PM

    Wow, Shake That Money Maker.

    Bernie thinking like Rafael Cruz Jr., but not acting on it.

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Sweet picture. Little bird wasn't frightened by Bernie, or the crowd noise, and looked right at him. Bernie smiled at the little bird. The first time I'd seen him smile. A lovely moment and sweet picture.

    No caption. Just enjoyed the photo taken days ago very much.

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Bern: "A Future To Believe In" a short one 'cos I'm so old, but...uh oh...I think my ICD is shocking me...ooooohhhh...feel a pain in my chest...ooohhh...

  4. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "I know, I know, this slogan is for the birds"

    'cos I'm so ooold!

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "This bird is scaring me! Is it the grim reaper disguised as a bird! Or did Trump send it to poke my old eyes out?"

  6. "Cute Little Birdy Says He's Not With 'HER'."

  7. Bernie's campaign manager: "Umm...Mr. Sanders, I'm not sure this well-timed Pinocchio look is doing us any favors."

  8. Lance Cockstrong11:04 PM

    This bird built that nest on top of Butt Trumpet's head ...

  9. Bernie Sanders: "Yes, believe in the future......though I may not live long enough to experience it myself".

  10. Bernie's bird was pretty cool, but didn't have anything on this bluegrass guitar player...

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. The Ministry of Truth1:59 AM

    Meanwhile, at another political rally, Donald Trump flips a completely different bird at Black Lives Matter protesters ...

  12. Anonymous2:57 AM

    @ MOT -

    As well he should. Fuck those ignorant, screeching thug pieces of shit. It's about time someone in the public eye stood up to their monkeyshines.

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson5:47 AM

    I am a declared Socialist...(which equals a Communist), yet I'm running for the Democratic nomination. Why didn't I run as a Third Party candidate? Duh, huh.

  14. "I am a declared Socialist...(which equals a Communist)"

    These neo-Nazi types seem to revel in their own stupidity. For guys like Johnson, to say something profoundly ignorant and just plain WRONG is a sign of belonging to the fellow travellers in their particular political discourse.

    It's like they are saying "Look at me, look at me, I say stoooopid stuff, so fuck you and your so-called 'real world'. Fuck science, fuck truth, fuck research, fuck facts, fuck reality - I say stupid shit and that's where it's at."

    They wear their idiocy as a badge of honour.

  15. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Hitler was a socialist.

  16. Lance Cockstrong9:27 AM

    I wanna build a nest in Trump's butt and eat it out. I'm an ass man.

  17. TDG@5:25 is the leader by far.:)

  18. The Real Lance Cockstrong11:41 AM

    You are an ass hole. How about I put my fist up your gerbil infested butt.

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Kit said...

    Hi Field, this is Kit.

    11:53 AM

    Hi Kit! So glad to hear from you! I have missed your blog and have wondered many times how you and your family were doing.

    I will definitely say a prayer for your son,as well as mine and all of our sons that may be dealing with situations.

    With Gods help we will overcome. *Hugs*

  20. Kit, u are in my thoughts my friend. Sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully things will work out for him.

  21. And keep your eye on the sparrow.

    When the going gets narrow.

  22. You are in my prayers Kit. I've missed you posting here.

    Prison isn't all that bad. I did a stint in Statesville a few years back. Food was good. Had cable and limited net. And all the cocks and balls. And butts. Mmmmmmm. I was in heaven. Prison motivated me to straight up and pick my self up by my boot straps.

    i started my own website.

    My parents are so proud of me. They watch me on my site and they know how hard i work. I'm sure your son will come out a better man like i did.

  23. A little birdie told me we're gonna win! Don't believe me? Ask him yourself.

  24. Lance Cockstrong11:08 PM

    Fuck Kit. Stupid cunt.

  25. ctrl+halt+del11:42 PM

    Congressman Sanders (Harland's 2nd cousin on his fathers' side)to open Kentucky Fried Sparrow restaurants.

  26. Thank you Field, and others who left a kind response.

    I had a nice Easter dinner with family, and one of my relatives brought up Bernie's bird. Another one, who is old enough to be a living history book, hadn't seen that news story. The first relative showed her the clip from his iphone. Then she said quietly, almost to herself, "His eye is on the sparrow..."

    I voiced my surprise, saying, "wow, you thought of that."

    She nodded, and said, "It's a good omen."

    I hope so.
