Wednesday, March 02, 2016


Image result for Nwanguma trump images        *As the kids in the neighborhoods like to say, "the shit just got real."

I think I found a person who had a worse Super Tuesday than Marco Rubio. But unlike Marco this poor young lady did not ask for the beating she got from trump's peeps.

Trump and his supporters are not even hiding the fact that they are going all white supremacist anymore. I suppose that beating up on your opponents in a republican primary will have that type of  affect on you. It makes you feel empowered to show off your true feelings and motives.

A young African American female was assaulted at a trump rally last night, and I am hoping that the police in Louisville, Kentucky will review the tape and arrest her attackers for assault.

“I was called a n—– and a c–t and got kicked out,” Nwanguma said, the New York Daily News reports. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They were disgusting and dangerous.”
Among the men who were involved in the incident was Matthew Heimbach, who is a member of the Traditionalist Worker Party. He was pictured at the Louisville rally donning the same red hat and glasses as the most aggressive man in the video, pushing and yelling at Nwanguma in the clip. Taking to Twitter after the backlash, Heimbach claimed Black Lives Matter activists “comes to a Trump event to fight:” [Source]
Easy there tough guy. I am not sure how cool it is to beat up on a girl who was outnumbered by you and your friends. 
This would not be so disturbing if it wasn't so clear that the candidate himself has co-signed with this type of behavior. Sadly, trump rallies are looking more and more like Klan rallies these days.
You will notice that I am not giving trump the benefit of the doubt with these types of incidents, and the reason that I am not is simple: The weight of evidence is not on the side of trump and his cohorts.  
Just today I read about another disturbing story.
"As the controversy surrounding white supremacist support for Donald Trump continues, the man behind what’s been labeled an “overtly racist” radio show revealed that he received full press credentials to a rally for the GOP frontrunner.
While promoting an interview with Donald Trump Jr., radio host James Edwards wrote on March 1 that he “attended a Donald Trump rally in Memphis on Saturday night as a fully credentialed member of the media and enjoyed the unique experience of being able to air a live broadcast of The Political Cesspool Radio Program from inside the press pen while the event was in full swing.”
Edwards added that he was granted VIP parking access while he was at the event.

Citing Trump’s plan to deport undocumented immigrants and build a wall along the US-Mexico border, Edwards praised the billionaire as the first Republican nominee to have earned his vote.

The Political Cesspool radio show labels itself as “unapologetically pro-White … Even though Whites represented the vast majority of the American population, we had no mainstream voice.”
However, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups across the US, called The Political Cesspool “an overtly racist, anti-Semitic radio show.” The group noted that Edwards has featured a number of white supremacists as guests, including former Ku Klux Klan David Duke and Holocaust denier Willis Carto.

Duke himself recently endorsed Trump, igniting a firestorm of controversy. The Republican frontrunner then exacerbated the situation by declining to disavow the endorsement, arguing that he wasn’t knowledgeable enough about Duke to make a statement one way or another. He has since backtracked those comments by saying, “I disavow.”

Regarding Edwards, the Huffington Post asked the Trump campaign to explain why he was credentialed and why Trump’s son sat down for an interview with his show, but the campaign did not respond." [Source]

If you are going to run a campaign for white supremacist, you are going to need white supremacist radio to cover  it. I suppose that when you think about it all it makes sense.

Anyway, I am looking at trump's son, and I can totally see him sitting down with the David Duke wannabe radio guy. Dude just has that look.

"Donald Trump was the leader “our people” had been waiting for.

“Our people just needed a viable candidate and they’ve identified Trump as that man. There is no doubt that Trump’s populism and nationalism is galvanizing our nation and may change the course of American history for the better right before our very eyes.”

Sieg heil!

*Pic from



  1. Get real, bitch9:17 PM

    Don't come to disrupt other people's rallies in disrespectful and hostile manner if you don't want your fat, ugly ass tossed out onto the pavement.

  2. Sane person9:31 PM

    "Trump and his supporters are not even hiding the fact that they are going all white supremacist anymore."

    Field is not even hiding the fact that he is a hysterical, hypocritical liar who will repeat anything the far-left propaganda organs fabricate on a daily basis.

    "They gonna put y'all back in cha-anes motherfuckers!"

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Yeah, sure. Just like the three black women at SUNY Albany who claimed they were attacked by a white mob and were subsequently charged with lying to the police.

    I don't believe her. I'm waiting for the facts and bet this accusation is bullshit.

  4. Phillip9:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Donald Trump being endorsed by a racist bigot means HE is a racist bigot!

    I said that with a straight face.

  6. Are all the Whooteemoos going to move to the south pole after Clinton gets elected?

  7. Anonymous10:13 PM

    As a white person and former Republican, I am embarrassed by Trump. As a citizen, I am alarmed at what violence and hate he provokes in people.

    Could you even imagine him getting arrested for a civil rights protest? No me neither.

    Bernie Sanders all the way to inauguration day!!

  8. "Could you even imagine him getting arrested for a civil rights protest? No me neither."

    No, he's not some fake-ass white poser getting a civil rights arrest for his resume.

    Trump is is doing so well because he is a real person. That's different than all the other people running for president. He isn't some he parasite who has worked in the government his whole life, he lives in the real world interacting with real people. Voters see at least a hint of authenticity, something lacking in the rest.

  9. One of the reasons I enjoy political and social commentary centers around the insight of my conservative friends and relatives. Bantering about Super Tuesday results, it was revealed David Duke did not officially endorse Donald Trump.

    Finally came across an interview excerpt in the International Business Times, whereby David Duke further mentioned he severed active affiliation with KKK nearly 40 years ago. In any event, it seems much of this firestorm erupted due to David Duke expressing agreement with Donald Trump's position on immigration.

    David Duke’s Donald Trump Endorsement Never Happened, Former KKK Grand Wizard Says

  10. I have searched the world over for an honest man in vain, that is until I found Faith_and_Fairness.

  11. This is the inevitable course that started when McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Recall her rallies were pretty much white supremacist gatherings but they just weren't as overt about it. I may roll to a Trump rally to see what's going on. He probably won't hold one here in Illinois but he may have something in Indiana.
    Anyhoo, it looks like the gop may have a contested convention afterall. Man that would be something to see. If The Donald doesn't get the nomination after getting the most delegates he would go ballistic! Get the DVR's ready!

  12. The Trumpening11:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    This is the inevitable course that started when McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Recall her rallies were pretty much white supremacist gatherings

    Reach up and pull those panties out of your ass, Jesus.

    I know you are blowing smoke, but I think you would learn a lot if you ventured out of your "Safe Space" and went to a Trump rally. Honestly, all this "White Supremacy" talk would seem foolish to you after you met some real life Trump supporters.

  13. Why do white racist cowards come to this blog is their wife or girlfriend blowing black guys regularly or the anonymity of the internet which allows them To be their true racist selves without being put in a coma

  14. F&F, while he may have severed ties with the klan David Duke continues to spread his white supremacist views to this day. While not an official endorsement he did say

    David Duke, a white nationalist and former Klu Klux Klan grand wizard, told his audience Wednesday that voting for anyone besides Donald Trump “is really treason to your heritage.”

    Read more:

    Let's not pretend he is a good guy and doesn't support Trump.

  15. "I know you are blowing smoke, but I think you would learn a lot if you ventured out of your "Safe Space" and went to a Trump rally. Honestly, all this "White Supremacy" talk would seem foolish to you after you met some real life Trump supporters."

    I'm sure most of his followers aren't white supremacists but the fact that they are supporting him and he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to disavow their support is problematic. Racism has always been bubbling just under the surface in this country for way to long while many just ignore it. Let's either admit it and go from there or agree to end it. I do appreciate you whiteslpaining my concerns to me. Were you in your "safe space" when the media went ape shit about Rev. Wright and the two New Black Panther guys in Philly? Now if you wanna call bullshit that was a ton of it but I'm sure you may disagree.

  16. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to disavow their support"

    He has done so 24 times since he first heard of it. Come on, man, don't play games like you are Marco Rubio.

  17. "He has done so 24 times since he first heard of it. Come on, man, don't play games like you are Marco Rubio."

    Bullshit! He played games when he said he hadn't heard of David Duke and his ear piece was bad. Please anon, I know you think blah people are stupid but in reality Trump supporters aren't smart enough to play us. Nice try though.


    Here ya go anon.

  19. Trump no likely gookeymoos. Him likely whooteemoos and half whooteemoos don't count.

  20. The Ministry of Truth12:25 AM

    "Trump is is doing so well because he is a real person. That's different than all the other people running for president. He isn't some he parasite who has worked in the government his whole life, he lives in the real world interacting with real people. Voters see at least a hint of authenticity, something lacking in the rest."

    Hahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, he's "real."

    He's a guy who skillfully lies to convince rich investors to keep sinking money into his dicey ventures ("Never mind my multiple, multiple, multiple bankruptcies. Your money's safe with me!").

    He's a guy who skillfully lies to average joe suckers to get them to sign up for his get-rich-quick-scheme, Trump University (hint: the only one getting rich off this operation is Trump).

    He's a guy who makes out like he's a self-made tycoon, when he inherited $40 million plus from his dad.

    He's a phoney reality TV villain, a laughable carnival act.

    I'd say he's practically the least real, fakest person imaginable.

    About the only genuine aspects of Trump are his egotism, his greed, and his bigotry. Those are all too authentic.


    Here's the connection. Racists are stupid, Trump supporters are stupid. This was the only logical outcome when McCain unleashed a nation full of stupid on us when he chose a mentally stunted bimbo as his running mate and the Republicans thought we were supposed to take them seriously? This has to be a new reality show and at the end we all get punked. Actually let me back that up a bit, W. brought out quite a bit of stupid before Palin. I'm going to have to agree with Bobby Jindal, they are the stupid party and as Lindsey Grahm said, they've gone bat shit crazy.

  22. Anonymous12:28 AM

    PilotX said...
    "He has done so 24 times since he first heard of it. Come on, man, don't play games like you are Marco Rubio."


    No,- he-has-disavowed-Duke's-support-at-least-24-times - since-he-first-heard-about-it.

    Once, in the middle of all those disavowals, he blew it off as something he didn't want to talk about, since talking about it makes it stick to you. It is a "are you still beating your wife?" kind of question; to answer it impugns your character.

    You are not a serious person.

  23. Anonymous12:29 AM

    PilotX said...
    Here's the connection. Racists are stupid, Trump supporters are stupid.

    You are not a serious person.

  24. "I'd say he's practically the least real, fakest person imaginable."

    Intelligent people can recognize this. Now the average Republican voter..........

  25. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Hate to break this to you PilotX, but intelligence is not one of your strong points.

  26. teh stupid ™12:52 AM

    "Hate to break this to you PilotX, but intelligence is not one of your strong points."

    You wouldn't know intelligence if it bit you in the ass partner.

  27. Anonymous1:01 AM

    This article is worth a read:

  28. The Ministry of Truth1:12 AM

    “'I was called a n—– and a c–t and got kicked out,' Nwanguma said, the New York Daily News reports. 'They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They were disgusting and dangerous.'”

    Good times.

    I can't think of another candidate whose campaign events can so easily be edited into a highlight reel to create attack ads against the candidate. Trump's most ardent followers are also a visual aid to explain why nobody else should even consider voting for him.

    Dear respectable citizen, do you really want to be on the same team as this loathsome horde of degenerate, putrid troglodytes?

  29. Parrington1:14 AM

    Why do blacks have such a hard time voting for a Jew?

  30. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Bernie is a maggot.

    And Field is a faggot.

    Tag it and bag it.


  31. Donald Duke1:51 AM

    Why do blacks have such a hard time voting for a Jew?
    Well we know why Trump supporters have this problem. David Duke told them not to.

  32. Dr. Ben Carson1:54 AM

    Why do Republicans have such a hard time voting for a blah?

  33. David Trump1:57 AM

    Does anybody know how many times Trump has been sued for fraud?

  34. The truth2:24 AM

    "I enthusiastically agree with Waxman’s observations. I too would like to thank Donald Trump for reminding the (white) American public what has been obvious for many decades but that too many members of the political chattering classes have been afraid to publicly state in a direct and unapologetic manner: the Republican Party is the country’s largest white identity organization; in the post-civil rights era conservatism and racism are now one and the same thing."

    Chauncey Devega speaks the truth.

  35. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Does anyone know how many times Bill Cosby has been accused of rape?

  36. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Does anyone know how many times Al Sharpton has been caught lying?

  37. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Does anyone know how many nice neighborhoods have been ruined by Section 8 groids?

  38. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Does anyone know how much money we waste on feeding and incarcerating blacks in America?

  39. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Does anyone know how many nice neighborhoods have been ruined by toothless hillbillies?

  40. White racists are stooooopid3:17 AM

    Bill Cosby and Al Sharpton are running for president? Who knew? White racists are fucking stooooopid.

  41. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Does anyone know how much money we waste on feeding and incarcerating whites in America?

  42. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Jail term costs taxpayer average of $63,000 per year per prisoner of any gender or race. The costs to individual much higher, as job prospects destroyed once has a ex-con reputation.

    USA has highest prison rate in the world.

    Wouldn't it be cheaper to have sentencing reform and get people trained and working versus locked up costing taxpayers?

    We could save a lot of money if we'd let Bernie institute his criminal justice system overhaul!!

    We can't afford this current system. Just rough numbers, but for someone who pays $15K in tax per year, would take 4 of us to pay for one prisoner.

  43. Anonymous5:47 AM

    "Toothless hillbillies", LOL. That's all you retards have, insults about hillbillies and good ol' "muh dik".

    I'd feel safer in a stadium full of hillbillies than standing next to one Trayvon.

    TRUMP '16!!!


  45. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Hey purple cow, thanks for finding and posting that good article.

  46. Trump supporters commenting here are Exhibit A in support of the accuracy of my post.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Seems like only yesterday field was telling us nazi references were never kool.

    Hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

  49. Lance Cockstrong8:00 AM

    @ Faith And Fairness 10:34PM

    Good morning Faith. David Duke did not sever ties with the KKK so much as trade in his white sheet for a suit and tie to become its political wing. Some racists do repent, case in point George Wallace, of course being confined to a wheelchair gives you a lot of time and not much else to do but think about things. But David Duke is not one of those. Not sure if your point here is to stick up for Duke or Butt Trumpet, or just typical biased left wing media making shit up as usual. But Duke and Butt Trumpet are lower than pigshit so let's not sing any arias in praise of them.

  50. field negro said...

    Trump supporters commenting here are Exhibit A in support of the accuracy of my post.


    noun ac·cu·ra·cy \ˈa-kyə-rə-sē, ˈa-k(ə-)rə-

    : freedom from mistake or error : the quality or state of being accurate

    Nowhere in the definition of accuracy do i see lying. Which is what you continually do about Donald J. Trump disavowing the klan. Even before you posted your first lie Trump had disavowed Duke's and the klan support some 7 times. And another 20 plus times since.

    So how many times does Donald J. Trump have to disavow to satisfy you moonbats?

  51. Poor black lies matter movement. Their history of violence and bullshit is catching up to them. Donald J. Trump and supporters refuse to be bullied by these leftwing thugs. Shitya deserved that beat down.

    Black lies think they can come disrupt, be violent and throw tempter tantrums when ever they please.

    That's all coming to an end soon. Blacks lies matter will have to act civilize.

  52. "I am hoping that the police in Louisville, Kentucky will review the tape and arrest her attackers for assault."

    My glasses need cleaning. I first read the sentence above as "...and arrest her crackers for assault."

    Meanwhile thinking that Trump's followers should start wearing brown shirts. You know, for sentimental historical reasons.

  53. Anonymous8:27 AM

    It would be too hard to tell the difference between them and obama followers.

  54. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Notice how any black person at a Trump rally is immediately deemed a violent BLM protester. The Trump supporters are just rationalizing their reflexive urges for anti-black violence. Let this be a lesson for any black coonservatives who are thinking of going to a rally and expressing their love for Massa Donald. You don't walk around with "Black Republican" printed on your forehead. They'll whip your ass too. These are interesting times, folks.

  55. uptownsteve55 said...
    Notice how any black person at a Trump rally is immediately deemed a violent BLM protester

    You Lie!:

    Only violent BLM protesters have been tossed from Trump rallies, you lying piece of shit. You are a fucking slavecatcher trying to scare your people into staying afraid of leaving the plantation for a better life. You are a pathetic worm of a man.

    Real black men will stand with real white men and dedicate themselves to making this country great again. Stay the fuck out of the way, bitch.

  56. Quote: Make America Dumb Again.

    'Nowhere in the definition of accuracy do i see lying. Which is what you continually do about Donald J. Trump disavowing the klan. Even before you posted your first lie Trump had disavowed Duke's and the klan support some 7 times. And another 20 plus times since."

    Nice piece of 'Deliberate Point Missing' there, son.

  57. Anonymous9:40 AM

    John James,

    You must be the newest toothless goober to stink up FN's blog.

    Here are some FACTS for your dumb ass.

    Peaceful black college students ejected from Trump Rally.

  58. Fuck you, loser. The days of the cowards and liars are coming to an end. Black and white people will come together to make America great again, and your bullshit no longer works.

    Trump '16.

  59. Anonymous10:03 AM

    John James

    When was this country supposedly so much more great than it is now?

    During Jim Crow?

    That's what you want isn't it? And that's what Drumpf is promising.

    To make America "WHITE" again. Not gonna happen. A numerical impossibility.

    No Republican can win without at least 30% of the Latino vote.

    And Drumpf has an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating from Hispanics.

    So I guess you'll have to go back to beating off in front of pictures of the Fueherer.

  60. Defeatism and division have failed. We are taking our country back, not for white people, but for everybody. Losers like you can keep lying, but you can't stop it.

    Fuck. You.

  61. "And Drumpf has an 87% DISAPPROVAL rating from Hispanics."


    He will get 40% of the Hispanic vote. And 20% of the Black vote. The smart, brave ones.

  62. Anonymous10:58 AM

    John James

    More FACTS for you dummy.

  63. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Clinton New Network lies are meaningless.

  64. Drumpf's key voter segment is Republicans without a university degree. His approval ratings among college educated Republicans is 19% - that's lower than Cruz and Rubio, and not much better than Carson (!).

    Low information voters, as you call them over there - or what Australians refer to as 'dumbcunts'.

    So it would appear that there might well be enough dumbcunts to get Drumpf the Republican nomination, but are there enough dumbcunts in America to win him the presidency? Only time will tell boys and girls - only time will tell.

    Think of the 2016 election process as a nationwide I.Q. test!

  65. The Butcher12:58 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Low information voters, as you call them over there - or what Australians refer to as 'dumbcunts'.

    We call them "democrats" over here.

    The dumbest of the dumb vote democrat. They have the retard and the convicted felon vote locked down.

  66. The Butcher1:02 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Drumpf's key voter segment is Republicans without a university degree"

    Working people without a degree don't deserve to have their interests represented, right Cow?

    "His approval ratings among college educated Republicans is 19%"

    That is nonsense. You progs will fall for any fake poll that suits your fantasies.

  67. @Pilot & Lance: Purpose of posting the David Duke mostly was to convey that despite non-endorsement, so to speak, Mr. Duke, his radio audience and Trump supporters are rallying the Trump candidacy because they believe US domestic issues are the result of immigration policies that negatively impacted American jobs. And as several new posters and veteran anons are pointing out, this segment of the electorate are tired of being forced-fed the narrative of white privilege, black lives matter, to name a few.

    Even voters supporting Rubio and Cruz believe the government is only in the way of economic freedom. Did anyone ever encountered the question, "Why is it now acceptable to demonize the success of the wealthy who earned their prosperity via hard work, sacrifice and professional development"?

    There's also an Atlantic article posted this week providing additional clarity regarding the concerns and interests of Trump supporters. In particular, the feeling of having no voice reminded me of an essay I once penned at peak of then Sen. Obama's candidacy. A sleeping giant awakening all because a candidate is resonating with their concerns of being left behind.

    Getting back to the David Duke interview, another point of contention cited is the message conveyed to European-Americans that says they are wrong for wanting to retain their unique heritage.

    It's never been my intention to promote a good people / bad people narrative. Just believe we should be mindful of having it both ways. How does that work embracing Black Lives Matter only to write off the toothless hillbillies or less educated who are thrown under the bus just as much in the name of misguided greed and deregulation.

  68. Hillary whitesplains to a sister that she's just a dumb ni**er:

    STFU and vote democrat, bitch.

  69. uptownsteve55 said...
    Notice how any black person at a Trump rally is immediately deemed a violent BLM protester.

    Notice how full of crap you are. The only blacks being deemed violent are black lies matter protesters who are violent.

  70. P.C., most dumbcunts or low information voters vote Democrat. Go to the DOJ hearing where an obama administration expert tells most low information, ill-informed voters tend to be black. That could explain why most black voters are supporting a candidate who pushed mass incarceration and thinks blacks are super perdators.

  71. Bullshit Detector2:16 PM

    P.C., most dumbcunts or low information voters vote Democrat.

    Bullshit, if that were true Palin and Trump would be dems not repubs. Stop your lying.

  72. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I'd feel safer in a stadium full of hillbillies than standing next to one Trayvon.

    TRUMP '16!!!

    We know, typical Trump voter. Sad.

  73. I get your point Faith but we also have to look at the situation in historical context. Of course any Trump supporters will say their interest isn't racism but we all know the underlying context of their comments. Think back to the 50's and 60's, weren't the same arguments being made? Of course David Duke will say he just wants to protect his European heritage but he knows full well there is no threat to his heritage and he will be vilified if he just yells he hates niggers. All of us blah folks here are smart enough to know there are opposing viewpoints but we also know the hidden and historical context for these arguments and it seems a bit interesting that a blah woman is helping to make these arguments.

  74. Tell you what Faith, take a look at this documentary, it is pretty long but if you get a chance. Let me know if you hear similar language then as you do now. Insert the term "immigration" for "integration" and see if a light bulb comes on. Just a mental exercise.

  75. free man2:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Of course any Trump supporters will say their interest isn't racism but we all know the underlying context of their comments"

    Don't trust what people say or how they act, trust the paranoid interpretations that the people who control you want you to believe.

    Gotcha, PX

  76. 'Don't trust what people say or how they act, trust the paranoid interpretations that the people who control you want you to believe."

    Gee, you're right. David Duke just wants to protect his heritage. Gotcha. Anything else you wanna whitesplain?


  78. Life in the BRA3:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "David Duke just wants to protect his heritage."

    White people should not be allowed to protect their heritage. Wanting to preserve something of their heritage, culture and country for their progeny is RACIST!

    Black Pride!
    La Raza!


    Good, the officer who arrested Sandra Bland is fired.

  80. Anonymous3:02 PM

    PilotX said...

    How many left wing loon sites can you link to in one day? Your brain is mush.

  81. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Good, the officer who arrested Sandra Bland is fired."

    PilotX is a fascist. Bland deserved to be arrested.

    In progressive America, to make enough money independently to be free to speak our minds without fear of being fired has become the new American dream.


  82. "White people should not be allowed to protect their heritage. Wanting to preserve something of their heritage, culture and country for their progeny is RACIST!"

    If you don't understand the differences between Latino, Indigenous, Black and other groups and white groups who feel the need to "protect" their heritages I don't know what to tell you/. There's a good video I can try to find but I'm guessing it won't help a person like yourself much. Your Screen name is a giveaway that you are probably a racist.


    here you go Mr. BRA. Maybe you will get a glimpse into this topic.

    "PilotX is a fascist. Bland deserved to be arrested."

    This is the mind of a Trump supporter. You are not a serious person anon. DWB is an arrestable offense. Gotcha.

  84. Life in the BRA3:12 PM

    "If you don't understand the differences between Latino, Indigenous, Black and other groups and white groups who feel the need to "protect" their heritages I don't know what to tell you"

    Of course we know. It's been pounded into our heads our entire lives.

    Latino Pride: Good
    Indigenous Pride: Good
    Black Pride: Good
    Other groups Pride: Good
    White group Pride: Bad, Nazi, Racist, KKK, Supremicist, Evil

    It's easy to remember.

    1. If that's your take on it then I can't help you Mr. BRA. Carry on.

  85. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Who will blacks vote for if its Sanders vs. Trump?

    1. Who will whites/Latinos/Asians/Indigenous/women/young, ect vote for if it's Sanders vs. Trump?

  86. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Colonel Sanders.

  87. When Bush ran for President in 2000 the Left was not upset about his politics. They were horrified that he was a class traitor or more accurately, an apostate. He was from a clan that is the epitome of Yankeedom, yet he declared himself a Texan, abandoned Public Protestantism for Evangelical Christianity and was throwing in with the bad whites.

    No man is hated more than the apostate, even more so when the apostate was a former member in high standing. In every mass movement, the apostate is the villain, who must always be found and destroyed.

    Apostates are hated not because they reject the cause or the group. They are hated because their very existence calls into question the rightness of the cause. After all, if the traitor is able to prosper outside the cause, maybe he is right and the people in charge have been lying. That’s why he must be destroyed and never allowed to prosper. Otherwise, the logic of the cause no longer makes any sense.

    The interesting thing we are seeing with this smear campaign against Trump is that it is a copy of the one launched against Bush over the James Byrd murder. Trump is supposed to be allied with Yankeedom. If he had backed Rubio or Bush, the people at National Review would be holding parties in his honor. They would laud him as a great “conservative” behind the campaign of Jeb Bush! Instead, they are driving around in the broken down progressive clown car from the previous decade.

    That tells us something about our managerial elite. The Left side freaked out over Bush the apostate. Now the Right side is doing the same over Trump. Their loyalties are to their class. The Right side is now finding solace in the arms of the Left side as they huddle together in the castle. All the jibber-jabber about party loyalty, conservative principles and fair play from the Right side have been cast aside in order to defend their class interests.

    The big difference this time is that Trump is not Bush and Buckley Conservatives are not Progressives. Trump is a very smart guy who is fully aware of what he is doing, while Bush was an amiable nitwit, who just wanted to make the family proud. Similarly, Buckley Conservatives lack the skill of their brothers on the Left. It’s not called the Stupid Party by accident.

  88. "When Bush ran for President in 2000 the Left was not upset about his politics. They were horrified that he was a class traitor or more accurately, an apostate"

    Interesting. How did you come to this conclusion? I know many lefties who were upset about his policies.

  89. The Ministry6:33 PM

    "Who will blacks vote for if its Sanders vs. Trump?"


    But it won't be Sanders vs. Trump. All available evidence says it will be Clinton vs. Trump.

    And then it will be the inauguration of President Hillary, followed by the Republican Party ripping itself to shreds.

  90. And then it will be the inauguration of President Hillary, preceded by the Republican Party ripping itself to shreds.


  91. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Unless Hillary is in jail.

    Ha! Is what every non-blah will be doing two years from now if gawd forsakes us and Hillary is elected president. Blahs will still be whining and field will be spinning for another top 10 % wallstreet democrat president.

  92. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I don't get black support of Hillary, she would be a disaster for blacks. You must really hate white people to vote for a criminal just out of spite.

  93. Z Man7:15 PM

    "Interesting. How did you come to this conclusion? I know many lefties who were upset about his policies."

    True believers perhaps, the point was visceral reaction of the mainstream center-Left to a man not far removed from their sensibilities.

    Back in the late 1990’s, James Byrd was murdered by three white guys in Texas. It was a terrible crime and the three men involved were quickly arrested and put on trial. It was a quick trial with two getting the death penalty and one getting life in prison. One has been put down while the other lingers in the system. Whatever your views on capital punishment, the fact that it takes decades to administer it says a lot about our society.

    Now, our betters should have been congratulating themselves for what they had done. A generation earlier and this crime may never have been prosecuted. Instead, the three white guys were treated like any black criminal in the same circumstances. The real test of equality before the law is not at the admissions department at Harvard. It’s in the courtroom.

    That’s not what happened. The Left used this case to tar normal Americans as bigots and later tried to blame Republicans presidential candidate George Bush for the crime. They ran very ugly ads trying to convince people that Bush was responsible for what happened because he was a raging bigot and racist. Naturally, the Republicans howled in protest, calling it a Nixonian smear and dirty trick. But the apostate had to pay for betraying his class.

  94. Bernie Sanders9:02 PM

    You'll be calling me the Colonel after you hear my latest proposal: Free Chicken Thursdays!

  95. Lance Cockstrong9:03 PM

    Faith, not sure why you insist on splitting hairs as to what constitutes an endorsement or the difference between white supremacy and white heritage. "Voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage." is nothing if not an endorsement. This is not about the Thin White Duke who is, always was, always will be a white supremacist. This is about Butt Trumpet, the Republican front runner, and his embrace of the known racist, first feigning ignorance keeping his options open to legitimize him as you have, then given the firestorm getting cold feet and issuing his feeble repudiation. Neither deceit is fooling anyone.

  96. "But the apostate had to pay for betraying his class."

    I recall the James Byrd case, the first case in which a white person was given the death penalty for killing a blah man, but I disgress. I still don't understand what is meant by the left making him pay for his class betrayal. Any sitting governor of Texas would probably have gotten hit with the same vitriol rightly or wrongly and it would not have mattered if he was a former Yankee or not. You haven't convinced me of your argument.

  97. Major **SIGH** @Pilot, Lance & others under the impression that I might be "splitting hairs" when it comes to recognizing the agenda of white supremacy in the US. Most of us are regular commenters on the FN blog subjected to the kind of extremism that is through the stratosphere all because of Mr. Fields open comment policy.

    So David Duke, as Pilot stated, merely traded the klan sheets for a suit. And outside of what's reported via television and radio, much of the online news sources primarily opine why Donald Trump is vague about fully refuting the support of KKK and other such groups. Who can possibly ignore the fact that nearly 20% of these voters would rather return to the days of Jim Crow or worse, wish the South won the Civil War?

    In any event, my commentary really had nothing to do with Donald Trump and David Duke, per se. Guess you could concur my empathy is with the Trump voters who feel betrayed by republican and democrat politicians. The same could actually be said for many Sen. Sanders' supporters as well.

    Just because I'm articulating the frustration expressed by Trump supporters, it's over-reach concluding I do not get the larger picture of the rhetoric that seeks to marginalize minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ, etc.

    I chose faith and fairness as my screen name in a spirit of understanding viewpoints different from my own. Will catch up on the recommended reading. No worries that historical perspectives are ever lost on this black woman.

  98. "Most of us are regular commenters on the FN blog subjected to the kind of extremism that is through the stratosphere all because of Mr. Fields open comment policy."

    That's one way to look at it, LOL!!

    Another way is to realize that while we're going about our merry way living our very blessed lives, they're wasting their with hateful thoughts and comments, adding to their (obvious) miserable lives, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! That's a LOT of power to give up to people you've never met!

  99. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    ...this segment of the electorate are tired of being forced-fed the narrative of white privilege, black lives matter, to name a few...

    ...Why is it now acceptable to demonize the success of the wealthy who earned their prosperity via hard work, sacrifice and professional development"?..

    ...There's also an Atlantic article posted this week providing additional clarity regarding the concerns and interests of Trump supporters. In particular, the feeling of having no voice...A sleeping giant awakening all because a candidate is resonating with their concerns of being left behind.

    ...the message conveyed to European-Americans that says they are wrong for wanting to retain their unique heritage.

    ...Just believe we should be mindful of having it both ways. How does that work embracing Black Lives Matter only to write off the toothless hillbillies or less educated who are thrown under the bus just as much...

    1:56 PM


    In other words you are pointing out how unfair this all is? Or how this should stop so that Trump supporters will not feel so bad?

  100. Lance Cockstrong5:52 PM

    Well ok Faith, you are a very nice lady, one of the very few here that can carry on a rational conversation. Understand the viewpoints of others is admirable, but I'm not sure that The Thin White Duke is the vehicle you want to be using to convey that. I gather from your comments on black lives matter being force-fed that you agree with those who castigate them for saying "black lives matter" and not "all lives matter". And that Bernie Sanders in calling for checks and balances in our capitalist system so that all the money does not flow one way constitutes demonizing the success of the wealthy. And who is standing in the way of Europeans retaining their heritage? Seems like the common theme here is that minorities advocating their parochial interests somehow infringes on the rich white Christian majority and precludes them from doing likewise. In a perfect world there wouldn't be parochial interests, only human interests, unfortunately we don't live in that world, so all due respect IMHO you are crossing over from Faith to Pollyanna here.

  101. Bad Night, obviously !!
