Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Super Tuesday.

Image result for super tuesday imagesThe Rent A Negro placement agency will get a lot of calls from the trump campaign tonight. They will no doubt need some Negro faces for the ample camera shots that will focus on the campaign as he gives all of his victory speeches.

If the Rent A Negro agency depended on Hillary or Bernie they would go broke, because Negroes are going to show up at their rallies free of charge.

Trump still can't convince most of us with a brain that he is not a virulent racist--- or at least trying to play to them--- so the perfect Negro placement will be particularly important for him.

Disturbing stories like the one where he kicked out approximately 30 African American students from his campaign rally before it even started is just adding to the narrative that trump is a racist. 

I am watching the early returns on television as I write this post, and the trump strategy to clean up with the god ole boyz and gals seems to be working.  The networks are already calling Georgia and some other Southern states for him, so if you people in America with a conscience thought that trump letting his Klan flag fly would hurt him, you are wrong.

Hillary's black wall strategy seems to be working as well. Those Southern Negroes are coming out for her big time. (Memo to Bernie: You can't campaign with Negro leftists such as Cornel West and expect to beat Hillary among black folks. In case you didn't notice those guys hate Obama almost as much as republicans do, and sadly for them, black folks still love President Obama.) Bernie should have paid me for my advice. I could have saved him a lot of wasted resources. 

Finally, there are a couple of stories in the news today that have me heading to my shoe closet to get my racism chase sneakers out.

Seriously wingnuts? What did Maya Angelou ever do to you guys? I mean everyone loves Maya. The woman is an American treasure for crying out loud. And yet.....

"You know how Congress sometimes votes to honor people by naming post offices and other things after them? Well, that normally uncontroversial honor was bestowed upon Maya Angelou today. The House overwhelmingly voted in favor today of naming a post office after her.

I say “overwhelmingly” because not everyone was on board. Yes, there were actually members of Congress who opposed naming a post office for Maya Angelou.

According to NBC News, nine Republicans voted against it. Mo Brooks, Ken Buck, Michael Burgess, Jeff Duncan, Glenn Grothman, Andy Harris, Thomas Massie, Alex Mooney, and Steven Palazzo  all voted nay.

Don Young, another Republican, voted present.

Congressman Steve Israel called out his colleagues for their “disrespectful” move:
Naming post offices is one of the most benign and bipartisan duties we perform in the House of representatives and there is rarely any opposition. That’s why I was shocked today as nine Republicans voted against naming a post office after Maya Angelou, indisputably one of our country’s greatest poets, authors and civil rights activists. The fact that these nine Members would cast a no vote shows a blatant disrespect and only adds to the damaging actions they’ve taken this year to reverse progress from long and hard fought civil rights battles.
Most of the nine Republicans haven’t yet explained their votes, but a spokesperson for Harris provided this actual explanation to NBC News:" [Source]

Something about her being a Communist sympathizer or something.

Then there are the series of police killings over the past few days that have yet to be explained. 

There is the sad story of Gregory Gunn in Alabama, the case of that Kenyan immigrant in Utah, Rolanda Byrd's son in North Carolina, and that sleeping couple in California

There are more. But I am going to have to do more training.

Chasing the Big R can be exhausting. 

*Pic from abcnews.go.com



  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    "Hillary's black wall strategy seems to be working as well. Those Southern Negroes are coming out for her big time"

    You know what's enjoyable? Watching the dreams of white liberals get smashed by Hillary's black army.

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Hey Field. This Tay-Tay. I know U don't like me to bother you while you "at work", but I been thinkin about you. Hit me up.

    XOXOXO Love and Chocolate Kisses,


  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Even if you hate Trump, you gotta respect that he's holding a press conference and taking unscripted questions on his victory night.


    Fuck this shit. Fuck you all.

  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Tavis Smiley: Black America could get on Trump trail:


  6. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I am a black man and I support Trump totally. He is the ONLY candidate who represents black interests in America today.

    Wake up, Black America.

  7. I am a black man and I support Trump totally.

    DIGITAL BLACKFACE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I am the wife of the proud, strong Black Man who posted earlier. I, too, am a strong, independent Black Woman and I support Donald Trump fully. I am so glad he won the majority of primaries today, and I can't wait until this amazing White Man is our President.

    Wake up, Black America!!!!! Trump is our knight in shining armor!!!

  9. Not to continue our conversation from yesterday but this is just another example that whites and blahs live in completely different worlds. I think this might be another component of the lack of historical context relating to us. Our relationship to communism is completely different than whites. While they have a long history of hating commies we were working with them to help secure equal rights. Ms. Angelou knows that Fidel Castro was working to end apartheid in South Africa while Ronald Reagan was calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist (start the clock as to how long it will take a troll to agree and disparage Mr. Mandela). We just have to admit we have different experiences and see things differently and work to understand other viewpoints but sadly people like Mo Brooks is closed minded and will never see beyond anything except his white southern male experience.

  10. I am the wife of the proud, strong Black Man who posted earlier. I, too, am a strong, independent Black Woman and I support Donald Trump fully.

    DBA DBA DBA DBA DBA DBA!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Like the moderator of this blog, I am a Gay Black Man who has to live in the shadows for fear of homophobia in my community. I, too, COMPLETELY s upport Donald J. Trump for President of These United States. Donald doesn't care if your Black, White, Gay, Straight or Chinese ... as long as your American, your alright!!

    Trump 2016!!!! Tell EM!!!!

  12. "In an interview with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax today, Alabama Republican congressman Mo Brooks said he “absolutely” stands by his recent complaint that Democrats are staging a “war on whites.”
    - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/mo-brooks-doubles-down-war-whites#sthash.hwTU5Ngt.dpuf

    Mo Brooks is a typical ignorant southerner. Go figure.

    Carson/Cain '16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Careful what you wish for11:01 PM

    PilotX said...
    "calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist"

    Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and deserved to be jailed. He ended his life well by leading South Africa ably through its transition to a black run country, but he had a lot of blood on his hands.

    The worst part of his legacy is what is happening to the people of South Africa today, who were much better off under apartheid.

  14. Anonymous11:05 PM

    This is Tay-Tay, and I fully endorse Donald Trump.

    Loud and Proud!!!! Trump '16!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. PilotX said...
    "In an interview with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax today, Alabama Republican congressman Mo Brooks said he “absolutely” stands by his recent complaint that Democrats are staging a “war on whites.”

    The Democrats are waging a war on whites. They are a diverse coalition who are only held together by their hatred of white America. What else do Wall Street/Hollywood Jews, felons, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, radical environmentalists, and grievance-obsessed blacks have in common?


  16. "Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and deserved to be jailed."

    Wow, just like clockwork. Racists are as predictable as they are ignorant.

    "The Democrats are waging a war on whites. They are a diverse coalition who are only held together by their hatred of white America. What else do Wall Street/Hollywood Jews, felons, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, radical environmentalists, and grievance-obsessed blacks have in common?"

    At least this troll has a very appropriate screen name, it fits her to a tee.

  17. Field, didn't you talk about getting better trolls?

  18. War on Whites11:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and deserved to be jailed."

    "The Democrats are waging a war on whites. They are a diverse coalition who are only held together by their hatred of white America. What else do Wall Street/Hollywood Jews, felons, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, radical environmentalists, and grievance-obsessed blacks have in common?"

    Glad you agree.

    Facts are racist.

  19. Sheldon11:22 PM

    Black People are anti-Semitic. Bernie promises more Free Shit than Hillary does, yet he still loses the Black Vote by 80%!

  20. Anonymous11:24 PM

    If White people voted against a Jew, like Black people are voting against Bernie - there'd be a million stories on their Jew Hatred.

  21. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Nelson Mandela raped a water buffalo - FACT.

  22. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Ice Cube just pledged his support for Donald Trump. So did Halle Berry.

    Face it - black people love The Donald!!!

  23. Anonymous11:39 PM

    The surviving Tuskegee Airmen have just pledged their support for Donald. Face it, he's unstoppable!!

  24. PilotX said...
    "Democrats are staging a “war on whites.”

    Democrats hate White People.

    They don't hide it.

    They brag about it.

  25. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Rodney Alan Rippy has now endorsed Trump. So has Jaleel White. And Coolio.

    Your celebrities represent ALL of you. Follow their lead - Vote Trump!!!!

  26. The Ministry of Truth11:47 PM

    "The Rent A Negro placement agency will get a lot of calls from the trump campaign tonight. They will no doubt need some Negro faces for the ample camera shots that will focus on the campaign as he gives all of his victory speeches."

    The Rent A Negro agency has a more full-service competitor now.

    "Trump still can't convince most of us with a brain that he is not a virulent racist--- or at least trying to play to them--- so the perfect Negro placement will be particularly important for him."

    Unfortunately for all the wingnuts trying to pretend that David Duke's support is a weird fluke or anomaly and it doesn't prove anything about Trump, Duke is not the only scary endorsement Trump has picked up.

    Courtesy of Heather Parton, here is a list of some of the other wonderful people who've now endorsed him:

    Senator Jeff Sessions; Former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer; Maine Governor Paul LePage; Sheriff Joe Arpaio; nativist and anti-Semite Pat Buchanan; and now Kris Kobach, the anti-immigrant activist and Kansas Secretary of State.

    It's like a who's who of the most racist politicians in America. Coincidence? I don't think so!!

  27. Lance Cockstrong11:49 PM

    I get that the black community supports Clinton. What I don't get is the near unanimous rejection of Sanders approaching Butt Trumpet numbers. What I also don't get is what Clinton has done that galvanizes the black community to her. Familiarity is one frequently cited consideration, which is to be expected given her previous presidential campaign and her term as NY Senator whereas Sanders is an unknown Senator from predominantly white Vermont. And that as a card carrying radical Sanders is obliged to support the reparations movement, failing such nullifies his radical credentials, whereas Clinton bears no such obligation, is a mind boggling line of reasoning. Clinton has the support of not just Reps. Lewis and Clyburn but pretty much every Democratic elected official, and so Cornel West's denunciation of the Clinton machine, if not his directing it at said Reps, is not out of line. No doubt the Sanders revolution is not going to happen, and Clinton will go head to head with the Stupid Party, where her strategy of clinging to Obama will be put to the test.

  28. Anonymous11:49 PM

    The Roots will be playing at Trump's next rally. And guess who will be opening for them? THE WU-TANG CLAN!!!!


    It's your time, Black America - Vote Trump!!!!!!

  29. I like Trump a lot, but I'm waiting for Rudy Ray Moore's endorsement.

  30. Anonymous11:55 PM

    No word from Rudy Ray yet, but Fred Williamson and Superfly himself, Ron O'Neal have endorsed Trump! It's a phenomenon!


  31. That's good enough for me! Save me seat on the Trump Train! First class, bitches!

  32. Anonymous11:59 PM

    The Trump Train is on track, and it ain't never derailin'!!


  33. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Man, your lying. No Black People gonna vote for no racist ass trump. Why you got so many troll's on your sight, Field?

  34. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Oh. My. God. Guess who has now come out in support on The Don? None other than ...

    MORGAN FREEMAN!!!!! He's even doing a commercial in support of Donald!!

    This is a coup. This a revolution. Black America has come into its own.

    TRUMP NOW, TRUMP FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. The Ministry of Truth12:22 AM

    "LePage a week earlier actually urged the governors to draft an open letter 'to the people,' disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics."

    Probably just doing whatever his buddy Chris Christie told him was a good idea at the time. Then, when Christie decided to back Trump, LePage naturally pulled a 180. (Speaking of Christie, it seems he endorsed Trump solely to fuck over Rubio, because for some reason, Christie has a bottomless, burning hatred for Rubio.)

    You have to admit that LePage and Trump are soulmates. Maybe it could be a Trump/LePage ticket this fall? They could divide up their hatemongering duties, so they could foment hate more efficiently. Trump could handle the Latino- and Muslim-bashing, and leave all the black-bashing to LePage.

  36. Lance Cockstrong12:28 AM

    "The Trump Train is on track" in and out your tunnel of love. Open wide Choo Choo Charlie.

  37. The gop1:08 AM

    "Democrats hate White People."

    And Republicans hate The Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, Asians, Indigenous, teh gays, Jews, liberals, common sense, facts, science, women, grammar, education, sex, smart people, non-racists, anyone non-white, anyone not in the klan, foreigners, teachers, labor, the poor, the homeless, people who live in cities, evolution, nature, colleges, animals, history, the environment, adulthood, reality, doctors, Hindus, good music, newspapers, teeth, showers, humor, logic, English, fashion, proper debates, vegetables, bees, infrastructure, laws, the Constitution, anything not fried, graduations, literature, culture, good gas mileage, good liquor, art, public transportation, libraries, book stores and clean water. They do love guns though.

  38. Anonymous1:54 AM

    I am surprised that no one has questioned Clinton on her racist track record. When you look at the Clinton track record with Black America it is pretty damn ugly. Yet, as usual, Blacks keep quiet and vote against themselves.

    Yep. Blacks have a pattern of not voting in their best interest. Can anybody explain this phemomena?

    It is clear as day that Bernie or even Trump would be better for us but we always migrate to territory where we will be ignored and screwed.

  39. Anonymous2:04 AM

    in response to your comment "Bernie should have paid me for my advice. I could have saved him a lot of wasted resources."

    I have not waited for Bernie to come to me; I have jumped on board because of his integrity and his message. And I do it for free because it means so much to me that we build a better future than the one our country has deviated toward.

    Sure, Obama did a lot, but it isn't over by any means...and much more needs to be accomplished. THAT is the message Bernie has been giving, but Hillary has been lying and saying he wants to tear up all Obama's progress just so she can anger the black vote to choose her. Do you realistically see Hillary as helping anyone but herself? She's globbing on to the blacks just long enough to get their vote, and they never hear from her again. She's a user -- please beware!!

  40. Drumpf's victory shows that the Republican party is no longer a conservative party, and no longer a small government party*.

    The Republican Party is now a big government, nationalist party.

    *Though of course you could argue that the Republican Party was never really a small government party. There was always a massive disconnect between what Republican politicians said and what they did in the real world.

  41. Wesley R6:57 AM

    I just read that there have been 50 mass shootings so far this year.

  42. ''The Rent A Negro placement agency''

    Cause we know blacks would never leave the plantation unless they were paid. Hell, Democrats have to pay blacks to vote. Pay blacks not to commit crime. I wish i was black. I wouldn't do shit unless i got paid...

    Nevertheless, i hope the ''The Rent A Negro placement agency''is run better than the Rent A White placement agency. Both obama and Hillary have had so much trouble finding whites to stand behind them they have had to start events late or even cancel events....

  43. ""Disturbing stories like the one where he kicked out approximately 30 African American students from his campaign rally before it even started is just adding to the narrative that trump is a racist.""

    How dare Donald J. Trump kick out black lies matter protesters...

  44. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Lance Cockstrong said...
    I get that the black community supports Clinton. What I don't get is the near unanimous rejection of Sanders

    The tears of a Bernie Bro are SO salty and delicious!


    Whoot, Whoot, Whooteeeeemmmmmoooooooooo!!


  45. I hope FieldNegro is doing well...

    Why 1 in 3 Lawyers Are Problem Drinkers


  46. Imagine the difference in outrage if rethugs could be blamed.

    Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

    While the rich friends of Obama are getting richer, the poor that voted for Obama get poorer.

  47. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Trump has never laughed about killing a foreign leader and destabilizing a region.

    Hillary has:


  48. Anonymous2:41 PM

    "The Democrats are waging a war on whites. They are a diverse coalition who are only held together by their hatred of white America."

    Blacks: Pro black!
    Jews: Pro jew!
    Hispanics: La Raza!
    Whites: Anti-Racist!

    Guess who loses.

  49. teh stupid ™3:21 PM

    Guess who loses.

    Dumb analogy.

  50. "I get that the black community supports Clinton. What I don't get is the near unanimous rejection of Sanders."

    Blah voters in America have always been pragmatic over all other variables. Hildog represents the best chance of winning the WH and getting re-elected in 2020. While Bernie may win in '16 but he over promises and can't accomplish what he says he will in 4 years so then you'll have disenchantment among key demographics such as young voters. Remember the joke about the old bull in the movie Colors? Very appropriate in this situation.

  51. "Yep. Blacks have a pattern of not voting in their best interest. Can anybody explain this phemomena?

    It is clear as day that Bernie or even Trump would be better for us but we always migrate to territory where we will be ignored and screwed."

    Please explain in detail how Bernie or Trump would be better for US. Hillary represents the best chance to not only win in '16 but also '20. She will appoint serious and sane SC justices. Blah folks have ALWAYS voted in their best interests, we voted for Barack the last two elections and he won both. Imagine if McCain or Romney had won, they would have appointed two right wing judges to the SC and we would have been under the rule of right wingers for the next generation. Hate to disagree with your analysis but blah people by and large are very politically atute and vote out interests very well. Issues like SC justices are extremely important and we know this, look at the many important rulings that the SC ruled on Brown vs. Board of education, ect. A little historical perspective is warranted before making such a broad and inaccurate statement. You're obviously not blah because you would already know these facts.

  52. The Ministry of Truth3:35 PM

    I just heard that Ben Carson's team have woken him up long enough for him to suspend his book promotion tour, er, I mean presidential campaign.

    Sorry, PilotX, it looks like your Carson/Cain dream is never going to come to fruition.

    Let's all take a moment and for one last time savor Carson's rapping campaign ad, and the talent it took to rhyme "Carson" with "awesome."

  53. Anonymous3:53 PM

    MoT is just another racist.

    Fuck you white boy.

  54. Easy two-step guide to determining if someone is a racist:

    1. They are white.
    2. They want to live.

  55. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Pilot x 3:24

    I am curious why you assume someone with an active FBI investigation will be the best candidate when she could be indicted any day now?

    How many from Haiti did Hillary & Bill help, despite the large donations collected for that purpose?

    Do you follow the polls at all? Here is a summary link showing that poll after poll, Bernie comes out stronger in the general election:


  56. Wingnut@4:09,let me finish that for you: 3. At the expense of others.

  57. Anonymous5:08 PM

    field negro said...
    Wingnut@4:09,let me finish that for you: 3. At the expense of others.

    Really? Who supports who in Amerikkka?

  58. Just met with my accountant this past Sunday to do my taxes. This is not a good time for u to ask me that question.

  59. just curious5:24 PM

    I wonder what percentage of taxes are paid by whites vs. the percentage paid by blacks?

  60. Well Bill, ain't that life on the plantation? Blacks are by definition, insane. They keep voting against their best interests and expecting a better outcome.

    How could blacks overwhelming vote for a candidate who helped usher a new Jim Crow? Mass incarceration, mass criminalization, made it easier to kill blacks and helped push the black super predator myth. This is the candidate that will get over 905 of the black vote.

    On the other hand, we have Donald J. Trump. Someone who will make America great again. Someone who will lift people out of poverty and straighten the middle class.

    Unfortunately, blacks don't listen to Republicans. Or so field says..

  61. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "Unfortunately, blacks don't listen to Republicans. Or so field says.."

    Field's job is to keep it that way. He's a runaway slave catcher.

  62. Anonymous Bill said...

    I hope FieldNegro is doing well...

    Why 1 in 3 Lawyers Are Problem Drinkers

    Most Lawyers are white, only ~5% are Black..


    So yes, a SIGNIFICANT proportion of White Lawyers are drunks.

    Next point!

  63. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Why is yisheng so obsessed with white people?

  64. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Rent A Negro"....is that still run by Jesse Jackson, or has Al Sharpton completed his takeover?

    "...show up at their rallies free of charge."....might as well, they are already on the plantation.

    "Disturbing stories like the one where he kicked out approximately 30 African American students from his campaign rally ...." because they were agitating for "Black Live Matter," a movement predicated on lies (..Travon Martin was a thug who attacked George Zimmerman and Michael Brown never uttered the words "hands up, don't shoot"...it is a lie).

    "...and sadly for them, black folks still love President Obama."....whoa, what does that mean, Field....are you leaving the plantation?

    "I mean everyone loves Maya."...not....

    "Marquintan"...what the heck is a "Marquintan"....man, the names that you Black people make up are just...just....stupid!

  65. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Why do some black people think they deserve special treatment from the system?

    Institutional requirements for significantly lower college admission scores to colleges than any other skin color, mandatory hiring of black employees based on race alone to meet quotas, for example.

    When the black leaders and citizens no longer demand special treatment they will be equal citizens of this country.

    Many citizens resent the special treatment for having a black skin color over everyone else, if honest. The people I know don't give a shit about skin color if the person is law abiding, competent, respectful of others, and a good person.

  66. Anonymous7:23 PM

    to field @ 5:21

    The issue of who supports who, or who doesn't pay their share is in essence the core of this election. The people getting the "free stuff" in this country are often the billionaires who hide their wealth overseas. The infrastructure is crumbling because we can't afford to keep it up.

    That said, many of us dislike Cruz and here are a few articles to make your blood boil:



    This amount would build a lot of bridges, repair a lot of roads!!

  67. Johnny Cockran7:24 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Most Lawyers are white, only ~5% are Black..

    That holds true for any profession that requires high cognitive function.

    Most people who aren't smart enough for their chosen profession find something more appropriate to do with their lives. Others gut it out and make through by hard work and determination. A deluded few stay in school for 40 years, never actually doing anything...

  68. The amen corner7:31 PM

    Why do some white people think they deserve special treatment from the system?
    Many citizens resent the special treatment for having a white skin color over everyone else, if honest. The people I know don't give a shit about skin color if the person is law abiding, competent, respectful of others, and a good person.

    Amen sister!

  69. teh stupid ™7:33 PM

    Institutional requirements for significantly lower college admission scores to colleges than any other skin color, mandatory hiring of black employees based on race alone to meet quotas, for example.
    and stooopid people really believe this? Racists certainly are stooooopid!

  70. President Upgrade7:42 PM


    Alternative sources of energy are now the biggest gainers in terms of new energy production. This would never have happened under a Republican President.

  71. Affirmative Action Jackson7:45 PM

    PilotX said...
    Institutional requirements for significantly lower college admission scores to colleges than any other skin color, mandatory hiring of black employees based on race alone to meet quotas, for example.
    and stooopid people really believe this? Racists certainly are stooooopid!

    You've never heard of Affirmative Racism?

  72. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "Alternative sources of energy are now the biggest gainers in terms of new energy production"

    Because of wasteful government subsidies. You are right, this never would have happened under a Republican President. Which is why the next President will be Republican.

  73. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Teh stupid,

    You deny there is a lower ACT and SAT standard for black skinned student admissions to colleges. You deny there are government quotas for black hires.

    Who is teh dishonest? I won't call you stupid as you did me.

  74. White male affirmative action Jackson7:54 PM

    You've never heard of Affirmative Racism?

    Nope, and no one else has either.

  75. White male affirmative action Jackson7:55 PM

    You deny there is a lower ACT and SAT standard for black skinned student admissions to colleges. You deny there are government quotas for black hires.


  76. White male affirmative action Jackson7:56 PM

    But there is institutional racism and people not hiring more qualified Black skinned people because of, well we know the rest. You really want to play THIS game?

  77. Affirmative Racism7:58 PM

    If you are too stupid to realize that there are lower ACT and SAT standards for black skinned student admissions to colleges and that there are government quotas for black hires, it means you need Affirmative Action.

  78. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The same people threatening to leave the GOP now over Trump are the ones who convinced America to invade Iraq. Good to know.

  79. Anonymous8:04 PM

    White male AA Jackson, facts are easily researched.

  80. White male affirmative action Jackson8:05 PM

    If you are too stupid to realize that there are lower ACT and SAT standards for black skinned student admissions to colleges and that there are government quotas for black hires, it means you need Affirmative Action.

    It's true because YOU said it huh? Ok. Too many more cases of POC not being hirind because their names sound ethnic and the white guy gets the job despite being less qualified but that's ok I guess. Now take your dumb ass back to your klan rally and leave us grown folks alone.

  81. White male affirmative action Jackson8:07 PM

    White male AA Jackson, facts are easily researched.

    OK then, research away. You sure you have time in between burning crosses? I bet stormfront or whatever site you get your "facts" from miss you very much.

  82. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Fuck you, White male. You are the racist, not me.

  83. White male affirmative action Jackson8:11 PM


    Maybe we need actual Affirmative Action to stop racist assholes from discriminating.

  84. Anonymous8:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    Too many more cases of POC not being hirind because their names sound ethnic and the white guy gets the job despite being less qualified

    That never happens.

    White males are the only demographic which it is legal to discriminate against. It is not only encouraged by the government and media, but celebrated.

    No justice, no peace.

  85. Anonymous11:11 PM

    for anon @ 8:13

    You forgot to clarify that white males [who are straight, under 40, show no visible handicap, not overweight or blind] are the only demographic...

  86. White male affirmative action Jackson11:26 PM

    White males are the only demographic which it is legal to discriminate against. It is not only encouraged by the government and media, but celebrated.
    Whah whah whah whah, it's so hard being a white guy!!!!!!!!! It's not fair!!!!!!!!!I'm taking my ball and going home to tell my mommy!!!!! Whah whah whah whah!!!!!!
    Jesus white dudes are the biggest pussies on the fucking planet! Boo fucking hoo!

  87. White male affirmative action Jackson11:27 PM

    That never happens.
    Happens all the time. Ask your father and grandfather.

  88. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Claims of Bill Clinton preventing poor voters from getting in to vote in MA, and author is extrapolating it as indicator of whether Hillary really values disenfranchised as she claims to:


