Friday, April 22, 2016

A trump break.

Image result for politics imagesThere has been a lot of coverage about the tragic passing of Prince this past news cycle. As a result, and thankfully, the wall to wall coverage of our national elections has taken a back seat.  I am devastated by losing such a musical genius, but I am glad for a break from these cable news stations and their trump love-fests for just a little bit.

Anyway, another story that was pushed to number two this past news cycle was the execution style murders of eight people (EIGHT!) in Ohio. That figure equals the amount of people murdered in quite a few countries all over the world in an entire year.  One woman was shot execution style with her six month child under her arms. *shaking head*

"Eight family members found dead in a rural southern Ohio community were shot in the head 'execution style,' most while they slept, authorities said Friday.

Officers are searching for the killer or killers, who are probably armed and a danger to surviving family members, Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader said.

"We have a specific family that's been targeted but I don't think there's been a threat to any other members of the community," he said. "I've given the family precautionary measures to make. They know we're available."
Investigators discovered seven adults and a 16-year-old dead at four crime scenes, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said. The victims included a mother slain while her 4-day-old child lay beside her, he said.
That child, along with a 6-month-old and a 3-year-old, survived the killings, Reader said.
He didn't name a suspect or give a motive, but said all victims are members of the Rhoden family.
"We're advising family members to be very careful and take particular caution," DeWine said. "This is a matter of public safety, especially for the Rhoden family." [Source]
"Especially for the Rhoden family? Isn't it  a little late for them? My lord, this country needs help.
Finally, some folks in the majority population still can't understand why we have to stress the fact that Black Lives Matter to anyone who will listen. 
Take, for instance, the story in Florida, where we thought that the police involved were heroes because we thought at the time that the had saved the lives of thee black girls.
Well as it turns out, not so fast.
"Flak over three teens’ deaths in a cemetery pond following a car theft chase prompted a Florida sheriff to release more dashcam footage of the incident Friday.
Family members of Dominique Battle, 16, Ashaunti Butler, 15, and Laniya Miller, 15, are questioning the Pinellas County Sheriff’s account of why deputies did not jump into the St. Petersburg pond to save them around 4 a.m. March 31, ABC News reported.
“In my opinion, this has been a rush to judgment,” said a lawyer for the families, William Anderson. “In my opinion, this has been a smear campaign.”
Pinellas Sheriff Bob Gualtieri has said the mud was too thick to get to the gold Honda Accord in the 15-foot deep pond after the teens stole it, led deputies on a chase and crashed into the water. The sheriff’s office released a video Friday showing three deputies with parts of their uniform off returning to their cars after wading into the mud off Gandy Blvd.
Unfortunately, some people are irresponsibly and falsely posting on Facebook that deputies did not attempt to rescue the three girls who tragically drowned while fleeing from the police in a stolen car a few weeks ago,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement.
The sheriff stated at the time that deputies removed their gun belts and clothes and tried to enter the water to rescue the girls, but the conditions in the water prevented them from doing so. This is exactly what happened, and we stand by that.”

Yet the release of other video from the crash scene Monday and audio earlier in the month provoked questions. The deputies could be heard in the video footage discussing whether they heard the three teens screaming." [Source]

*Pic from twitter.


  1. Lt. Commander Johnson11:34 PM

    Oh my's a Trayvon Martin POS again.

    Stolen car. Stinking criminals. Probably couldn't swim if they could even float.

    Cops have to risk their lives to save them. Perhaps they were black, too, and couldn't swim either. Drugs involved? Huh, huh...gimme a break.

  2. Lt. Commander Johnson11:52 PM

    PLUS...I don't think it's the cop's lives to jump into a pond and risk their lives to save a bunch of hoochies criminals who are stupid enough to drive into a pond.

    Let their decrepit "parents" sue.. I hope to see the trial.

  3. '' Take, for instance, the story in Florida, where we thought that the police involved were heroes because we thought at the time that the had saved the lives of thee black girls.''


    Who thought that? Who are the ''we''?

    Videos clearly show the police did may every effort to save these thugettes. Their families, lawyers and folks from black lies matter are lying their asses of when they claim the police didn't try to help.

  4. George Zimmerman7:17 AM

    You know? Perhaps someone with LOTS of dollars, should start a "White Lives Matter" bunch of crap.

    Let's start with how many whites are raped, robbed, and killed every day by non-whites.

    Want to suck on that, Cow?

  5. Damn. I Left My Waders In The Po-Po House. Gimme a Donut.8:09 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. My troll spray is getting better.

    Thanks, RAID. :)

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson9:22 AM

    George Zimmerman said...
    You know? Perhaps someone with LOTS of dollars, should start a "White Lives Matter" bunch of crap.

    Let's start with how many whites are raped, robbed, and killed every day by non-whites.

    Spray your RAID on this field....but, deny it's not true, first. NOT GONNA HAPPEN...Crap, you even had to abolish the Killadelphia meter, didn't you? Mind telling us why? Hell, Chicago still had the city of bruthaly love still beat.

    Funny. What is common between the murders? ain't saying. I wonder why?

    Want to suck on that, Cow?

    You can't, you bovine. Once again.

  8. Gots Me Some Bros10:17 AM

    SO....where did the Killadelphia meter disappear to?

    I've asked you about ten times. You kept it running about ten years, till it suddenly disappeared. No notice, we were just supposed it was never there.

    Why can't you just answer why?

  9. Hosa Parx10:23 AM

    The first black female who refuses to give up her toilet seat to a tranny will get put on the front of the $100.

  10. Democrats: We are pro black, arab, jew, and la raza. Whites are privileged oppressors.

    Republicans: We agree. Race doesn't matter.

  11. How many times must I reiterate this. ONLY White kids are allowed to make mistakes in youth with NO concequences, Black kids OFTEN pay for their adolescent mistakes with their LIVES!! Plus ya'll didn't think a couple of whooteemoo cops would risk getting wet to save their lives?? ONLY another human being would take such a chance.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson1:12 PM

    I'm not doubting you, queen cunt....but, who said your cops were "whooteemoo cops?"

    I was betting they were Blackiemoos cops, who couldn't swim.

  13. I Can Swim1:21 PM

    Huh. Some mo Trayvon crap.

  14. ....but, who said your cops were "whooteemoo cops?"

    Hey phimosis face, how far does your boyfriend pull the extra skin over your skull to kiss you?

  15. Cheer up, there's still Young-M-C and Flava Flave

  16. Lt. Commander Johnson2:45 PM

    Plus ya'll didn't think a couple of whooteemoo cops would risk getting wet to save their lives?? ONLY another human being would take such a chance.

    1:04 PM

    UH didn't say this with your whooteemoo crap?

    Skin over the head? I'll bet you've had a helluva lot more shin in your face, ass, and that nasty thing betwixt your legs,


  17. @ 2:45, is that the best you can do? You gets NUTHIN' for originality, but that's because there's NOTHING original about being obsessed with me for the past 7 years!!!

    BTW, did you use wiki to look up the definition of phimosis, ya' illiterate $hit, ROTFL???

  18. Yisheng4:24 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    UH didn't say this with your whooteemoo crap?

    Because I KNOW you're really a jealous and envious, n*gga (NOT whooteemoo) wench with a degree in library science that was too STUPID to leave college with a REAL degree.

    Know what else I know? You're a soon to be middle age lesbian that because one after YEARS of rejection from Black men.

    Did I leave any pertinent info out Roach?

  19. Yisheng4:25 PM


  20. @ Yis-wateva
    first of all, when you use all Caps, its like your shouting, shit gets a Nigga Shot in some places...

    "Phimosis"?? tell me what "Para-phimosis" (hint: it's not a couple of Phimosis's) is and I'll be impressed, even if you Google it..

    and anyone who uses "ROTFL" is a Homo


  21. Frank Drackman said...
    and anyone who uses "ROTFL" is a Homo

    I know that given your obviously miserable life you don't have much to ROTFL about, but Homo should be your favorite word given where you've spent your time the past few years. Yet you use it so irresponsibly!!

    What say you, what's your favorite brand of lubricant, KY? Or are you a Crisco kinda dude?

  22. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  23. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Prince a genius? Nah. I'll admit that he was a good quality professional pop musician. The premature death was a bummer, but shit happens.

    I did like this sentence:

    "deputies did not attempt to rescue the three girls who tragically drowned while fleeing from the police in a stolen car a few weeks ago,"

    There's a lot of content there. The short form is that blacks are criminals, and that whites (assuming that the deputies were white) are basically oblivious to the problems of blacks. That last point is important, don't conflate lack of caring with outright prejudice.

  24. I get your point about "this country" needing help. I'm here in the UK and it's pretty astonishing at how many assholes there are in America. Your comments section is a section of society and it ain't purty.
    One of these days PC is gonna have a drink with me over here! Dammit, he needs to hang with an asshole from 'murica to get his head right. Ha!

  25. America10:00 PM

    Please don't come back.

  26. Interesting, l.t. Commander wants to converse about how many whites die at the hands of blahs but not a peep about the execution of 8 people? Not a peep from the other trolls either. Hmmmmmmm. Seems if they cared about white lives so much this is the perfect story to chat about right? Bet if this happened in Chicago there would be more said about it.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Frank, don't forget to report to your probation officer.

  29. PilotX said...
    I get your point about "this country" needing help. I'm here in the UK and it's pretty astonishing at how many assholes there are in America.

    Not that astonishing PX, hundreds of years ago England sent all their assholes to invade America and kill off the Native Americans.

  30. Maybe that's it Doc. We do seem to have plenty of violent assholes.

  31. Yisheng, just shut the hell up already.

  32. James Bold11:52 PM

    <looks on while eating popcorn>

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. James Bold said...
    "looks on while talking to himself"

  35. James Bold12:38 AM

    So funny that making it known that I'm reading is enough to set you off.

    I live rent-free in your mind.

  36. Lance Cockstrong2:21 AM

    It must be said.

    I just sharted.

  37. UNHUB402:26 AM

    Today is the 10th year anniversary of my father's death. I hope you will all mourn with me.

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson7:55 AM

    UNHUB40 said...
    Today is the 10th year anniversary of my father's death. I hope you will all mourn with me.

    2:26 AM

    God Bless you and your family.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson8:00 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    I get your point about "this country" needing help. I'm here in the UK and it's pretty astonishing at how many assholes there are in America. Your comments section is a section of society and it ain't purty.
    One of these days PC is gonna have a drink with me over here! Dammit, he needs to hang with an asshole from 'murica to get his head right. Ha!

    Maybe the Communist will let you have some of his white-toothless fat ass wife.

    Funny how he likes them white girls, huh?

    1. His wife isn't from your trailer park dude. I know that's how all the women around you look but the red neck variety is a native species in your neck of the woods.

  40. Lt. Commander Johnson8:14 AM

    Lord have mercy. Make me puke violently:

    You have to be kidding me.

  41. you can't swim...YOU DROWN.8:37 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. James Bold10:58 AM

    Black people don't like their homies being hassled and locked up.

    Black people scream "RACIST COPS" AND demand the po-pop stop hassling their homies and locking them up.

    The po-po oblige them.

    Black people suffer a massive increase in crime.

    Black people claim they're not receiving police protection, scream "RACIST COPS!".  But at least the cops aren't being put on trial for trying to enforce the law.

    Same thing with the 3 ratchets in the stolen Honda.  Black car thieves run from the police, injure and kill others and themselves.

    Black people demand an end to police chases.  Police oblige them.

    So here we have a stolen vehicle that was NOT stopped, so the 3 ratchets were able to drive into water deep enough to submerge the car and drown themselves.  Now Black people are demanding ANSWERS for why they weren't rescued from their own criminal stupidity. 

    You can't make this stuff up.  Pass the popcorn.

  43. Anonymous James Bold said...
    I live rent-free on Field's Blog......

    .....And that's the ONLY time in my life I come in contact with ignorant wypipo like you!!!


  44. Lt. Commander Johnson1:42 PM

    Yeah, Pilot X...I'll peep.

    Let me guess...those 8 folks were executed in a drug deal gone bad.

    You get what you ask for, just like those no-swimming hoochies in the Florida pond.

    I could care less.

  45. Where Be's The Water Wings We Stoled?5:08 PM

    Lawd have mercy. Dem po black honor roll students were so victimized.

    Crashing and drowning in a cemetery pond is SO damn appropriate.

  46. Lt. Commander Johnson5:17 PM

    Let's review these poor honor roll students resume:

    Dominique M. Battle’s Criminal History:

    Active Warrant for Violation of Probation- Burglary

    10/30/14- Burglary to a Dwelling

    11/10/14 Burglary to a Dwelling , Resist Officer without Violence, Trespassing

    1/16/15- Vehicle Theft, Resist Officer without Violence

    3/16/15- Vehicle Theft

    7/9/15- Burglary to a Dwelling, Provide False Name to Law Enforcement

    7/25/15- Violation of Probation

    11/22/15- Vehicle Theft, Resist Officer without Violence

    12/15/15- Possession of Marijuana, Burglary to a Dwelling

    1/8/16- Vehicle Theft

    Ashaunti N. Butler’s Criminal History:

    Active Warrant for Failure to Appear- Resisting Officer without Violence and 2 counts of Petit Theft

    Active Pick-up Order- Runaway

    5/5/15 Resist Officer without Violence, Retail Theft

    11/21/15- Vehicle Theft

    12/9/15- Burglary to a Dwelling, Burglary to a Conveyance

    1/18/16- Vehicle Theft, Possession of Marijuana, Burglary, Petit Theft

    3/29/16- Violation of Probation- Trespassing

    Laniya D. Miller’s Criminal History:

    3/16/15- Vehicle Theft

    The sheriff says the long list of crimes these girls racked up in their young lives, yet aren't behind bars, exposes a deeper problem in the community.

    “The system is handcuffed by the existing laws and what the judges can do to detain them. They turn around, they flip you the bird and take off, because they don't care. There's no respect. There's no fear of consequence,” says Sheriff Gualtieri.

    I think we should have a big cry.

  47. Jacques Cousteau5:50 PM

    Wow. I'm surprised. No comments about the Trayvonites sucking mud? No Scheduled marches?

    You Negros disappoint me.

  48. "Wow. I'm surprised. No comments about the Trayvonites sucking mud? No Scheduled marches?

    You Negros disappoint me."

    You animals never disappoint me. I can always count on racist trash to come out of your mouths.

  49. James Bold6:42 PM

    OBTW, the officer following the Honda called for the next car on the scene to put down stop sticks to deflate the tires and capture the thieves, but they were unusually prompt for Black people and went straight to drowning themselves.  Of all the situations to forget about Colored People's Time, that has to be the worst.

  50. Objection!7:23 PM

    C'mon field, but when the truth comes criticize the obvious truth, and blame "society"....particularly white folks.

    Those girls were defend the dregs of society, as if they were going to be fine, upstanding citizens.

    Being a Defense Lawyer, I suppose that's just what you do.

    Animal? If telling the truth is being an animal, call me a Tiger. NOT a damn thing I said was racist. Only the truth. If you disagree....point it out. I will be happy to retract. I eat what doesn't make me puke.

    Let the animal see:

    Dominique M. Battle’s Criminal History:

    Active Warrant for Violation of Probation- Burglary

    10/30/14- Burglary to a Dwelling

    11/10/14 Burglary to a Dwelling , Resist Officer without Violence, Trespassing

    1/16/15- Vehicle Theft, Resist Officer without Violence

    3/16/15- Vehicle Theft

    7/9/15- Burglary to a Dwelling, Provide False Name to Law Enforcement

    7/25/15- Violation of Probation

    11/22/15- Vehicle Theft, Resist Officer without Violence

    12/15/15- Possession of Marijuana, Burglary to a Dwelling

    1/8/16- Vehicle Theft

    Ashaunti N. Butler’s Criminal History:

    Active Warrant for Failure to Appear- Resisting Officer without Violence and 2 counts of Petit Theft

    Active Pick-up Order- Runaway

    5/5/15 Resist Officer without Violence, Retail Theft

    11/21/15- Vehicle Theft

    12/9/15- Burglary to a Dwelling, Burglary to a Conveyance

    1/18/16- Vehicle Theft, Possession of Marijuana, Burglary, Petit Theft

    3/29/16- Violation of Probation- Trespassing

    Laniya D. Miller’s Criminal History:

    3/16/15- Vehicle Theft

    The sheriff says the long list of crimes these girls racked up in their young lives, yet aren't behind bars, exposes a deeper problem in the community.

    “The system is handcuffed by the existing laws and what the judges can do to detain them. They turn around, they flip you the bird and take off, because they don't care. There's no respect. There's no fear of consequence,” says Sheriff Gualtieri.

  51. James the Bitch and Lt. Commander No-Johnson are lovers8:17 PM

    James the Bitch and Lt. Commander has no johnson and the other racist assholes are all alike. They ignore sick shit like raping and killing babies and executing entire families because a white person commits the crime. It's all good if whitey does it but come hell or high water these asshats will post all day long about niggers. That is some sick shit. They don't give a fuck about white lives, only trying to elevate themselves by putting others down.
    Why no comment about the 8 white people gunned down James? No-Johnson? Anything? Of fucking course not, sick fucks excuse all degenerate white behavior. Shame. Of well, all hail the master race huh, baby rapists and all. Bwwwwaaaahaaahaaaahhaaahaaa!

  52. James not Bold is a Pussybiatch!8:21 PM

    Yeah, Pilot X...I'll peep.
    Just wow, this asshole had to be called out before even peeping. Carry on No-Johnson.

    Hey James, shouldn't you be out starting your little imaginary race war? Your posts are getting old and stale just like your momma's cootch. Man the fuck up you pussy, stop posting and get on with your shit. Lemme guess, you have some excuse as to why you won't do it yet. All of you fucking white pieces of shit are fucking pussies!

  53. James Bold11:13 PM

    "Why no comment about the 8 white people gunned down James?"

    If you mean Ohio, I've seen hints that the suspect is Black... but I don't have anything to confirm this yet.  (I also know that if that's true, there will be BLM people marching and demanding the perp be let go, just like Mumia.  Fry Mumia!)

    However, here is a plea-bargain by a Black woman who burned her newborn baby to death in case you were lacking for up-to-date evidence that Black people are plenty fucked up.  Oh, it was in Field's town, too.

  54. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  55. James the Biotch is a sick fuck6:49 PM

    Well asshole Black people, or niggers as you often refer to us as, may be fucked up as your story implies but at least this mother didn't let her boyfriend rape her baby from birth until her death at 14 months. Now that is some extremely fucked up shit that you will NEVER discuss because it's ok because the rapist was a white guy. You are one sick fucked up individual James. Baby rape is ok in your book huh?

  56. James the Bitch is a sick fuck6:52 PM

    I've seen hints that the suspect is Black... but I don't have anything to confirm this yet.
    Of course you think the suspect is a nigger, that's what racists do with no evidence. Try surprising us once in a while but a dumb sick fuck like you isn't smart enough to do that. BTW, is your evidence the fact that the baby wasn't raped? Because if the baby was raped we'd pretty much know it was a white guy because they seem to enjoy that kind of sick shit at a greater rate than any other group. Of course you think that's ok because whatever a white guy does is ok right James you sick fuck!

  57. Lt. Commander Johnson8:16 PM

    What a damn joke.
    I'm sure these white folks were "in bed" with the black boys & girls.

    Let's see the meth evidence come around. Let's see the Jessica Chambers evidence. Burned her ass alive.

    Who damn cares.

    Sure, field...I'm a racist for saying such.

  58. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Still with the Jessica Chambers shit? Not a peep about the babies raped and killed by white guys huh? White racists are some sick fucks, they excuse raping and killing babies if their kind does it. What kind of sick culture does that? Dear god no-Johnson and James Bitch are some sick fucks.

  59. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Of all the situations to forget about Colored People's Time, that has to be the worst.
    Of course that worse than raping and killing a newborn to you because you are a sick fuck! That's right you don't care because a white guy raped a newborn so it's all good in your world right James? You've got niggers to insult. Sick fuck!

  60. Anonymous10:01 PM
    Wow, not only did this sick fuck orally and anally rape a baby he took pictures. Just fucking wow! This is perfectly acceptable because he's white right no-Johnson? Right James Bitch? Sick fucks!

  61. James Bold1:57 AM

    "at least this mother didn't let her boyfriend rape her baby from birth until her death at 14 months. Now that is some extremely fucked up shit that you will NEVER discuss because it's ok because the rapist was a white guy."

    Somehow, you Black morons think that throwing people in jail for up to the rest of their lives when they've done something wrong means we think it's "okay".  Probably because you think that when we throw your homies' asses in jail, it's not for something they did wrong and want them not to do again, but because they're Black.  Maybe this is why you can't learn how to fit into civilization.

    It's also probably why the neighbors of Mitchelle Blair didn't say anything when her children started disappearing.  When the first one disappeared, they could have saved the second just BY SAYING SOMETHING TO THE PO-PO (aka "snitching"), but nobody did.  They could even have saved the first one if they'd "snitched" when the signs of abuse turned up.  But no... that would be Acting White, and you can't do that!

    You are irredeemable.  You are truly sub-human.

    I'll tell you what.  If throwing people into jail for the rest of their lives for child abuse and murder isn't enough, I'll go as far as bringing back burning at the stake for such heinous crimes.  With one proviso:  every Black who rapes or murders a White is executed that way within 1 year of conviction or confession.  Okay with you?

  62. Lt. Commander Johnson12:05 PM

    I'd happily volunteer to put a .300 WSM between his eyebrows.

    Not lose a minute's sleep over it.

    Lemme see you say that about Ronald & Reginald Carr. The "crew" who killed the white kids in the Knoxville Horror..Including the black dude who raped, burned, and killed, Jessica chambers.

  63. No Johnson is a sick fuck1:18 PM

    IThe "crew" who killed the white kids in the Knoxville Horror..Including the black dude who raped, burned, and killed, Jessica chambers.
    Is this all you do no-Johnson, obsess about negro on white crime while totally ignoring white on white crime which constitutes the majority or crime against whites? Of course because you're an irredeemable racist. Maybe next time you can bring yourself to mention the baby by name who was raped and killed the same way you obsess over Jessica Chambers unless you don't give a shit about white on white crime.

  64. James the Bitch is a sick fuck1:22 PM

    You are irredeemable. You are truly sub-human.
    Because it's totally human and redeemable to rape a newborn. That's right I forget, in the mind of sick fuck racists baby racists are just normal everyday people while folks who don't know something is happening are sub-human. You are a disgusting human James.
    Btw, when are you bitches going to start your fake ass race was or all of you going to continue being bitches? We all know the answer to that.

  65. James Bold8:50 PM

    "Because it's totally human and redeemable to rape a newborn."

    The repetition of this nonsense after multiple refutations is more than just the usual stupidity, so I asked myself, why?

    Then it occurred to me:  the troll is taking the South African Black rape of babies to cure AIDS and projecting it onto White people.

    He knows Blacks rape babies at a horrendous rate (and eat albinos, and a host of other heinous things).  He can't face that White people find this abhorrent, so he finds ONE example and claims that all White people must share the blame for it.

    Okay, troll.  You're to blame for the murders of Jessica Chambers, Paul Monchnik, Brittney Watts, Anne Pressly, Antonio Santiago, and the thousands of other White victims of your hate.  Leave for Africa now, before sentence is passed and executed.

  66. James Bitch Please9:40 PM

    But yet you don't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands of white victims of fellow whites bitch!
    And who exactly is gonna pass judgement and execute it? Your bitch ass? Please. I dare you to do it. Just try it bitch!

  67. James the Bitch smells like his mother's smelly cootch9:48 PM

    ONE example? I posted many asshole and there are many more but your dumb as has a fucked up memory. I guess I should expect a jacked memory from such a mentally impaired individual. Take your ass back to whatever backwater European nation your ancestors crawled around in because I'm not going anywhere and we both know it! Your cowardly punk ass can't do anything about it except post stupid shit everyday.

  68. James Bitch is fucking stupid12:36 AM

    so he finds ONE example and claims that all White people must share the blame for it.
    The total lack of self awareness of this imbecile is just off the charts. Amazing.

    However, here is a plea-bargain by a Black woman who burned her newborn baby to death in case you were lacking for up-to-date evidence that Black people are plenty fucked up.
    I guess that's different from what you just did in an earlier post? How fucking stupid are you James? Jesus, we get rid of dumb ass Bill and here comes another mentally challenged white dude right behind him. Fuck!

  69. James Bold9:18 PM

    "But yet you don't give a shit about the thousands upon thousands of white victims of fellow whites bitch!"

    Pray tell, WHAT combination of myths, delusions and sheer inability to reason led you to this claim?  Show me where I said I didn't care about them.  Note to you clowns, marching in the street does not equal caring.

    One thing that would certainly help is by keeping the violent Black offenders, who choose White victims almost as often as Blacks, away from White people so they can't victimize them.  Whites victimize Blacks about 1/4 as often as they "ought to" based on population fraction.

    "And who exactly is gonna pass judgement and execute it?"

    America is.  It's happening right now, right in front of you.  It's the rejection of the Politically Correct world-view which claims that all of you miscreants are actually "victims", personified in Donald Trump.

    When shouting "RAYCISS!" doesn't work any more and you are actually held to the same standard of conduct and competence as White people, what will you do?  What you won't do is pull down a middle-class paycheck for doing squat, like you've been able to do since Griggs vs. Duke Power.

    "ONE example? I posted many asshole and there are many more but your dumb as has a fucked up memory."

    It wasn't my memory that's fucked up, it's you.  Here's a measure of how fucked up YOU are:

    "The rate of infant homicides for blacks and Native Americans was 2 per 10,000, compared with 0.6 per 10,000 for whites and 0.4 per 10,000 for East Asians."

    "I guess that's different from what you just did in an earlier post?"

    You can't figure out when I'm applying your own reasoning to you?  If the shoe fits, wear it.  Oh, I forgot... if it's a limited-edition Air Jordan, you'll kill for it even if it's not your size.
