Saturday, April 30, 2016

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this picture.

Example: Have you thought of changing your style a little bit? I mean you have been rocking this look since 1865.

*Credit: screen shot WWBT 12 and


  1. So how do YOU think your membership interview is going?

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Mr. Brown: Say man, where'd you get those fresh threads?

    Mr. White: Target.

  3. Black man: "Since no one else wants the gig, I think you'd make the perfect running mate for Donald Trump".

  4. Limpbaugh10:04 PM

    It's still early. Don't worry. We'll get a good crowd for this Donald TRump rally.

  5. Anonymous10:43 PM

    "The BLM racists have more members and are more vindictive, hateful, powerful than the KKK racists but the Left supports BLM racists.

  6. Dude, that thing on your head looks like the end of a condom.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. The Ministry of Truth12:47 AM

    Black reporter: Does it concern you that your master plan is to "reclaim" America for the white race, and yet, so far, all you've managed to reclaim is this picnic area off Interstate 385?

  8. "We have this worthless bitch named Yisheng. She is an absolute disgrace to our race. Will you fellas please do something about her?"

  9. Lt. Commander Johnson5:50 AM

    Huh, huh. You really are a lawyer, fields.

    Albeit, a POS one. If you ever hand to defend a real case, I would suggest you...quit.

    Let's talk about the honor roll students in the cemetery pond again, shall we?

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson6:28 AM

    BTW...don't you think that since it was ME who made you responsible for the pics in your posts...I refer to the one years ago, that you suddenly had to provide an asterisk and acknowledgement for your...

    Oh, forget it. You know what I mean. You know I'm right.

    I say, let's give Puerto Rico back to Spain, or France, or Dey's should be chopping sugar cane 365.

  11. How do you keep your whites so white?

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Black reporter-I'm shocked to learn you are a register Democrat and the last president you voted for was John F. Kerry.

    KKK member-You must read field negro and believe everything he lies.. i mean posts about.

  13. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Black reporter-So many of your fellow members have endorsed Hillary Clinton. Why do you think Trump will make a better president? What do you say to those who have accused you of sexism?

    KKK Member- Well uhhh

    Black reporter- And why are we still obsessed with you. When was the last time you killed a nigga?

  14. ctrl+halt+del12:40 PM

    "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you..."

  15. ctrl+halt+del1:01 PM

    Taking a break at the Alabama human chess championship, the Black King talks to a White Knight.

  16. Wow, some really good early ones. Though to pick a leader.

    Slight edge to Pilot@9:05, Limpbaugh @10:04, and Doug @11:17 are tied for second.

    MOT@12:47 and Serinity @8:20 tied for third. :)

  17. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Do you do the dry cleaning for your buddies robes in the senate and congress?

  18. Yisheng2:14 PM

    EC said...
    "We have this priceless Queen named Yisheng. She is an absolute credit to our race. Will you fellas please shower more praise upon her?"

    The fact that I'm a distant relative of one of the most famous Klansmen that ever lived is telling in the context of this fabulous statement!

    Thanks Pookums!

  19. The president drops the mic, HOT DAMN!!!!

  20. Black Guy: Do you have any openings? I'd like to apply.

    Klan Imperial Wizard: Sure we do. We're always looking for someone to keep us entertained.

  21. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Black guy thinks: That hat...I'm speechless!

    KKK: Well, whaddaya want to ask me?

    Black guy: Um...never mind...

  22. Listen, I know where you can get a really nice style of plastic hood. Dishwasher safe and everything...
