Friday, April 29, 2016

Open thread Friday.

MORE DISCLAIMERSTonight's question is this:

Do you believe that the protests and unrest in California recently will help or hurt Donald trump?


  1. The Ministry of Truth10:47 PM

    Brawling and vandalism will only benefit Trump. They will fuel his supporters' sense of persecution by malevolent minorities and the Left, which is what his campaign is all about.

    People opposed to Trump need to avoid responding to the Trump supporters' violence with their own, as this can only justify the deranged beliefs he is promoting and help recruit more people to his cause.

  2. No I don't think it will hurt him. What could hurt him? He's a billionaire. It may end up hurting some of us, though, by setting the precedent for the kind of behavior likely to happen when he loses the general.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    The hullaballoo is interesting to see what kind of creatures it brings out.

    You got yer virtue signalling SJWs who mostly just hate people who like Trump. You got Black Like Me making a fuss because Trump said something mean about blacks, although I'm not sure what. You got Mexican Nationals who are pissed because there's a few people in the US who don't feel better off if all the poor folks in Latin America pour in.

    Personally, I think there's a kind of inflection point going on here. Blacks, the main topic 'round these parts, really are kind of on the sidelines in this argument. The West generally really has to decide whether it wants to survive the 21st Century or not. Given the wealth gradient between 1st and 3rd world, plus the insane demographics explosion in sub-Saharan Africa, open borders implies the death of the existing cultures and people. Whether they want to save themselves or not becomes the national question.

  4. @Field: "Do you believe that the protests and unrest in California recently will help or hurt Donald trump?"

    Anything that draws attention to Trump, whether positive or negative, will be used to advance his candidacy.

    Trump is finally speaking to the heart and soul of the Republican party, a dark heart, and a lost soul, to be sure, but a message that resonates with the Republican base nevertheless.

    They see in Trump what they've wanted to see all along, a right-wing hero who speaks their language, and holds their values, a language and values which the party has failed to advance at the federal level, although they're rife in red states.

  5. Kay-man11:09 PM

    The Ministry of Horseshit said...
    "People opposed to Trump need to avoid responding to the Trump supporters' violence with their own"

    People go to Trump rallies and start shit, set things on fire, beat people bloody, and overturn cop cars, and then douchebags like you claim they are "responding to the Trump supporters' violence". No Trump supporters have gone to other people's rallies and tried to shut them down by intimidation. No Trump supporters have gone out looking for people who think differently from them in order to inflict violence on them. Trump people aren't keying cars or stealing yard signs or trying to get people fired for disagreeing from them. Anyone with a fucking brain can see what is going on here, and all of this "malevolent minority" violence and hate is going to drive the majority to vote for Trump.

  6. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Trump is finally speaking to the heart and soul of the Republican party, a dark heart, and a lost soul, to be sure, but a message that resonates with the Republican base nevertheless"

    ...and a certain amount of the Democratic base.

    You could see this coming a mile away. A re-partitioning of political power as the moneyed elite of the Republicans become Democrats, and working class white Democrats become Republicans. Tribalism is on it's way as the red-headed stepchild of diversity.

    At least we won't hear so much nonsense about some of the non-issues of the day. We can begin to agree more on making healthcare more sane (and likely more socialized), have fewer arguments about abortion (what a stupid thing to argue about that is), etc. Instead, you can see a more transparent struggle for cutting up the pie by region and tribe.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Universalism was killed by Diversity. Identity politics has won. Now white people are going to get in the game. It's a whole new day.

  8. People, and particularly television-viewing people, are afraid of prostesters. Particularly if a lot of the protesters are brown.

    Still, my guess is that stuff like that just entrenches both sides deeper.

  9. Dr. Napoleon11:26 PM

    When you see "protesters" at Mr. Trump's otherwise upbeat and positive rallies/speeches, realize that you're seeing a Marxist strategy

  10. @Kay-man: "People go to Trump rallies and start shit,"

    Shit for shit. If Trump hadn't slung "shit" to fire up the Republican base, the protests that you're now seeing wouldn't have occurred.

    But you know this.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Universalism was killed by Diversity. Identity politics has won. Now white people are going to get in the game. It's a whole new day."

    You do know how laughable this sounds, right?

  12. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Americans made America worth invading, just as Mexicans made Mexico worth fleeing.

  13. Kay-man11:45 PM

    The Shadow Knows... said...
    "Shit for shit. If Trump hadn't slung "shit" to fire up the Republican base, the protests that you're now seeing wouldn't have occurred"

    So saying "Make America Great Again" is justification for beating people up?

    You are retarded and amoral.

  14. amazing

    they are blaming trump because some leftist protesters rioted outside one of his rallies

  15. they didn't enter this country legally and are now violently attacking political rallies waving the flag of another country!

  16. Cucky Cheese12:01 AM

    Look, as a white man, if I find out Donald Trump doesn't properly reject my interests and disavow anyone who supports them, IT's OVER.

  17. @Kay-man: "So saying "Make America Great Again" is justification for beating people up?"

    You can do better than introducing a straw man into the argument.

    We both know what these protesters are protesting, and why; don't play stupid. Had Trump not characterize Mexicans in the manner that he did, they wouldn't have wasted their time protesting at a Trump rally.

    This was clearly a response to Trumps' "retarded and amoral" statements about Mexicans, statements which you seem to support, and guess what?, that makes you as "retarded and amoral," as he.

    Let me repeat my statement, so that you understand: "that makes you as retarded and amoral," as he.

    What ever greatness this country might have achieved went up in smoke, as in smoke signals, when whites invaded this country and stole it from the Indians.

    You can't make this country "great again," a dog whistle for "white again," because it's turning browner by the day.

    I think you need to brush up on your espanol, mi amigo.

  18. Kay-man12:10 AM

    The Shadow Knows... said...
    "You can't make this country "great again," a dog whistle for "white again," because it's turning browner by the day."

    So America can never be great again because it is getting browner?

    Thanks for playing.

  19. Illegal immigrants are the cape, the business interests, democratic operatives, and social justice warriors are the matador.

  20. angie said...
    "they didn't enter this country legally and are now violently attacking political rallies waving the flag of another country!"

    And how do you classify the Confederate battle flag at a Klan rally?

    As for entering the country illegally, who invited whites to settle on land belonging to American Indians?

  21. @Kay-man : "So America can never be great again [white again] because it is getting browner?

    "Thanks for playing."

    Not "great again," but GREATER, mainly because it is becoming browner, having fewer of the hangups that plague whites.

    I wasn't playing.

  22. Alshon12:16 AM

    I wake up every morning thankful that I am not white.

  23. Kay-man12:18 AM

    The Shadow Knows... said...
    "Not "great again," but GREATER, mainly because it is becoming browner, having fewer of the hangups that plague whites."

    Name one great "brown" country.

  24. Anonymous12:18 AM

    As a black woman with a college degree, these types of incidents piss me off. They make black and brown people look bad, but I suppose we already do to people like Trump supporters. Filthy creatures they are. Unfit for civil society. If Trump becomes president we must all rise up against tyranny!

  25. Kay-man12:20 AM

    The Shadow Knows... said...
    "As for entering the country illegally, who invited whites to settle on land belonging to American Indians?"

    How did that work out for the Indians? At least they fought for their land.

  26. Anonymous12:42 AM

    If Trump is anything, he’s pro-black. He’s constantly being denounced as being anti-black, but with virtually no quotes to support that.

  27. Jeffrey1:01 AM

    Hillary supporters are more annoying, but Trump supporters are worse people.

  28. Boobsicle1:03 AM

    I agree with Alshon. I am a proud non-white. To be white means having a closed mind and a dark heart.

  29. @Kay-man: '"As for entering the country illegally, who invited whites to settle on land belonging to American Indians?"

    "How did that work out for the Indians? At least they fought for their land."

    For the Indians, not so well, but, then, you knew that, so why ask. Whites killed off most of the indigenous people, a Holocaust of sickening proportions.

    Don't wet your pants in ecstasy over the Indians' loss, as they had the last laughed.

    As for U.S. History, I have to say you're virtually ignorant. The war in which Mexicans fought to keep their lands was called, variously, The U.S.-Mexican War or The Mexican-American War.

    "Name one great "brown" country."

    For the record, I can't "name" one "great country" period, not now or in our distant past. With my definition of what constitutes greatness, this country, along with all others, fails miserably.

    But as to this country become GREATER under brown, that's inevitable, as the world is now on the verge of a shakeup that will usher in GREATNESS, and not the kind that Donald Trump advocates, or has in mind, as his notion of "great" is to make more room for whites.

  30. Die Gooks Die1:55 AM

    It's like a terrorist attack done by Muslims. It will only make Trump's rhetoric all the more appealing.

  31. Lots of Afrocentric racism and bigotry here. Hmmm...

  32. Burgundy and Brown2:11 AM

    Does anybody here have good advice for writing a suicide note?

  33. Anonymous Aardvark said...
    "Lots of Afrocentric racism and bigotry here. Hmmm..."

    How would you know? To impute to others your own character failing is common among your kind.

    C'mon: Show a little more originality. For one, you wouldn't know "Afrocentric" if you stood in the middle of the continent of Africa, with a lion on your tail, struggling desperately to bend the natives to your colonial will, and shower them with your white supremacy, as though they stood under an African waterfall.

    And who calls an African waterfall, "Victoria Falls," but a Eurocentric egoist, if not a racist?

    But that's what whites do!

    As for "racism," I wish you whites would consult "Webster" more often. No not the character in the television show, "Webster," played by Emmanuel Lewis (although he's not a bad choice), but the lexicon written by the lexicographer by the same name.

    As for your handle, "Aardvark," it's often the first word in many dictionaries. Who uses a handle like Aardvark?

  34. Anonymous Burgundy and Brown said...
    "Does anybody here have good advice for writing a suicide note?"

    Ask Trump. I can't count the times he's fallen on his own sword.

  35. Doctson2:42 AM

    Who the hell is Martin Turner?


  36. Anonymous Aardvark said...
    "Lots of Afrocentric racism and bigotry here. Hmmm..."

    I don't want to misapprehend your statement. Are you saying, rather, that the kind of "racism and bigotry" you see here is the kind of "racism and bigotry" that's directed primarily towards blacks, and for that reason you see it as "Afrocentric"?

  37. The riots will help him a little in the short term but hurt him long term.

    The 'angry white men' will be pleased by what they see.

    However, in the long term those few independents who might be considering voting for him will see a vision of what America would be like under a Trump presidency - violence on the streets every day for four years - a President at war with nine tenths of the world and five tenths of his own nation - and will be repelled by it.

  38. Will Carver9:07 AM

    Would you vote for Hillary if you knew she wore a thong?

  39. Limpbaugh9:49 AM

    I think the recent protests were aggressive enough to help Trump. THe previous protests hurt him.

  40. Anonymous9:53 AM

    "Lots of Afrocentric racism and bigotry here. Hmmm..."

    Oh well, it's not that it really matters. They are bit players in the upcoming drama in the US. African Africans represent an existential problem to Europe, though.

    Blacks have measurable higher (much higher) average levels for self-esteem. You can even see it in the inverted stats for murder vs suicide rate by group. Group affiliation is bound to follow. Whether it's nature or nurture isn't at all clear to me.

    As the West descends into a metastasized Yugoslavia, you really do have to wonder what the historians of the future will have to say. The anti-West living in the US and Europe has a really good ground game, so I can't see a result that is pretty at this point.

  41. Just wow. Instead of field denouncing the violence and hatred of these obama thugs, he asked if the actions of these fascist thugs will help or hurt Donald J. Trump.

  42. Free speech and America won because Donald J. Trump gave a wonderful speech.

    One thing for sure, barry and mooochelle are somewhere in the house smiling at the America they have created.

  43. Just curious wingnut, did u condemn the actions of those trump thugs who assaulted people of color at his rallies?

  44. Hey man, USA ladies just beat Jamaica. You at the Penn relays? Now it's time for mens 4 X 100.

  45. Ok the Jamaican men stomped the USA but there was a bad handoff. They smoked without Bolt.

    1. Not there. Was there yesterday. I figured our woman aren't at the top of their game right now.

    2. Not there. Was there yesterday. I figured our woman aren't at the top of their game right now.

  46. The Ministry of Truth1:36 PM

    "The riots will help him a little in the short term but hurt him long term.

    The 'angry white men' will be pleased by what they see.

    However, in the long term those few independents who might be considering voting for him will see a vision of what America would be like under a Trump presidency - violence on the streets every day for four years - a President at war with nine tenths of the world and five tenths of his own nation - and will be repelled by it."

    See, I don't really agree with that. Your view demands people do a lot of critical thinking rationally assess of blame on Trump and his proposed policies for the violence. I guess I take the more cynical view that most voters aren't that politically engaged and their thinking doesn't encompass that kind of complexity.

    As things stand, if Donald Trump is demanding all sorts of deranged, over-the-top, racist responses to economic inequality or crime or national security threats, many people are likely to see him, correctly, as nuts.

    But if blacks and Latinos are rioting in the streets, blame will not necessarily fall on Trump for provoking it. The average white viewer in Dubuque, Iowa, will see dark-skinned people smashing and burning "for no reason." They will say to themselves, "I wouldn't have thought so before, but perhaps that funny-looking Mr. Trump is right about this political correctness business! Those folks really are savages! They need an ass-kicking, and I will vote for him to deliver it."

    The way that Trump wins -- the ONLY way he wins -- is for anti-Trump people to act like the scary threat he says they are.

    1. I think the key term PC highlighted was the independent voter. By and large independents are more politically astute and can actually look at the situation critically. The folks that want to exterminate the animals are already voting for Trump. I get your point about this maybe being like 68 with the law and order folks who elected Nixon but the battle lines are clear now and I don't think there are too many folks on the fence about Trump. Not to be wishy washy but both of your arguments have merit.

  47. Anonymous1:58 PM

    What is with all these pretentious, know-it-all posters like Lance Cockstrong, Ministry of Truth, and now the Shadow Knows? How far do you fuckers have your heads shoved up your own asses?

  48. Kingston College was on it.

  49. Jerry Katz2:10 PM

    Lots and lots of retards posting here. I bet you're all Hillary or Bernie supporters.

  50. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Blacks are going to support Trump in much bigger numhers than anyone expects.

  51. The Ministry of Truth2:16 PM

    "I think the key term PC highlighted was the independent voter. By and large independents are more politically astute and can actually look at the situation critically. The folks that want to exterminate the animals are already voting for Trump."

    See, there I disagree with you, Pilot. The majority of people who call themselves independent fall mainly into two categories:

    1) They're regular left- or right-wing voters who refuse to formally associate with a party. Maybe this is because they think this makes them look cooler or smarter, more critical thinking. Or maybe it's because, on some level, they're pissed at their respective chosen party. You've got left-wingers pissed at the Democrats because the party's not left-wing enough for them. You've got right-wingers pissed at the Republicans because the party's not right-wing enough for them (a horrifying thought, but whatever). Thing is, these people's voting patterns virtually never deviate from those of the people who call themselves Democrats or Republicans. These "independents" are plugged into politics, but they are "independent" in name only.

    2) Clueless, low-information voters. These people don't pay attention to politics on a regular basis; it's not their cup of tea. And they tend to make decisions at the last minute, on a very superficial basis. They are the guys who vote for a candidate solely because they think he's a snappy dresser or employs pretty, patriotic rhetoric. These are the people who voted for Bush because he was the kind of guy "you could have a beer with."

    The second group are the group that can most easily be "swung," and they're the group that will potentially throw their votes to Trump based on his claimed ability to quell public disorder (never mind that he may have created that public disorder).

  52. The Purple Cow said...
    However, in the long term those few independents who might be considering voting for him will see a vision of what America would be like under a Trump presidency - violence on the streets every day for four years - a President at war with nine tenths of the world and five tenths of his own nation - and will be repelled by it.

    These "independents" already "repelled' by obama and how he has divided Americans by race, class, religion and legal status. The violence, hate and mexican flags are going to be a reminded of what will continue to happen to America if hillary is elected.

    The more violent the left gets, the more haterade they drink, the more Americans will see Donald J. Trump is the only answer...

  53. Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Clueless, low-information voters"

    These are typical black voters. Vote for obama because they thought he would pay their rent and give them obama cash.

    They also voted for Alvin Greene and Robert Gray.

  54. The Ministry of Truth2:31 PM

    My point, if it wasn't clear, isn't that Trump is likely to win. I think that's a very unlikely possibility.

    I'm just saying that if people who oppose him are smart about it, they won't tempt fate by engaging in violence that will only help him make his case.

  55. The Ministry of Truth2:34 PM

    "These are typical black voters. Vote for obama because they thought he would pay their rent and give them obama cash."

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before.

    Black voters are all idiots. Trapped on the plantation. Bribed with Obamaphones.

    Save your keystrokes.

  56. field negro said...

    Just curious wingnut, did u condemn the actions of those trump thugs who assaulted people of color at his rallies?

    11:50 AM

    Field condemn the actions of those "trump thugs" who assaulted people of color at his rallies but didn't condemn those people of color who assaulted white people, cops and cost taxpayers millions over the past few days in California.

    I guess field thinks it's ok for "people of color" to assault white people...

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Sorry facts and reality are always getting in the way of your Republican/Bush/Trump bashing....

    And MOT, we also have obama's DOJ saying the same thing...

  59. Choose Life3:01 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    But if blacks and Latinos are rioting in the streets, blame will not necessarily fall on Trump for provoking it.

    Trump: "Let's put the interests of citizens of all colors ahead of the interests of big corporations and anti-American social engineers. Negligently importing thousands of criminals and terrorists imperils everyone. Mass importation of low-skilled workers drives down American wages and vastly increases the cost of social welfare programs. We need to reestablish a common culture based on shared values before we disintegrate into a morass of squabbling nations and tribes with incompatible visions of what the country should be. We need to restructure our economic policies to promote growth and prosperity that benefits everyone, not just Wall Street and crony capitalist parasites. We must stop wasting the lives of our servicemen and the limited resources of our treasury fighting other people's wars in the Middle East. Let's get our own house in order before we try to change the world. Together we can Make America Great Again."

    Progressives: "Provocation! Racist! Kill Whitey!"

  60. 2) Clueless, low-information voters.
    i.e. Republicans. You really think there are many people who are that dumb as to not have an opinion about the election? There would be so few of these voters that it is statistically insignificant. All both of them wouldn't swing an election MoT. Not convinced this voter actually exists. Now your first example exists in droves.


    Check the trailer for the Barack movie. Looks pretty good.

  62. Bullets3:09 PM

    White America wants to live.

    Progressive America wants them dead.

    It's kind of hard to find middle ground.

    In that sense, Trump is divisive. White Americans hear in his words that yes, they may actually be allowed have a place in America's future. This infuriates the Diversity coalition, who will accept nothing less than white extermination. Honestly, I think we are way beyond being able to settle this issue with ballots.

  63. The Ministry of Truth3:31 PM

    "i.e. Republicans. You really think there are many people who are that dumb as to not have an opinion about the election? There would be so few of these voters that it is statistically insignificant. All both of them wouldn't swing an election MoT. Not convinced this voter actually exists. Now your first example exists in droves."

    The way I see things is that the non-affiliated people who say, "I'm not really political" -- those are the most uninformed people. And it's not that they don't have any opinion on the election, just that they're not actively following politics and are just kind of picking up a background impression of what's going on. I think there are more of that type around than you think.

    But as to your assertion that committed Republicans are uninformed voters ... no, I don't think so. Unfortunately, it's much worse than that. They are DISinformed voters. Many of them avidly follow politics and "know" lots about politics. It's just that what they "know" happens to be utter factual bullshit. And they have unswerving faith in the bullshit they've been fed. Try and counter their arguments with actual fact, and you'll get endless bullshit back in response.

    Go ahead and try changing the mind of someone who swears up and down that global warming isn't real or isn't man-made. It's a real uphill climb. The problem isn't that they haven't been paying attention. The problems is that they know lots of stuff that's wrong.

  64. Anonymous3:33 PM

    White people. Hahaha. You pale-faced fucks make me laugh.

  65. "These "independents" already "repelled' by obama and how he has divided Americans by race, class, religion and legal status."

    Odd then that Obama is polling massively better than Trump amongst independents, and that 52% of likely voters think Trump "would bring the wrong kind of change"

    BTW, are you suggesting that nobody divided America by race, class, religion and legal status before Obama came along? Because if you are I would suggest you are certifiably insane.


    "The violence, hate and mexican flags are going to be a reminded of what will continue to happen to America if hillary is elected."

    Now you see, you don't even believe that yourself. Even you - even you - are not THAT stupid.


    "The more violent the left gets, the more haterade they drink, the more Americans will see Donald J. Trump is the only answer..."

    Yeah right.

    Let me explain it one last time, sunshine.

    YOU are an angry old white man, that's why you love the idiot Trump.

    However, you cannot win Presidential elections with angry old white men. Even if every angry old white man in America voted for Trump he would lose by a landslide of unprecedented proportions.

    The polls show, independents hate Trump, women hate Trump, African Americans hate Trump, and Latinos hate Trump.

    Ergo, your boy is electorally fucked.

  66. Peter3:54 PM

    These comments make me sad. What the hell happened to America?

  67. Hillary is winning on hate. Not because she is the best candidate.

    Thanks for pointing that out purple cow.

  68. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Anonymous Peter said...

    These comments make me sad. What the hell happened to America?


  69. Anonymous4:07 PM

    The average white viewer in Dubuque, Iowa, will see dark-skinned people smashing and burning "for no reason." They will say to themselves, "I wouldn't have thought so before, but perhaps that funny-looking Mr. Trump is right about this political correctness business! Those folks really are savages! They need an ass-kicking, and I will vote for him to deliver it."
    I just don't buy the accidental racist meme. By now there is no one who isn't clear on their racism. The "average white viewer in Dubuque" watches o'reilly and listens to rush so they aren't surprised by what they see. Sorry, just can't buy the uninformed voter story. The folks who voted for W not only thought he was a nice guy to have a beer with they also thought Kerry looked French.


  70. teh stupid ™4:15 PM

    White America wants to live.

    Progressive America wants them dead.

    The stoooopid in this one is strong.

  71. The Fixer ™4:17 PM

    Lots of white racism and bigotry here. Hmmm...


  72. Graham Cracker4:23 PM

    Peter said...
    These comments make me sad. What the hell happened to America?

    Religious zealots like Ministry of Truth and PilotX are committed to pushing their anti-evolution and anti-science agendas of radical equalitarianism and global warming.

    Every racial group must have exactly equal accomplishments, except where non-whites do better.

    There's no such thing as gender or race, except when a non-male or non-white person can claim some advantage.

    Everyone must believe that anything a Southern white male likes causes global warming, and that allowing Americans to drive trucks, eat meat, and use their natural resources will fulfill their apocalypse myth. Those who deny that carbon is the root of all evil must be punished as heretics.

    Progressive zealots are immune to facts or reason. They seek the glory of standing on a pile of burning rubble, saying "now no one is better than me".

    1. Huh? First, the vast vast vast majority of climatologists are convinced global warming is happening. Nothing unscientific at all, in fact I study atmospheric science.I've done so at N. Illinois U., Mississippi St and College of DuPage. Where did you study atmospheric science Grahm Cracker?
      Secondly, yes I do believe everyone should be judged by their individual merit and not by their race. Should all whites be judged superior simply because of the accomplishments of some of their race? Well, you may think so.
      Should people stop eating meat? I think so, better for the environment and their health but it's a personal choice.
      I happen to seek facts so it's not me standing on a pile of anything. Nice try at attempting to catagorize me but you may want to look in the mirror because I suspect you exemplify everything you accused me of. Stop the projection.

  73. Fez Jimenez4:38 PM

    I've read many articles characterizing Trump's ban on muslims as "scary."

    So tried to frighten my neighbor with the news--didn't work at all.

  74. Oh yeah, big trucks with shitty gas mileage are bad for the environment and the pocket. Go green and drive more sensible vehicles G. Cracker or is that just more zealotry? Seems like common sense to me.

  75. Graham Cracker5:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    Oh yeah, big trucks with shitty gas mileage are bad for the environment and the pocket

    Try moving your construction equipment or farming supplies around with a Prius.

    People have different needs for vehicles and their choices should not be limited by other people's ideology or religious beliefs.

    1. Let me also add that womens' health choices, marriage and when I can buy beer should also not be limited by other peoples' ideology or religious beliefs. We agree on that issue. Buy whatever vehicle you like GC. Not sure there are many who will disagree with you.

  76. Anonymous5:17 PM

    The left's lawlessness and intimidation tactics against anyone who disagrees with them will help Trump. The violence exhibited by the left has convinced me to vote for Trump. I was going to vote for Hillary until about 3 months ago.

  77. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hillary is a corrupt, lying war monger.

    Trump is my only choice.

  78. Sure, if you need a truck for work then use it. Geez. Then again if the grocery store is less than a mile away and you can then walk. In other words do whatever it is you think is necessary G. Cracker.

  79. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "So America can never be great again because it is getting browner?"

    Good question. I guess we could look for counter-examples of either successful 'diverse' states or successful extremely brown states. Seriously, it would be interesting to see how these successful states have evolved their social institutions just to see where the US has to end up.

    By 'diverse', I don't mean German vs. French speaking Swiss people.

  80. Anonymous7:57 PM

    What toilet i should shit on, what bed i should sleep on and how i heat or cool my house shouldn't be determined by other peoples' ideology or beliefs.

    If you on the left would stop telling everyone what to think and how to live their lives, the right woukd do the same.

  81. The Right is Insane8:05 PM

    If you on the left would stop telling everyone what to think and how to live their lives, the right woukd do the same.
    Bullshit. Righties love to pretend they are holier than thou and tell people what restroom to use and whom to marry. GTFOH! I'm at least glad you admit the right are a bunch of childish assholes who play tit for tat, as if we didn't already know this.


  82. "Hillary is a corrupt, lying war monger.

    Trump is my only choice."

    Donald, is that you?

  83. Lt. Commander Johnson7:20 AM

    These "protests" are going to help him, Big Time.

    White folks have been laying dead for a long time now.

  84. Lt. Commander Johnson7:42 AM haven't studied shit at Mississippi State.

    Name a few places you're familiar with, and the city the college is based in, and I might give you some doubt.

    1. Yisheng9:41 AM

      Say PX, I got this for you.

      Listen you little miserable shit. NONE Of us HIGHLY EDUCATED Black folkd gives a FLYIN' FUCK what you dumb, asinine, irrelevant, immature, about OBVIOUSLY envious ass thinks the education WE EARNED.

      So grag the racoon you just killed for dinner after "hunting", and crawl your hatin' ass back under the rock you share with mammy.

    2. Yisheng9:42 AM

      D*NM auto correction, lol!!

  85. Anonymous2:34 AM

    "Name a few places you're familiar with, and the city the college is based in, and I might give you some doubt."

    Like I give a shit what you think. How about a bit more inside baseball, the director of the meteorology program got his undergraduate degree from Western Illinois University. He would maybe remember me because we used to discuss his research into lightning and its effects on aircraft. Particularly what effect a positive lightning strike would have because as far as we can tell aircraft are certified using negative lightning strike criteria. It's been a few years since I studied there but I believe Dr. Brown is also from Illinois.
    As far as places near the school I spent a lot of time at Chilli's because their specials are good and I dig their black bean burger. Hard being a vegetarian inMississippi. The mailing address was State College but I always referred to it as Starkeville. C'mon Johnson, I know you're used to dealing with liars and dimwits but next time give me more of a challenge.


  86. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I feel you Doc, so many trolls here have to make up shit so they can't comprehend that us so called inferior negroes actually have the careers and education we say we do. Like I would just make up what I claim. So much projection. Thanks for the backup.


  87. Anonymous3:04 AM

    There I go depending on my memory. Starkville has no e in the middle and the mailing address was actually Mississippi State. Can't blame this on auto correct.

