Thursday, April 14, 2016

Donald Trump and the alternative right.

Image result for alt right wing imagesTonight's guest post comes to us from Cathy Young.

"Who’d have thought that in 2016, we would be discussing whether mainstream Republicans and conservatives should be nicer to white nationalists? Yet here we are.
The debate is, of course, about the “alternative right,” suddenly propelled into visibility by its fervent embrace of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy. Recently, it was the subject of a long, sympathetic article by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos at, the Trump-loving site that some, including ex-Breitbart writer Brian Cates, have long accused of courting the alt-right. (For the record, I have had a cordial professional relationship with both authors, have been on a panel with both of them and have appeared twice on Yiannopoulos’s webcast.)

In a nutshell, the article argues that, while the alt-right does have some actual—but, worry not, utterly irrelevant!—white supremacists and neo-Nazis in its ranks, it is mostly a loose alliance of maverick intellectuals, traditionalists who feel unrepresented in the mainstream political establishment, and cheeky young rebels who post racist slurs and memes just to annoy the pearl-clutching guardians of political correctness.

While this taxonomy of the alt-right is interesting, it is ultimately—as it were—a whitewash, full of far-fetched arguments and misleading claims that consistently downplay this movement’s ugly bigotry.

Take the article’s section on the “intellectuals” behind the alt-right, which offers a respectful account of the movement’s online hubs such as Richard Spencer’s and Steve Sailer’s VDARE. Sailer is credited with having “helped spark the ‘human biodiversity’ movement, a group of bloggers and researchers who strode eagerly into the minefield of scientific race differences—in a much less measured tone than former New York Times science editor Nicholas Wade.”

A caption also notes that “Razib Khan, who lost an opportunity at the New York Times over his views on human biodiversity, now writes for the alt-right Unz Review.” We are clearly meant to get the impression that the alt-right web is a refuge for, as the authors put it, “dangerously bright” people unafraid of taboo topics. While Bokhari and Yiannopoulos acknowledge that “all of these websites have been accused of racism,” the unmistakable implication is that such accusations stem from P.C. hypersensitivity—and probably fear of the alt-right gurus’ outstanding intelligence.

Are there political taboos surrounding race-related genetic cognitive and behavioral differences? Of course (and for very understandable reasons, given historical experience). The controversy around Wade’s 2014 book, “A Troublesome Inheritance,” demonstrates how sensitive the subject is. It is very likely this sensitivity has deterred legitimate inquiry. Some people who have waded into this minefield have also been, in my view, unfairly tarred as racists—such as Charles Murray, with whom I disagree on a number of things but whom I am honored to know.
But let’s be clear: the authors populating the alt-right’s webzines are not just Wades and Murrays with less tone policing.....

But it does not follow that the alt-right deserves any sympathy or respect. This is a movement that counters the toxic culture of the left with a toxic brew of its own: a mix of old bigotries and new identity and victimhood politics adapted for the straight white male. Bokhari and Yiannopoulos try to connect it to “cultural libertarianism,” a concept coined by Bokhari last year and championed by both authors; but other than opposition to restrictions on “hate speech,” it’s hard to see what an ideology that explicitly subordinates the individual to the tribe could have in common with libertarianism of any kind.

Today, the excesses of the “social justice” movement have brought us to a point where reasonable conservatives, libertarians, and liberals are ready to join forces against quasi-totalitarian identity politics. We need to start reclaiming the principles of common humanity, freedom, and universal values, not put a positive spin on a different brand of divisive identitarianism. {Full article}

First, Charles Murray IS a racist, and to argue otherwise reveals a certain amount of naivety or maybe something worse.

And to compare the social justice movement to the alt-right movement in any way is, quite frankly, ludicrous.

Still, it was an interesting article, with some interesting insights into the alt-right movement , and the so called intellectuals who inhabit that world.  

*Pic from






  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "And to compare the social justice movement to the alt-right movement in any way is, quite frankly, ludicrous."

    Comparing the SJW Progressive Fascists to the far right wing is an apt comparison. However, the SJW are bigger bullies.

  2. "Today, the excesses of the “social justice” movement have brought us to a point where reasonable conservatives, libertarians, and liberals are ready to join forces against quasi-totalitarian identity politics. We need to start reclaiming the principles of common humanity, freedom, and universal values, not put a positive spin on a different brand of divisive identitarianism"

    Too late. Conservatives fought identity politics for decades by appealing to common ideals embodied by a "color-blind", race-neutral ideology committed to individual freedom and limited government. They lost. Identity politics handed them their asses. The more they reached out to minorities, the louder they got called racist.

    America as it turns out is not a creedal nation. Immigrants today don't come here because they admire the country's founding principals and want to adopt its values, they come here for government benefits and better job prospects. They aren't "natural conservatives" who understand that America's prosperity stemmed directly from its culture and unique institutions, they instead see the government as the source of all wealth.

    Black people didn't want to be treated as equals, they just wanted revenge. Fifty years of bending over backwards for them and they are angrier than ever. They will be happy to go down with the ship just as long as the white man drowns first.

    What we see now is the white population coming around to this reality and starting to get into the identity politics game. Take a look at the electoral map. Whites who live with large minority populations have figured this out. These are hard core red states. The most liberal states are the whitest, but this of course will change as the demographics change. When the white man goes full tribal, the political map is really going to change.

    The Republican party's woes in 2016 are due to their craven fear of admitting they are the White Party. When the other party's animating purpose is enacting ever more onerous anti-white policies, you are by default the "White Party". Despite this being undeniable, the party leadership has completely internalized the modern liberal narrative that there can be nothing worse than being white, therefore they will fight to the end to reject the white masses that are turning to them for representation. This is the triumph of ideology over basic survival instincts. The party as it is structured now will be gone in four years at the latest.

    Whites have no political representation, no voice in the culture, and according to their own government, no place in America's future.

    Hence the Alt Right. The ludicrous excesses of progressivism and the social justice movement have created an intellectual backlash that has a very strong component among the younger generation. They know they've been lied to all their lives, and they are very angry. As the old progressive geezers stagger their way to their graves, they'll be calling the Alt Right Nazis and supremacists for committing the sin of advocating for their own people what the progressives have always advocated for everyone else. But once you've called everyone racist a million times, the word no longer has any meaning. No one is going to play by their rules anymore.

    These are your chickens coming home to roost. Enjoy.

  3. Just the latest version of the same old grift: Let us tell you why all of the fucked up shit you've been raised to think is OK actually is OK. Sure it is, if you want to live in a fucked up society that can't admit when it's wrong. In the wild, the price for failing to admit you're wrong is always the same: you become dinner for another creature that didn't. Bon appetit, alt righters.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous12:34 AM

    What makes the Alt Right “alternative” is that unlike Conservatism, it has nothing to do with preserving or saving the existing system. It’s about destroying it. It’s about paving the way for something new. It’s about recognizing that all of this is too sick, and evil, and ugly to survive. And that sacrificing everything, even ourselves, is worth it if it means our children can live in a world where their lives will be something more than passively consuming media churned out by people who despise us.

    I don’t take the morality of our society seriously. Who could? I don’t take our politics seriously.

    But I would sacrifice all for my people.

  5. James Bold2:01 AM

    "it does not follow that the alt-right deserves any sympathy or respect."

    But Black (criminal's) Lives Matter does?  And you wonder why you're considered a joke....

    "This is a movement that counters the toxic culture of the left with a toxic brew of its own: a mix of old bigotries and new identity and victimhood politics adapted for the straight white male."

    Because only you are entitled to identity or victimhood.  Per the genocide program, Whites, especially straight White males, must remain atomized and deracinated.  And that is what they're not buying anymore.

    "First, Charles Murray IS a racist, and to argue otherwise reveals a certain amount of naivety or maybe something worse."

    If by "racist" you mean "someone who does not subscribe to Blank Slate and Paintjob theory", you mean.  The problem is that both those theories are provably false, so everyone not indoctrinated into their false world-view is thus a racist by definition.

    The word "racist" infiltrated English through KGB subversion.  It's half a century past the time White people should have said "who cares?", but better late than never.

  6. Fuck white people.

  7. Lance Cockstrong2:15 AM

    White people will go the way of the dodo before you know it! Hahahahahaha!!!

    P.S. My dick is bigger than any white man's.

  8. Anonymous2:55 AM

    @ Fancy Cocksucker -

    Your dick is like an old Oscar Meyer wiener. That's why you post on the internet so much - nobody wants you!!!! Heh heh heh heh.

    Fag. =D

  9. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Why are there so many gay black men? Something like 70 percent of all black men are on the down low. AIDS and syphilis rates among black faggots are skyrocketing.

    Don't believe me? Go to Youtube and type in "Yours And My Truth". These brothers know what's going on. ;)

  10. Fuck all you fuckin sumbitches!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Walt Rite, I thought immigrants who came to this country were hard working. Isn't that the American ideal? Unlese, of course, they are the wrong color immigrants. Is that it?

    Anyway, good luck with that race war.
    Although I suspect that your own kids will be wondering just what the heck you are fighting for.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Limpbaugh9:30 AM

    Intellectual conservative is an oxymoron.

  15. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Walt Rhite, that's a good post and seems as correct as anything I've read.

    It's remarkable to me how radicalized a lot of lower and middle class whites have become in just a few years. You can see a metastasized Yugoslavia on the dim horizon.

    Demographics and wealth gradients with the third world implied a sell-by date for the Anglosphere in any case. In the long run, social cohesion, whether it is based on physical appearance or not, can overrun another's property.

  16. Proggy12:02 PM

    We have to stand up to Big Corporations! Except when they boss us around about Gay Marriage. Or Tranny Bathrooms. We love Apple!

  17. Anonymous2:13 PM


    White people are fucking stupid as shit. Fact.

  18. Three predictions:

    1.The Cavaliers beat the Warriors in the Finals 4-2
    2.Donald Trump defeats Hillary Clinton in November
    3.Yisheng wil continue to be a slimy, ignorant piece of shit

    1. How did half gooks survive evolution5:08 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. field negro said...
    Walt Rite, I thought immigrants who came to this country were hard working. Isn't that the American ideal? Unless, of course, they are the wrong color immigrants. Is that it?

    Anyway, good luck with that race war.
    Although I suspect that your own kids will be wondering just what the heck you are fighting for


    No need to wonder, they know that everything I do is for them.

    As far as hyperbole about a "race war" goes, it is your side that has ratcheted up extremism by calling for the de facto extermination of the white population. How long was that supposed to go on unanswered?

    As far as I am concerned, the black man is neither my ally nor my enemy. I wish no ill on others. Being a white identitarian does not necessitate an animus towards other people, just a desire to maintain a place for your own people. Ideally, racial identity wouldn't matter and people would be free to go about their business as individuals. But your side has won, and in today's America, racial identity is everything. It's time to get in the game or get lost.

    Today's immigration policy was forged by an alliance between Big Business cheap labor interests and socialists who wish to replace a troublesomely independent native population with a more docile third world peasantry. In the past, you could not immigrate to America without already having a job secured. The government didn't hand you anything, and you either made your way or back you went. Today you are eligible for a wide range of benefits the day you get here, whether it was legally or not. You cannot have both a universal welfare state and open borders, a situation which creates an infinite supply of immigrants for a finite pool of resources. Remove all benefit eligibility from non-citizens, and anyone who can come and make their way here is welcome - as long as they don't come here to impose their own culture on my own. I don't support my government's attempt to impose its values on other countries, whether it is pushing democracy in the Middle East or homosexual acceptance in Africa any more than I accept their agenda to Fundamentally Change things here at home. People should be able to live their own way with whom they freely choose. This is considered a basic human right for everyone but white people.

    The Alt Right is an inevitable reaction to an intolerable status quo. If you are to survive, injustice must be met with resistance. Surely you understand that?

  20. Anonymous4:15 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Quatro6:09 PM

    Trey said...
    Three predictions:
    1.The Cavaliers beat the Warriors in the Finals 4-2
    2.Donald Trump defeats Hillary Clinton in November
    3.Yisheng wil continue to be a slimy, ignorant piece of shit

    I hope you go three for three Trey, but even if LeBron and LeDonald can't bring it home, you'll always have Yisheng.

  22. How did half gooks survive evolution7:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Hey Field, have you noticed that Ben Carson attacks black Democrats who cite racism as a factor in black America's underperformance, but he brings it up himself whenever he's arguing for white Republicans? What's up with that?

  24. Makes you almost feel sorry for white men huh? Well if 300 years of affirmative action and the rule of law wasn't enough for them to thrive then I just don't know what to tell you.

  25. All thanks to Dr Okeyto , I am here to share a good testimony of my self on how i came in contact with a real herbalist who helped me. i appreciate everyone for taken their precious time to read my testimony, 3 months ago i was diagnosed of HIV, this means that 3months ago i was HIV positive when i told one of my good friend about this, she sympathized with me and then she said that she was going to help me out, she told me that we should do some research on the internet, we came across Dr Okeyto and my friend said that she has come across a lot about him and said that he is a real herbalist remedy to all illness, i was really surprised on this and confused as well, I was so speechless and quickly i contact him through his mail at {} to help me and he prepared some herbs for me and send it across to me and he told me the way i was going to be taken the medicine which i did, and in the next 2 weeks i went to the hospital and they said that i am now HIV negative, i am very happy about this, when i contacted Dr Okeyto again to tell him the good result , i asked him how he was able to help me, and he said that he was gifted with it that he can cure illness like.
    Below are some of the illness i know he cure:
    1 Cancer
    2 Hiv
    3 Low sperm count
    4 Barrenness
    5 Hvp
    6 Herpes
    7 Genital Wart
    8 Rare disease
    9 Hepatitis
    10 Syphilis,
    So i am posting to this forum and also thanking him, saying if you are into similar situation or you have any kind of disease problem you can as well contact him on his mail ( or call he on phone +2349050141440/whats-app him is willing and ever ready to help,him is a great herbalist that treats and cure all manner of diseases .Contact him today and get your problem solve.Thanks

  26. WC, it's the Clarence Thomas disease . Black Conservstives are infected with it. :)

  27. Anonymous10:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    Makes you almost feel sorry for white men huh? Well if 300 years of affirmative action

    No one ever gave whites affirmative action.

    Affirmative action is for losers.

  28. I am very happy today with my family. My name is lisa tommy living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jato a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without stress.. He always hello, now i call him my him now he is always online email ( or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348140033827...
