Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"Empire state of mind."

Image result for empire state voting primary images*"New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
The lights will inspire you
Let's hear it for New York, New York,
New York.."

Yeah, let's hear it for New York. TonightIt's their turn to vote for presidential candidates. Three of the candidates, like Jay Z, are going to claim that they rep New York, but I don't know about that.

Bernie was born and raised there, but he got out as soon as he could, Hillary moved there to get elected, and Donald is from...well, another planet.  

Speaking of Donald, he might have some problems. I am not talking about him mistaking the heroes  who work at 7eleven for the heroes who worked after 9/11. I am talking about him claiming to be down there and knowing some of the people who were killed.

"Donald Trump has a 9/11 problem — and it’s not that he called it “7/11” on the eve of the New York primary.
At a rally in Buffalo, N.Y., Monday, the Republican frontrunner referred to the wrong date while recalling the 2001 terror attacks — a flub that was soon trending online. But it was a story about his own experience at Ground Zero that is drawing scrutiny.
“Everyone who helped clear the rubble — and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit — but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” Trump said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us — and they handled it.”
The real estate mogul’s anecdote was meant to illustrate his “New York values” — a phrase that has become a conservative flashpoint in Trump’s battle with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the race for the GOP nomination.
But his assertion that he helped clear rubble in the search for 9/11 survivors is fraught with questions.
“Did he mean he picked up a few chunks of concrete?” Philip Bump writes in the Washington Post. “Sent staff to assist? It’s not clear.”
It’s clear that Trump was at or near Ground Zero in the days following the attacks.
New York Newsday spotted Trump there on Sept. 13, according to this excerpt cited in Bump’s report:
The workers are so worn out that they barely glance at the sight of Donald Trump, every hair in place and impeccably dressed in a black suit, pressed white shirt and red tie, walking into the plaza with his cellular phone to his ear. “No, no. The building’s gone,” he says into the phone.

The same day, standing three blocks from Ground Zero, Trump gave an interview to a German television reporter who asked the real estate mogul whether he would be involved in the reconstruction efforts.
“Well, I have a lot of men down here right now,” Trump replied. “We have over 100 and we have about 125 coming. So we’ll have a couple of hundred people down here.”' [Story]
You gotta love Donald. All  this and the people of New York will  still give him a great majority of the votes tonight. 
"8 million stories, out there in the naked
City it's a pity, half of y'all won't make it.."
Those 8 million stories could all be negative ones about Donald and he would still make it.
Let's hear it once again for New York. It's been that type of political season.


  1. The Ministry of Truth10:06 PM

    On 7/11, er, I mean 9/11, Donald was busy watching a special TV news channel that shows stuff that didn't happen -- like large crowds of New Jersey Muslims cheering the terrorist attack.

  2. Yisheng10:41 PM

    Great speech by Clinton!

  3. Yisheng10:45 PM

    The Clinton camp looks very much like America, while the Trump camp looks like a few elites got lost in Whooteemooville, ROTFL!!

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    So what are "Philadelphia values?"

  5. Anonymous11:49 PM

    7/11, not 9/11 ... Yeah, that's MUCH worse than when Purple Lips said America had 57 states ... or when he made fun of the Special Olympics ... or when he said ten thousand people died in a Kansas tornado, when only 12 died ...

  6. The Ministry of Truth12:02 AM

    "7/11, not 9/11 ... Yeah, that's MUCH worse than when Purple Lips said America had 57 states ... or when he made fun of the Special Olympics ... or when he said ten thousand people died in a Kansas tornado, when only 12 died ..."

    Hey, get a grip. No one is saying that Trump shouldn't be president because he had a bit of a brain fart during a speech. It's just fun to have a little laugh at his expense.

    Of course, plenty of people ARE saying he shouldn't be president because he is a racist; an unethical, scumbag robber baron businessman; a complete ignoramus on every aspect of public policy; and a lying reality TV clown.

    Oh, and he looks like a very angry block of cheddar cheese wearing a coonskin cap.

  7. I see that the Trumpsters are trying to tone shit down now that they've won New York. Maybe they think most Americans who have been horrified by Trump for most of a year all have Etch-A-Sketches for brains and just a little shake up and all of that nastiness will disappear.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. The Ministry of Truth12:45 AM

    "I see that the Trumpsters are trying to tone shit down now that they've won New York. Maybe they think most Americans who have been horrified by Trump for most of a year all have Etch-A-Sketches for brains and just a little shake up and all of that nastiness will disappear."

    The Etch-A-Sketch theory was unlikely for Romney, and utterly laughable for Trump. There's no way you can run as David Duke in the spring to please all the GOP primary knuckledraggers and hope the non-mutant general election voters forgot about all that stuff by the time fall rolls around.

    Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Trump has to win something like 55% of the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination, and it's not certain he can actually pull that off. Otherwise, it's Riotin' Time in Cleveland.

  9. The Ministry of Truth12:49 AM

    The Bern was not felt today. Hillary got 58% of the NY vote.

    After next week's primaries, the fat lady will have officially sung, but I expect Bernie to stick it out until the bitter end anyway.

  10. Donald Trump is the most "New York" of all the candidates.

  11. If Trump does win in November, I hope he will be smart enough to take a giant shit on losers like Yisheng.

  12. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Trump will lose NY in the general so who gives a shit how he does in the primaries?

  13. Anonymous3:09 AM

    If Trump does win in November, I hope he will be smart enough to take a giant shit on losers like Aardvark.


  14. LOL. Yisheng jigging for Hillary like the good negro she is.

  15. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Congrats to H and trump. Looks like they are heading for a showdown. This should be fun. Let the debates begin.

    Wait,that's right, trump doesn't debate anymore.


  16. Yisheng7:46 AM

    Actually Roach, my family's bottom line is MUCH better served with a Rethug in the White House, unlike yours. You'd be poor trash no matter who wins the next election.

    BTW what is this fixation you have with all things anus, besides your sexual preferences?

  17. Limpbaugh9:15 AM

    The cover up of the 9/11 inside job epitomizes what the establishment political parties and media are about. Republicans have united with Obama to block the 9/11 bill. We know it would declassify information about Saudi support of the 9/11 terrorists because Bob Graham told us that. One thing to keep in mind about Saudi Arabia is that they are a kingdom. Their royal family and government are the same thing. The establishment's cover up of Saudi involvement in 9/11 reminds me of LBJ covering up Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. Israel wanted to blame the attack on Egypt but the plan didn't work because a Russian ship saw Israel do it. It was covered up and finally declassified after 40 years.

    If they do release information about Saudi involvement in 9/11 it will be true information, but far from the whole truth. Who could have set up the controlled demolitions? Who had control of the World Trade Center security. Who could have shot a missile into the Pentagon or planted a bomb there? Who could confiscate security camera footage of the Pentagon attack and never release it? Who could have scheduled war games to camouflage the attack? Who could have ordered air defenses to stand down? Who could have notified the media that Building 7 had already collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did? And who could have hushed up the media after they pulled it in broad daylight. The answer is an element within the U.S. government.

    I would first look to the ones who called for a New Pearl Harbor to get public support for taking over the Middle East, like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Scooter Libby. PNAC member Elliot Abrams was also involved in Iran/Contra. Retired Democrat Lee Hamilton was a chairman of the "investigations" that covered up each of those crimes, although he wasn't on the PNAC Committee. John Lehman was on the PNAC Committee and he was also appointed to the 9/11 Commission. That's how stupid these killers think you are. And they are right if you can't even see that Building 7 was a controlled demolition. "Furniture fires" don't cause 47 story buildings with 84 steel columns to collapse through themselves as fast as a bowling ball falls through thin air. Subpoena Larry Silverstein and he will tell everything he knows. He already confessed in a televised interview with Charlie Rose.The reason why PNAC member Bill Kristol is so panicked about a Trump presidency is most likely because he is afraid that Trump might have a real investigation. The asshole even suggested nominating Dick Cheney as an alternative. Establishment puppet and Hillary Clinton supporter, Bill de Blasio; squashed the last well organized attempt to get a real investigation. You probably didn't hear about that, but the media did tell you about his "CP time" joke and his refusal to apologize for it. This is the same guy who threw Alan Grayson under the bus when Grayson told the tea party, "if the hood fits wear it" while he was campaigning for de Blasio.

  18. The Ministry of Truth said...

    " Hey, get a grip. No one is saying that Trump shouldn't be president because he had a bit of a brain fart during a speech. It's just fun to have a little laugh at his expense."

    The same left who wants to have a "little fun" are the same ones who tried to cover-up, bury or explain away all of the chosen ones "brain farts". And they called anyone pointing out the chosen ones "brain farts" racist.

    Where would the left be without their hypocrisy?

  19. "Those 8 million stories could all be negative ones about Donald and he would still make it. "

    Just like Hillary's 8 million lies and she will still get 91% of the black vote.

  20. ReubensBlues10:40 AM

    So what in the heck does drive the black vote?

    I can't say that it's the possibility of increasing the number of entry and low level jobs, or else Trump (as the only candidate seriously suggesting limiting the number of people entering the country) would be a shoo-in.

    Some sort of political spoils system? A purely emotional response that somehow Clinton 'understands' them? Some kind of general notion that removing money from A and giving to B will improve what appears to be a broken culture? Some kind of anti-cop pro civil disorder thing in order to make things more 'fair'?

    Worldwide demographic changes show you how we in the West are all going to be overrun at some point. Maybe there's just a general nihilism in the air to burn the whole thing down...especially if you don't have much buy-in to the 2000+ year old dominant culture.

  21. Anything that Yisheng says can be translated into: blah blah blah I'm a dumb ignorant wannabe negro doctor blah blah blah oh btw I'm a STRONG BLACK WOMAN blah blah blah I'm ignorant as hell blah blah blah BLACK SUPREMACY!

  22. Lt. Commander Johnson2:14 PM

    Yeah, Queenie wants to constantly accuse people who tell her to shove it up her ass, as some type of anal fixation.

    She is a dog.

  23. The Ministry of Truth3:51 PM

    It has been announced that Harriet Tubman will be replacing Andrew Jackson on our $20 banknote. Brace yourself for a hair-on-fire racist freakout. It's coming.

    Personally, if we're now going to start putting people on our currency who are not politicians or statesmen (I'm not sure how to classify Tubman -- activist?), then maybe we should print more versions of each bill and open them up to people who've made all kinds of important and lasting achievements, such as scientists, artists, political thinkers, other civic leaders. That's what many other countries do.

  24. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Anything that Aardvark says can be translated into: blah blah blah I'm a dumb ignorant white guy blah blah blah oh btw I'm a STRONG WHITE MAN blah blah blah I'm ignorant as hell blah blah blah WHITE SUPREMACY!


  25. You see Harriett Tubman will be on the 20 dollar bill? How about that?

  26. @Ministry of Truth: How often does the U.S. Goverment get ANYTHING right? The choice of Tubman is the best. More courage than all the other contenders, all the men on all the other bills put together. To escape slavery and be willing to GO BACK to rescue others - many times. Still blows my mind.

    A (black) friend opined that Americans might stop using the #20 bill and start using more $10s. The cynic! Not that he couldn't get a lot of evidence to support that prediction.

    School children would finally have to find out about her. Texan elementary schools would have to admit slavery existed!

  27. Anotherbozo, that's a good point.

    Some folks will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

    Consider the man we had on the $20 bill before.

  28. @field negro:

    You mean the slaveholder who ordered the Cherokee Trail of Tears? Wotta bargain.

    Wonder if ATMs will still be issuing $20 bills in 2030. Will be hard to avoid Ms Tubman then!

  29. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Amen, brutha field. As a bm, i am ashamed it has taken us so long to join the 21st century. Thankfully, we have nice white ladies like Hillary Clinton showing us the way.

  30. Anonymous6:39 PM

    ATMS will stop issuing negro bucks. Walmart will stop accepting negro bucks.

    That will caus you LWNJ'S butthurt and make you sad. HA!

  31. Are the whooteemoos going to burn their 20's with their crosses??

  32. Racists won't accept a Harriet Tubman twenty-dollar bill in change, only $19.99.

  33. Anonymous9:25 PM

    As a black man, I agree with Dr. Ben Carson's statement about putting Ms. Tubman on the $2 bill instead of the 20. Do we need more reasons for white people to laugh and ridicule and hate us?

  34. "Racists won't accept a Harriet Tubman twenty-dollar bill in change, only $19.99."


    "Amen, brutha field. As a bm, i am ashamed it has taken us so long to join the 21st century. Thankfully, we have nice white ladies like Hillary Clinton showing us the way."

    DBA! DBA!

  35. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Harriet Tubman. Interesting. I had to look her up to see who in the world she even was.

    There's got to be someone more accomplished than that if you are looking for an AA paper money hire. Douglass maybe?

  36. The Ministry of Truth9:49 PM

    "Harriet Tubman. Interesting. I had to look her up to see who in the world she even was."

    Jesus, I hope you're not an American. Although, if you are, you're probably from one of our lovely former Confederate states, with history books that are works of pure fiction.

  37. The Ministry of Truth10:04 PM

    "As a black man, I agree with Dr. Ben Carson's statement about putting Ms. Tubman on the $2 bill instead of the 20. Do we need more reasons for white people to laugh and ridicule and hate us?"

    Probably best not to consult Dr. Carson on any subject not related to neurosurgery. This is the guy who thinks the Egyptian pyramids were grain silos.

    If any president had to come off one of our banknotes, I'm happiest it's Jackson.

    Of course, Carson's reasons for revering Jackson are tied up with present-day wingnut nonsense: Jackson cleared the national debt. This is something economic idiots think is a good idea, though nowadays, debt paranoia really mostly a dishonest pretext for de-funding social programs that wingnuts hate for ideological reasons.

    I'm sure Jackson would also be popular today for indulging yet another illogical right-wing obsession: He killed off the central bank that Alexander Hamilton (also known as the $10 bill guy) had helped to create. This terrible idea lead to eight decades of constant economic instability before another central bank could be created. And today, goldbug morons like Ron Paul are still campaigning to "end the Fed" -- because conservatives are incapable of learning anything, and love repeating the same dumb mistakes over and over again.

  38. Anonymous10:33 PM

    LOL. White boy doesn't know who Harriet Tubman is. Damn, white people are stupid as shit.

  39. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "Damn, white people are stupid as shit."

    I think you are confusing 'stupid' with 'ignorant', but that's a side issue.

    Looking at the Harriet Tubman wikipedia entry (not a be-all end-all but good enough for now), I just can't see her importance. Even in terms of just the US Civil War, she was a pretty minor character.

    To be fair, it's hard to tell who will get promoted beyond their actual actions in terms of building up a cultural mythology. As another example, it isn't like George Armstrong Custer changed the world much beyond getting himself killed by a bit of overconfidence.

    No doubt we'll have Cesar Chavez on the $5 in just a few years.

  40. Chavez would be a step up from some of the people we have now.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Anonymous9:38 AM

    "Chavez would be a step up from some of the people we have now."

    To his credit, he was extremely anti illegal immigration.
