Monday, April 18, 2016

"Hot sauce Hillary" and the politics of pandering.

Image result for hot sauce hillary    Man that Hillary is really working hard for the black and minority vote. First she sits down for a game of bones,  in Harlem, and then she tells some folks on urban radio that she always travels with some "hot sauce".

Bernie is pushing that poor woman so far left that she is going to claim to have a secret black lover before this is all over. But it's all good.  Hot sauce or no hot sauce, us black folks have seen enough of Hillary and her husband to know exactly what we are going to get with them.

Not to be outdone, Bernie was giving some serious dap to some young buck in South Carolina. Nice. It's no wonder the young black folks have so much love for Bernie. They don't sense  that he is a phony. Plus, I am sure that his message of making college free  for all doesn't hurt. No more student loans! Yeah! 

Call it pandering if you will, but at least the democratic candidates are trying to reach out to us and hear our concerns for the future of the country.

Contrast that to the guy leading the field on the republican side and you kind of get the picture. I mean they are selling confederate themed shirts at his rallies for crying out loud! (h/t Shaun King) 

 Donald Trump has 99 problems, and race is definitely one of them

And don't even get me started on Ted Cruz. When he made his infamous New York values comments I think we all knew exactly what (or who) he was talking about: Their values aren't like our values. They actually embrace diversity and shit.  They welcome foreigners and different people to their city.

I just wish that the republicans were coming to my city and not Cleveland this summer for their convention. We would roll out the red carpet for them and show them some brotherly love. We can do it. Did you see how nice we were to the Pope?

Anyway, we are going to have the democrats.

Sadly, though, I suspect that their convention is going to be a lot more boring.

 Unless, of course. Hillary all of a sudden loses her love for hot sauce.




  1. Nah, I think Clinton's not pandering here. She's apparently bought into a diet fad and enjoyed it enough to stick with it. She apparently also eats raw peppers since 1992, and that fits with the diet fads of the time. I was trying to lose a few pounds to get a promotion in the Marines in the 1990s and a lot of the supplements had pepper extracts in them, and the weightlifting magazines were advocating eating tons of raw peppers. My brother-in-law is eating raw Carolina Reaper peppers to avoid cancer right now.

    Plus? Diet food is bland as shit, I'd be even more addicted to hot sauce if I was on a professionally-required diet for decades on end.

    Hillary Clinton is compromised as hell, but I'm willing to give her a pass on hot sauce. Why not, she deserves a little flavor in her life.

  2. Yisheng11:22 PM

    Hilary's got got sauce in her bag, swag!

    She'll be quoting Formation and wearing a Black beret next, lol!!

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Bernie Sanders: Because Everything Whitey Has, You Should Have, Too!

    (And if they won't give it up, we'll take it from them.)

  4. Hillary is all right for an old white lady. I'm gonna vote for her, not that it will matter in the general in California, but still...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous12:54 AM

    @ dinthe beast -

    Yeah, Dog, us Black Folk should DEFINITELY vote for Hillary and shit, you know what am sayin? Shit, her husband Bill Clinton, he loves Black People, too - he said so! Ain't nobody gonna lie to US!

  6. Sorry, but I'm not a black folk: Scots-Irish English and German, you don't get much whiter than that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. The Ministry of Truth1:42 AM

    "Hot sauce or no hot sauce, us black folks have seen enough of Hillary and her husband to know exactly what we are going to get with them."

    Not sure I totally agree with that. Bill Clinton was responding to the prevailing (conservative) attitudes of his day. To a lot of liberals, his presidency looked like the least-worst option available under unpleasant circumstances. Bill was the "at least he's not a Republican" guy. However, the policies her husband delivered on ,say, support for low-income people, or criminal justice, back in the '90s are not necessarily what Hillary would deliver as president today.

    If anything, the biggest problem with Hillary that we just don't know. She does not exactly exude authenticity. She's heavily focus-grouped and comes off as being whatever various demographics need her to be to get elected -- which means nobody's 100% sure what we'll be getting once she's president. (Bernie's campaign is predicated on making the most cynical assumption, that she would be another Bill, and that liberals can actually do better than a "third-way" political compromise candidate in today's political climate.)

    Some of Hillary's pandering is indeed rather cringeworthy. SNL nailed her perfectly with her "I think you're really gonna like the Hillary Clinton that my team and I have created for this debate."

    That said, the hot sauce thing doesn't seem to be an affectation designed to please black people. Her love affair with chili-based products is documented going back years.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. She is known for her scrambled eggs with jalapeño & queso fresco. She makes them everywhere for friends family & staff. She also "can drink any man in the senate under the table" according to John McCaine.

  10. Quote: Doug In Oakland

    "Sorry, but I'm not a black folk: Scots-Irish English and German, you don't get much whiter than that."

    My Irish friends inform me that there's no such thing as 'Scots-Irish'. There's only 'Irish'.

    Just sayin'

  11. Yeah, but u gotta love how the resident troll made an assumption that backfired in its face.:)

    Thanks for the education on H and her dietary habits. I did not know abt her hot sauce jones.

    Yep, she gets a pass on this one

    MOT, it's not only the draconian positions on law and sentencing Bill took in Arkansas, but his Sister Soldier moment and other politically driven moves just tells me that he is a political first and not someone who is driven by any ideological convictions. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing given the way that politics is done here in America.

  12. Yeah, but u gotta love how the resident troll made an assumption that backfired in its face.:)

    Thanks for the education on H and her dietary habits. I did not know abt her hot sauce jones.

    Yep, she gets a pass on this one

    MOT, it's not only the draconian positions on law and sentencing Bill took in Arkansas, but his Sister Soldier moment and other politically driven moves just tells me that he is a political first and not someone who is driven by any ideological convictions. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing given the way that politics is done here in America.

  13. L. Bennett7:29 AM

    Philly,... ? Yeah Right, I also saw how nice you guys were to the robot that was traveling around spreading robotly love.

    L Bennett

  14. Hot sauce n her bag, sure, but does she ever take Bill to Red Lobster?

  15. Limpbaugh9:03 AM

    Bernie Sanders has been remarkably consistent. He was arrested in Chicago in 1963 while protesting school racial segregation. His campaign still plays music from that era. Hillary Clinton was campaigning for racist Barry Goldwater back then. Sanders is an FDR style liberal. Clinton is a Third Way Democrat. Sort of like a pro corporate "liberal" hedge fund manager might be. She is for civil rights but she will lie to start wars that kill your kids. She will have your kids arrested for smoking marijuana but she won't arrest bankers or corporate CEOs. She will export your jobs so corporations can pay lower wages. She is acceptable to Goldman Sachs. Sanders isn't. She is a corporate tool.

  16. The Minister of Truth12:52 PM

    "My Irish friends inform me that there's no such thing as 'Scots-Irish'. There's only 'Irish'."

    I'm sure your Irish friends prefer such detailed distinctions about ethnic origins not be emphasized because, in Ulster, discussions about who is a "real Irishman" run the risk of returning to paramilitaries and bombings.

    Those risks don't exist here in the States, and it's commonplace for Americans to list their ethnic background as Scotland, by way of Ireland.

  17. The Ministry of Truth1:07 PM

    "MOT, it's not only the draconian positions on law and sentencing Bill took in Arkansas, but his Sister Soldier moment and other politically driven moves just tells me that he is a political first and not someone who is driven by any ideological convictions. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing given the way that politics is done here in America."

    I totally agree. Bill Clinton is best described as "malleable" -- someone who easily adjusts his policy stances to get elected. And Hillary comes off the same way.

    So the question is what that means for how Hillary would govern. She's run on the idea that her presidency would be more or less an Obama third term, and I suspect that's probably what would actually happen.

    Bernie and his supporters, however, have sometimes made the argument that she will govern more like Bill than Obama -- effectively, more conservatively than Obama -- citing some of Bill's policies that today are viewed very negatively and implying she'd bring them back. I don't know how realistic that is, but it's lent plausibility by Hillary's authenticity problem.

  18. What TMOT said. My most uber-Irish friends refer to me as a "Prod" as the political in Ireland is also religious, and I understand that my ancestors were looked down upon by their more purely Irish brethren. Sort of like immigrants in another larger country I have heard about.
    They're wrong, though, I'm really an atheist.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. Thanks Field for bringing back HNOTD. I know it never officially left but I used to seemingly see it everyday and the last several months I missed it--maybe it was showing up on days I failed to visit the blog. Anyway, I am happy to see my favorite feature of your great blog. Keep calling out those House Negroes...

  20. At the moment, don't be surprised if hillary doesn't
    two 5 little Pygmy's in her pocketbook. Has to keep as much blackness as close until this fiasco's over. They help her keep her accent on point.

  21. "I think we all knew exactly what (or who) he was talking about: Their values aren't like our values. They actually embrace diversity and shit. They welcome foreigners and different people to their city."

    They also embrace client #9, carlos danger, dinkins ,and cuomo. They also embrace big government until they have to pay for it. Then they leave their liberal utopia and spread their liberal mental disorder around the rest of the country. There's the violence. And New Yorkers have to be told not to rape, rob, riot and murder each other whenever the power goes out.

    Those are the New York values Cruz speaks of. But of course a racial demagogue never misses a chance to race bait.

  22. Field, you forgot to mention Hillary using her southern accent around blahs. Don't know why she waste her time. Blacks are already going to vote for her no matter what.

  23. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Trump will kick any D's ass up one side of the block and back down the other. You won't know what hit you.

  24. Anon, he might need to convince his party bosses to make him the nominee first.

  25. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Just read any book written by Clinton-era White House staff about Hillary and you'll know all you need to know. Besides being ambitious as all get-out (which is part of the job description), she's as crazy as a shit house rat.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson1:51 PM

    Just out of curiosity, I have to have some hot sauce around me, all the time. A drop or two never hurts!

    Do you Black folks have a preferred brand?

    I like Tabasco, and Crystal, and Louisiana hot sauce.

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson10:12 PM

    Hillary probably used to dose an amount of hot sauce to Huma's twat, before the Wiener poked into the fun stuff.

  28. Anonymous10:44 AM

    ouch for huma
