Sunday, May 15, 2016

"A classic Clinton operation"?

Image result for bill and hillary  imagesThere were a lot of federal agents all over my town today. They were here for the Penn graduation. Donald trump's daughter and the Vice President's granddaughter were graduating, and both men were in attendance. I wonder if they had a chance to meet with each other.

If they did see each other poor Biden must have been looking at trump and wishing that it was him and not Hillary running against him for president. 

Given Hillary's high negatives and her inability to put away Bernie I can see why he would feel that way. Although part of the reason Hillary is not doing well with a certain type of voter is because of her close association with Barack Obama. She beat the pants off of him in West Virginia in 2008, but then she aligned herself with him and, as a result, got crushed by Bernie in the same state. (Here is a little tidbit to remember: Just like with money, when folks say it's not about race, it is always about race.)  

Speaking of Hillary, her campaign is now being accused of planting that wonderful illuminating piece about trump's treatment of women which ran yesterday in the New York Times. If we are to believe everything in the article, Donald has Bubba beat when it comes to how he views and  treats some women.

"Donald J. Trump had barely met Rowanne Brewer Lane when he asked her to change out of her clothes.
Donald was having a pool party at Mar-a-Lago. There were about 50 models and 30 men. There were girls in the pools, splashing around. For some reason Donald seemed a little smitten with me. He just started talking to me and nobody else.
He suddenly took me by the hand, and he started to show me around the mansion. He asked me if I had a swimsuit with me. I said no. I hadn’t intended to swim. He took me into a room and opened drawers and asked me to put on a swimsuit.
–Rowanne Brewer Lane, former companion
Ms. Brewer Lane, at the time a 26-year-old model, did as Mr. Trump asked. “I went into the bathroom and tried one on,” she recalled. It was a bikini. “I came out, and he said, ‘Wow.’ ”
Mr. Trump, then 44 and in the midst of his first divorce, decided to show her off to the crowd at Mar-a-Lago, his estate in Palm Beach, Fla.
“He brought me out to the pool and said, ‘That is a stunning Trump girl, isn’t it?’ ” Ms. Brewer Lane said.
Donald Trump and women: The words evoke a familiar cascade of casual insults, hurled from the safe distance of a Twitter account, a radio show or a campaign podium. This is the public treatment of some women by Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president: degrading, impersonal, performed. “That must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees,” he told a female contestant on “The Celebrity Apprentice.” Rosie O’Donnell, he said, had a “fat, ugly face.” A lawyer who needed to pump milk for a newborn? “Disgusting,” he said."
What a guy.
Anyway, the RNC chairman and others are blaming her for the  John Miller story as well. They must really think that Hillary and her peeps are powerful. They are alleging that the stories are phony and are a part of a "classic Clinton operation." It's possible, of course, that the Clintons did do some Clintonesque stuff, but let's not lose sight of the real story here: That the republican nominee for president is a lying narcissistic fraud.
Of course it all won't make a difference. The dance will continue and the American people will continue to get suckered by one of the greatest cons in the history of American business. 
The sun is coming out and the day is looking better as I type this.
Donald must have left the city.    
*Pic from



  1. Lt. Commander Johnson7:46 PM

    If you don't realize what a stinking whore Hillary is, you are deluded.

    Remember the cum-shot on Monica'?

    She defend-ending him.

    "Friends of Women?"

    I don't think so.

  2. Whatever stupid bullshit you may choose to believe about her, she would be better at doing the job of president, where even the smallest of words and actions can affect the workings of things (like markets and alliances) around the world.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Colonel Bernie "KKK" Sanders9:02 PM

    "Just like with money, when folks say it's not about race, it is always about race"

    So even when there isn't a black person in the race, both candidates are equally as obsequious towards towards black voters and has each vowed repeatedly to keep up the democrat's War on Whites, somehow still Field sees racism in how the people of West Virginia chose one over the other. Wow.

    There is no hope for Black America. But there will be change.

  4. The Ministry of Truth9:06 PM

    "Although part of the reason Hillary is not doing well with a certain type of voter is because of her close association with Barack Obama. She beat the pants off of him in West Virginia in 2008, but then she aligned herself with him and, as a result, got crushed by Bernie in the same state."

    Alright, this I'm not really buying.

    In 2008, Obama and Hillary were running on fairly similar platforms, so I'll grant that maybe race may have given her a bit of an edge in that primary season -- enough to put her over the top in several regions. But this isn't really true with Bernie, who has offered a platform that is noticeably different from Hillary's.

    I don't think most of the Bernie voters refused to support Hillary because she's got Obama stink on her. From what I've seen, most of them aren't exactly mad at Obama. They just liked the policies Bernie was offering working-class people more than what Hillary was offering. If anything, I think it's the other way around: Obama's endorsement of Hillary helped her with black and Latino voters, who feel a stronger loyalty to our first minority president and so his endorsement means more to them. This was combined with the fact that Bernie simply did an insufficient amount of campaigning in black and Latino communities, compared to Hillary, until it was too late in the game.

    If it was all about actual hatred for Obama and black people, you should see those white Bernie voters turn around and happily support Trump in the general election, but that isn't going to happen. What I expect will happen is that hardcore Bernie supporters will either a) act rationally and throw their vote to Hillary, or b) sulk like babies and refuse to vote at all (or pointlessly write in Bernie on their ballots), because Bernie has now convinced them Hillary is an evil, sinister right-winger who is somehow just as bad as Trump.

  5. Rosie O’Donnell, he said, had a “fat, ugly face.”

    Rosie O’Donnell does in truth have a “fat, ugly face.”

    Status: Verified

  6. "If we are to believe everything in the article, Donald has Bubba beat when it comes to how he views and treats some women."

    Donald Trump asked 26 year-old Brewer Lane to put on a bikini (when he was not married) and has made an accurate assessment of Rosie O'Donnell's appearance.

    Bill Clinton forcibly raped Juanita Broaddrick, shoved his dick in Paula Jones' face, and stuck a cigar up the twat of a 21 year-old intern in the Oval Office. His wife helped him ruin all these women's lives (among others) in order to preserve their political ambitions.

    But Field "believes" that Trump's record with women is worse.

    Some of us can think enough to not blindly believe what the New York Times wants us to believe.

    It's the same old Democrat/Media playbook: Convince the droolers that whatever individual or group opposes their agenda is racist and sexist. War on Women and Put Y'all Back in Chains!". I'm sure they appreciate the support.

  7. The Ministry of Truth10:08 PM

    Obama rips Trump in Rutgers commencement speech. Just a couple highlights:

    “A wall won’t stop that,” he said, alluding to the proposal by Republicans’ presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, to build a wall at the US-Mexico border. "The point is, to help ourselves, we’ve got to help others, not pull up the drawbridge and try to keep the world out.”

    ... and ...

    “In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue,” he said. “It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about. That’s not keeping it real or telling it like it is. That’s not challenging political correctness. That’s just not knowing what you’re talking about.”

    Unfortunately, for the Trumpkins, ignorance is the greatest virtue.

  8. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The more Obama "rips" Trump the better for Trump. Those who like Trump despise Barack.

  9. The Trumpening10:51 PM

    "The point is, to help ourselves, we’ve got to help others, not pull up the drawbridge and try to keep the world out.”

    What a bunch of idiotic nonsense. Obama thinks you are all Kindergartners. When is comes to MoT, he's right.

    Actually, we can help ourselves without helping others. We can help others too, but without having to put their interests ahead of ours, or those of our posterity.

    There are times where it is appropriate to pull up the drawbridge. Trump is not advocating "keeping the world out", just those who come here illegally, drug smugglers, and terrorists.

    Only a foolish child thinks that it is "mean" to enforce the same border laws every other country on earth does. Someday your balls will drop and you'll stop sounding like a 6 year old girl.

  10. Rosie O'Donnell is a super nasty cunt. I'm not sure who is worse, her or Yisheng. It's a pretty close call.

  11. Do racist whypipo realize that when the President dropped the mike, he was also telling them to kiss the "Black side" of his a$$?

    Stupid people post under 100 usernames.

  12. Yisheng is talking out of her flabby ass again.

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson12:53 AM

    LOL. Just how many billionaires can't get a women to pull her panties down?

    What a joke.

  14. Well, Yisheng can rest easy knowing that no billionaire would ever want her to pull her panties down. Too disgusting and disturbing.

  15. Lt. Commander Johnson1:00 AM

    Just how many names have you posted with, on this single blog, Queenie?

  16. James Bold1:04 AM

    "(Here is a little tidbit to remember: Just like with money, when folks say it's not about race, it is always about race.)"

    When Blacks say it's not about hating Whitey, it is always about hating Whitey.  (Field, Franz Kafka was a White man.)

    "Rosie O’Donnell does in truth have a “fat, ugly face.”"

    But to Field, it's presumptively false because a White man said it.

    "The more Obama "rips" Trump the better for Trump."

    Donald J. Trump is anti-fragile, which infuriates the establishment.  They are used to being in control, but the public is fed up with them.  The establishment's condemnation is an endorsement in the public's eyes.

  17. Yisheng1:18 AM

    @12:11 said...
    I love munching on my mother's flabby ass.

    But do you think it tastes like groceries is the question.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson1:25 AM

    Answer the question, made a post earlier about someone using multiple usernames.

    How many have you used, Queenie?

  19. Hey Yisheng, my mother was and is still very fit. Your mother, on the other hand, was a complete flabby assed bitch. Same as you.

  20. "Of course it all won't make a difference. The dance will continue and the American people will continue to get suckered by one of the greatest cons in the history of American business."

    It appears to be a "con" job until you realize that Trump is merely regurgitating what the Republican base already believes. The base is self-conned, and self-suckered.

    A Trump presidency would serve them right, but for the horror it would inflict, not only on the Republican base, but all Americans.

  21. I just can't believe a point in these revelations won't be reached when the angry white racists who support Trump won't say, "He did THAT? Well, that's just going too far. We can't elect this dickhead to anything. We need a guy with SOME dignity (or honesty, or knowledge, or decency), after all." Even Joe the Plumber (remember him?) would have more class than this jerk. Or Sheriff Joe Arpaio, for that matter! Maybe when they find out about his tax bracket? Is there any shred of information that will do it?

  22. Donald J. Trump is anti-fragile, which infuriates the establishment."

    Donald J. Trump IS the establishment. He's a billionaire born into fabulous wealth. Don't ever believe that he will act against his own best interests, and the best interests of the bourgeoisie can never be the same as those of the working class.

  23. " Although part of the reason Hillary is not doing well with a certain type of voter is because of her close association with Barack Obama."

    I have to disagree with your analysis here, Field. Obviously I'm not saying there are no racists in West Virginia(!) - but one of the key areas of frustration for working class voters are the free-trade agreements that are widely perceived (correctly, I think) to have costs millions of woking class American jobs. Sanders has been vociferous in his opposition to NAFTA and TTIP, and Hilary has not. This has played very well in working class areas such as West Virginia.

    Also Bernie was down with the civil rights and anti-aoartheid movements long before it was fashionable for white politicians to be so, and at time when Hilary's husband was cheerfully sending E.S.N. black men to the gas chamber so he would not be viewed as being 'soft on crime'.

    The Marxist critic John Harris did a very good video blog on all this a few days ago, if anyone with a functioning brain is interested.

  24. The Butcher11:16 AM

    The Purple Dimwit said...
    "Donald J. Trump IS the establishment. He's a billionaire born into fabulous wealth. Don't ever believe that he will act against his own best interests, and the best interests of the bourgeoisie can never be the same as those of the working class."

    The fact that he already is a billionaire means there is at least a chance that acting in his own best interests means doing right by the American people and changing his legacy from a blowhard playboy to the man who returned the government to the task of serving the interests of average people. The reason he is hated by both the liberal and the conservative establishments is because he is a traitor to his class. If there is one thing that most party operatives can agree on, it is that the business of the government is to take care of the donor class. Trump threatens the cozy arrangements of money and power, therefore all sides are arrayed against him.

    The Clintons on the other hand have made their millions solely through selling government favors for cash from moneyed interests. Selling out the working class is what they do. Hillary was so fucking greedy she couldn't stop even as she stood on the doorstep of her coronation as President. They have been enabled by a lapdog press into raping and grifting their way through life secure in the knowledge that as long as they keep delivering the possessions of the middle class to their backers, they can take all the trips to Pedophile Island and sell all the state secrets and policy positions they want.

    There is absolutely no rational way one can conclude that Donald Trump could be anything close to as corrupt and destructive as a Hillary Clinton presidency would be. When you support the Clintons, you are supporting the very worst elements of today's ruling class.

  25. Yisheng11:18 AM

    @2:09, rotten rutabagas in your "groceries", huh?


  26. SpanView11:21 AM

    You know, we are a sick, sick nation. Imagine parents still berating their 20 year old for wetting his bed when he was 5 years old. That would be abusive and counter productive. We still have people who berate us for slavery, outgrown at great cost 150 years ago, and racism that was outgrown 50 years ago. Let it go, people, let us grow.

  27. The Purple Cow said... and at time when Hilary's husband was cheerfully sending E.S.N. black men to the gas chamber so he would not be viewed as being 'soft on crime

    So the FEMALE Presidential candidate has to be held accountable for the actions of her former President husband? BULLSHIT PC!!!

    Does Trump have to account for his current wife's nipples being in a magazine 10 years ago?

  28. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Nipples vs. lynchings?

    There is no hope for someone like Yisheng.

  29. @11:40, whatever you say rotten rutabaga. Should I just call you rotru, for short?

  30. "So the FEMALE Presidential candidate has to be held accountable for the actions of her former President husband?"

    Yes and no.

    Firstly, no. I used the example to show how long Sanders has been committed to the African American cause, rather than as an example of where Hilary was wrong on the issue.

    Secondly, yes. Hilary was always the strategic brains behind the Clinton political machine.


    "BULLSHIT PC!!!"

    Maybe, maybe not.

  31. PC, whether or not she was the "brains" behind her husband's presidency is completely moot! SHE was NOT elected to office 2X HE was, so his decisions are 1000% on HIM.

    This is some double standard, misogynistic BS and you KNOW it! And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of it!

    Hillary is doomed by nature of having bigger b**ls than her male counterparts!!

  32. Quote: The Butcher

    "The fact that he already is a billionaire means there is at least a chance that acting in his own best interests means doing right by the American people and changing his legacy from a blowhard playboy to the man who returned the government to the task of serving the interests of average people."

    You are so naive it's incredible. When, in his entire life has Trump ever shown any interest in working class Americans? Trump is a psychopath and a narcissist. His only interest in life are i) himself ii) money and iii) power. His hatred for working class Americans screams from every speech he makes. He lies every day, we all know he never had any intention of building a wall, he never had any intention of banning all Muslims. But the lies are used as tools, to project the image of Trump - the billionaire, concerned about the state the working classes. I call bullshit, and so do the working class. Trump supporters typically earn more than the American average.


    "The reason he is hated by both the liberal and the conservative establishments is because he is a traitor to his class."

    Bullshit. He has never done anything in his life against the interests of the 1%, and what's more he never will.

    " If there is one thing that most party operatives can agree on, it is that the business of the government is to take care of the donor class. Trump threatens the cozy arrangements of money and power, therefore all sides are arrayed against him."

    Again nonsense. The republicans hate him because they can't control him and he has sidelined the political ambitions of many Republican big shots. The Democrats hate him because he is either a racist and a misogynist or somebody who pretends to be both to get votes.


    "The Clintons on the other hand have made their millions solely through selling government favors for cash from moneyed interests. Selling out the working class is what they do. Hillary was so fucking greedy she couldn't stop even as she stood on the doorstep of her coronation as President. They have been enabled by a lapdog press into raping and grifting their way through life secure in the knowledge that as long as they keep delivering the possessions of the middle class to their backers, they can take all the trips to Pedophile Island and sell all the state secrets and policy positions they want."

    Almost all of this is true, but none of this is relevant to the points I was making.

    "There is absolutely no rational way one can conclude that Donald Trump could be anything close to as corrupt and destructive as a Hillary Clinton presidency would be."

    Oh believe me there is every chance that Trump will be every bit as corrupt as Clinton. He has ties to the Russian mafia, major illicit drug traffickers, and people who have solicited prostitution. Not a track record that gives you any encouragement at all.


    " When you support the Clintons, you are supporting the very worst elements of today's ruling class."

    I know.

    When you support Trump you get exactly the same thing. Your system is deeply corrupt, Clinton and Trump are two sides of the same coin.

  33. "PC, whether or not she was the "brains" behind her husband's presidency is completely moot! SHE was NOT elected to office 2X HE was, so his decisions are 1000% on HIM."

    100% on him, I think you'll find. Yes Bill was responsible for the decision to send a black man to the gas chamber to improve his image, but you can be sure Hilary had a hand in that decision. This of course happened several years before he became President, the point i was trying to make was the length of time Bernie had been committed to the African American cause - I wasn't particularly making a point about Hilary.


    This is some double standard, misogynistic BS and you KNOW it! And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of it! "

    I don't know it. It's not a double standard, it's not misogynistic and frankly I'm sick and tired of people who can't be fucking bothered to read what I write.


    "Hillary is doomed by nature of having bigger b**ls than her male counterparts!!"

    I think you men balls?

    She is doomed because she is a machine politician and a crook, and chose to stay married to an even bigger crook.

  34. The Ministry of Truth1:59 PM

    Trump's concern for middle- and lower-income Americans is fakety fake fake fake.

    While Trump is out hustling the rubes, pretending to give a crap about foolish working-class Joe Sixpack and his concerns, here is what Trump's team are telling the donor class. (And, yes, Trump is soliciting gobs of campaign funds from other rich people. What, you believed that bunk about him self-funding his campaign?)

    The Pete Peterson Foundation, in case you didn't know, is run by corporate raider Pete Peterson, a corporate raiding Wall Street baron who has in recent years devoted himself to using the federal deficit as a transparent excuse to fuck over anyone who isn't rich.

    Would you like to have Social Security and Medicare when you get old? Pete thinks you shouldn't.

    "Trump policy adviser and co-chairman Sam Clovis said last week that the real estate mogul would look at changes to all federal programs, 'including entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare,' as part of a deficit reduction effort.

    Clovis made the comments at the 2016 Fiscal Summit of the Pete Peterson Foundation, an organization whose founder has spent almost half a billion dollars to hype the U.S. debt and persuade people that the Medicare and Social Security programs are unsustainable. Trump also met privately last week with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., an outspoken Medicare privatization advocate.

    Clovis previously ran for Iowa’s U.S. Senate seat in 2014. During his unsuccessful bid for the GOP nomination, Clovis made clear that he wanted to privatize the Social Security and Medicare programs.

    'I am a strong believer in bringing private models to both Medicare and Social Security,' he told the Des Moines Register. 'People my age, we paid in we’re going to get this, people 55 and older probably ought to be sunsetted into these programs, the way they are, 45 to 55 there probably ought to be a chance to opt in or opt out. Below the age of 45, we need a new system. New systems for both. I think — deal with private accounts, put your money into those.'

    He also called for block-granting Medicaid. 'Sooner or later, somebody has to stand up and say, "We’re going to have to cut programs,”' he said. Turning Medicaid into a block grant program would shift the federal government’s role from paying a fixed percentage of state Medicaid costs to paying a fixed dollar amount, giving the states the flexibility to cut back on eligibility. The block grant proposal floated by House Speaker Ryan in the past would cut Medicaid funding by more than a quarter by 2024."

  35. PC, They're ALL crooks, but Hillary is held to a FAR more stringent standard of crookedness than all the MALE crooks.

    As for her staying married to one, I think it's VERY unwise to throw stones at people who choose to stay married. I'd NEVER stay married to a cheating man, but who am I or you, to judge? . Are you this harsh on the wives of Jesse Jackson, Donald Trump, and Bill Cosby, just to name a few? Or is it just the smart, politically tough ones like Hillary that get thrown under the bus?

    The standard you're holding Hillary to is different PC because she's a woman!!!

  36. The Ministry of Truth2:40 PM

    "The Marxist critic John Harris did a very good video blog on all this a few days ago, if anyone with a functioning brain is interested."

    I saw that video. Harris didn't really get a representative view of Trump's appeal by talking mostly to workers at Carrier in Indiana, though.

    It's true that there is an economic appeal to Trump that is based on his (basically phony or simplistic/nonsensical) positions on trade.

    But by talking only to the people he did, he missed out on the racist part of Trump's appeal, which is a big part of the equation. Not to mention, you'll never get a full flavor of the amount of racism that is out there in the course of man-on-the-street interviews, since, these days, most people that are racist know better than to admit to it out loud.

    Harris has great sympathy for the economic straits of some of Trump's supporters. Frankly, so do I. But that doesn't blind me to the substantial political ignorance and bigotry that is driving the way they vote. I don't have much sympathy for those things.

  37. So what Trumps concern for middle/low income people is fake, haven't we known this since he gained national popularity?

  38. The Ministry of Truth3:13 PM

    "PC, They're ALL crooks, but Hillary is held to a FAR more stringent standard of crookedness than all the MALE crooks."

    I don't know if it's actually driven by sexism. I suspect it's just aggressive campaign tactics.

    It's true that Hillary is not as left wing as Bernie Sanders on policy. But his campaign has cranked this up to eleven, falsely making her out as an actual right-winger, which doesn't hold up to scrutiny. To hear them describe it, she's a bigger warmonger than Bush and more economically conservative than Grover Norquist. That's crap.

    So tying her to her husband's policies is part of that Sanders campaign tactic, even though she is not her husband, and even though her husband served as president 20-some years ago in a much difference political environment that demanded lots of depressing compromises with Republicans. Field mentioned that association with Obama has hurt Hillary, but her campaigning does not reflect that. In fact, she's tried as much as possible to associate herself with Obama in the primaries. The person she's been running away from as fast as possible is Bill.

    Sanders has also portrayed himself as the only ideological true believer and everyone else in the universe as a bribe-taking, corrupt, unprincipled sell-out. Again, there's some truth there -- our system of campaign financing is dysfunctional -- but the Sanders campaign have been seriously exaggerating this and tarring everyone else as an outright crook.

    Can this self-righteousness be annoying? Hell yeah! So much so that actor and Clinton supporter Wendell Pierce just got arrested for battery after assaulting two Sanders supporters who were pissing him off. No, Bunk, no! Take a deep breath and walk it off, man! No need to go to jail over it.

  39. MoT, I don't doubt that Harris is fully aware of the racist element of Trump's support. His point I think, is that people have an overly-simplistic view of Trump's supporters, not all of whom are driven by racism, only by a feeling that they have been abandoned.

    Yisheng, Yisheng, Yisheng. Where to start?

    "As for her staying married to one, I think it's VERY unwise to throw stones at people who choose to stay married. I'd NEVER stay married to a cheating man, but who am I or you, to judge?"

    How about staying married to, and covering up for, a rapist, Yisheng? How would you feel about that? You should read Christopher Hitchens' book 'No One Left To Lie To'.


    " Are you this harsh on the wives of Jesse Jackson, Donald Trump, and Bill Cosby, just to name a few?"

    I would be if they were attempting to become one of the most powerful people on Earth, yeah.

    "Or is it just the smart, politically tough ones like Hillary that get thrown under the bus?"

    Yes she's smart, yes she's tough. But she's also a crook, a liar, a thief, an enabler of sexual abuse and rape (while pretending to be a champion of women) and let us not forget - a war-monger.

    "The standard you're holding Hillary to is different PC because she's a woman!!!"

    I'm holding her to a high standard because she's attempting to become the President of the United States, for fuck's sake. Don;t forget it's only 20 years or so since the U.S. President was the most powerful person on Earth. Even now, the President is still the C-in-C of the most powerful military force on the planet. Given how Hilary lied about her support for the Iraq war, that's a pretty scary thought for me, if not for you.

    Anyway Yisheng, feel free to throw more hyperbolic accusations in my direction, but I'm afraid I won;t be around to read them. I'm finished here. I will read Field's interesting and informative blog every day. But life is too short for this shit.

    Vaarwel vrienden, tot ziens vijanden. Ik hoop dat je gelukkig bent samen.

  40. The Ministry of Truth3:20 PM

    "So what Trumps concern for middle/low income people is fake, haven't we known this since he gained national popularity?"

    The people at Trump's rallies don't know. They don't have the slightest clue. They think his con artist flim-flam is the real deal.

  41. Anonymous3:33 PM

    She's as crazy as a shit house rat, but then everyone already knew that.

    You could certainly ask whether it's possible to be a truly horrible human and still do a good job as President. Nixon was far more skilled and had a deeper resume than any of the current candidates, and he was half whacked. I really couldn't say.

  42. So PC, you go toe to toe with the racist shit in this blog every f'kin day, but now you have a problem engaging me in "challenging" discussion? Um-Kay, I guess I'm so NOT surprised.

    " But she's also a crook, a liar, a thief, an enabler of sexual abuse and rape (while pretending to be a champion of women) and let us not forget - a war-monger. "

    So how does THIS make her ANY different from the men AND former MALE Presidents/leaders in the history of history??

    BTW, do you believe ALL the books written by President too?

    Thanks MOT for providing great political commentary day in and day out.

  43. Lt. Commander Johnson4:32 PM

    "Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Answer the question, made a post earlier about someone using multiple usernames.

    How many have you used, Queenie?

    1:25 AM"

    Oh, BTW, if I missed your previous response...shit, I'm sorry.

    You talk a lot. Answering seems to be a problem.

  44. Lt. Commander Johnson4:53 PM

    I'll keep asking, till you answer, honestly. I have a list.

    Just so we won't forget...HOW MANY Usernames Have YOU used on this field blog?

    I ran under APOI, for a while. I went with Lt. Commander Johnson, just to mess with uptownsteve.

    BTW...what ever happened to Steve?

  45. Yisheng5:00 PM

    @4:53, go f**k yourself in the anus with a rusty, nail laded pipe, dipped in hydrochloric acid, ya' stalking psycho b!tch!

  46. Lt. Commander Johnson5:10 PM

    Wow, PC. You shouldn't try to argue with that cunt Yisheng.

    I consider you, to be about a million-times smarter than her/it, despite the millions of "Degrees", she/it has claimed to have earned.

    You'll never win, even if you do.

    I suspect it might be one of field's relatives.

  47. Lt. Commander Johnson5:15 PM

    So. I guess that means no answer about the usernames, Queenie?

    (funny...I notice you answer to Queenie:)

    1. Yisheng5:40 PM

      @5:15 I'm the only one you stalk here so that was easy! Plus having your father and brother be the same person means I'm thrilled you can speak at all, Queenie is as good as it's EVER gonna get for you champ, lol!!

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson7:16 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Lt. Commander Johnson7:33 PM

    You know, the slime that your vagina drags across this blog is freaking disgusting.

    Thank God you can't smell it.

  50. Yisheng said...
    @5:15 I'm the only one you stalk here so that was easy! Plus having your father and brother be the same person means I'm thrilled you can speak at all, Queenie is as good as it's EVER gonna get for you champ, lol!!


    Queenie for the "mike drop" monemt!!!! ;)

  51. Anonymous8:46 PM

    LOL Yes! Lt. Commander Johnson is KILLING that cunt Yisheng!

  52. Lt. Commander Johnson9:08 PM

    I don't have to "kill" the whore. It/she commits suicide quite well, without my assistance.

  53. Lt. Commander Homo9:21 PM

    I went with Lt. Commander Johnson, just to mess with uptownsteve.
    You mean you meant to dishonor a man who actually served while your cowardly ass didn't. Typical.

  54. Anonymous9:23 PM

    What a dishonorable punk Lt. Commander Homo is.

  55. Lt. Commander Johnson9:37 PM

    "Lt. Commander Homo said...
    I went with Lt. Commander Johnson, just to mess with uptownsteve.
    You mean you meant to dishonor a man who actually served while your cowardly ass didn't. Typical.

    9:21 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What a dishonorable punk Lt. Commander Homo is.

    9:23 PM

    Um, why are you calling me such?

    I admitted I wasn't actually a Lt. Commander.

    Where in the world you can deduce this as being homo...SHOW ME THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now, Which bathroom will I use today?

    Answer. Shut the fuck up, or apologize.

  56. The blacks deserve Donald Trump.

  57. The Doc has a lot of stalkers. :)
    Some of them seem to be quite unhinged. Kind of like an orange haired man running for president.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hey Field, "wildly waving"!!!!

  60. Lt. Commander Johnson10:58 PM

    " field negro said...
    The Doc has a lot of stalkers. :)
    Some of them seem to be quite unhinged. Kind of like an orange haired man running for president.

    10:32 PM"

    So. Asking Queenie to list the usernames she has used is "stalking" , When she accuses of the same?

    What am I missing, here?

  61. Lt. Commander Johnson11:34 PM


    Cold it have to be the cunt "waving" to field at the end of the last thread?


  62. Yisheng12:41 AM

    Wahhhh wa waaaaaaa CUNT waaaaaaa waa waaaaaaaaa CUNTk wa wa wa wa wa CUNT wa waaaaaaaa waa wa wa CUNT

    Sounds like a horny middle schooler to me.

  63. God have mercy.

    Queenie is a slut from hell. I asked her/it if that was being a slimy cunt.

    She can't answer.

    This "Wahhhh wa waaaaaaa CUNT waaaaaaa waa waaaaaaaaa CUNTk wa wa wa wa wa CUNT wa waaaaaaaa waa wa wa CUNT" answer is ridiculous.

  64. Anonymous6:30 AM

    It's the integrity, stupid!

    Why voters are choosing Bernie over Hillary. Why voters chose Obama over Hillary.

    Why Bill's sexual misconducts from the 1990's matter to this election is because of Hillary's role in the cover up of it. For 394 pages of "The Clintons' War on Women", read the book by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow. You'll recognize this as a source for some of Trump's allegations.
