Friday, May 13, 2016

Searching for John Miller.

Hi, Field Negro is not with us tonight; this is his publicist, Fidel Negron.

I just wanted to say a few words about how wonderful Field is, and how informative and insightful his incredible blog is.

The man has won numerous awards, been featured in various other books and media outlets, and has accumulated over seven million hits since the inception of his blog. He has influenced hundreds of African American bloggers and co-founded the Afrosphere collective, which was featured in WikipediA  as the group primarily responsible for black thought in the blogging world.

Thank you Fidel, you are doing a bang- up job as my publicist.

Ok that was me. I don't have a publicist named Fidel Negron. In fact,  I don't currently have a publicist at all.  But, unlike a certain presidential candidate, I am not lying about it.

"Donald Trump said Friday that a newly resurfaced recording of a man who sounds like Trump posing as his spokesman isn't him — even though he has admitted in the past to posing as his own publicist under a pseudonym.

"It was not me on the phone," Trump told NBC's "Today" show when the recording was played for him during a live interview. "And it doesn't sound like me on the phone, I'll tell you that, and it was not me on the phone."
NBC was asking Trump about a Washington Post report published earlier Friday that claims Trump routinely made calls to reporters in the 1970s, '80s and '90s posing as a publicist named John Miller or John Barron, advocating for himself and answering questions about his personal life and business dealings.
The man in the 14-minute recording sounds much like Trump, and the Post pointed to Trump's long appreciation of the name Barron, including the name of his youngest son.
The Post also cited 1990 court case testimony in which Trump testified, "I believe on occasion I used that name" when asked about Barron. CNN has obtained a copy of Trump's testimony during that case.
"This sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams, doesn't sound like me," Trump said. "I don't think it was me, it doesn't sound like me."
When pressed by the anchors, Trump explicitly said it wasn't him.
And then he testily told the journalists to move on.
"You're going so low to talk about something that took place 25 years ago whether or not I made a phone call?" Trump said. "Let's get on to more current subjects."
Thomas Owens, a New Jersey-based forensic audio specialist, told CNN Friday that based on several criteria -- including pitch, tone and cadence -- Miller's voice in the audio obtained by the Post is consistent with Trump's in the early 1990s.
"I can conclude with a fair degree of scientific certainty that it is Donald Trump's voice," Owens said, though he noted that due to the recording's quality, he wasn't able to use biometric analysis that would make him absolutely certain.
Friday afternoon, Washington Post reporter James Hohmann tweeted that Trump's telephone line "went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: 'Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?'"
"WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead," Hohmann added."
John Miller? Ok, if you are a trump supporter I suspect that you do not believe that he is lying about the aforementioned John Miller.
So here is the deal: To put all this to rest John Miller should produce his birth certificate, forthwith. I mean if he was trump's publicist he should come clean to prove that his former boss isn't lying. 
This would clear up a lot of the uncertainty about John Miller and whether such a person actually exists.
Look, we know that this was 25 years ago, and some guy calling into a radio show to promote himself with a false name is kind of creepy, but certainly not disqualifying for the guy to be our president. Barack Obama snorted coke for crying loud. But he owned up to it and kept it popping.
What's scary about this entire episode is how trump just flat out lied on national television to two reporters when pressed if he was in fact John Miler. I mean do we really want to put a psychopath in the most powerful position in the world?     
Rhetorical question of course. Half of the country clearly does, and they don't care if the guy makes "suggestions" instead of taking policy positions, or if he tells the country that knowing what his tax returns looks like is "none of our business". 
Anyway, twitter is now, of course, having a ball with this.
"Aliases considered besides -Ronald Flump -Von Mogul -Richie Goodman -Cash Banks -Penny Sacks -Scrooge McSmuck
Also, just to be clear, I'm also and .
Oh, come on. Who among us has not called a reporter pretending to be your own publicist?


  1. It's a wrap, the first husband/wife Presidental team in US history. Thanks for the post Fidel.

  2. The Ministry of Truth10:31 PM

    The great part about Donald is that once you start digging into his lifetime of embarrassing behavior, there is no bottom. It just keeps going and going ...

    Comedians have hit the jackpot, with an endless supply of fodder for their routines.

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Fuck this election year.

  4. I farted and some stuff came out :(

  5. Anonymous11:18 PM

    He does speak in the third person quite regularly so why not?


  6. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Anonymous Ted said...
    I farted and some stuff came out :(

    What? Your brains?

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson12:22 AM

    Pilot X....if you happen to be around...did you see Obama's new Decree? Concerning Public Schools?

    I can be a male on Tuesday, change my mind, and be a female on Thursday. Depending on....hell, I don't know what.

    This is all BS. And, if you don't think the Military will be ordered to follow're naive.

    You gonna be around every time your daughter needs to go, or shower?

    NO. And Mrs. X. won't be either.

  8. I understand that you have to have a large ego to believe yourself qualified for the presidency, but part of that qualification is the ability to distinguish reality from deception when the deception is of the highest power producible by humans. If you can't even tell it from your own 25 year old bullshit, I don't have any confidence in you as commander in chief. This is looking like a clown show, and that's not a good thing. This election is going to get uglier and uglier, in the hopes that it will suppress the turnout enough to swing it for the Republicans. I really hope it doesn't work.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Steve Kearns1:09 AM

    I am one sick motherfucker. I will do anything for a rush. Jump off a skyscraper. Eat raw grasshoppers. Stick a whole finger up my asshole. But I will not vote for Donald J. Trump. That's where I draw the line.

  10. Seamus1:12 AM

    I predict the Thunder take the Warriors to at least 6 games.

    The Cavs will sweep whoever wins between TOR/MIA.

  11. Anonymous1:13 AM


  12. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Shut the fuck up, Yisheng. Nobody cares what you think, you stupid bitch.

  13. Thank you so much for the information today and will always wait for the others .

  14. Can't decide whether to wear my Porkpie hat with the brim up like the Jazz boys, or with brim down like the Rude Boys.

    These are the kind of vital life-or-death decisions I'm forced to make every day.

  15. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Looks like Trump is getting inside Big Media's OODA loop. WaPo sets up 20 reporter team to do opposition research on Trump for Hillary, Trump goes after Bezos who then releases old tape. Chaos!

  16. Bernstein10:06 AM

    When the media cries "morality" against Trump, never forget these guys went to the mattresses to defend Bill Clinton's 8-year slime trail.

  17. The Ministry of Truth11:31 AM

    "Looks like Trump is getting inside Big Media's OODA loop. WaPo sets up 20 reporter team to do opposition research on Trump for Hillary, Trump goes after Bezos who then releases old tape. Chaos!"

    Media conspiracy!

    It must be that. It couldn't possibly be that the despicable Trump has numerous vile misdeeds behind him -- actual, real misdeeds, not the fabrications flung at the Clintons over two-and-a-half decades -- and it is, in fact, the job of the media to reveal them to voters.

  18. The Ministry of Truth11:39 AM

    Speaking of which, when is Trump going to release his tax returns? What dirty deeds is he hiding?

    Trump's Republican enemies have joked that they could reveal mafia ties. Thing is - ha, ha -- that is probably true. Trump DOES have mafia ties.

    Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob

  19. Alexis Guerra12:32 PM

    The most tragic aspect of the Trayvon Martin story was that Trayvon's family became millionaires after they sued the Home Owners Association and received a settlement. They were terribly negligent parents who deserve nothing.

  20. Captain Pecker12:38 PM

    The Ministry of Vulvas said...
    "-- actual, real misdeeds, not the fabrications flung at the Clintons over two-and-a-half decades -"

    Miss Ministry should stop shilling for free and get paid for lying. Or maybe she already is.

    Online trolls paid to support Hillary Clinton:

    Hillary Clinton's well-heeled backers have opened a new frontier in digital campaigning, one that seems to have been inspired by some of the Internet's worst instincts. Correct the Record, a super PAC coordinating with Clinton's campaign, is spending some $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about the Democratic front-runner.

  21. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "Media conspiracy!"

    LMAO. WaPo's fleet of reporters is looking to sink the USS Watergate and Trump is making them fight taco bowls, racist butlers & phantom publicists.

    The media can't turn fast enough to meet the threat. They zig and Trump zags, and launches another story at them.

  22. Ahhhhm, they have 20 reporters covering Clinton as well.


    Oh and trump can't possibly be complainng about the media when they have given him almost a half a billion dollars in free air time, and he has an entire network shilling for him.

  23. The Ministry of Truth2:04 PM

    "The media can't turn fast enough to meet the threat. They zig and Trump zags, and launches another story at them."

    LOL, you hope.

    Trump has spent his career manipulating the media because they thought he was a mostly harmless clown. It was a symbiotic relationship: He got to promote his projects and make himself appear vastly more successful than he really was, and they attracted eyeballs by covering his cartoonish antics.

    But what happens if the media can make just as much money trashing Trump as shilling for him? Yep, trashing Trump sounds pretty darn profitable. There's a lot of juicy dirt to dig. He's a tabloid wet dream.

    Trump is going to find out what it's like to be, not the reality TV bad-guy-you-love-to-hate, but the REAL bad guy.

  24. Mr. Big Hands3:32 PM

    The crooked and dishonest media can't even do a proper hit piece on Trump. Losers!

  25. Dr. Napoleon3:38 PM

    The New York Times is a front for shadow men.

  26. The Trumpening4:12 PM

    Yesterday, Hillary tweeted out Trump's quote about the so-called 'gender gap':

    "You're gonna make the same if you do as good a job" - Donald Trump on women and equal pay

    What is wrong with that quote? Sounds pretty "equal" to me. Shouldn't women have to do as good a job as their male counterparts to get paid the same? Is Hillary saying women should be paid the same as men no matter what kind of job performance they exhibit?

    Hillary knows it's a bullshit issue. Men make more because they work harder jobs, more hours, and do so for more years of their lives. You can't compare the wages of a waitress to a coal miner's, or a school teacher's to an engineer's. A lot of women spend a good part of their lives doing something more important than working for pay: they raise children. When you look at equal jobs with equal experience there is no significant pay gap. Also, apparently one can't even consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, on average men are worth more to employers. And maybe they aren't - but the point is you can't even consider the fact that there might be some difference between men and women that affects their economic viability.

    Reminder: The Clinton Foundation pays female executives 38 percent less than it does their male counterparts.

    Basic economics says that any for-profit business seeks to maximize its profits by getting the most productivity for its labor costs. If there really were a gender pay gap, they could get the same production out a woman for less cost and therefore no rational business would hire men.

    It's all a bunch of shit. The women that push the gender pay gap narrative rarely have a thigh gap. Makes you think.

  27. Liberal researcher now admits Ferguson Effect on murder is real:

  28. Lt. Commander Johnson6:14 PM

    "Blogger field negro said...
    Ahhhhm, they have 20 reporters covering Clinton as well.

    Uh, who said that? Woodward?

    Please extrapolate.

  29. "Trump has spent his career manipulating the media because they thought he was a mostly harmless clown. It was a symbiotic relationship: He got to promote his projects and make himself appear vastly more successful than he really was, and they attracted eyeballs by covering his cartoonish antics.

    But what happens if the media can make just as much money trashing Trump as shilling for him? Yep, trashing Trump sounds pretty darn profitable. There's a lot of juicy dirt to dig. He's a tabloid wet dream."


    Here you go Lt. Johnson. Third paragraph down.

    You're welcome.

  30. Lt. Commander Johnson6:32 PM

    OK, field. I thank you for your response.

    However, show me where Woodward with the WAPO announces he is putting 20 reporters specifically on the case of Hillary he felt compelled to do with Trump?

    Just how many reporters does he have on Clinton?

  31. Anonymous7:48 PM

    re: 20 reporters on Trump

    What makes me tired already is that most of the point is to find 'gotcha' factoids, rather like the original entry from Mr. FN.

    It's not much different from the Jeremy Wright hoo-haw. No doubt Trump (or Hillary for that matter) will have a deputy assistant state party chairman or something with a shady past or will answer wrongly the 50th time a gotcha question is asked. It's all kind of embarrassing, but I don't doubt that politics in ancient Rome could be just as vapid.

    It's been interesting watching a ramp-up on the talking heads. You basically have someone who wings it for an hour at a time with no notes vs. someone who reads a speech prepared by committee. I can't say which is a better approach. We're fast approaching an era when the population will be played like a fiddle by the Googles and Facebooks of the world. Nudging behavior by politically activist large companies who are able to individually drive what you are exposed to, and who know a remarkable amount about you, is a new fact of life.

  32. "With all due respect to my colleague Joe Concha, even he noted that there is a “cadre of Post reporters (20) assigned to dig up everything in Trump’s past” while observing that there’s “still no word on how many reporters are assigned to the likely Democratic nominee, but here’s betting it ain’t close to 20.” (After the Five hosts expressed their desire to see an equal number of journalists focused on Clinton, the Washington Post contacted them to say they did have the same number of reporters working on the Democratic frontrunner.)"

    Again, I hope that helped.

  33. Bernstein9:26 PM

    That's bullshit, Field.

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson9:40 PM

    Uh huh.

    Field says"
    "(After the Five hosts expressed their desire to see an equal number of journalists focused on Clinton, the Washington Post contacted them to say they did have the same number of reporters working on the Democratic frontrunner.)"

    Just who are these WAPO people supposed to be? Woodward?

    Gimme a break, field.

  35. Lt. Commander Johnson9:45 PM

    That bitch Hillary will be found innocent of all charges, (which may never be revealed), by the DOJ. Screw the FBI investigation.

    JUST in time for the nominations & election process.

  36. The black race is a joke. Just give up already.

  37. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I wanna hump the shit out of one of my coworkers. But I'll never tell you which one!

  38. @Obama lied people died:

    -Doug in Oakland
