Saturday, June 18, 2016


Image result for christie trump mcdonalds images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Did he say that he wanted fries with his cheeseburger?

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Trump: 'Look at this sorry bag of crap standing next to me!' Does petty,stupid shit like closing off bridges so people can't get home and then blames his own people! Did you ever? and now he wants to make me believe that he loves me? NOT!

    Once I become President...YOU'RE FIRED!!!

  2. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Fatso: Huh...what did he just say???

  3. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Fat ass & the Fascist

  4. ctrl+halt+del1:27 AM

    Now grab my pocket!

  5. waddaya mean veep? I was talking about butler...

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The Press: "Who passed gas!"

  7. Lance Cockstrong8:16 AM

    I got T R U M P tattooed on my fat ass. Should I show them?

  8. ctrl+halt+del8:59 AM

    Stan Quarrel and Oliver Hardly," Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into."

  9. ctrl+halt+del9:01 AM

    Manifest Density: The Robinson Crusoe Syndrome

  10. ctrl+halt+del9:02 AM

    Down boy! Down! Now heel!

  11. ctrl+halt+del9:07 AM

    Calm down Chris, he said European not you're a peon.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson9:51 AM

    Woo, boy. He must have a clams with garlic last nite.

  13. Ctrl @9:07 leader, Lt@9:51, number two.

  14. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Happy Fath...oh never mind, I'm not wishing anybody here anything! Y'all are too unkind to me!
    Only Field! He's not a father but he's a judge, same thing! :) Happy Fathers Day Field! :D

    The rest of youse...nada...! Bye! I'm leaving!
    *stomps off and slams the door*

    I'll be back though :) soons I feel like it xD

  15. Lance Cockstrong3:55 PM

    He must have had 180 White Castle cheeseburgers last night ... Hey wait ... that was me ...

  16. Lilac, you so mean. But thanks. :)

    Not bad, Lance C, not bad.

  17. Anonymous5:50 PM

    These caption photos are Gotchas.

    If a white public servant lawyer working for a city government was blogging daily, would s/he be fired? Social media posts are grounds for dismissal these days.

    How do you get away with your biased, bigoted blog, Field?

  18. If an uncle, godfather, older male cousin role model, or even youth mentor, which I'm sure you are, Mr. Field, then warmest Father's Day greetings and blessings to all :-)

  19. Anonymous6:13 PM

    field negro said...

    Lilac, you so mean. But thanks. :)

    4:06 PM

    See,it's like this Field...I'm good! But when I'm bad I'm better! x*D

  20. On another note, Yisheng and the Purple One (PC) are greatly missed. Hope all is well.

  21. Oh yes... Caption Sunday... Chris Christie silently fuming "Liar-Liar, Pants on Fire. Or is that the Orange Flames of Hades" :-(

  22. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Now, this has nothing to do with the post but I just have to get it off my chest!

    I've been seeing on my Facebook all kinds of mean remarks being posted by moms about divorced dads or dads that are not living with their children. Two particular cases really upset me because the daughters have posted screenshots of conversations with their fathers with a great deal of disrespectful language towards the dads.

    These mothers have then chimed in with comments such as "that's right, good for nothing. But I just hope and pray that he gets his punishment from God and soon" Adding fuel to that fire! When very obviously the child is hurt and angry, and they are hurt and angry because they CARE for that dad! The mothers seem to be waging a battle against the fathers by using the children, igniting them and filling them with bitterness and anger!
    It's crazy!

    I feel like saying, my dear ladies YOU chose that man that you now insult in front of your child! YOU bedded them, and in many cases birthed not one, but two and three kids!

    Did you not, were you not aware of what he was really like at the time? No? Well that's your bad choice, and you have to pay those consequences, NOT the child. Children don't understand any of that. They don't understand that he doesn't give money, that he doesn't pay them attention, they just know that's their father, and believe it or not they want to love him. They need to love him, no matter what.

    Please do not plant such seeds of bitterness and hatred in your child. Who happens to be half his genetic. If you speak badly/insult the dad, you are insulting half of your child, who happens to be his! Don't think that makes the child feel very good about themselves.

    They will eventually grow up and see him for whatever he may be! Without having gone through years of unnecessary anger,bitterness and hatred!

    I wish moms would please not do that to a child. It does nothing but destroy the child, no more.

    1. @Lilac: Your observation of the hostile exchanges that parents post to social media is spot on in saying those most impacted are the children. Equally true that shielding the children from this negativity will reap its own outcome. Either the children are blessed to be raised by both parents even though living apart or children come to realize via word and deed the birth parent is no more than a contributor to the gene pool.

  23. Anonymous6:51 PM

    CC: If he's so rich, why is he wearing a cheap suit?

  24. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Exactly Faith! The kids are being hurt and filled with bitterness instead of being allowed to just LOVE, even if he doesn't deserve it in the moms eyes.

    Kids are often filled with the litany of 'I do everything for you because that so and so doesn't care'!

    What they don't realize is that the child didn't choose that man, they did!

    For the child it then becomes a matter of 'if I don't hate my father, I'm being disloyal to my mother,and she's all I have!'

    and it's also risky proposition because I've seen cases where these kids when they are old enough go find those fathers, and if they find them half decent or rehabilitated,turn their backs on the embittered moms!

    So it's a double edged sword that maybe many moms don't realize...

  25. Chris: How in the entire F**k did I lose to THIS guy?

  26. Hey lilacpr, you never answered my question: Do you consider yourself a nigger or a spic?

  27. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Eric Jacobus said...

    Hey lilacpr, you never answered my question

    8:57 PM

    and I never will ;)

  28. Good answer, Lilac. I have a question for the troll as well, but I doubt that it even knows what it is.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous12:21 PM

    field negro said...

    Good answer, Lilac. I have a question for the troll as well, but I doubt that it even knows what it is.

    7:29 AM

    Hahaha! Field! These trolls of yours! Gotta love them! Whatever would we do without them?...

    Well actually don't answer that,don't wanna hurt their wittle feelings! xD

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson12:55 PM

    LoL. Speaking of trolls, the whole Obama "administration" has been full of that shit.

    Throw your xD, out there, you stupid bitch.

  32. I agree with Lt. Commander Johnson. lilacpr is a stupid bitch.

  33. Hello i am here to spread this good news to the entire world on how i got my ex love back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month,But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR IROSI the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR IROSI about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR IROSI at the following email address DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM or call his mobile number or add him up on whatsapp via (+2348118829771). and get your problems solve like me.    
