Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fear and anxiety in Cleveland.

I am getting ready to watch what I hope is an epic showdown and battle on television. Game Of Thrones. Psyche!

I, like most other sane people, will be watching game seven of the NBA finals. I can watch GOT via on demand, later.

Good luck to the people of Believeland. Fifty plus years is a long time to wait for a single championship of any kind in your city. (And I thought what we were championship starved here in  Philly. Thank you, Phillies.)

The republicans will be in your city this summer for their convention, and, from the looks of things, their wait will have reached at least 12 years before their candidate occupies the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

It's not your fault, Cleveland. I am pretty sure that this would have been the case if they were in Los Angeles or New York this summer. It doesn't really matter. We can put this one on the candidate himself, not the city. 

I come to this conclusion because of essays like the following:

"In this past week of mass murder and meanness, we may actually have seen the beginning of the political end for Donald Trump, candidate for president.

Trump is not the man for this job, though he seems in no way to understand why, and that is part of the problem.

When it comes to facts about our dangerous world, Trump seems unmoored, unschooled and unwitting. He has demonstrated none of the preparation, restraint, nuance and cool that the world needs from a U.S. president. He keeps declaring “America First” because that’s all he knows to say.
It’s not only that way he has of making everyone else feel demeaned as irrelevant and inferior to himself. Nor is it just the constant anger and condescension in his eyes.

The real trouble with Trump is not his tin ear, his boastful rudeness, his self-aggrandizing ridicule of people and process. He seems no more capable of changing his arrogant tone than he can change his own thin skin.

On a surface level, Trump’s message and behavior are simplistic, crude, amateurish, childish. The casualness of his comments about nuclear weapons is heedless and frightening. He seems not to grasp what the fuss is about.

No, what worries me most of all is how this troubled man — in his mortal fear of losing — has been setting the wrong things free. By his smug racial epithets and his easy stereotyping, Trump has unleashed demons that should have remained buried.

It matters what our leaders say. When enough people hear Trump’s isolating brand of rhetoric — pounded into them by ceaseless, repetitive TV coverage — you can bet someone somewhere will get the message that it’s OK again to smear a whole ethnicity, banish an entire religion and demean all women.
The world learned this style, too late, in the 1930s. It didn’t help Trump, in my estimation, that when he kicked off his campaign a year ago, I was finishing Erik Larson’s "In the Garden of Beasts," the story of Hitler’s rise. All of it was fueled by ruthlessness and the stirring up of nativist fear.

Many regular German citizens, at first, were amused by the odd-looking man and his screaming. Politicians might have thwarted disaster by speaking up but didn’t. Then, in 1934, came the Rohm Putsch — the “Night of the Long Knives” — and the world went upside down.

Trump is not Hitler, but, for me, Trump’s campaign is also no longer about policy or party but personal power. The impact of his reckless words threatens public safety — from the gun zealots his words inflame to the listeners who resent anyone who does not look or live or love like they do.
Trump emboldens them all, and social progress is lost step by step. I had thought in 60 years of racial progress we had moved past this.

No question there is frustration in our country, anger toward the establishment and all that, but these are not reasons to install a demagogue in the highest office and put our nation’s well-being at the mercy of his latest tantrum.
The speculation that Trump might ask Sen. Bob Corker to be his running mate was actually chilling news. I admire Corker. His Senate service has been noble, and he is deeply qualified. His name on a Trump ticket would help Trump win, and that is the wrong outcome for our country. First of all, Trump is not qualified, and it would be Trump (not Corker) who would be in charge.

Now, Trump’s attacks on a U.S.-born judge of Mexican descent (the same judge trying the Trump University case) and opportunistic response to the Pulse murders in Orlando last weekend all seem to have brought about a tipping point of public disgust. Some national Republicans, whose collective silence has sustained and advanced Trump so far, are feeling the heat of outrage.

Some are beginning to speak out. Corker is one. We should be grateful.

Where are the rest? Where did you stand, back in 2016, when you had a choice in the face of a reckless menace?" [Source]

I could be wrong, but I think the author, Keel Hunt, is a conservative. In either case I thought that it was a well written essay. It kind of captured the angst that many of the people ---from the left and the right---are feeling when it comes to the thought of a trump presidency. 

It also gives the rest of us in America an idea of what the people of Cleveland have to be feeling right now. 

*Pic from




  1. Lance Cockstrong9:44 PM

    I have a bigger dick than Butt Trumpet. Thats all that matters.

  2. Social Justice Warriors are just as much to blame for Trump's rise as Fox News is. Get over yourselves, leftists.

  3. Why do white liberals and progressives have such low self-esteem?

  4. I think you're right about the essayist being conservative, judging by his comments about Corker. I'm finding it ironic that some of these Republicans are shocked by Trump's behavior. He was elected by the Republican electorate, and not by a little. Where were these pearl-clutchers back in '94 when Newt Gingrich destroyed any semblance of comity between the parties? Where were they when George W. Bush said that you're either with us or against us? Where were they when the Southern strategy invited all the racists and bigots they could find into the Republican party? Where were they when the right wing media empire began its crusade to convince said bigots and racists that their bigotry was noble and their racism was patriotic? And mostly where were they when we on the left said that it might not be a good idea? Oh wait, I know the answer to that one, they were all over the broadcast media calling us traitors and surrender monkeys. Have fun with your candidate, folks. He's exactly what you asked for.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Field, I refuse to believe you watch Game Of Thrones!

    I R-E-F-U-S-E


  6. Bandwagon Warriors Fan1:18 AM


  7. Agree with Doug, we've been warning Repubs for the longest that their party has the perception of being a bit uh shall we say racially insensitive at the least. They protested and whooped and hollered that they were diverse and it was the Dems who were the REAL racists but maybe just maybe had they listened to their own autopsy of the 2008 election they could have avoided this. Maybe this is the house cleaning they need.
    I recall a specific poster here who railed about how diverse the GOP candidate field was and that the Dems only had old white people. That person has been suspiciously silent recently. Not that I'm complaining.

  8. Love GOT. So much life.lessons to be learned from it.

    Pilot, i remember that posterization as well. I think it was Bill. Whatever happened to that guy? He was a big time republican pretending to be an independent.😏

    He must be out working with the trump campaign.

    The poster at 9:44 says all u need to know about right- wing trolls.

  9. Pilot,I meant Poster. "POSTERIZATION"? WTF spell-checker?😐

  10. First Day of Summer Greetings! In terms of a diverse GOP, how ever wss that going to happen when key political operatives gathered on the day of of the new president's inauguration to ensure the 2008 momentum amongst a diverse electorate would never occur again?

    Irony is despite Citizens United and enacting numerous restrictions to voting rights, President Obama was still re-elected.

  11. James Bold11:51 AM

    "we've been warning Repubs for the longest that their party has the perception of being a bit uh shall we say racially insensitive at the least."

    Non-Marxists have been warning Blacks for the longest time that our tolerance of your race-hustling has limits.  America gave in to your demands in 2008 and elected a Halfrican, the worst man ever to hold the office, as POTUS.  After that extreme gesture of goodwill, you are STILL insisting that America is "racist" and demanding more coddling.

    Know what?  We're done.  "Insensitivity" will be the least of your problems very soon.  The mere threat to check voter records against citizenship will keep millions of immigrants from voting illegally, and carrying through on it will catch lots of sitting ducks for prosecution.  Chasing them out of the country will start the de-browning of America.  I can't wait.

  12. Wonder if the latest infamy out of Mississippi is well-known (Hi, Ms Simone. You're still right).

    There is a measure in the House to name a ship after John Lewis, the civil rights legend and current representative. (It's not even a very prestigious ship that would be so named) But it's been fought by another representative, Steven Palazzo, who has fashioned a countermove designed to deny the honor to Lewis. Palazzo denies that race has anything to do with it, of course.

  13. Anonymous12:18 PM

    field negro said...

    Pilot,I meant Poster. "POSTERIZATION"? WTF spell-checker?😐

    7:27 AM

    Lol Field! It seems that a mischievous elf has gotten a hold of your spell checker! (I had nothing to do with it, I swear! ;)

    Life lessons from GOT? Well I may give it a look see in that case...see,I can be as flexible as the next guy :D


  14. Uh, huh, another bozo. Let's see what you have to say after this..

    A House Republican introduced a measure Tuesday that would prevent the U.S. Navy from naming ships after lawmakers who have not served in the military or as president.

    The measure would have prevented civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis and former Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin from receiving the honor but a House committee decided to pass up the opportunity to give the measure a vote in the full House.

    The naming of ships or other government facilities after lawmakers sometimes has been controversial in recent years. Lewis’s status as a civil rights icon, which the Navy cited in its announcement, could have added more tension to the issue.

    “Naming this ship after John Lewis is a fitting tribute to a man who has, from his youth, been at the forefront of progressive social and human rights movements in the U.S., directly shaping both the past and future of our nation,” Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said in a statement in January.

    But Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) said believes the naming of ships should be reserved for former presidents, war heroes and people who have served in the military, which neither Lewis (D-Ga.) nor Levin (D-Mich.) did.

    “My amendment has nothing — absolutely zero — to do with John Lewis or any other member of Congress,” Palazzo said in a statement.

    You want a boat commissioned after Lewis?

    Try a fucking canoe.

  15. James Bold: You will be greatly disappointed.

  16. Maybe they should write a "having your head split open by racist police" exception into the military service requirement.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I am really hoping that if God should so deem it that Trump becomes president, that he puts the balls back into the ballsack of America!!!

    I mean,where has the courage gone! Courage from the Latin coraje,anger,bravery!

    There are so many people where these terrorists are attacking. Offices, businesses, bases, clubs, universities! I mean...?

    Dozens of able bodied people running like chickens to hide and wait for ONE,SINGLE,SOLITARY human with ONE gun,(and even if he had a gun in each hand)to come and shoot them like so many sitting ducks!!! Unbelievable! Only in America! I mean really!

    Why don't a couple or a bunch of people tackle these terrorists and bring them down??? I mean you're gonna get shot either way! At least you have a chance if you knock him down and disarm him!

    Hundreds of people against one measly man! Where has American bravery gone? How dumbed down,politically correct,and scared has America become?

    Trump says "Lets make America Great again" I say let's put the balls back in the ballsack!

  18. CGLSEW3:24 PM

    What should I have for dinner tonight, tacos or spaghetti?

  19. "Why don't a couple or a bunch of people tackle these terrorists and bring them down??? I mean you're gonna get shot either way! At least you have a chance if you knock him down and disarm him!"

    We have tough guys like Dr. Ben Carson and Geraldo Rivera who already know this. If there's one thing America doesn't lack is a bunch of guys who have a mental plan of how they're gonna single handedly take on a terrorist. I mean how many sequals of Die Hard are there? We got this.

  20. A touch dated but this is funny as hell.

  21. Lt. Commander Johnson5:46 PM

    Well, you must admit, a 1911 .45 would drop the perpetrator.

    I'm not going to drop a man with a gun, just with my hands.

  22. Lance Cockstrong7:28 PM

    I got a "corker" for Corker.

  23. @Pilot... Quite an interesting parody of Barack & Michelle version of "Hit Em Up."

    In light of much needed LOL moments, must share YouTube video of 8th grade graduation speaker imitating Trump, Clinton, Obama.

  24. Anonymous8:38 PM

    AT BOLD: Know what? We're done. "Insensitivity" will be the least of your problems very soon. The mere threat to check voter records against citizenship will keep millions of immigrants from voting illegally, and carrying through on it will catch lots of sitting ducks for prosecution. Chasing them out of the country will start the de-browning of America. I can't wait.

    Delete my comment as you will, but this is a terrorist threat, and you know it, and I'm reporting it.

    "See Something, Say Something."

  25. Anonymous10:32 PM

    PilotX said...

    "Why don't a couple or a bunch of people tackle these terrorists and bring them down??? I mean you're gonna get shot either way! At least you have a chance if you knock him down and disarm him!"

    We have tough guys like Dr. Ben Carson and Geraldo Rivera who already know this. If there's one thing America doesn't lack is a bunch of guys who have a mental plan of how they're gonna single handedly take on a terrorist. I mean how many sequals of Die Hard are there? We got this.

    5:40 PM

    hahaha1 I wouldn't know Pilot as I rarely, well never actually watch 'movies' or what I like to call, fantasy, made up stories on film for consumption by the masses, which have not a whit to do with reality as we know it and are produced as a form of escapism.

    I like reality better :)

    But you are wrong,sorry to say. I think America does most certainly lack "a bunch of guys who have a mental plan of how they're gonna single handedly take on a terrorist." plus, plans must be put into action in order to work. And so far all I see is hundreds of people fleeing like chickens from ONE guy with a gun! Laughable really!

  26. Anonymous10:32 PM

    AT BOLD: Chasing them out of the country will start the de-browning of America. I can't wait.

    New Movements: Make America Brown Again. Make America Red Again.

    There, that's better.

  27. James Bold10:52 PM

    "Delete my comment as you will, but this is a terrorist threat, and you know it, and I'm reporting it."

    In other words, you think that someone talking about actually enforcing the laws on voting and immigration is "making terrorist threats".

    Every time I think you've hit bottom on stupidity, you dig deeper.

    I shouldn't have to mention that this is part of why Blacks and Whites cannot share a country in peace.  Oh, Blacks can't have peace period (people who kill each other over chicken wings actively destroy peace) but such messed-up thinking makes you unfit as citizens and voters.  This is why your countries are all run by strongmen, like Robert Mugabe and Idi Amin.  Just how you are, no helping it.

  28. James, if you don't learn how to stop hating people you don't know, the future is going to be very difficult for you.
    Things are changing for the better, as they have been for a long time, and you can either get with the program or be left behind with the rest of the dead enders. Up to you, really, but I have a feeling that I'm gonna like it a lot more than you are, and nothing you do can stop it from happening. Have fun.

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. "But you are wrong,sorry to say. I think America does most certainly lack "a bunch of guys who have a mental plan of how they're gonna single handedly take on a terrorist." plus, plans must be put into action in order to work. And so far all I see is hundreds of people fleeing like chickens from ONE guy with a gun! Laughable really!"

    I disagree. The terrorists are the cowards. Look at the targets they've chosen. A kindergarten class, a comic book movie full of nerds and a gay nightclub. Those were the places chosen by cowardly shooters. Now let's see what happens if someone pulls that shit at an Eagles game, a martial arts convention, a Crip barbeque or biker bar. Quite sure there would be a few people who would tell the shooter where they're gonna stick their gun and actually do it.

  30. Limpbaugh12:51 AM

    I recommend an article on the consortiumnews website, Who's the Bigger Danger - Clinton or Trump? Also, google what David Sirota of The International Business Times uncovered about Hillary's arms deals.

  31. Anonymous1:05 AM

    AT BOLD: "In other words, you think that someone talking about actually enforcing the laws on voting and immigration is "making terrorist threats"."

    Now you want to backpedal. Not only backpedal, but change bikes. Did you, or did you not, say: "Chasing them out of the country will start the de-browning of America. I can't wait."

    We both know that you're lying about "keep[ing] millions of immigrants from voting illegally."

    And, they aren't leaving the country no matter how loud you threaten to chase them out. Their kids will hold hands with your kids. Their kids will marry your kids.

    That's got to be a sobering thought!

    I'll leave it to Homeland Security to decide just how you mean that statement.

    "Every time I think you've hit bottom on stupidity, you dig deeper."

    That's not hard when you consider I'm only shoveling where you have dug before.

    "I shouldn't have to mention that this is part of why Blacks and Whites cannot share a country in peace."

    We can live in "peace" as long as you get the lion "share" of what the One Percent toss our way. You want to do what you do best--dominate, control, and exploit.

    "such messed-up thinking makes you unfit as citizens and voters."

    As I was saying, you want to control the narrative, dominate the subject, and exploit any perceived weakness.

    How White! How racist! How dictatorial! How expected!

    "This is why your countries are all run by strongmen, like Robert Mugabe and Idi Amin."

    My countries? Since you're so intimate with how these countries are run, perhaps they're your countries.

    I know you'd like to make them my country, while you repudiate Hitler's Germany, and protest: "Germany's not my country," or "Belgium's not my country."

    You're sick, dude. Get a shrink.

    In the meantime, I'm reporting you.

  32. James Bold2:21 AM

    "James, if you don't learn how to stop hating people you don't know, the future is going to be very difficult for you."

    Funny, King Samir Shabazz hates me to the point of insisting that "his people" should kill me to get "their freedom" (from what, me not wanting to be their victim?) and he's never even heard of me.  Why do you have admonishments for me, but not him?

    Say, those Asian neighbors of yours.  You still don't dare to ask them what they think of Blacks, do you?

    "Things are changing for the better, as they have been for a long time"

    Oh, bullshit.  The USA's labor-force participation rate is at a record low.  Wages for the middle class have been stagnant for decades and are sinking in buying power.  Both wings of the Money Party are gung-ho on bringing in 2 immigrants for every new job created in the country.  This is the general trend of going-to-shit, by design of those in power.

    On the Black front, entire cities have become no-policing zones due to Blacks threatening to riot if any of their precious criminals are harmed, no matter what they're doing.  We have the University of Missouri caving to threats from a few (academically worthless, thuggish and possibly felonious) feetsball players, and a massive loss of enrollment as students react to the devaluation of the entire institution.

    We have the looming threat of "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" re-writing zoning codes nation-wide in order to cram parasitic, ineducable, hostile, unemployable and often criminal "minorities" into the communities White people retreated to as the cities became unlivable due to Blacks... at the expense of those same White people.  If Blacks are the same as Whites, why do they need White neighbors to be functional?  Why do Black children need White children next to them in schools to learn, when Vietnamese and Indians don't?  (To ask the question is to answer it.  Equality is a lie.)

    Why is ANYONE talking about doing this when the last 50 years of the same kinds of measures have all failed miserably?  Isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing again and hoping for a different result"?

    But Whitey is getting wise.  The elites DON'T expect a different result.  The past efforts worked very well to steal or destroy what White people worked to create.  The thieves want to do it again so they can plunder the wreckage.  Only THIS time, Whitey is having none of it.

    The TEA Party was the expression of this a few years ago; it got suppressed or co-opted.  It came back stronger and angrier as the wave of support for Donald Trump.  I don't know what will happen if HE gets destroyed or co-opted, but one thing I do know:  you do NOT want to see it.

  33. James Bold2:49 AM

    "Did you, or did you not, say: "Chasing them out of the country will start the de-browning of America. I can't wait.""

    I did.  Facing felony charges has been a WONDERFUL motivator to get lots of Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, etc. to leave the USA and go home.  If they leave the USA ahead of the cops, that saves court and prison costs.  I want to be rid of them, and the threat of going after them for voter fraud works as well as anything else.

    If some "refugees" who decided to vote despite not being citizens decide that going home instead of facing criminal charges is suddenly a good idea, GREAT!  If that threat keeps them from voting illegally, that's also GREAT!

    If you are dumb enough to think that advocating the enforcement of the laws of the USA with the well-being of the American public in mind is "terrorism", you are too dumb to be a worthwhile member of the body politic.  Actually, you probably just hate Americans.  That's why you shouldn't be counted as one, as either a citizen or resident.  You need to be someplace populated and run by people like you.  Given your cluelessness, I suspect that the closest approximation is probably Liberia.  Yes, it's a shithole, but the best that you can create is the best that you deserve.

    "they aren't leaving the country no matter how loud you threaten to chase them out."

    Over a million left under Operation Wetback.  Most of the ones here now can't support themselves without public assistance; they're parasites.  Take away their benefits and they will have no choice but to leave.  Mandate E-verify for all employees who've never been screened.  Millions lose their jobs and go home.

    "Their kids will marry your kids."

    Not likely.  My family rejects both the stupid and the criminal.

    "We can live in "peace" as long as you get the lion "share" of what the One Percent toss our way."

    The One Percent gets its wealth from people like me.  At least, for a while longer they do.

    "You want to do what you do best--dominate, control, and exploit."

    Yeah, right.  I don't want to dominate or control you.  I don't want ANYTHING to do with you.  Your insistence that this must be "exploitation" (through complete uninvolvement?) is an example of the sort of delusion in which you live.  Your whole world-view is a cargo cult.  I know you won't be able to understand this, but humans reading this later will get the reference.

    I'll leave you with this little thought I found elsewhere:

    "with the exception of electrical power, airplanes, railroads, steamships, the interstate highway system, theme parks, movies, recorded music, lasers, the internet, cars, television, artificial hips and knees, heart pacemakers, power tools, golf, and football, what have the ignorant, racist, bigoted, white men ever done for us?"

  34. The goddamn TEA party was pure bullshit from the very start,a Koch funded rebranding effort by Republicans desperate to disassociate themselves with the disaster that was the Bush administration. "See, we never even heard of Bush! We're independents!" There isn't now nor was there ever any goddamn TEA party, just a bunch of Republican poltroons making fools of themselves in the media. And there aren't enough of them to win a general election, or stop the slow progress of a society that is changing for the better. You can pick out things to hate about this country all day long if you want, there are 320 million of us so by the numbers some bad shit will always be going down, but you know what else is going down? The white population as a percentage. So no, whitey is not rising, and people who think in those terms are slowly dying off. It's happening, get used to it. Fifty years from now hardly anyone will believe anyone ever cared about this bullshit.
    But I'm sorry that I fed the troll again, reality will never sink in past the hate that you wear like a team jersey, and probably care about as much as one, so go ahead with your exiting, rewarding, meaningful existence.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Yes Doug, you fed the troll. I guarantee James will go away as soon as we stop reading his ignorance. He is the textbook definition of a troll.

    In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.

  36. Anonymous5:51 AM

    AT BOLD: "with the exception of electrical power, airplanes, railroads, steamships, the interstate highway system, theme parks, movies, recorded music, lasers, the internet, cars, television, artificial hips and knees, heart pacemakers, power tools, golf, and football, what have the ignorant, racist, bigoted, white men ever done for us?"

    Well, I could say they gave us NUKES, but then you'd simply find a way to glorify that.

    I could say they gave us GLOBAL WARMING, but then you'd simply find a way to blame someone else.

    You see, you want all the credit but none of the blame--a typical white, racist, dictatorial approach to your massive failings.

    As for the things you mentioned above, the world would be better off without most of them. Trust Me: They will be our undoing.

    "If you are dumb enough to think that advocating the enforcement of the laws of the USA with the well-being of the American public in mind is "terrorism", you are too dumb to be a worthwhile member of the body politic."

    You wanna know what's "dumb"? I'll tell you: It's giving trollish fools like you the time of day.

    And that stops now.

    You're a pound trollish, and a penny wise. Get help!

  37. I just took big juicy shit in my pants. I know fuckers like Yisheng, lilacpr, Lance Cockstrong, and The Ministry of Truth are looking forward to licking it up.

  38. James Bold11:19 AM

    "Yes Doug, you fed the troll. I guarantee James will go away as soon as we stop reading his ignorance. He is the textbook definition of a troll."

    Well, DAYum!  I wrote call me "troll" if you like back in the June 1 post.  Here is is, a mere 3 weeks later, and you FINALLY get it!  You actually UNDERSTAND a phrase of 6 one-syllable words that was put in front of you 3 weeks ago!

    You are all so

    That includes those of you with so-called "educations".  You are the textbook definition of highly polished turds.

    I will keep reading and referring people here as long as there are Africans-in-America.  There is no other way to open people's eyes and show them what even you, the so-called "talented tenth", are.  I know they don't want to believe it.  Hell, I don't want to believe it.  But the truth will set Whites free.

  39. Enough is ENOUGH !!2:39 PM

    In the meantime, I'm reporting you.

    1:05 AM

    wahhhhhhhhh, crying like the simple minded ßish that they are. wahhh!

    Reporting him to who? Whoa, now that's a threat! You spineless POS !!!

  40. Enough is ENOUGH !!2:44 PM

    James, you knocked that anon troll's lights out.

    It reminds me of a YT video that I enjoy watching sometimes time and time again!
    I think it's that whole genetic "clapping" thing that always catches my eyes that they do when they jump on the defensive...

    Hate to break it to em, but this isn't the jungles of Africa you live in, even though you ppl most certainly, slowly but surely, making it that way. You simply can't just alter genetics by throwing more programs and "gibs-me-dats" at them.

    Watch the video and watch what happens to the stupid savage.. priceless :) Enjoy!

  41. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "Love GOT. So much life.lessons to be learned from it."

    I just can't wrap my head around the stupidity and childishness of anyone who would make that remark and mean it.

    It's like claiming that watching Star Wars is educational because it automatically teaches you astrophysics.

    "Love GOT. So much life.lessons to be learned from it."

    Holy cats!! The Stupidity! It burns! It burns!

  42. Anonymous10:07 PM

    But I must point out that as the proponents of "Remain" discovered . People lie to pollsters. Why might that be?

  43. Hello i am here to spread this good news to the entire world on how i got my ex love back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month,But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR IROSI the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR IROSI about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR IROSI at the following email address DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM or call his mobile number or add him up on whatsapp via (+2348118829771). and get your problems solve like me.    
