Saturday, June 25, 2016


Image result for bernie supporter images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: How did that guy get in here?

*Pic from


  1. Brothers! We both lost, but I swear it's not because we don't know what we're doing!

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Pointing toward the correct location, the older gentleman wearing glasses says to muscle-bound fellow: "Excuse me, son, this is a Bernie Sanders rally. You're in the wrong place for the WWF auditions."

  3. Trump supporter disrupts rally saying: "Listen up losers... President Trump Making America Great Again will be A Future I Can Believe In!!!"

  4. Lilacpr10:52 PM

    Alahu Akbar! This place is full of infidels!

  5. This is why you win, Lila :-)

  6. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Let's Make America Great Again!

  7. On another note, reposting my comment from Open Thread Friday in reply to one of the Anons who mentioned tweets that took Mr. Trump to task while visiting Scotland.

    The Scottish folks were beyond colorful expressing their disdain for Mr. Trump on Twitter. During golf trip outing, Mr. Trump was so globally clueless congratulating Scotland on taking the country back when a significant majority voted to remain in EU. Our presumptive GOP nominee continues elevating foot in mouth disease to new heights!!

  8. George Will12:12 AM

    I think a case can be made that Obama's deliberate flooding of US with third worlders qualifies as ethnic cleansing under international law.

  9. Man on knees, genuflecting to Trump: "O Great and Powerful Oz!"

  10. teh stupid4:04 AM

    I think a case can be made that Obama's deliberate flooding of US with third worlders qualifies as ethnic cleansing under international law.
    I think this qualifies as the dumbest fucking comment of the day.

  11. Lance Cockstrong6:16 AM

    Someone please build a wall around this asshole

  12. ctrl+halt+del7:48 AM

    Band director Reece S. McKee, readies his star vocalist for the talent portion of the peanut M&M look-a-like contest.

  13. ctrl+halt+del8:01 AM

    Reece S. McKee can't hide his joy as he is awarded his own personal "A future you can believe in" sign.

  14. You stupid shits. They are showering him with used panty hose from white girls

    Hell, what else does a black man want?

  15. Lance Cockstrong8:03 AM

    ♪♫ Beauty's only skin deep ... yeah yeah yeah ... ♪♫

  16. ctrl+halt+del8:12 AM

    Bernie Sanders fires up the crowd chanting, "Now hold your hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care!"

  17. ctrl+halt+del8:25 AM

    Karaoke Night at the Sanders campaign office kicks off with the Village People's mega-hit, YMCA.

  18. ctrl+halt+del8:34 AM


  19. Lt. Commander Johnson10:48 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Hey, field...I have a suggestion for a post:

    Let's talk about "Grading On The Curve", when it began, and how is it doing us today?

    I'm old...but I remember integration...I was about a B-C+ student.

    Once we had to go to grading on the curve, I went to straight A's, and didn't even bother to take books home to study any more.

    Perhaps that has helped fuel our decline in education?

    6:30 pm

    No response?

    Go figure.

  20. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Lilacpr said...

    Alahu Akbar! This place is full of infidels!

    10:52 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    This is why you win, Lila :-)

    11:38 PM

    Thank you Faith! x*D I liked yours at 10:23,it was pretty good too!

  21. Trevor11:21 AM

    Black people are annoying as hell.

  22. Trevor11:32 AM

    Feminism is a disease.

  23. Lt. Commander Johnson11:34 AM

    All you really have to say, is:


    We'll grade you on the curve.

    YES is an A:

    NO: is a B is a fucking puke

  24. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Cry Nazi for too long, and they shall appear.

  25. ctrl+halt+del3:07 PM

    You've just won 2 tickets to the movie "Free State of Jones!"

  26. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Guy screams: TRUMP FOREVER!!!!

  27. ctrl+halt+del4:45 PM

    I came here to feel the Bern!

  28. The Ministry of Truth7:09 PM

    Bernie fanatic to bald thug: You're in the wrong place. The Nazi stabbing event is in Sacramento.

  29. Power to the People8:31 PM

    "The Nazi stabbing event is in Sacramento."

    This Leftist violence campaign is really ramping up. This was a peaceful rally by a legitimate group, the Traditionalist Worker Party - a group even the SPLC doesn't call a hate group, a group that had a permit to rally, and once again paid Leftist goons showed up to beat down dissent. Even though they outnumbered the TWP 10 to one, these Leftist thugs took a beating.

    Were are starting to fight back. Things are going to be different going forward, and you'd better get used to it.

  30. Make America Great Again8:33 PM

    All non-violent speech is protected -- and if you try to stop it, you deserve the police baton I hope you get.

    Trump '16

  31. The Ministry of Truth8:40 PM

    "This Leftist violence campaign is really ramping up. This was a peaceful rally by a legitimate group, the Traditionalist Worker Party - a group even the SPLC doesn't call a hate group ..."

    Wrong. They're standard-issue Nazis.

    Check out this list of SPLC hate groups. They're on it.

    "... and once again paid Leftist goons showed up to beat down dissent."

    Wrong again. No one needs to be paid to hate Nazis. Most decent people do.

  32. Now cue the ammosexuals with a hysterical "See! You don't need guns for a terror attack!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. 'Obama is out of office!'

    'Hillary is GOIN' TO JAIL!'

    'I got the contract to build the wall!'

    'Through the grace of God, body armor, and conceal carry, I survived another day in Chicago!'

    'My kid made it two days in a row at school in Philly without being beat up!'

    'Half the 'sit in' Democrats got mugged this week when criminals knew they didn't believe in self defense!'

    Here's some quote for ya! Haven't had time to read your blog yet since I just found it, but hope some quotes for your pic work out! G

  34. Power to the People10:29 PM

    The paid Leftist thugs were attacking any and all white people they saw, even people not associated with this rally:

    The only racists in this story are the Soros-funded anti-white thugs he sics on anyone who threatens his globalist agenda.

    Fight racism. Vote Trump.

  35. Anonymous10:34 PM

    This Leftist violence campaign is really ramping up.

    Bolsheviks prevailed in feudal Russia, Vietnam, China, but unlikely to prevail in Amerika.

    Right-authoritarian rise more likely.

    The American democracy is dead.

  36. We have always been at war with Eastasia10:36 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "No one needs to be paid to hate Nazis. Most decent people do."

    If you don't think fascists have a right to legal assembly, and should be attacked, we need to have a talk about who decides who's a fascist.

  37. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Let's demonize White people simply for existing and then cry 'how dare you!' when they fight back!

  38. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Communists attack peaceful nationalists that they outnumber 6-1 and lose. Stabbed with their own knives.

    This is how it's going down.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson10:40 PM

    Oh my goodness. The master Republican disaster-monger, Morris Dees and that bad-assed Southern Poverty Law Center!

    I am so damned scared.

  40. Hate Fact™10:41 PM

    La Raza is a hate group.

    They are going to hang.

  41. Lt. Commander Johnson10:42 PM

    Read it.

  42. New day dawning10:46 PM

    Six ANTIFA got stabbed with their own knives. What happens when you try this in a conceal carry state? You Leftists fucks haven't thought this through.

  43. T-Bone10:50 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Wrong. They're standard-issue Nazis."

    Even Nazis have free speech. But these weren't Nazis.

    The left lies about everything.


  44. The more the left acts out violently...violating our laws and rights..

    The more people will turn to Trump.

    I am one of them.

    Remember Sacramento.

  45. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Leftist thugs, as always, attacking the working class instead of the bankers.

    It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out who is paying for this.

  46. "I think a case can be made that Obama's deliberate flooding of US with third worlders qualifies as ethnic cleansing under international law."


    "Pointing toward the correct location, the older gentleman wearing glasses says to muscle-bound fellow: "Excuse me, son, this is a Bernie Sanders rally. You're in the wrong place for the WWF auditions.""=Winner

    "I came here to feel the Bern!"= Runner up

  47. The Ministry of Truth11:21 PM

    "Leftist thugs, as always, attacking the working class instead of the bankers.

    It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out who is paying for this."

    LOL, the "working class"? Like anyone would employ those dimwitted scumbags.

  48. Trevor11:21 PM

    Whose dick is smaller: The Ministry of Truth, or Lance Cockstrong?

  49. Hey Field you see the BET awards? I know, probably not but watch it to check out my man Air Force Maj. Kenyatta Ruffin. He was given an award for founding his non-profit Tuskegee Next which has given free plane rides for over 5,000 students and inspired others to follow in his footsteps. He's a bad boy, he started in camps here in the Chicago area and when he was a kid wanted to be an astronaut but had to settle for being an F-16 fighter pilot. Graduated from the Air Force Academy with honors with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering so you know he's the real deal. Check him out when you get a chance.

  50. Lance Cockstrong11:36 PM

    Nobody watches the BET awards, faggot.

  51. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
    "LOL, the "working class"? Like anyone would employ those dimwitted scumbags."

    Spoken like a true bankster-worshiping fascist.

  52. Who put embalming fluid in the heroin tonight?

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Bad trip Doug?

    It's going to get worse.

  54. Nope, I haven't gotten high since 2008, and guess what? Things just keep getting better.

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. Anonymous12:50 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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