Friday, June 24, 2016

Open thread Friday.

MORE DISCLAIMERSIt's open thread Friday, y'all.

Please tell me what you think of topics such as "white rage" and Britain leaving the EU.


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I think Great Britain is ahead of the game. It sees the writing on the wall.

  2. Currency traders having a Field day. Campaigning on buzzwords and voter apathy are going to destroy the West.

  3. Howdy field. Hope you and y'all's are doing well.

    Does use of the word "y'all" mean you are becoming a Dallas Cowboy fan?

  4. John Oliver on "Last Week Tonight" had it pretty much right. The Brits invented "exceptionalism" and ethic and racial superiority (the n word was used to designate East Indians, you know,during the Raj) and always felt themselves superior to continental Europeanss. So it was easy to capitalize on nativist sentiments and get them to shoot themselves in the foot with Brexit -- after they'd already suffered the "austerity" that allowed them to join the EU, but before they'd gotten any of the trickle-down benefits of increased trade for British goods.

    Economic gain is often gradual, abstract, hard to understand. Being told that your jobs are being stolen by "them"--whoever "them" is--is much easier to believe, emotionally satisfying.

    You-know-who was in Scotland today, pitching his new resort. He mentioned, parenethetically, that the Brits have "taken their country back." A usually wise friend predicts that Brexit and our own "nativism" (read: racism) will help Trump all the way to the White House. God, I'm worried all over again.

  5. Forgot the John Oliver link:

    Skio to 13:55 to hear the British view of the EU (sadly prophetic) put into song.

  6. Charlie Pierce, who knows practically everything, commented on Brexit over at Esquire:

    "Without the accelerant of pure racism–the existence of which among the British comes as no surprise to those of who descend from involuntary members of their old Empire–this thing never gets off the ground."

  7. Little Bitch1:36 PM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  8. David Pierce1:39 PM

    I would love to see a shithole like Puerto Rico declare absolute independence from this great nation. At least that way we wouldn't have to hear lilac's moronic bullshit on topics she knows nothing about, which would be almost everything.

  9. I'd love to hear PC's take on Brexit.

  10. White rage? Looks more like "White whining in utter terror of someday being mildly inconvenienced" to me.
    And UK? Good luck negotiating a trade deal with your largest trading partner after giving them the finger and throwing their economy into chaos.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Congrats to the people of the UK. They finally stopped settling for mediocrity and chose better. Despite the race card playing, pissing and moaning left, the UK will be fine. Once the exit from the failure known as the EU,the UK economy will be stronger. Their middle class will be stronger. Poverty rates will be lower. And the UK will be safer once they secure their borders and kick the rapeugees out.

  12. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Scotland is almost sure to go, the housing market in England is cure to take a dive starting in London. The English will continue the reactionary cycle with continued nationalism and austerity and slide into irrelevance. Just like in the US racist, but economically oppressed white people voted against their financial interest to statisfy their underlying nationalist tendencies. Just like in the US right wing policy itself is what put the thumbscrews to these people in the first place.

    The US and Western Europe are all in a nationalist isolationist grip, almost like how a century ago European civilization ripped it self apart, just after it was riding a technological high and just as democracy had finally been able to get a real foothold and international intellectual collaboration looked like it was at a height. Hopefully we can all course correct this time around. Hopefully the EU can get its shit together before its too late. A single bullet tipped europe into chaos a century ago, hopefully one idiotic vote wont do the same.

  13. Pound is already dropping.

    Ironically, though, Brits are supposedly more upset at other Europeans migrating to their country and taking their jobs than they are migrants and refugees from Third World countries.

    Either way, I don't think this is going to end well for them.

  14. Anon@4:10, that was well stated.

  15. Dow drops over 600 points (still didn't call my broker), and the clown running for prez on the republican side is on his stupid golf course in Scotland.

    After voting for Britain to leave the EU, many Brits were Googling European Union today.

    Just wow.

  16. No need to call your broker field. By the end of next week the markets will have recovered their losses and the left will stop doing the chicken little thing.

    And field, wanna lay some coin on the shape of the UK in 5 years?


    Least Trump was up. Hillary was still in bed and hadn't had her cream of wheat yet....

  17. Anonymous6:21 PM

    People on the Left are no better (or worse) than people on the Right.

  18. ctrl+halt+del7:01 PM

    "White Rage"

    Irene Ryan made a career playing a character who epitomized this characteristic so common amongst so many people. So common that it helped sustain a show called The Beverly Hillbillies. History shows these people just don't know how to get along with anything anytime anywhere.

    Fortunately, there is help for these people. Unfortunately, they don't see that they have a problem and like most addicts have to mess up the lives of others on their way to hit rock bottom.

  19. @Another Bozo: Funny how you expressed now being worried all over again about a potential Trump presidency.

    Just this morning, I awoke with the same feeling that the events of Brexit could likely trickle down to the Trump movement having the last laugh, so to speak.

    Case in point is Kinky already sipping one glass of bubbly too many in advising Mr. Field there's no need to call the broker.

    Must say I concur with Yisheng about the Purple Cow. I so cannot believe PC is not a part of this conversation. His perspective would be greatly welcome.

  20. Lance Cockstrong8:35 PM

    "Five equally plausible scenarios" for when Freddie Gray was injured - Baltimore Circuit Judge Williams

    One of those plausible scenarios being that Freddie Gray broke his own spine and crushed his own larynx. So unless the prosecution can prove otherwise let's go with that one, fuck the other 4. And as "remedy" for the prosecution failing to provide Donta Allen who testified that he heard Gray banging his head against the wall to the defense, the judge allowed hearsay testimony from Detective Dawnell Taylor quoting in turn the medical examiner who ruled Gray's death a homicide that "we don't have any evidence one way or the other".

    Bottom line, the entire incident must be unambiguously captured on video to have even the slightest chance of convicting a police officer.

  21. Y'all ain't seen nothing yet. Global warming, chaos in the middle east, millions of sea creatures dying in the Pacific Ocean, turbulent weather patterns wreaking havoc--this is only the beginning.

  22. Lance: That won't always do it either. We have video of Oscar Grant's murder and the best we could get was involuntary manslaughter. The best way to convict a cop is for the victim to be white and related to a cop or judge.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Field, "white rage" is not a recent phenomenon. It's been around for decades.

    It did go underground for a time, but now it has resurfaced thanks to Trump, and some high-profile police killings of unarmed blacks, where the cops have mostly walked, and blacks have loudly objected.

    And, too, the election of Obama infuriated more than a few whites who believed that the man in the White House should be white.

    The BREXODUS is more about British sovereignty, the desire to have absolute control over its economy without giving due regard to the economy of any other national entities.

    The question now looming: Will it feel the same about staying in NATO?

  24. Where is Purple Cow when you need him?

  25. Lance Cockstrong11:28 PM

    @Doug - Agreed, "even the slightest chance" being the operative phrase, hell in NYC they got nada for murdering Eric Garner ... hey are you available for police chief? ... they've gone thru damn near everyone else over there in Oakland ...

  26. Yeah, they have, and no I'm not. On the lighter side, the state reversed course and said it's OK for the mayor to have the city manager run OPD until such time as an appropriate chief can be found. Not a big fan of OPD myself, but even less of a fan of the smaller forces that surround them. Emeryville in particular.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Conner11:58 PM

    My poop was orange earlier today! Should I be worried?

  28. Reid Carver2:39 AM

    I really want to date an English girl. Now what do I do?

  29. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Trump gave his two cents on the Brexodus (good one Shadow). This guy has absolutely no business being anything other than a reality show host.


  30. Anonymous4:00 AM

    "Case in point is Kinky already sipping one glass of bubbly too many in advising Mr. Field there's no need to call the broker."

    It does sound a bit like Romney in a landslide. What happened to the Trump guy here?


  31. Stephen Gordon4:31 AM

    I'm dying to know what you thought of the nine words of evasion written by the Supreme Court RE: Texas, et al. Do you think Merrick Garland will be able to join the 2016 session?

  32. The Ministry of Truth4:56 AM

    "John Oliver on 'Last Week Tonight' had it pretty much right. The Brits invented 'exceptionalism' and ethic and racial superiority (the n word was used to designate East Indians, you know,during the Raj) and always felt themselves superior to continental Europeanss."

    I wouldn't go that far. You can't blame Brits entirely for racism. The intellectual apparatus of racism was contributed to by Europeans of many nations. And the basic propensity to be bigoted is unfortunately an inherent characteristic of the entire human species. Sorry, non-white people, but you don't get let off the hook on that, either.

    And I wouldn't put the historical divide between the UK and Europe down just to racism, either. Keep in mind that Europe was the most powerful empire on Earth for quite a while. They still haven't fully gotten used to being just another country. The arrogance lingers a bit. And association with the old US of A has contaminated them with some of our wrongheaded and stupid right-wing economic theories, which is another thing that alienates them from the Continent.

    "So it was easy to capitalize on nativist sentiments and get them to shoot themselves in the foot with Brexit -- after they'd already suffered the 'austerity' that allowed them to join the EU, but before they'd gotten any of the trickle-down benefits of increased trade for British goods."

    I don't agree. Britain has gotten plenty of economic benefit out of the EU. Unfortunately, a bunch of self-serving charlatans managed to convince the befuddled masses that they could still get the same or better out of the EU, without having to put up with any of the irritating downsides of the EU.

    They can't, and they are going to come to that painful realization in short order.

    In addition, this cabal of con-artists managed to pull more or less the same hustle that Trump is trying to pull here in the U.S.: seize on poor people's real and justified anger at failed right-wing economic policies and the natural dislocations of globalization, and deflect it at scapegoats.

    Trump's scapegoating method looks like this: "Keep out the Mexican rapists and job stealers!" and "China is screwing our economy!"

    Substitute with "Keep out the Syrian rapists and Polish job stealers!" and "Oppressive Eurocrats are screwing our economy!", and you've got the British version.

    The whole episode has been a festival of lies, know-nothing attacks on "elites," bigotry, and murder. Yes, murder. A pro-EU legislator, Jo Cox, was assassinated by an unhinged racist, calling her a traitor to Britain unwilling to keep out the immigrant hordes.

    Vileness all around.

  33. The Ministry of Truth5:08 AM

    This tweet is the best reaction to the idiocy of Brexit that I've seen:

    Rest of world: don't do anything crazy plz
    UK: fk u we used to own u watch this
    *does backflip
    *money falls out of pockets
    *cracks head open

    The second-best reaction is this fake resignation note from the UK prime minister (who has, in fact, now resigned).

  34. The Ministry of Truth5:33 AM

    On the plus side, I guess now the Democrats can use the catastrophic failure of Britain as a cautionary tale against Trumpism. So there's that.

    Thank you, UK?

  35. Anonymous6:13 AM

    @ Conner -

    Stop sticking carrots up your ass, then!

    That's Field's favorite pastime, anyway ...

  36. The Ministry of Truth6:36 AM

    "Trump gave his two cents on the Brexodus (good one Shadow). This guy has absolutely no business being anything other than a reality show host."

    He wouldn't even be able to find the U.K. on a map if he hadn't opened golf resorts in Scotland, the construction of which involved evicting angry locals from their homes. Donald is not exactly a popular guy in Scotland.

    On Trump's latest visit, he was greeted by a prankster handing out swastika-branded golf balls as if he were an official resort employee. Also crowds of protesters demanding Trump's immediate removal from the UK.

    Imagine what great things it would do for America's image to have as our president a guy the entire world thinks is lower than pond scum (with the exception of Trump's fanboy Vladimir Putin -- also a total dick).

  37. The Ministry of Truth7:15 AM

    I guess I should add that it is quite a testament to his loathsome character that, even after having carried out their own act of rather Trumpish self-harm in the form of crashing out of the EU ... Britons are still able to recognize, and be repulsed by, the epic rottenness that is Donald Trump.

  38. Lance Cockstrong8:47 AM

    @Conner - no not a problem use it for hair gel like Butt Trumpet does

  39. Lance Cockstrong9:16 AM

    Brexit ... Trumpet ... Fuck it ...

  40. Limpbaugh10:11 AM

    I wrote about Obama causing the EU exit under Thursday's article. The UK has a worse problem than we do do here. Leaving could be good for the UK and bad for the other EU countries, ONe of the wealthier countries is leaving. There were racists voting to leave and people voting to leave for other reasons. The establishment here has got to go. Hillary is a psychopathic mass murderer. Trump's racism is disgusting and would be extremely detrimental for the country. But one aspect of white privilege is to view his ignorance and racism as a lesser evil than her killing innocent people. There very well could be non racist white people who see through the establishment politicians and media voting for Trump along with the white rage voters. Some black people might too. Clinton is much better on race issues but she will gladly send your kids to die for her donors. She knew the Iraq War was wrong, but she wanted to compensate for being a woman by appearing tough. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Wall Street are her donors. Israel had foreknowledge of 9/11. Look up the dancing Israelis, Saudi ARabia financed the hijackers and some people on Wall Street made fortunes short selling airline stocks. But we attacked Iraq, like those three entities wanted us to. THat's our establishment for you,

  41. The Deal11:33 AM

    White boys are faggots.

  42. "Ironically, though, Brits are supposedly more upset at other Europeans migrating to their country and taking their jobs than they are migrants and refugees from Third World countries."

    Ive heard that from some locals in England, Scotland and Ireland. I know Ireland isn't in the UK but they still have opinions. The builders, bricklayers, plumbers, ect say they make about half as much as they used to. I would be a bit upset too.

    MoT, you're right, Trump is a running joke mostly over there. My trip to London last night cancelled so I won't get to rap to the locals and take advantage of those falling pounds.


    Check this, very interesting.

  44. Lt. Commander Johnson2:43 PM

    Where is the Purple Cow? I'd like to here his Socialist opinion.

  45. Lt. Commander Johnson2:45 PM

    "hear", I mean...

  46. The Ministry of Truth3:20 PM


    Check this, very interesting."

    I commented on this on Wednesday's blog entry. Go check it out, if you're interested.

    To sum up, though, that guy's unabashed, Trump-inspired racism and lack of logic (how does he intend to get the white demographic back to 85% of the populace, again?) are really something to behold.

  47. The Ministry of Truth4:03 PM

    And so the post-EU British hatefest begins. Polish residents have begun receiving cards from bigots telling them "no more polish vermin" and "go home scum."

    According to the article, "Poles who are already scared about the effects of the Brexit vote did not expect to be harassed after the results."

    They should have. They, and everyone else, should expect more hate. Lots more.

  48. Lance Cockstrong4:23 PM

    "Hillary is a psychopathic mass murderer" - No doubt a mistake to authorize Bush and vicarious thrill killer Sticky Dick Cheney to invade Iraq based on their phony evidence. Bush and Sticky Dick are 100% responsible for ISIS. "she will gladly send your kids to die for her donors" ... you think Butt Trumpet would never kill innocent people or send your kids to die for his enrichment? Limpbaugh you make as much sense as your fat slob namesake

  49. Paxit4:37 PM

    >Be a Pakistani Muslim
    >Move to Britain
    >Call everyone Racist & Islamophobic
    >Demand special privileges and more benefits
    >Insist the host culture conform to yours
    >Be surprised people get tired of your shit

  50. Mexit4:39 PM

    >Be a Mexican nationalist
    >Illegally move to America
    >Call everyone Racist & Bigotted
    >Demand special privileges and more benefits
    >Insist the host culture conform to yours
    >Be surprised people get tired of your shit

  51. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    And so the post-EU British hatefest begins. Polish residents have begun receiving cards from bigot

    More lies.

  52. You should stick to gay porn lance since you are so wrong on your facts...

    Trump is an isolationist. So no he wouldn't kill innocence or send kids to die. Hillary wouldn't think twice about starting wars to enrich her and her sex offender hubby.

  53. Magic Hate Ball4:43 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "They should have. They, and everyone else, should expect more hate. Lots more."

    Except maybe for the citizens of Great Britain. Maybe they'll get a little less hate from the government that is trying to replace them.

  54. The Ministry of Truth said...
    And so the post-EU British hatefest begins.

    The hatefest began when the results were announced.Leftists and their pals in the media couldn't wait to spread the hate. Can you be surprised a few are acting out in kind?

  55. It is time to arrange Nuremberg-style trials for the EU officials.

    Charge - attempted genocide of Europeans.

    Let the hanging begin.

  56. Affirmative Action Jackson4:49 PM

    Years of legal moralizing about the sanctity of non-discrimination. And then a white girl applies to college and it all goes out the window.

  57. Mexit4:49 PM

    I just want to remind all those Mexicans we're deporting not to deface your side of the wall with graffiti, since you paid for it.

  58. Freddie Gray tried to injure himself so he could get a settlement, went too far and accidentally snapped his own neck.

  59. Make no mistake, it was a bad week for Barack Obama. A Supreme Court decision knocking down the president’s Executive Order amnesty mandate for illegal immigrants followed soon after by a stunning vote by the British to secede from the European Union, (due in large part to issues related to a swarm of Muslim immigrants who condemn western society and culture) the world appears poised to be turning away from the very kind of progressive socialism that eight years earlier created the Obama phenomena.

    Donald Trump is declaring the Age of Obama as over, and the new Age of America to be just beginning.

    All hail President Trump.

  60. Lt. Commander Johnson5:40 PM

    Huh, I just watched Trump's latest speech. He tore Hillary a new asshole.

    If you should feel so, where was he was wrong?

    Hillary is a cunt.

  61. Power to the People5:43 PM

    The more the people shout that they don't want further mass migration, the harder the self-alleged elite shuts its ears and insists these racists don't know their own best interests.

    Fuck them.

  62. Lance Cockstrong5:58 PM

    You should stick to watching gay porn Kinky. Butt Trumpet is for Butt Trumpet. Beyond that is anyone's guess. Bush and Sticky Dick are 100% responsible for ISIS. That is a fact. Butt Trumpet has a lot of Sticky Dick in him. You could call him a Kinky Con Artist except that he is not even trying to conceal that he is fucking with you Real American Dumbasses.

  63. Tread7:05 PM

    This place and the Young Turks are both full of shit.

  64. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Tread is full of shit.


  65. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Donald Trump is declaring the Age of Obama as over, and the new Age of America to be just beginning.

    All hail President Trump.
    Which explains why his numbers are falling. Thanks genius.

  66. James Bold7:37 PM

    "that guy's unabashed, Trump-inspired racism and lack of logic (how does he intend to get the white demographic back to 85% of the populace, again?) are really something to behold."

    How?  It wouldn't be hard.  Just retroactively revoke birthright citizenship, repeal the green cards of all the fake refugees (about 95% of them), and send all illegal aliens and former refugees back to their homes; if you take away all their public benefits most will probably leave by themselves.  That's probably 30 million right there, taking the USA from 65% to 75% White.

    Going from 75% to 85% could be accomplished by demanding Black people actually behave as the equals you supposedly are, or find some other country to live in (with our assistance in relocation).  Just bringing the 78% Black out-of-wedlock birth rate down to the White level would cut Black births roughly in half.  Waving goodbye to a large fraction of Black felons and any family that wanted to follow them to other countries would slash prison budgets and eliminate recidivism.

    The biggest problem with this would be buying all the fainting couches and smelling salts for the liberals.  We wouldn't want them to knock their heads on hard floors and get even MORE brain damage, would we?

  67. Darky Anderson7:50 PM

    White people rock.

  68. Give it up, James. White people are declining as a percentage of the population and things are getting better, and those two things have nothing to do with one another.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. Came across article quoting Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling's takeaway regarding Brexit. Given the similarities in the U.S. 2016 presidential and congressional races, it's political suicide (IMHO) for DNC/progressive committees to dismiss the concerns of Trump and Sanders supporters.

    J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, cautions against casting everyone who backed the Leave movement as a bigot but also writesabout the danger of painting immigrants as monsters and villains:

    "Leave has been busy threatening us with another monster: a tsunami of faceless foreigners heading for our shores, among them rapists and terrorists.
    "It is dishonourable to suggest, as many have, that Leavers are all racists and bigots: they aren't and it is shameful to suggest that they are. Nevertheless, it is equally nonsensical to pretend that racists and bigots aren't flocking to the 'Leave' cause, or that they aren't, in some instances, directing it. For some of us, that fact alone is enough to give us pause. The picture of Nigel Farage standing in front of a poster showing a winding line of Syrian refugees captioned 'Breaking Point' is, as countless people have already pointed out, an almost exact duplicate of propaganda used by the Nazis."

  70. Anonymous10:27 PM

    If you haven't, read the tweets from the Scottish folks in response to Trumpty's visit to their fair land.
    It will expand any Amurrican's provincial vocabulary. Share with your friends!

    1. Oh my goodness, Anon: The Scottish folks were beyond colorful expressing their disdain for Mr. Trump on Twitter. During golf trip outing, Mr. Trump was so globally clueless congratulating Scotland on taking the country back when a significant majority voted to remain in EU. Our presumptive GOP nominee continues elevating foot in mouth disease to new heights!!

  71. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Trump's victory is inevitable.

    This is a good thing.

  72. The Ministry of Truth12:11 AM

    "Except maybe for the citizens of Great Britain. Maybe they'll get a little less hate from the government that is trying to replace them."

    Hahaha. They won't.

    In fact, I can already predict what will happen.

    1) The mostly working-class people who voted for Brexit were dishonestly told their standards of living would improve once Britain was free of the "oppressive EU rules" and once immigration had stopped. But EU rules and immigration were never the cause of their low standard of living in the first place, so absolutely nothing will improve for them.

    2) Severance from the EU will result in a massive drop in trade and a recession, so actually, their standards of living will get worse. Many of them may have believed they were at rock bottom and nothing could get worse for them. But they will soon discover that, in fact, it can, when half of them lose their jobs.

    3) In an effort to restore trade, and thus the economy, Britain's desperate leaders will have to grovel on hand and knee with the EU to establish new trade agreements. This trade negotiation will require Britain to accept ... you guessed it, signing back up to freedom of movement.

    4) As a result of the freedom of movement conditions, immigration in Britain will NOT drop. It will not drop at all. Same Polish plumbers, same Romanian vegetable pickers, same everybody will keep streaming into the UK.

    5) But since Britain is now out of the EU and ruled by extreme right-wingers, workers will lose all of the workplace labor protections that the EU had previously guaranteed them. If they land a job now, they will work longer, under less safe conditions, with less job security. And again, still competing against those Poles and Romanians, and whomever else they were led to believe was harming them.

    6) When these Brexit voters discover how they have been lied to and comprehensively fucked over by opportunistic demagogues that had promised them Brexit would fix everything, they will be enraged. They will riot. They will commit hate crimes. There will be an enormous explosion of violence.

  73. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Give it up, James. White people are declining as a percentage of the population and things are getting better, and those two things have nothing to do with one another.
    Just give up Doug, James is a fucking idiot.

  74. Anonymous4:11 AM

    How? It wouldn't be hard. Just retroactively revoke birthright citizenship, repeal the green cards of all the fake refugees (about 95% of them), and send all illegal aliens and former refugees back to their homes; if you take away all their public benefits most will probably leave by themselves.
    Yawn, James you are one simplistic dreaming mother fucker. Your bitch ass won't do anything resembling what you write. Keep dreaming of mass deportations and race wars. Either you are on drugs or brain damaged. Holy fuck, this guy is hilarious!

  75. Lt. Commander Johnson12:56 PM

    1) The mostly working-class people who voted for Brexit were dishonestly told their standards of living would improve once Britain was free of the "oppressive EU rules" and once immigration had stopped. But EU rules and immigration were never the cause of their low standard of living in the first place, so absolutely nothing will improve for them.

    2) Severance from the EU will result in a massive drop in trade and a recession, so actually, their standards of living will get worse. Many of them may have believed they were at rock bottom and nothing could get worse for them. But they will soon discover that, in fact, it can, when half of them lose their jobs.

    3) In an effort to restore trade, and thus the economy, Britain's desperate leaders will have to grovel on hand and knee with the EU to establish new trade agreements. This trade negotiation will require Britain to accept ... you guessed it, signing back up to freedom of movement.

    4) As a result of the freedom of movement conditions, immigration in Britain will NOT drop. It will not drop at all. Same Polish plumbers, same Romanian vegetable pickers, same everybody will keep streaming into the UK.

    5) But since Britain is now out of the EU and ruled by extreme right-wingers, workers will lose all of the workplace labor protections that the EU had previously guaranteed them. If they land a job now, they will work longer, under less safe conditions, with less job security. And again, still competing against those Poles and Romanians, and whomever else they were led to believe was harming them.

    6) When these Brexit voters discover how they have been lied to and comprehensively fucked over by opportunistic demagogues that had promised them Brexit would fix everything, they will be enraged. They will riot. They will commit hate crimes. There will be an enormous explosion of violence.

    12:11 AM

    Funny, why do I see almost the exact same thing, If I Google it?

  76. Lt. Commander Johnson3:36 PM

    Oh yeah. Funny. I didn,t post that crap.

    That was Ministry of Losing Teeth.

    I was just telling you she's a plagiarize whore.

  77. The Ministry of Truth6:45 PM

    "Funny, why do I see almost the exact same thing, If I Google it?"

    Sorry, I did not copy this from anywhere.

    But it would not surprise me if others are saying similar things, because this is what is actually going to happen to the UK.

    It is only the deluded Leave voters who do not realize this. But they are beginning to, as the disastrous consequences of Brexit are already starting to take effect.

  78. The Ministry of Truth6:52 PM

    In fact, the leaders of the Brexit campaign are already starting to backtrack on the promises they made literally days ago.

    They are saying, oh yeah, about that immigration thing ... it won't really go down.

    And, oh yeah, about all that extra money we were going to have to spend on domestic healthcare once we broke free from the evil clutches of the EU ... haha, we were just kidding, there won't be any such money, so we can't spend it.

    Meanwhile, the British pound has plummeted, and corporate executives are announcing plans to move thousands of jobs OUT of the UK and INTO the EU to places like France and Germany.

    This has been possibly the most disgusting political con-job I've seen in my lifetime.

  79. Anonymous10:57 PM

    MoT busted.

    What a fucking douche.

  80. Anonymous11:20 AM

    negros should only be seen rarely and never heard from. in a society that wants to be well ordered a negro is like the eternal zit that cannot go away. most negras want what YT has but cannot fathom how to work and earn it. when your soul is on the plantation and still picking cotton and doing the massa's bidding. i bet in 200 hundred years from now the negro will still be a wantin' what whitey has...?

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