Sunday, June 12, 2016

Here we go again!




Another day, another mass killing in America. This one is the worst in our history. Fifty people killed so far, and there could be more.

The shooter allegedly did it in the name of Isis, and he is another one of these "self-radicalized" Muslims whose twisted view of his religion tells him that it's cool to kill non-believers. 

Sorry Donald, this guy was an American, and from all indication he hated Gays as much as he hated other non-believers. I don't believe his dad when he says that watching two men kissing caused him to suddenly decide to wake up one day and kill fifty people, but I do believe that he selected a Gay club for his sick rampage for a reason. 

So once again we will debate terrorism, guns, and other issues that we are now contemplating because of this horrific tragedy. Dumb politicians will try to take advantage of it for their own political gain, and the cable news outlets will see their ratings spike because of it.

We will hear the usual suspects pontificate about the rhyme and reason behind all of this, but they -----like the rest of us--- will have no real answers. Just more talk.  Because, sadly, you can never explain pure hatred and evil.  

“He was not a stable person,” the ex-wife said. “He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.”
Mateen’s parents are from Afghanistan but he was not very religious, she said, adding that he “seemed like a normal human being.”

He might have "seemed" that way (normal), but we should all know by now that looks can be deceiving.  


  1. This is the kind of shit that Trump supporters live for.

  2. It makes Hillary supporters sad because dude isn't a white Conservative male with the last name of smith.

  3. Lance Cockstrong11:30 PM

    All that matters is how big was the shooter's dick and how delicious was his ass?

  4. The Ministry of Truth11:54 PM

    "We will hear the usual suspects pontificate about the rhyme and reason behind all of this, but they -----like the rest of us--- will have no real answers. Just more talk. Because, sadly, you can never explain pure hatred and evil."

    Don't know if I buy that. Sometimes, you absolutely can know how someone got to be destructive and violent, if you are familiar with their background. Maybe the dude was mentally ill. Maybe he was raised with a terrible belief system. Maybe he was systematically abused.

    The media may not get to the bottom of the mystery. We, the media consumers, may never get those answers. But that doesn't mean that nobody knows. If there are people who helped make this guy into a monster, they're probably not going to step up and volunteer that information, now that he's perpetrated a massacre.

  5. What I read was that he was American, born here, child of Afghan immigrants, and that he was crazy, like beat his wife crazy.
    Now we are left to do the American dance, and we all know our parts.
    Can we perhaps learn a new one someday? This one is getting hella old.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. The Ministry of Truth1:22 AM

    The left-wing response to the massacre:

    50 dead in Orlando club massacre: THANKS NRA

    Meanwhile, you can already predict the right-wing response as well:

    Donald Trump is right. Ban all Muslims because they're evil. They kill our precious queers, whom we love so very, very much (when we're not blocking them from getting married, or helping shops and employers discriminate against them, or banning them from using the bathroom, or trying to convince the Ugandan government to execute them for their queerness).

  7. You mean the sane response? The FBI was aware of him, he had a history of erratic behavior and domestic violence, and he bought the guns he used in the past few days. I'm not saying a background check would have definitely stopped him as there is no sure defense against an enterprising psycho, and there are literally millions of guns in circulation. But it would have at least given law enforcement a chance, one that they definitely didn't have with him, and definitely because of the NRA.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. The Ministry of Truth1:51 AM

    "But it would have at least given law enforcement a chance, one that they definitely didn't have with him, and definitely because of the NRA."

    Not sure banning ALL guns is the answer, but certainly the U.S. allows access to military-grade weaponry that most countries would never allow their citizens, and has a ridiculously weak system of background checks (a better system may or may not have helped in this particular case -- that's yet to be determined -- but definitely would've made a difference in some mass-shooting cases).

    Whatever. Nothing will improve on this front in the near future. The American populace is so hopelessly politically divided, we can't agree that the sky is blue.

  9. Lilacpr1:55 AM

    I read that he had a permit to buy and carry guns because he was with a private security company,and was employed as a security guard for a juvenile detention facility.He had cleared all background checks. The domestic violence was never reported,it was handled among family,and he was not on any government watch list,that was an error. His father though, has his own YouTube channel where he champions the Taliban cause and fancies himself as the new president of Afghanistan.Go figure! What I don't understand is if they liked the Taliban and the way of life there,why stay here?

  10. The Ministry of Truth2:23 AM

    "The domestic violence was never reported,it was handled among family,and he was not on any government watch list,that was an error."

    Don't know whether he was on a watch list, but he should have been. The FBI knew he was not a great guy.

    FBI interviewed Orlando shooting suspect 3 times

    The truth is that the security services do, in fact, know about a lot of the bad guys before they commit atrocities. They just can't keep their eye on all of them all the time. Short of throwing out civil liberties and locking up people who've committed no major crime, but are very likely to -- like the "Pre-Crime Unit" from "Minority Report" -- there isn't an easy solution.

    For example, literally ALL of the last jihadi attacks in Western nations (w/ exception of Brussels, which happened after publication), numbering 10 total, were known to the authorities, according to the following well-researched article:

    From Paris to Boston, Terrorists Were Already Known to Authorities

  11. The Ministry of Truth2:34 AM

    "For example, literally ALL of the last jihadi attacks in Western nations ..."

    Should read: "For example, literally ALL of the jihadi attacks in Western nations for the last three years ..."

  12. The Ministry of Truth2:52 AM

    One of the killer's co-workers quit his job because Mateen was such a psycho, he didn't want to work around him:

    "A co-worker of the suspect in the Orlando, Fla., nightclub shooting described Omar Mateen as homophobic, 'unhinged and unstable,' according to Florida Today, a daily newspaper in Melbourne, Fla.

    Daniel Gilroy worked with Mateen at G4S Security for several months in 2014 and 2015, and said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments.

    He also said Mateen began sending him multiple texts a day, leading Gilroy to quit his job.

    'I quit because everything he said was toxic,' Gilroy said. 'And the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people.'"

  13. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  14. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Shit man the gun's are the problem. The guns ae killing are community. These white man who did this try to kill pople and shit cause they were gay and shit. But the gun's do the killin! And the gun'z kill are communites every day now we suppose to cry about bunch of white queer's getting killed. Outraigous!

    Gun's are the problem. Fuck Trump.

    -Educted Black Man

  15. James Bold3:10 AM

    "Sorry Donald, this guy was an American"

    He was a US citizen, by birth.  He was not an American by any stretch of the imagination.  You, a Jamaican, might be excused for not grasping the difference... this time.  Only Americans can truly tell you who is an American and who is not.  BTW, take your countryman Colin Ferguson and go home.  Americans are tired of paying for his room and board.  You'll have a choice of paying, killing him yourselves, or letting him go and seeing if he'll kill you.  You deserve that trilemma.

    "We will hear the usual suspects pontificate about the rhyme and reason behind all of this, but they -----like the rest of us--- will have no real answers. Just more talk. Because, sadly, you can never explain pure hatred and evil."

    Yes, Islam is pure evil.  So is Blackness, organized or spontaneous.  All of it must be expelled from the USA.

    And the Mockery of Truth dares to write this:

    "certainly the U.S. allows access to military-grade weaponry that most countries would never allow their citizens"

    France didn't allow its citizens any military-grade weaponry.  Even its POLICE had to run away until specially-authorized units could arrive on scene at Beslan.  How'd that work, motherfucker?

    If only you could see the ironies in what you write.... It is so amusing to mock people who cannot think.

    "Nothing will improve on this front in the near future."

    That happens when you have no intelligence to devote to the problem... or anything.

    Just return all Afghans, Pakistanis, etc. to their respective -stans.  End of problem.  There is no end of the terror crimes that this would have prevented.

    "Gun's are the problem. Fuck Trump."

    Predicting I will see a DBA for this comment.  Good satire.

  16. The Ministry of Truth3:21 AM

    "France didn't allow its citizens any military-grade weaponry. Even its POLICE had to run away until specially-authorized units could arrive on scene at Beslan. How'd that work, motherfucker?"

    How many mass shootings does France have, versus the US of Armaments, motherfucker? No one says gun control is a perfect solution, just better than the free-for-all we've got.

    As for Europe's problem, the cops in Belgium are garbage and need to catch a clue. That's where the terrorists are coming from. And Europe as a whole need to seal their border and stop all trade with Putin's Russia, which is now a scummy criminal state. That's where the guns are coming from.

  17. The Ministry of Truth4:27 AM

    Just as an example of the laxness of US gun law, if the government does think you're a terrorist ... you can still buy guns. From LA Times:

    "Even if Mateen were still on the terrorist watch list — known as the Terrorist Screening Database — the designation would not have precluded him from buying the semiautomatic pistol and assault-style rifle that he used in Sunday's massacre."

    Got that? Can't get on a plane, but all the guns you want? Sure thing.

  18. The Ministry of Truth4:47 AM

    June 12th was the 163rd day of the year. There were 173 mass shootings in the USA up through June 12th.

    Beat that, France!

  19. Vince5:01 AM

    Islam's penalty for homosexuality is death. That explains it. Your post sounds like gibberish, field.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. MOT, u should know better than trying to reason factually with James the Nazi.

    James, that shooter is as American as u are. Not sure when your Irish/Polish folks came over, but I am quite sure that they were not some of the originals. You don't strike me as a blue blood or as a Native American.

    DBA alert @3:00 AM.

  22. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Not the "worst" in US your homework! 1921 Tulsa Massacre (Black Wall Street)- 300 killed, 6,000 arrested.
    Rosewood, Fl - up to 150 killed!

    Guess it only counts when it's mostly Whites killed!!


  23. Wonder whether the gunman, interviewed TWICE by the FBI, was on the terrorist watch list. Oh, wait, it wouldn't have mattered: in December Congress voted AGAINST a bill that would have prevented those listed from buying firearms.

    The congress members voting against the bill all had received generous campaign contributions from the NRA. A connection? Nah!

  24. Blu, I have done my "homework", and I am quite familiar with the syllabus.

    The two incidents u mentioned are real, but "officially" there were 32 people of color murdered in Tulsa. (Although, from all accounts, there might have been as much as 300 like u stated) I am not sure of the count at Rosewood.

    I should have said mass shootings and not just killings, but i am pretty sure u get the picture.

    Anyway, thanks for bringing us the 411 on that important piece of history.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The left is stupid for the cause when it comes to guns. That is why they buy into the "common sense" gun control bullshit from their leaders.

    And Doug from wherever, dude went through background checks and waiting periods.

    And bozo, he wasn't on any watch list. And not every person on the "watch list" is guilty of anything. Another bullshit argument from the left.

  27. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Not sure about France, but do you realize that England had 3 mass shootings from 1900 to 1996 when they banned guns after a mass shooting. Since the British gun ban, there has been 3 mass shootings. 3 in 96 before the gun ban, 3 in 20 years after the gun ban. England's gun homicide rate went up after the gun ban. The violent crime rates went up.

    Australia's gun ban had no effect on the homicide rate and the violent crime rates went up there since their gun ban.

    Australia and England had low homicide rates in the years before their gun bans.

    Gun laws might help, but there is enough evidence from other countries, that unless we get to the heart of our homicide/violence problem at the same, the laws that we pass thinking they might make us safer, very well could make us less safe.

  28. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Saudi Arabia
    What's the connection? Ok, these are countries where homosexuality is punished by death. Want more connection? They're all Muslim countries, run by Islamic code. Guns have nothing to do with it.

  29. Limpbaugh10:26 AM

    The killer was probably suppressing his own homosexual tendencies. It reminds me of John Wayne Gacy saying he isn't gay. When people are treated like they are normal they are more likely to act normal. When gay people who can't accept it or deal with the stigma it can drive them insane

  30. Lance Cockstrong10:57 AM

    Yes Mr. Bold Sir, we are all packing up and leaving right now. All 20 of us. Even if you are dumb enough to believe that, where is that going to get you?

  31. Anonymous12:27 PM

    field negro said...

    James, that shooter is as American as u are.

    7:04 AM

    My thoughts are that being American also means, more than just having 'citizenship' and more importantly, espousing American ideals and way of life! None of which Mr. Mateen and company were doing!

    They had other ideas as to how we should live and behave. Which in and of itself is not a bad thing,you can live and behave which ever way you like, but to try and impose it on us with violence and bloodshed is not acceptable.

    So sorry, he is not "as American" as we are.

  32. If homophobia and religious hatred aren't "American ideals and way[s] of life," then people who espouse them should be banned from positions of authority here. People like Donald Trump, just for a start.

  33. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Anonymous Dana said...

    If homophobia and religious hatred aren't "American ideals and way[s] of life," then people who espouse them should be banned from positions of authority here. People like Donald Trump, just for a start.

    1:36 PM


    Donald Trump as far as I've heard is neither "homophobic" or has hatred of any religions! Religions have nothing to do with shared human values,common decency,and shared wanting to live in a civilized society. Radicalism does. Let's not get this confused!

    Nor is he or his people massacre-ing club-goers.

    Don't confuse magnesia with gymnasia! xD

    But, as far as others who do think this way, I wholeheartedly agree with you, they "should be banned from positions of authority"

  34. He was American, OK? Out of 300 million people, by the numbers there will be some dangerously crazy people. And he was crazy. He was described by his ex-wife as being not particularly religious, but a wannabe cop, who hung out with cops and went to the shooting range with them. I don't know if stricter gun laws can help, at this point, but I feel frustrated that literally nothing ever even gets tried to lessen the amount of needless slaughter here. The background check approach seems promising until you examine it closer and find that as it exists it is so ineffective that a guy on a terrorist watch list who has been accused of war crimes not only has access to weaponry here, he was hired by the god damn TSA. So this is what we get. Three hundred million guns already in circulation, the jails used as the primary mental health care apparatus, and the most common response to questions about the situation is digging in and hating one another. I have lived in the poorer areas of Oakland for 32 years, so I have kind of had it with gun violence, but I myself have so far not done anything about it (with the lone exception of disarming someone who was out of his mind on drugs once) so maybe I should just STFU and accept that this is the way we live and die. It feels like we could do better than this, and maybe someday we will.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Sorry Lilac, just because he didn't live up to American ideals doess not mean he is not American. He is as American as Bundy, Manson, Gasey, and all the other notorious mass murderers in our history.

  36. The Fixer ™3:00 PM

    Shit man the gun's are the problem. The guns ae killing are community. These white man who did this try to kill pople and shit cause they were gay and shit. But the gun's do the killin! And the gun'z kill are communites every day now we suppose to cry about bunch of white queer's getting killed. Outraigous!

    Gun's are the problem. Fuck Trump.

    -Stupid white male


  37. James Bold3:15 PM

    A Jamaican presumes to lecture an American on who is and who is not American:  specifically, the born-to-an-illegal-alien anchor baby Omar Mateen.  The irony is just head-shaking thick.

    For that matter, so is the little detail that the Mockery of Truth leaves out:  almost all of those 173 "mass shootings" are related to Blacks, most of them gang criminals.  We only hear about the narrative-compliant shootings that can be used to attack Americans and their rights; Black crime goes down the memory hole.

    Oh, Mateen was also a registered Democrat.  I'm all for deporting Democrats, they are un-American.

  38. Anonymous3:41 PM

    field negro said...

    Sorry Lilac, just because he didn't live up to American ideals doess not mean he is not American. He is as American as Bundy, Manson, Gasey, and all the other notorious mass murderers in our history.

    2:43 PM

    Sorry Field! :) That's just not a true analogy. Bundy,Manson,Gacey et al.,were serial killers.

    This guy was a mass murderer, in plain view and with a religious based anti-homosexual agenda.

    He was heard saying prayers during the shooting in his native tongue, and he called 911 before the massacre to claim the act for ISIS. He also spoke with police during the standoff, and I'm waiting to see if they publish what was said, but I can imagine...

    Bundy, Manson and Gacey et al, did not do any of that, they were maniacs,crazed sexual predators. Mistakes of nature if you will.

  39. Lance Cockstrong3:44 PM

    The " "common sense" gun control bullshit" that all you NRA types triumphantly proclaim would not have prevented this or that atrocity in fact would have, had they been passed a generation ago before the NRA metamorphosized from gun safety to gun worship. Now at best we can try to keep guns out of the hands of the next generation of psychopaths. Yeah, the NRA has won. And what have they won? The "2A" is now not a right but a responsibility to bear arms, and that is a reflection of the sickness that has infested our society.

  40. Lance Cockstrong4:00 PM

    And let's not lose sight that this was not the only atrocity committed in Orlando over the weekend.

  41. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Anonymous Lance Cockstrong said... now not a right but a responsibility to bear arms, and that is a reflection of the sickness that has infested our society.

    3:44 PM

    Hun, the way this shit is shaping up, everybody better get a gun in order to protect oneself from some fanatic storming your house 'cos your females aren't adequately covered, or you go drinking and clubbing, which is another no-no with that! Sheesh! Somebody give me a cold beer!

  42. James Bold4:14 PM

    I would actually buy lilacpr2000 a beer for that comment.  Will wonders never cease?

  43. Anonymous4:15 PM

    The guys father is a supporter of the Taliban for Pete's sake!!! How are you guys equating this with our homegrown crazies? It's not the same thing!

    The dad is a supporter of the Taliban fer Crize sake! and is against President Karzai! But of course he does it all from the comfort of America of course!!! O-O

    Mira pendejo... if you love them so much go fucking join them!!!!

    Get the fuck out!!! and did he tell his fucking son to calm down and mind his business when he "was enraged by the sight of two men kissing in front of him and his baby" I bet not!!! I bet not!!!

    Cos now he says that's the reason! So I guess everybody that sees gays kissing will go out and massacre 50 people and put 54 more in the hospital right?? All the while shouting prayers and giving praise to ISIS etc?

    Puhleeeze! Somebody gimme a break!!!

  44. Anonymous4:17 PM

    James Bold said...

    I would actually buy lilacpr2000 a beer for that comment. Will wonders never cease?

    4:14 PM

    Corona with lemon please! and no, wonders will never cease it seems! xD

  45. Anonymous4:28 PM

    You know, many of those young men killed were Puerto Ricans! American Puerto Ricans! One of which is a family member of a friend! They are beyond stricken! Beyond!!!

    Those men were hardworking young men! The weren't moochers,loafers! They bought plane tickets to go there and enjoy, and were having drinks and enjoying company as we all do on Saturday nights. They didn't deserve to be so senselessly killed!


    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Lance Cockstrong4:57 PM

    This Nazi you are having a beer with is the very same who would expel you from the USA. Fortunately he is too dickless to actually carry out his empty threats, but do you really need a beer that bad?

  48. Anonymous5:14 PM

    This Nazi you are having a beer with is the very same who would expel you from the USA. Fortunately he is too dickless to actually carry out his empty threats, but do you really need a beer that bad?
    Actually this guy has advocated violence against people of a darker hue than his own. I guess shooting darkies in church is ok but if you're a scary mooslim then we should be scared. Uh, ok then.

  49. Desert, you have to be careful with prosecuting or silencing people's views. In America we have the absolute freedom to say what we want on youtube or on the internet. Once we start tampering with the 1st Amendment where does it end?

  50. James Bold9:45 PM

    It wouldn't be complete without Mr. Muh Dik chiming in:

    "This Nazi you are having a beer with is the very same who would expel you from the USA."

    Goodness, if you love Blackness so much you should want to go.  This isn't a good place for Blackness.  Tommy Sotomayor hates Blackness so much he won't even tell his own family where he lives.  He'd have to find something else to vlog about if all the Blackness went and left him behind, though.

    "Fortunately he is too dickless to actually carry out his empty threats"

    Still too dumb to understand the difference between a threat and a warning.  Omar Mateen just elected Donald J. Trump the 45th president of the United States.  That's not a threat (however threatening you may find it), that's the truth; my one vote for him isn't going to do squat.  I expect my state to go for Hitlery.

    I have repeatedly warned you that the general attitude of anti-white hatred in which you marinate has exhausted White patience and goodwill and WILL change your fortunes radically for the worse... unless you get out in front of this and start demanding changes from your own, putting the criminal element in jail, stopping the hood rats from making more ineducable, unemployable criminals, etc.  The rise of the Internet means that the murders of the Amanda Blackburns and Brittney Wattses and Anne Presslys can't be covered up so easily.  Your own penchant for video shows White America how you really are.  The lügenpresse has buried the truth of your nature for decades.  That doesn't work anymore.  White America will soon demand you either shape up or ship out.

    I don't lead any of these things.  I'm just one guy telling you what you need to hear.  If you don't want to hear it, it's not my problem.  On the other hand, your reactions so far have been at times surprising, amazing and amusing.  When I come here I can usually count on a few laughs.

  51. Anonymous10:27 PM

    PilotX said...

    Desert, you have to be careful with prosecuting or silencing people's views. In America we have the absolute freedom to say what we want on youtube or on the internet. Once we start tampering with the 1st Amendment where does it end?

    9:12 PM

    Yeah well they have to be careful as refers to killing people that don't agree with their views! We may have the absolute freedom to say what we want on YouTube and the net, but not to kill innocents!!!

    The First Amendment doesn't allow for murder of innocent citizens as far as I know!!!

  52. Lance Cockstrong11:09 PM

    Call it anything you want. No one gives a shit. Here is a warning for you. You are a punk. Blow it out your Aryan ass.

  53. bigd in 50412:03 AM

    This was perhaps the largest massacre in modern times by a single person. Historically, there were much worse-see 'Lawyers, Guns and Money'/Erik Loomis on the deaths of Amer-Indians during the Westward expansion and blacks during the Reconstruction Era.

    These events don't excuse the deaths in Orlando or any of the other deaths caused by gun violence in the last few years. Nothing could ever excuse them but US (and world) history are full of massacres for multiple 'reasons' - rarely rational but since humans rarely are as rational as we hope to be.

  54. Now it appears that he was a deeply closeted gay man with self hatred issues. He is reported to have visited Pulse far too many times to be merely casing it, and several patrons there have said they recognized his picture from gay dating sites. This sort of paints his abuse of his wife in a different light, and puts the lie to the idea that this was because of his Afghan heritage (if you know anything about Afghanistan).

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. Anonymous5:09 PM

    That's a bunch of bs! They're just trying to cover up the fact that it was radical terrorism.

  56. Anonymous11:14 PM

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    I am Natasha Hayes by name and i reside here in United States of America.I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past{7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our marriage was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster Dr Unity. So, i will advice you out there, if you have any problem contact Dr Unity and i guarantee you that he will help you and you will be the next to share your testimony to every one in the world!!. Email him at: or call him on: +2348072370762.

  57. Hello i am here to spread this good news to the entire world on how i got my ex love back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month,But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR IROSI the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR IROSI about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR IROSI at the following email address DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM or call his mobile number or add him up on whatsapp via (+2348118829771). and get your problems solve like me.    


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