Saturday, June 11, 2016



I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Do you believe these two? Wait until they see that their checks are no good.  

*Pic thanks to


  1. Lance Cockstrong11:52 PM

    Butt Trumpet and The Trumpettes

  2. Orange is NOT the new black.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. The Ministry of Truth2:44 AM

    Donald Trump has two of his best blacks -- Black #5 and Black #6, specifically -- make the exciting announcement of the brand-new TrumpSingles dating site!

    (Slogan: Find the man or woman of your dreams -- or at least a man or woman who will not reject you for being an idiot racist. Disclaimer: TrumpSingles is in no way affiliated with the fraudulent Trump University.)

  4. Busy life circumstances than the current world history. Must try to earn money to support themselves, their families and pay for living. But not so that you neglect your own health, but more must cherish it.

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Trump: "Some Black Lives Matter. Those who support me."

  6. Field, i wish you would do us all a favor. While you continue to obsess over buttrump please show more pictures of his butt.Cause buttrump is a white man with a fine ass.

  7. I didn't know Uncle Remus had daughters?

  8. I didn't know Uncle Remus had daughters?

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Women: Vote for trump! He stands for 'building the wall' 'taking good care of our veterans''bring back our jobs' 'let's make America great again' and all those other good things!!! Vote Trump!!!

    Trump thinks: Sheesh, that's a pretty tall order! They have faith in me but, did I really say all that? :)

  10. Lilac, are u still with trump?

    Spencem David is the leader so far.

    BTW, my thoughts are with the family and loved ones of those who were killed in Orlando.
    (50 dead and possibly more. Wow!)

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    field negro said...

    Lilac, are u still with trump?

    12:30 PM know...umm...*cough*cough* ...clear throat...

    x*D YAAAAASSSSSSS!!!! x*D I AM! of all of the liers, I guess I guess I like his lies the best xD

    Plus I like his suits...can't help it...I don't know what's come over me Jesus!....;p

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Some of the nicest, sweetest,gentlest lives have been eradicated today by senseless doctrines that have no bearing on modern life. Why can't we just live and let live! Doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, students, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, cousins,uncles, aunts,n granddads and grandmoms,neighbors.

    All gone now,forever. So many people left without their family,just the immense and eternal agony and sadness of having lost a loved one.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to them all.

  13. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I didn't hear anything from Obama about Muslims, Islam, jihad, ISIS, etc. He has no problem blaming the Confederate flag though.

  14. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Do black people actually enjoy wallowing in their own victimization all the time?

  15. Get a load of the Stepp'n Fetchit sisters. Aren't they great?

  16. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  17. The Fixer ™9:23 PM

    Do white conservative males actually enjoy wallowing in their own victimization all the time?


  18. Limpbaugh10:23 PM

    "I got two of 'em now...."

  19. Anonymous10:41 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Anonymous2:56 AM

    "Didn't they shoot this gorilla last week?"

  21. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  22. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Hi everyone,fix your broken relationship and marriage right now no matter how hopeless your situation seems!! I am so excited sharing my testimony with everyone here about how i saved my marriage and got my husband back after a divorce!!!
    I am Natasha Hayes by name and i reside here in United States of America.I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past{7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our marriage was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster Dr Unity. So, i will advice you out there, if you have any problem contact Dr Unity and i guarantee you that he will help you and you will be the next to share your testimony to every one in the world!!. Email him at: or call him on: +2348072370762.

  23. Great article! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Hello i am here to spread this good news to the entire world on how i got my ex love back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month,But when i meet a friend that introduce me to DR IROSI the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to DR IROSI about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact DR IROSI at the following email address DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on DRIROSISOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM or call his mobile number or add him up on whatsapp via (+2348118829771). and get your problems solve like me.    


  25. HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF DR Ilekhojie .......My name is Robert Jennifer, from Canada, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real and effective online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr Ilekhojie , he helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my husband who left me, When i contacted Dr Ilekhojie, he cast a love spell for me, and my husband who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again, called me and started begging me to come back. he is back now with so much love and care. Today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken relationship and bring them back. because i am now very happy with my husband. To everyone who is reading this article and needs his help, Dr Ilekhojie can also offer any type of help like, resolving Divorce Cases, Court Cases, Death Spell, Spiritual protection. Thank you! Ilekhojies contact or call +2348147400259
