Friday, June 10, 2016

It must be the hair.

Image result for king images don king   I have some BREAKING NEWS to report: Donald trump is not a racist;  even if he says so himself, and you won't believe whose endorsement is causing him to make this bold declaration.

"Donald Trump has been accused of racism for a while now, especially this past week, and Trump today declared that he can’t possibly be racist because Don King likes him.
No, seriously. That’s it.

Trump “announced” the endorsement this morning:

Then he did an interview with The Washington Post where reporter Marc Fisher asked him about the perception that he’s a racist.

And this is what Trump said:
Well, I am not a racist, in fact, I am the least racist person that you’ve ever encountered. I’ll give you an example. It’s funny, I just got this, it was just sent to me by Don King. Now, Don knows more about race than anybody. He owns this newspaper, you know –Don’s made a lot of money. He just sent this to me, look at this.
Trump showed off a copy of the weekly newspaper Call & Post, owned by King, where there’s supposedly a full-page endorsement this week of Trump for president and Bernie Sanders for vice president.

Trump continued, “Don King knows racism probably better than anybody. He’s not endorsing a racist, okay? Do you want to use it? You can have the story, it just came out. I just got it 10 minutes ago, I don’t know. Whatever.”
There’s nothing on the Call & Post site to suggest they’ve officially endorsed Trump, and when the New York Daily News asked King today if he’s endorsing Trump, he said, “No. I’m endorsing the people. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat, I’m a Republicrat, and I go with the will of the people. The only reason Trump exists is because of the will of the people.”'

Well there you have it people. Donald trump can't be a racist because he has been endorsed by Don King. DON KING! Who knows? Maybe they use the same hairstylist.

Anyway, apparently one of the leaders of his own party-- and a man who ran for president as a republican-- believes that trump is a racist.

"Mitt Romney affirmed again in an interview tonight that he absolutely will not support Donald Trump for president, and he cited his “racist” views as a major reason why.

“A person of that nature,” he told Wolf Blitzer, “should not be the one who becomes the example for coming generations or an example of America in the world.”' [Source]

I agree with Mitt, he should not.

But he might want to have a long talk with some of his republican colleagues, apparently they are  pissed at their leader, Paul Ryan, for even suggesting that trump might be just  little bit racist.

Although, if it was just a little bit of racism, I am not sure that it could actually "trickle down to others Like Mitt suggested it could. 


  1. The Ministry of Truth11:33 PM

    So the primary takeaway from this story is that Don King is not dead. Who knew Don King was still around?

    Oh, and also, Donald Trump is the least racist guy you know. He's so non-racist, it'll make your head spin, you won't be able to handle all the non-racism, etc, etc.

    Trump loves the blacks, because Don King.

    Trump loves the Mexicans, because taco bowl.

    Trump loves the Muslims, because ... no, wait, he does not even pretend to like them.

    Got it? So simple.

  2. Lance Cockstrong11:38 PM

    Hey everybody! The Ministry of Douche has spoken! We should all suck his dick because he is so intelligent and insightful!

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    White boys are just retards and faggots.

  4. Don King is a real Field Negro.

    If I hadn't been assassinated by black Muslims, I'd be stumpin' for Trump today.

    That old school motherfucker gonna Make America Great Again!

  5. Chicken Rooster12:35 AM

    I don't see Whites bragging about being supreme. I see lots of Blacks & Muslims & even Asians doing the We're The Captain Now dance, though.

    Karma is gonna be real bitch.

  6. Q: What do you get when you cross rogaine with viagra?

    A: Don King.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Oy Vey!12:41 AM

    To the Media, the line between White Nationalist and White Supremacist appears to be Jew Jokes. You can mock Blacks & Asians all you want, but mock the Jews and you are a White Supremacist.

  8. Anonymous12:43 AM

    I have spent a lot of time in Asia. Japanese and Koreans are pretty damn supremacist. They really do think they are purer and smarter and better than everyone else. The Chinese are even worse.

  9. Fuck Y'all12:46 AM

    Whites are constantly told they're the cause of all evil and dorky losers who can never dance. Supremacy isn't the problem. Depression is.

  10. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Few of us on the alt-right were raised with an ounce of racism. We were shaken awake by the filthy, visceral anti-white hatred of the left.

    Trump is your best possible outcome.


  11. African Space Jews1:49 AM

    Trump actually just said: "We will uphold and defend Christian Americans. Christian Americans."

    How dare someone defend those filthy goyim? Kill them, kill them all. Throw their infants in the ovens.

  12. I'm pretty sure Hillary Clinton couldn't beat me in a fight.

    I'd juke left, then right, then jack her fat white jowly face as hard as I could. She'd drop like a bad habit and be on the floor having a piss-soaked siezure as I whupped her with my Nobel Peace Prize.

    That's right, bitch.

    I'm still endorsing her for President, but I just wanted to make that clear.

  13. The Ministry of Truth2:05 AM

    "To the Media, the line between White Nationalist and White Supremacist appears to be Jew Jokes. You can mock Blacks & Asians all you want, but mock the Jews and you are a White Supremacist."

    Actually, the line between white nationalist and white supremacist is ... hmmmm, there is no line. They're the exact same thing. Sorry.

    Additionally, I regret to inform you that racialist=race realist=racist.

    And please note that alt right=far right=racist.

    Switching up the terminology isn't fooling anybody. You're hateful lowlives, whatever you call yourselves.

    P.S. Putting (((parentheses))) around the names of Jews isn't clever, in case you rocket scientists were wondering where the world stands on that issue.

  14. White people are like the sour cream in the burrito supremo of racism.

    it's a very serious problem.

  15. (((The Ministry of Truth))) said...
    P.S. Putting (((parentheses))) around the names of Jews isn't clever, in case you rocket scientists were wondering where the world stands on that issue.

    What do (((you))) mean by this parenthetical citation?

  16. Croom6:09 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. field negro said...

    Lance, we are all aware of that troll who pretends to be you.

    It's the other way around. This Lance you want to protect stole his name from a popular gay pornstar. He is the one pretending. You should keep an eye on him. He is the real troll.

  18. ctrl+halt+del10:57 AM

    Don "The Douche" Trump will go down as the #1 reason Hillary wins. And before it's over he will take credit for outsmarting the republicans and that he's a lifelong democrat.

    Trump/Fey '16

  19. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I kow it's an evil thing to suggest but take a gander at some conservative sites and read the comments. Better yet, don't because you already know the deal. They contend of course The Donald isn't a racist but those who point out his racism are the REAL racists. Of course. The Donald only wants all of us to be "mericans" not to divide us by race. That is unless you're a Latino judge.
    BTW, the Indiana judge is a member of a Black fraternity. Well, sort of, he's a Kappa. Ha!


  20. HouseAnglo2:11 PM

    "That is unless you're a Latino judge."

    Goose, gander and all that.

    In terms of Trump + racism, my guess is that he's just a New Yorker. He doesn't think in terms of 'white' so much as in terms of 'Italian', 'Greek', and the like. It comes with the territory.

    In terms of racism generally, it's probably just best to think of everyone as having that innate feature (or bug). People have built-in pattern matchers, and appearance is as good as anything else. Good heavens, just look at the entire thrust of this blog.

    Personally, I'm completely comfortable with (for example) the notion that Jewish people, particularly those from Eastern Europe and nearby, are smarter on average than humanity generally. Actually, by a fair amount. There's no reason to believe that some significant part of that isn't genetic, and the Nobel prize lists don't lie. If that's racism, and racism is evil, then it sucks to be me.

  21. "Trickle-down racism": Willard Romney thinks he's being clever.

    There's no need for American racism to "trickle down." The better analogy would be to provide a "top-down spark" over a field drenched in gasoline.

    Not that everybody here is racist. But enough to nominate one candidate from a major political party, God help us all.

  22. Pilot, I heard that the Jude is a Nupe. I can see him on line now: "A kappa, a kappa, a kappa took my ho; I tried to pledge kappa and they told me no." :)

    House Anglo,the point is that the guy is an American born and bred.

    Sorry, I am not buying the it's just a New Yawker thing.

  23. The Ministry of Truth4:32 PM

    "'That is unless you're a Latino judge.'

    Goose, gander and all that."

    And this is the Daily Caller being dishonest, as usual. They are now one of the chief excuse-makers for Trump, as well as a general promoter of racism. (How many dumb stories have they done about the "knockout game," again?)

    From the NPR story that the Daily Caller linked to:

    "Immigration Judge A. Ashley Tabaddor has been hearing immigration cases since 2005. In her lawsuit, she says her troubles began three years ago when she was invited to a White House meeting with Iranian-American community leaders. She asked her supervisors for permission to attend and they approved, but they also recommended that if she went she recuse herself from all immigration cases involving Iranians."

    It's pretty clear here that the Justice Department felt that if she was going to start meeting with Iranian leaders who are promoting Iranian immigration, that would at least create an appearance of conflict of interest on that issue, and she would no longer be able to keep hearing cases concerning the issue of Iranian immigration.

    You can debate whether that is a reasonable thing to do, but the question is not the same as someone being required to recuse themselves based solely on ethnicity. And it's definitely not what Trump is arguing, which is: I don't have to deal with Latino judges, because everyone knows I hate Latinos (and blacks, Muslims, women, the disabled, but who's counting?)

    Sorry, nope. Have fun with your Latino judge, Donald.

  24. Blas Gomez5:03 PM

    Judges should be disbarred for belonging to racist groups like La Raza.

    It is as simple as that.

  25. Lance Cockstrong5:04 PM

    Trump is a douche. But you know who else is? The Ministry of Truth. Or should I say The Ministry of Douche.

  26. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Lance Cockstrong's dick and brain are as small as Trump's ego is big.

  27. HouseAnglo7:58 PM

    "You can debate whether that is a reasonable thing to do, but the question is not the same as someone being required to recuse themselves based solely on ethnicity. "

    You can certainly argue that judges who are actively involved in ethnic-based advocacy should not be seeing over cases that involve people who are tied-up in ethnic-based advocacy (or ethnic-based nonadvocacy). Unless, of course, you think that Trump is not anti-Mexican and is instead some form of nationalist.

    All made of the purest sophistry, of course. The truth is that Trump is running afoul of the open-borders folks and they'll do what they can to bring him down. Anyone that believes that judges work in a politics-free zone is a fool. The basic hope is that the various special interests' bought-and-paid-for judges balance each other out. It's like the war over gun legislation and the choice of courts.

    With an apology to my alt.right friends, it's mostly just a war over words. I can see a trend as well as anybody and the relentless movement from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe in the West should be obvious to anybody. Failing some sort of technical breakthrough which upends the apple cart (a definite possibility, the birth of machine intelligence is not a crazy idea), I'd say that the 2000+ year run is coming to an end. The best you can hope for is to maintain a bit of dignity as it all falls to ruins.

    To quote Spengler:

    "We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honourable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man."

  28. HouseAnglo8:02 PM

    as a side note to the Ministry of Truth...good post.

    It's kind of sad when the responses are better than the original blog entries. Maybe Mr. FN can step it up a bit.

  29. LA Rams8:51 PM

    It's too bad that Josh is gone now that Kinky is back. Those two together are unstoppable. Plus they seem to be the only ones who understand that Yisheng is nothing but a racist bigoted cunt.

  30. House Anglo: What are you so afraid of? I'm white and I keep seeing things getting measurably better. They will continue to do so. That is our job as citizens, to make sure that happens. The way I see it, the measure of a citizen is not falling for the lies, even when they are everywhere, and doing your dead level best to improve the situation you have been dealt. Sometimes that doesn't amount to much other than not letting the progress already won get torn down by people too god damn bored with their lives to participate in reality. Sometimes it's more than that. Either way, a good citizen is ready to participate, and try to resist tearing other people down in the process.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. The tragedy that befell Orlando last night is hard to comprehend. I pray for the victims and their families. I am a Veteran, Father and a Trump supporter. If the events over the last year haven't convinced this country measures need to be taken to protect this great land than I don't know what will. It has been said before so I'll say it again: The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

    Peace to all.

  32. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Mitt the Dimwit's hardly one to talk about racism. He adopted a black kid and named him Kieran:
    Origin of the name Kieran: A borrowing from the Irish, Kieran is the Irish form of the Gaelic Ciarán (little dark one), which is from ciar (black, dark), a word meaning "dark-haired" or "black-haired" when applied to humans.

  33. I guess Trump heard that all Nupes want is your money and your ho.

  34. Hey Art, what events of the past year are you referring?

  35. The San Berdoo shooting, the four plots uncovered by the FBI, the attempt to conduct a mass shooting in Dallas. I know alot of people believe it is tin foil thinking that there are sleeper cells and more events like this planned but the it is true.

  36. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  37. "The San Berdoo shooting, the four plots uncovered by the FBI, the attempt to conduct a mass shooting in Dallas. I know alot of people believe it is tin foil thinking that there are sleeper cells and more events like this planned but the it is true."

    sure Art but check your history. In the 70's there were hundreds of bombings that were politically connected. Hell, none of those events even came close to the scope of 9-11. Things aren't worse now or better. Actually for many of us things are much better so I guess it all depends on your perspective.

  38. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

    So you think the Constitution needs to be amended? What part troubles you?

  39. My thoughts on the subject of immigrants is simple. Utilize the systems and procedures we have in place to come here. You disagree with it, change the laws, not ignore them. It seems the phrase "We are a nation of Laws" becomes a disingenuous statement if we enforce some but not all.

    Mr. Pilot,

    Both sides of the table politically uses the Constitution how they see fit. The idea it is a living document and can be changed I believe. I just worry about how it changes and to what extremes politicians will use it.

  40. My thoughts on the subject of immigrants is simple. Utilize the systems and procedures we have in place to come here. You disagree with it, change the laws, not ignore them. It seems the phrase "We are a nation of Laws" becomes a disingenuous statement if we enforce some but not all.

    Mr. Pilot,

    Both sides of the table politically uses the Constitution how they see fit. The idea it is a living document and can be changed I believe. I just worry about how it changes and to what extremes politicians will use it.

  41. I agree with your comments Art especially about the Constitution being a living document but I still don't know exactly which part(s) you have a problem with.

  42. A quick example would be the 4th amendment. The twisting of the definition to include many powers given to law enforcement over the last fifty years. Sadly, I feel that it is one of the most watered down amendments in our bill of rights. The intrusion into our daily lives is astonishing to me. Law enforcement has pushed for years to increase their power all in the name of safety. Read the entire Patriot Act sometime. It will chill you to the bone the power that the state now has.

    I don't have a problem with the Constitution, only a problem with how the politicians interpret it for their agenda and goals.

  43. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Fuck off, white boy.

  44. "Read the entire Patriot Act sometime. It will chill you to the bone the power that the state now has."

    Did that years ago. Only one congressperson and one senator had the guts to vote against it. Fear is a conditioned response and some are attempting to do the same thing now. Keep your eyes open.

  45. Anonymous11:14 PM

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