Monday, June 06, 2016

"Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."

Image result for paul ryan images   Because of recent events in the news, there are more than a few people now calling Donald trump a racist.

Well, everyone except Mitch McConnell.

No profiles in courage with this guy. Sadly, his denial of the obvious when it comes to trump is typical of folks like him in Washington. 

The person who looks really bad in all of this is Paul Ryan. He played a slick political game of trying to drag out his endorsement of trump to make the country believe that he was really agonizing over his decision, when we all knew that his endorsement of trump was a foregone conclusion.

Now, all of a sudden, like Captain Renault from Casablanca, he too is shocked to hear that the current standard- bearer for his party is a racist.

He should have taken the high road and declared to the world  that he cannot support a man who questioned the legitimacy of the sitting president, and wanted to ban members of one of the world's largest religions from entering our country. But he did not. Beating Hillary Clinton was more important than doing the right thing. George Will of all people trashed him for it and he wrote a scathing piece in the Washington Post about the cluelessness of the party structure and their support for trump.

"On May 12, a Trump meeting with Ryan resulted in a cringeworthy joint statement that had to be read to be properly disbelieved. The two spoke about the “great conversation” they had about “our shared principles.” They celebrated their “many important areas of common ground” while offhandedly mentioning “our few differences.” Those who know, or thought they knew, Ryan doubted that he could name a single shared principle, and he did not do so.

In spite of, and in conspicuous dissonance with, the May 12 happy talk, Ryan continued to withhold his endorsement. Perhaps he hoped that Trump, at age 69, was going to mend his manners.
Instead, Trump dragged a personal problem, his coming trial on fraud charges associated with Trump University, into the presidential campaign. Having first done so in February, on May 27 he again attacked the “Mexican” judge (born in Indiana, 1,332 miles from Mexico) who will preside at the trial, asserting that the Hoosier Mexican was unfit to preside because his ethnic heritage would incline him against Trump, the wall-building scourge of Mexican rapists. On May 30, Trump again attacked the judge, again embracing the identity politics that actually characterizes contemporary progressivism: An individual has, always and only, the interests and motivations of his race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

By June 2, Ryan had heard enough. He endorsed Trump. He did so because President Trump would sign Ryan’s House “agenda.” Well.

Since May 5, the Hamlet of southeastern Wisconsin had indeed learned something. He had learned Trump’s contemptuous response to his scruples. Trump’s response was an insouciant intensification of his anti-institutional politics — the judicial system, too, is “rigged.” Ryan limply described Trump’s attack on the judge as thinking “out of left field” that he could not “relate to.”' [Source] 

Words you will probably never read from me again: Well said Mr. Will.

*Pic from




  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I love how you've been defending Mexicans lately ... that's so cute. You do know what happens to blacks when Mexicans become a majority, right?

  2. The Race11:38 PM

    That's why Ryan lost.

    Trump is not the racist. Curiel is, as evidenced by his membership in La Raza.

  3. Rewind to Romney's bid for the presidency, answering to charges that Romney wasn't conservative enough, the response was that all he had to be able to do was use a pen. That's what Ryan found out at that meeting, that Trump would sign his budget and end Social Security and Medicare as we know them. After that, Trump's nasty habits were annoying, but not really an issue. Hunter S. Thompson would have had a lot of fun with this election. You might say that he would have had a field day...

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Curiel is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of a lawyer's association for Hispanics that has La Raza in its name.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. The Ministry of Truth3:13 AM

    "Curiel is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of a lawyer's association for Hispanics that has La Raza in its name."

    Even if that were not true, even if he were a member of National Council of La Raza, that would still be highly unlikely to justify the judge's recusal.

    It's true that NCLR is in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, while Trump is an advocate of, well, A WALL. But having different politics on immigration from a defendant would generally not prevent a judge from presiding over a wholly unrelated fraud case. Would conservatives agree that a liberal defendant can boot a conservative judge off his case because their politics are different?

    Of course, the bottom feeders who make up Trump's diehard support are arguing that the judge can't hear the case because they claim NCLR is an anti-white hate group, based on fantasyland notions that NCLR supports "the Reconquista agenda" (that Mexicans are planning to force the southwestern US to secede and reunite with Mexico) and that it has associations with fringey Latino separatists and so forth.

    It's all baseless, paranoid junk with origins in right-wing garbage media and web forums. This moronic crap has been floating around the wingnut-o-sphere for years: Reviving bogus reconquista claims, Savage attacks NCLR: "the most violent elements of the Hispanic supremacist movement"

  6. Who the hell reads Washington Post anymore? It's shit.

  7. Doug, we all would like to thank u for that clarification. Facts can sometimes get lost when we are dealing with certain folks.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Well said, Mr. Will," except for this part:

    "...again embracing the identity politics that actually characterizes contemporary progressivism.: an individual has, always and only, the interests and motivations of his race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation."

    Huh? Wasn't "identity politics" part of the race-based Republican Southern Strategy of the last half-century? That won the White House for Nixon, Reagan and all other dog-whistlers?

    George needs heavier editing for any "well said" verdict, Field.

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Trump shoud recuse himself from the PRESIDENTIAL election as he is at fault for conflict of interest, using his election for personal illegal charges against one of his private businesses. As well as slandering a Judge while doing it..BIG TROUBLE. He will b charged and receive jail time, for that alone. You dont slander a Judge, esp as a Presidential candidate. Trump is being charged with RICO, racketeering, etc and could see many years of prison, because everything being released is true, backed up by thousands, thousands of people, yuuuugggeeee! It's real trouble for Trump, isnt small potatoes. If u or i had these charges against us we'd b in the clinker now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anotherbozo,u are right. There should have been an exception or two in there.

    That's on me. I deserved that calling out.😔

  13. Liberal Hypocrisy11:48 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    Curiel is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of a lawyer's association for Hispanics that has La Raza in its name

    I'm not a member of the Ku Klux Klan, I'm just part of a a lawyer's association for KKK members that has Ku Klux Klan in its name.

    Progressives go to great lengths to avoid thinking.

  14. White Devil11:55 AM

    anotherbozo said...
    "Huh? Wasn't "identity politics" part of the race-based Republican Southern Strategy of the last half-century?"

    No. That a liberal media myth. For the last 30 years at least, Republicans have been on their knees begging for minority support, to no avail.

    Will is correct: Progressivism today grants no agency to an individual, only the interests and motivations of his race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

    Any non-white who does not act in his or her group interests is called an "Uncle Tom" or a "House Negro.

    Any white who does acknowledge his group interests is called a racist.

    The glue that holds the entire diverse progressive coalition together is hatred of whites.

  15. The Ministry of Truth12:59 PM

    "No. That a liberal media myth. For the last 30 years at least, Republicans have been on their knees begging for minority support, to no avail."

    Republicans have been passing economic and justice system policies that screw over minorities for 40 years, and insulting/scapegoating minorities with their rhetoric for 40 years.

    And they're shocked this doesn't bring their party lots of minority support? "Hey, lazy, criminal, degenerate dummy, you need to vote for me! Wait, come back, where you going? ..."


  16. @White Devil:
    Remember Lee Atwater?

    "You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”"

    As much as you want history to have begun on January 20, 2009, it didn't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson2:19 PM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    Curiel is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of a lawyer's association for Hispanics that has La Raza in its name.

    -Doug in Oakland

    12:53 AM

    LOL. I'm a member of the "National Organization of Lawyers For The Defense of White Folks Nationonalist Socialst Party", in it's name, but damn sure am not a NAZI.

    Just a name, right?

  18. HouseAnglo2:22 PM

    "Any non-white who does not act in his or her group interests is called an "Uncle Tom" or a "House Negro.

    Any white who does acknowledge his group interests is called a racist."

    While that's true, the funny thing is that it still works to some extent. Even this blog's sorting by 'house' and 'field' has that flavor to it.

    Normally, I'd guess that the Trump movement is just a counterinsurgency on the post 1960's war on the traditional US nation. There's a kind of physics to politics where action is met by reaction, just look at the increasingly religious Russians. The increasing population pressure from the Third World could be what set all this off.

    But (a big but), the headlong advances in technology look to be threatening the current cycle. Where you might have expected various types of identity groups to form up teams and fight over the carcass, I'd say all bets are off now.

    Whether the world is 'fair' or not may not matter to our new robot overlords.

  19. The Ministry of Truth3:40 PM

    "LOL. I'm a member of the 'National Organization of Lawyers For The Defense of White Folks Nationonalist Socialst Party', in it's name, but damn sure am not a NAZI."

    Except the main organization known by that name -- National Council of La Raza -- isn't actually a hate group. That's just a smear concocted by dumbass wingnut talk radio goons.

    But other than that, totally fair comparison.

  20. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Fuck conservative white males.

  21. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I'm sure you would, if you could.

  22. Lt. Commander Johnson7:29 PM

    Monday, June 06, 2016

    "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."

    LOL. Who are Hillary and Bill's friends?

    That big spurt on Monica's Blue dress was Friendly.

  23. Lt. Commander Johnson8:19 PM

    OK. All in the hell does a Senator from the East Coast, instantly become a Democrat? He was an Independent his whole time in office.

    Can you change, just back & forth?

    What if Donald came out and hollered, "I'm An Independent Now?!

    Notice: I tried NOT to throw the Communist/Socialist crap into the stew.

  24. You mean like the way he ran as a reform party candidate, or contributed to six Democratic presidential campaigns and four Republican?
    That's what it says on his Wikipedia page, anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Lance Cockstrong9:08 PM

    As a matter of fact Lt. Commander Sir, it being a free country, for now, you can change back and forth as often as you damn well please. It isn't the same as changing back and forth between Bruce and Caitlyn is it?

  26. This is a site that we wait for more information presentation .

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson1:56 AM

    Lance Cockstrong said...
    As a matter of fact Lt. Commander Sir, it being a free country, for now, you can It isn't the same as changing back and forth between Bruce and Caitlyn is it?

    9:08 PM

    Wow. Yes, you're right Lance!

  28. Lance Cockstrong8:08 PM

    I am the cum bucket of a dead cock.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson4:11 PM

    MMMM. I didn't say /post that shit.

  30. I swear my trolls are getting worse. If that's possible.🤔

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

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