Saturday, July 23, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Lance Cockstrong10:51 PM

    we know you hate gays but now it is time for you come out of the closet

  2. Limpbaugh11:35 PM

    What is the difference between John McCain and Hillary Clinton? ......John McCain is for campaign finance reform.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Trump: We can kiss now, we're in this together!

    Pence thinks: Oy! Why was I born?...

  4. ctrl+halt+del11:44 PM

    Trump body language... says he likes Pence... No, really really likes Pence.

  5. Lance Cockstrong12:12 AM

    make america gay again

  6. Duck face? What about platypus face?

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Trump" Adam Smith showed that capitalism, done right, channels impulses that can be immoral and destructive, into ends that are moral and constructive. Thus, Western Civilization is inherently capitalist, and National Socialism is stupid, not because racist, but because socialist. The ten commandments consist of four that deal with God, thereby defining the adherents as a different and separate people, and six that prescribe how to deal with one’s fellow man, and in those six the rule against covetousness is the rule that is particularly and specially emphasized. Covetousness is wanting that which is someone else’s. If you see someone’s pretty wife, and think, I should have her, he treats her badly, he does not appreciate her as I appreciate her, he is too old and ugly for her, if I were to sneakily kill him and take her, she would be happier with me”, that is covetousness. If you think “Perhaps she has a younger sister who is still single”, that is not covetousness. And similarly, if you look at a rich man and think “He got his wealth by doing bad things, so he deserves to be punished by me taking away his wealth and having it myself”, that is covetousness. If, instead, you inquire how he got rich, and think about what you could do similarly, that is not covetousness. Adam Smith explained why the latter approach is usually more appropriate to wealth. Whenever you think of excessively clever rationales why the excessively fortunate do not deserve what they have, and should be deprived of it, that is covetousness, and civilizations end when the mob is empowered to give effect to covetousness.

    Pence: Word to your mother.

    Trump" It is plausible to argue that the key element of Western Civilization, the killer app, was the rule of law, laws that Kings had to obey, and yet, there is something wrong with this story, in that the law in England began as common law, which was not law centric, but judge centric, and the judges were, pretty much, local aristocrats, and local aristocrats pretty much did what they wanted, so the common law was not literal law written down as laws, but generalizations made by lawyers about the common moral culture of the aristocrats. So distributed power, limits on the power of kings, gave rise to laws that kings had to obey, not the other way around. A key feature of Western civilization is that it has always had a lot of nation states, and these nation states tended to have within them subsidiarity, many dispersed powerful people, rather than one king, or one all powerful bureaucracy. This gave rise to competition that mostly peaceful, though far from entirely peaceful, and the from this competition, the best tended to win, and be imitated, and worst tended to lose, and be ignored or replaced It was not the rule of law, but rather the rule of law was one of the consequences of subsidiarity, of mostly peaceful competition between powerful people and groups. The overwhelming dominance of the Cathedral over a multitude of nominally independent nation states, and the centralization of each of these nation states means that madness goes unchallenged. Doctrine goes out from Harvard, and goes unchallenged by reality. Competition made the west great, and real competition has been silenced. The megacities grow because winners and losers are not made by the market, but by government. Housing is expensive because everyone needs to be close to the man who is close to the man who is close to the man who is close to the man who is in the revolving door between regulators and regulated. Decentralization of nation states is difficult and hard to define. Independence of nation states is easier to define and easier to attain, hence the neoreactionary position that there need to be more nation states, and those nation states independent. When we have more nation states, and more independence for them, then perhaps will be able to look at them and say what constitutes decentralization.

    Pence: Motherfuckers.

  8. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Way down in the jungle deep, the lion stepped on the signifying monkey's feet.............


  9. Anonymous1:54 AM

    BTW, here in Ireland they are wondering how somebody like Trump might be the next president. He makes W. look good by comparison. America is becoming an international joke.....again.


  10. **SIGH** Another Trump Caption Day...

    Though I must follow up on blog created by Ms. Lori Lakin Hutcherson Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Good Black News, just had to share this item featured in ~

    What I Told My White Friend When He Asked For My Black Opinion On White Privilege

  11. Roger4:32 AM

    Make America Square Again

  12. In the spirit of Caption Day..... The Donald in full bromance mode to Mike Pence: "Glad you realize 'Only I Can Fix' a bad hair day."

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson8:12 AM

    LOL...let's us just see a pic with Hillary & Huma just the same, or that lying bitch Warren. Funny, she claims to be an Indian, but they detest an deny her heritage. Biden is a proven plagiarist, too.

    NO? I am surprised.

    You are so retarded, Democratically, field.

  14. Anonymous10:48 AM

    For over a thousand years peoples, cultures, religions, civilizations, empires, nations, and Kingdoms have struggled to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have ever succeeded. We will not be the first.

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. *yawns*
      I am here in Philly, and nope, no "chaos" over emails.

      Nice try, though.😏

  16. ctrl+halt+del11:03 AM

    DT: (Sniff, Sniff) Is that Brut?

    MP: Yes! Tee hee!

  17. PilotX said...
    America is becoming an international joke.....again.

    It sure is:

    Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.

  18. "BTW, here in Ireland they are wondering how somebody like Trump might be the next president"

    People in Europe have very little variety in their news sources, many of which are state-run. There are no guarantees of First Amendment rights, and you can be arrested for having the wrong opinion. As has been proven once again by the recent Wikileaks release of DNC emails, the establishment media works hand-in-glove with liberal politicians to control the flow of information in order to "keep the people ignorant".

    It is no wonder the people in Ireland are alarmed by Trump, because the only view they are given is the one through Hillary's eyes. In America, we at least have a minority media that can counter the lies of the establishment media and mostly (e.g. Dinesh D'Souza) stay out of jail. Americans who maintain the cartoonish view of Trump have to be willing dupes or cynical rank partisans.

  19. Anonymous12:05 PM

    This is how you do it,you purse your lips,and BLOW!

  20. Lt. Commander Johnson3:14 PM

    You've got your own Chaos in Philly.

    Why did you you discontinue your "KILLADELPHIA" sidebar?

    Watch...field won't answer.

  21. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Well, another Amish attack in Germany. The young Amish fellow murdered a pregnant woman with a machete.

    The Germans will need to ban assault machetes.

    On topic:
    Trump: Did you see Hillary get brain freeze from drinking ice coffee?

    Pence: That wasn't brain freeze. That was the demons trying to get out of her body. Even Satan is scared of Hillary.

  22. Ignorance is bliss4:05 PM

    field negro said...
    I am here in Philly, and nope, no "chaos" over emails.

    Hear no Evil, See no Evil...

  23. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz banned from speaking at Democrat convention.


  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Well, another Amish attack in Germany. The young Amish fellow murdered a pregnant woman with a machete.

    The Germans will need to ban assault machetes.

    3:52 PM


  25. DWS should have stepped down. It was the right thing to do. She failed as a leader.

  26. field negro said...
    DWS should have stepped down. It was the right thing to do. She failed as a leader.

    She should have stepped down when the 'ish first hit the fan to keep it from being a distraction to the convention. Hanging on this long was just damn selfish and she'll shoulder some of the blame if the Rethugs milk this situation for all it's worth and win the election.

  27. Lance Cockstrong8:45 PM

    Hanging on this long will be the least of her transgressions if the Stupid Party wins the election. Much more significant will be her role in playing into their hands in nominating an inferior candidate with so much surface area for attack, whose only concrete positions are the ones she has co-opted from Sanders, and whose campaign strategy appears to be to play rope a dope and hope Butt Trumpet punches himself out.

  28. Director Comey9:18 PM

    field negro said...
    DWS should have stepped down. It was the right thing to do. She failed as a leader.

    Now it's Hillary's turn.

    Still yawning?

  29. Gotta give us updates on the convention.

  30. Anonymous9:27 PM

    You know there are a lot more hacked emails yet to come that will utterly destroy the criminal Clinton enterprise, right?

  31. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Obama should have let Comey and Lynch indict Clinton while there was still time to pivot to another candidate. It is highly likely that several players have the emails Clinton destroyed - Wikileaks, the Russians, the Chinese, the Israelis, some Nigerian scam artists - and should any one of them want to derail her election, well, look out chumps.

  32. AC/DnC9:37 PM

    Dirty deeds done Deb cheap.

  33. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is resigning to prove her objectivity, and to further prove her objectivity, she's taking a job with the Hillary Clinton campaign:

    Wow. How tone-deaf can a campaign be?

  34. Yes, still yawning. At least about these emails.

    Pilot, lots of protesters yesterday on East Market street.

    Mostly folks opposed to fracking and Bernie's people.

    It was peaceful,though.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. My very entertaining husband came up with these:

    1) Bend over and let me show you why they call me T-RUMP
    2) Deres my widdle fuzzy wuzzy v.p.
    3) Now I've just inserted the knife in your back. Smile and pretend you didn't notice.
    4) I baptize you in the name of Trump, The RNC and the Third Reich. Amen
    5) I think I'll call you Jeb Jr. Since your gonna be my little B&^%h
    6) Lovin the RNC, Ya that's the club for me. I dupe them all, You take the fall, Ruling the RNC.
    7) Ok you get 1 date with Ivanka but nothing past 3rd base. That's for me.
    8) You gotta make it look real. Now when I say face me and kiss me on the lips like my daughter.
    9) Just for a minute you and I are gonna pretend to be gay to win over the LGBTQ. So grab my balls with your right hand and smile.
    10) Now I'm gonna pull the string on your back so you can talk.

  37. Now did u really think i would kiss you? I am just pandering

  38. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Val said...

    My very entertaining husband came up with these:

    1) Bend over and let me show you why they call me T-RUMP
    9) Just for a minute you and I are gonna pretend to be gay to win over the LGBTQ. So grab my balls with your right hand and smile.
    10) Now I'm gonna pull the string on your back so you can talk.

    1:08 PM

    lol my three favorites!

  39. Lance Cockstrong9:23 PM

    Why were you screaming CHRIS ... while I was blowing you?! ...

  40. Thanks lilacpr2000!
