Friday, July 22, 2016

TGIF, but not for all the news it brings.

Image result for german shooter mcdonalds imagesThis has been quite a news day.

There was another terrorist attack in Europe. This time it was in  Germany , where some nut-job decided to kill at least nine people (including children) before killing himself. (That might just eliminate the radical Muslim jihadist angle.)

Dude was yelling  "you fucking Turks", and his rampage comes on the anniversary of a white supremacist shooting and killing 77 people in Norway. (77!!)  

If it does turn out that this was some nationalist nut job acting alone,  and not the work of a Middle Eastern terrorist group, look for the coverage to change.

Whoever it is, it won't stop  Donald trump from using this as just another reason to ramp up the fear factor. (Is he still giving his address?) The world is going to hell in a hand- basket and only I alone can fix it.

And will someone please tell the folks in the republican party that optics matter? Retweeting something posted on a white supremacist website on your convention jumbotron in the middle of your nominee's speech, was not a good look. The white only elevator signs we can live with, because we understand that it might have been an oversight. (Might.) But at some point you have to start wondering about the motivations of these folks.   

Hilary also picked her running -mate today. I guess if you want safe and steady Tim Kaine is the way to go. Virginia would be a nice feather in Hillary's electoral college cap, although with the latest ruling from the supreme court in Virginia it won't be that easy.

Finally, the most troubling news of the day comes from Austin, Texas. Where some police officers in that department decided that it was cool to dehumanize and abuse a woman of color.

Her name is Breaion King; she is a school teacher, and what happened to her should sicken every person of conscience in this country.

Watch the video tape, and listen to what they say about black people.

"First and foremost, let me just say this to Breaion King, her family, her friends, her neighbors, her supporters: 'I’m sorry that on the day that you were stopped for going 15 mph [above the speed limit], you were approached in a manner and then treated in a manner that is not consistent with the expectations of this police chief," Acevedo said. "There’s a way to do this job, and that day, we did not approach it anywhere near the way we should’ve approached it."

Acevedo said that "the chain of command" who reviewed Richter's use of force in the incident determined that "the incident was not consistent with the expectations of the department." Richter was told to attend training and counseling. "
Chief, all the counseling in the world will not help that man and you know it.
Ms. King, I am just glad that you are still alive.  We all know that things could have turned out a lot
worse for you and your family.
*Pic from


  1. "That might just eliminate the radical Muslim jihadist angle."


    The shooter was an 18 year-old Iranian.

  2. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Breaion King is just another entitled black person who feels blacks have the right to resist arrest.

  3. One little story you left out of your roundup was the release of 20,000 DNC emails hacked by Wikileaks that show the entire primary was rigged for Hillary, that journalists at Politico and ABC submitted stories and interview questions to Hillary for approval in advance, that protesters at Trump rallies were paid "surrogates", letist-funded "allies" and campaign interns, and that the campaign instructed media outlets to "keep the people ignorant" of Hillary's relationships on Wall Street:

    1. They actually show staff gaming out responses to a non-Democrat's attack on them getting shut down by the director, but please continue to lie.

  4. Samuel Sinyangwe12:56 AM

    Tim Kaine represents the past, an appeal to "working class whites." Centering the election on priorities of white people. White supremacy.
    Clinton/Kaine is white supremacy.
    Trump/Pence is white supremacy
    The two-party system is white supremacy.
    I'm done.

    1. Nice try. Kaine is a crusading civil rights lawyer married to another one who integrated an all-black school in Richmond as a child. You may as well call him a Martian.

  5. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Arresting people for breaking the law is racist.

  6. Dr. Napoleon1:04 AM

    Forensically, people do DASTARDLY things that are ROOTED to 1 or more of the 7 deadly sins. The law encapsulates that FACT.

    My statement is testimony, though not intended, to the wisdom in the Bible having to do with those sins. Again, sharing with you.

    Human beings are prone to fall prey to the 7 deadly sins. I say that as a forensic expert, not as a religious person or in a Biblical sense.

  7. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots1:58 AM

    I love the Kaine pick!

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The KKK is alive and well in Germany.

    It's clear Germany needs gun control. It's too easy for people to get guns in Germany. Close the gun show loophole in Germany.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Well just a couple of weeks ago there was also mass shooting in Germany in a theatre in Viernheim. The gunman went in with a rifle and draped in cartridges and took hostages. To this day one still cannot find the name of that shooter. Google it,you won't either :) All they ever said is that the shooter was between 18 and 25 and was shouting things in 'broken' German.

    Why the secrecy? Governments are beginning to stink!

    1. Only shots fired were by the police at the mentally ill would be gunman. The Germans only release a name after conviction.

  10. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit10:54 AM

    I'm aghast at the amount of violence happening this year. I believe you can blame some of it on Trump, but we as humans are certainly not doing our best either. Peace.

  11. Shooter in Germany targeted foreigners. Said he felt bullied and slighted and was lashing out.

    Sounds like a certain presidential candidate.

  12. Anonymous12:02 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...

    "Why the secrecy?"

    Because Western governments are more committed to the globalism project than they are to the welfare of their people.

    They are more committed to the globalism project because they work for the billionaire class that keeps them in power.

  13. In the context of both tapes, Ms King's treatment is the clearest 42 USC 1983 excessive force violation I've seen since another King was the victim in the granddaddy of all videotaped police misconduct cases. These are the kind of stories that I've been listening to for 20 years now from marginalized young men: routine beatings in conjunction with arrests, police responding to refusals to consent to search with assault while yelling "stop resisting," tazers, batons, handcuffs & shackles used as torture devices, explicit racist language directed at arrestees, ritualized in-custody abuse and humiliation, theft/destruction of electronic divices/cameras and assault when incidents are documented, and always, always, the blue wall of silence. They're the hardest cases to make; police officers get the benefit of every presumption no matter how unlikely even ludicrous; victims and their loved ones who speak out become targets for routine harassment and arrest; evidence disappears, witnesses recant or lose their memories, judges signal their bias to juries. But every once in a while, all of the stars line up; that's when you get settlement offers too good to refuse. M's King and her case are never going to see a courtroom; she will get such an offer.

  14. Anonymous12:14 PM

    field negro said...
    Shooter in Germany targeted foreigners. Said he felt bullied and slighted and was lashing out.


    Most of the victims were German nationals.

    The shooter was an Iranian living in Germany. He felt bullied and slighted because his worldview was incompatible with the society around him. His cultural response was to kill.

    This is the fruit of the project to force hostile cultures into Western countries, the project your party is committed to until the end.

    Diversity + Proximity = War.

    1. Like the self-hating shooter, the victims were primarily German born children of immigrants. But then kluxers never tell the truth.

  15. Black Lies Matter12:18 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "M's King and her case are never going to see a courtroom; she will get such an offer"

    Another payday rewarding black intransigence and delinquency.

    And we wonder why they just keep getting worse.

    1. Yeah you kluxers and your intransigence has been getting worse.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous12:40 PM

    field negro said...

    Shooter in Germany targeted foreigners. Said he felt bullied and slighted and was lashing out.

    Sounds like a certain presidential candidate.

    11:13 AM

    I know! Hitlery right? x*D

  18. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Because Western governments are more committed to the globalism project than they are to the welfare of their people.

    They are more committed to the globalism project because they work for the billionaire class that keeps them in power.

    12:02 PM


  19. Wingnuts live in a false reality.

    See what Anon@12:14 wrote.

  20. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I think people are no longer voting strictly along party lines. People are voting by candidacy and what the candidate is offering to do for them.

    Now of course the question remains, will the talk match the action?

    But,with politicians you just never

  21. Lt. Commander Johnson5:01 PM

    Wow. Germany, France, Belgium have some to most strict gun laws in the world.

    Go figure.

  22. Anonymous5:48 PM

    That's bollocks. In Belgium you can buy a gun without a trigger from stalls in Sunday morning markets. The next stall along will sell you a trigger for your gun. Not for nothing is Belgium known as the "wild West of Europe". Given that there are no borders between Germany, France and Belgium it doesn't matter how strict Germany or France's gun laws are.

  23. Anonymous8:48 PM

    field negro said...
    Wingnuts live in a false reality.

    How are such incidents, which seem to be happening almost every couple of days now, not a result of the clash of incompatible cultures?

  24. A single week without international violence would be wonderful. And I mean NO violence. That goes for the stuff our government does, too.

    Then we could start focusing on the important things. Like Pokemon Go.

  25. Progressive Logic9:52 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Like the self-hating shooter, the victims were primarily German born children of immigrants. But then kluxers never tell the truth."

    The media has taken the customary pains to assure the public that the assailant was “Iranian German,” and thus very much a natural feature of the national landscape.

    This was just a normal middle-eastern dual citizen, and thus no less German than Otto von Bismarck.

    Like if Whitey decided to put his ass where his mouth is, and moved to a black neighborhood. After the 12th time he got robbed, and the third time his wife got raped, he gets himself a gun and offs a few gang bangers. Because he lived in the hood, that would make him black. He would be a "White Black" and no one would have any idea why he did what he did.

  26. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Ahahahahaha! Too funny!

  27. Limpbaugh11:43 PM

    Trump would be better on terrorism and foreign policy than Clinton. All he would have to do is not recruit for ISIS, not arm them, and not train them.

  28. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Only shots fired were by the police at the mentally ill would be gunman. The Germans only release a name after conviction.

    12:33 PM

    The news reported was that he went into the theater armed to the teeth and firing,screaming in 'broken' German! Took and held hostages,and I don't remember what else,so that's not grounds for charges of some kind?

    If the Germans don't release a name until convicted, how come they immediately released the name of this last guy ?

    1. First reports are almost always wrong. They didn't release his name. He was identified to the press by members of the public.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson8:22 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    That's bollocks. In Belgium you can buy a gun without a trigger from stalls in Sunday morning markets. The next stall along will sell you a trigger for your gun. Not for nothing is Belgium known as the "wild West of Europe". Given that there are no borders between Germany, France and Belgium it doesn't matter how strict Germany or France's gun laws are.

    5:48 PM"

    LOL. Bollocks.

    You stupid-assed Europeans will nee the US to send our youngsters to save your asses before long. Hopefully, Trump will pull all the US troops out of Europe, and then, you can have another WAR.

  30. Anonymous7:58 PM

    oh okay thanks Whitey, so we'll just take that to mean that he was a 7'2" tall Nordic with a grudge against Apfelstrudel ;)

    Nothing to see here folks, move along...
