Monday, July 04, 2016

When tweeting goes wrong.

Image result for twitter trump imagesIt  looks like Donald has gotten himself in some hot water again with his twitter account.

Sorry Donald, twitter giveth and twitter taketh away.

"In late January, Donald Trump did something that would have sunk almost any other presidential campaign: He retweeted an anonymous Nazi sympathizer and white supremacist who goes by the not-so-subtle handle @WhiteGenocideTM. Trump neither explained nor apologized for the retweet and then, three weeks later, he did it again. This subsequent retweet was quickly deleted, but just two days later Trump retweeted a different user named @EustaceFash, whose Twitter header image at the time also included the term “white genocide.”

None of this went unnoticed among ardent racists, many of whom believe there is a coordinated effort to eventually eliminate the “white race.”

Trump is “giving us the old wink-wink,” wrote Andrew Anglin, editor of a white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer, after Trump retweeted two other “white genocide” theorists within a single minute. “Whereas the odd White genocide tweet could be a random occurrence, it isn’t statistically possible that two of them back to back could be a random occurrence. It could only be deliberate…Today in America the air is cold and it tastes like victory.”

It is possible that Trump ― who, according to the campaign, does almost all of his own tweeting ― is unfamiliar with the term “white genocide” and doesn’t do even basic vetting of those whose tweets he amplifies to his seven million followers. But the reality is that there are dozens of tweets mentioning @realDonaldTrump each minute, and he has an uncanny ability to surface ones that come from accounts that proudly proclaim their white supremacist leanings.

“The retweets are based solely on the content, not the personal views of those individuals as they are not vetted, known or of interest to the candidate or the campaign,” says Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, who declined to explain how Trump searches through his Twitter feed. Hicks also declined (repeatedly) to answer Fortune‘s question as to whether or not Trump believes that white genocide is a legitimate concern.

Countless numbers of people mention #WhiteGenocide each day on Twitter, but Fortune used social media analytics software from Little Bird to find those who are considered to be the most prominent. In the world of social media marketing, such people are called “influencers.”

“Our technology builds a big network of hundreds or thousands of specialists in a particular field or people who used a particular hashtag, and then analyzes the connections between the people in that network,” explains Little Bird co-founder and chairman Marshall Kirkpatrick. “We then find the person or people in that group that are most followed by others in the same group. It’s kind of like a ‘9-out-of-10 dentists recommend’ model rather than measuring people by the absolute popularity. We view it as earned influence within a specific context.”

The Little Bird software analyzed Twitter content to generate a ranked list of just under 2,000 #WhiteGenocide “influencers” as of February 8. The more impactful, the higher up on the list (which, understandably, ebbs and flows a bit over time).

Since the start of his campaign, Donald Trump has retweeted at least 75 users who follow at least three of the top 50 #WhiteGenocide influencers. Moreover, a majority of these retweeted accounts are themselves followed by more than 100 #WhiteGenocide influencers.

But the relationship isn’t limited to retweets. For example, Trump national campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson (who is black), follows the most influential #WhiteGenocide account, @Genophilia, which is best known for helping to launch a Star Wars boycott after it became known that the new film’s lead character was black. (Below are some recent #WhiteGenocide tweets from @Genophilia.)" [More here]

You get the idea.

Happy Birthday America. Sadly, it must feel like you are just 90 and not 240 years old.

*Image from



  1. Look, it's everyone's personal decision whether to hate people they haven't met or not. It's a collective decision whether we want someone who does (or supports those who do) as our president or not. I'm voting not.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. James Bold10:26 PM

    On the one hand, Dougie pooh-poohs the notion of White genocide.

    On the other hand, Dougie is all excited about White children being a minority in the USA already.

    Cognitive dissonance much, Dougie?  Or do you just hate White people?  If the latter, can you do the rest of us a favor and start with yourself?

  3. ProgSpring10:41 PM

    I hate white people with a passion.

    There. I said it.

  4. No James, I just really don't care who hates who other than not liking it. And I'm not relentlessly focused on stupid bullshit, having a life to live and all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. The main engine burn just started on the Juno spacecraft to insert it into orbit around Jupiter.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Isn't White Genocide the thing you all wish for? It is after all the ultimate goal of progressive politics. And everyone knows that blacks hate whites more than anything. Are we not supposed to talk about it?

  7. Rachel Maddcow11:50 PM

    How many innocent blacks were shot by evil white cops wearing Jew hating stars in Chicago this weekend?

  8. The orbit insertion burn was successful and the Juno spacecraft is in orbit around Jupiter.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. When Trump built his country club in Palm Beach, he had to sue the town over all the harassment he received because of the fact he made his club open to Jews and blacks:

    How can a guy like that compete with Hillary:

  10. Black Lives Matter activist and Hillary supporter threatens to repeat the Orlando shooting.

  11. James Bold12:47 AM

    "No James, I just really don't care who hates who other than not liking it."

    But you don't care who trashes whose culture, physical and social capital and community.  At least, not if those being trashed are White; I'm sure that gentrification is one of your bogeymen.

    "And I'm not relentlessly focused on stupid bullshit, having a life to live and all."

    If these things are bullshit, explain why they're such a big factor in quality of life?

    BTW, Juno did its orbital insertion burn with a hydrazine-nitrogen tetroxide propellant engine.  You'd think we would have advanced to more energetic, less massy propellants in the last 40 years, but the burden of hauling Black people along with us has caused so many other things that were once advancing to stagnate.

  12. if anyone to blame for a white genocide, start with the white female. In today's USA, she runs the show on when to get naked, when to have and when to abort.

    The white male has stopped long ago killing each other on the battlefields. And still they control the weapons of mass destruction. So relax, that genocide thinggy is just a cause celebre for the guy pulling the trump (now-now) card.

    The decoloration of the Black race is a generation ahead, all other groups will have to overcome their love of their own kind to blend themselves out.

  13. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I hate white people.

  14. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I hate black people.

  15. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I hate yellow people.

  16. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I hate brown people.

  17. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I hate red people.

  18. Anonymous1:02 AM

    And most of all, I hate Donald Trump. That motherfucker is the worst human being alive, because he loves ALL people, no matter what color.

    And I just can't go for that. Vote Hillary!!

  19. Wrong again (still) James. We don't have more advanced propulsion because Republicans demand tax cuts, because as Lee Atwater famously said, they hurt black people more than white people. And like you, Atwater was wrong. Everyone is hurt when you don't maintain society, and doing so costs money.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Lyle Debs3:33 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous11:35 AM

    A Black Panther Forever is full of shit, as always. Fuck that guy.

  23. Ace Freely11:50 AM

    Cover-Up Concluded: FBI Director Comey: Hillary Broke the Law But We're Not Recommending Criminal Charges Because YOLO

    I assume this is when Comey will announce that his play-acting is over and he's officially whitewashing the Hillary Clinton crime spree, but we'll see.

    He confirms that about 800 emails contained information that was classified at the time it was sent, and another 2000 were up-classified since they were sent.

    He claims that the work-related emails that were deleted weren't "intentionally" deleted in order to conceal them. He's making an excuses as to why the lawyers deleted them.

    He's now making the case that she negligently handled classified information and any reasonable person in her position should have known that.

    Now he's claiming that despite the law-breaking, no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges.

    The cover-up is now finished.

    Fuck Comey, fuck the New Rome.

    Bizarrely, he claimed that in the future, they may prosecute people for exactly what Hillary did -- but they're not prosecuting Hillary.

    It's just a special "the law does not apply to this person" ruling.

    We are now officially a banana republic.

    1. You do know that he (Comey) is a conservative,right?

    2. You do know that he (Comey) is a conservative,right?

  24. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Comey spelled out felonies during his speech, and described her actions which fit all of the elements of these same felonies and yet magically they will not recommend her prosecution, while they have prosecuted others for much less. What a disgrace. Comey shows that the FBI is now a political organization and not a law enforcement agency. He should resign in disgrace, he sold America out to hide whatever they have on him. Those agents who worked the case should quit in protest. There is no doubt that felonies were committed by Hillary Clinton; Comey described them in his speech. Bill and Lynch's meeting was to finalize the details and coordinate today's announcement with Hillary and Obama's joint campaign appearance in North Carolina. Now you know why she came out yesterday and finally said she would take the FBI's recommendation, she already knew the results.

  25. Carlos12:02 PM

    I've slept with a woman of every color, except for a white woman. Are they worth it?

  26. The conservative outrage over Hillary Clinton is charming. "The rule of law and the Constitution should matter!" But they haven't for years. We run things now, and you are the ones who have to worry about being indicted. Hillary is going to be President, and you'd better start running. LOL.

  27. Anonymous12:16 PM

    What rethuglicans don't get: the people Hillary wants to import don't care if she's a crook. They're used to it. They just want theirs. And as long as they get it, she can take all she wants.

  28. "We are now officially a banana republic."

    This level of corruption among politicians is pretty standard in third-world countries. I guess we are getting there.

  29. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I was hoping when I woke up this morning,that all european americans had mysteriously disappeared in the rapture.Alas,,,,,

  30. Kimberly12:58 PM

    Elizabeth Warren: "The next president can honor the simple notion that nobody is above the law, but it will happen only if voters demand it."


  31. Obama and Hillary don't even bother to wait to hit the trail. They throw their criminal collusion in your face. Because Fuck You, Citizen.

  32. Anonymous3:09 PM

    A conservative appointed by Obama.

    That kind of "conservative".

  33. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Donald isn't too bright just like the rest of the white genocide crowd. He also surrounds himself with dimwitted lackies like Ms. Pierson. At least a Trump presidency would be good for the comedy industry.


  34. Anonymous3:17 PM

    But bad for the genocide industry....

  35. field negro said...
    You do know that he (Comey) is a conservative,right?

    That's why when they pushed him out on stage to say Hillary wasn't going to be indicted he mentioned all the reasons she should be.

  36. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Maybe Ken Starr should have led this investigation.


  37. Anonymous4:22 PM

    You are right PX, a special prosecutor should have been appointed rather than letting the administration investigate itself.

    But ethics are so old-fashioned.

  38. In this email Hillary ("H") knowingly instructs her staff to send a classified doc unsecure:

    Clear evidence of a crime, but not something a "reasonable" prosecutor would indict Hillary over.

  39. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Hooray! Our nominee won't be indicted on criminal charges! It's a wonderful day! She truly has the stuff to make a great precedent.
    MAKE WALL STREET PROUD AGAIN! (or ?) Vote Hillary's 2016

    EBT's all around!

  40. They couldn't bring a case against her for at least two reasons:
    First as former Mass. US Attorney Bill Weld said " criminal intent, no indictment."

    And second, as Comey obliquely referred to in his statement, they are letting Petraeus, who they caught red handed giving classified information to his mistress, an actual crime, plead to a misdemeanor so as not to do any jail time. Which is another way of saying the Petraeus case would inconveniently expose the Clinton investigation as just the partisan witch hunt #8,644 it is.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "It's a collective decision whether we want someone who does (or supports those who do) as our president or not."

    -Doug "I'll be your Doug" in Oakland

    I'm sure you know all about Collectives Doug. No need to worry about Madame Hillary, she is already the president pro designate. Soon you'll get to learn about gulags.

  42. Anonymous6:15 PM

    "they are letting Petraeus, who they caught red handed giving classified information to his mistress, an actual crime, plead to a misdemeanor so as not to do any jail time. Which is another way of saying the Petraeus case would inconveniently expose the Clinton investigation as just the partisan witch hunt #8,644"

    I know that Kool aid tastes good Doug, but did it ever cross your mind that maybe Petraeus was charged and then spared jail time to keep him quiet about what he knew about his bosses?

    Some people's careers have to be sacrificed to save others. Ask Susan Rice.

  43. I wouldn't mind seeing more dead white people.

  44. Colonel Corn7:37 PM

    President Obama today: "You've never heard Hillary Clinton demonize other people"

    He said this without laughing or being struck by lightning.

    Go figure.

  45. James Bold7:38 PM

    "Everyone is hurt when you don't maintain society, and doing so costs money."

    Really, Dougie?  There was a time when society was more or less self-maintaining.  People learned to read and write even on the frontier, where there weren't yet any schools (let alone public schools).  It was remarkably cheap.

    Society has gotten a lot more expensive, and the expense is mostly waste.  Take Head Start.  The modest benefits completely evaporate within a few years.  What sort of "maintenance" is this?  The only maintenance I see is the legion of Black staff with their Potemkin middle-class lifestyles and 100% Democratic voting patterns.  Yet no matter how many "programs" are thrown at our Black underclass, they never improve.  The same is true of the African homeland.  Yes, the niggers of the world are starving with their mouths wide open because they have not evolved the future time orientation to do any better.  I once cared, but I have no more fucks to give for them.

    "We don't have more advanced propulsion because Republicans demand tax cuts, because as Lee Atwater famously said, they hurt black people more than white people."

    We don't have more advanced propulsion systems because Ralph Abernathy and his donkey cart showed up to protest the Apollo program while Gil Scott-Heron sang "Whitey on the moon", and Democrat William Proximire was all about social programs and dairy subsidies over any sort of R&D.  Dairy subsidies got him votes in Eau Claire; rockets got him nothing.

    Things are changing at last, with some actual tests of smallish methanox engines for Mars landings and SpaceX developing a half-million pound methanox engine for boosters.  Methanox has about 10% more impulse than N2O4-UDMH, which can reduce mission mass quite a bit.  The fact that a private company is able to push engine technology toward F-1 territory proves that it wasn't ever a question of ability.  The problem was the insatiable demands of the welfare state and its primary clients, Africans-in-America.  They are a patient who does not improve no matter how much is spent on treatment.  It's time to pull the plug.

  46. Anonymous Fun7:47 PM

    I am so fucking happy that I am neither black nor white.

  47. "I am so fucking happy that I am neither black nor white."

    Welcome back Michael.

    Tito and the gang are still here.

  48. James Comey, deputy special counsel in the Whitewater investigation.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Kill white men.

    Fuck white women.

  50. "You are right PX, a special prosecutor should have been appointed rather than letting the administration investigate itself."

    The administration didn't investigate itself, the justice dept is a separate entity.

  51. James Bold12:50 AM

    "The administration didn't investigate itself, the justice dept is a separate entity."

    See?  I TOLD YOU you invented your own reality.

  52. Anonymous11:45 AM

    PilotX said...
    "You are right PX, a special prosecutor should have been appointed rather than letting the administration investigate itself."

    The administration didn't investigate itself, the justice dept is a separate entity.

    No, the AG works for and is appointed by the President.

    Loretta Lynch has done nothing independently, she has spent 100% of her time advancing the administration's agenda.

  53. "Loretta Lynch has done nothing independently, she has spent 100% of her time advancing the administration's agenda."

    Which is why this was an FBI investigation. The FBI is a non-partisan law enforcement organization. Comey made clear that AG Lynch knew nothing of his findings. Carry on.
