Sunday, July 03, 2016

A "stinging" wake- up call for Mr. Capehart.

Image result for jonathan capehart imagesNow this from Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post.

(The Field Negro education series continues.)

"I've really struggled with how to write about the results of two polls on race released this week. So, let me just toss out the two findings that have induced this paralysis.

According to the Reuters-Ipsos poll, "Supporters of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump are more likely to describe African-Americans as 'criminal,' 'unintelligent,' 'lazy' and 'violent' than voters who backed some Republican rivals in the primaries or who support Democratic contender Hillary Clinton."

According to the Pew Research Center's survey on race, "About six-in-ten (59 percent) white Republicans say too much attention is paid to race and racial issues these days, while only 21 percent of Democrats agree. "

That folks harbor anti-black views is nothing new. An Associated Press poll from 2012 showed that negative views of African-Americans jumped from 48 percent in 2008 to 51 percent in 2012. And that number jumped to 56 percent when implicit racial attitudes were factored in. But the Reuters-Ipsos poll still shocks the conscience.  Trump's supporters are overwhelmingly white. Many of them proudly say he won them over by "telling it like it is" and "not being politically correct" with his racist, xenophobic and nativist presidential campaign. So I'm hardly surprised that the followers of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee lead the pack in thinking that African-Americans are "less 'intelligent' than whites" (32 percent), "more 'lazy' than whites" (40 percent), "more 'violent' than whites" (nearly 50 percent) and "more 'criminal' than whites" (nearly 50 percent).  That's why I cocked an eyebrow when I read some of the results of the

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 Pew poll. That 59 percent of Republicans think too much attention is paid to race or racial issues is as absurd as it is willful blindness to their contribution to the nation's race problem.
The data says it all: "About half of blacks say they've been treated like they were suspicious or not smart." Forty-seven (47) percent of African-Americans said in the last 12 months "people acted as if they were suspicious of [them]." Two percentage points fewer (45 percent) said "people acted as if they thought [the respondent] weren't smart."
Now, I don't need no stinkin' polls to tell me what I know from my personal experience. Still, it stings when you see how little folks think of you and your people and how that manifests itself in harmful ways. "[Source]  I am not sure why it "stings" poor Jonathan when he hears about these types of polls. Surely a man of his level of education and worldliness cannot believe that we are really living in a "post- racial" society.  I am always amused when Negroes say that they are shocked to see how they are viewed as a race by some folks in the majority population.   Here is a little advise for folks like Jonathan Capehart: Always expect the worst from some folks and you won't be disappointed when they act out.       *Pic from   

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  1. ctrl+halt+del10:34 PM

    "If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you,” President Lyndon Johnson

  2. Yeah, Donald Trump could learn a thing or three about non-pc "telling it like it is" from LBJ. Molly Ivins described him as a man "who could not pass any character test ever devised by the human imagination" and legend has him having said "I don't really believe my honorable opponent is a practitioner of barnyard sodomy, I just want to hear him deny it in public." Yet with all of his flaws, he knew how to make government work, and if not for Vietnam, he would be known as one of the very best presidents we've had because of his political skill alone.
    Not being black, I have a hard time even having opinions about the racist bullshit white people tell pollsters they believe. I came up in a family where the males were overtly racist with no reasons I could see for it, so it's always sort of puzzled me, but I guess growing up in Oklahoma is more likely to leave one with such delusions than growing up in California (in a town with very few black people) is.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous2:26 AM

    How about this: For one day out of the year, get a large number of black men to sleep with white women, and a large number of white men to sleep with black women. Then let's see how many bi-racial babies can be made. Voila. Instant racial peace.

  4. James Bold3:13 AM

    "Supporters of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump are more likely to describe African-Americans as 'criminal,' 'unintelligent,' 'lazy' and 'violent' than voters who backed some Republican rivals in the primaries or who support Democratic contender Hillary Clinton."

    How DARE anyone tell the TRUTH?!  The truth is TABOO!  Only the NOBLE LIE of complete racial equality is allowed in the USSA!  All evidence to the contrary shall be deemed RACIST and anyone who admits to it shall be DISEMPLOYED and PERSECUTED!

    "About six-in-ten (59 percent) white Republicans say too much attention is paid to race and racial issues these days, while only 21 percent of Democrats agree."

    Let us NOT ever deprive the Poor Victims of Da Turrible Legacy ob Slabery of their rightful dues.

    "That folks harbor anti-black views is nothing new."

    That every other race than Black is tired of Black race hustling is nothing new; it's just finally getting coverage in the Lying Marxist Media... which is a landmark achievement.

    "Trump's supporters are overwhelmingly white. Many of them proudly say he won them over by "telling it like it is" and "not being politically correct" with his racist, xenophobic and nativist presidential campaign."

    You ain't seen NOTHING yet.

    "I'm hardly surprised that the followers of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee lead the pack in thinking that African-Americans are "less 'intelligent' than whites" (32 percent)"

    Damn, Field, are you brain-dead?  It's been known for decades that the children of poor Whites are smarter than the children of rich Blacks.  Your problem is not White prejudice, it's Black genes.  There is NOTHING you can do about it.

    ""more 'violent' than whites" (nearly 50 percent) and "more 'criminal' than whites" (nearly 50 percent)."

    If you're going to deny the reports of the victims of crime of the race of the criminals involved, you're inventing a false reality.  Which you do with regularity.

    "That 59 percent of Republicans think too much attention is paid to race or racial issues is as absurd as it is willful blindness to their contribution to the nation's race problem."

    I'd agree.  Far too little attention is paid to America's race problem.  Non-Asian minority (mainly Black, but also "Hispanic"/Latino) people contribute far too much to the country's race problems.  Those who cannot live up to White norms need to go back to their nations of origin; they'd be more at home there anyway.

    "About half of blacks say they've been treated like they were suspicious or not smart."

    That percentage is far too low; at least 9/10 of Blacks are suspicious or not smart.  Barely more than 1/10 of Blacks had an IQ over 100 when the last big studies were done, and ghetto over-breeding has lowered the average since then.  Add the fraction of the over-averages who still act suspicously... it's ENTIRELY justified.

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    'Criminal' ... 'unintelligent' ... 'lazy' ... 'violent' ... sounds about right.

    But you forgot: ugly, smelly, ungrateful, whiny, entitled, spoiled, shortsighted, criminally inclined, etc., etc.

  6. Anonymous6:36 AM

    @ Anon 2:26 -

    Mulatto mongrels hate themselves even more than pure blacks. Inside every brown-orange nappy headed halfbreed there is a white person screaming to get out. A society of these unfortunate creatures sounds like a recipe for mediocrity and chaos.

    Keep dreamin' about dem white wimmens, tho! Ha ha ha!

  7. In order to make this post all about Trump he skips over the views of his own party. Of course field counts on his readers being stupid for the cause and not clicking links.

    Over 30% of the Democrat party views blacks as violent, rude and criminal. Close to 30% of the Democrat party views blacks as dumb and lazy.

    Of those numbers, how many white liberals think those things?

    Another thing that sticks out is (contrary to popular belief in this establishment)blacks are more likely to make excuses and blame everyone else for their failures in life.

  8. Off Sunday's topic but very much on-topic for the blog:

    A fascinating read. Keeping slavery intact in the colonies was a driving force for the American Revolution. This blog on the NY Times Mobile cites the fear of the English for inciting "domestic rebellion," which really meant slave uprisings, which they intended to use to help subdue the colonists. And a delicious irony: a big paragraph denouncing King George's making "slaves" of the colonists had to be redacted when Jefferson's own hypocrisy became apparent to him.

  9. Limpbaugh11:28 AM

    I am not sure if I was in Ohio or Indiana when I heard a shockingly racist radio show last night. The ignorant host and bitch guest or caller were both too ignorant to be on the radio. The host talked about Zimmerman and Martin. He didn't know the difference between being not guilty and not be being proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. They said stuff like of course it isn't most black people but more cops are killed by black people than visa versa.

  10. Look at the comments at 6:34 & 6:36 as proof that the American educational system is in serious trouble.

    "In order to make this post all about Trump he skips over the views of his own party. Of course field counts on his readers being stupid for the cause and not clicking links.

    Over 30% of the Democrat party views blacks as violent, rude and criminal. Close to 30% of the Democrat party views blacks as dumb and lazy."

    Thanks for that information. This isn't about a political party, but about racial views in America. Your political soul-mates just happen to be more racist than all others.

    That's a fact.

    Why don't you just embrace it like James and his backwards thinking, trailer park dwelling, klan buddies?

  11. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Blacks as a percentage of the population are more violent and claim welfare than other the races in this country. Blacks do have the lowest high school graduation rates in the country.

    I don't have to post the stats as I'm sure you are aware of them. Are facts considered racist lies?

  12. Field, actually the writer didn't say he was shocked by the findings, he said it stings. I'm not sure exactly what the word means to him but sometimes it can "sting" to see things you may know to be true laid out with facts and figures.

  13. ctrl+halt+del3:09 PM

    "That folks harbor anti-black views is nothing new."

    The United State of America was built at a time when superstition and witchcraft were science. If you still want to manifest density in the muck and mire of myth and misinformation, deception and denial, then please proceed.

    After all this time, that this is the best this "civilized" society can do is criminal, unintelligent, lazy and violent, too.

  14. James Bold5:14 PM

    Sit down and listen up, folks.  This one's gonna be good.

    "I am not sure if I was in Ohio or Indiana when I heard a shockingly racist radio show last night. The ignorant host and bitch guest or caller were both too ignorant to be on the radio."

    With this setup, you know we're in for some prime stupidity.

    "The host talked about Zimmerman and Martin."

    Oooh, this again!  You'd think that in the past four and a half years the coonmunity would have learned a few things:
    Trayvon Martin had a history of burglary (even if he was never charged due to the Miami-Dade school system's policy of downplaying crimes).
    Martin got clean away from Zimmerman.  The only reason there WAS a shooting is because Martin came back to exact revenge.
    Zimmerman had injuries from Martin's attack, including lacerations where Martin slammed Zimmerman's head into a concrete sidewalk.  Martin's only injuries besides the bullet wound were skinned knuckles.

    In other words, it was an open-and-shut case of lawful self-defense that the Sanford PD called correctly the first time.

    "He didn't know the difference between being not guilty and not be being proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."

    And it makes no difference.    Does reality matter to the coonmunity?  Hell, no!  They invent their own reality.  Here's something I found elsewhere:

    This particularly gregarious negro I was partnered with on one trip decided to disclose a few nuggets from "Insider Secrets of The Black Man."

    He said that regardless of the evidence, never admit anything. His example was: "Yo wife come home see you in da bed wid a bitch, you jus' say you don' see no bitch. She keep talkin' n' you jus' keep sayin' dey ain' no bitch til da bitch leave."

    The Black denial of what happened in Sanford that night matches this mentality perfectly.

    What the USA needs is enough dead Trayvons until the coonmunity either learns to behave itself and to stop lying to and about itself, or goes to some other country where denial of reality is a normal and expected part of the culture.

  15. Well, trolls, I just read that the population under 5 years old in the US is already majority minority, so not only is it happening, it has already happened. You could figure out a way to not hate it so much, or go ahead and be miserable for the rest of your lives. Your call.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. James Bold7:01 PM

    "I just read that the population under 5 years old in the US is already majority minority"

    When the mestizos and indios finish ethnically cleansing the Blacks, the USA will be back to White-majority.  Then the indios and mestizos will be sent home.

  17. No they won't, you'll just have to hate them all worse for getting on with their lives and not giving a rat's ass about what sick people like you think of them. Have fun.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Like Capehart says, it's pretty astonishing when racists can expound on their ideas and then turn around and say there's not a ace problem. Just like here and other comment sections folks can complain about teh blacks and use racist language call us gorillas and such and the very next comment is that there is no racism and if there is it's teh blacks. Insane right? It's to the point now I'm pretty much desensitized to it and just keep it moving. None of these inbred trolls can do anything to me and it's pretty obvious they're the ones who are inferior. As Bernie Mac said in The Man "fuck em"! I kind of laugh inside when I think about how some posters say how inferior we are and how great whites are and then go places and see white people down on their luck begging me for change. I do actually feel sorry for them and sometimes give them a little bit of money but for the life of me I just can't figure out how everyone I know is educated and has a good lifestyle while there are so many whites with nothing. Maybe just maybe they really aren't as superior as we've been told?

  19. James Bold10:43 PM

    "No they won't"

    They're only here for the welfare that their own countries are too fucked up to give their citizens.  When they fuck up the USA so much it has to stop paying, they have no reason to stay.  All the ghetto Blacks will be dead by then, otherwise they'd starve without EBT too.

    "you'll just have to hate them all worse for getting on with their lives and not giving a rat's ass about what sick people like you think of them."

    Coming to my country and leeching off the wealth and institutions my ancestors built is "getting on with their lives"?  Why don't THEIR countries do what the USA did?  Are they evil, or just too stupid to be able to do it?  Either way, not like me and mine.  If you love them so much, give them charity from YOUR wallet; stay out of mine.

    "Like Capehart says, it's pretty astonishing when racists can expound on their ideas and then turn around and say there's not a ace problem. Just like here and other comment sections folks can complain about teh blacks and use racist language call us gorillas and such and the very next comment is that there is no racism and if there is it's teh blacks."

    Don't make me quote King Samir Shabazz at you again.

  20. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!
