Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Birds of a feather.....

Image result for ailes harasser imagesThis just in: Roger Ailes will apparently be helping Donald trump prep for the upcoming debates with Hillary. Those two guys really deserve each other. They honestly seem to have a lot in common.

But I wonder what he will teach him about debating Hillary? How to chase her around the podium? I mean for a guy who is supposedly seeking the female vote, choosing to team up with an alleged sexual harasser is not a good look.

Speaking of FOX, they  have dedicated close to zero coverage about Roger and the despotic culture that he created over there. I guess they would  have to be an actual news organization to report the news no matter where it leads.  

They are so in the tank for trump over there, that you have to actually feel sorry for them. They don't even hide their fear of trump losing and the hated Hillary becoming president anymore.

Their hosts are even hoping for a very sad and strange "October surprise."   

"During the Fox News show "The Five" on Aug. 16, co-host Jesse Watters told the panel that a terror attack in October would help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump (video below).
According to Mediaite.com, the panel was discussing Trump's low polling among younger voters and how he could improve it.
And if there’s one more terror attack, maybe in October, this is going to make Trump’s plan look a lot more appealing," Watters stated.
Co-host Juan Williams responded: "Oh my god, what wishful thinking. Anti-American. That’s unbelievable."
"Why would you say that that’s what I’m thinking, Juan?" Watters replied. "How dare you? ... How dare you?"
Watters insisted that he was doing "political analysis," which Williams said he took as "desperation."
"No, I know about October surprises," Watters insisted." [Source]
Sure you do Jesse, and you would love nothing more than a big one to change the tide of  this election. No matter what type of "surprise" it is.
*Image from youtube.com


  1. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots10:08 PM

    Roger Ailes is just more human trash that fits in perfectly with the Trump campaign. Hillary is too classy for people like him!

  2. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit10:22 PM

    Michael Moore wrote that Trump doesn't actually want to be President, and really just wants more money for his brand. That's not the first time I've heard that. If that turns out to be true, this entire election was a waste of time, and a total disgrace to American politics.

  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    @ Puerto Reekin' -

    This country has been a total disgrace for a long time, and it's largely because of subhumans like you and Feeled.

  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I'd just like to say congratulations to the negroes of Milwaukee tonight. Y'all have done a fantastic job these past few days, rioting and burning and looting, all in the defense of another criminal black thug who pulled a gun on the cops.

    With every riot, the mask comes further off. People can see what you really are; they are waking up. Soon, President trump will be loading the boats to Africa, and then, only then, can America be truly great again!

  5. I Love Scott Walker10:32 PM

    My man Scott Walker looks great next to Trump. Honestly, he would make a better VP than Mike Pence. Wisconsin is also vastly superior to Indiana in every way.

  6. I Love Scott Walker10:34 PM

    Oh, and I would love to see the team of Trump and Walker take out those dumbass negroes in Milwaukee. As a resident of Appleton, I can't stand the ghetto shithole that Milwaukee has become with all those blacks. There is a good reason the Packers moved out of Milwaukee and never looked back.

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    There are going to plenty of surprises for Hillary as regards more damaging information detailing her corrupt tenure at the State Department. You can count on more terror attacks too - Muzzies gotta muz. This game is just starting. By the time it's over, y'all going to be begging for a spot on the Trump Train.

  8. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "I mean for a guy who is supposedly seeking the female vote, choosing to team up with an alleged sexual harasser is not a good look."

    Not going so well for The Donald, he is the first gop candidate in a while to lose the non-college educated white woman vote. Even uneducated white women are seeing the light. What is up with the gop these days? Do they need a complete reboot? Methinks they should have kept Mike Steele as the RNC chair. Sad that only a brotha can save their racist asses. Ha! Irony at its finest.


  9. Black Bear10:49 PM

    Great Trump speech tonight. Imagine how much better off Black Americans would be today, if the Democrats hadn't decided to dump 30 million third worlders on America.


  10. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Who do you think Americans are going to vote for when it comes time in November? The man who sticks up for the police or the woman who supports cop killers?

  11. Hillary is doomed11:05 PM

    A Zogby Analytics survey provided to Secrets Tuesday shows:

    Hillary Clinton 38%

    Donald Trump 36%

    Libertarian Gary Johnson 8%

    Green Party Jill Stein 5%

    Not sure 13%

  12. Ben Boykins11:09 PM

    Did you all see the good news? The Ghostbusters trailer finally hit 1,000,000 dislikes on YouTube! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

    When will people learn that women aren't funny and shouldn't be leads?

  13. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "Imagine how much better off Black Americans would be today, if the Democrats hadn't decided to dump 30 million third worlders on America."

    Actually many of us are doing quite well thanyouverymuch. How would poor whites in Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, Kentucky, ect be doing? Why does nobody care about poor whites?


  14. Romney in a Landslide11:10 PM

    Hillary is doomed said...

    uhhhhhh isn't 38 higher than 36? Conservative math I guess.

  15. Ailes and Trump do have a few things in common (besides a lack of human decency), one of which is a background in various dark strains of Republicanism. Ailes from Richard Nixon, and Trump from Joseph McCarthy through his mentor Roy Cohn.
    Trump is probably getting really scared about now, as his grift was never supposed to make it this far, and the prospect of getting torn to quivering shreds on live TV, when he's really only in this for the adulation, has him running to what he considers the biggest, baddest, daddy figure he can think of for help: Roger Ailes.
    It won't work. Plenty of smarter, more evil men have been trying daily to get something, anything, to stick to Hillary for twenty years, and yet there she is, stomping Trump into the dirt in the swing states like a real candidate for president.
    If Trump wasn't such a despicable asshole, I would feel more sorry for him than I do, but then I remind myself that he's written his own ticket, and coming from as much wealth as he does, he could have done many other things with his life, some of which would have been worthy of the adulation he so craves without the moral bankruptcy he displays.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Spencer11:16 PM

    Trump promises an inclusive civic nationalism:

    "This is my pledge to the American people: as your President I will be your greatest champion. I will fight to ensure that every American is treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally.

    We will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all its forms, and seek a new future built on our common culture and values as one American people."

    -Donald J. Trump

    I'm in.

  17. Anonymous11:29 PM

    The problem is, civic nationalism only resonates with White people, because non-whites only care about their own group, not the nation as a whole...thus Trumpism gets defined as racist.

  18. Trump supporters are just plain retarded.

  19. Anonymous12:52 AM

    @ dinthebeast -

    What's it like to suck black dick? Did you learn it from your mother, or are you just one of those spineless, dickless white cucks that likes to take a strapon in the ass?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  20. Have you noticed that most white guys who date interracially are ugly as shit?

  21. teh stupid3:49 AM

    The problem is, civic nationalism only resonates with White people, because non-whites only care about their own group, not the nation as a whole...thus Trumpism gets defined as racist.
    Bullshit! You must be a white racist because no one else would write some stooooopid shit like that. Go play in traffic asshole.

  22. Trump supporters aren't known for their intellect.

  23. Anonymous5:01 AM

    PuPu said ...

    Have you noticed most black women are ugly as shit?

  24. Anonymous5:01 AM

    DuDu said ...

    Have you noticed most black men are secretly gay?

  25. White men have tiny brains and tiny penises. LOL!

  26. Anonymous6:15 AM

    "How would poor whites in Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, Kentucky, ect be doing? Why does nobody care about poor whites?"

    As if you give a damn. The last 60 years have been tough, with the last 20 years the hardest of all. We struggle to get by working 2 or 3 jobs, frugality, and self reliance. Maybe some other people should try it.

    We don't burn down our neighborhoods, beat, rob and murder people because things are tough.

  27. Wesley R8:54 AM

    I agree. The political class always beats up on poor Blacks, and they lump all blacks together as if all live the way the poor ones live and behaved. But nothing is said about poor whites and their dysfunctional behaviors are ignored or only spoken about in passing.

  28. "A Zogby Analytics survey provided to Secrets Tuesday shows:...."

    Ahhhhh yes, Zogby Analytics "the worst pollster in the world"

    T'was ever thus...


  29. Just imagine Donald Trump, Roger Ailes, Steve Bannon, and Paul Manafort sitting around in a room brainstorming.

    Are your commenters getting even uglier than normal?

  30. "Why does nobody care about poor whites? "

    Because this is Black Run America

    And poor whites don't riot in defense of their criminals.

  31. Hail the Trumpenreich9:39 AM

    "Ahhhhh yes, Zogby Analytics "the worst pollster in the world"

    LA Times has Clinton +1.

    Despite an unprecedented media campaign to paint Trump as crazy, despite 100's of millions spent on ads, she is fading.

    Trump is inevitable. The debates will seal it.

  32. "And poor whites don't riot..."

    Moor fool them.

    Rioting gets results.


  33. "LA Times has Clinton +1."

    Dream on....

    Aug. 9-15 USC Dornsife/LA Times +3.4
    Aug. 11-14 Morning Consult +6.0
    Aug. 8-14 SurveyMonkey +6.0
    Aug. 7-13 UPI/CVOTER +3.5
    Aug. 7-11 Ipsos + +5,2
    Aug. 9-10 Rasmussen Reports +3.0
    Aug. 9 Gravis Marketing +5.0
    Aug. 6-9 YouGov +6.0

    Average Clinton +4.8

  34. Anonymous1:06 PM

    "Rioting gets results."

    Eventually it will get bullets.

  35. Hillary represents a bridge between neocons and liberal interventionists.

    Because neocons are small in number and have such little support in the populace, they always need coalition partners to push their agenda.

    Hillary provides neocons with that coalition-forging opportunity in a way that Obama never did, especially regarding Russia and Iran.

    This is why the neocon establishment has abandoned the Trump GOP and gone back to the Democrats.

    Hillary is the War Candidate.


  36. "Hillary is the War Candidate."

    Yeah, but so what?

    At least she's not the "total destruction of the USA" candidate.

  37. Gee, it smells a lot like desperation in here...

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous2:11 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    Gee, it smells a lot like desperation in here...

    You shit your pants again, Doug.

  39. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Hillary is the War Candidate."

    Yeah, but so what?

    At least she's not the "total destruction of the USA" candidate.

    How would Trump's program of putting American citizen's interests first "totally destroy" the USA?

    By causing Wall Street to cut back a little on their raping of the middle class?

    By making is harder for American companies to offshore jobs and profits?

    By calling for a unified country that takes everyone's needs under equal consideration?

    By temporarily limiting (not banning) immigration from countries known to export terrorists (not all Muslims) until a better vetting process can be implemented?

    By enforcing existing immigration law, requiring illegals to apply for legal residency in the US?

    By putting an end to regime change adventurism and unnecessary antagonism toward Russia?

    Most Americans are on-board with these propositions. There is no way they are going to elect a pro-war, anti-police criminal who is dedicated to trillion dollar tax increases, the disarming of the populace, and the further division of America into warring tribes.

    Not going to happen. If it does, the country comes apart at the seams. When the voters stare into the abyss that a Hillary presidency would be, they're going to jump on the Trump Train and Make America Great Again.

  40. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Trump supporters must smell terrible.

  41. Anonymous2:25 PM


    "We (poor whites) don't burn down our neighborhoods, beat, rob and murder people because things are tough."

    Out there in the sticks your nearest neighbor is a mile away, right.

    You're more likely to bone your first cousin and if they aren't available, the nearest farm animal.

    Right after the meth hit, that is.

  42. Lt. Commander Johnson2:55 PM

    Hey field, mebbe I missed it, I've been fishing...where is your post about Sylville Smith? And the riots and destruction of Milwaukee?

  43. Kareem2:58 PM

    Fuck Milwaukee. That shithole can burn down for all I care.

  44. Anonymous2:59 PM

    uptown steve. Still classy as ever.

  45. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I wish Josh was still around to put that bitch uptownsteve in his place.

  46. LA Rams3:23 PM

    Why do blacks think the world always revolves around them and their bullshit?

  47. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots3:29 PM

    It really should be no contest for Hillary this November. The debates will seal the deal, and she can pretty much coast to victory after that! Go Hillary!

  48. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit3:47 PM

    So it looks like Trump is enlisting the help of Breitbart for his campaign. They were already the place for pro-Trump propaganda, but now he literally has one of their douchebag employees at his beck and call. What a stupid campaign for stupid people.

  49. "By causing Wall Street to cut back a little on their raping of the middle class?"

    No that's not Wall Street that's the entire capitalist system. Trump is a capitalist if you hadn't noticed, and a narcissistic psychopath to boot. He's not about to do anything not in his own interest.

    "By making is harder for American companies to offshore jobs and profits?"

    Trump does that himself, so he ain;t ever gonna invoke that law my friend.




    "By calling for a unified country that takes everyone's needs under equal consideration?"

    Unless you are black, latino, gay, transgender, handicapped....


    "By temporarily limiting (not banning) immigration from countries known to export terrorists (not all Muslims) until a better vetting process can be implemented?"



    "By enforcing existing immigration law, requiring illegals to apply for legal residency in the US?"

    Those laws are already being enforced. Obama has (shamefully) repatriated more illegal immigrants than any other President in recent history.


    "By putting an end to regime change adventurism and unnecessary antagonism toward Russia?"

    "Unnecessary antagonism" to a country that's invaded Ukrainian, annexed Crimea, shot down a Malaysian jet, tortured Chechens and is currently dropping phosphor bombs on innocent civilians in Aleppo?

    Really? - "Unnecessary antagonism" - That's what you call standing up for human dignity and international law these days??


    "Most Americans are on-board with these propositions."

    No they are not. Which is why he is behind in ever opinion poll.

  50. trump and Brietbart, sounds like a match made in wingnut heaven.😨

    Thus just in: Trump might actually lose Texas. Down double digits here in Pa.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "No they are not. Which is why he is behind in ever opinion poll."

    Yes they are, which is why the polls are inexorably turning toward Trump.

    BTW, you were completely wrong in everything you said regarding Trump's positions, this because you take as your starting point the straw man distortions of the leftist press. This is why you also have no idea of the real dynamics of this race.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. "The real dynamics of this race"? Which is what, exactly? That trump is going to win?😁😂😃😄

  55. Every black American should vote for Trump after watching this video:


  56. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "The real dynamics of this race"?

    A future for America or an unraveling.

  57. Neutron7:42 PM

    Just read a bunch of butthurt blacks whining on social media about Ellen's pic of her piggybacking Usain Bolt. Fuck, is there anything you morons won't bitch and moan about? Even Usain himself thought it was funny and retweeted it.
    I noticed Jamaicans and other Caribbeans found it funny while black Americans were the ones getting all fucking butthurt over it. No wonder so many people hate BLM.

  58. Limpbaugh9:22 PM

    There will be surprises. A lot of Clinton quid pro quo deals have been reported. Some of them were with donors with suspected ties to ISIS (LaFarge), and to the coup attempt in Turkey. She lied to congress about moving weapons to Syria and the next email leak might prove it. The DNC said Russia hacked them. Julian Assange said Russia didn't do it and he offered a reward for information about the mysterious murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. Assange knows who the hacker was. More information about her support of ISIS will come out. Her supporters will be oblivious, but she could end up getting indicted. It would be great if she is and the Democrats make Bernie Sanders her replacement.

  59. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Liberals, progressives, and libertarians are all fucking retards.

  60. Environmental pollution is getting out of control requires us to be more concerned about the condition of global earth. for that, the first step we can take is to pay attention and keep the environment around us. Same as obat pelancar haid di apotik , obat pelancar haid di apotik , obat pelancar haid di apotik , obat pelancar haid di apotik and obat pelancar haid di apotik

  61. So here it comes, just like we knew it would: The first thing Trump does after consulting with Ailes is hire the guy who runs Breitbart.com. Look for things to get as ugly as they can make them, as they know for sure their only chance is to suppress the turnout as far as they can. They will do this by making the process so ugly and disgusting that no-one wants to participate in it. This has been the fall back strategy all along, ever since the Republicans saw the demographic numbers this time and realized that they had no chance at winning if a lot of people voted. They are even more concerned now that polling is showing a non zero chance of losing the house, and enough statehouses to tilt the redistricting away from their control in 2020.
    It won't work because they've already been defined by their opponent.
    That is the downside to not running a real campaign for the highest office in the country: someone else who is will beat you at it. Anyone who took it seriously would know that. They would know that now, having been defined as crazy and mendacious and ugly to the extreme, all of the ugliness they are about to unleash will only reinforce what people already know about them. All it will accomplish is making the campaign, and by extension the country, uglier and meaner. That I will give them credit for being very good at.

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Conservatives, right wingers, and libertarians are all fucking retards.


  63. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Good insights Doug. It is also interesting that Kelly Conway will join his team, maybe they're trying to get a few women voters. I'm wondering though why he's wasting time on voters who will never support him, he's campaigning in Connecticut and stomping for the blah vote in an all white town in Wisconsin. I like the fact he's reaching out to people outside of his demographic (more politicians should do this) but it is suspicious.


  64. Tom Wecker2:00 AM

    What's worse: feminism or BLM?

  65. Supposedly the Wisconsin stop was to burnish his "law and order" cred, but was held in a 95% white area ten miles or so from the unrest he was complaining about without the least understanding of.
    I don't know anything at all about Kelly Conway, but as for the Breitbart guy, here's Andrew Breitbart for a little taste of the kind of thing we'll probably be seeing more of:


    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Our political system was not designed for lifetime politicians. They breed corruption and graft.

    They speak of creating jobs yet have never worked a day in their life. Decent paying middle class jobs have/are leaving the country. If that was not enough the pro-pol bring in millions of immigrants (legal or otherwise) to increase the labor pool making decent jobs even harder to find. The only winners in this equation are the life time politicians and large business owners.

    But hey, professional politicians promise "free stuff". Is any of it really "free"? Exactly who pays for the free stuff?

    This is not a democrat or republican issue, they are both enemies of the people.

    I know, I'm a "wingnut" and don't know what I'm talking about.

  67. You said it, not me. 😏

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  70. Anonymous4:31 PM

    What's worse: feminism or BLM?
    Easy, dumbasses like Tom Wecker.
