Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hey field hands....

I missed posting last night.

I was out shaking up my blogging team.

I will be posting again tonight.

Like trump, I will be back better than ever, and I will not be "pivoting".🙄


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Field said...

    Like trump, I will be back better than ever, and I will not be "pivoting".🙄

    6:59 AM

    Now see, that's the spirit! You do have something in common with the man!

    I knew you'd come around


    *runs quickly*

  2. Field, you gotta read this if you haven't already. A disappointed Trump supporter tells off his candidate in no uncertain terms:

    Is he ever eloquent!

  3. Did anyone here about the recent voting rights case coming out of Michigan? Those mean ol' racist Republicans tried to remove straight ballot voting...Thankfully,a three judge panel saw through what these racists were trying to do.

    The panel ruled removing straight ballot voting will cause black voters to have to think and spend more time on voting. The panel also said forcing blacks to figure out who they want to support in each particular race will cause them to become confused and miscast they ballots.

    This is why we must keep our eyes on Republicans. They always be trying to pull the wool over black folks...

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM


  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Fuck you, coward.

  6. OptimusPrimeX10:52 AM

    If you are free-forming today, I'd like to point out Talent when I see it.

    Kayleigh McEnany - Trump has a genius surrogate on his side and does not realize it.

    Robby Mook - This guy is a performing a lobotomy on the Trump campaign in swing states, while allowing the Trump campaign to waste precious time anesthetizing the electorate with highly nuanced, unproven corruption allegations with no specific vision. The race is over.

    Amy Schumer - Salute to 1 of the 4 best comedians in a generation - "Phyllis Diller combined with Richard Pryor, with Eddie Murphy timing.

    Donna Brazile - She steps in, and 4 weeks later, Democrats are winning Down Ballot races? Trump's guys in Yarmulkes and Reince, should have broke the checkbook out for her to save his campaign. I wonder what stopped them?

    Ana Navarro - she is providing the preview of what will happen to the Trump surrogates if they make personal attacks. I think the 'alt-right' guys should choose their words very carefully

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Amy Schumer is a disgusting degenerate who is in no way funny.

  8. You read this straight off of teleprompters, didn't you?

  9. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots12:11 PM

    Trump is toast! I can't wait to taste the tears of his sorry, pathetic supporters in November! It will be so sweet! Go Hillary! Go Tim Kaine!

  10. Gary Johnson is the ONLY choice in November. I wish more people could wrap their heads around that.

    Gary Johnson 2016

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Recently I've been reading that the secret service man that sticks close to Mrs.Clinton carries a quick-inject pen with some sort of med with which to inject her for an illness she is suffering. They were even discussing it on the Dr. Drew show.

    I remember when everyone accused her of faking illness to avoid a debate, I always thought she really looked ill though, so maybe it's true?

    In any event I wish her wellness and a speedy recovery, she is waging a noble fight!

  12. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit1:03 PM

    Tim Kaine thought Bill Clinton should've resigned during the whole Lewsinky mess. I wonder what his conversations with Hillary and Bill are like. Awkward? I've also heard Kaine is pretty much a DINO. Whatever the case may be, he is still preferable to Mike Pence.

  13. Hillary has one foot on deaths door and the other on a used dental dam...


  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    White women are overrated as hell.

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    But they sho be fine and easy has hell..

  16. Interesting post from anotherbozo @8:41am.

    From Bob Lonsberry's open letter to Donald Trump, the conservative radio host takes wet-noodle beatdown to new heights:

    "Fire that fool Manafort -- he's the only guy in America creepier than you are. Make genuine peace with the structure of the Republican Party. Hire a speech writer who's read the Constitution. Gather a staff that will do something more than kiss your self-indulgent ass. Buy some frigging ads, stop boasting about how good you are, get somebody to tell you when to shut your mouth, and focus on the specific issues that won you the Republican primaries.

    Hillary is a sinister harpy whose failed career and campaign are flying under the cover of your clownish distraction. America does not want to vote for her. She is eminently beatable -- by everybody but the you who has thus far been on display.

    So fix yourself.

    Or remove yourself.

    It's not the media, it's not the establishment, it's not political correctness. It's you. You're the problem."

  17. And here's another article of interest from Michael Moore, though it could be said many folks have long surmised Donald Trump really did not expect his presidential campaign to garner the RNC nomination.

    "Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted The Job In The First Place"

  18. Anonymous2:02 PM

    If they disqualified Culson from running because of a stupid way of starting that they should change anyway!

    It's ridiculous forthem to hold back with all that adrenaline pumping!!! Change it!

    Then they damn well better take away that Lochnes guys gold medal for breaking up a Brazilian gas station with his buddies then LYING about it and blaming the brown people of Brazil!!!

    Oh but the Brazilians were having none of it! They went straight to the plane and took the other two off for questioning! and it turns out they confessed!!!

    Way to go Brazil! Respect and represent!

  19. Trump is in way over his head, and he doesn't know what to do, so he's just doing what he's always done and hoping it will work. Whether he really wants the job or not is an open question. What he wants is to win, or more specifically, to beat his opponent. That and the adulation he gets at his rallies. Maybe he can think up a reason to keep holding those rallies after he loses, and be happy with that. It could work for him, as the Republicans are going to need another giant rebranding effort ala the "Tea Party" and he could emerge as its leader, if everyone isn't too sick of his bullshit by then. Hint: 27% of voters will never get sick of it. Perhaps this one will have more of a 1952 vibe instead of the 1773 they went with last time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "Conservatism" is dead, whether Trump wins or loses.

    Nationalism is the future.

  21. We hereby call on all you dumb, backwards, white trash Republicans to clearly and forcefully disavow the hatefulness of the alternate right.

  22. And, no, NEITHER Clinton is ill. That's just how elderly folks look if they're approaching a Faustian reckoning with Satan in the hereafter.

  23. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The Hillary campaign reminds me of the "remain" campaign, which started at 44 percent in the polls and never really improved.

  24. Dooooooooo3:35 PM

    You should check out the site BigWowo. It's full of annoying and stupid chinks and Chinamen. Especially the posters named Aardvark and Sengge Rinchen. There are also annoying and stupid niggers and darkies. Especially the posters named Snoopy Jenkins and King.

  25. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots3:44 PM

    Hillary is a class act. Tim Kaine is a class act. I can't wait for 8 years of them after 8 wonderful years of another class act, Barack Obama!

  26. Little Bitch3:44 PM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  27. Gary Johnson 2016

  28. Lance Cockstrong3:48 PM

    Where the white women at?

  29. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit3:51 PM

    It would be hilarious if the GOP dropped Trump at the last minute and replaced him with someone like Paul Ryan. I still don't understand why Republicans and their base didn't vote for Kasich in the primaries. He is really the only GOP candidate that would be guaranteed to beat Hillary. I guess Republicans really are that stupid. No surprises here.

  30. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Check this out Doug


  31. Lancelot Link4:53 PM

    Let me guess PX, he's a raciss.

  32. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Mexico's murder rate is five times higher than the US, despite strict gun control. Why might that be?

  33. Smash the Patriarchy6:39 PM

    The average US woman receives $150K more lifetime benefits than taxes paid, average US man pays $100K more lifetime taxes than he receives in benefits.

  34. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "Let me guess PX, he's a raciss."

    You know you can always actually read the article yourself. Nah, now why would you do that?


  35. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots6:43 PM

    Hillary and her supporters are the best!

  36. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "Let me guess PX, he's a raciss."

    Then again he IS a Republican so no, he's a dues paying member of the NAACP, BLM and is president of a graduate chapter of Omega Psi Phi.


  37. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Check out the Green Party's VP candidate. Sharp brother.


  38. Adding KATRINA PIERSON to your team will raise the IQ and discourse of this blog. Plus she's one fine sista....

  39. "Adding KATRINA PIERSON to your team will raise the IQ and discourse of this blog. Plus she's one fine sista...."

    I'll pass.

    Girlfriend has more paint on her face than a Sherwin Williams store.

  40. teh stupid12:17 AM

    "Adding KATRINA PIERSON to your team will raise the IQ and discourse of this blog. Plus she's one fine sista...."

    Maybe on a conservative blog yeah. Conservatives certainly love their stoooopid.

  41. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Since Bill is gone Kinky has taken over as the single dumbest poster here. Congrats Kinky.

  42. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  43. PX: Thanks. And don't forget where James O'Keefe got his start.

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  45. Anonymous3:30 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
