Saturday, September 10, 2016


Image result for racist trump supporters images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: This group of deplorables help make their hairdressers broke again.  

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    New on-line black men for breeding service.

    "You don't have to be lonely, at"

  2. Barry Marshall Davis10:49 PM

    "Who could argue with that?"

  3. America will be Poorer, More Violent and More Corrupt when Whites lose their dominance and America is a warring landscape of competing tribes. Things will be Much Worse for Black People.

  4. The Ministry of Truth11:09 PM

    Hmmm. I don't have a caption, just a comment, which is that this is a mildly amusing photoshop job on the ladies' T-shirts. It didn't really happen.

    However, this deplorable's "Arrest Black Babies Before They Become Criminals" T-shirt appears to be all too real. I bet it would be a big seller at Trump rallies. Maybe even as popular with the other deplorables as the "Trump That Bitch" shirts and the "Hillary For Prison" shirts.

  5. The Deplorables

  6. Les Deplorables11:22 PM

    People are being too hard on Hillary, of the 320 million people in America, she only said she wanted 80 million of them to die horribly.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "I bet it would be a big seller at Trump rallies."

    I bet you're a faggot who likes to project his fear and hostility on others.

  8. Warren11:25 PM

    The cops, KKK, and maybe the FBI all collaborated in Darren Seal's death.

  9. Anonymous11:26 PM

    The Ministry of Truth is most definitely a queer. He somehow has a hard on for Hillary.

  10. Whooteemoos love peroxide and silicon, don't they?

  11. White again? Tell that to non-white people who lived here for thousands of more years than any white people ever did.
    The picture is a photoshop, and it was kinda funny at first, less so now that it turns out to have been true. Hard to do satire with this caliber of idiocy.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Nevtent1:50 AM

    Make America Boring Again

  13. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Wasn't this picture proven to be photoshopped?

  14. Oregon Pride2:46 AM

    Oh you negroes. Trying to pass off a photoshopped picture as authentic. You've just become a joke by now, or at least a much bigger one than you used to be, and that's saying a lot.

  15. Go Pack Go2:49 AM

    If it was a bunch of black Hillary supporters it would say: Make America Retarded Again

  16. Anonymous3:33 AM

    @ Cunt Yisheng -

    Not as much as shegroes love dey weaves, contact lenses and skin bleach, girlfrien'.

    Now go raid the fridge again and dream about them white men that don't even look at you.

  17. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Ha ha, cracker's got little dick's that why U want 2 elect Doland Trump because he gonna bring back Good Old Day's again. Ha ha. We all screwin yor woman that's why U so mad. We got big Dick's and you just jelouse.


    -A Blcak Uneversety Gradate

  18. Anonymous5:51 AM

    "Hard to do satire with this caliber of idiocy."

    Yet you make it seem easy Doug.

  19. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Blacks have the minds of children; the sad thing is, they honestly believe they're being clever ...

  20. Lance Cockstrong8:52 AM

    Snow White and the Trump Trailer Twats

  21. Lance, that will be hard to beat.

    Yes MOT, I am pretty sure it's a photoshop job.

    The scary thing is, though, that we could actually believe it's real.

  22. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Deplorables sure beat Depravables aka Democrats.

  23. Field, remind me not to try to verify some historical event here. I tend to get responses from one "anonymous" or other telling me it's false. As if that's all I needed, some troll giving me the word (usually with a gratuitous insult into the bargain).

    That story about the mass lynching in Arkansas in 1919 was real, after all. It was written up by a historian in February 2015 as a result of the publication of a report by the Equal Justice Initiative and appeared on Huffington Post, The Daily Beast and several other sites. The only issue seems to be the number of lynchings--whether it was 237 as claimed, or more, or less. Wikipedia called it the "Elaine Race Riot":

    Nobody wants to debate ancient history here, I'm sure--what's past is past. But it reminds me of what Russians used to say vis a vis their news agency TASS in the old USSR, that's becoming more and mroe true here: "The news is not true" (The Clinton Foundation "scandals" and half the innuendos published by the NY Times) and "the truth is not news" (the Elaine Riot).

    Caveat lector.

  24. field negro said...
    The scary thing is, though, that we could actually believe it's real.

    The scary thing is that you will believe anything is real as long as it conforms to the agenda.

  25. anotherbozo said...
    That story about the mass lynching in Arkansas in 1919 was real, after all. It was written up by a historian in February 2015.....

    "Written up" in February of 2015? Almost a century after the fact?

    You will believe anything! This is too easy! LMJAO!

  26. @My Puppets: Hardly worth replying, except to point out that you are making the assumption that the murders weren't written about at the time (they were), and researched intermittently many times thereafter. If you'd looked at the articles I'd cited that would be obvious. What isn't obvious is that you're worth the trouble of this reply.


    Wow! It's very commendable what Mrs. Clinton is doing, she's as they say,'taking one for the team' I guess 'cos no one else wanted to run.

    But she looks pretty sick to me there today! Struggling to make it to the car,where her knees buckled and she almost fell and lost a shoe. She really has to take it easy and rest and manage her condition whatever it may be! Definitely she is quite unwell and this can't be good for her!

    Feel bad for her 'cos she's such an indefatigable fighter :( but I think the time has come to take care of the health, no two ways about it.

  28. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hillary Clinton needs to step down for another candidate.

    Nancy Pelosi?

  29. She's with Her3:14 PM

    Hillary will never step aside. She thinks her ambition to be president is more important than the presidency.

  30. Razor3:28 PM

    Her record shows that you can always believe everything Hillary tells you on September 11 of an election year.

  31. Anonymous3:35 PM

    If you are following breaking news, Hillary Clinton abruptly left the 9-11 memorial today because she was reportedly “overheated.” Her campaign says she is fine now.

    You probably wonder if the “overheated” explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same.

    Here’s why.

    If humans were rational creatures, the time and place of Clinton’s “overheating” wouldn’t matter at all. But when it comes to American psychology, there is no more powerful symbol of terrorism and fear than 9-11 . When a would-be Commander-in-Chief withers – literally – in front of our most emotional reminder of an attack on the homeland, we feel unsafe. And safety is our first priority.

    Hillary Clinton just became unelectable.

    The mainstream media might not interpret today’s events as a big deal. After all, it was only a little episode of overheating. And they will continue covering the play-by-play action until election day. But unless Trump actually does shoot someone on 5th Avenue, he’s running unopposed

  32. Lilac5:14 PM

    My thoughts are that after this situation her family, especially her daughter whom I think is the person Hillary most loves on this earth, has had a good talking to her. They don't want to lose her to this folly.

    The secret service, I guess in their efforts to minimize the situation,(and prolly on her orders) were not vigilant enough, and so if one looks at the second video, you can see that she actually fell face down into the back seat of the car. She could not hold herself up anymore. That is serious.

    It's sad, and I don't know how they will handle this, prolly just keeping her away from campaigning and those situations.

    But I'm sure at this point her family is not willing to chance it anymore, and have told her as much.

    Wishing her the best of health always.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @ My Cunt Mammy -

    Is such a morbidily obese 'ho, with crystal meth crystals on her lips and nose.

    She raids the fridge again and dreams about them slender white men that don't even look at her because she's as wide as our single wide trailer.


    Dearest cunt of a cunt and a syphallic scrotum,

    You should stop talking about your Mammy like that before she beats you (again) with a switch.

  34. Hillary fainted at the 9/11 ceremony because she was overcome by a panic attack about Islamophobia.

  35. Anonymous8:22 PM


  36. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  37. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
