Saturday, September 17, 2016


Image result for trump little miss flint images

I need a caption for these pics.

*Pic from


  1. Mommy, please help me.

  2. Tell him that's not what I meant when I said to get the lead out.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes12:58 AM

    If lead was a commodity, the coroners in Chicago would be wealthy.

    Not that the corpses don't bring in the bucks.

    BTW...why do black folks always seem to let someone rot for about a week or two, before they decide to bury them?

    Always wondered that.

  4. Lance Cockstrong1:06 AM

    Future Amorosa ...

  5. Lance Cockstrong1:07 AM

    Look happy ... Or I'll sue you ...

  6. DQAE is a genius1:29 AM

    Lance Cockstrong as a little girl, and before the gender reassignment surgery.

  7. Anonymous1:45 AM

    The same look any of Yisheng's patients and clients have.

  8. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes2:02 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    I asked this question on a post a few nights ago, but never saw an answer?

    "I was thinking, wow! How great if the 49'ers Kapperdink would refuse to play on that field, (talking about Chicago), and that game! Show the oppression!! Should be about 900 black-on black murders by then.

    It's not the US killing all them bros...not the cops, either.

    That might REALLY "start the freaking conversation".

    A simple-assed question. Then, some dildo calls me a troll! No attempt to answer the question.

    Some "conversation".

    And you wonder why.

    12:10 AM

  9. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Comment @ 1:29 is the best so far.

  10. Jumbo2:30 AM

    God help us all if she grows up to be another Yisheng.

  11. Mixer2:34 AM

    Little Miss Flint sees Hillary Clinton entering the room.

  12. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "Little Miss Ghetto" already a grandmother!

  13. Eww... Gotta run to the bathroom to wash this icky spray stuff off my hands :-(

  14. Little Miss Flint asking herself: "Why can't Pres. Obama stay our president forever?"

  15. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes9:04 AM

    Ah, well. I guess there is no answer to my question.

    Makes me wonder...why should I, a tax-paying white man give a flying shit whether "black lives" matters or not.

    Should have picked our own damn cotton.

    Feel free to "converse".

  16. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Cops shot, one sitting in her squad car, and an innocent bystander murdered in front of her own house by a cop- hating killer and this is your topic tonight? Coward.

  17. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The little girl looks scared. Has she been taught to fear this man holding her hand? What does she know of politics other than what she has been told? Is it because he is white or because he is Trump?

    You've got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You've got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It's got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You've got to be carefully taught.
    You've got to be taught to be afraid
    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
    And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
    You've got to be carefully taught.
    You've got to be taught before it's too late,
    Before you are six or seven or eight,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You've got to be carefully taught!

    This little girl has been carefully taught to fear.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson10:19 AM

    LOL. this pic was 1/2 of a second....

    What balls do you have, field? Show the rest of the pics.

    BTW...good thing you dropped the KilladeLphia Meter from your sidebar. Might have looked bad after last night.

  19. Oregon Pride11:47 AM

    Funny, that's how most white people might look when around black people, and understandably so.

  20. Go Pack Go12:12 PM

    Flint will actually improve under Trump, whereas under Hillary it will continue being a shithole full of little ghetto princesses like this girl here.

  21. I'm not old enough to be a "Trump girl," you perv! And get your RIGHT HAND out of there!

  22. ctrl+halt+del12:28 PM

    "...for about a week or two, before they decide to bury them?"
    @ 12:58A

    Hey Tarzan! Mind if I call you Tar for short? Cool. Listen up. It's real simple. Tar baby, we've been preserving and burying bodies for a long time. I'm gonna assume you're of Europeon descent and probably don't know the history of my people. We're famous for preserving the bodies of our ancestors. We were so good in fact, some of your ancestors may have gotten rich vandalizing and desecrating their " final resting places," digging them up and selling the contents. I wonder, why they never dug up Henry the VIII or queen Victoria? They would have made a fortune!

    Now Tar baby, first off, I want to thank you for being so concerned. My old sales manager used to tell me you know you've got 'em when they start asking questions.(AIDA, and I ain't talking about the play.😉)

    Now, I'm sure you'll agree when I tell you that Black people also have a history here, yep, right here in the good old United State of America. You see, we buried hundreds of thousands of folk during the "Great Rebellion."

    That's the problem with these history books, they leave out so much good stuff.
    Don't believe me? Well how about the part where those Portuguese, Dutch and English... well you know, all those boats of folks were just cruising around out in the ocean, just sailing around, day in day out, just sailing around ,minding their business, just sailing around, when one day , those African chiefs, who obviously spoke English, Portuguese and whatever the Dutch speak, saw them out there just sailing around and felt sorry for them, they told'em, " Hey! Why are you guys out there just sailing around in those big empty boats? (The chief thought these men strange as they had no women, but I digress.) "Come get some slaves, " they said, " and go to Europe and the Americas and plant some tobacco and some cotton and some rice and some sugar so you could sell it and not be so poor, clean yourselves up, you know, make something out of yourselves." At first they hesitated, after all they were Christians. But the chief persisted and basically forced them to relent.

    Well, you know how the story goes. Those folks got back and saw how smart them Africans was and got to fighting over all that money they was making and ooh wee, before you know'd it, they kinfolk started stacking up all bloated and stinky and since all those black people were here with nothing to do, those white folks had no choice so they decided they would politely see if those coloreds didn't mind burying the bodies of those killed in battle. (I bet it weren't but a few of them guys who fought for the south even owned slaves. (Who does that?) Those rich folk gets them boys all riled up and ready to die for a cause that really don't have nothing to do with them, whilst their kids stay home as snug as a bug in a rug. (I see you Donnie T!)

    I digress. So Tar don't you worry, we've been working with refrigeration for over a hundred twenty years and embalming bodies for thousands of years and, unlike some folks, we respect our loved ones enough to not let them rot. In fact, with that in mind, I'm sure not much has changed since we embalmed that pharaoh ,or whatever he was called, (datburned neuropeons always whitewashing those gol'darn history books.) before laying his body to rest.

    Enjoy your week and if it applies, tell your little tar baby's I said hi!

  23. The look everybody gets when they find out that Yisheng is their doctor.

  24. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Jumbo. Don't worry. Obama promised you can keep your doctor.

  25. Crudup1:29 PM

    Little Miss Flint is horrified when she feels Trump's tiny white man's dick pushing up against herself.

  26. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Crudup seems to have real problems.

  27. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The censorship here is terrible. I guess truth is unacceptable.

  28. Lance Cockstrong2:55 PM

    Trumpette in training

  29. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Mother,this man stinks so bad!!!!!

  30. Anotherbozo@12:13#1
    Faith&Fairness @8:29#2

  31. Anonymous5:52 PM

    "The little girl looks scared. Has she been taught to fear this man holding her hand?"

    I expect that she's scared because there's 20 photographers out of frame dancing around like madmen. For all I know, one is asking the kid whether she has refuted David Duke or not.

  32. "Mommy, please help me."

    HM for Mary Florence.

  33. "This little girl has been carefully taught to fear."

    Sadly, with good reason.

  34. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Statistically, a little black girl living in a predominately black city has more reason to fear the violence of black men, especially black male teens, than old white men.

  35. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes7:20 AM

    "Is this man gonna take my Obama phone away?"

  36. Anonymous1:09 PM

    White guy here, She will be at risk constantly from the day of her birth from white privileged society.
    Fighting for my granddaughters future.

  37. But I don't want to touch an Ooopa Loompa!

  38. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Is it because he is white or because he is Trump?
    He ain't white, that's more light an off shade of orange.

  39. Anonymous8:38 PM

    BTW...why do black folks always seem to let someone rot for about a week or two, before they decide to bury them?
    Huh? WTF is wrong with your posters Field? These are some mentally deranged folks.

  40. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes8:29 AM

    It was just a question, Anon.

    I've always wondered about it.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Statistically, a little black girl living in a predominately black city has more reason to fear the violence of black men, especially black male teens, than old white men.


  42. Robbin Stanton is a moron7:33 PM

    Why don't you post them since you brought it up. Statistically, white people have more reason to fear their fellow whites than any negro. Post that too while you're at it asshole.

  43. I didn't bring it up...that statement was posted by anonymous. I was asking the poster to prove his statement (which I don't believe) by posting the statistics. Seems like you are the moron, since you missed my point.
