Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Is it only "Black American Lives" that matter?


  1. Captain Obvious11:41 PM

    Police killing of black people in the United States is a symptom of a structural and systemic problem

    And that problem criminality.

    Jesus Fucking Christ you people are completely divorced from reality.

  2. James Bold11:52 PM

    "Let's be honest: When people say "Black Lives Matter," what they really mean is that Black American Lives Matter.

    Not Afro-Brazilian lives, not South Sudanese lives and certainly not Congolese lives. Just black American lives."

    Be REALLY honest here.  It's Black CRIMINAL Lives Matter, but ONLY when lost to non-Blacks.  Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are ones that Matter.  The Black-on-Black shootings in Chicago don't matter.  Even babies killed by other Blacks simply Do Not Matter.  Ashtrayvon is a household name.  Jonylah Watkins, Delric Miller IV... <crickets>

    The funny part is that I can explain this to you all day and you'll NEVER get it.  As some wag wrote a while ago, Black people will stand around up to their waists in their own shit, wondering aloud where the stank is coming from.

    The Negro Fatigue from this blatant perfidy of yours is exhausting everyone else's patience.  Was it Stalin who said "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic"?  I'm not interested enough to check.  Suffice it to say that you make it easier and easier to make a statistic of Africans-in-America, without apology or remorse.  The fed-up will do what is necessary to be rid of the trouble you create, and the police will be the least of your problems.

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM

    What's that I smell? (Other than Yisheng's nasty ass) Oh, it's a Trump victory in November.

  4. Great post. One of the biggest reasons is the amount of coverage the Motherland receives in murica. Overseas on news channels you get coverage of such. I guess you can tune into BBC and RT here on some cable channels so I guess it is getting better. This reminds me of conversations I have been having recently with cohorts about these very topics. Compared to our sistas and brothas in Brasil for example we have numerous resources and outlets created through years of conscious focus. We have the NAACP, NAN, UNCF, NUL and other such organizations but in Brasil they have next to nothing. If you think we don't see representation on television and other media go there. One of your fellow Yawdies living in Canada hipped me to the fact that compared to the great white north we have soooooooooo much support. He told me he wished they had anywhere close to the number of organizations there we have in the good old US of A. Marcus Garvey was on the right path because we do need global unity.

  5. Rabbi Rothsteinberg12:40 AM

    "Police killing of black people in the United States and the West's support for regimes responsible for mass killing in places such as the Congo are practically inextricable. They both kill black people."

    Africa is a hellscape of rape and murder. Of course, it’s only that way because of colonialism, goy. Don’t delude yourself by thinking it’s because of some failing on the part of blacks. It denies their agency to propose that they have Free Will.

  6. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What's that I smell? (Other than Yisheng's nasty ass) Oh, it's a Trump victory in November.

    12:09 AM

    Jeezzuz! Why on earth are you going around smelling Yisheng's ass?

  7. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker12:52 AM

    The fed-up will do what is necessary to be rid of the trouble you create, and the police will be the least of your problems.
    Blah blah blah fuck blahity blah. Is the fucking moron James Bitch STILL talking about a race war? Jezzzzus fucking Crist what is with these inbred hillbillies and their incessant talk of this race race war that never seems to come. Well, we know James' dumbass won't be participating because he'll be posting incredibly stupid shit. He is so fucking stupid he doesn't see the irony of his supposed negro fatigue. If you're fucking tired of us why do you harass and think about us every fucking day idiot? Maybe you can post some more "facts" about voter fraud from your friends who heard about someone who had their votes casted after they moved. Bwahahahahahahah! This is the level of intelligence from the supposed superior race huh? James is singly the dumbest fucking human being I have ever come across. I guess James also has intelligence fatigue too.

  8. James Bitch is fucking stupid1:04 AM

    Well this certainly explains a lot. James can't help his stupidity, his brain is just smaller. Is it due to the inbreeding? He is a prime example of why siblings shouldn't procreate. Wonder if he tips over often because of the size of his forehead.

  9. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots1:29 AM

    When Hillary wins the Presidency, she will make sure ALL black lives matter, whether in America, the Caribbean, or Africa. She is most definitely for the people! Go Hillary!

  10. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit1:41 AM

    White people in general just don't care about black and African lives.

  11. As a white person, I don't really feel like I have an opinion on the morality of the issue. I don't belong to any groups mentioned and only have my personal feelings about it, which is worth just about as much as anyone else's.
    As a matter of political strategy, it may make sense to pick your battles if you plan on winning any, and a lot of people in the US have personal experience with police brutality, but very few have even the most basic knowledge about foreign conflicts where far more egregious circumstances exist.
    Perhaps it might not be a good strategy to let the existence of worse problems stop us from trying to deal with the ones we are closer to and have a chance at doing anything about.
    Educating yourself about the injustice in the world is a baby step that can at least lead to having a properly informed opinion when it comes time to vote for people who actually can affect foreign policy, but isn't very satisfying in the face of what we know to be occurring.
    I do feel confident in saying that spewing hate at each other will not in any way help either set of problems.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "Jesus is white, angels are white and Snow White is white"

    I suppose an individual could choose any "color" for these examples.

    What's really racist? Teeth. People spend hundreds of millions of dollars to have healthy "white" teeth. Damn teeth.

    Black Teeth Matter!

  13. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Most people have seen "Baby on board" signs attached to vehicles in public spaces. I saw a version of one yesterday that exemplifies the difference between black and white people.

    The sign read "Baby up in dis bitch". There's really nothing more to add.

  14. Anon, the only thing worse that your lying is your stupidity and ignorance.

    You can't just repost jokes u see on Stormfront type websites and try to pass them off as factual.

    Carry on.

  15. James Bold9:24 AM

    "Is the fucking moron James Bitch STILL talking about a race war? Jezzzzus fucking Crist what is with these inbred hillbillies and their incessant talk of this race race war that never seems to come."

    I know this is going to be too oblique for you to grasp, but that's why I have to write it.  Your clueless reactions are going to be SO revealing... and funny, to those who matter (you don't).

    When Henry Morton Stanley returned from the Congo in the 1870's, he reported that there were "40 million naked people" there.  King Leopold II hired him to conquer Congo for him.  He accomplished quite a bit of this with what seems to have been a very small crew (I can't find anything on the number of men he had with him) and one independent contractor, Tippu Tip.

    Tippu Tip was a Black African slave-trader and a major in the business.  (Africans were enslaving Africans before the first White man ever went south of Morocco, and still enslave other Africans a century and a half after slavery was abolished in the West.  Slavery is natural to you.)  Tip went up into the Congo, raiding, burning and enslaving, and when Stanley caught up to him Tip had 2300 slaves ready to take to the markets of Zanzibar.

    The Congolese were self-sufficient in food and had plenty of experience in warfare against each other, yet they were whipped easily.

    The majority of Africans-in-America are hood rats, living on crime, housing subsidies and EBT.  Your thugs typically have no more ammunition than will fit in their gun, which may never have been cleaned.  If half a dozen White men with rifles decided to clean out a few blocks of whatever ghetto, the only obstacle they'd face is the (((government))).  When the (((government))) loses the legitimacy to command its mercenaries, that's it for you.

    It would be simple to remove the bulk of Chicago's welfare class.  Just turn off the power, gas and water and de-activate the cell phones and EBT cards.  March the welfare mammies and deyz baybeez onto buses, going wherever (FEMA camps will do).  They'll go anywhere we want once they're hungry.  The remaining population of thugs, with no food, no water and no cover, will either get on the buses themselves a day or two later, or be captured or killed as they try to get out to territory where there's something to steal.

    There's an on-going series of corruption scandals in the Detroit Public Schools.  It appears that Black people can't be trusted with money, period.  None of this was a problem before Detroit got a Black majority.  The taboo against blaming Black people for Black problems is breaking down.  Once it's gone, the obvious solution is going to be very popular.

    Like I said, oblique.  Now to watch the fun.

  16. So the U.S. Hockey coach DEMANDS that players stand for the national anthem, and views it as the most disrespectful thing ever.
    Of course a white coach in a white man's sport like hockey would think like that. He and his kind don't and never have had to worry about oppression and police brutality.
    Really shows the difference between a sport like football and a white man's sport like hockey.

  17. James Bold12:40 PM

    So, if All Black Lives Matter...

    ... when is the BLM protest over the murder of Darren Seals, and how big is their reward for information leading to the arrest of his killers?


  18. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I and I have concluded that the response to "(Insert color here) Lives Matter" should be "Amen". As members of the human race we should acknowledge the death of any human being. While the inclusion of deaths of humans unaware to us is a bit of a stretch, it too should be acknowledged by "Amen". Our ignorance does not absolve us of our duty to bewail all wrongful death. Imagine what our world would become if we ignore this duty.

  19. "... when is the BLM protest over the murder of Darren Seals, and how big is their reward for information leading to the arrest of his killers?"

    You've gotta feel sorry for little Jimmy Bold.

    What do you get if you ask little Jimmy to make an intelligent or relevant point?

  20. Anonymous2:52 PM

    black lives do not matter as most of them are thugs, illiterates and on welfare. Maybe one day when blacks stop shooting each other?

  21. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "Baby Up In This Bitch Decal" for sale at

    Only $4.99 plus $1.50 S/H

    Get yours today!

  22. James Bold5:22 PM

    "What do you get if you ask little Jimmy to make an intelligent or relevant point?"

    The point is that you're so hypocritical, you can't even see your hypocrisy.  You just admitted that Darren Seals does not matter, not to BLM, not to you.  Even if you can't see it, White people do.

    If you actually gave a damn about Black Lives you would consider the loss of a few thugs resisting arrest a small price to pay for controlling them and stopping their killings of everyone else.  I have explained this over and over without getting through to you, which proves that you are too stupid to understand it.

  23. Anonymous5:50 PM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  24. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes7:16 PM

    Anyone want to take an over/under of how many blacks are murdered in Chicago this year?

    I'm guessing 900+.

    Funny, does Kapernik address this? Is it called Oppression? Cop killings?

  25. Perhaps the situation in Chicago would improve if they got rid of the lead pipes that carry their drinking water. We have good water in Oakland, and don't seem to have the kind of escalating problems with violence found In Chicago. They have almost seven times our population, which might also play into it, but if you include the greater Bay Area we have at least as many people (7 million) as Chicago and its suburbs, but don't seem to have anything like the homicide numbers, even if you add in North Richmond, Hunter's Point, and East Palo Alto.
    And at least with Oakland itself, the demographic breakdown is fairly similar.
    I must say that this is a very strange year. I never thought that in my whole life, I would ever substantially agree with Glenn fucking Beck, on any topic, but I stand corrected:

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Look at these whooteemoos, a mom marrying her own daughter!!

    Stalking assnon, GET YO' PEEPS!!!

  27. Badass Gen Xer9:54 PM

    Fuck the Baby Boomers and Generation Z. Absolutely fucking worthless pieces of shit. Thankfully, the Boomers will be dying off soon, and Gen Z will never amount to anything anyway. Fuck them both.

  28. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker10:00 PM

    If you actually gave a damn about Black Lives you would consider the loss of a few thugs resisting arrest a small price to pay for controlling them and stopping their killings of everyone else. I have explained this over and over without getting through to you, which proves that you are too stupid to understand it.

    Just like you explained over and over about voter fraud because somebody "told" you about it happening to someone else? James, no one listens to you because you are a fucking moron! You are the dumbest asshole to ever post in the history of the internet. You might find a few fellow inbreeds at stormfront who may agree with you but that's about it. You are one astonishingly fucking stupid individual. Holy shit, you are dumb enough to think any human with a functioning brain stem would listen to anything you grunt. Bwahahahahahahahahaha.

  29. #1 Comedian10:02 PM

    What's really racist? Teeth. People spend hundreds of millions of dollars to have healthy "white" teeth. Damn teeth.
    Ha! You know who doesn't spend money on teeth? Dumb ass white hillbillies like yourself! Now THAT'S funny!

  30. White Lies Matter10:05 PM

    Funny, James and his ilk bitch about BLM not caring about lives in Chicago but they are the biggest hypocrites. Where is dumb assed Bill when you need him? Hypocrisy/Double Standards! Tell you what assholes, when you stop just bitching about white people killed by negroes and also mention the overwhelming majority of whites killed by fellow whites then we can talk. No more Jessica Chambers bullshit. Deal? Accept the deal or STFU you inbred hypocritical assholes.

  31. When two-legged animals get as vicious as 4-legged animals and bullets substitute teeth, it's hard to differentiate 4-legged animals from the two-legged animals. Beastly behavior is beastly behavior; animals are animals.

  32. James Bold11:42 PM

    "Look at these whooteemoos, a mom marrying her own daughter!!"

    And look, the state of Oklahoma jailed them for it.  Tell me, how many hood rats go to jail for having sex with their cousins, half-siblings, or even their own children?

    Answer:  none.  It be rayciss to hold Black people to White standards of conduct.  That's why it's so hilariously hypocritical for Blacks to criticize.  How many do it because they have no idea who their fathers are?  How many don't care?  That be a WHITE thang.

    "when you stop just bitching about white people killed by negroes and also mention the overwhelming majority of whites killed by fellow whites then we can talk."

    You'll have a point when it's no longer 25 times as likely for a White to be a victim of a crime in a Black/White interaction than the Black.

    We throw White murderers of White victims in prison.  When will you stop objecting to us throwing Black murderers in prison?  From the evidence, about the 43rd of never.

    "No more Jessica Chambers bullshit. Deal?"

    Oh, we've got plenty more even if we never mention Jessica Chambers ever again.

    You know, if you don't want to hear about Jessica Chambers, and Brittanee Drexel, and Channon Christian, and Anne Pressly, and Amanda Blackburn, and so many others... why don't you just separate from White society so that simply can't happen anymore?  What do you need White people for, anyway?  White people certainly don't need or want you; that's why they move away every chance they get.

    Even Blacks don't like Blacks.  Can you name me 10 rich Blacks who live in the 'hood?  Without massive fences and armed security?  That list certainly doesn't include Oprah.

    What DO you need White people for?  Just go your own way... if you aren't hopeless fuckups who can't deal with existence on your own.

  33. Great opening game to the 2016 NFL season!

  34. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker1:10 AM

    Just go your own way... if you aren't hopeless fuckups who can't deal with existence on your own.

    Says the asshole who won't leave us alone. You first. YOU are a hopeless fuckup who can't get a job and sits around bashing people he doesn't know. What a worthless piece of trash. If i were as dumb and worthless as you are I'd commit suicide. You wish you could be half as successful as the negroes on this blog. Get a job asshole.

  35. Some black lives just aren't worth giving a fuck about. To be fair, some Latino, Asian, Native, and white lives aren't either.

  36. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Most of the black people on this blog aren't worth giving a fuck about. I wouldn't shed a fucking tear if I read their obituary in the near future.

  37. James Bold1:35 AM

    "Says the asshole who won't leave us alone."

    Are you still in the United States of America?  Are you still demanding "rights" from me?  YOU are not leaving ME alone.  When your ass is in Liberia and you've renounced US citizenship, THEN you can complain.

    "YOU are a hopeless fuckup who can't get a job and sits around bashing people he doesn't know."

    I paid five-figure taxes every year for decades.  I'm now minimizing everything just to avoid subsidizing you any more than I'm forced to.  Suck it up, bastards.

  38. James Bitch is fucking stupid1:36 AM

    Even Blacks don't like Blacks. Can you name me 10 rich Blacks who live in the 'hood? Without massive fences and armed security? That list certainly doesn't include Oprah.
    There are several asshole. Oprah certainly wouldn't live in your trailer park either. Can you name me ONE rich white guy who lives in a trailer park? You are certainly one dumb mother fucker James. Did the same person who told you about voter fraud tell you negroes don't like other negroes? We all know you don't read so you get your "facts" from other morons. Did your fellow skinheaded sheetwearing unemployed uncle/daddy tell you this? You seem to believe everything you hear so it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Superior race my ass.

  39. Jumbo1:38 AM

    Yisheng is a turd. That's all there really is to say.

  40. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker1:52 AM

    In Chicago, people I know told me about friends of theirs who had moved out of the city... and their names remained on the rolls, and were duly signed off as having voted in the next election. This has been par for the course for a century or more.

    This has to be the most monumentally moronic statement ever written in the history of the internet. James Bitch should be ashamed of typing something so astronomically stupid. Tell you what Bitch, you can redeem yourself by posting something factual about this instead of posting ridiculous hearsay.
    Holy shit this guy is dumb. If this is what the white race is about how they don't drown in the rain is beyond me.

  41. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Wow, Bitch is wrong again. Check this out, wealthy negroes living among each other in nicer places than Bitch's trailer.

  42. Oh christ, little Jimmy Bold is upset about his taxes again.

    Poor lamb.

  43. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Oh christ, little Jimmy Bold is upset about his taxes again.
    Like he even pays taxes. Jamie ain't got no job man!

  44. Total bunch of crap per usual here. I'll check back in another few months to see if there's any progress by our racist, authoritarian, Marxist, dictatorial leader.

  45. Anonymous10:42 AM

    "white supremacy: the ideology that inspired Nazi Germany"

    Not at all. Germany (and the Nazis) were surrounded by other white people, non-whites hardly entered their minds at all.

    Heck, they viewed Slavs as an inferior type of humanity, and that's about as pallid as you can get.

    In terms of Black Lives Mattering in Africa, they certainly seem to. Just look at the explosive population growth. That'll be the big story of the coming century, the environmental breakdown in sub Saharan Africa. Given the demographics pressure, just the sheer mass of humanity, combined with the wealth gradient between North and South, Europe is probably doomed.

    Just be a bit patient FN, and you'll get your wish due to the differential in birth rates. In the truly long run, none of this really matters.

  46. Yisheng1:23 PM

    Jumbo the elephant ass said...
    I ate a turd. That's all there really is to say.

    Ok sport!

  47. Lilac2:14 PM

    Yisheng these trolls love yo' azz girl! It's on there mind morning, noon and night! :D

    Wow! They chase it, they smell it, they taste it, they dream it! Whooaaa! What kinda mo'jo is that you got going on there girl??? xD Gimme some of that!

  48. I would bet every dollar of money I have that every word of Hillary's newest account of her Rosa-Parks-like suffering as a woman is a complete lie, like her claims about being told girls can't be astronauts, or her claim to have tried to enlist as a Marine, or her claim that she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, who did not become famous until three years after she was born.

  49. HRC was absolutely NOT wearing an earpiece at last night's forum. And even if she was, she was only listening to recipes and yoga routines.

  50. Sometimes it's like Hillary is all alone, fighting society's sexism, with only the media, the government, and scores of filthy rich donors to back her.

  51. Trump simply will not commit to a war with Russia. The most BASIC test of foreign policy expertise, and he flunks it every single time!

  52. The Trumpeting

    "Trump Up By 4 In Ohio"

    Of course he is little man, of course he is.

    Time for your afternoon nap now, there's a good little boy.

  53. Anonymous Lilac said...
    Yisheng these trolls love yo' azz girl! It's on there mind morning, noon and night! :D

    Hello Daahhhahling PR, yaaaaaasssssss, I'm on the whooteemoo's and downlow lesbo AKA book NON reader's mind 24/7!!

  54. The Trumpening5:58 PM

    Florida rally attendees (total):

    Trump 65,000

    Clinton 3,000 (not a typo).

  55. Anonymous The Trumpening said...
    Florida rally attendees (total):

    Trump 65,000.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All Whooteemoos.

    Clinton 3,000 (not a typo).>>>>> Respectable White folks.

    Sounds about right for Florida.

  56. The Trumpening6:56 PM

    Trump Leads Hillary by 3 in North Carolina in Poll that Over Samples Dems by 9 Points.

  57. Jumbo8:22 PM

    Yisheng thinks respectable white people support Hillary. That proves she is one dumb bitch.

  58. Little Bitch8:29 PM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  59. Badass Gen Xer8:35 PM

    Fuck the Baby Boomers.
    Fuck Generation Z.
    Fucking worthless pieces of shit.
    Fuck them!

  60. James Bold8:41 PM

    "Like he even pays taxes. Jamie ain't got no job man!"

    This and the parent poster are obviously people who have never paid capital-gains taxes or property taxes.  What you think are insults are SO revealing about you.

  61. Anonymous9:10 PM

    This and the parent poster are obviously people who have never paid capital-gains taxes or property taxes. What you think are insults are SO revealing about you.
    And who told you that? You little friends in Chicago? You certainly operate on a non-factual basis but what would we expect from a dumb assed bitch. Now run along and pretend you're rich. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    James bitch thinks he's rich! Now that's the funniest thing I've read all week. Whew, Filed where do you get these trolls?

  62. Anonymous9:12 PM

    James is either a liar or a moron.

  63. Anonymous9:30 PM

    James is unemployed and has a 6th grade education.

  64. Anonymous9:30 PM

    James is fat and smelly.

  65. Anonymous10:07 PM

    James has a tiny dick.

  66. Yisheng's Husband1:46 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. James Bitch's husband1:55 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. Limpbaugh9:45 PM

    One problem is that the military industrial complex controls our mediaand the media picks our candidates. Black Americans overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton and think highly of Bill Clinton. How many of them know how the Clintons screwed over Haitians? Rebuilding and humanitarian relief contracts after the earthquake went to Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative donors who never did the work.The media even calls the Clinton Global Initiative GCI so you don't associate it with the Clintons. A billionaire friend of Nigeria's president at the time, Naduka Obigbena, paid Bill Clinton 1.4 million dollars to make two speeches in Nigeria and Secretary of State Hillary waived the US laws about transparency of how US financial assistance is spent for Nigeria. In other words, they paid the Clintons to let them keep your tax money that was supposed to go to the Nigerian people. Gilbert Chaboury gave a billion dollars to a Clinton fund. As president in 2001, Bill Clinton had pardoned Chaboury's business partner Mark Rich, and they sold Nigeria's oil for dictator Sani Abacha. The money went into Abacha's Swiss bank accounts instead of the Nigerian economy. Chaboury was later convicted in Europe for helping Abachi steal billions of dollars.
