Tuesday, September 13, 2016

One more deplorable. ("Blood needed to redeem something"?)

Image result for kentucky governor imageI think we are going to need a larger "bucket" for trump's deplorable supporters, because there is one more we have to add to that sordid lot.

Field hands, I give you the governor of Kentucky, a man who personifies the modern day far right conservative.

He is an elected official who has some rather extreme views about where we are going as a country.

"Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has not forgotten the Jefferson quote. Speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington over the weekend, the Republican recalled it while suggesting that a Hillary Clinton victory in the presidential election could necessitate bloodshed:
I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don’t have to do it physically. But that may, in fact, be the case….

Somebody asked me yesterday, I did an interview, “Do you think it’s possible, if Hillary Clinton were to win the election, do you think it’s possible that we’ll be able to survive, that we’d ever be able to recover as a nation?” And while there are people who have stood on this stage and said we would not, I would beg to differ. I do think it would be possible, but at what price? At what price? The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood of who? The tyrants, to be sure, but who else? The patriots.

Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something that we, through our apathy and our indifference, have given away. Don’t let it happen.
As the Lexington Herald-Leader reports, those comments took many listeners aback. On Monday, Bevin said in a statement that his comments had been misconstrued and referred to those fighting in the military." [Source]

Nothing new here, the governor has only been echoing what the candidate and some of his surrogates have been saying all along: That if their guy doesn't win things could get violent.

For folks who hate people from the Third World as much as they do, they sure like to revert to Third World type politics. Trying to take out your opponent via bloodshed is how desperate people who depend on their political leaders for food and housing do things; It's not how we conduct our politics here in the United States.

Finally, I just saw on MSNBC that Newsweek magazine will be running a story tomorrow which might give us some clues as to why Mr trump won't release his taxes. I am looking forward to it.
Because, for the life of me, I can't understand why the press in this country will not demand that this man releases his tax returns.

I am going to close with something I asked Mr trump to do a few posts ago: Mr trump, if the IRS is in fact auditing you--- and this prevents you from releasing your tax returns--- please produce the letter from the IRS informing you of said audit.

With all due respect to your campaign manager, I am not going to call you a flat out liar, but given your history, I would just like to verify.  

*Pic from huffingtonpst.com


  1. Matt "cock fight? what cock fight?" Bevin? I did note that he wasn't suggesting that any of his blood be used for the watering. Anyone who has been in the military ought to know better than that, and perhaps he does and is just playing for his audience. Wouldn't be the first time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Lance Cockstrong11:30 PM

    My cock would win in any fight. Especially with a white boy Butt Trumpet supporter.

  3. Anonymous12:16 AM

    @ Lance Cuntstench -

    If you really had any kind of cock worth talking about you wouldn't be posting on this shitty website all the time.

    Face it - you're a black dude with a tiny little dick. White women don't want you, and neither do the sisters. You're a reject.

  4. Anonymous12:18 AM

    @ Lance Cuntstench -

    P.S. - You need to get some new material; you've used "Butt Trumpet" about a hundred times now. Wasn't funny the first time or the ninety-nine times since then. Learn to troll right, or get the fuck off the webs.


  5. At least Lance signs his comments.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. James Bold12:31 AM

    "For folks who hate people from the Third World as much as they do"

    Hypocritical "Filled Negro" (h/t Constructive Feedback) came to the USA to get away from his own Third World people and the impovershed, violent society they created.  Meanwhile, he condemns founding-stock Americans for wanting to live in a society of their own creation.  He hates nations who succeed at civilization, and wants to enjoy their fruits while destroying them out of jealousy.

    Africans are why nobody can have nice things anywhere they're allowed to run free.

    "they sure like to revert to Third World type politics."

    The massive influx of Third World people forces that on them, yes.  They used to be able to organize by ideology.  With Third Worlders in the mix, it is necessary to organize by race.  If you don't like it, go home and take all your precious "diversity" with you.

    "Trying to take out your opponent via bloodshed"

    So whose supporters were subject to the "knockout game" and other violent assaults at the University of Chicago again?  If hypocrisy burned, we could use yours to replace petroleum.

  7. Little Bitch12:48 AM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  8. Awesome Atheist12:55 AM

    Fuck you, Little Bitch. I wiped my ass with the Bible (and the Quran) this morning.

  9. Hillary supporters are losers.

  10. Feldmann1:31 AM

    Regardless of if Trump wins, he has opened the door for more celebrities to run for political office. Already you have Mark Cuban, Kanye West, and Curt Schilling contemplating entering politics. This is going to be interesting.

  11. Feldmann: We already tried that here with Arnie. Can't really recommend it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. The Ministry of Truth2:08 AM

    Hate preacher Matt Bevin is hard at work recruiting some of the more suggestible denizens of Flyover Country to join his Holy War and become Yee-haw-dis and Wal-Martyrs.

    Perhaps the feds should treat him the same as our Islamic extremist foes. They can charge Bevin with material support of right-wing terrorism and force him to attend de-radicalization classes. :-D

  13. Gary Johnson would destroy Trump and Hillary in the debates.

  14. The Ministry of Truth2:24 AM

    "Gary Johnson would destroy Trump and Hillary in the debates."

    As long as no one asks him what Aleppo is.


  15. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Great, James Bitch is still around. I guess he has nothing better to do since he has no job. Field, when are you going to purge the 6th grade white trash dropout crowd? This isn't a good look. James Bitch is single handedly bringing you down. His bitch ass can't answer one question but still calls himself bold. I guess white cowards get to use that term huh?
    Hey James, if you're so bold answer some simple questions. Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living? If you're not a botch you'll answer but we all know what you are.

    1. Let James be James.

      I have been dealing with his type my entire life, and I keep looking at the scoreboard that says I am winning.

      So it's all good, u need to see what's out there and what they think about u.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous3:33 AM


  17. Field, i see you guys were showing love to Barack.

  18. "Meanwhile, he condemns founding-stock Americans for wanting to live in a society of their own creation. "

    No you misunderstand. When Field says he hates the Redskins, he is not referring to founding stock Americans, he is referring to a football franchise based (for the moment) in Washington D.C.

    Hope this helps...

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I got a blowjob from a black bitch the other night; I gotta say, it was quite good. She was the loudmouthed uppity university social justice type, but when my white ass gave her 'the look,' she melted like butter. They always do. They talk a mean game, those black hoes, but when a white man throws them a bone, they bend like a reed. And those lips ... Oh man. Head Heaven.

    She asked if I was going to call her after she was done swallowing a million unborn little white babies; I said "Dunno." Then I walked out. Easiest thing I've ever done.

  20. Colin Powell was right!


  21. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Anonymous said...
    She asked if I was going to call her after she was done swallowing a million unborn little white babies; I said "Dunno." Then I walked out. Easiest thing I've ever done.

    9:31 AM

    I think you will call her, that's brown sugar ya know. I think you're in love...

  22. The Ministry of Truth12:00 PM

    It turns out that some of Trump's deplorables are even more deplorable than I'd previously realized. One of the protesters punched out by a Trumpkin outside his North Carolina rally was a 69-year-old elderly woman with an oxygen tank.

  23. DQAE is a genius12:17 PM

    "a million unborn little white babies"

    So E coli infected sperm = babies now?


  24. Darrin12:55 PM

    @ Anonymous 9:31

    I also recently fucked a black chick. I didn't have as good an experience as you did. In fact, it was a terrible time. It must be what it's like sleeping with Yisheng. I suppose I can relate to her husband. He must hate having sex with her.

  25. DQAE is a dumbass12:59 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I ran into a Trump supporter the other day. They were modest and happy to listen to me.
    I ran into a Hillary supporter too. They were rude, arrogant, and stuck up.
    That's about right.

  27. DQAE is a genius2:51 PM

    Stalkers are dumbasses said...
    My 16 year old niece gets more dick from me than she gets from her father.

    Do you mind keeping your family business off the internet?

  28. Mandingo3:39 PM

    GTFOH anon 9:31am, we all know no sistas want a tiny dicked white boy. Now them white girls are tripping over themselves to get them some Mandingo dick. A sista would have laughed at your ass and sent you on your way.

  29. James Bitch is a dumbass3:42 PM

    So it's all good, u need to see what's out there and what they think about u.
    Um no Field, James does many things: sell his ass for meth, lick his mom's cootch, sniff spray paint, burn crosses, ect but he has never ever done any thinking. No need to know the extent of the emptiness in his oversized inbred head.

  30. "A sista would have laughed at your ass and sent you on your way."

    Right after she threw up from the smell.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I agree. White boys smell really bad.

  32. Lt. Commander Johnson5:35 PM

    Ya know, I was working on my Fantasy Football teams this afternoon, and I noticed where the 49'ers are supposed to play IN Chicago later this year.

    I was thinking, wow! How great if the 49'ers commie Kapperdink would refuse to play on that field, and that game! Show the oppression!! Should be about 900 black-on black murders by then.

    It's not the US killing all them bros...not the cops, either.

    That might REALLY "start the freaking conversation".

    Uh, huh.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson6:23 PM

    And, BTW, before you begin to try and answer, ....

    Please. No obfuscation, innuendos, or whatever as you usually employ.

    Just answer the question.

  34. Anonymous6:38 PM

    So it's all good, u need to see what's out there and what they think about u.

    And the day I start caring about what a fat, bloated, big foreheaded, inbred, meth addicted moron thinks about me is the day I jump off a bridge.

  35. James the Bitch and Lt. Commander No-Johnson are lovers6:41 PM

    Just answer the question.

    You didn't ask a question dumb ass. Here's one for you, when are you going to address white on white murder or do you just focus on us? Now THAT is a question. Answer it Lt. Commander Dumbass, no obfuscation, innuendos or whatever you usually employ.

  36. Troll logic9:09 PM

    Hey guys, let's use Lt. Commander Dumbass' troll logic to stop debate on any topic. Don't want to hear about Breast Cancer month? Well just tell whomever is talking about it that heart disease is a bigger problem and until that issue is resolved to your satisfaction they are not allowed to bring up breast cancer. Isn't that fun? Get pulled over by a cop for running a red light just bring up the fact that speeding is bigger problem and until that cop solves the problem of speeding he's not allowed to give any tickets for running lights. Whee, troll logic is fun! Wife mad at you for coming home late? Just remind her that your leaving the toilet seat up is a much bigger problem and until she solves that you will continue to come home late. Troll logic is great!Are you a law abiding citizen who gets regularly harassed by police? Ah, don't worry about it because you could be getting killed by another brother so count yourself lucky! Nothing to see here.

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson1:25 AM

    LOL. I guess I didn't use a ? mark in my original post.

    I assumed you were smart enough to figure it out for yourself.

    So now...it's a QUESTION?!

    "I was thinking, wow! How great if the 49'ers commie Kapperdink would refuse to play on that field, and that game! Show the oppression!! Should be about 900 black-on black murders by then.

    It's not the US killing all them bros...not the cops, either.

    That might REALLY "start the freaking conversation".

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson1:27 AM

    BTW...whoever said "White Lives Matter?"

  39. Anonymous2:53 AM

    White lives don't matter. Fuck white lives.

  40. Lt. Commander Johnson12:10 AM

    I asked this question on a post a few nights ago, but never saw an answer?

    "I was thinking, wow! How great if the 49'ers Kapperdink would refuse to play on that field, (talking about Chicago), and that game! Show the oppression!! Should be about 900 black-on black murders by then.

    It's not the US killing all them bros...not the cops, either.

    That might REALLY "start the freaking conversation".

    A simple-assed question. Then, some dildo calls me a troll! No attempt to answer the question.

    Some "conversation".

    And you wonder why.
