Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Angry people.

Image result for trump angry supporters images
I wonder what the rest of us did to make the deplorables so angry. I mean they are an angry bunch.

If you are brave enough to go to one of their rallies you will see what I am talking about.

I must admit that I have never understood where all the anger comes from. I mean, let's face it, most of them are white men of a certain age, and they are therefore afforded certain privileges that the rest of us can only dream of here in America. And still, they are angry and full of hate. 

"Donald Trump and those who support him always say they aren’t racist in the least, they just want to “make America great again.”
But then you see the video below of a truck convoy of Trump acolytes traveling in a convoy from Wrentham to Foxboro, Massachusetts, and it confirms every suspicion you ever had about those who are on Team Trump.
On CB radios, thinking that no one was listening in, one of the truckers exclaims:
“Lynch the ni**ers by their d*cks!”
Another driver proudly declares:
“Burn every single ni**er!”
Then a third driver joins the hate speech and tells the others:
“All I know is we got plenty of trees to hang ni**ers from.”
Nah, Trump supporters aren’t racist at all, are they? Bullshit! All you have to do is watch or listen to a group of them when an African-American or Hispanic person walks by and you’ll quickly discover that they are among the most hate-filled bags of feces to ever drag their knuckles across the ground." [Source]
Just wow.
These people are serious, folks,they are no joke.
Now I am really worried. I mean what happens if trump loses come November?
"Right-wing radio host Michael Savage has warned Donald Trump supporters to stock up on ammunition and gun for two reasons.
“If Hillary Clinton gets elected she may ban guns and we might need them if the country devolves into civil war,” said Savage on his radio show.
Savage is like several other Trump supporters who are warning of violent revolution. Last week, Trump said his supporters might have to take 2nd Amendment measuresif the election is rigged.
According to Right Wing Watch, Republican activist Larry Klayman said the country is on the brink of civil war.
“It’s a war. It’s a war between left and right. They’ve created a race war, regrettably, between black and white. Hillary Clinton is about ready to do it between men and women,” said Klayman in an interview with Newsmax.
In a World Net Daily article, former Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan said a Clinton win could lead to a revolution." [Source]
I bet this right-wing revolution will be televised on FOX.
*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Ha ha faggit trump supporter's juts angry becuz they got small dick's. They argny becuz they hate 2 C a Black Man in the whit House. They just angry becuz they now they losing.

    Plus they're dick's are rally small.

    -A Blcak Collage Gradate

  2. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Man, if that first commenter is a true representation of the black upper class in America, no wonder we're so fucked. God help us all!

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    If that second commentator is a true representation of white America, and is so idiotic they can't spot a troll, well that's about par for the course.

  4. Yeah I'm really scared of Michael the Savage Weiner and his bullshit revolution. At least someone has figured out how to make Trump shut the fuck up:

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Rock Star Energy Drink is what Field Negro uses to wash the cum out of his mouth.

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I love Michael Savage.

  7. Anonymous12:02 AM

    @ Anonymoous 11:55

    What do white boys use to wash the cum out of their mouths?

  8. This is nothing new, take a look back at the Palin rallies and you'll see similar themes and language. Then again when hasn't the racist right used this language? Race war? That has been promised since the 60's. Like you said before the only difference is the election of a blah man brought this out into the open.
    That Savage is a paranoid type huh? A war between the sexes? Jesus, between the fear and the guns you'd think "brave" muricans aren't so brave.

  9. My bad, that was Klayman who's afraid of women.

  10. What? You mean the Charlie Manson approach to politics doesn't really work? Whoda thunkit?
    I did notice that when he was in front of some actual non-white people, he decided not to trot out the "what do you have to lose" line. Looked nervous too.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Who is more violent: Trump supporters or Hillary supporters?

    Hillary supporters with a slight edge.

  12. Check1:17 AM

    Hillary supporters are more violent. Trump supporters are more racist..
    Both are equally retarded and dimwitted.

  13. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Retarded AND dimwitted? Sounds like a real problem ...

    I once knew a girl who was fat AND obese, BTW. Her name was Mrs. Field.

  14. The Miinistry of Truth2:04 AM

    "Yeah I'm really scared of Michael the Savage Weiner and his bullshit revolution. At least someone has figured out how to make Trump shut the fuck up:"

    At least the tangerine fascist admitted the basic contours of the crisis in Flint, that penny-pinching had led to a poisoned water supply. Even though Trump left it vague as to who the dastardly penny pincher might be -- "they" did it and of course "they" would never have gotten away with it while a hypothetical President Trump was making everything, so, so great and embiggening America! (Hint for Trump: "they" is the emergency manager assigned to manage Flint's finances against the will and interests of its residents by the Michigan state governor from your political party.)

    I am a bit surprised that Trump decided it was a good idea to visit a gathering of black Flint residents. But maybe he got overconfident and started to believe that he'd charmed Omarosa and that crew of dopey black pastors, so how hard could it be to bamboozle regular black people? And those black Flint people are real angry (justifiably so, since they've been forced to drink lead), and Trump is used to addressing crowds of angry people. I mean, that's, like, his thing!

    What. Could. Possibly. Go. Wrong?

  15. And speaking of lead, Scott Walker took money from lead paint manufacturers, and all of the sudden there was a law retroactively stopping lawsuits by children poisoned by the lead in the paint...

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. The Ministry of Truth3:07 AM

    In other news, Steve King (you know, that congressman who says that non-white subgroups never contributed anything to civilization) has decided to weigh in on the whole NFL national anthem controversy. And he decided to push as hard as possible on the "America-hatred" narrative. In fact, he cranked that narrative up to its maximum setting: jihadi terrorism.

    On Colin Kaepernick: "I understand that he has an, umm, Islamic girlfriend that is his fiance and that this has changed him and has taken on some different political views along the way,” King explained, referring to MTV personality Nessa Diab.

    Then King said that Kaepernick's “activism is sympathetic to ISIS.”

    Woo-hoo! Steve King managed to work some Muslim-bashing INTO his black-bashing. That's worth 100 bonus Republican points and a triple word score! He wins a toaster.

  17. James Bold3:07 AM

    "I must admit that I have never understood where all the anger comes from."

    Presumably you are familiar with the James Baldwin statement that "To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time."  You Africans-in-America enjoy the highest standard of living of Africans ANYWHERE ON EARTH.  You are advanced before equally- or even more-qualified White people in every area of life.  What can you POSSIBLY have to be angry about?  Yet the "Angry Black Woman" stereotype is a stereotype for a reason:  everyone who deals with Africans-in-America regularly runs into them all the time.

    White people gave you the benefit of the doubt for 50 years.  Now they're getting angry because you refused to carry through your end of the deal; they will no longer be shit on by ingrates.

    "I mean, let's face it, most of them are white men of a certain age, and they are therefore afforded certain privileges that the rest of us can only dream of here in America."

    Like being thrown on the career trash-heap starting around age 40 in STEM, and affirmative-actioned out of almost every possible job opening?  Some "privilege".

    "And still, they are angry and full of hate."

    Funny, for someone who insists that others listen to and understand you, you are remarkably deaf to their concerns.  America has given you everything you asked for, for decades.  It still wasn't enough, you just got more and more angry.  America is now in its second surge of saying "screw that, we've had enough" and if Trump doesn't get in the third surge will scare the crap out of you.

    "These people are serious, folks,they are no joke."

    That's right.

    "Now I am really worried. I mean what happens if trump loses come November?"

    The TEA party was the first, mild surge against anti-Whitism.  It was defeated through money in the primaries and co-opting the candidates who made it.  The second surge found a mascot in The Accidental Candidate.  If he doesn't get in and start changing things back, watch the hell out.

    "Even though Trump left it vague as to who the dastardly penny pincher might be"

    Black Flint city council.  Black Flint emergency manager.  Know why this doesn't happen in White cities?  White people pay their property taxes and water bills.

  18. If that second commentator is a true representation of white America, and is so idiotic that he does;t realise that he was also the first commentator - well that's about par for the course.

    1. 👌Troll spotting is not that hard.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "You Africans-in-America enjoy the highest standard of living of Africans ANYWHERE ON EARTH."

    Little Jimmy Bold - even after I have disproved this lie, he carries on repeating it as if nothing has happened.

    Fascists just can't handle reality

  20. How many a person be so stupid and delusional as much as James Bold is? I am actually in awe of him.

  21. The Ministry of Truth3:58 AM

    "Black Flint city council. Black Flint emergency manager. Know why this doesn't happen in White cities? White people pay their property taxes and water bills."

    Riiiight. It's all about the laziness and irresponsibility of the black residents of Flint. (Flint isn't all black, btw.) Their impoverishment couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the local economy crashing after the auto industry picked up and left town.

    And this could never, ever happen to good, hard-working white folk. Although, now that I think of it, you might want to talk to all the broke-ass white people struggling in Kentucky and West Virginia after the coal industry bit the dust.

  22. Lance Cockstrong4:23 AM

    Muh dik! Muh dik! Muh dik!

  23. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Ok, so Trump supporters are light on brain power, but Hillary supporters are also knee-jerk reactionaries.

  24. whitemancometakeeveryting9:59 AM

    "I wonder what the rest of us did to make the deplorables so angry. I mean they are an angry bunch."

    The greatest lie of our generation. That black people are the relentless victims of relentless white racism everywhere all the time and that explains everything. However it's the exact opposite blacks are the predators who victimize everyone including your own. The narrative will soon fall and there will be hell to pay. Google white girl bleeds a lot for some video proof.

    Also the brother who commented first about muh dick illustrates retarded mentality of your average homeboy.

  25. Anonymous10:26 AM

    White boys are pussies and retards.

  26. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The most deliciously ironic angle to this whole election cycle is that blacks, who tend to vote en masse so far as I can tell, have solidly taken the side of globalists and multinationals.

    I can't see how open borders / mass immigration, too big to fail banks, and the Senator from Goldman Sachs running for President do much good for anybody at the lower end of the income scale in the US. Just what exactly is the pay-off here? About all that I can think of is some sort of implied redirection of government money towards groups who pledge fealty to Hillary&Co.

    Maybe it's all just about revenge for slights, both real and imagined. A crazy situation.

  27. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots10:37 AM

    HIllary supporters are infinitely more peaceful, classy, and intelligent than idiotic Trump supporters! Hillary was almost being too kind when she called them deplorables!

  28. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit11:50 AM

    Trump is a Godsend (literally for some) to the people whose racism and bigotry was always near the surface, but now can be proudly proclaimed. Even if Trump loses the election, we will have to deal with these people for awhile now. Hopefully Hillary will be able to suppress many of them.

  29. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Little Jimmy Bold - even after I have disproved this lie, he carries on repeating it as if nothing has happened.

    James is a moron.

  30. Anonymous12:18 PM

    And this could never, ever happen to good, hard-working white folk. Although, now that I think of it, you might want to talk to all the broke-ass white people struggling in Kentucky and West Virginia after the coal industry bit the dust.

    MoT, just ignore this inconvenient fact. James and his toothless family are off limits, we can only make fun of negroes.

  31. Badass Gen Xer12:48 PM

    Generation Z is full of pussies, losers, and retards.

  32. Awesome Atheist1:04 PM

    You know what? Theists are pieces of shit and are responsible for most of the world's problems. I wiped my ass with the Bible and the Quran this morning.

  33. Little Bitch1:24 PM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  34. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Hillary is really an alien that came to Earth in the 1940's. Her host body is starting to break down now.

  35. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Why do white people whine about political correctness and not being able to mock people of color, but whine even more when their race is made fun of? Hypocrites.

  36. Trolly Trollerson1:43 PM


  37. Don't want to deal with moronic Trump supporters? Then make the sensible choice and vote for Gary Johnson.

  38. Nowhere1:54 PM

    The Cubs have the best record in the Majors, and seem poised to make a deep playoff run.
    Prediction: Their season will end in heartbreak. Again.

  39. Anon@10:33:
    You can't see it because you don't want to. Last I checked, Trump wasn't going to raise the minimum wage for those folks "at the lower end of the income scale in the US." Guess who is? That's right. Hillary Clinton. And no, the minimum wage doesn't get paid out from the US government.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Hillary's Vagina2:56 PM

    If Clinton gets elected, she will be the first President since FDR to die in office (not including assassinations).

  41. Dog whistles? We don't need no stinking dog whistles!

  42. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "You can't see it because you don't want to. Last I checked, Trump wasn't going to raise the minimum wage for those folks "at the lower end of the income scale in the US." Guess who is? That's right. Hillary Clinton. And no, the minimum wage doesn't get paid out from the US government."

    Net result, more black market labor (favoring illegal foreign nationals), more robots, more computerization. And yes, the government can distort a market just as well with regulation as it can with direct payments.

    The simple fact of the matter is that there's an oversupply of labor right now. It not only happens cyclically, but the double whammy of a population explosion in the Third World (just wait for African demographics to burst forth) and technology is pushing us over the edge. Simply requiring higher wages is not going to create jobs and in the aggregate will likely reduce them. Don't look for that as a magic pill remedy for the economy regardless of handwaving about the velocity of money.

    Opening up the First World to the Third spells disaster to the working class in the First. The more so in any kind of welfare state as the pressure to enter becomes that much higher. I'm perfectly willing to argue about healthcare (it probably should be nationalized at this point, points against Trump) or overseas military engagements (Hillary appears to be more the pro-war candidate), but borders present an existential threat to the US and Europe. I can't imagine how much more obvious it could be.

    In terms of blacks, which I suppose is the raison d'etre of this blog, they represent Ground Zero for labor oversupply. No amount of government jobs, public payments, or regulation of wages is going to provide work for the people hardest hit.

  43. Then why is the economy better in neighboring states where the minimum wage is higher?

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "Then why is the economy better in neighboring states where the minimum wage is higher? "

    If so, I expect it's because they are more urbanized.

    It's a funny thing really. The US is large enough to model an old-style colonial system within it's own borders. Capital is concentrated in places like coastal urban enclaves and wealth is extracted from (and the trash is shipped to) inner farming/mining/oil patch/energy producing regions. The sad thing is the modern 'wealth' appears to be built on banking, insurance,etc. (FIRE) rather than real production. I would guess that DC is the ultimate manifestation of that.

    Listen, if you want $15/hr minimum wage, go for it. Just give me control of national borders and some degree of self-interested foreign policy especially in terms of trade and military arrangements. Goldman Sachs should not get to run this country.

  45. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker10:35 PM

    Their behavior had everything to do with the auto industry picking up and going to Tennessee.

    Bullshit! You certainly are one stupid motherfucker! Just die James, you are way too stupid to live. How do you even walk upright?

  46. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I guess the same person who told James about voting irregularities told him about the auto industry. Master race my ass, James is the living breathing proof white people are not superior to anyone.

  47. James Bold1:07 AM

    "Their behavior had everything to do with the auto industry picking up and going to Tennessee.

    Bullshit! You certainly are one stupid motherfucker!"

    GM had to build entire new plants at Spring Hill.  What made it worth doing that, when it had heaps of infrastructure already in place in Flint?

    It was the ability to hire people who were willing to actually work for a living.

    And have I told you just how great it is to have some retard have no better response than "stupid motherfucker"?  It's self-refuting, and funny besides.

    "I guess the same person who told James about voting irregularities told him about the auto industry."

    Nobody had to tell me about the auto industry.  My family was a part of it long before I was born.  I grew up maybe 50 miles from Flint.  I got to watch it and Detroit rot.

    The cause of death was the same in both cases:  Africantiasis.

  48. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  49. James Bold6:49 PM

    Haiti and Liberia await you with open arms.  White people aren't allowed to be citizens there, you'll be right at home.

  50. Please don't lump white people with "truckers"......white and blacks folks have their ignorant....for example "fuck white people? Fuck white race...."

  51. Please don't lump white people with "truckers"......white and blacks folks have their ignorant....for example "fuck white people? Fuck white race...."
