Monday, September 19, 2016

Terence Crutcher did not plant any bombs.

Image result for terence crutcher images I am glad that law enforcement caught caught that maniac who was making and planting bombs in New York and New Jersey. We can rest a little easier as a nation now that one less depraved lunatic is off the street.

Having said that, I find it ironic that law enforcement  was able to shoot and take down a terrorist who attempted to cause mass destruction and carnage without actually killing him, while police officers in Tulsa, Oklahoma killed an innocent man who actually had his hands raised.

"Video footage released Monday showed Tulsa police shooting an unarmed man to death on Friday night after he approached his SUV with his arms raised.

In footage filmed from a police helicopter, Terence Crutcher, 40, can be seen slowly walking from the edge of a street north of Tulsa toward his vehicle, which authorities said had been reported abandoned at 7:36 p.m. (8:36 p.m. ET) and left running in the middle of the road.

For several seconds, an officer follows Crutcher from behind with a gun trained on him. Three more officers then converge on the scene as Crutcher lowers his hands and approaches his SUV. While standing beside the driver's side door, he suddenly drops to the street. Moments later, blood can be seen saturating his white t-shirt.

The Tulsa Police Department also released dash-cam video of the incident.

During a news conference Monday, Tulsa Police Chief Chuck Jordan said that Officer Tyler Turnbough tasered Crutcher, and a second officer, Betty Shelby, fired at him after telling a dispatcher "that she's not having cooperation from" Crutcher.

Citing an ongoing investigating, Jordan declined to provide additional details, though he said that no weapon was found on Crutcher or in his SUV. Jordan, who called the footage "disturbing," said that he asked the Justice Department to review the case.

"I will make this promise to you, we will achieve justice," he said.

Shelby, who was hired in 2011, was placed on routine administrative leave with pay.

During a news conference Monday, a Crutcher family lawyer, Melvin C. Hall, said that Crutcher was only having problems with his SUV before he was shot to death. "They treated him like a criminal," added a second lawyer, Benjamin Crump. "They treated him like a suspect. They did not treat him like somebody in distress who needed help. Instead of giving him a hand, they gave him bullets."
Crutcher's twin sister, Tiffany, described him as a brother and father who was enrolled in Tulsa Community College and loved singing at church.

And she criticized one of the officers in the chopper who can be heard telling a second officer aboard that Crutcher looks like "a big bad dude."

"That big bad dude — his life mattered," she said." [Source]

Of course his life matters, but when we remind people of that we are told that "all lives matter," and that we shouldn't just single out the blacks ones.

Still, when you see what happened to Terence Crutcher, you have to wonder if some folks in law enforcement got the all lives matter memo.

And folks, if you are having a  Déjà vu  kind of feeling after reading this article, your instincts are not failing you.

"A jury found a sheriff's deputy guilty of second-degree manslaughter Wednesday in the fatal shooting of an unarmed suspect.

Robert Bates, who was a volunteer reserve sheriff deputy for the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office last year at the time of the shooting, never denied shooting Eric Courtney Harris.
    Bates, 74, said he meant to use his Taser stun gun, not his revolver, on the suspect, who had been tackled by other deputies and was being held on the ground." [Source]

    We will soon be getting that feeling again, because sadly, some lives still matter more than others. Even the lives of terrorists.   

    *Pic from


    1. White Lies Matter10:30 PM

      Too bad he didn't actually have a gun and had shot a church full of negroes because then he would have been taken to dinner by the white cops.

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Only white lives matter.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It's a pretty f**ked up country we live in when a terrorist has a better chance of surviving a confrontation with police than a stranded motorist.

      And I'm certain all the Whooteemoos are banding together to protect "shoot em' up" Becky.

      10:35 PM Delete

    6. Anonymous11:54 PM

      Fuck Terrence Crutcher. And fuck fat cow Yisheng.

      Go raid the fridge you blubbery-ass gorilla bitch! You are a joke!

    7. Anonymous11:56 PM

      "Bates, 74, said he meant to use his Taser stun gun ..."

      Nice shootin', Grampa! Old people can cool as fuck sometimes.


    8. Anonymous11:57 PM

      YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! A new excuse to loot and riot!

      Go, Black America, Go!!!!!!!

    9. Anonymous12:10 AM

      YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! A new excuse to loot and riot!


      Better reason that your team winning a college bowl game like whites!!!!!!!!!
      Go, white America go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. Dooon't Caaaarrreee!!

    11. Tampon Bay Fuckaneers2:17 AM

      Anybody who says black people are more violent than white people are absolute fools.

      1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. No mention of the contents of the 911 calls in this report. He blocked traffic, left vehicle running, opened all doors, told another motorist to 'come see' something that was 'gonna blow''. No external sign car was disabled or about to blow.

      What is the truth here other than underlying hatred in posted comments?

    13. Damn field your blog is always taken over by the racist no life living in their parents basements albino leper trolls the internet has to offer

    14. Random, it's not only this blog, read the comments section on Yahoo sometimes.

      Now u see why trump is polling so well. Basements all across America are full of these losers. Or, as H calls them:"deplorables".

      What Anon@12:10 AM said.

    15. @11:54, oh my such vitriol!


    16. Wesley R3:45 PM

      I can't believe the family hired Benjamin Crump. Has he ever won a case?

    17. Shelby had a trip planned but no vaca days left....

    18. Actually Wesley, he has.
      Has pretty good rep in the courtroom.
      I know he doesn't seem like the most articulate fellow in the world, but don't let the slow talking Southern drawl fool you.:)

      Pilot, you owe me a pan of Chicago style pizza.

    19. Lt. Commander Johnson5:14 PM

      Field, why do you use "basements" or "trailer parks" all the time?

      We don't have "basements" where I live in the South. Trailer parks, we have, So do you.

      Some trailer parks are white...some are black.

      You suck.

    20. "Some trailer parks are white...some are black."

      I see the nazis have got there intellectual heavyweights out tonight.

    21. "No mention of the contents of the 911 calls in this report. He blocked traffic, left vehicle running, opened all doors, told another motorist to 'come see' something that was 'gonna blow''. No external sign car was disabled or about to blow."

      So therefore he had to be executed on the spot. Got it.

    22. "Pilot, you owe me a pan of Chicago style pizza."

      Shuddap! The Sox are in Philly, double or nothing? Ha!

    23. Anonymous9:02 PM

      You made a judgement based on a one angle, poor video with no explanation from the police officer who shot this man without her side of the story?

      Are you a real judge in an actual court?

    24. James Bold10:20 PM

      Turns out Terence Crutcher had PCP in his vehicle.  Toxicology tests won't be in for a while, but it's very likely that he was high on it at the time of his death.

      People on PCP do stupid, erratic and often dangerous things.  Doing PCP is a good way to wind up hurt, one way or another; failing to comply with police orders when acting erratically is one of the most dangerous things to do.  So why do PCP?

      Cue the FN fan crew to claim that PCP is a Black cultural value and White people should not criticize or interfere in 3... 2... 1...

    25. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Cue the FN fan crew to claim that PCP is a Black cultural value and White people should not criticize or interfere in 3... 2... 1...
      And as usual James the Bitch is wrong about whatever it is he's spewing about. Hey James, why are you so stupid? Is it the inbreeding? Do you have a college degree?

    26. James Bold12:43 AM

      YHBT.  YHL.  HAND.

    27. Anonymous8:40 PM

      "You made a judgement based on a one angle, poor video with no explanation from the police officer who shot this man without her side of the story? "

      Hey, those stores aren't going to loot themselves.
