Friday, October 28, 2016

Anthony's weiner and more e-mails.

Image result for comey images*Poor Hillary, this e-mail story must feel like one of those villains in a bad action movie that just won't die. Even after the closing credits start rolling.

The latest in Hillary's e-mail saga comes courtesy of one Anthony Weiner and his sick proclivity for showing off his...ahem ahem, weiner, on his cell phone.  Anthony, right-wingnuts love you, you are the gift that keeps giving.

Anyway, something about his wife (or soon to be ex-wife) being a close aide to Hillary Clinton and the FBI investigating his alleged sexting to underaged girls on their computer.

To right- wingnuts this is a big deal. Over on FOX VIEWS they are calling it a game changer. And trump, after  months of bashing the FBI, now all of a sudden says that they are not so bad after all.  Let's see what he and his followers will say if this latest jaunt down e-mail road goes nowhere.

Their first mistake was declaring that the FBI is reopening their investigation. They are not. But this is where those famous Doobie Brothers lyrics comes into play: "What a fool believes he sees"

My gut tells me there is nothing to see here (although with the Clintons you never know), just the FBI director (pictured above) doing more damage to what has already been a flawed investigation. When he announced that there would be no criminal charges this summer, he should have kept his personal opinion to himself. Just tell us if there would be other charges and keep it popping. But he chose not to do that, and so this e-mail issue still lingers over the election. 

He has inserted himself in this election at every step of the way, and this latest stunt only confirms that.

We understand that he (Comey) had an obligation to tell congress of any changes in the investigation after he gave sworn testimony in Washington. But why the cryptic letter to Congress? Why not tell the country exactly what it is your agency saw in the e-mails and what your agency is looking for?

Anyway, as is to be expected, trump pounced on this story like Anthony Weiner reaching for his cell phone when Huma started looking at it.

I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and DOJ are willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake they made,” Trump said. “This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood, and it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”
He continued to trash Clinton, saying her “corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office,” Trump said, adding that “perhaps justice finally will be done.”
Donald, this e-mail story doesn't bother me; this one does. Because it shows that you are not only a sexual predator, but that you are quite possibly a sadist as well.
I can control how my president chooses to use her e-mails. I can't change or control what's in the sick heart of a 70 year old man.
*Pic from



  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    You have to think a political vet like Hil-dog had her bases covered. If it was something she'd beout in front of this.


  2. I think this was put out on purpose, will be "resolved" in Clinton's favor a couple days before the election, and Clinton will have a landslide election win.

  3. This is just a way to get this behind Clinton before she moves back into the Whitehouse.

    You know, the sound of that is just so cool!

  4. This is just some CYA behavior from Comey. The fact that it's a total dick move is just gravy for him. He saw the Republicans trying to impeach everyone within poo-flinging range (like the IRS director) and figured, correctly, that he would immediately be toast after the election, while the Republicans still had the authority to do so, if he didn't publish this as soon as he got it. The fact that the letter he sent didn't actually say anything about what the issue is lets you know that it was all about being able to prove he wasn't colluding and nothing else. The reactions from the Trumperors are pure exhibitions of desperation. I knew they would try to pull any long shot bullshit they could, but nothing they do could elect Trump. He's toast, they know he's toast, and perhaps they think they might stand a slightly better chance of ever getting paid for their trouble if they keep throwing everything they can find at Hillary until the bitter end.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Where did you read that Doug?

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Doug wrote...

    "He's toast, they know he's toast, and perhaps they think they might stand a slightly better chance of ever getting paid for their trouble if they keep throwing everything they can find at Hillary until the bitter end."

    Or not. That's quite the imagination you've got there "dinthebeast".

  7. Limpbaugh11:14 AM

    The Russians did it!

  8. Spare a thought for the poor FBI agents who had to actually touch Anthony Weiner's computer...

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. @anons: His own "Project Alamo" data and polling operation numbers are, by their own admission, in line with the Five Thirty Eight averages, which as of two hours ago give Clinton an 80% chance at winning.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous4:20 PM

    80 percent chance to win...

    Here's the thing, if the pollster has a list of probable Hillary voters and samples only them you get 80% "chances".

  11. Lance Cockstrong7:54 PM

    Anthony, like all white men, has a small weiner. LOL white boys.

  12. @Lance Cockstrong: How comprehensive has your survey been? Was it up close and personal?

  13. That's what they were saying before Romney got elected also... oh wait.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. "Romney by a landslide". :)

  15. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
