Saturday, October 29, 2016


Image result for trump militia images 

Give me a caption for this pic. 

*Pic from


  1. ctrl+halt+del11:35 PM

    It’s time for America to have an intensified study on what’s wrong with white folks. - Dr. King

  2. Limpbaugh12:26 AM

    "You deleted those classified documents, but you forgot the kiddie porn!"

  3. It's OK, they didn't get Reagan either, and it's a bad idea no matter who it is.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous2:33 AM

    No you idiot, I said I can grab em by the pussy not you.


  5. ivan dumbsonovavich6:55 AM

    Neuropeon bowling

  6. ctrl+halt+del9:15 AM

    Trump supporter cut from the herd gets hit with "Make America Great Again" brand.

  7. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Of course, the zombie is perhaps most dangerous when just turned. The horrid creature does not yet, in most cases, exhibit the undeniable signs of corpsidy, especially the fouls odor and the decrepit late state of decomposition. And, if it be the case that the recently turned is a loved one, then all the more perilous is the beast as the emotion of affection prodigiously overpowers sound reason or keen perception. So, it be not surprising that many fall prey to the gnawing teeth of a loved one or friend or even a brief acquaintance. For the change comes quickly and often without notice, as if waking from sleep. Know this, however, that it is wise to gird one's loins against the wiles of the night. For at these hours the senses are even less lipid. Do not answer to any rapping upon your chamber door even if you spy a familiar face. For that face may very well be one of a risen, lived corps too fresh for you yet to make wise judgement. And, upon opening to let in, you may too late discover that the fiend is upon you with all hunger of ghastly unnature and the rueful vengeance of all of Hell. Take heed. Once having halted the aggression of a zombie, bury at once the dead, abominable corps in the tomb, carefully closing it and mortarizing it after. But have no surprise if on the following morning the body is discovered bruised and banged in the market square as though it had been violently thrown out of its resting place. For such creature as these tortured damned cannot easily attain rest. Be expectant as well that upon your return to the sepulchre you will find only the cerements in which the corpse had been erstwhile wound, and so you must used them to bury it once again. Yet, you may discover that on the following morning the body is discovered to have been thrown forth with even more contumely than before. Nevertheless repose it third time with great care and many holy prayers. Repeat this no less than five times in all, until at last you huddled the poor rotting carrion as best you might into a deep hole dug in some lonely spot far from the consecrated ground of all His Holy Church. In the most dire incidences you may wish to obtain ecclesiastical authority to place within the mouth a freshly consecrated Holy Wafer. For this remedy binds the worst of Hell's creatures. No doubt, these terrible circumstances will surely fill your heart with such amaze that you may indeed make such holy efforts as to repose the undead your only cause in life. For in doing so, you minister peace to many. Does not the Lord Himself say "Come to me and I will give you rest."?

  8. Anonymous5:50 PM

    CAPTION: "FBI Grabs Hillary by the Weiner!"

  9. Anonymous8:04 PM

    This is actually a whooteemoo being escorted away after being assaulted by Yisheng.

  10. Don't get too excited by the half time lead, Field.

  11. "No you idiot, I said I can grab em by the pussy not you."


    "Neuropeon bowling"


    Anon@5:50, that's not bad, it just has nothing to do with this particular pic.

  12. @8:04, that's actually your "mother" being escorted out for trying to use the ladies bathroom. She forgot about her sex reassignment surgery.

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