Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Don't tell Christopher that the elections are "rigged".

"An Idaho man grabbed two kitchen knives and threatened to “cut some n****rs” during a bizarre encounter with his black neighbors.

Christopher Gauthier, of Boise, came out of his home Friday morning with the knives as his neighbors were leaving for the day, reported the Idaho Statesman.

The victim said he loaded his two young daughters into his car for school, turned on the engine to warm it up and went back inside to get an item he’d forgotten.

That’s when the 38-year-old Gauthier ran outside, opened the car door and made a “scary face” at the girls, turned off the engine and ran back into his apartment with the neighbor’s keys.

The girls ran crying toward their home."

Lord have mercy!

Folks, just think what will happen with the rest of the Christopher Gauthiers out there if Donald trump loses this election.

 The man has already declared that the election is rigged, that the inner cities (black folks) are doing the bulk of the cheating, and that this will cause him and his people to be on the outside looking in come November.

Christopher is not alone, there are others out there on the trump- train who will become just as unhinged if their leader loses. What's really scary though, is this: Some of die hard deranged supporters even work in law enforcement.

*Pic from twitter.com 


  1. The Ministry of Truth8:59 PM

    There is increasing evidence, both statistical and anecdotal, of increasing numbers of hate crimes inspired by Trump's candidacy.

    Like this one, in which a white woman smashed a Kenyan-American woman in the face with a beer mug for having the temerity to speak Swahili, and not English, at the local Applebee's. I'd be very comfortable wagering money that the aforementioned violent redneck woman is a proud Trumpkin. Maybe the genius has even got Donald's ugly face tattooed on one of her boobs.

    I'm starting to think we need to build a literal basket of deplorables to chuck them all into.

  2. If those whooteemoos show up at polling places in the 'hood, it's going to be on and popping!

    But i suspect those cowards know better than that!

  3. Yisheng = nigger9:47 PM

    I'm more and more confident each day that Trump will lose this election, and lose it bad.

  4. Geo Conway10:09 PM

    I have this weird feeling that this election will be similar to 2000.

  5. What happened to that poor man's hair? Was he cutting his hair with the aforementioned kitchen knives when this all went down, or does he have the most unfortunate male pattern baldness pattern in America?

    That wouldn't be so obvious to everyone if he'd leave his "Make America Great Again" cap on.

  6. F*ck you stalking deplorables10:15 PM

    @9:47, I'm more and more confident that you can kiss my Black ass, and kiss it good.

  7. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Scary faces? Idaho? Oh no!

    What was the death toll in Chicago?

  8. James Deplorable11:04 PM

    "Like this one, in which a white woman smashed a Kenyan-American woman in the face with a beer mug for having the temerity to speak Swahili, and not English, at the local Applebee's."

    Good.  This is America.  We speak English here.

    But I'll see your beer mug and raise you this vicious, unprovoked attack and this and this murder.

    You'll still whine "rayciss" when people don't want you around, but that word is almost a joke now.  Soon it won't be the least bit controversial to say that if it wasn't for your atrocious behavior, nobody would care what color you are... and you've had 52 years without shaping up, so it's time for you to go.

    I live in Liberalville and I have seen ONE Clinton/Kaine yard sign.  She's toast.

  9. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "kiss my Black ass"

    Queenie, that's an impossible task. It's not just the size of your ass but the awful smell. You should see if the local health clinic would be willing to scrub and hose you down.

  10. The Ministry of Truth11:10 PM

    "I live in Liberalville and I have seen ONE Clinton/Kaine yard sign. She's toast."

    LMAO. Yard sign logic.

  11. Puerto Rican food sucks ass11:17 PM

    That is one ugly white boy. (And I know that ugly white boy is redundant.)

  12. Yeah, this happens every time a Democrat gets elected president. Y'all Qaeda has to face the fact that they've been lied to and played for suckers yet again and they go on a tear, like a four year old throwing a tantrum. Which would be OK with me except they've been on a steady diet of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones so they think they need to shoot people and blow shit up in their tantrum. The only small bit of fortune in that is that most of them can't shoot worth shit and tend to blow themselves up when constructing their bombs. Kind of makes you wonder how they can cook their meth without blowing themselves up. Oh, that's right, most of them don't; they get their meth from Mexico.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. James Dedumbass12:57 AM

    I live in Liberalville and I have seen ONE Clinton/Kaine yard sign. She's toast.
    Holy fuck this has to be the single dumbest post in the history of the internet. He's basing the election on the amount of signs in his trailer park! Jesus, 150 IQ bwahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!

  14. Let's see, Missouri, Indiana, Georgia, Texas? Oh, that's right, moire women vote than men.


    -Doug in Oakland

  15. James Dedumbass1:19 AM

    In a battle of wits James comes unarmed.

    James is so dumb he went to a horror movie and got killed.

    James is so dumb his dog teaches him tricks.

    If James spoke his mind he'd be speechless.

    I don't know what made James so stupid but it worked really well.

    When they made James they broke the mold-and beat the mold maker with it.

    If ignorance is bliss James is the happiest person on the planet.

    Calling James an idiot would be an insult to idiots.

    James is so dumb he calls people to ask for their phone number.

    I know James is nobody's fool but maybe someone will adopt him.

    James is so dumb blondes tell jokes about him.

    If I ever needed a brain transplant I'd choose James' because it's never been used.

    If a thought ever crosses James' mind it'll be a long lonely journey.

    James is so dumb he plays solitaire for money.

    James is so dumb that he saw a movie that said under 17 not admitted so he went and got 16 friends.

    James is so dumb I told him Christmas was just around the corner and he went looking for it.

    James is so dumb I told him drinks were on the house and he went and got a ladder.

    James is so dumb he asked me what kind of jeans I had on and I said Guess so he says Levis.

    James is so dumb he saw a sign that said Wet Floor so he did.

    James is so dumb he saw a sign that said Dodge Trucks so he started ducking through traffic.

    James is so dumb he sold his car for gas money.

    James is so dumb he spent 30 minutes starting at an orange juice container because it said concentrate.

    James is so dumb he sat at stop sign waiting for it to say go.

    James is so dumb he thought socialism was a party.

    James is so dumb he took a date to the drive-in to see Closed for the season.

    James is so dumb he went to Walgreens to see if the walls were really green.

    James is so dumb when he pulls up to a flashing red light it sounds like Vroom Screech Vroom Screech.

    James is so dumb when he read on a job application not to write below the dotted line he wrote ok.

  16. Anonymous1:20 AM

    LMAO. Yard sign logic.
    Hey! Leave James alone, he has an IQ of 150!


    1. Gotta admit, James, your yard-sign logic does bring your high IQ into question.

  17. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Y'all Qaeda has to face the fact that they've been lied to and played for suckers yet again and they go on a tear, like a four year old throwing a tantrum.
    Don't worry, Trump has this election sewn up because James hasn't seen any yard signs in his hood.

  18. the GOP1:32 AM

    Another Republican Governor slapped down.


  19. Who are you trying to kid? James doesn't have 16 friends.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Yisheng8:02 AM

    Yard sign logic? That tells you the creep lives in a low income neighborhood.

  21. James Deplorable1:23 PM

    "That tells you the creep lives in a low income neighborhood."

    Let me tell you how "low-income" they are.  I have some friends who have a house down that road.  They were talking to realtors last year.  One of them estimated the place was worth $1.2 MILLION.

    They've apparently decided not to put it on the market, because their kids have decided to step up and take it over.

    Did I mention that nothing amuses me more than to have an obvious dumbshit go out of his way to try to feel superior to me?  It's fail from the get-go, waste your time.

  22. Gee, James, the median price for a house in the East Bay is $635,000.00, and I've still managed to live in some poor neighborhoods in the last 32 years. Anything a normal family would want to live in right now costs close to a million dollars. We're renting this two bedroom with a garage and back yard, so I don't know what the selling price was, but as it's a duplex, it was probably close to a million, and were it to sell again, I wouldn't be surprised for it to list at a million. Of course the prices are high here because a lot of people want to live here, but color me unimpressed by property estimated at $1.2 MILLION.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Lt. Commander Johnson2:44 PM

    Sort of odd. But, not really.

    Have you ever shown this on your blog?


    No comments, I'm sure.

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson2:50 PM

    Oh, by the way...If that asshole white person is on the Trump Train, isn't the sadistic murderer of Jessica Chambers on the Hillary train?

    No answer, again, I'm sure.

  25. So Paddy Power is already paying out bets on a Clinton victory. They payed out two days early in 2012 and royally pissed off a bunch of Republicans, but three weeks early is kind of cocky...

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson3:03 PM

    Now. We started this post off with field posting a picture of a fucked-up white dude.

    Not about Clinton or Trump "victories".

    Why have we gotten off the course?

    It's about perception.

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson3:18 PM

    It would almost be funny, if it wasn't so sad.

    You Negroes love to ask questions...but you never answer.

    (except, maybe for the Purple Cow, who likes to even give it a try with some sociological bullshit / pseudo-scientific).

  28. James Dedumbass3:20 PM

    Did I mention that nothing amuses me more than to have an obvious dumbshit go out of his way to try to feel superior to me? It's fail from the get-go, waste your time.

    Most retarded people are easily amused. You probably watch a blank tv screen too.

    150 IQ bwahahaahahahaahahahaahhahahahaahahahahhaahahaahahhaahaahahahahahahhahahaaha!

  29. Lt. Commander Sick Fuck3:27 PM

    You Negroes love to ask questions...but you never answer.
    and you racist assholes like to post stupid shit that doesn't deserve an answer. Still on that Jessica Chambers shit huh? I guess there is no white on white crime or it doesn't disturb you. Oh that's right, you and James are perfectly ok with raping and killing babies as long as it's done by a white person preferably a male. You are a sick fuck!

  30. James the Bitch and Lt. Commander No-Johnson are lovers3:32 PM


    Crickets from the Jessica Chambers crowd but it's ok when a white guy does it. Where's the outrage Lt. Commander? Oh yeah, it would have to have been a negro for you to even bat an eyebrow. Sick fuck!

  31. Anonymous3:43 PM

    That guy's face is scary no matter what expression he makes.

  32. Lt. Commander Johnson3:44 PM

    No answer. Why not just answer the question?

    I hate all crime. But, for some reason, when a white kills a black...well, it's just horrible!

    When blacks torture and murder white folks...it's, like the Jessica Chambers, the Nashville Horror, the Wichita Murders?(oh, white folks kill white folks too.) If this ugly white bastard killed a black woman, would you think the media wouldn't be all over it?

    Remember Tawana Brawley? Crystal Mangum? Where are they now?

    Not dead, burnt and thrown into a garbage can.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson3:46 PM

    No, if it's a white guy, we convict him and execute him.

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson3:56 PM

    You still don't answer the questions. You just obfuscate and evade, and call juvenile names.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Tell you what Mr. Suddenly Serious, if you want answers get $100,000 put it in a case then get a lawyer and meet me in Las Vegas at the corner blackjack table in the Flamingo Hilton and once my lawyer verifies you have 1K in your case and your lawyer does the same I will answer one question of your choosing. If you dont take me up on this offer you're a pussy!

  35. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Lt. Commander dumbass is bitching about name calling? Really? He is as almost db as James.

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson4:13 PM

    Good try, Queenie.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Go play in traffic dumbass.

    2. F*ck you from DQAE5:04 PM

      Yeah, what @4:25 said.

      And so typical of racist trash, thinking the world rises and sets on your FLAT ass! I dont give enough of a FUCK about you to post with out you KNOWING it was me.

      'Cause it makes me laugh so hard I cry, for you to KNOW it's me with my foot in your virtual ass!


    3. F*ck you from DQAE5:05 PM

      Yeah, what @4:25 said.

      And so typical of racist trash, thinking the world rises and sets on your FLAT ass! I dont give enough of a FUCK about you to post with out you KNOWING it was me.

      'Cause it makes me laugh so hard I cry, for you to KNOW it's me with my foot in your virtual ass!


  37. Anonymous4:19 PM

    But raping and killing a fucking one year old isnt even a blip on your radar huh sick fuck? You can use Jessica's name but not an innocent baby! Oh that's right it wasn't a negro so you dont give a fuck. You are a racist sick piece of shit. Fuck you you fake as never served a day in the military in your life but wanna play Navy. BTW where is Susan Smith?

  38. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Whites and negroes are only executed for killing whites. Ask Emmitt Till and Medger Evers.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson4:27 PM

    Well, you chicken piece of Anon crap!

    Lemme guess!

    Where, oh where did I say I wouldn't shoot (personally) the bastard in the head that raped that child?


    OK. I'm gonna get ready to go fish for some channel cats.

    You can all drop dead.

    1. F*ck you from DQAE5:10 PM

      @4:27 Oh naw, Billy (wanna be) bad ass, where you going? You know damn well "fishing" in the creek y'all use as a toilet probably isn't a good idea, lol!!

  40. Anonymous4:40 PM

    You wouldnt do a goddamned thing but come here and bitch about darkies you piece of racist shit.

  41. Lt. Commander Johnson5:21 PM

    Uh. Yuh.

    So, now this is the bitch you vouch for, huh, field?

    I'm not going fishing in some "creek", it's a reservoir.


    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Bye bitch, dont let the fucking doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out.

    2. F*ck the deplorables6:14 PM

      Yeah right ya big p*ssy, why don't you reservoir your ass up outta here!

  42. You wanna talk crime? What about the thousands of poor people being killed by Republican governors throwing a hissy fit (so far two years long) and refusing the medicaid expansion? Most of them poor Republicans just like you. Don't care about them because they're not rich? Just wait, your day is coming. Almost everyone gets sick before they die, and even with private insurance, your finances can be wiped out in a matter of months. Getting needlessly sick and dying makes a bigger impression when it's you or someone you care about.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Nah, fake ass no military serving Lt. Commander dumb ass would rather bitch about how the darkies are ruining his pitiful life.

  43. Anonymous6:17 PM

    James is so poor I opened his front door and walked into the back yard.

    James is so poor I stepped on a cigarette in his house and he asked who turned off the heat.

    James is so poor I picked up an ice cube in his house and he asked who turned off the air conditioner.

    James is so poor he can't afford to pay attention.

  44. Lance Cockstrong6:59 PM

    1.2 MILLION? The house you sleep in front of Fritz?

  45. The Ministry of Truth7:04 PM

    "I hate all crime. But, for some reason, when a white kills a black...well, it's just horrible!"

    It's debatable whether a hate crime is any worse than a crime motivated by greed or revenge or whatever. That's a completely different subject for another time.

    But that's not really the point I was making, is it? The point is that Trump's demonization of various groups is increasing the frequency of violent crimes against them. A politician who goes out of his way to incentivize more violent crime is, by definition, scum.

    And, yes, that is happening, and, no, most politicians don't do that. Trump is pretty uniquely vile.

  46. James Deplorable7:50 PM

    "Most retarded people are easily amused. You probably watch a blank tv screen too."

    My TV screens are blank 100% of the time in the last 2 years and 99.99% in the last 5, because they've never been switched on.  TV is too boring to be the least bit fun.  You're stupid, but you're interactive.

    "Crickets from the Jessica Chambers crowd but it's ok when a white guy does it."

    He's in jail.  We like him there.  Now, if he was Black and he killed a White baby, you'd be all marching in the skreets about how "he was a gud boi" and "too many Black men in prison!"

    Now, you anonymous coward who won't even spend 5 keystrokes to post under a nick:  what do YOU think we, here, should be doing about this guy?  Be specific.

    "What about the thousands of poor people being killed by Republican governors throwing a hissy fit (so far two years long) and refusing the medicaid expansion?"

    Maybe they think their taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for sex-change operations and every Zika baby that squat-monsters can manage to squeeze out here.

    I happen to agree.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Blah blah blah, does anyone really believe this fool has an IQ of 150? Show of hands.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahaha!

  47. Christopher Gauthier is ridiculous. And hard on the eyes!! What happens if Trump loses this election? Maybe all the disgruntled fools will pitch a tent with Jesus in front of the white house and protest until they get cold and leave. The good thing is they expose themselves so we can keep track of them. We will probably see more funny SNL skits. @1:19, thanks for a good laugh.

  48. Some day it will be you, James.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Lt. Commander Johnson8:55 PM

    No. I've admitted I was never in the Service, you lying bastard.

    SHOW me where I ever claimied "Darkies Are Ruing my life"....you stupid bastard.

    I got me five nice nice channel cats tonite under the bridge, already peeled & filleted them, and are ready to cook tomorrow nite for the game.

    Fried, I think.

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Blah blah fucking blah. Nobody gives a shit what you do. We all know your punk ass never served so no need to tell us again pussy.

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson9:02 PM

    With jalapeno hush-puppies.

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      and hopefully a side of shut the fuck up.

  51. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "A politician who goes out of his way to incentivize more violent crime is, by definition, scum."

    Agreed, in this case it's a her, and her operatives Voval and Creamer admit it. Actually, they brag about it.

  52. Lt. Commander Sick Fuck12:16 AM


    Hmmmmm, seems as though Jessica Chamber's killer was caught and will now stand trial. Not sure why Lt. Commander Dumbass keeps bringing this up, it's as if catching the suspect and trying him isn't good enough for him. It's as if he wants to make this a special case for some reason. I wonder what that reason is. And here I thought her killer got away or something or was released like the killers of Emmitt Till and Medgar Evers. Seems like no white person's death will ever go unavenged especially a white woman. Maybe Lt Comm D.A. is just a racist shit stirrer.

  53. Lt. Commander Sick Fuck12:19 AM

    Let's see, the guy who killed Jessica Chambers is as good as toast but here's a guy who raped and slit the throat of a 9 year old girl who's being released but not a peep about that from Lt. Comm D.A. I wonder why that is? I guess he doesn't give a fuck unless the person who commits a crime is a negro.
    What a sick fuck.


  54. James Deplorable2:51 AM

    "I got me five nice nice channel cats tonite under the bridge, already peeled & filleted them, and are ready to cook tomorrow nite for the game.

    Fried, I think."

    And you haven't invited me?  I'm so hurt.

    "With jalapeno hush-puppies."

    <mouth waters>

    I had plans to make jalapeno turkey chili anyway.  Just bought a heap o' peppers.

    1. Anonymous12:53 AM

      Knew you two were gay lovers.

  55. Lt. Commander Johnson1:11 PM

    "Lt. Commander Sick Fuck said...

    Hmmmmm, seems as though Jessica Chamber's killer was caught and will now stand trial. Not sure why Lt. Commander Dumbass keeps bringing this up, it's as if catching the suspect and trying him isn't good enough for him. It's as if he wants to make this a special case for some reason. I wonder what that reason is. And here I thought her killer got away or something or was released like the killers of Emmitt Till and Medgar Evers. Seems like no white person's death will ever go unavenged especially a white woman. Maybe Lt Comm D.A. is just a racist shit stirrer.

    12:16 AM"

    It took them almost a year to get the guy. Never on the Natioanl media, even tho everyone in Miss. knew who he was.

    Again...I would willing shoot him, the guy who killed the kid in Buffalo, etc.

    They ought to make the executioner of the Death Sentence mandatory, if you register to vote. Yu can make it anonymous.

  56. Lt. Commander Johnson3:00 PM

    Wait a second....

    Lt. Commander Sick Fuck said...
    Let's see, the guy who killed Jessica Chambers is as good as toast but here's a guy who raped and slit the throat of a 9 year old girl who's being released but not a peep about that from Lt. Comm D.A. I wonder why that is? I guess he doesn't give a fuck unless the person who commits a crime is a negro.
    What a sick fuck.


    12:19 AM"

    You're comparing this 1988 crap to the recent Jessica Chambers rape, torture, and burning incident??????

    "Not sure why Lt. Commander Dumbass keeps bringing this up, it's as if catching the suspect and trying him isn't good enough for him. It's as if he wants to make this a special case for some reason. I wonder what that reason is"

    Here it is, Queenie bitch.

    I "keep bringing it up, because you and your homie field refuses to address and follow the Chamber's case.

    Apparently thoo, yo can follow some case from almost 30 years ago.

  57. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Lt. Commander lets see the cases YOU ignore. You dont seem to have a problem with baby rape you sick fuck. Oh thats right, crime is only a problem when negroes do it you racist sick fuck. White guy rapes and lills a one year old and crickets from you but you can nring up a case from years ago. Qhat a racist asshole.

  58. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Maybe Field doesnt talk about the Chambers case because its going to trial and the suspect is already in custody? Fuck else do you want? Oh thats right you want all megroes to somehow be guilty of this one act youre stuck on. What a racist asshole.

  59. James Deplorable2:31 AM

    Whiteys quietly approve of the baby-rapist being in jail for the rest of his life.

    A google declares that Whiteys don't have any problem with baby-rapists, with no dissent from other googles.

    Does it take anything more to prove just how stupid the googles are?

  60. Lt. Commander Johnson1:10 AM

    Hey, I'm a whitey!

    I volunteered to shoot that baby-rapist in the head...and suggested that everyone who casts a vote, be not only from jury-duty, but performing executions.

    I don't give a crap, race, gender or otherwise.

    As long as a jury has sentenced them.

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