Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What are your thoughts about the final debate?

MORE DISCLAIMERSI just watched the final presidential debate, and if you are a trump fan I would like to send you a bottle of Tylenol for all the drinking that I am sure you are going to be doing tonight.

The big takeaway for me was trump saying that he would not accept the will of the American people if he lost the election. 

Anyway, I would like your thoughts on Donald and Hillary's big night.


  1. Lance Cockstrong11:27 PM


    Butt Trumpet ... badass thug that he thinks he is ... punked out again

  2. Donald's American people is a sub-set, white and poorly educated. If THEY vote against him, he might concede. Otherwise, those other people aren't real Americans, so their votes shouldn't count. Ergo, despicable, a yuge fraud, un-American...

  3. Clinton looked and behaved very Presidential.

    Can't wait to see Bladwin's take on the nasty woman comment, lol!!

  4. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Just started watching. Interesting that Trump says he's pro life but yet fights for the second ammendment as his biggest issue. We can save babies but lets all get guns.


  5. The damn fool just stood up there and accused Hillary Clinton of being outsmarted and outmaneuvered by everyone from Putin to Assad while bumblefucking his way into every rhetorical trap she even suggested. Ugly, but not as painful to watch as the last one.
    Hillary wasn't as clear on Mosul and Raqqa as she could have been, but the contrast between her murky clarity and his utter bugfuck insanity was stark.
    I think Mark Cuban called it right just before the debate when he said that Steve Bannon is much smarter than Trump and the only way Trump's speech and behavior make sense lately is that they're good for Breitbart news.
    By the way, being much smarter than Trump isn't difficult and doesn't mean Bannon is anything other than a creep and a huckster who fleeces morons for a living.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. I just read that Ailes has jumped ship after discovering that Trump "can't focus, making debate prep a waste of time." Gee, Roger, who could have guessed that?

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Trump 2016

  8. StillaPanther22:56 AM

    Donald is pulling the rope-a-dope on the Dems. The majority race sees this is maybe their last chance to have a workable majority in our form of elections.

    My people celebrates too soon in most things. Watch a football game and you will see long and extended celebrations in the FIRST quarter. This election is not about issues. This election is about race and how to corral the minorities in America, The concept of divide and conquer still works.... Donald may feel that there are enough dissatisfied whites to take him over the finish line. And a suppressed vote- either legal or illegal will be a touch-down. I am sure many of us on this site remember- "it 'aint' over until the fat lady sings". The Amazing Mets?

    I would like to see a women wins that has a caring disposition to be president. A person that will allow other countries and entities to soften their retributions- that surely must come.

  9. James Deplorable4:03 AM

    "if you are a trump fan I would like to send you a bottle of Tylenol for all the drinking that I am sure you are going to be doing tonight."

    Tylenol is deadly in combination with alcohol.  It destroys the liver.  Murderous bastard, aren't you, Wayne?

    Fortunately, your opposition is brighter than you are.  Your camp is stupid enough to open a door to a garage with a running vehicle that they won't shut down because it may not restart, result N fatalities from CO poisoning.  If the gas to a city was suddenly "lost", I'm sure massive numbers of googles would happily accept free charcoal and light their grills in their kitchens to stay warm.  If we in concert decided that we wanted to be rid of you... think about it.

    1. Yisheng is a genius4:16 PM

      Not for you Jimmy Boy, your liver has been cirotic for years now, lol!!

  10. Limpbaugh6:57 AM

    I have been saying for quite some time that Trump would have to expose Hillary's support of ISIS in a debate for him to win the election. He didn't even use what has been proven so far. An email said they knew they were helping ISIS through Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Hillary could argue that wasn't the reason for the military support, but she can't deny that she knew it was an effect of it. And a watch dog group got a government report declassified that identified the "moderate rebels" as being from Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups. The media avoided covering that. Trump blew his chance.

  11. Limpbaugh7:51 AM

    The election is rigged. A lot of Bernie Sanders supporters are mad that he accepted the rigged nomination results. I'm not as mad as some of them are. I think it was a matter of campaign etiquette, and him genuinely believing Trump is worse than Hillary, mixed with him selling out. Jesse Jackson got mad at John Kerry for not contesting states where exit polls conflicted wildly from the vote tallies. The media consortium recount showed Gore beat Bush. There are plethora of examples in this election. Donna Brazille alone gave Hillary at least one debate question in advance, and lied that the Wikileaks website gives you a malware virus. I'll hope for the best and complain about whoever is elected. Hillary will lie us into war, but Trump might too. I'm sure Trump would do a lot of things I wouldn't agree with. I would agree with him not accepting the election results though. If violence breaks out it should be directed towards defending against our domestic enemies, the media.

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I was doing some reading about Trump's flag claim after Hillary correctly nailed him for buying 6 foot portrait of himself with Foundation funds. He said, no he bought this flag for Palm Beach. Well, yeah, it was gigantic and he got sued over it. As part of the settlement, he donated $100,000 to that Palmer House group he mentioned. Here's the kicker-the donation came from the Foundation, other people's money, and is also illegal, since it was not a blanket donation, but a legal settlement. How does he get away with this crap day after day? He can't open his pursed lips without lying about something.

  13. Such a petulant little whiner. What a real loser looks like.

  14. Oregon Pride12:53 PM

    Maybe if Trump wins blacks will stop wallowing in their own victimhood. I know that's a tall order for you people, but it's for the better.

  15. Yisheng = nigger2:41 PM

    The third debate proved that Trump will not win the election. He knows it, Hillary knows it, Americans know it. Except for his idiotic supporters. They are still stupid enough to believe he has a chance.

    1. F*ck you from DQAE4:35 PM

      @2:41, no one is buying your ruse that you're a Clinton supporter, so cut the shit!

      Newsflash asshat, you're just like TRUMP, just a broke and uneducated version.

  16. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Perhaps Trump will win the election. Ya never know. I'm voting for him.

  17. Anonymous2:48 PM

    As a gay white man, I just have to say that Trump treats gays better than your average black person.

  18. Puerto Rican food sucks ass3:49 PM

    Trump supporters are as bad as lilac's native food. That's saying a lot.

  19. I think someone gave Trump the same advice that I had prescribed after the first debate. He either needed to calm down mentally, or, perhaps more realistically, medicate. Opiates? Something more subtle?

    He did not have a meltdown, but his ideology was laid bare as spiritually, morally and intellectually bankrupt. There were no legitimate defenses for his many crimes that he has been accused of. There was no evidence or smoking gun for the many crimes he has accused Hillary of. His policy positions, while clearly stated, made little or no sense, being based upon irrational ideas.

    Hillary not only kicked his butt in her understanding of national and international political and military affairs, she was also able to clearly explicate his many crimes and weak justifications, more or less ruthlessly, while he could only meekly stand by and watch his own political career go down the toilet. Because every word of it was true. There was nothing he could say to answer.
    More importantly, she was given enough time and was smart enough in her timing to know just about exactly how many seconds she had available to completely teach and express to us all her vision for the future of the U.S.A. and our place in the world, as well as explain extremely well her plan to achieve these goals. What do I know? An over-the-hill PUMA from the early millennium!

    Many kudos to Mike Wallace. He did a wonderful job. Since I have not watched FOX news much since 2009-2010, I must say that he is one of the more interesting personalities that the network has fostered. I would say that he was very fair. He certainly asked questions that conservatives would care about. But he seemed to already... Oh, never mind!

  20. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes3:58 PM

    Like him or not, Trump is a smart man.

    Don't think he doesn't have a "hold card" in his pocket.

  21. Christians are pussies6:46 PM

    Trump is a moron and his supporters are worthless pieces of shit.

  22. James Deplorable7:39 PM

    "Trump is a moron and his supporters are worthless pieces of shit."

    Piles of money and a string of hot-as-fuck women in his life... you'd trade places with Trump in a microsecond, and you know it.

    You're scared of his supporters, because they're going to put up the BRIDGE OUT sign on the track of your gravy train.  Actually, they're going to do that regardless of the election results.  It's just a matter of how soon and how messily it gets done.

  23. "Piles of money and a string of hot-as-fuck women in his life... you'd trade places with Trump in a microsecond, and you know it."


    I have one woman, who I love - not a string - and I'm proud that I didn't inherit my wealth from my Dad, unlike Trump. What I have, I earned myself.

    And, not being an orange-skinned psychopathic narcissist and fascist - I can sleep at night.

  24. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Fuck both of'em! Rather watch paint dry!

  25. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Melania Trump is not what I would call hot as fuck.

  26. I would sooner be buggered to death by a sheep than be Donald Trump. He'll be dead soon, along with most of the dead-enders who worship him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Lance Cockstrong8:40 PM

    Bo-Bo is so dumb he thinks a mixed marriage is fucking a black sheep

  28. "Piles of money and a string of hot-as-fuck women in his life... you'd trade places with Trump in a microsecond, and you know it."

    I think there is a connection.

    But I get it, like trump you need $ as a crutch to deal with the fairer sex. ;)
