Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Make America grope again."

Image result for trump grope imageDonald tells so many lies that it's hard for us to keep up.

Some lies (like the ones about his weight and his wealth) are just products of his own ego run amok. Some lies, on the other hand, goes to a cover up of something that is far more malevolent and evil.

This exchange was with Anderson Cooper during the debate Sunday night.

"Cooper went back to the video.

"Just for the record, though, are you saying that what you said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent?" Cooper asked.
Trump didn't quite answer the question.
"I have great respect for women," Trump said. "Nobody has more respect for women than I do."
Cooper pressed on.

"So for the record, you're saying you never did that?" he asked.
Trump again dodged the question.

"I said things that, frankly, you hear these things that were said, and I was embarrassed by it, but I have tremendous respect for women and women have respect for me," he said.

Cooper cut in, asking, "Have you ever done those things?"

Trump responded, "No I have not."'

Focus on that last line for a minute while you read the following:

'Three women accused Donald Trump of making unwanted sexual advances on them in reports published on Wednesday, just days after a salacious leaked tape showed Donald Trump bragging in 2005 about groping women under his celebrity status.
The allegations, made by Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks in The New York Times and Mindy McGillivray in The Palm Beach Post, came after Trump denied ever making unwanted advances when asked during Sunday's presidential debate.
Leeds told The Times she was on a plane next to Trump, who she had not yet met, in the early 1980s when the real-estate tycoon lifted her armrest and began touching her. She alleged that he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.
"He was like an octopus," she told The Times. "His hands were everywhere. ... It was an assault."
Leeds said she fled to the back of the plane, but never made a formal complaint. Instead she spoke with four individuals who The Times also interviewed to corroborate the claims.
The second woman, Crooks, said her incident occurred in 2005 — the same year as the damning leaked "Access Hollywood" tape was recorded.
Crooks, 22 at the time, said Trump began kissing her on the mouth after holding on to an extended handshake.
"It was so inappropriate," she told The Times. "I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that."
McGillivray alleged to the Palm Beach Post that Trump grabbed her rear in 2003.
"Donald just grabbed my ass!" she told a photographer with her at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort." [Source]
I am surprised that Ms Leeds even felt his hands given the size of them and all, but I digress.
So who will you believe? The man who is so disgusting that not even his own daughter and a 12 year old girl can escape his salacious musings? Or a bunch of woman who would dare to speak out against one of the most powerful men in America?
I will let you decide.
I just hope that Hilary doesn't play tit for tat and bring them all to the next debate.
*Pic from


  1. Lt. Commander Johnson9:24 PM

    LOL. Bill Clinton blows his load on some fat Jewess in the Oval Orifice.

    Hillary goes on national TV to "stand by her man".

    Are we supposed to believe rich men, like Trump, can't screw the hell outta women?

    Who gives a crap.

    Maybe the ones to blame are the women, so willing to spread their legs.

  2. Leon T9:47 PM

    Donald Trump, the walking embodiment of white, male privilege.

  3. Donald groped three women in his life?

    Bill Clinton has raped or molested dozens. He took ten trips to pedophile island with Jeffrey Epstein.

    Hillary has slandered his victims and hired thugs to threaten and intimidate them. She sold State Department favors for billions in bribes, deleted emails she owed the government to cover it up, then lied repeatedly about it.

    Donald Trump is a saint compared to the Clintons.

  4. Anonymous Leon T said...
    Donald Trump, the walking embodiment of white, male privilege.

    Ask Bill Cosby if Bill Clinton has white privilege.

  5. When Bill Clinton came clean about Monica Lewinsky, he said he had done it for the worst possible reason, because he could.
    Because he could is exactly what Trump said about his own predilection for sexual assault. He thinks it's just ducky.
    At least Bill Clinton has the self awareness to know when something is wrong. Also, he's not running for president.
    If being a reality TV star(?) was enough to make Trump think sexual assault was OK for him, what would he assume as his prerogative if he were president, especially since he has no fucking clue what a president does to begin with? I really don't want to find out, and luckily, it appears I won't have to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Limpbaugh10:14 PM

    First let me say that people are all the same. Some face racism of a majority race and historical oppression has residual effects. Hillary Clinton doesn't agree. After I saw this I looked it up on the Wikileaks website to verify that it is true. I copied it from there. Hillary admitted that she has "Abe Lincoln" like public and private positions. Here are some of her private positions that she emailed to her campaign manager:

    "It’s no brain surgery, but the media have long failed to provide a clear credible answer. They are unable to come up with an answer or don’t like the answer that’s staring them in the face. The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half a chance (Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances. The biggest group of humanity can be found somewhere between those two extremes – the perennial overachievers and the professional never-do-wells."

  7. So now those brilliant Trump supporters, facing a 33 point deficit in female voters, are responding by suggesting the repeal of the 19th amendment. That will make those women want to vote for him for sure!

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Leon T10:46 PM

    Anonymous Ken Bone said...
    Anonymous Leon T said...
    Donald Trump, the walking embodiment of white, male privilege.

    Ask Bill Cosby if Bill Clinton has white privilege.

    That's a very interesting question, but I thought Hillary was the candidate, not Bill. Perhaps you are confused?

  9. Who does Trump think he is, Arnold Schwarzenegger? Even Arnie won't vote for Trump, groping or no groping.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. These women claiming Trump groped them would've come out sooner, but they were intimidated by how fiercely protective of him the media is.

  11. Now that I think of it, Arnie is replacing Trump on Celebrity Apprentice. They must run a gropy operation there.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. These rumors about Trump have been around for YEARS.

    And shout out to FLOTUS on her special which aired tonight.

    1. Saw it. Had me in tears to see how those young women from Third World countries are putting in work.

    2. Saw it. Had me in tears to see how those young women from Third World countries are putting in work.

  13. The Ministry of Truth1:32 AM

    "So who will you believe? The man who is so disgusting that not even his own daughter and a 12 year old girl can escape his salacious musings?"

    There's not only Ivanka. There's also his daughter Tiffany, who's been nearly a ghost during his campaign, unlike his other kids. Wonder why? Maybe because she's not such a big fan of her father.

    Video has been circulating of Tiffany pulling an "ew, you're gross, Daddy" move at the debate and dodging his attempt to give her a kiss. Can anybody really blame her?

  14. Hey Field check this out.

  15. The Ministry of Truth4:16 AM

    "Hillary admitted that she has 'Abe Lincoln' like public and private positions. Here are some of her private positions that she emailed to her campaign manager:"

    No. Those are not Hillary Clinton's statements. Those rants about multiculturalism are from some racist idiot who emailed John Podesta (and a long list of journalists who probably all regard him as a nuisance). His/her handle is, which is a Dutch email address.

    Wikileaks dumped a giant batch of junk from Podesta's hacked email history, but most of it has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton.

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "And shout out to FLOTUS on her special which aired tonight."

    I missed it, in fact didn't even know about it. What did he say?

  17. It's a shame Clinton apologized for calling Trump supporters deplorable at the debate.

    1. She apologized for the quantification. This comments section alone proves their deplorability.

  18. Yisheng is a genius10:00 AM

    Have y'all seen the White lady posing as "White tears" for her Halloween costume?

    Absolutely hilarious!!

  19. Yisheng is a genius10:03 AM

    And Trump will NEVER be POTUS, a$$ grabber!

    If his daughter Tiffany didn't want his lips on her after the debate. But she'd better be careful, and angry whooteemoo with small hands and a lot of money is the wrong enemy to have.

  20. Anonymous10:32 AM

    And Yisheng will NEVER be a DOCTOR, dumba$$!

  21. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "Wikileaks dumped a giant batch of junk from Podesta's hacked email history, but most of it has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton."

    The Minstrel of Truth stands by his woman.

  22. All these casanovas think they're God's gift to woman, all some parents' daughters. If they were truly smart, they'd of making the people of the lands they were elected to rule happier. All they think of is sex, slaughter, making money. The love of money is the root of all evil. That's why these storms come and try to wipe away as many as possible. Try to make "America" less evil. That would be a start.

  23. Yisheng1:59 PM

    Anyone catch FLOTUS' speech about the tiny hand, p*ssy grabber?

    She got in 'dat (flat) a$$!!!

  24. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anyone who believes these stories about Trump coming out 4 weeks before the election is an idiot who would have voted for Hillary anyway.

  25. There seem to be about 11% more of us idiots than there are of you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Check the polls again, loser.

  27. F*ck you from DQAE2:52 PM

    ^^^ looks like P*ssy grabber stick together (@2:49).

    My bad, I guess it's d*cks you grab with your tiny little hands huh sport?

  28. Yisheng = nigger5:37 PM

    Trump supporters are the dregs of society.

  29. Do you think I'm sexy?5:45 PM

    I don't blame any guy who has inappropriate thoughts about Ivanka, including Trump himself.

  30. Puerto Rican food sucks ass6:03 PM

    Now Trump supporters want to repeal the 19th Amendment. They are lower than dirt.

  31. New York Whop6:10 PM

    Why didn't these dumb bitches bring up Trump's sexual harassment during the primaries? Or when he announced he was running for President? Why now all of a sudden? I don't trust these bitches one bit. This reeks of a publicity stunt.

  32. Darrell Issa is losing. Joe Arpaio is losing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. "Darrell Issa is losing. Joe Arpaio is losing."

    So America is winning.

  34. The people defending Trump seem to be in disbelief that people actually come out and say he did to them what he said he did. He said to Billy Bush he grabs women and kisses them so should we be surprised he grabbed a woman and kissed her? Trump bragged about "checking out the goods" at his beauty contests so it's astonishing when girls and women come out and say that's just what he did? The woman on the plane says he grabbed her pussy and..........I hope these fools are getting paid well to look foolish on tv.

  35. It sure was good to hear Michelle Obama speak today about human decency. Let's see, her, Elizabeth Warren, the president, the vice president, Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and of course Hillary and Tim Kaine, all out there kicking ass on the campaign trail, holding rallies, getting out the vote (early voting is already underway) and still raising money for themselves and the down-ballot races... Meanwhile a series of Pence fundraisers have been cancelled due to lack of interest. Leaving what? Trump, in full psychotic meltdown? Good luck with that one, folks.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Limpbaugh9:13 PM

    Look in to what the media is distracting you from.

  37. Yisheng = nigger12:10 AM

    Maybe there is some truth in Trump not actually wanting to become President. His conduct is blatantly offensive and repugnant. Perhaps he really is trying to lose. Why give up your lavish lifestyle for the stress of the Presidency?

  38. Puerto Rican food sucks ass12:27 AM

    I agree. Trump is not acting like someone who actually wants to occupy the White House. He figures he'll lose the election, but also knows his supporters are stupid enough to actually believe he was ever a serious candidate.

  39. Oregon Pride12:31 AM

    Trump's actions pale in comparison to all the shit blacks get away with on a daily basis: Rape, murder, theft, wasting tax dollars, etc.

  40. James Deplorable1:07 AM

    "And Yisheng will NEVER be a DOCTOR, dumba$$!"

    One does hope not.  With the plethora of maladies and medications out there, someone who gets the meaning of "oxymoron" backwards is likely to make a host of mistakes in both diagnoses and prescriptions.  Then again, I guess the people who gave us Kermit Gosnell deserve her.

    "There seem to be about 11% more of us idiots than there are of you."

    If you over-sample Demonrats in your polling, yes it does.  But the election won't.

  41. So far the Democrats are turning out in greater numbers than Republicans, but that's typical of early voting.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Yisheng7:38 AM

    Doug this election is in the bag for the Dems!

    I am however concerned that the vitriol from the misogynist/racist s is going to reach an all time high during her tenure as President.

  43. Crackanon's nemisis7:50 AM

    Wonder what this blog will be like after the election and the crackanon's candidate looses?

  44. Crackanon's nemisis7:53 AM

    LOSES damn auto "correct"!!

  45. Yisheng7:57 AM

    Look like the p*ssy grabber likes to sexually antagonize 14 year old girls according to the Chicago Tribune.

  46. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "I am however concerned that the vitriol from the misogynist/racist s is going to reach an all time high during her tenure as President."

    Of course. No matter who wins, roughly 50% of the population is going to be mad.

    If the globalist, utterly corrupt, and batshit crazy Senator from Goldman Sachs happens to win, there'll be plenty to bitch about from here on. The fact that she sounds like an evil ex-wife isn't going to help. No doubt any disagreement with Clinton's war mongering or corporatism will result in a charge of being anti-woman, but there's nothing to be done about that.

    I doubt that blacks will gain anything from either candidate's winning. It's not like transfer payments or affirmative action jobs will spring into existence. For some mysterious reason, open borders is viewed as a good thing by our most vocal minority group, but at this point the continuing disappearance of entry-level jobs probably makes no difference.

  47. No justice, no peace11:14 AM

    Yisheng said...
    Doug this election is in the bag for the Dems!

    I am however concerned that the vitriol from the misogynist/racist s is going to reach an all time high during her tenure as President.

    Should the lying, corrupt media succeed in installing their lying, corrupt candidate in the White House, you'll wish you backed off now and settled for Trump. Because the longer justice gets deferred, the harsher the sentence is going to be.

    A tick rides on the dog’s back for so long it eventually forgets who’s doing the walking.

    It's going to be quite a shock when reality reasserts itself.

  48. Trump: The lying corrupt media is trying to rig this election

    Media: That's anti-semitic because we're all jews

    America: What?! Hmmmmm...

  49. Hillary says Qatar is funding ISIS … and also her husband:

    ISIS-funding Qatar gave Bill Clinton $1 million for his birthday

    Hillary in Leaked Email: Saudi Arabia and Qatar Are Funding ISIS

  50. Hillary campaign posting fake "sexist Trump job ads" on Craigslist:

    We've all been played.

  51. Ken Boner2:27 PM

    Other than being dumb bitches, Hillary and Yisheng do have one big thing in common: No man finds them desirable.

  52. The Ministry of Truth3:28 PM

    Hillary has to win, because if she doesn't, she'll be held accountable for her crimes.

    Obama won't save her with a pardon. He cares more about his legacy that he does getting anymore Clinton slime on his hands.

  53. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Loretta Lynch agreed to press Comey not to recommend an indictment of Hillary in return for a promise that Hillary would nominate her for a Supreme Court seat in a few years.

    This is what the meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton was about on June 30.

    On July 2, Hillary had her final interview with the FBI.

    On July 5 Comey shocked the FBI investigators working the case by recommending no charges be filed.

    Watch and see.

  54. Trump hit pieces coordinated between media outlets and the Clinton campaign.

    The NYT reporter exposed on WikiLeaks as Clinton propagandist, tweeted about upcoming Trump "scandals" SAME DAY as 4chan anon:

  55. Think4:04 PM

    Question: If you are the kind of person who thinks allegations of sexual misconduct are the most important thing, are you really going to want the Clintons back in the White House?

  56. Jessica Leeds' (Trump assault accuser) family palling around with Hillary Clinton:

  57. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Gloria Allred, Trump accuser's attorney, is a delegate to the DNC.

  58. Trump takes lead in latest PPD poll:

    The second debate effects are starting to show up.

  59. Replies
    1. F*ck you from DQAE6:16 PM

      What say you little one, you're brainless and you are your Mammies turd?

  60. Yisheng = nigger5:25 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Puerto Rican food sucks ass5:50 PM

    White men will be the only ones who can be safe if Trump is elected.

  62. My "mammy's" turd has more intelligence than you, Yisheng.

  63. Wow, more women coming forward to confirm that the p*ssy grabber grabs p*ussies!

    Geez, I bet he's taken more ass than the toilet seats have seen in a Whooteemoo trailer park.

  64. Anonymous7:40 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Oregon Pride7:44 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. Oregon Pride7:48 PM

    I am so happy I don't live near many blacks.

  67. @above whooteemoos, get your mammy, ROTFL!!!

  68. Anon@7:48, I think I speak for most blacks when I say that the feelings are mutual.

  69. James Deplorable10:31 AM

    Yeah, right.  When this YouTuber tells Black women to get out of Blackistan, she's telling them to go where there is a majority of ANYONE but Blacks (except maybe Hispanics).
