Friday, October 14, 2016

So many women so little time.

Image result for trump women imagesI haven't seen so many women come forward in such a short period of time to condemn an alleged sexual predator since Bill Cosby' s accusers started coming forward to tell their stories. Apparently Donald's little fingers have been very busy. Dude was not kidding when he did the whole locker room "banter" thing with Billy Bush. (Memo to trump people: If your guy himself says that he does these things, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that he did actually do these things.)

Donald, of course, says that all of these accusations are false, and he trotted out a witness who he alleges was present at the scene of one of his encounters. But, as is always the case with poor Donald these days, there were some issues.

The Donald Trump campaign has finally produced evidence to supposedly refute one of the harassment claims against him. The only problem is the first thing that comes up when you Google this guy.
Jessica Leeds claimed to The New York Times that Trump groped her on an airplane decades ago, but the Trump camp has provided Anthony Gilberthorpe as their character witness to say this didn’t happen.
He explained, “I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious.”
But, see, there’s that pesky little thing that comes up when you Google Gilberthorpe.
Former Conservative activist Anthony Gilberthorpe said he told Margaret Thatcher 25 years ago about what he had witnessed and gave her names of those involved.
His allegations that he saw top Tories having sex with boys comes after David Cameron launched a Government inquiry into claims of a cover-up.
Anthony, 52, said: “I am prepared to speak to the inquiry. I believe I am a key witness.”
Ok, let's scratch Anthony off the list of credible witnesses for trump.


  1. Jessica Leeds is a family friend of the Clintons.


    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      not really...just shows he hit on everything.

  2. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Desperate Clinton supporters know pushing distractions from real issues are the only way she can win.

    It's not going to work. America is not that lame.

  3. Anonymous11:25 PM

    BUSTED! Donald Trump ON VIDEO GROPING WOMEN on his plane!!!:

  4. Julian Wan11:48 PM

    Two different friends said the Trump rape claims pissed them off. It reeks of bullshit and it's condescending.

    My take is that media went too far with bogus claims so now no one believes any of them. Could be my own confirmation bias. We'll see.

  5. Eyewitness refutes Jessica Leeds story:

  6. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Notice there’s no Hinduphobes or Budhaphobes?

    People don’t like Muslims because they terrorize every country they infest.

  7. The Gateway Pundit? Really?

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Badass Gen Xer1:32 AM

    Trump is your typical moronic, ignorant, sleezy Baby Boomer.

  9. The Ministry of Truth2:07 AM

    Everyone knows it's not Trump's fault he likes to grab pussies. It's a conspiracy, folks! It's Mexican businessman Carlos Slim! It's the globalist bankers! The Illuminati did it!

    Leave poor Trumpy alone.


  10. The Ministry of Truth2:08 AM

    I have a tiny penis.

  11. Oregon Pride2:26 AM

    Trump's actions pale in comparison to all the shit blacks are allowed to get away with on a daily basis: Rape, murder, theft, wasting tax dollars, etc.

  12. I wonder if it's weird for Jeb to condemn The Donald when it was his cousin doing the locker room talk? Set up maybe? After what Don did to Jeb I bet Billy remembered the tapes.

  13. Limpbaugh4:39 AM

    speaking of Google:

  14. The Ministry of Truth7:56 AM

    So, on the subject of the racist nutjobs Trump has stirred up, the following three fellows didn't even wait for Trump to lose the election before planning their acts of violence.

    They are members of a racist militia (aka terrorist group) in Kansas, and the FBI says they were planning on blowing up an apartment complex full of Somali immigrants on the day after the election. Somalis are black AND Muslim, so attacking them would have been double racist points, I guess.

    Right-Wing ‘Crusaders’ Militia Group Plotted Terror Attack On Muslim Immigrants, FBI Charges

  15. MOT, just don't call them terrorist. That's reserved for those brown people.

    Watching CNN this morning and it looks like two more women just came forward.

    Even Gloria Aldred has gotten into the act.

    Memo to Donald: Get out now before it's too late. There is one demographic in America that u cannot f**k with, and that is white women.

  16. James Deplorable10:51 AM

    Where were these women when they had a chance to throw the Republican nomination to El Jeb, or even Cruz?

    The American public understands now that the Demonrat party is dirty, the Clintons are dirtier, and the major media are all in the tank for them.  America now understands what the Germans mean by "lügenpreße".  The more the Demonrats and media attack, the angrier they get, and the more Trump's poll numbers go up.

    The Trumpslide is coming.

  17. Thump's sense of entitlement and ego won't allow him to quit.

    Racism/mysogyny makes Whooteemoos stupid.

  18. I still think this is all one big Trump charade, he's going to ask why so many people took him seriously not long after he loses.

  19. Anonymous11:09 AM

    "Racism/mysogyny makes Whooteemoos stupid."


    “And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says....“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

    The funny thing about the ginned up outrage is that it's a true statement. The wealthy elite have carte blanche with their camp followers.

    A theory I just thought of and will share. Trump is from the class of people who pay bribes, Hillary from the variety who receive bribes. Perhaps you can tell something about their followers from that fact.

  20. Phil Negro12:09 PM

    I'm voting for Hillary because I want Goldman Sachs running the economy and NeoCon warmongers running foreign policy.

  21. Winner12:11 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Thump's sense of entitlement and ego won't allow him to quit.

    Is that why you are still trying to get into medical school?


  22. Anonymous12:14 PM

    field negro said...
    MOT, just don't call them terrorist. That's reserved for those brown people.

    The FBI manipulated some rubes into saying some things that got them arrested. This was fabricated as an election story as part of the liberal GOTV efforts.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Racism/mysogyny makes Whooteemoos stupid."


    I've probably used this word 100 times on this blog. And the ONE time I misspell it, it's pointed out.

    So tell me, what do you people REALLY get out of catching spelling errors on a blog? Because the only thing I can come up with is the opportunity to make yourself feel smarter than smart people.

    1. Don't worry doc, haters gonna hate.😏

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Because the only thing I can come up with is the opportunity to make yourself feel smarter than smart people.

    Oh no you can't.

    Every time you try to make yourself look smarter than smart people you wind up showing just how dumb you are.

  25. Lt. Commander Johnson2:36 PM

    Unbelievable. You know, as well as I do, white wimmens will suck a pecker all day long to get their picture posed with rich white men.

    (So would black wimmen, but they know black guys with money go for the blonde whites....Why? Heck, I don't know. I always heard it was all pink on the inside) So, why do so many hoocies want to color their hair blonde?

    Go figure.

    Maybe there's another reason?

    LOL, and bwaahaahaa.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson2:45 PM

    Well, yeah, Queenie. You claim to have so many "Degrees", but you can't spell in the English language.

    Try Ebonics. Seems to work you and your pseudonyms.

    Spell-checker is your friend.

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Spell-checker is your friend.

    Spell checking is an achievement to those who think spelling correctly on blog is an academic award winning endeavor.

    Which seems logical among those who have few other REAL academic achievements. In other words, folks like YOU!

    Carry on son!

  28. field negro said...
    Don't worry doc, haters gonna hate.😏

    So VERY true Field, ROTFL!!! ;)

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson3:29 PM

    You are a lying piece of crap, Queenie.

    You just name your "Degrees", to show us your "Academic Achievements".

    I'm not asking where you bought them. Just name the degrees you have "achieved"

    You're gonna go the way of uptownsteve.

    No. To make it easier....LIE.

  30. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes3:41 PM

    Oh...BTW...remember Alicia Banks, the BigFoot?

  31. DQAE says have some lemonade, HATERS!!!3:59 PM

    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    You're gonna go the way of uptownsteve.

    I seriously doubt that, but I'd LOVE too see YOU make sure I go the way of uptownsteve. And my response to that besides my marital military "connections", is to let you know that I live in an open carry state, so that from that what you will. Or don't 'cause I don't really give a damn.

    But here's the thing sport. I'll be posting here until Field decides to no longer have a blog, so print your veiled threats and wipe you big funky ass with it. Then lick/suck on it for fun.

  32. I mean really, this 7 year and counting, sick obsession about me on this blog is just CRAZY AS HELL, ROTFL!!

    But carry on, my OBVIOUSLY lesser educated and successful stalking Peasants!!!


  33. Lt. Commander Johnson4:31 PM

    LOLOLOL...Bwahaahaahaa. Repeating the same thing over, over, and over, really is impressive.

    The retardation is the answer to my question? Can't you just answer a simple question, Queenie?

    What are your "Degrees" IN? I never make a deal, as you do, about your "degrees".

    Therefore I have no reason to answer to your inquiry.

    You just have to understand. I was very involved with the Deep Horizon platform tragedy.

    That's all you need to know.

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson4:41 PM

    DQAE says have some lemonade, HATERS!!! said...
    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    You're gonna go the way of uptownsteve.

    I seriously doubt that, but I'd LOVE too see YOU make sure I go the way of uptownsteve. And my response to that besides my marital military "connections", is to let you know that I live in an open carry state, so that from that what you will. Or don't 'cause I don't really give a damn.

    But here's the thing sport. I'll be posting here until Field decides to no longer have a blog, so print your veiled threats and wipe you big funky ass with it. Then lick/suck on it for fun.

  35. Lt. Commander Johnson4:52 PM

    DQAE says have some lemonade, HATERS!!! said...

    "I seriously doubt that, but I'd LOVE too see YOU make sure I go the way of uptownsteve. And my response to that besides my marital military "connections", is to let you know that I live in an open carry state, so that from that what you will. Or don't 'cause I don't really give a damn."

    OK. So, you are threatening me with the usage of firearms? Your "connections" as to have been familiar with weapons for forty-five years? A Texas Trophy hunter?

    Show me your pussy.

    My daughter can out-shoot you any day of the week.

  36. James Deplorable5:24 PM

    "Spell checking is an achievement to those who think spelling correctly on blog is an academic award winning endeavor."

    How like a google to mistake form for substance.  Spelling correctly, everywhere, is part and parcel of communicating clearly.  It's not done for awards, it's done so that one's meaning comes through with as little work and chance of misunderstanding as possible.

    Having one's prescription misunderstood can kill a patient.  That one comment of yours should disqualify you from a career in medicine.  But... our benevolent overlords have decided that a large uptick in iatrogenic deaths is acceptable in the pursuit of "diversity".

  37. "How like a google to mistake form for substance"

    How about your write in correct English when you're attempting to correct someone else.


    @4:52, I'd ask to see your dick in reply, but my microscope is put away in the attic.

    And I doubt your daughter can see straight much less shoot, mental issues are very common when you have children with your parents.

  38. I'll bet the number of women molested by Thump is over 100.

  39. Thank God no man would ever molest Yisheng, because no man with even half a brain would even think about touching her nasty ass.

  40. If Yisheng is the best you people can do, then the black race is fucked.

  41. James Deplorable8:15 PM

    "How about your write in correct English when you're attempting to correct someone else.


    If it was good enough for Shakespeare, it's good enough for me.  And you have once again outed yourself as a half-literate, uncultured savage.  (Which surprises exactly no one.)

  42. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I've been saying for years that Yisheng is an uncultured, ignorant piece of shit.

  43. Lt. Commander Johnson8:34 PM

    And yes, my girl can shoot.

    She won't hunt....but she can shoot.

  44. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Uncultured, ignorant piece of shit can also be used to describe lilac.

  45. Oregon Pride8:41 PM

    Aren't most black people uncultured and ignorant? Sure seems that way.

  46. @8:15, Shakespeare GREAT example especially since he's BLACK!!!

    Savage? So what does that make you since ALL other races are MUTANTS from Africans, a MUTANT WHOOTEEMOO SAVAGE??

    MUTANT WHOOTEEMOO, aw shucks there I go being redundant again. Or is that an oxymoron? Or is the point just moot when it comes to you?

  47. @8:31, and yet you stay OBSESSED with me. How many comments about me on this thread, around 75% or so? I get that the mentally ill aren't capable of recognizing their own illness, but doesn't ANYONE in your life care enough about you to see that you get help?

    Or do you keep the door locked to the basement so your mother won't disturb you and find just how much of a sick puppy you really are?

  48. James Deplorable10:14 PM

    "@8:15, Shakespeare GREAT example especially since he's BLACK!!!"

    Given that I cannot recall you ever posting something as a joke, I can only assume that you actually believe that.  As it happens, we have painted portraits of William Shakespeare and he was anything but Black.  Note that this is from Wikipedia, which is SJW Central; anything that was racially or culturally "insensitive" would have been purged long ago.

    Shakespeare was born in 1564, which was almost a century before the Portuguese lost their near-monopoly on the trade in Black slaves.  Most of the few Blacks in England even 200 years later were associated with ships plying the triangle trade.  Last, he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, where it is vanishingly unlikely that any Blacks were seen between Roman times and his birth, or for some time thereafter.

    Why you believe such obviously insane things doesn't matter.  What matters is that you do, and it ought to disqualify you for any kind of position requiring rational thought.  That includes medicine.

  49. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes11:05 PM

    Ooh, the she-whore thinks blacks were the architectural designers of Egypt, too.

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson12:32 AM

    Oh, WOW!

    Hooters girls with a picture with Trump!

    How old is that?

    Lemme see some of his "accusers"?

    I guess they're old, ugly, and are broke.

  51. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes4:19 AM

    We, us white guys, screw them while they are young & cute. And them, trade them off.

  52. "We, us white guys, screw them while they are young & cute. And them, trade them off........."

    .......around middle age when your bellies grow too fat to "handle" a woman bigger than a size 0.
