Friday, November 25, 2016

Is this an exceptional American?

Image result for trump images double chinNow that American exceptionalism has been  exposed as a myth with the election of Donald trump, it might be time to reexamine who we are and do some soul searching as a nation.

I say this because Americans, by and large, chose to make this man their leader with all of his warts and ample baggage. (Although one could argue that most Americans chose the other candidate since she got over two million more votes.)

As is to be expected, supporters of Donald trump have been spiking the ball over and over again in the end zone. And they have been making sure that the "libtards" know who is in charge of the country in the most boorish, course, and vulgar of ways.  Some of it has been downright scary.  

Which leads me to another fine essay written by Charles Blow. Mr Blow is one of the few opinion writers I will choose to read in the age of trump, because unfortunately I kind of feel like he is the only one who gets it.

"Donald Trump schlepped across town on Tuesday to meet with the publisher of The New York Times and some editors, columnists and reporters at the paper.

As The Times reported, Trump actually seemed to soften some of his positions:

He seemed to indicate that he wouldn’t seek to prosecute Hillary Clinton. But he should never have said that he was going to do that in the first place.

He seemed to indicate that he wouldn’t encourage the military to use torture. But he should never have said that he would do that in the first place.

He said that he would have an “open mind” on climate change. But that should always have been his position.

You don’t get a pat on the back for ratcheting down from rabid after exploiting that very radicalism to your advantage. Unrepentant opportunism belies a staggering lack of character and caring that can’t simply be vanquished from memory. You did real harm to this country and many of its citizens, and I will never — never — forget that.
As I read the transcript and then listened to the audio, the slime factor was overwhelming.
After a campaign of bashing The Times relentlessly, in the face of the actual journalists, he tempered his whining with flattery. 

At one point he said:

“I just appreciate the meeting and I have great respect for The New York Times. Tremendous respect. It’s very special. Always has been very special.”

He ended the meeting by saying:

“I will say, The Times is, it’s a great, great American jewel. A world jewel. And I hope we can all get along well.”

I will say proudly and happily that I was not present at this meeting. The very idea of sitting across the table from a demagogue who preyed on racial, ethnic and religious hostilities and treating him with decorum and social grace fills me with disgust, to the point of overflowing. Let me tell you here where I stand on your “I hope we can all get along” plea: Never.

You are an aberration and abomination who is willing to do and say anything — no matter whom it aligns you with and whom it hurts — to satisfy your ambitions.

I also believe that much of your campaign was an act of psychological projection, as we are now learning that many of the things you slammed Clinton for are things of which you may actually be guilty.You slammed Clinton for destroying emails, then Newsweek reported last month that your companies “destroyed emails in defiance of court orders.” You slammed Clinton and the Clinton Foundation for paid speeches and conflicts of interest, then it turned out that, as BuzzFeed reported, the Trump Foundation received a $150,000 donation in exchange for your giving a 2015 speech made by video to a conference in Ukraine. You slammed Clinton about conflicts of interest while she was secretary of state, and now your possible conflicts of interest are popping up like mushrooms in a marsh.
You are a fraud and a charlatan. Yes, you will be president, but you will not get any breaks just because one branch of your forked tongue is silver.

I am not easily duped by dopes.

I have not only an ethical and professional to call out how obscene your very existence is at the top of American government; I have a moral obligation to do so.

I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, but rather to speak up for truth and honor and inclusion. This isn’t just about you, but also about the moral compass of those who see you for who and what you are, and know the darkness you herald is only held at bay by the lights of truth.

It’s not that I don’t believe that people can change and grow. They can. But real growth comes from the accepting of responsibility and repenting of culpability. Expedient reversal isn’t growth; it’s gross.

So let me say this on Thanksgiving: I’m thankful to have this platform because as long as there are ink and pixels, you will be the focus of my withering gaze." [More here]

My sentiments exactly.

*Pic from


  1. The Ministry of Truth10:36 PM

    Oh, he's exceptional alright. Hall of fame liar and scammer. And exceptionally dangerous.

  2. The Ministry of Truth11:17 PM

    Give poor Trumpy Wumpy a chance!

    He might have some brilliant ideas. About America. And greatness.


  3. At the end of the day, the Rethug party are the true dumb asses for believing Trump had changed from all his dumbocratic ways.

  4. The Ministry of Truth11:27 PM

    "At the end of the day, the Rethug party are the true dumb asses for believing Trump had changed from all his dumbocratic ways."

    Trump doesn't have too many "ways," Democratic or Republican. His only solid, consistent values are bigotry and greed.

    Beyond that, he has no policy positions you can count on from one minute to the next. He has no political expertise and has probably given about five minutes thought total to important issues like the environment or foreign policy. He knows about as much as your mailman or hairdresser.

    And to compensate for his lack of knowledge, he is surrounding himself with a team of advisors who are absolute fruitcakes. Which is why we are screwed.

  5. Anonymous11:48 PM

    According to Tony Schwartz, Trump is a sociopath, who has an instinct for "truthful hyperbole" (aka lying without conscience).

    Schwartz should know. He was the ghost writer for Trump's famous book, The Art of the Deal, during which he spent 18 (long) months with Trump, gaining insider access to the mind of The Donald:

    "I put lipstick on a pig," he said. "I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is." He went on, "I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization."

    If he were writing "The Art of the Deal" today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, "The Sociopath."

  6. Trump's problem with the media is that he seems to believe he can be Donald Trump and have the media cover him as if he was something else entirely, something with humanity, decency, or acceptability on any human level.
    If there were a hell, Roy Cohn would be there right now, laughing his ass off.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. @11:27, Trump is a rich, self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic, White male.

    Don't you think stating that he's greedy too is being a bit redundant?

  8. So nipples in chief is 24 years YOUNGER than her husband?


  9. Let that cognitive dissonance shine! Americans, by and large, voted for Trump. But, wait, no they didn't after all, since more voted Hillary. LOL That's what happens when you just want so badly to stomp your feet and cry but aren't even sure why.

    But forget the rest. There is one question I have, and it's a very legitimate question. You say that he should have always had X position on global warming. But why? Progressive have fucked "science" up to the point it's no damn wonder conservatives/Republicans believe climate change is just a big-government scam. Let's just have a very brief look at some of the "science" your side has completely fucked up.

    - Many progressives push the false meme that a gender binary is a myth and that gender, gender differences, and even biological SEX are all socially constructed. Despite the hordes of science on gender and sexual dimorphism, etc, progressives who want to be special snowflakes with their zee and zay pronouns, as demisexual unicorns, have fucked up science beyond belief.

    - Genetically modifying food has saved literally billions of lives around the globe, helping to create drought and disease-resistant crops and the suchlike. But progressives will bitch about GMOs and pesticides and herbicides while blowing the trumpet for "organic" food, the biggest fucking scam in food history! If the entire planet ate organic, the entire planet would fucking starve. Morons. Where's your love for SCIENCE when it comes to that shit?

    - Despite false reporting by a mostly liberal media, it's actually progressives who are anti-vaccines, by and large. They're the ones pushing the meme that they cause autism and have long-term side effects. Conservatives aren't "immune" from being anti-vaccine, but that bus is driven by progressives.

    - Progressives have been lying for over a decade about fracking, even going so far as to outright create fictional documentaries--akin to the Blair Witch Project--showing bullshit like gas coming through water pipes -- proven lies. Still and all, progressives are at the forefront of driving the anti-fracking craze, and they do it by being wholly and unequivocally anti-science about it.

    - Astrology, healing crystals, feng shui, positive affirmations/self-esteem -- these are all anti-science progressive gris-gris. While many conservatives have a fundamentalist view of religion, many progressives have upped the ante on crazy with this sort of shit.

    The left IS NOT the party of science. For fuck's sake, how many people who frequent this forum and are liberal can even give me an accurate model of natural selection and speciation, perhaps the most common scientific knowledge in the modern world? I say ZERO can. You have a guy who frequents here as the hall monitor who is on record saying that greenhouse gases cannot be produced without man producing them. I mean, really -- it's a tough sell to break Trump's balls about science when your side of the political aisle is just as fucking IGNORANT on what science even is! Who can give me even an accurate definition of what science is? Or the scientific method? Or how a loose idea becomes a theory? Or what "theory" means in a scientific context?

    You wanna break Trump's balls for racism or nationalism or sexism or whatever? Ah salute. But saying that his stance on climate change should have always been X? Horse-to-the-SHIT! You progressives don't know a fucking thing about science. You simply glom onto climate change as a political cause celebre, not because y'all have inherently inquisitive or scientific minds.

    Progressives are science ignorant.

  10. Well Josh, it's nice to see that you're still as pig-ignorant of a propagandist as ever.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. The Ministry of Truth2:31 AM

    "@11:27, Trump is a rich, self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic, White male.

    Don't you think stating that he's greedy too is being a bit redundant?"

    No. It can never be stated too often that Trump is only about Trump and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else. Because some of his blue-collar supporters have indeed bought into the fantasy that Trump will fight their corner, that he is their noble champion against vaguely defined "elites" that are looking down on them and victimizing them. But he will not do this, because Trump is only ever in his own corner.

    Also, look, frankly, I view all Republican Party politicians as primarily servicing the greed of their billionaire donors. The difference between typical Republicans and Trump, though, is that typical Republicans generally have at least a somewhat thought-out set of "free-market" policies they intend to pursue (I hate those policies, but they usually at least have some of them). But Trumponomics will be what ever Donald feels like on a Tuesday. Hell, for a long time, Trump's campaign only had one policy listed on their amateurish website: DERP, BUILD A WALL! WALL! WALL! WALL!

    Moronic. The webpage kinda got fleshed out with some other stuff at the last minute, but no one should be fooled into thinking Trump really knows what he's doing. He is not a deep policy thinker. He has not done his homework. So if we head into stormy economic waters, there will be nobody steering the ship.

    Finally, Trump's greed as applied to his personal interests won't take the form of collecting his government salary (which looks like a puny joke to him anyway) and then cashing in after retirement with a fatty-fat private sector paycheck in a investment banking firm or a lobbyist job, like most politicians do. It is increasingly evident he intends to turn the machinery of the federal government into an engine of looting and graft to fatten his own bank account. That's definitely NOT normal for a U.S. president. That's banana-republic dictator behavior.

  12. "Well Josh, it's nice to see that you're still as pig-ignorant of a propagandist as ever."

    Feel free to answer any of the questions I've asked. Or, if you wanna really break the mold and the stereotype of the mad-as-hell left-winger who just wants to shut down speech, you could do something even more radical and speak your mind as to what it is you think I'm "pig-ignorant" about. Are you trying to imply that those list of anti-scientific stances aren't clung to by the progressive left? Because if that's the case, I'd suggest you get outside of your opium bubble, check some independent sources rather than seeking to have your biases confirmed, and watch the dumbfuckery myriad of leftists as they wail against GMOs, buy healing crystals, push their nonsense that gender is socially constructed, while simultaneously calling the right-wing "anti-science" for not worshiping global warming.

    Any of this requires work on your part, of course, so I don't expect anything but more cunty one-line troll blasts. (Props on being first, though; typically The Purple Cunt stalks my shit within the first 20 minutes.)

    But that's all good. Guys like you are why your side lost the fucking elections. Keep on being yourselves, progressives. You're doing a bang-up job!

  13. Trumpledumple4:02 AM

    See? the man isn't even sworn in yet and already Castro is dead! You can't beat that for a great start right? Miami is partying already! They love Trump there!

  14. Quote Josh

    " Progressive have fucked "science" up to the point it's no damn wonder conservatives/Republicans believe climate change is just a big-government scam."

    Oh do fuck off you stupid little man.

  15. James Deplorable8:50 AM

    "already Castro is dead!"

    Janet Reno went first.  Is that a two-fer, or will we have a Best-of-3?

    The level of Trump Derangement Syndrome on display here is amazing.  You clowns estimate Trump's net worth at $3 billion minimum, but think he can be bought for a $150k donation?  That's a fraction of the day-to-day market variability in his portfolio.  You'd have to be insane to take that seriously... but you do.

    Meanwhile you're grousing that your candidate, who left the White House "penniless" but is now worth north of $250 million despite doing no actual productive work, wasn't selected as the morally superior option.

    Oh, there's also the #PizzaGate child sex and trafficking scandal that the Clinton Foundation and Hillary herself look to have been closely involved with.  They were snatching kids from Haiti for what appears to have been child sacrifices, but you were fine with that because she had a "D" by her name.

    Every reason that Black polities are corrupt failures is on display in this blog.

    1. Trump been pumping ivanka with Epstein and part of the satanic pedophile ring also liberals conservatives same demonic racist bird you delusional punk, glad to see albinos are pure evil as always

  16. "Meanwhile you're grousing that your candidate, who left the White House "penniless" but is now worth north of $250 million despite doing no actual productive work, wasn't selected as the morally superior option."

    Well given that she's not an actual fascist - yeah, I'd say she is marginally the morally superior option.

    (Either way your country is fucked, so I guess it doesn't really matter, long term.)

  17. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The level of polarization in the US is quite evident in the commenters on these blogs!

  18. First brain dead actor Reagan now a failed reality star Nazi president doing the khazars bidding sounds like a revolution. And last I checked albinos were less than 8 percent of the world's population you devils don't walk towards extinction you run to it and inspire even the weakest of us to hate you

  19. Anonymous10:41 AM

    feelz quote of another feelz...

    "I am not easily duped by dopes."

    Something tells me different.

    Example: many posters here believe yisheng has numerous degrees and is a doctor. That beast is ignorant. Look at her responses and tell me if she writes like an intelligent person.

  20. Had to find my reading glasses just to get through your reply Josh. The shorter the reply, the better chance someone will read it. You know you come here pumped up after morning positive affirmations and self help exercises. And no one is going to spend Saturday morning giving you a model of natural selection so you can masturbate. Nice try.

  21. Just as I thought. Legitimate questions, empirical and objective data pertaining to progressive "science," and what responses do I get? Insults. Oddly enough, conservatives would have attempted to disprove such by illustrating their (lack of) scientific knowledge. Progressives are just used to insulting people to shut down the conversation. Tolerant fuckers that you are. LOL

    Keep being yourselves, morons. And then keep blaming whitey and racism when a majority of people refuse to let your ilk have more power.

    1. Amusing since we taught you illiterate cave dwellers how to speak your all consuming racist ego will be the death of you as the first born returns to its former glory due to your barbaric invader deviant mentality

  22. Yisheng = nigger1:42 PM

    If America wasn't great before the election (and it was), it will become EVEN GREATER. Look at all the people waking up and rising up to take down Trump. That is a great nation.

  23. "Just as I thought. Legitimate questions, empirical and objective data pertaining to progressive "science..."

    I swear, you couldn't make it up.

  24. Dear James deplorable I look forward to your redefinition of pain and may you be a shining example to not fuck with God,s chosen my rabb has mercy I do not

    1. Every apocalypse scenario every planet of the apes movie is sign proof them devils knew it was a wrap , if you got tired of their racist sins and evil rise up before your god finds you to be a coward and an enemy

    2. I look forward to pissing on the deplorable graves since they are racist devils who worship Satan may their deaths be excruciating

  25. Lilacpr1:52 PM

    Hey Yisheng! :D I boinked your hubby the other day! :)

  26. Anonymous Lilacpr said...
    Hey Yisheng! :D I boinked your hubby the other day! :)

    Good for you sport, that's a step up from the close male relatives you usually boink!

  27. @10:41, that "something" talking to you is one of the 4 stalking personalities you display on this blog, ROTFL!!

    And because the ONLY time you see a Physician is to refill your multiple personality meds or get more treatment for the sores on the distal portion of your anus, it's no wonder you are blithely unaware of the varied vernacular of highly educated people.

  28. Puerto Rican food sucks ass2:01 PM

    I was thankful I didn't have any heated political arguments over Thanksgiving. That's quite the accomplishment in this new era of Trump.

    1. Could you please find a life you fucking racist white douche

  29. Yisheng = nigger3:21 PM

    Hopefully the recount works out and Hillary becomes our rightful President in January!

  30. Lilapr3:39 PM

    Lilacpr said...

    Hey Yisheng! :D I boinked your hubby the other day! :)

    1:52 PM

    Aww C'mon guys!!! Yisheng you know that is not me! Jeeez!

    I get home from some window shopping at Plaza (I'm freaking broke)come on here to check the festivities ;) and look what I find!!! Maaannn! Come onnnn

    I better get a blog, 'cos someone/somebody/anonymous sure misses me!

  31. Aww C'mon guys!!! Yisheng you know that is not me! Jeeez!

    I know PR, I just forgot to put "stalking" in front of your name to let you know I knew the difference.

    But you know it's kinda hard to tell you Trump supporters apart sometimes. IJS.

  32. Puerto Rican food sucks ass3:56 PM

    Even though Hillary conceded defeat on the 9th, looks like she will be taking part in the recount process. Good for her. That's the kind of leadership we need right now, not the whiny infantile Trump-style leadership.

  33. Quote Josh

    "You have a guy who frequents here as the hall monitor who is on record saying that greenhouse gases cannot be produced without man producing them."

    ""If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

  34. Lilapr4:23 PM

    Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving! I KNOW you were all eating better food than I was. I was eating my typical shitty cuisine.

  35. Lance Cockstrong4:27 PM

    Hey lilapr, I got some good eating for you right here in my pants!

  36. The Ministry of Truth4:29 PM

    "Oh, there's also the #PizzaGate child sex and trafficking scandal that the Clinton Foundation and Hillary herself look to have been closely involved with. They were snatching kids from Haiti for what appears to have been child sacrifices, but you were fine with that because she had a 'D' by her name."

    Pizzagate. Laughable. Right up there with John Podesta the bodily-fluid-drinking Satan-worshipper.

    Snopes on the Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory

    Do you wingnut jokers have any critical-thinking skills at all? Or are you just cowering in the closet 24/7 waiting for the scary lizard people to come for you?

    Conservatives say they're mad that liberals are sneering at them for being dumb and don't respect them, but then they just keep proving that they are, in fact, dumb.

    So ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  37. Lilapr the real one :)4:30 PM

    It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...

    But you know it's kinda hard to tell you Trump supporters apart sometimes. IJS.

    3:46 PM

    :) Okay,okay! I get the jab! I deserve it I know xD

    Oh he just wrote something else in my name 'bout PR cuisine! They're so obsessed!

    Oh well, as my granny used to say: "I'm not a hundred dollar bill to be liked by everyone"

  38. "while GMO crops may have more stable yields year to year, they do not in fact have higher yields..."

    Lance, you don't strike me as a stupid person. So I'll let you figure out how you defeated your own argument in one sentence and shown exactly how GMOs have higher yields. LOL

    But yield tonnage isn't exactly the point. The point is that, thanks to genetic modifications, crops can grow in areas of the planet where they never could before. What does that equate to? It rhymes with plier fields.

    If you can grow 0 crops in FieldNegroberg with regular seeds, even ONE crop via GMO works out mathematically as a phrased called "infinitely more." LOL

    Though if one wants to debate the merits of that particular topic, I'm game. My general point, however, was simply that the left IS NOT the party of science, like they claim to be. The right-wing religious nuts are stupid as all get out when it comes to earth sciences, particularly evolution and climate change, but their uncanny ability to suck doesn't mean it's a dichotomy and the left is great. The left has even more areas in science where they pitifully drop the ball. Gender/sex is the biggest right now, but there are dozens of areas where the progressive left doesn't know its science ass from a ground hole.

  39. The world grows ever more unequal.

    The top 1% of the World's population now own 51% of the World's wealth (up from 49% in 2014).

    The top 10% of the World's population now own 89% of the World's wealth (up from 87% in 2014).

  40. Interesting conversation in The Guardian between Spike Lee and Bernie Sanders about the way forward, and his (Bernie's) hopes of turning the DNC from a right-of-centre to a left-of-centre party,

  41. The Ministry of Truth5:40 PM

    "Interesting conversation in The Guardian between Spike Lee and Bernie Sanders about the way forward, and his (Bernie's) hopes of turning the DNC from a right-of-centre to a left-of-centre party"

    I'd say it's inaccurate to begin with to characterize the Dems as a right-of-center party to begin with. Here's how I'd describe it, putting American politics in global or British terms you might relate to:

    The U.S. has no meaningful hard left party. There's the Greens, but they're a joke. What you'd call actual socialism isn't represented in our system.

    Then we have a big-tent party, the Democrats. This includes center-left politicians like Bernie Sanders (not a real socialist, despite the way he describes himself, and only recently an official Democrat), Liz Warren, and Keith Ellison (now running to chair the Dems). It also includes center-right figures equivalent to what you'd consider "wet" Tories, such as Rahm Emanuel, Mark Warner, and former president Bill Clinton. They tend to be left-wing on social issues, but moderately right-wing on economic ones, supporting a modest welfare state but opposed to much regulation of business.

    The DNC has to represent both factions, so unpleasant compromises inevitably have to be made or the party will fragment and fail. Given that constraint, the bigger problem facing the party isn't ideology. It's that the DNC just isn't very competent. They've done foolish things like concentrating all their efforts on electing candidates at the federal level and none at the state level, putting insufficient resources into non-presidential election years, and having a near-nonexistent get-out-the-vote effort. The left of the party despised former Dem chair Debbie Schultz for favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie in 2016, but her bigger sin was just not knowing what the heck she was doing for her entire tenure of office.

    Finally, we have a cuckoo-bananas far-right party, the Republicans: they want to totally demolish the welfare state and deregulate and privatize everything, feel the need to bludgeon most of the planet into submission with massive military force, think global warming is a "commie plot," and are increasingly in favor of outright racism.

    That's about the size of our politics.

  42. Lance Cockstrong6:44 PM

    More stable yields means less fluctuation not necessarily higher.

    "crops can grow in areas of the planet where they never could before. What does that equate to?" the operative word here being "can" that is, only in theory does it equate. In practice it is a lot more complicated.

    "Though if one wants to debate the merits of that particular topic, I'm game." - no you aren't, just being a hothead as usual.

    "No ... one ... is ... demanding ... a ... ban ... on ... GMO, ... just ... that ... it ... be ... labelled ... as ... such."

    Are you processing?

  43. Limpbaugh6:52 PM

    Trump says he won't prosecute Hillary. Just like Obama didn't charge the Bush Administration war criminals. Maybe we should go out and rob some stores while the government is just looking forward again and forgiving crimes. Don't kill anybody though. You have to kill hundreds of thousands of people to get away with that. Convicting Hillary for deleting subpoenaed evidence or for lying to congress, or Bush for torture, would be like convicting Al Capone for tax evasion. Not their worst crimes, but better than nothing. Get them any way you can. Instead, the elite aren't held accountable so they keep killing people. Hopefully congress will keep pursuing Hillary's crimes and unlike Obama's, Trump's DOJ will be independent enough to bring charges. That's the way it is supposed to be. We saw the FBI and DOJ were politicized under Obama. And all those intelligence agencies that said Russia hacked the DNC also told us that Iraq had WMDs. You know Trump won't really drain the swamp. There wouldn't be enough people left to run the government.

  44. No I think the Dems are at very best centrist on social issues, but really their reliance on appeasing Wall Street for their funding gives the lie to them being seen as anything other than fiscal conservatives.

    Obviously a proper Left wing party is out of the question in the USA, but I think the Dems have to reinvent themselves as a Social Democratic party if they are going too have any relevance in the future. There is nothing to be gained by continuing as pale grey conservatives. As well as a raft of populist economic policies (as formulated by Bernie in 2016) hey need to find new ways of fund their party away from capitalist interests and they need to capture the energy and drive of the street movements such as 'Occupy' and 'BLM' to energise a new coalition of the lumpen proletariat.

  45. The Ministry of Truth7:07 PM

    "No I think the Dems are at very best centrist on social issues, but really their reliance on appeasing Wall Street for their funding gives the lie to them being seen as anything other than fiscal conservatives."

    That assumes there's an option besides appeasing some industry in order to get funding. Our campaign financing system is broken, so they either have to suck up to some wealthy faction, or they lose the money war and lose elections entirely.

    Obama's campaign showed some promise in raising money outside this system, and Bernie's even more so, but it will be interesting to see if that model can be extended to other candidates and less high-profile races than the presidency.

    In any case, though, there's no way you can tell me that the people at the left of the Democratic Party are friends of Wall Street. The finance industry hate people like Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren.

  46. "In any case, though, there's no way you can tell me that the people at the left of the Democratic Party are friends of Wall Street. "

    I'm not saying they are.

    What the Dems need to do, is marry the populist left(ish) economic policies of Sanders and Warren with the energy and drive of the Occupy and Black Lives Matter movements. Yes you are right, funding is going to be an issue, but they can take the lessons of the success of Syriza and Podemos in finding ways to compete electorally without the backing of billionaires.

  47. The real McCoy Lilacpr7:34 PM

    Lance Cockstrong said...

    Hey lilapr, I got some good eating for you right here in my pants!

    4:27 PM

    I doubt it, and that,of course remains to be seen my friend! We like em' big and thick! So lets see what you got xD

    oh, and you're not Lance!

  48. Lilacpr the best person in the world7:36 PM

    If only there weren't so much too do, decorating...I'd actually start a blog...maybe after Christmas...tired...

  49. James Deplorable10:30 PM

    "Amusing since we taught you illiterate cave dwellers how to speak your all consuming racist ego will be the death of you"

    You mean, us "cave dwellers" whose buildings and sculpture of 5000 and more years ago still survive, while your ancestors lived in wattle-and-daub huts... as so many of your cousins still do to this day, having learned nothing from hundreds of years of exposure to civilization?

    You mean, us "cave dwellers" whose major cities of 2000 years ago had running water and sewer systems, while your cousins still shit in rivers and on beaches... and your own family probably still shits wherever it suits them?

    Someone's projecting, someone's projecting....

    "I look forward to your redefinition of pain"

    I don't have to redefine anything.  I won't even introduce you to pain, I'll treat you like the mice I kill every day:  <snap> and lights out.  Cruelty is pointless when "gone" is the goal.

    "may you be a shining example to not fuck with God,s chosen"

    If you were chosen to be anything but beasts you'd show some capacity for reflection.  It would also take you less than 70 minutes to write a 1-sentence comment (see 1:59 vs. 3:09 timestamps).:

    "my rabb has mercy I do not"

    The Arabs whose word and religion you're using there see you as an animal.  In that, they're not wrong.

    I come here for the lulz, and you never disappoint.

    1. That's hilarious coming from a lifeless coward that must be smart enough to never speak to a black person in person because your still alive and mommy's paying your phone bill

    2. As the first born we created everything and no matter how hard you try to erase that or deny it your albino devils can't produce melanin

    3. So until you can dispute that really fact game over you recessive genetic faggot

  50. Anonymous10:43 PM

    "Plus, many people don't know that much of this white backlash is caused by the fact that the penis size of the white male, conservative voter has shrunk by an average of .912 inches during the Obama presidency."

    Now we know the REAL REASON why there is so much WhiteLash in the USA, which helped to bring Donald Trump to power.

    Trump captured the insecure White Male Cuck vote! LOL.

  51. Trump captured the insecure White Male Cuck vote! LOL.

    Well damn, ROTFL!!!

  52. "just being a hothead as usual"

    If I were being a hothead, I'd call you an ignorant cocksucker or something. Attempting to explain the concept of "higher" to you, in a very polite fashion, is the exact opposite of being a hothead.

    WTF is wrong with you people on this blog?

    Genetically modified crops have saved literally billions of lives, particularly with corn crops. WTF are you talking about "in theory"? Do you know what genetic modification is and does? The DNA is changed to introduce new traits -- evolution (natural selection) is the basis by which these things are made possible. A genetically engineered crop's seeds also retain those trait changes. In the US alone, 90% of all our corn is genetically modified.

    If you just want to be obstinate and curse at me for some imagined slight, I really don't mind. Join the club. But you may want to form an understanding of this topic, if only rudimentary, so this "in theory" shit can be replaced with the realization that it's a "theory" in the same context of gravity; that is to say, our asses are planted firmly in seats. In theory LOL

  53. You're almost right, Josh. Hot head would indicate some sort of activity up there, as there is more molecular movement in hotter materials. So I'd say dittohead is much closer to accurate.

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. Lance Cockstrong8:12 AM

    Josh what part of Studies do you not understand? Did you even read the article? No you didn't.

    "The countries that could benefit most from genetic engineering have actually benefited the least."

    And once again No one is demanding a ban on GMO, just that it be labelled as such.". Josh you remind me of the Monty Python Argument Clinic routine. Do you want the 5 minute or the 10 minute argument?

  55. Lance, where do you see an actual "study" at? I see a blog post, similar to what you'll find here at Field's. Am I supposed to go against everything taught about genetic trait modification in a masters science course all because you found a blog post?

    "However, it is not clear this is panning out as may have been naively anticipated several years ago. The countries that could benefit most from genetic engineering have actually benefited the least."

    There is no citation here; there are no numbers and no model of any "study" that was conducted. You simply went out to confirm your biases. That's not what a study is. Not to even mention: It says in this same "study" that it's not the fucking SCIENCE of GMOs; it's mainly the political issues in the nation; e.g. a bunch of morons thinking genetically modified food will be bad for them. Which actually strengthens my point, while doing nothing whatever for yours.

    Protip: Don't break my balls for not reading a blog post that (a) you mislabel as a study, and (b) that you obviously didn't bother to read yourself. LOL

    The only thing this blog post gets even partly right is the for-profit bit. Yes, there must be profits involved. Corn can sell. Who would waste time on cassava? The science behind GMOs isn't set up to be fucking UNICEF. The knowledge is out there; if these places want cassava, then genetically modify it!

    If not, EAT CORN and stop whining that no one gives you better roots as an act of charity.

  56. Anonymous Lance Cocksucker said...
    Yisheng took 150 science courses.

    "Science courses" are what non STEM majors and middle school age kids take, no one with degrees in STEM even uses that phrase because it's so general and vague.

    And with 2 more degrees to go, the total will eventually be a lot primarily from the chemical, biological, and medical sciences to be specific.

  57. Lance Cockstrong9:15 PM

    Yisheng you are no doubt a brilliant and beautiful woman ... A hell of a lot smarter than Josh for sure ...

  58. Anonymous Lance Cockstrong said...
    A hell of a lot smarter than Josh for sure ...

    Our family cat is smarter than the multi-personality Josh, and I take that comment as a SERIOUS insult!

  59. Yisheng lies about courses she never took and cannot even accurately illustrate she has even a rudimentary understanding of biological terminology, as she misspells and misuses even the most common of terms, which shows that she doesn't even know how to use fucking Google correctly.

    I'm not sure why you decided to try to start a (losing) argument about GMOs. You must be one of those progressives who are against them, is all I can figure. And, honestly, I'm a little surprised that you don't know Norman Borlaug, who is credited with single-handedly saving over a billion lives thanks to GMOs.

    But don't let pesky little facts get in your way the next time you wanna rail against those evil GMOs! Out of everything on the list, you picked genetically modified foods, which certainly speaks to your intent. If you wanna continue quote-mining people without citations or linking biased blog articles without factual basis, have at it. I can't stop it. But the fact that genetically modified food sources save billions of lives has been common knowledge since the fucking 1970s. Where you anti-GMO chadrools come about your stances is a mystery to me.

  60. Yisheng is a Genius1:07 AM

    5 signs you're a whooteemoo:

    1) You're upset that you can't academically or professionally compete with minorities, including Blacks and Asians.

    2) You graduated from Pudunk University and blame affirmative action for why your low grades/SAT scores weren't competitive for higher ranked schools.

    3) Your biggest vehicle goals all involve pick up trucks.

    4) Meth is a verb.

    5) At your family reunions, everyone has more than one "title" i.e. Bubba is both Uncle and Father.

  61. Lance Cockstrong1:01 PM

    I could have picked fracking as well but I picked GMO because there even your basic accusation is false. Listen up. No one is demanding GMOs be banned just that they be labelled as such. You want to eat Roundup for breakfast a salud. That is no more or less your right as those who want to eat organic. Beyond that your entire horseshit list, Zee and Zay, Vaccines, Astrology, Feng Shui, etc is not even worthy of comment. As is your original (off-topic) premise that liberals are responsible for Trump and right wingers believing climate change is a scam.

  62. Lance, homes, these motherfuckers have protested a BAN on GMOs outside of the fucking grocery store where I live. I see this shit in fucking person. WTF are you babbling about? I don't think you know anything about this topic. You, like a dozen other people here, just want to pick a fight with me so attempt to quibble with and pick at every single word I put across the screen.

    And it's a very solid premise. Why in the holy hell should Jimmy believe the 10th doom-and-gloom "scientific" prophecy puked from the left's wide and nasty mouth when the first 9 have all been bullshit?

    I know that the left loves to sit around, acting intelligent and indignant, calling the right-wing flat-earthers and climate deniers, etc. But a big part of the reason--obviously far from the only reason, you stooge!--is that the average liberal has some demonstrably bullshit beliefs that they'll claim are scientific but aren't.

    Who the motherfuck is pushing the bullshit that gender and sex are socially constructed, then, Lance? Or is this another area where you don't know a fucking thing, with your old, out-of-touch ass, so you'll just claim that nobody is claiming such? That's pretty much how you seem to operate. If you don't know about it, it doesn't exist.

  63. Lance Cockstrong9:51 PM

    If "not knowing the topic" means not knowing what the fuck goes on outside your grocery store then yeah you have a point. I also saw where some small farm town in Oregon banned GMOs because the seeds from GMO farms blew over to organic farms. Are they liberals, maybe, or maybe just folks looking out for their interests? But what I am talking about is an organized nationwide movement, and I don't know of any such to ban GMOs, just that they be labelled.

    As a matter of fact my old out of touch ass doesn't know what the fuck you are babbling about. The only anti-vaccine thing I ever heard was when Bachmann said it in a 2012 debate, and yeah liberals abused the hell out of her dumb ass. Yeah there is some dumb shit about bathrooms and pronouns but gender and sex socially constructed? Did you hear that outside your grocery? Come off it bro. Feng Shui? when we were selling our house a Chinese couple showed up and kept saying some shit about "sad house", is that Feng Shui? You obviously know more about that shit than I do. And yeah if Jimmmy is a right winger then his inbred response to hearing stupid shit is to come up with some even stupider shit. Maybe that has to do with natural selection and speciation, but what the fuck do I know?

    That leaves fracking but I'm not even going there, no one is paying attention anyway. Suffice to say, I don't think you would want to live in Dimock PA (google it). Or Amwell PA

  64. "Come off it bro..."

    I appreciate the flimsy attempts of progressives to make it someone else's problem that they can't grasp a topic.

    So it's just as I suspected; If you don't know about it, it doesn't exist. Never mind that a non-binary, socially constructed gender is being pushed for at multiple universities across the nation, you just want to act like a cunt and argue with me with some weak-ass snark.

    It goes from "Nobody," a definitive statement, to "well, I dunno." LMFAO! Maybe just admit that flatly to save yourself the time? That you don't know.(I would say the embarrassment, but you weird progressives here lie, cheat and steal your way through Internet arguments and simply double-down on it when called out.)

  65. Lance Cockstrong11:13 PM

    Oh now I get it. It's War On Biology. Ok whatever.

  66. You don't get anything. You don't understand any of these topics. Though because you've already created the caricature in your brain, whereby you know exponentially more about any topic I mention, you've painted yourself into a corner. You have two options. 1) Just ignore it or admit you don't understand it. 2) Reduce everything to absurdity and be a condescending prick.

    We both know #1 is completely out of the question. Those with your political bent can never go with #1. You always, without fail, opt for #2 and attempt to shut the conversation down with straw-men, hyperbole, snark, slander, or a combination thereof.

    Amazingly, it would take you literally 10 seconds to see the depth and reach of this anti-scientific "social construction" stance. These are 10 seconds you'd afford TPC or Yisgag or Field or someone else. But from your initial reply to me, it was clear that your goal wasn't to speak about the merits of the topics or to engage in anything beyond pure condescension and snark.

    As I've said repeatedly: Keep being yourselves, progressives! This devolution into whiny children is reason #1 Trump won. Keep it up and watch it for 8 years instead of 4.

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