Sunday, November 06, 2016

The cowardly candidate.

For a guy who likes to tout open carry laws, candidate trump sure gets jumpy at the thought of a gun anywhere near him.

That protester that caused trump to go scurrying backstage with his secret service detail didn't have a gun, but trump's supporters sure thought he did, and they didn't realize that the poor guy only had a protest sign until they beat the crap out of him and yelled, "Gun!" 

This is the second time this campaign season that I saw coward trump running away from an imaginary threat. (Watch how the female candidate in the race reacts to the same kind of threat.) I just think that it's amazing how cowardly bullies can be when you expose them.

Of course trump was exposed as a coward a long time ago when he did everything in his power to get out of going to serve his country during the Vietnam War.  It's a past that the main stream media seems to have conveniently forgotten.

It's ironic, too, that all these militia groups have vowed to storm Washington if their guy loses. I just wonder if they realize that when the bullets start flying he will not be around to get their backs.

Finally, trump's other running mate. Jim Comey, declared tonight that there will be no more investigations into Hillary's e-mails, as most of the ones that they (the FBI) dug up from Weiner's laptop were duplicates. (That sound you hear is groans coming from camp trump.)  

Yes America, the Clinton e-mails investigation is over as far as the FBI is concerned. The folks in the Clinton camp are crying foul, because they believe that this entire episode might have cost them a countless number of votes.

Personally, I disagree. I said this when this story broke, and I think that it is worth repeating:This perception of the FBI backing trump might have energized Clinton's base, and it gave her campaign a boost that she never had prior to this entire sorry episode.

*Pic from



  1. They'll never stop "investigating" her emails, they don't know how to stop, and there's too much sweet, sweet wingnut welfare in it for them so long as they continue to display their true believer bona fides.
    When your entire world view is held up by lies, getting to the truth doesn't mean anything. Nothing worth any money, anyway.
    Cowardice and a pampered upbringing tend to go hand in hand among Republicans, and although Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about being a Republican, he still fits the description. The idea of Trump facing down a real threat from the oval office would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous. They would have to assign a special janitor to shampoo all of the pee out of the carpet.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump, Jr. continue to peddle the myth that a protester holding a #@!$*& sign was an assassin. Pathetic.

    Commander-in-Chief material? Not so much.

  3. F*ck the deplorables9:27 PM

    "They would have to assign a special janitor to shampoo all of the pee out of the carpet."

    D@mn Doug, LOL!!!

  4. Yisheng = nigger9:34 PM

    I can't wait to see all the loser Trump supporters crying and gnashing their rotten teeth on Tuesday night. I hope they don't riot.

  5. Oregon Pride9:45 PM

    Hillary supporters will most definitely riot Tuesday night when that bitch loses. A lot of Hillary supporters are black and brown. That's what they do.

  6. The Ministry of Truth10:27 PM

    "This is the second time this campaign season that I saw coward trump running away from an imaginary threat."

    Probably not as funny as Trump retreating from a bird: Trump versus Eagle.

    That shit never gets old.

    Not sure about your contention on J Edgar Comey's ridiculous email announcement helping Hillary. It does look like his little stunt did take a bite out of her polling numbers. I'm sure he's very proud. Of course, if she gets elected anyway, he won't be so proud -- instead, EX-director of the FBI James Comey will be carrying his possessions in a box as security escort him from the building.

    Hey, speaking of ethically impaired friends of Trump, while the oh-so-important fight against completely imaginary Clinton corruption continues, Trump's hype man and presidential transition team director, Crooked Chris Christie, is learning that his aides have been convicted of serious crimes, including fraud and conspiracy, for creating "some traffic problems in Fort Lee." Next up, Governor Loudmouth himself.


  7. F*ck Stalkers10:48 PM

    "I can't wait to see all the loser Trump supporters crying and gnashing their rotten teeth on Tuesday night. I hope they don't riot."

    And I can't wait for you to stroke out and die!!

  8. The Ministry of Truth10:49 PM

    Heard this joke courtesy of reporter Olivia Nuzzi:

    "Kellyanne Conway, being pulled over:

    Ma'am, you were going 90
    I wasn't going anywhere
    I'm not in a car
    This is a hammock"

    One thing is for certain: Courtesy of Donald Trump and his various laughable henchmen, this has been the most lying-ass election of all time.

  9. The Ministry of Truth11:14 PM

    I also have a tiny penis.

  10. TMoT: I won't lie, I'd be scared of that eagle too, if I got too close to it, tethers or no, those things can take a chunk out of you and I mean right now.

    As for the Outlaw Jersey Whale, his own pending indictment and/or conviction at this point isn't even as damning for him as the convictions of his staff, as he isn't seeking further office at this point, but still heads up Trump's transition team, which would have been in charge of staffing the government in the event of a Trump presidency. I feel bad for the people of New Jersey, except for the ones who elected him twice. It's embarrassing when your governor is an idiot, and I know how that feels after having Arnie the Governator be the punch line in Sacramento for eight years.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Gun nuts are all cowards deep down. They can't fight so they have to pack the steel to feel like a man. So quick to shoot. Let's not talk about the irony of Trump being so "pro-life" but wants to defend the Second Ammendment tooth and nail. What a joke.

  12. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Y'all got him all to yourselves. You happy now!

  13. Guns are just penis substitutes.

  14. A Message From The People Of Germany

    Dear Americans,

    Go ahead and vote for the guy with the loud voice who hates minorities, threatens to imprison his opponents, doesn’t give a fuck about democracy, and claims he alone can fix everything. What could possible go wrong?


  15. Thank you Brother Field. You made my day by reminding about a sniveling coward that on 5 calls refused to duty his duty for HIS country. Again, I as a young Black male had no credence in America year 1969. Mr. Trump had an investment in HIS country and he fabricated illness to avoid being with me in the jungle- as my country saw fit to be. I was also not for the war. But I thought by going that the white race would see me as a man. Naivete is a bitch. The media now as well as then 1960s glossed over the fact that entitled white males (Donald Trump) had some poor white (usually Southern) or Black disenfranchised youth sacrificing life, limb or sanity due to their cowardness. And yes, some men avoided the draft due to religious belief. So Mr. Trump should stop having these photo ops with those old vets that have only one thing in common with Donald and that is white skin.

    1. TY for your service brother Panther. We all owe you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous6:55 AM

    "Naivete is a bitch."

    It sure is, especially when its willful ignorance.

    "The media now as well as then 1960s glossed over the fact that entitled white males (Donald Trump) had some poor white (usually Southern) or Black disenfranchised youth sacrificing life, limb or sanity due to their cowardness."

    They glossed and buffed this "fact". It's just a shiny word now.

  17. Real talk from Anon@6:55

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Trump's followers insist that the incident at the Reno rally was an assassination attempt. If that had been the case, Austyn Crites would have been waiting for the feds to pick him up from the Washoe County Jail instead of giving interviews about what actually happened.

  20. The Ministry of Truth9:20 AM

    "TMoT: I won't lie, I'd be scared of that eagle too, if I got too close to it, tethers or no, those things can take a chunk out of you and I mean right now."

    They're big enough they could snatch your little fluffy Pomeranian dog right out of your yard. Or, you know, right off the top of your head!

    I think I figured out why Trump fears eagles.

  21. The Ministry of Truth9:37 AM

    NBC News reports that if Trump becomes president, Rudy Giuliani will be attorney general and Newt Gingrich will be secretary of state. (And wackjob pro-torture Lt. Gen Michael Flynn may be defense secretary. Great.)

    Just a preview of horrors to come.

  22. The Ministry of Truth10:49 AM

    Let's not forget also Trump's propensity for bringing up Bowe Bergdahl.

    Bergdahl volunteered for service in Afghanistan, but then had some kind of mental breakdown partway through his tour of duty. He wandered off post, got captured and abused by the enemy for five years, and after being returned, is now in the midst of court martial proceedings for desertion.

    Wingnut media scumbags have warped and distorted this story, making Bergdahl into an actual traitor -- some sort of "secret jihadi," helping the Taliban in some undefinable way -- and falsely claimed that five of Bergdahl's fellow soldiers died trying to rescue him. It didn't happen.

    Naturally, Mr. Five Vietnam Deferments loves retelling this story to his imbecile followers.


  23. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The Minister of "truth" uses a great deal of rhetoric. Too much in fact to be considered truthful at all. How about the minister of propaganda? It fits more into your narratives.

    Here's a hint, no amount of obfuscation can alter the fact that Hillary is a bad candidate. She is a horrible person. She represents all that is wrong with our political system. And those are the nice things I can say about her.

  24. F*ck the deplorables5:59 PM

    Anyone else see Glen Beck's positive comments about BLM? How about his statement that Trump's unhinged?

    One whooteemoo down, 10 million more to go!

  25. I did read his "Empathy for Black Lives Matter" column (and commented about it here), and whatever level of sincerity he is operating from (I've also read that The Blaze is going down in flames, so he may very well be cultivating his next career move), I'm in the habit of showing support for the first step taken toward reality. The fact that he has to have two bodyguards with him because of the nonstop threats from the same alt-righters he used to grift off of should probably be making me laugh, but it isn't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. The Ministry of Truth6:36 PM

    "Anyone else see Glen Beck's positive comments about BLM? How about his statement that Trump's unhinged?"

    I wouldn't get too excited. Glen Beck doesn't seem to have a genuine political world view of his own. He creates fake personas to appeal to (and make money off of) different wingnut demographics.

    Previously, he was Professor Beck, Lord of Confusing Whiteboard Diagrams And Prophet of Doom, who aimed to appeal to the right-wing conspiracy nutjobs (the Alex Jones people, basically). In that incarnation, he insisted the apocalypse was near, claimed that President Obama "had a deep-seated hatred for white people" -- even though Obama was raised by his white family, but whatever -- and compared the 2010 federal stimulus bill to slavery.

    Now, he's transformed into Righteous, Jesus-Loving Beck, who aims to appeal to the Christian Right, rails against the wicked and sinful, hates Trump, and thinks BLM have a point about police brutality.

    But who knows what that giant phony will decide to believe next year? He's completely unpredictable.

  27. O had a mic drop moment at his speach tonight at Independence Hall. Philly fired up. Let's see if it gets Pa in Hillary's column.
