Monday, November 07, 2016

As we head out to vote tomorrow, a burned out church stands in Mississippi.

Image result for greenville baptist church burnt images   So his Oness just gave what might be his final speech to the country at a massive rally for Hillary at Independence Hall here in Philly. Michelle spoke as well, and as usual she was on point. I suspect that most of y'all are going to miss that family.

We will see if all that hype and those great speeches tonight worked for Hillary when folks go out to the polls in the 66 wards and all their divisions across Philly tomorrow. The mass transit strike is over and the weather should be nice, so that's a good sign for the candidate who wants to be the first to be called Madam President in our history.

Anyway, on the night before we all go to vote I want to do a cut and paste job of what I believe is a very important story.

"GREENVILLE, MIssissippi — The latest instance of the insanity this election has wrought took place on a dead-end street in a black neighborhood, where someone burned a 111-year-old baptist church and wrote “Vote Trump” on the side.

Hillary Clinton immediately took to Twitter to condemn the act, saying, “This kind of hate has no place in America.” It was signed “H” to show it was from Clinton herself. But when it came to the burning of a black church in his own name, Trump’s little fingers didn’t touch his favorite means of reaching millions of supporters, Twitter. Instead, his campaign issued a boilerplate statement.

So these are stakes of this election: a potential president who would not even condemn in his own words terrorism done in his own name.

The inside of the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church looked like a deranged modern art exhibit when viewed on Friday afternoon. Pews, an organ, the podium for the Bible—all covered in what looked black paint. It was instead soot from the flames that licked up the walls and busted out the windows, burning so hot that firefighters at first had to watch it burn before finally being able to approach the building to try to save it.

They failed.

“We will rebuild,” said Marshall Wilson, a Greenville native and a deacon at the church for the last 38 years. The church will have the help of more than $200,000 raised online in the last few days.

“It’s overwhelming,” Wilson told The Daily Beast on Friday afternoon.

Whether the arsonist was a Trump supporter, someone hoping to throw off the authorities—although Wilson noted no one in the community that he knows of has every had a problem with church, especially not enough of one to spark flames—or someone else hoping to wreak some havoc of their own, is now up to authorities to find out.

“What the Devil do, whoever did this, his plan’s not gonna work,” Wilson said. “God’s got a plan for everything.”

So do a lot of other people.

They include the three men who are accused of planning to bomb a Somali mosque in Kansas, a crime that has federal authorities referring to the men as domestic terrorists. “The only way to turn around this country is a bloodbath,” one member of the group said in a phone call recorded by law enforcement.

The men were arrested in October after an eight-month long investigation.

Somali immigrants, a largely Muslim community, were targeted in North Dakota as well. Police eventually arrested a man for firebombing a Somali cafe there in December, writing “Go home” in spray paint on a window.

But the string of violence against minorities  this election season may have begun in August 2015, when two men in Boston beat and urinated on a homeless Hispanic man simply because of his race, allegedly invoking Trump in the attack.

“Donald Trump was right; all of these illegals need to be deported,” one of the men said after he was arrested, according to police.

The GOP presidential candidate, in characteristically spineless fashion, said then he “would never condone violence” from his supporters. Our possible next president did not say, unequivocally, that he did not condone this specific act, because that wouldn’t fit into the dog whistle nature of his candidacy. During a press conference following the attack, Trump took his non-condemnation a step further, saying his supporters are “very passionate,” and that they “just want this country to be great again.”

For some of those supporters, that greatness is best shown by beating the hell out of someone who is a different color than you.

But the Trump-related violence didn’t stop there. The Daily Beast in March compiled a list of violent confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters at the GOP candidate’s rallies. At that time, Trump’s mostly white gang of thugs had roughed up men and women in at least six incidents, including one that month in which a white man cold-cocked a black protester. Trump at the time pledged to pay the attacker’s defense fees.

Like virtually everything that Trump promises, that ended up not happening. Some protesters, however, have taken legal action and are seeking $1 million in damages for the violence inflicted on them at Trump rallies.

Finally, and most ironically for the “law and order candidate,” is the man who killed two Iowa police officers in early November. A Trump-Pence lawn sign was planted in the front yard of the home where Scott Greene lived and we know that he is angry enough at blacks to record himself waving a Confederate flag in the faces of African-Americans at a high school football game. Police escorted Greene out following the incident.

The Trump tweet came first, then one from Clinton, expressing condolences for the families of the two fallen officers.

Clinton’s tweet condemning the arson at the Greenville church compared to Trump’s silence on his chosen platform is an important distinction to make. Twitter is the place where Trump is at his most “unshackled” where he regularly berates and bullies opponents, reporters, citizens, foreign leaders and whomever else chooses to question his manhood, sanity, or bonafides as a presidential candidate or basic human being. It’s also where he pushes conspiracy theories and fake news, where he utilizes plagiarism as a campaign tactic, and where he occasionally blames interns of questionable existence for insulting the entire state of Iowa.

That Trump had nothing to say on his own about the church doesn’t bother Deacon Wilson.

“The church was still smoking when the firemen brought out the Bible,” he said as investigators continued to comb through the wreckage on Friday afternoon. “It hadn’t been touched. You can’t burn God’s word.”' [Source]

If you cant condemn the burning of a church in your name, are you really qualified to lead the "greatest country" on earth?

*Pic from



  1. I read that the reason Trump hasn't been responding on twitter is because his campaign has "wrested his account" away from him to keep him from doing any more damage in the final days of the campaign.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. I heard that as well. It's moot now. I'm writing at 12:50AM 11/09 as all signs point to a Trump victory. God help us all.

  2. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Doug, it's too bad you don't have such a staff to help you.

  3. Derek Carr fan1:53 AM

    I bet Yisheng is going to cry like the bitch that she is tomorrow night.

  4. Well here you go Septics - today you have a choice between;

    a) A psychopathic neo-fascist who openly brags of his racism and misogyny.


    b) A woman who is careless with her emails.

    Tough call, huh?

  5. The Ministry of Truth6:12 AM

    The North Carolina GOP has put out a memo celebrating that black early voting is down and white early voting is up in their state (ostensibly because of the substantial voting suppression efforts of the North Carolina GOP).

    "Woo-hoo! Jim Crow is back, baby!"

    More revolting tales from the Trump revolution.

  6. F*ck stalkers7:09 AM

    @1:53, I'll bet you cried more the first time your make cousin put your mammy's spatula in your a$$!!

    On the other hand, it probably felt like a tickle compared to what normally goes up there.

  7. Yisheng = nigger9:07 AM

    Trump supporters are too stupid to realize that tonight is the end.

    1. F*ck your nigger mammy11:13 AM

      @9:07, shut up, STUPID!

  8. Remember black America: Don't riot tonight if your bitch Hillary doesn't win.

  9. James Deplorable9:30 AM

    "b) A woman who is careless with her emails."

    Try b) A woman who sells state secrets and influence for cash, whose chief political fixer appaerntly does satanic "spirit cooking" rituals and has a sculpture of one of Jeffery Dahmer's victims hanging in his house, and who has connections to a child-molelstation ring which uses Hitlery's Haitian charities as sources of kids.

    THAT'S who you are all going to vote for today, because you're as sick as she is.

    "Woo-hoo! Jim Crow is back, baby!"

    The things you want from government, you can't produce.  Even basic cleanup after crime requires Whitey to keep it all going.  You want a government of, by and for Black people, Liberia is that-a-way.

  10. The Ministry of Truth10:09 AM

    "Try b) A woman who sells state secrets and influence for cash, whose chief political fixer appaerntly does satanic 'spirit cooking' rituals and has a sculpture of one of Jeffery Dahmer's victims hanging in his house, and who has connections to a child-molelstation ring which uses Hitlery's Haitian charities as sources of kids."

    And that sums up the dysfunction of the American political system, and the only reason Donald Trump ever had any chance whatsoever in this election: organized defamation of whoever happens to be the Democratic Party candidate. Read it and weep.

    Hillary Clinton, Satanist.

  11. ".....whose chief political fixer appaerntly does satanic "spirit cooking" rituals and has a sculpture of one of Jeffery Dahmer's victims hanging in his house, and who has connections to a child-molelstation ring which uses Hitlery's Haitian charities as sources of kids....."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    Fuck me these delusional knuckle-draggers will believe any old conspiracy shit that's dragged before them.

  12. F*ck the deplorables11:15 AM

    Looks like talking shit about Hispanics was FAR dumber that Trumpanzee thought it would be.

  13. PC do u believe the level of delusion among some of these people?

    That's what we have been dealing with here in America for the past few months.😐

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. James Deplorable2:18 PM

    "organized defamation of whoever happens to be the Democratic Party candidate."

    Yeah, "organized defamers" made up this bizarre image of John Podesta.  With all the hand scars, and the bandaged finger exactly the one called out in the "spirit cooking" video.  Riiiiight.

    Damn, you googles are dumbasses.

    "Fuck me these delusional knuckle-draggers will believe any old conspiracy shit that's dragged before them."

    Then tell me what this painting in Podesta's office is all about.  Two people with plates, one about to stick a fork into one on the table?  You think that's NOT about cannibalism?

    "PC do u believe the level of delusion among some of these people?

    That's what we have been dealing with here in America for the past few months."

    That's what I've been dealing with from you and your defenders all my life.  Now the bubble of your propaganda is bursting, and you can't believe your lying eyes.

    Believe them.

  16. So when are you starting your new job writing for Alex Jones, James? Actually, even Infowars has standards, and though your heart is in the right place, your writing skills don't really cut it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Quote:Little Jimmy

    "Yeah, "organized defamers" made up this bizarre image of John Podesta. With all the hand scars, and the bandaged finger exactly the one called out in the "spirit cooking" video. Riiiiight."

    Oh yes, talking of barking-at-the-moon-insane conspiracy theories - we have the "spirit cooking" bollocks.

    Good take down of that insanity.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson6:27 PM

    I notice even field is not humping & jumping over this.

    Could it be, he's scared of another "false race crime incident"?

    Just asking.

    Hell, that an excuse for a "dog".

    I've been thinking it was a faggot cat all this time.

  19. Uh oh....

    Lt. Commander Johnson appears to be intoxicated already.

    Drowning his sorrows I should imagine.

  20. Somebody copied Field's "caption contest" idea.

  21. Black vote down so far. Shame.

  22. Do. You. See. The. Whooteemoo. Tears?


  23. Looks racism, sexism, and nipples for the next 4 years!!

  24. Yes, looking more and more like a president trump.

  25. James is definitely a weirdo12:31 AM

    I've been thinking it was a faggot cat all this time.
    Ask James, he rubs his cat's butt until it goes bald. What a weird mother fucker.

  26. Field, he'll just be some dude living in the White House as far as I'm concerned.

  27. Ice-T was just the wrong color1:31 AM

    Fourth cop ambushed this week by a white guy and crickets from the law and order types. Just as hypocritical as the assholes who post shit about Jessica Chambers. It's ok to kill cops if you're white.

  28. So you were right, Field, and the Orange One won. Lord.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson2:18 AM

    "Just as hypocritical as the assholes who post shit about Jessica Chambers."

    I suppose you refer to me? Personally, I don't think the rape, burning, and execution of Jessica Chambers was "shit". Why you do, is another matter.

    White folks killing cops? I don't care what color the perp or the officer is. Shoot him in the head, and be done with it.

    Suck a BIG turd, ICE-T.

  30. Anonymous2:29 AM

    How does it feel, Feeled? How does it feel to have backed a loser like The Hildebeast? The Don - THE GOD EMPORER - is about to take the stage ....

    As Nux said, "Oh what a day! OH WHAT A LOVELY DAY!"

    P.S. - The burned church was a false flag. It had no effect. Pitiful.

  31. Anonymous2:42 AM

    @ Yisheng -

    No one cares what you think. Just like the white men you work with who ignore you ... everyone else is ignoring you, too. :(

    Go raid the fridge!

    1. F*ck the deplorables7:42 AM

      @2:42, go fuck yourself with your Daddy's pencil dick!

  32. Anonymous2:49 AM

    President Elect Mike Pence has just stepped on the stage, along with his beautiful WHITE family .... :)

    And now here comes Emperor Trump!

    History has been made tonight. HERstory, however, will only end in leg irons, LOL.

    After Donald gets the roaches and KFC stains out of the WHITE house, America will truly be great again. God Bless this beautiful land!!!!!!!!

  33. Anonymous3:00 AM

    What y'all just witnessed was a landslide.

    A landslide bigger than Kerry Washington's lips.

    That's big.

  34. Anonymous3:23 AM

    This thread is no doubt such a cradle of culture, tolerance and civility due to the intellectual prowess, fairness and refined leadership of its benevolent moderator. Or, perhaps not.

    P.S. Told you he'd win.

    Just so you know...

    We're back!

  35. Bullshit Detector3:30 AM

    White folks killing cops? I don't care what color the perp or the officer is. Shoot him in the head, and be done with it.


    I call bullshit. Anyone here EVER seen Lt. Commander Asshole post anything remotely dealing with a crime when it's white on white? Go fuck yourself. Oh yeah, Jessica Chambers.

  36. Anonymous3:31 AM

    We're back!

    Who's we? Weirdos who rub cats asses until they're bald?

  37. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What y'all just witnessed was a landslide.

    A landslide bigger than Kerry Washington's lips.

    That's big.

    3:00 AM
    No doubt. But leave Kerry Washington alone. Her lips are fine. She is way overexposed, however.

    Hunny Bunny LOST!
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

  38. America, WTF have you done?

    You knew he was a misogynist predator when you heard the Billy Bush coach audio tape. You knew he was a racist when he talked shit about Mexicans, Muslims and wouldn’t rent to black Americans. You knew he was crook and a liar when he stole people’s money with his so-called university and refused to pay contractors. You knew he was bat-shit crazy and a bully when he called climate change a Chinese hoax and mocked a disabled journalist.

    You knew all this and you still went ahead and voted for Trump.

    Fascism knocked on your door wearing a red baseball cap and a toothy grin, promising to clean up the neighbourhood, and you’ve just let him in, America.

  39. Anonymous4:01 AM

    White people ruin everything.

  40. So President Voldemort it is. Good luck with that.

    (One bright spot, the citizens of the U.K. are now only the second stupidest people on the planet.)

  41. Anonymous4:20 AM

    He can't be any worse than W can he?

  42. Lilacpr4:32 AM

    Deck the halls with boughs of holly falalalala lala lala!
    Tis the season to be jolly Falalalala lala lala!
    Don we now our gay apparel Falalalala lala la laaaa!
    Sing the ancient yuletide carol Falalalala lala la laaaaaaaaaaaaa!


  43. Oh goody!! Trust Lila to suddenly reappear in blog land with a "Tis the Season" indeed. Bah humbug, my dear �� And to Mr. Field... Guess the FN Forum will remain up and running to regale all and sundry with the exciting adventures of our emperor; uhhh... I mean Pres-elect.

    By the way... Digital wet noodle beatdowns to fellow bloggers for taking me to task about noting the concerns of Trump supporters.

    Now entities wiping the most egg of their faces are every shallow pollsters, the New York Times and 538's Nate Silver which I have promptly removed from my favorite news folder.

    Fortunately, for you, Mr. Field, I will keep FN; though a mute point if you decide to discontinue blog.

    1. F*ck the deplorables7:47 AM

      @F&F, where did Field day he was discontinuing the blog? I must have missed that.

  44. Anonymous5:50 AM

    The Prophecy is real ... Trump is the One foretold in Scripture.

    Amen! Hosanna! Shadilay!

  45. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Obama's legacy will be the election of Trump as president.

    1. To Anon @6:10am... Interesting how a large portion of the electoral map illustrating the states that remained or turned red speaks truth to your perspective about the way the Obama legacy resulted in a Trump presidency.

  46. Anonymous7:19 AM


    1. #MAGA can be crossed off the list. The America I love is still promising endeavor in progress with the majority of her citizens displaying the most caring spirit for the collective good.

  47. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Faith said...

    "The America I love is still promising endeavor in progress with the majority of her citizens displaying the most caring spirit for the collective good."

    Exactly where is that America?

  48. Anonymous7:48 AM

    F*ck the deplorables said...
    @2:42, go fuck yourself with your Daddy's pencil dick!

    yisheng certainly sounds like she's educated.

    1. F*ck the deplorables7:54 AM

      @7:48, you should hear the way my Surgeon professor speaks!

      Actually you shouldn't, he no longer does stomach reduction surgery for the morbidly obese!

  49. Anonymous7:51 AM

    yisheng slobbered...

    "I must have missed that."

    I bet you don't miss the all you can eat buffets.

  50. F*ck the deplorables7:51 AM

    Between having a top 5% income and military "connections", my family is gonna be fine no matter who was elected.

    But you barely educated/employed wypipo who supported Trump in large numbers need to be prepared to get f*cked by a d*ck big enough for an elephant by Trump. He has NEVER been a friend of the poor OR uneducated.

  51. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "Between having a top 5% income and military "connections", my family is gonna be fine no matter who was elected."

    And I'm the King of Prussia.

    Seriously, is it true you shut down the local KFC?

  52. F**k stalkers8:25 AM

    @8:13AM, is it true you're mammy's to wide to enter the doors at the food stamp office?

  53. F*ck stalking deplorables8:27 AM

    URGH your muthaf*cker, YOUR FAT ASS MAMMY, damn autocorrect!!

  54. White nipples matter9:15 AM

    The first FLOTUS whose nipples we've, who was an immigrant mail order bride/gold digger without a college degree!

    Go America!

  55. Anonymous9:22 AM

    What did you do your nipples yisheng?

  56. Anonymous9:25 AM

    "URGH your muthaf*cker, YOUR FAT ASS MAMMY, damn autocorrect!!"

    yisheng got in a fight with her Obama phone.

  57. James Deplorable10:15 AM

    Stupid googles can't even understand what they're looking at.

    Tell them a joke, they think it's real.

    Tell them the truth, they think it's a joke.

    Let them do something completely on their own and mess it up their way, and they blame others; they can't even learn from it.

    This is why everyplace they live and everything they do gets fucked up.

  58. F*ck Stalking Deplorables10:21 AM

    @9:25, and you got in a fight with your fat ass sister over the family EBT card.

    So no Piggly Wiggly frozen dinners for you tonight!

  59. Anonymous11:09 AM

    It will be the first time a billionaire will occupy public housing that was vacated by a black family.

  60. F*ck the deplorables12:16 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It will be the first time a billionaire will occupy public housing that was vacated by a black family.

    It will also be the first FLOTUS who was a buck naked "model" back in the day.

    It will also be the first "Baby Daddy" president.

    It will also be the first 3X married POTUS with 3 sets of children.

    It will also be the first pussy grabber in chief.

    It will also be the first tax evader POTUS.

    It will also be the first non college educated FLOTUS in 70 years.

    It will also be the first FLOTUS who barely speaks English.

    It will also be the first

  61. Memo man12:44 PM

    Elections over,new president elected, moving on to other topics. Trust America will do right. However keeping the Make America Great Again logo alive. Interesting how many crazed Dems there are. Ribit-ribit-crank-whirr-rrr- over and out

  62. Yisheng = nigger1:07 PM

    Never actually thought this country had it in itself to elect a POS like Trump. I've never felt so let down by my fellow Americans.

  63. Oregon Pride1:25 PM

    Yisheng pukes out: "It will also be the first FLOTUS who barely speaks English."

    Well, most blacks can't even speak English correctly, so what do you care?

  64. F*ck you b*tch1:51 PM

    @1:07, you're a n@gger lover, so why do you care?

  65. James Deplorable2:23 PM

    Delicious salty "my race card was declined!" tears today.

    "White people ruin everything."

    Feel free to move to a Black country.  There will be literally millions of folks who'll be happy to help you pack.

    "Obama's legacy will be the election of Trump as president."

    You forgot $9 trillion in new debt, and mass-cancellation of every race card in America.

    "The America I love is still promising endeavor in progress with the majority of her citizens displaying the most caring spirit for the collective good."

    Which is diametrically opposed to the Black philosophy of "gibsmedat".

  66. F*ck the deplorables2:39 PM

    James, do you realize that a Trump presidency is FAR worse for YOU than for someone like me or Field?

    Mull that over for the next 50 years......

    And here's ONE clue why, we're both FAR more educated than you'll EVER be.

  67. Anonymous2:54 PM

    yisheng said...

    "James, do you realize that a Trump presidency is FAR worse for YOU than for someone like me or Field?"

    How so?

    I do understand that you and feelz do not identify as "American". You live in this country yet complain about it constantly. You say you can leave at anytime but then don't. No one should stay somewhere they are not happy. Go already!

    yisheng, how can you eat all that fried chicken and not identify as "American"?

  68. As a country, we have survived worse: the civil war, the world wars, the great depression, etc. We, as a country will survive this, also. Many citizens will not survive it, as their health insurance is about to be taken away as retribution for Obama making fun of Trump at the correspondents dinner. I'm just really glad that I had my cataract surgeries last year when the ACA was still in effect to help pay for them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. James is a weirdo3:12 PM

    I guess our resident racist doesn't remember his candidate complaining about America. Should he leave? I'll definitely help him pack. What about the millions of whites looking for handouts or what do you call them gibmedats? I bet you're one too. You're to dumb to have a job, well other than gay male prostitute (bet you're good at that). Bet you rub a Lt. Commander Johnson as well as you rub a cat's butt bald. You weird mother fucker.

  70. James is definitely a weirdo3:15 PM

    You live in this country yet complain about it constantly. You say you can leave at anytime but then don't. No one should stay somewhere they are not happy. Go already!

    Exactly, all you whites complaining about this not being your country anymore can hit the fucking road! Donald Trump first. I bet there's plenty of countries that have cats you can butt rub until it's bald. Bunch of sickos.

  71. F**k the stalking deplorables6:03 PM

    @2:54, I realize that f**king your sister is as American to you as apple pie, but don't ASSume the enlightened Black folks here indulge in morally reprehensible behavior just becaus you and "baby daddy in chief" do.

  72. @2:54, one more thing you dumb mutherfucker.

    I have never once complained about America, because my family flourishes no matter who is in the WH. You OTOH, have a LOT to be worried about because you're a redneck without a good education, living middle class at best. That makes you Trumps enemy #1, you're just too stupid to understand that.

  73. Lt. Commander Johnson6:51 PM

    James, I would appreciate it if you would leave my ass alone.

    I don't believe I have ever attacked you, and have no plans to do so.

  74. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Anonymous Oregon Pride said...
    Yisheng pukes out: "It will also be the first FLOTUS who barely speaks English."

    Melania speaks five languages, including English, fluently.

    1. F*ck the deplorables10:23 AM

      @get out of dream world Trump d**k sucker, you know damn well that heffa speaks like she has a mouth full of cotton in her mouth.

  75. Anonymous12:09 AM


  76. Lilacpr1:49 PM

    Field said...Your 45th president.

    Our 45th president Field, our.

  77. James Deplorable10:43 PM

    "do you realize that a Trump presidency is FAR worse for YOU than for someone like me or Field?"

    On the contrary.  My immediate difficulties are due to the elite's program to replace Americans with immigrants; in my case, from India and China.  Closing down the H1-B program will be a huge help to me, and hundreds of thousands like me.

    "we're both FAR more educated than you'll EVER be."

    The tiny number of YOU are no match for the masses of US, even if you weren't educated far beyond what your innate intelligence merits.  You get Affirmative Action credentials that a White of your abilities is excluded from by admissions departments (see Yīshēng, who is in a program that any White would have long washed out of if they'd even been admitted at her age).  You are propped up and think that you are superior to people who made it on their own.  All I ever hope is that I am never treated by the likes of Yīshēng, because I know she'll fuck up 100x as often as my classmate the White thoracic surgeon.  When she hits the news as the next Kermit Gosnell, I hope only Googles are involved.

    "all you whites complaining about this not being your country anymore can hit the fucking road!"

    Do you really want to tell people who sight in their deer rifles at 200 yards every year to "hit the road"?  When we are truly resolved to make this OUR country again, you won't live long enough to mount a protest against us.  SRSLY.

    "James, I would appreciate it if you would leave my ass alone."

    Lt. Commander Johnson, I do not recall addressing a hostile comment at you.  Ever.  And I don't see one in this thread.  Perhaps I have been impersonated or mis-interpreted, but I don't see where.

    "Our 45th president Field, our."

    No, Trump is not Field's president, nor any of BLM's.  Send them all back where they came from, or Liberia if they have no other place to go.  Let THEM have THEIR president(s), and WE will have OURS.

    How much of a burden would we be relieved of if every last Black felon was removed from the USA?  It would be YUGE.
