Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Turkey dinner.

Turkey day is almost here. It's a day when Americans stuff themselves silly, watch two bad teams play football on television, and then go to bed with all the food that they just ate stuffed into their stomachs. They do this so that they can get up early the next day and spend money on marked up (and then slashed down) items that they think they are getting deals on.

I suspect that there will be a lot of awkward conversations over the turkey. Some family members will believe (and rightfully so) that the turkey sitting in the middle of the table would have been a better president than the orange one who is soon to be sworn in. They will look at the other family members who voted for the orange turkey and think: How could you?  

If any of you white folks out there have black family members, don't be surprised if they take a pass on the family dinner this year. "Son where is Kadisha? Oh she is home mom, she has a serious headache and she won't be making it this year. Of course she offers her sincerest apologies. Oh I am sorry to hear that son. How long has she been feeling this way? Since around November 8th, mom." 


  1. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes10:34 PM

    Niggers don't eat turkey.

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Everybody please pray for the brave white man in Charleston, WV who stood up to the haughty negro punk who started a fight with him and put his life in danger. Authorities may try this clear case of self defense as a "hate crime," and this man will need all the help he can get during these last few months under the Obama reign of terror.
    Had the quick-thinking man not had a gun, his poor family might be without a father, uncle or brother this Thanksgiving. OTOH, that piece of ghetto trash won't be starting any more fights, either!

    Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless you, one and all! Go Trump!!

  3. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes11:09 PM

    Let's give a big asshole trump to Trayvon Martin and his "purple drank" !!!!

    Remember him? Crystal Magnum? Tawana Brawley? Wichita Massacre? Nashville massacre?

    You people won't answer. You make me puke.

  4. The Ministry of Truth11:24 PM

    "Had the quick-thinking man not had a gun, his poor family might be without a father, uncle or brother this Thanksgiving. OTOH, that piece of ghetto trash won't be starting any more fights, either!"

    His family WILL be without him for quite awhile. He'll be spending his golden years in the joint, since he shot a kid who wasn't attacking him, merely cursing him out for being the demented, racist redneck he is.

    Not so quick-thinking after all, it appears.

  5. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I am a black woman whose son was killed by another black male, just because he was gay. Sorry, it's not whites who are killing our young men - it's black ignorance!

    Field - As a gay black man with a blog you'd be the perfect spokesperson to speak out against homophobia in the black community. Why don't you do more posts about being HIV-positive, or about wearing women's clothing? Are you still ashamed of your own lifestyle?

    I await your reply.

  6. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I think that KKK asshole bus driver in redneck Chattanooga who killed all those kids needs to be hanged! I hate whootemoos!!

    Oh wait .... turns out he was African-American ... In that case, he needs our sympathy and support. Latent white racism probably drove him to do what he did.

  7. I don't know any Trump supporters except one guy, and I won't be seeing him at Thanksgiving, so no awkward politics around here. The one Trump guy I do know is kind of hard to deal with. He's been a solid friend for more than twenty years, but he's dealing meth and it's driving him crazy. I saw him last night and all the while he was defending Bannon, it was all I could do not to ask him how he supports someone who wants to institute stop and frisk in the "inner cities" and whether he believes they don't see Oakland as the "inner city" and therefore advocate grabbing him off the street and throwing him in prison for the rest of his life. Reason doesn't work with Trump supporters, and he really is a good friend, so I didn't say anything, but Briana showed him the video of the crowd giving Richard Spencer the Nazi salute, and while he thought that was fucked up, it didn't change the way he sees anything.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh wait .... turns out he was African-American

    And that means he NEVER wold have been allowed to drive White children after an earlier driving accident. No, ONLY poor, Black kids get stuck with bad drivers.

  9. A deplorable deplorable12:42 AM

    Aw jeez! Din the liberal, ever so PC, black loving, ghetto living, with meth dealing friend, WHAT!!??? Meth dealing "solid" friend??? You crazy dude??? A meth dealer is your solid friend? Ohhhh the carnage has begun! Yessss indeed!

  10. I don't mind "awkward" conversations about politics. Typically is the case I just laugh at ideologues. Religious, political and otherwise. I'm not claiming some sort of enlightenment or any more intelligence; I just don't know how another human being's brain can be so wholly devoted to any ideology. So typically is the case that people won't speak politics or religion with me. I'll change the subject to how great Creed was as a Rocky spin-off and how Michael B. Jordan should be a more celebrated actor for pulling off the role.

    One of the biggest reasons I don't like these conversations is that ideologues always seem to lie, believing that their arbitrary experience(s), even if true, somehow paint a picture of the whole; e.g. "Man, I was out today and I saw like 12 white guys with rebel flags saying 'nigger'!" Oh, you did, huh? So, you record everything on your smartphone from the fucking supermoon to ants carrying cheetos outside of the Shop 'N Save, but you just managed to miss your opportunity for liberal social media fame? Damn, that sucks. And it seems like this isn't something reserved for regular Joes and Janes either. Anna Kasparian, of The Young Turks, lied her ass off about having to cuss guys who were talking bad, apparently, about blacks, gays, AND Mexicans, all in one single conversation. How fucking convenient. The only thing that would have made it better is if she, a fucking REPORTER and news personality, would have recorded some, just any, of the convo -- even her retort to them in live-time. But we all know these things are bullshit. Ideologues spend a great deal of their time crafting self-fulfilling prophecies. "Oh, there's racists on this campus. And to prove it, I'm going to smear a shit swastika on the wall and say I saw the KKK on campus! Then they'll KNOW I've been right all along!" How many more waitresses are going to fake bad comments on receipts to gain attention?

    Ideologues, from all sides and beliefs, are inherent liars. Their world must be twisted and shrank to fit into that narrow space. From creationist Christians and radical Islam to hardline conservatives and neoliberals -- they're necessarily dishonest people, and the ones I know personally know better than to even broach conversations in my presence, especially when it's my two brothers and me, all of whom are skeptics.

  11. The Ministry of Truth12:56 AM

    "A deplorable deplorable said ..."

    Inability to speak English. Time for you to be deported, says Mr. Trump.

  12. Yes, he's my friend, been my friend for twenty years. Pretty much always been there when I needed something, like $40 so I could eat and ride the bus until payday, or a ride to Highland when I had my surgeries, or tickets and a ride to the city to see Motorhead the last time they played Club Townsend before it closed down. It's been my experience that meth users are prone to conspiracy theories (I know a microbiologist who used it and was quite fond of them) so when he started listening to Alex Jones I was appalled, but not really surprised. These days I don't really have much to say to him, but I'm not in the habit of abandoning my friends when we don't agree, and from what I can tell, neither is he.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Anonymous1:53 AM

    @ Yishengcow -

    Any parent with any sense would have turned around and driven their own kid to school the moment they laid eyes on that nappy-headed, drugged-out thug behind the wheel of the schoolbus. The thing is, blacks don't have any sense in the first place, which is why their kids are dead.

    Who wants to bet he was hired by another black? Possibly a relative, who conveniently overlooked his criminal record?

  14. Well Doug,

    I guess I am prejudiced. But if your friend is dealing meth, then he is dealing pain, sorrow and failure with every bindle. Not to mention bad health.

    That shit ain't good for anybody. The sooner people realize that, the sooner they get on with their lives.

  15. " I just don't know how another human being's brain can be so wholly devoted to any ideology."

    This is Josh saying this.

    Seriously, it's Josh.

    His levels of self-awareness are at record breaking low levels.

    (He also thinks that anyone who responds to his idiotic comments on this blog is "stalking" him. I mean what the fuck can you meaningfully say to a man who demonstrates this level of self-delusion and paranoia?)

  16. As my older brother was a biker, I've seen a lot of meth in my time. I know quite a bit about it, from right up close.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson5:49 AM

    TOO CLOSE...I would suggest. I hear the fumes from "cooking" meth will get to you.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson6:59 AM

    12:56 AM
    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    Yes, he's my friend, been my friend for twenty years. Pretty much always been there when I needed something, like $40 so I could eat and ride the bus until payday, or a ride to Highland when I had my surgeries, or tickets and a ride to the city to see Motorhead the last time they played Club Townsend before it closed down. It's been my experience that meth users are prone to conspiracy theories (I know a microbiologist who used it and was quite fond of them) so when he started listening to Alex Jones I was appalled, but not really surprised. These days I don't really have much to say to him, but I'm not in the habit of abandoning my friends when we don't agree, and from what I can tell, neither is he.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1:39 AM

    Oh, you po-assed wanna be nigger.

    I'm sure that money he "gave" you wasn't along with spreading your cheeks.

  19. Depy da deplorable7:48 AM

    @Din, "Been there when I needed something, like $40" etc., and now you out him as a meth dealer on a public blog! Shame! You certainly ain't much of a friend are you?

  20. Da depo deplorable8:52 AM

    dinthebeast said...

    As my older brother was a biker, I've seen a lot of meth in my time. I know quite a bit about it, from right up close.

    -Doug in Oakland

    3:09 AM

    Now his "older brother was a biker so he's seen a lot of meth" O-O

    Any other family laundry you'd like to air out?

    I'm thinking you were the meth using biker, now blaming the "brother" Sheeeesh! You're the real "carnage" buddy!

  21. Meth addiction and HIV/AIDS is a hellva combo to see clinically.

    Interestingly, I'd never seen as many homeless people from different races, with multiple serious comorbidities, until I moved back down South.

  22. James Deplorable1:01 PM


  23. Deplorable Dan1:32 PM

    It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...

    Meth addiction and HIV/AIDS is a hellva combo to see clinically.

    12:48 PM

    Din the beast is screwed! Or his brother...or both and the entire family, and the bike he sat on, who knows?...

  24. My brother died in '05, so yeah, he's screwed. I've been a musician for forty years, so I've tried a lot of drugs, including meth (nobody but the cops called it that before Breaking Bad) mostly pot (I was born and raised in Humboldt County) and psychedelics. You might be surprised about who uses meth. All of those tons of it shipped up here from Mexico are going somewhere, and not all of the people who use it are toothless hicks. I do agree that it is bad for you. The people I know who use it aren't using it for their health.

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Abominable deplorable3:13 PM

    dinthebeast said...

    ...You might be surprised about who uses meth.

    -Doug in Oakland

    2:49 PM

    Okay din, spill the beans, we know you want who uses meth?

    Din is like some of those guys the cops arrest, gotta give them one slap to get them talking and two to shut them up!

    it's all those drugs, see what they do???

  26. Anonymous3:21 PM

    dinthebeast said...

    mostly pot (I was born and raised in Humboldt County) and psychedelics.

    -Doug in Oakland

    2:49 PM

    Stay away from Humboldt, or not as the case may be :)

  27. dinthebeast said...
    The people I know who use it aren't using it for their health.

    Needing to even state this is proof that being a racist diminishes one's math skills ie Josh/multiple "identities" on field's blog, and tortellini face among others.

    It's simple a mathematical fact that MOST functional drug addicts are White because they: 1) Make up the majority of Americans (duh) and 2) Have the resources to buy the drugs in the first place.

    If the drug trade depended on DeJuan and Shamika in da' hood, it would have "gone out of business" a LONG time ago.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Most of the meth users I know are indeed white. I know a few black people who use it, but not many.
    Ad: Truck drivers, tree workers, students, restaurant workers, construction workers, heavy equipment operators, teachers, and a couple of scientists I know personally. Also, welders, machinists, computer programmers and musicians. Auto mechanics and dismantlers, warehouse workers, bartenders, millwrights, contractors, middle-managers, and even a few cops. Also, JFK and a bunch of the German army during WW2.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Trumplorable6:54 PM

    and Trump?

  31. Trump seems more like a cocaine guy to me, but who knows?

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Trumpalicious7:26 PM

    and Field?

  33. My man Trump says he has a mandate? I think he want to redo the math on that one. Introspection isn't big with this one. Loses the popular vote and thousands protesting in damn near every major city, that doesn't sound like a mandate to me.

  34. @ Doug, didn't you hear? Crack is whack!!

  35. Lilacpr9:01 PM

    Lord have mercy! Doug,you mean most of society is using meth??? Holy shit! Coulda fooled me! Who knew!

  36. "@ Doug, didn't you hear? Crack is whack!!"

    Whitney is that you?

  37. Never done any crack, or heroin either, although I did smoke black opium a couple of times when I was 19, but didn't like it much.
    So Trump has a mandate? Is it from rentboy?

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Trumpaleerio10:14 PM

    You smoked black opium??? Wow,you're my hero now!

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson10:25 PM

    Well, I smoked some what we called hash, and, as I remember, it was pretty damned good stuff. In my younger years, of course. I could sell my piss now.

    Wish I had some of that hash now.

  40. It's legal here in California now, so it could probably be gotten without too much fuss.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Lt. Commander Johnson2:22 AM

    Well. as understood it, hash was mashed-up weed, with as sprinkle of supposed opium on it. Made it sticky to handle. Bongs were preferable.

  42. I didn't have a good experience with the black opium. Both times I smoked it I fell asleep and later got up and did things I have no memory of doing. Kinda put me off of the idea of doing more of it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Trumpeteer7:35 AM

    Oh no! Not you too Lt,Commander! We have a competition going on now! Who did more drugs, and what kind.
    Come on, come on, who else, who else? LSD? Raise your hands! Peyote anybody? Ayuwaska? Flacka, Glue sniffing...?

  44. @2:22, how big IS your pot belly? And what blue collar job do you call your career?

  45. On genocide day I like to remind the devil of math.Where them slave ships ,how many could they hold, who owned them how fucking many where there. Not enough bitch we were here already native Americans are our children mixing in with the more intelligent mongoloid. More intelligent than you cause we made all of you. That's good fine even as your lies unravel so does your reign. Sooner than later quicker than believed all devils I see you bitch boy James will be done
