Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Your 45th president.

Image result for trump image"Everything I believe in - kindness, goodwill, selflessness, honor - has all been soundly revoked by my country tonight. Cannot reconcile it." @jeffcannata

I remember my first visit to America as a child. My father moved the family to East Lansing, Michigan to pursue his doctoral studies at Michigan State University. As a wide- eyed kid I felt like I hit the jack pot. Snow. Baseball.Toys. Unlimited amounts of candy. America, to me was a beautiful place. So imagine my disappointment when my father told the family that we had to go back to Jamaica when his studies were over.

He had job offers from all over the country, but he just wouldn't stay. Jamaica was home, and that's where he was going. So he packed up the family and moved  back to the place he loved more than anywhere else on earth. 

To my father, America wasn't all that. He saw behind all the glitz and glamour, and all the false platitudes of exceptionalism. He had faced discrimination as a young college student years before, and (even though I didn't know it at the time) he was experiencing it then.

I was thinking about my father last night when the charade of American decency was finally exposed. Americans elected a man who questioned the legitimacy of the man he will be replacing, bragged about assaulting women, and refused to rent his properties to African Americans. He is also a man who refused to release his tax returns, and started his now successful campaign by branding Mexicans as rapists.

But this is where we are in this country. Honestly, his victory to those of us who are branded as "racism chasers" was not surprising. We saw this "whitelash" coming. We tried to warn you that this is what happens when you normalize hate. We always knew, that at its core, this movement was more about racism, xenophobia, sexism and just good old fashion self-preservation, than it was about economic angst and a dissatisfaction with Washington. Making America great again was a slogan meant for the good ole boys and gals in places like Pistolvania and Kentucky. It's what got them fired up to come out in record numbers and reject the more qualified candidate who would have actually made their lives better.

I was honestly going to stop blogging if Hillary Clinton won. The passion for making my thoughts known every night was waning, but Führer trump winning last night and becoming our 45th president made me realize that I have to stick around just a little longer.

After all, typing at times might be just as good as fighting.



  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    You're darn tootin'!

  2. We need your voice so glad you'll continue to weild the mighty pen, or keyboard.

  3. A lot of our fellow African American now have to look at their co workers and neighbors in a different light. They got suckered into thinking these white folks really like them. Lesson learned !!

  4. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:38 PM

    No one said white folks "liked" Afro Americans.

    Hey, you have a whole continent, rich with natural resources. Why not go back there, and create a Black Empire?

    Let me know if you decide to, so I can relocate the trees me and Jane live in.

    1. While you are at it, YOU have Europe to go back to.

  5. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Disappointed, but not surprised, by your attitude. You won't wait and see how President Trump will conduct business for the USA or keep an open mind, Field, even as Obama and Hillary have asked all Americans to give him a chance to lead.

  6. Thanks for sticking around. We need to know that we are not shouting into a void.

  7. Lewis Thomason7:38 PM

    Bah humbug,liberal democracy is over

  8. Anonymous7:47 PM

    My vote for trump was to rid America of the Hill-Bill Clinton blight. Trump may be everything you say, but he is much better than HRC. Sorry you don't see that. Let me suggest another education theme for this blog; what happened to the Democratic Party of FDR - JFK - MLK etc?. ANSWER: The CLINTON'S destroyed the party and the dream to fill their pockets with banksters and other dirty money. The Clinton's destroyed America.

  9. I'm glad you're sticking around, I have a feeling we're going to need all of the sanity we can find. I'm not surprised to find that Hillary won the popular vote, but everyone knew the rules, and this is what we get. It's quite rare in the modern era for one party to win three terms in a row. The Mighty Wurlitzer won this one, but it won't win the next. Now all we can do is try to support one another and mitigate the damage as best we can. That won't help the thousands of citizens who will die as a result of having their health insurance taken away as retribution for Obama making fun of Trump at the correspondents dinner, but perhaps we can help them however we find ourselves able.
    Those semi-poor white people who voted this time out of terror at "losing their country" are going to be in for a rude awakening when all of the sudden their teenage daughters can't get safe, legal abortions any more, but their more affluent neighbors have no such difficulties. This was all stuff you could easily know about before you voted, but they had to have their fire-demon to blow it all up, and now they have him, and I hope they don't have too hard of a time dodging the shrapnel.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Please stay as long as your fingers and brain are sound. You're needed to tell the actual truth the media won't tell.

  11. Anonymous9:29 PM

    That's my Field negro!

  12. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Doug went from thanking feelz to Vietnam flashbacks in a few seconds. Too much sex with chickens will do that.

  13. Limpbaugh11:06 PM

    Hillary supported wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. As Secretary of State she "brainstormed" about giving Israel a green light to attack Iran. We finance bombing Palestinians and Yemen. She supports both and was instrumental in arming Saudi Arabia who is bombing innocent civilians in Yemen. Wikileaks revealed that they knew some of our support to Saudi Arabia and Qatar goes to ISIL.

    The policies Trump calls draining the swamp include things like term limits, extending bans on politicians and their aides becoming lobbyists, and banning donations from lobbies representing foreign countries. The media is owned and sponsored by the 1%. Worse than demonizing Trump was their collusion with Clinton. I was shocked by some the things Wikileaks exposed and I already knew they were liars. The DNC emails were about the nomination race. Sanders polled at double digit leads over Trump but the establishment Democrats and media stole the nomination from him. The Democrats have no one to blame for Trump winning but themselves.

    There are things I don't like about Trump and things I do, but I am for reporting the truth. The corporate media doesn't need my help to report bad things about Trump. One thing he did was buy a whites only country club in Palm Beach and immediately make it open to all races. Then he worked with boards and local officials to get some of the other country clubs to desegregate too. I knew he was joking about kicking out the crying baby, and it turned the mother got a big kick out of him joking with her. Making fun of the disabled reporter is also a questionable accusation. Trump has made the same movements to portray other people being flustered and the guy's handicap doesn't involve any uncontrolled movements. The news is more interested selling weapons for their sponsors than telling the truth. Maybe the best way to get over Hillary losing is to look into how evil she is. You might end up being glad she lost.

  14. WhiteNipplesMatter11:07 PM

    I guess all the female whooteemoos will soon go back to coat hanger abortions.

    Hope you're happy now!!

  15. Anonymous11:41 PM

    @ Nipples -

    When did The God Emperor ever say anything about banning abortions?

    I say, Free abortions for all black women!

  16. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Ha ha, y'all got whooped by a 70-year-old white man.


  17. Limpbaugh11:56 PM

    I forgot to add that Trump was honored by Jessie Jackson and Rainbow Push for hiring so many black construction workers. But my point isn't that Trump is great. My points are the media lies and Hillary is evil. Sanders polled way above Trump and that was before a bunch of more dirt came out about her. Where did the people who made up that difference go? Did all of those people suddenly turn racist? Or did they vote against Hillary?

  18. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Fields, your typing is certainly changing the world. Just look at the proof. Everything is getting better. White people are nicer, Blacks are happier, Arabs and Jews are talking peace, ISIS surrendered and apologized, Russians and Ukrainians have started a dating service, crime is down in Chicago, Hillary and Monica are now BFF's, Bill is in therapy, gays are having babies, the McRib is back, dogs stopped eating cats, mosquitos stopped biting, and chewing gum doesn't stick to shoes anymore. You're amazing!

  19. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Hillary, do not despair. Anthony Weiner stands behind you!

  20. Anonymous12:19 AM


    I concur with your assessment.

  21. Of course a country full of racists would vote for racism

  22. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Random, if that's true, move.

    1. No you idiot, why do racist continue to stalk black blogs about perpetual documented racist evil committed by the source called white race. I guarantee you black people don't visit the incalculable number of racist white websites

  23. In addition to being the racism, misogyny and bigotry President, he's also the chaos and lies President. One must defend one's mind from him. Therefore thank you, field, for continuing your spirited critique.

  24. Anonymous12:54 AM

    I say it's time for a renewed interest in urban redevelopment. The sheer and startling ratio of cubic feet of concrete to delicatessens selling non kosher products is economically astounding. Indeed, it is more that noteworthy. The implementation of selling corned beef laden with mayonnaise or other dairy products is certainly a volatile and socially provocative combination in the current geopolitical environment as it is expressed in the microcosm of our inner-cities and their organic places along the continuum of inter-city synergistiics and inter-sub cultural interrelations. It's really quite a complex web. Yet, to the discerning eye, it is rather elementary. So, now that we see a clear way forward, so unlike the deceptive promises of the civil rights movements and the adverse and failed concepts of distributive Justice, let us now back the one leader, who by his great power and clever wiles, shall lead us to the proper resolution to these matters, until now, merely ignored.

  25. Anonymous1:06 AM

    There is one constant principle in the nature of human beings. That one principle is the drive to perform one's vital functions as the need to do so is presented, if you will, beyond that liminal boundary of consciousness. The frustration of this drive, somewhat ironically, serves as the source for conflicts which challenge the abilities of others to fulfill their own vital needs. This gives rise, paradoxically, to both aggression and a deep seated desire for fairness and justice. The monkey mind, being unable to reconcile these opposing forces, takes at once to the streets to posture aggressively for some outside party to alleviate this unpleasant and rather mystifying contradiction of impulses.

  26. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Your tears are delicious.

    The entire Obama "legacy" will be undone, and he will be a footnote of history.


  27. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Whatever happened to that captain pilot X guy? He used to spout off the most dark and vial stuff after a long flight. Man, he was super morose about race relations and seemed to be hopeless about the goodness of others. That's kind of strange if you consider he's pointing out that people are basically bad by nature and then complaining they are bad. I mean, if that's true, then why complain they are bad? Just accept it. Just expect it. All people suck.

  28. I forgot to add: also the petty spite president. Most safely delivered anonymously.

  29. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Doug, I saw you behind the Walgreens smoking crack. I wanted to come over and say "hi there" but I'm incredibly shy due to my Aspergers and the fact that I'm in the middle of a major Lego build in my living room which is consuming most of my available cognitive powers as I work to solve various load-bearing issues and color scheme problems caused by a shortage of blue block. I'm not sure if you can identify with what I'm going through right now. I just hope you're not mad at me. I did not mean to be rude.

  30. Anonymous1:29 AM

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  31. Anonymous1:39 AM

    LOL, now all the little leftist crybaby children are out having their little tantrums, burning shit down and looting. So predictable.

    It's going to be hilarious when you spoiled little dickheads start making death threats against Trump after he's the president. You're going to learn that actions have consequences on that day; it's too bad your daddies didn't teach you that long ago. Oh wait - most of you don't even HAVE daddies. Heh heh.

  32. Brother Field, I echo that. AMEN to each and every word. Power to the People.

  33. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Aw, looks like anon missed me. I'm still around just been a bit jet lagged and busy. As a man of a certain age I don't bounce back from time changes as quickly as I used to. Nice to see I'm missed.


  34. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I have to equate these protests to the tea party protests after Barack was elected. Now if the left can capitalize on this momentum and elect more liberal legislators and get a wave going you may see the mirror image of 2010. As Barack says don't boo, vote.


  35. Putting to one side the racial / hate aspect – yeah, of course a big part of it was a white right wing backlash against having had a two term black president with a good dose of misogyny in the mix too – I can’t get my head round the idea of going from a thoughtful, articulate leader who exemplifies statesmanship, to a loutish, bullying spoilt kid. It is stunning stupidity.

    I find it hard to believe that Trump had the intellectual stamina to do that job. Watching him succeed Obama is going to be like the evolutionary process in reverse.

    And it is not going to be too long before reality intrudes into the skulls of poor, rural whites as they realise that Trump is going to do *fuck all* to upgrade their lives and situation. They’re going to feel badly conned when they see Trump’s only agenda is: Donald Trump.

  36. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Already black rioters are viciously assaulting white citizens, all because of who they voted for. I weep for this once great country.

  37. Lilacpr7:04 AM

    Anonymous10:18 PM
    Doug went from thanking feelz to Vietnam flashbacks in a few seconds. Too much sex with chickens will do that.


  38. Lilacpr7:11 AM

    Oh stop it Field! Its going to be just fine! You'll see! You'll have nothing to blog about, at least nothing bad anyway! Many great things are about to commence, both there and here, because we also have a wonderful change! The son of the man we called "The Messiah" he who took Puerto Rico out of the Dark Ages! Dr. Ricardo Rossello,the son of Dr.Pedro Rossello!

    But just in case, I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway...;)

  39. F*ck the deplorables9:10 AM

    @7:04 stop pretending to be PR.

    @7:11, if this is the real PR, do you really believe Trump gives a flying flip about an island full of mostly poor, spanish speaking folks?

  40. Keep up your openness and honesty! It's important. Even though I don't comment much, you're one of the first emails I open when checking my inbox.

    I feel so much anxiety over this win. My idiot evangelical parents know he's a con and lier and still voted for him. I can't wrap my head around them hiding behind religion and fear. God only has part of the world in His hand, right? My mother using the term "baby Christian" makes my skin crawl. Maybe Melanija will become a born again baby Christian too. Why not, it's fun! And I'll try something new too, maybe baby Catholic. Too many rules. Disgusted by it all. Hope he's out in 48 months.

  41. From a Harvard educated FLOTUS, to nipples!!

    Will she put shag carpeting in the Oval Office? Will her FLOTUS portrait be her buck naked with just a sheet? Oh the endless possibilities for a FLOTUS with NO class!!

  42. White Foreman10:39 AM

    I dropped in to see if the black racists were bemoaning the way that decent people in America finally rejected the conniving, lying, globalist-puppet criminals that are the Clinton gang. I knew I wouldn't be disappointed.

    The "reasoning" from black racists: "whitey be raciss, so defend Goldman Sachs!!! Viva oligarchy! Replace black workers with Mexican illegals!"

    Bravo, Wayne!

    1. What are you, 12 or something?

      Grow up, eh?!

  43. White Foreman10:44 AM

    Oh, I see that 'Still Fly' is still here, still pretending to be in med school. Anybody else? Where's Steve?

  44. White Foreman11:10 AM

    Haha, "nipples" must mean Melania, the no-morals panty dropping new First "Lady". Well, it's good that Michelle never dropped her panties, because that might have proved if Joan Rivers was right about her being a tranny.

    Can't you field negroes get Melania to read some black racist blogs for a day or two? You know, to educate her about how dumb it was to idolize your fellow black racists like Michelle? Melania was trying so hard to be not-a-racist. She didn't realize that y'all are the worst racists possible. She's not very bright, is she?

  45. F*ck the stalking deplorables11:16 AM

    YOUR next FLOTUS in ALL her buck nakedness on a plane!

    Will she reshoot this pictorial on Air Force One?

  46. F*ck the stalking deplorables11:19 AM

    Anonymous White Foreskin said...
    Oh, I see that 'Still Fly' is still here, still pretending to be in med school. Anybody else? Where's Steve?

    And I see you're still an uneducated, broke ass hater, jealous that your new POTUS can grab pu$$ies and you can't.

  47. White Foreman11:27 AM

    HAHAAA! Still Fly is still a hatemonger, but al always in a very unclever way. Busily working her way through fake med school while wasting hours on black racist blogs, because med students have so much free time to waste.

    I forgot your actual name Fly. But don't you just hate it feelng inferior to white women? And who is it that insists you are inferior? Why, it's da black man that always puts any white skank over any black woman. That must drive you senseless. You poor thing.

  48. White Foreman11:34 AM

    Just look at the way that Wayne literally worships Hillary. It's downright disturbing. I bet he would just faint away if he were offered the chance to shine her shoes. He probably wouldn't even complain about the smell what would be so near to his nose.

    Wayne is a real trooper in the 'worship white saviors' movement. I bet he would faint twice if he even just saw Sandy Bullock from afar.

  49. @11:27, is that comment really the best you can do?? Newflash sport, you're BORING, YAAAAWWWWNNNNNN!!

    Y'all let me know when a stalker with a modicum of intelligence/education starts posting here.

    Next!!! :)

  50. Anonymous White ForeSKIN said...


    There, I fixed it for you! ;)

  51. Lilacpr12:56 PM

    F*ck the deplorables9:10 AM
    @7:04 stop pretending to be PR.

    @7:11, if this is the real PR, do you really believe Trump gives a flying flip about an island full of mostly poor, spanish speaking folks?

    I am and I do!

  52. Lilacpr1:51 PM

    Field said...Your 45th president.

    Our 45th president Field. Our.

  53. Please elaborate. I need mother I'm you.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. @PR,

    I'll claim Trump as Baby Daddy in Chief, out of respect for the office of the presidency, because he has 3 sets of children from a wife and 2 mistresses.

    But his wife will ALWAYS ONLY be a mail order bride/gold digging, naked nipple barer that plagiarizes speeches and lies about being educated.

    Otherwise known as immigrant White trash.

    And ONLY white people could get away with having such a tawdry background!

  56. Michelle Obama to Melania Trump, from Harvard educated FLOTUS, to naked model HO'-TUS!!!

  57. Your continued column will be a silver in this dark cloud.
    I don't recognize the justification Trump's voters use.
    From one of your very whitest readers,

  58. Anonymous4:18 PM

    FlyinginMy40's/Dingaling's rage and continually need to "have the last word" with cheap ad hominem insults is telling. The spring of insecurity is deep in that one. Watching her morph her lies over the years has been highly entertaining.

    The Progressive agenda is over and is dying globally. The rage is death spasms. Parasites like Dingaling are keenly aware that their days of affirmative action gibsmedats are over and are lashing out in fear.

    It's only just begun........

  59. Anonymous4:27 PM

    People who aren't afraid of hard work voted Trump. I had the misfortune of being in hospital recently, and I was surprised at the number of black and hispanic techs/lower level workers who were helping me were so open and vocal about their support for Trump, and their contempt for Hillary, which usually split into two groups: her lies (Benghazi, email, Clinton Foundation corruption) and/or her defense of late term abortion and Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood baby chop shop.

    Those who have ridden the "participation trophy" train and have been handed seats in academic institutions, etc were all in for Hillary and maintaining the status quo. This parasitic class is well represented by the Obamas, neither of whom earned any of their privileges by merit. Just read Mooch's "capstone paper" from Princeton for a good belly laugh and proof of her incompetence and rage about her academic mismatch of being awarded a place at Princeton where she was clearly out of her intellectual depth.

    The participation trophy/box checking cohort lost. And they're upset. The tears are delicious, and long overdue.

    Now the real work of restoring America to a place where genuine merit matters, not identity politics and racial patronage awards. Looking forward to it.

  60. @anon 4:18, 4:27

    What a bunch of nonsense you spew. Trump got fewer votes than Romney in 2012. That means at least 5 million Obama voters didn't vote in 2016.

  61. @4:27, neither POTUS or FLOTUS keep you from the Ivy League.

    You're just stupid.

    BTW, where did the future HO"-TUS attend college?


  62. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Michelle Obama--FLATUS

  63. The people who supported Trump voted for change. And boy are they going to get it- Garrison Keillor.

  64. If we have nuclear weapons
    why can't we use them
    I think the Trump presidency
    is gonna be a blast
    maybe the biggest blast
    in a long time hahahah
    thanks to all the goobers
    in this failed nation
    and their incredible foresight
    to elect Trump the last
    President of the USfuckingA


    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Yisheng is afraid of nudity and the human body. She is just as much a prude as all those conservatives she constantly rails against.

  67. @8:00, yes I never EVER want to see YOU naked!!

    And neither does anyone else that knows you!

  68. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I voted for Trump just to piss off dumb bitches like Yisheng.

  69. "Now the real work of restoring America to a place where genuine merit matters, not identity politics and racial patronage awards. Looking forward to it."

    Be careful what you wish for. I suspect that your gun rack having fed flag flying buddies are not too familiar with the word, "merit".

  70. @8:18, I didn't bat an eyelash at all the folks that folks voted for Trump. I'm just glad YOU finally rolled your morbidly obese ass out of bed to something more than eat and $hit.

  71. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Dingaling @ 4:27

    Thanks for continuing to confirm you're an unhinged mentally ill whackjob incapable of critical reading for information and projects/transfers with abandon.

    Yes sweetie the post negro, post progressive era has arrived and you are indeed doomed.

    Suck it up, buttercup!

  72. Anonymous11:03 PM

    FN @ 9:09

    I don't care what color/creed/race people are - everyone should be given an equal opportunity to compete based on merit, ability and talent. That is not what the post-1965 AA era has wrought.

  73. Doomed?? Put the meth pipe down Becky, you're burning your lips and those last 3 brain cells you got left. Your ass is just pissed that your vote for Trump actually HELPS my families bottom line!!


  74. @11:30, get your head out of your naive ass, this country has never been fair and NEVER will be fair for ALL people.

  75. James Deplorable5:36 AM

    "I suspect that your gun rack having fed flag flying buddies are not too familiar with the word, "merit"."

    They're all too familiar with "affirmative action" and "diversity" and "set-asides".  They know that all of those things mean "No White men allowed".  It's long past time for all of that to go.

    When it goes, so do you.

    I am greatly entertained by you clowns who are proud to be from e.g. the West Indies, but are posting from England or the CONUS.  If you make the places you live so great, why are you always wanting to be somewhere else?  Your revealed preferences prove that "racism" is absolutely correct, and "racists" are the only people who see clearly and speak truthfully.

    We shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you leave us.

    1. Your one lonely racist thesaurus reading hillbilly cracker

  76. Anonymous9:47 AM

    It's not about race, but your fixated on that.
    When you step out from under your own hate, you'll get it.
    Until then... you are choosing to live in that bubble.

  77. Another racist president and more white racist with no lives going to black websites to get some acknowledgement from the very people they hate so much yet stalk daily typical of the average white sexual deviant might I add. So called white people being encouraged to be their naturally evil racist perverse selves.

  78. We have always had racist evil albinos to deal with. Most worst than dump. Nothing has changed same evil people and same racist agenda.

  79. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I am black and voted for Trump! I am so glad he won, the the witch was sent home packing. I am very proud to be a 'house negro', and independent thinker who isn't interested in 'group thinking' but is fully invested in self-individual critical thinking! Doubt that I am black, then here are vidoes of me voting for and celebrating Trump's victory; thank God I am [me] and not just 17 million other blacks...


    Yes, I am an educated Chemist, Musician, Physicist, Astronomer (U.C. Berkeley class of 1992 on the Physics and Astronomy) and a house negro and [DAMN] proud of it!

  80. If your a racist troll and committed to showing everyone how meaningless your life is this comment right above me has raised the bar.

    1. Now show us all how you can match nay surpass such an excellent example of deep seated inferiority that only recessive DNA can produce.

    2. Doubt that I am black, so I produce video proof, if only these emotionally and spiritually disturbed psychopaths could channel their energies into stand up comedy

  81. Anonymous10:13 PM

    And you are why I don't eat negro foods, listen to nigga music, live anywhere near large negro populations, so forth and so on. No group in the world likes negros. Whites don't like negros, latinos don't like negros, asians don't like negros, and certain blacks don't like negros.

    Tommy Sotomayor of youtube fame is correct when he says no one likes or respects the negro! Truth hurts!

  82. Then why do albinos visit black blogs by the millions on a daily basis. I wish all of the evil inbred mutant fixed albinos could truly divorce themselves from all things black. No matter how far away you devils would be the sound of laughter and happiness would still be heard. And an era of peace and unity amongst the first born on this planet could begin in earnest without the threat of the constant evil aggression of the most sadistic evil to ever exist in human form

  83. James Deplorable11:40 AM

    "Then why do albinos visit black blogs by the millions on a daily basis."

    If we're forced to be "integrated" and "diverse", the least you can do is offer us some entertainment.

    "I wish all of the evil inbred mutant fixed albinos could truly divorce themselves from all things black."

    REALLY?!  When are you moving to Africa, then?  America has been ready for that divorce since at least 1968, probably much earlier.

    Whites aren't allowed to go for that divorce since the Cibil Rites acts.  But if you're willing to give those up so we can have our all-White shops, and restaurants, and parks, and towns, and even states (Oregon) like we used to, you will have enthusiastic support from me and millions of others.

    1. I was here before you, hell you insignificant lifeless fool. And I will be here long after you and the rest of the zombies have been extinct

    2. You wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me or my kind. I can have an albino child which would be considered a mutant. You can't make me so you are beneath me

  84. You were never first, your kind never civilized anything to this day your racist punk ass doesn't know how to be civil. Your a delusional thief absent of any originality or humanity. Notice the word hue in the word humanity. Your an albino slightly more evolved than the dog you identify with so will. At your best you bubble gum internet racist annoyance you remind me of every evil pale albino i have been forced to deal with due to your barbaric invader deviant mentality.

    1. Richard Wright was correct the only way to rationalize the inherent insanity and violent nature of the Caucasian is through psychiatry. Your sociopaths and psychotic by nature.

  85. James Deplorable6:32 PM

    Heh heh heh heh... TRIGGERED!

  86. Vince5:56 AM

    Haven't read this silly cartoon character, "field negro" in a while. I decide to check in and see his probable tantrum at Trump's won.

    Just the same silly run of the mill, by the numbers, bigotry and racism.

    Sit back and watch how this great country is supposed to be run, cartoon character.

  87. sohbet4:15 PM

    güzel site

  88. Güzelş blog sitesi

  89. Anonymous2:37 PM

    July 23, 2016. The New York Times published an op-ed titled: “Is Donald Trump a Racist?” As if the title were not enough, the writer Nicholas Kristof began by asking: “Has the party of Lincoln just nominated a racist to be president?”

    In order to portray Trump as a racist, Kristof did two things. First, he did not mention any evidence at all of Trump’s friendships and positive relations with African Americans and other minorities. Second, Kristof collected and twisted multiple tidbits of apparent evidence to suggest that indeed Trump is a racist.

    Kristof started: “One early red flag” was that in 1973 the Justice Department “sued Trump and his father, Fred Trump, for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals.” But this sentence is misleading because it names Donald first, as if he were the primary target of the lawsuit.
