Saturday, December 03, 2016


Image result for IMAGE TRUMP

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: The president elect tries to start a new fashion trend for men wearing ties.  He swears that his Scotch Tape was not made in China. 

*Pic from 


  1. After Donald Trump nearly lost his toupee to El Nino, he stated confidently that, "[I'm] going to build a weather machine that will stop El Nino. The Mexicans will pay for it, and it will be terrific. It's great. It's a terrific, great, ouyge machine that will be the greatest thing you've ever seen." When a bystander merely suggested that Trump get out of the storm rather than playing god, he responded by having security beat the bystander senseless.

  2. The Ministry of Truth9:34 PM

    Donald Trump's Scotch-tape based solution for "tie integrity" is half-assed. Much like his administration will be.

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Thank god my hair glue is stronger than the tie tape made in China.

  4. Anonymous9:56 PM

    All the resistance from these liberal faggots will not prevent me from Making America Great Again! Forward America!

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Trump lost his list of things we pretend are true:
    -Foreign squatters are Americans.
    -Russia is evil.
    -Taiwan is not a separate country.

  6. Anonymous9:58 PM

    With his reckless Taiwan phone call, Trump has wantonly placed America's interests ahead of China's.

  7. Anonymous9:58 PM

    The media is freaking out because Trump spoke to a democratically elected leader, and this might offend a dictatorship.

    Let that sink in.

  8. Normalized relations with Cuba's dictator: HERO!
    Made nuke deal with Iran's mullahs: HERO!
    Spoke to Taiwan's president: MORON!

  9. The Ministry of Truth10:20 PM

    ""With his reckless Taiwan phone call, Trump has wantonly placed Trump's interests ahead of America's."

    Fixed that for you.

    Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry


  10. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Fuck you and your bullshit fake news.

    You'll always be a loser.

  11. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Democrats do not understand that Trump's goal of creating a black working class is a plan to destroy their party forever.

  12. The Ministry of Truth10:48 PM

    "Democrats do not understand that Trump's goal of creating a black working class is a plan to destroy their party forever."

    "Creating" a black working class. Can you be anymore racist and stupid?

  13. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Let us move forward in the face of adversity. Make America Great Again!

  14. Manifest Density10:53 PM

    Memo to self: No beans for Steve Bannon!

  15. Trump's just making sure there's enough money being saved for Melania's further plastic surgeries.

  16. The Ministry of Truth11:06 PM

    "Trump's just making sure there's enough money being saved for Melania's further plastic surgeries."

    He doesn't have to do that. Didn't you hear? He's führer now. He can just loot the U.S. Treasury (and probably will).

  17. Anonymous12:48 AM

    A viable black working class would not turn blacks would simply turn enough of them Republican to cripple the Democrats.

  18. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Trump: I said no illegal aliens on American soil; and that goes for this damn wind as well.

  19. Trump as he prepares for his inevitable shit storm.

  20. Lilacpr6:12 AM

    That pose right there! With his head forward, braving the winds, ready to face adversity and do battle...YESSS!

    May God give him strength for what's ahead!

    And you're worried about a tie with a piece of scotch tape???

    Goes to show how screwed your priorities are and how blind to reality you've become!

  21. Lance Cockstrong8:08 AM

    Bloviating Blowhard Blowin' In The Wind ...

  22. Lance Cockstrong8:49 AM

    Is that you Breitbart? ...

  23. Manifest Density8:58 AM

    Does he or doesn't he? Only his hair dresser knows for sure.

  24. Lilacpr9:50 AM

    Trump: I shoulda used my hair glue on this darn tie!!!

  25. Lilacpr9:54 AM

    Well, all kind the thoughts for my dog situation are greatly appreciated, they're working! I know there's a lot of love here even if it's disguised as discussion and debate! ;)

    The dog seems to be less nervous and is kinda warming up to me. He seems to be starting to see me as the 'food lady' :) which is good! I have hope.

  26. Anonymous11:01 AM

    @Lilac: That's great. He probably hasn't had the kindest treatment. He is just a baby so he can learn that people can be good. Keep rewarding him with food and praise everytime he warms up.

  27. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Oops,they saw it!!!!!

  28. Lilacpr12:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    @Lilac: That's great. He probably hasn't had the kindest treatment. He is just a baby so he can learn that people can be good. Keep rewarding him with food and praise everytime he warms up.

    11:01 AM

    Thanks so much Anon! I was reacting to his barking,nervousness and running away by getting visibly exasperated! He was picking it up as further hostility!When you reminded me to have patience, I realized that!

    I now do not react at all, except maybe softly saying no,no, as he runs away, but no other reaction, and it seems to be working! Today I rewarded him with a treat, and he almost came up to me! :) Which he would stay away and I'd lay the food down and gently tell him to come and eat, then I'd have to walk away so he'd eat. So I think I;m making progress! Thanks! I'll keep y'all posted xD

  29. Anonymous1:18 PM

    This damn wind is a start of how the next 4yrs will be..

  30. I can see Russia from my backyard

  31. Manifest Density6:17 PM

    At least the tape was made in the U.S.A.
