Sunday, December 04, 2016

When "membership has its privileges."

Image result for joe mcKnight shooter images I am not a New York Jets fan , so I know very little about Joe McKnight's NFL career. Apparently he was a decent runner who had issues holding on to the football. In the Not For Long league you will not last long if you can't hold on to the football. I don't care how fast and elusive you are.

Lately Joe McKnight has been in the news for very tragic reasons that have nothing to do with football. He lost his life on a Jefferson Parish street after a road rage incident with another motorist.

This would be just another tragic story of a person (albeit a somewhat famous one) losing his life to the mean streets and because of the culture of guns in this country. But sadly, the real story here took place after the killing.

"On Thursday afternoon, former college football star, and onetime NFL running back Joe McKnight was shot to death in what law enforcement officials describe as a “possible road rage incident” in Jefferson Parish, LA.

One day later, the white man who admitted to authorities that he’d fired the bullet responsible for killing McKnight walked out of a police station a free man. No charges had been filed.

Ronald Gasser, 54, was released from custody on Friday morning, and has “not been formally charged as of yet in the shooting death of Joe McKnight,” Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Col. John N. Fortunato told reporters.

The decision to release Gasser has baffled many, who saw McKnight’s death as a fairly 

straightforward case. According to, an unnamed witness described seeing Gasser shoot McKnight at Behrman Highway and Holmes Boulevard in Terrytown, LA, just outside New Orleans. The witness claimed that McKnight appeared to be trying to apologize while Gasser raised his voice at him. Following the shooting, the witness said, Gasser stood over McKnight and said “I told you don’t you fuck with me” before shooting McKnight once more.

According to law enforcement officials, once officers arrived, they “began CPR [on McKnight] as they awaited the arrival of [emergency medical services]. Soon thereafter, Mr. McKnight was pronounced dead on the scene.” Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand told that McKnight appeared to be entirely unarmed. Gasser admitted he had been the shooter." [Source]

The portions of this story that says the shooter stood over McKnight and said "I told you don't you fuck with me" is in dispute. Gasser, of course, says that he never left his car.

The point is that once again there seems to be unequal treatment being handed out by certain folks in law enforcement when it comes to how people of different races are treated

Consider a similar case in New Orleans, recently. Another road rage incident involving a former football player with a totally different outcome.

Will Smith's killer was black. He is still in jail. Joe McKnight's killer is a free man as of me writing this post.

Just like with American Express, when it comes to the white male race, "membership has its privileges."

*Pic from


  1. Thanks to the election of BOTUS, male whooteemoos will be committing crimes they will never be punished for, at rates that haven't been seen in the US since slavery.

  2. Yīshēng's Master8:08 PM

    Thanks to the election of NOTUS, male negros have been committing crimes they will never be punished for, at rates that haven't been seen in the US since the 60's.

    That's over now.

  3. Lilacpr8:51 PM

    Field, I think that may be another case of a horrible suicide of a black man!

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Field said: "The portions of this story that says the shooter stood over McKnight and said 'I told you don't you fuck with me' is in dispute. Gasser, of course, says that he never left his car."

    A honest autopsy will clear up the "dispute."

  5. Hands Up! Don't Shoot!9:07 PM

    But black witnesses never lie to the police!

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    When have white racists ever not had an excuse of why a negro has to die. We're not human in their eyes.

  7. NOTUS9:51 PM

    That's over now.

    No it's not!

  8. The Ministry of Truth10:03 PM

    "Thanks to the election of NOTUS, male negros have been committing crimes they will never be punished for, at rates that haven't been seen in the US since the 60's."

    Er, crime rates in the '60s were quite low by American standards, and current crime rates have, in fact, almost dropped back to those levels. So your comment doesn't make too much sense.

  9. The Ministry Of Truth10:10 PM

    "NoDPL, WE WON!!!"

    Until Tangerine Mussolini takes office in two months. At which point, the pipeline company will get whatever they want from the Feds.

  10. Yīshēng's Master10:17 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Thanks to the election of NOTUS, male negros have been committing crimes they will never be punished for, at rates that haven't been seen in the US since the 60's."

    Er, crime rates in the '60s were quite low by American standards, and current crime rates have, in fact, almost dropped back to those levels. So your comment doesn't make too much sense.

    The comment referred to "crimes they will never be punished for", not the absolute crime rate.

    Reading comprehension grade: FAIL.

  11. Not us NOTUS10:19 PM

    Obama's legacy: 500 fundraisers and 250 rounds of golf.

  12. The Trumpening10:22 PM

    Renzi quits!

    Another globalist on the ash heap of history.

    Hollande & Merkel next.

  13. Two days in, and a white person isn't on death row awaiting execution. Obvious racism is obvious.

  14. The Ministry of Truth10:28 PM

    The comment referred to 'crimes they will never be punished for', not the absolute crime rate.

    Because black people got away with crime more in the '60s?

    Nope, sorry, still nonsense I'm afraid.

  15. Hail the Trumpenreich10:32 PM

    Maybe it wasn't so wise to go all-in on identity politics when your designated opponent was still the demographic majority.

  16. I hate to say it, but with as many guns as people in the US, you should pretty much figure anyone you might be thinking about beefing with has something to use as an equalizer, as my dad used to put it.
    And if you look scary to them (read that black) they're gonna feel like they are "standing their ground" and won't get in trouble anyway, so what's to stop them?
    Would a white guy have been shot in this situation? We probably can't know that. We do know that the black guy was shot, though, so what are we gonna do about it? Probably not much, the way things look now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. The plan of importing half of Mexico so Democrats could win and impose Feminism - maybe not the most well thought out plan.

  18. The Ministry of Truth10:41 PM

    Today, Trump tweeted the following at China:

    "Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the US doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea?' he tweeted. 'I don’t think so!'”

    To anyone who was hoping he might "pivot" toward not being a foreign policy dumbass and might stop flipping off the rest of the planet ... don't hold your breath.

  19. Anonymous10:51 PM

    MOT: Trump is not limiting his speech to that which is dictated as acceptable to a murderous, repressive totalitarian regime!

  20. Is it hot in here?10:52 PM

    Oakland is a sanctuary city. They decide what laws they do or don't have to follow. I guess that extends to fire codes too.

    Liberals got burned alive in Oakland because they ignored...G O V E R N M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S!

  21. If Black lives really mattered, there would be no need for the Black Lives Matters' movement!!

    I knew when I heard the killer was released that he was White.

  22. If blacks could behave themselves, there would be no need for the Klan!!!

  23. The Ministry of Truth said...
    To anyone who was hoping he might "pivot" toward not being a foreign policy dumbass and might stop flipping off the rest of the planet ... don't hold your breath.

    You mean like how that the democrat's loony conspiracy theory about Trump working for the KGB had Hillary promising WW3? That dumb?

  24. Trumps policies over the next 4 years are only going to maker America "browner". Dropping/changing healthcare will affect FAR more lower class Whooteemoos (who are already dying at alarming rates) since mathematically, there are FAR more of them than people of color.

  25. Dr. Wheautremeaux11:45 PM

    You're so smart Yisheng. Really, it's astounding.

  26. Anonymous11:47 PM

    The left wants to demonize white males and not have a reaction against that.

    That's not how reality works.

  27. The Ministry of Truth11:51 PM

    Jesus, wingnuts are dangerously dimwitted.

    A gunman was arrested at a DC-area restaurant while "self-investigating" the fake Pizzagate Hillary Clinton conspiracy. How long before the vile human garbage over at Brietbart and similar media cesspools get innocent people killed by the retarded wing nut readers who believed their shameless lies?

  28. The Ministry of Truth12:05 AM

    Death by "fake news."

  29. CNN is Fake News12:08 AM

    1. There is no evidence the gunman arrested in DC today had anything to do with the "Pizzagate" story.

    2. Thousands of white people are murdered each year by blacks who are motivated to do so by the lies pushed by the mainstream media.

  30. Floyd Lee Corkins II committed MASS MURDER because of Southern Poverty Law Center.

  31. Still trying to figure out whether I knew any of those dead folks or not. Kinda chilling, for me, as I moved out of an old foundry building not zoned for habitation with a performance space where they held unlicensed shows, after a fire this time last year.

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Doug involved in both suspicious fires involving performance spaces in Oakland.

    I wonder if the police know about this?

  33. The Ministry of Truth12:29 AM

    "There is no evidence the gunman arrested in DC today had anything to do with the 'Pizzagate' story."

    No evidence -- except for the gunman's statement to police that he was investigating Pizzagate.

  34. Anonymous4:23 AM

    When have white racists ever not had an excuse of why a negro has to die.

    When have ni66ers ever chosen truth over their delusions?  You believe you wuz kangz... yet somehow a bunch of white guys hauled all of you out of your (non-existent) castles and put you in chains in the New World.  Oh, never mind the Arabs who hauled many multiples as many "black bodies" to slave markets from Morocco to Turkey, with sales going on in Saudi Arabia into the 1960's (reported by Malcolm X).  The traders amputated both the penis and testicles of the boys.  That's why the ni66er slaves made such good harem guards; they were no longer equipped to violate the purity of Arab women even if they wanted to.

    The African slaves of the Arabs left no offspring.  The only reason you're here today is because Christian Americans were kinder than Arabs.  Yet this is how you repay them.  Your perfidy will not remain unpunished forever.

    We're not human in their eyes.

    Mentally, you never grow beyond childhood; you become petulant, violent babies in adult bodies.  You are intellectually unequipped to understand why anyone views you as undesirable or troublesome.  You won't even opt to just separate and be left alone.  That is why you will not remain for long on this earth.  If the more-evolved Europeans don't purge you, the Chinese will after occupying and cleansing Africa... which they are already beginning to do.

    It's over for you.

  35. "you never grow beyond childhood; you become petulant, violent babies in adult bodies...intellectually unequipped to understand why anyone views you as undesirable or troublesome...that is why you will not remain for long on this earth. If the more-evolved Europeans don't purge you..."

    If one believes in the concept/principle of accurately naming something to combat it (e.g. radical Islamic terrorism), then one may want to reconsider propagating these racial-based myths. It's not that blacks are genetically more given to this behavior, nor is it that they're too unintelligent to do anything but act like this. While the sampling size we see in America is frighteningly large, it doesn't speak to the whole; it doesn't speak to any trait inherent in that regard. What we're seeing is strict ideology. This is how ideologues act. Especially ideologues raised without true masculinity in their lives.

    In a university last year, all straight white men were forced to leave a gathering of POC. Was it the blacks there whining about having nothing to lose "but their chains"? No. It was white--I mean fucking snowflake super-Swede white!--middle to upper-class males and females (and whatevers) who were bitching about the patriarchy and white supremacy and rape culture, and they don't like white men. None of these groups do, and the vast majority of these groups are made up almost entirely of white people.

    This neoliberal cultural Marxist mindset that we see in the victim culture portion of black society is present in an identical form in white society and Asian society, etc. The only difference is that blacks have a stronger spotlight shone upon their habitual whining and cry-bullying because media give them a platform orders of magnitude larger for "racism" than what "sexism" and "patriarchy" and "rape culture" receive, due to the fact that, in this context, blacks are the original butthurted.

    But it's not a "black" thing; it's a brainwashed ideology thing. Making it a racial thing will see that it's never combated properly. There's no difference in Field's blog here, where everything's racism, and with someone like Anita Sarkeesian, where everything's sexism. They each have their own narrative, with the only overlaps being (a) it's ALL the fault of the white man, and (b) their lives are harder than EVERYONE'S lives...combined times infinity! It's an SJW whiny little bitch thing, not a black thing.

    Ironically enough, this is an area in America where we see a disproportionate positive outcome for the black whiners. Their lobby is fucking HUGE. Every other made-up victim group aspires to do what those millionaire black kids did at Mizzou last year. Every single one. But only blacks have the power to do that.

  36. I feel like Kat Williams when his perm left the building.
    Y'all let me write "mail" and not male and didn't check me?

    You field-hands are wrong for that.😏

    1. Yisheng is a genius7:57 AM

      Field, I thought it best to leave the autocorrect function to all the whooteemoos who are desperate to feel smarter than those of us Negroes with advanced degrees.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Anywhoo, where is this powerful black mind control medium that u wingnuts are alway whining about?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Donald Trump: "I am thrilled to nominate Dr. BenCarson as our next Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development".

    Cue the theme song from "The Jeffersons"

  41. No matter the post the white racists spew the same bullshit

  42. Anonymous10:31 AM

    If one believes in the concept/principle of accurately naming something to combat it (e.g. radical Islamic terrorism), then one may want to reconsider propagating these racial-based myths. It's not that blacks are genetically more given to this behavior

    Black babies are born about a week earlier than Whites.  They walk and talk earlier.  They hit puberty sooner.  None of that is cultural.  It is 100% genetic.

    Blacks have an extremely high prevalence of the "warrior gene", a promoter sequence for the MAOA-1 gene which predisposes its carriers to hair-trigger violence.

    nor is it that they're too unintelligent to do anything but act like this.

    Black children have very strong time preference (immediate over deferred rewards) beginning as early as they can be tested.  This cannot be anything BUT genetic, and it correlates strongly with IQ.

    Insisting that NONE of this is genetic is the ideology of the blank-slatist.  The only problem with blank-slate (or as some are calling it now, paint-job) theory is that every prediction it makes has been tested and proven wrong.  We've had 60, almost 70 years of legal and social policy based on paint-job theory which assumes blacks are just "broken" white people and can be "fixed".

    Do you see that the inner cities, minority-dominated schools, and everything else are "fixed" now?

    Blank-slate theory is just a clever way of blaming, shaming and dispossessing white people.  According to (((our ideological masters))), if they didn't dominate the culture, the politics and the economy the "poor downtrodden blacks" wouldn't be in the predicament they're in.  This is an excuse for ever more oppressive measures against white people.

    The problem is genetic, which means that blaming and oppressing white people will never bring about "equality".  That makes blank-slate theory a perfect tool for genocide.

    Suppose we recognize that the issue is genes and there never will be racial equality, and possibly not even compatibility?  A whole lot of problems just go away.  You can STOP trying to affirmative-action everything into "balance".  You can STOP trying to demand white norms of behavior from black people; you just have to let them do their own thing in their own spaces and deal with their own problems their own way at their own expense.  You know, like white people did before the current mania of mass immigration and integration of immiscibles.

    That's where we're going.

  43. Equal Rights11:02 AM

    "Suppose we recognize that the issue is genes and there never will be racial equality, and possibly not even compatibility?"

    Reality will eventually insist on being acknowledged. The moral way to use the truth is to acccept the conclusion that groups are not equal but individuals must be judged on their own and not by their membership in a group.

    This means we remain committed to preventing discrimination against individuals, but we stop using differences in group outcomes as evidence of discrimination against individuals.

    We ensure equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

    Seems logical and fair, right? However this is not how we run our society today. The government-enforced concept of "disparate impact" means any differences in group outcomes must be addressed with legal remedies even if no evidence of discriminaiton can be detected.

    This promotes gross injustice and delegitimizes the government. Things must change.

  44. Countdown to the Hidden Figures movie!

  45. What da' hell, whooteemoos mad about a Black Santa?

    MAERA, Make America Extra Racist Again!!

  46. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Huffington Post = Fake News

  47. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The moral way to use the truth is to acccept the conclusion that groups are not equal but individuals must be judged on their own and not by their membership in a group.

    When the individual identifies, organizes and acts with a group, he must be judged by membership.

    This means we remain committed to preventing discrimination against individuals, but we stop using differences in group outcomes as evidence of discrimination against individuals.

    It is immoral to admit individuals from another group when it means exposing one's own group to hazards that would otherwise be kept at bay.  The right to discriminate, even on the basis of race, is basic and essential to human societies.  No society which adopted multi-racialism or multi-culturalism survived that mistake.  The Spanish conquered the Aztecs, but mixed with their subjects; they went from conquistadors to mestizo lawn-care specialists.

    We ensure equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

    Societies can create whatever opportunities they are able.  Black societies are their own concern, not mine.  There is no obligation on my part to create opportunities for black people, even if they would return the favor... which we all know they wouldn't.

    Wayne has received the gift of the English language and its common law.  He makes a good living as a lawyer among the people whose culture created those things—whose people and culture are the ONLY ones which could create those things.

    His thanks for this is expressed as daily complaints about "racism" and "discrimination".  4Q2.

  48. "Black babies are born about a week earlier than Whites."

    Yes. Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid -- all different races of people. As such, we do have inherent differences, and the list is very long. It includes different hormonal levels, different gestation periods, different bone densities, different muscle masses, different immune systems, different olfactory and ocular responses, etc, etc. I'm in no way a supporter of the we're-all-exactly-the-same myth.

    That's bullshit. I'm an evolutionary biology major. I know precisely what race is. I know precisely how differences are hard coded into our genes.

    What I'm saying is that being a whiny victim, a petulant, violent baby in an adult's body, is something that is in no way one of those Negroid racial traits. This is simply an observation which accurately models reality. We see identical behavior among even more white people. And not like one or two more, but about ten or twenty million more. These particular negative traits aren't genetic for Negroids only. Caucasoid and Mongoloid people are also incredibly prone to these behaviors.

    Sure, these are the people whose genes would have died out 10,000 years ago. They would have only had one generation to get their shit together, unlike today's first-world society which caters and carries them and allows those horrid genes to populate the gene pool, basically as anti natural selection as one can get. Still and all, we have the feminists, we have the SJWs, etc. All these white people doing exactly the same shit shows that, to the extent it IS a genetic thing, it's a genetic thing among all races.

  49. In yet another case of White Garbage Matters:

  50. The Ministry Of Truth6:06 PM

    "What da' hell, whooteemoos mad about a Black Santa?"

    Don't worry. Trump will get right to work solving our most urgent social problem and propose a law declaring that our nation's Santa is officially white! Then he and Megyn Kelly can kiss (and probably pussy-grab) and make up, having found one issue they agree on.

  51. Anonymous11:44 PM

    That's bullshit. I'm an evolutionary biology major. I know precisely what race is. I know precisely how differences are hard coded into our genes.

    Don't be so sure.  If you're in a university, you're swimming in a sea of blank-slatism.  It is going to take you a while to sort the truth from the fiction, especially what's coming from your instructors.

    What I'm saying is that being a whiny victim, a petulant, violent baby in an adult's body, is something that is in no way one of those Negroid racial traits.

    You still don't see the intellectual deficits of the African, nor how long they have been known... and then denied.  Assigned reading/viewing:

    African aircraft flight test
    African man builds his own helicopter
    Zambia "space program"

    Do you see the lack of understanding there?  Do you see how these people ape the form with zero comprehension of the functions and principles?

    Do you finally get why they ape the forms of success here, then wonder why they fail... and fall for the story that their failure is due to "racism" and "oppression"?

    Once you've gotten through that, here is the meat of your assignment:  Negroes in Negroland.  (Read the PDF, the OCR versions have not been error-corrected.)

  52. "You still don't see the intellectual deficits of the African..."

    You're now conflating topics. I was speaking very specifically about this so-called genetic propensity--the inclination--to be a whiny, petulant, angry, abusive baby in an adult's body. You have now moved the goal posts over to intelligence, a topic which was not being discussed.

    The two are not the same thing.

  53. Anon@11:44, u can't blame 'the black's " for your misery in life. I suggest u look in the mirror and work hard to make your life better.

    Hanging out with your stormfront buddies and reading Infowars all day will not get you where you want to be in life.

    Carry on.😏

  54. Anon@11:44, u can't blame 'the black's " for your misery in life. I suggest u look in the mirror and work hard to make your life better.

    Hanging out with your stormfront buddies and reading Infowars all day will not get you where you want to be in life.

    Carry on.😏

  55. Anon@11:44, u can't blame 'the black's " for your misery in life. I suggest u look in the mirror and work hard to make your life better.

    Hanging out with your stormfront buddies and reading Infowars all day will not get you where you want to be in life.

    Carry on.😏

  56. Anon@11:44, u can't blame 'the black's " for your misery in life. I suggest u look in the mirror and work hard to make your life better.

    Hanging out with your stormfront buddies and reading Infowars all day will not get you where you want to be in life.

    Carry on.😏

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Damn. Even I can't believe how racist this situation has been!

    In the days after that murdering racist white just walked away completely free and clear, what were those fucking racist white police doing?

    Listen to the gall of these motherfuckers! They were finding security tapes for a broader context of the incident. They were interviewing multiple witnesses (potential mostly) to see if they could paint a picture of what happened. They discredited entirely Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot redux's "I fucking told you" witness angle. They put together a forensic report to show how the entire incident went down. After compiling all the facts and evidence needed to indict, try, and likely convict the shooter, he was than arrested!

    But it took like THREE FUCKING DAYS to do it!

    Obvious racism is obvious.

    No juztiss, no peas!

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