Monday, January 16, 2017

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"~ Martin Luther King Jr

Image result for king jailhouse images It's MLK Day here in America, but I would like to remind you Negroes (I see you Steve Harvey) who believe that we are now "post-racial",  that three states (Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi) celebrated Robert E. Lee Day, today. And in some towns across America, folks are upset because they have to give up their Lee parade for that King fellow.

Anywhoo, the following incident took place in October of 2015, but the police department involved is just releasing the video because of a previous lawsuit that was filed by the victim.

"Pinned to the ground by officers who kneed and struck him, Lawrence Crosby screamed whatever he could think of to convince them that he was a law-abiding PhD student, not a violent car thief.

“This is my vehicle, sir,” he said, his voice captured by the dashboard-camera video. “I have evidence. . . . I purchased this vehicle Jan. 23, 2015, from Libertyville Chevrolet.”

It wasn’t enough. The officers placed him in handcuffs in the driveway of a church, two blocks from the police station in Evanston, Ill.

Police released the dash-cam video earlier this week, detailing the half-hour encounter that sparked a civil lawsuit from Crosby and a discussion about race and policing in this city of 75,000, just north of Chicago.

The video includes footage from the dash cam of one of the officers involved in the altercation. But it’s also synced with video of a personal dash cam Crosby kept running in his car.

On that night in October 2015, Crosby was headed to Northwestern University, where he was studying for his doctoral degree in civil engineering.

But something was wrong with the molding on his car, so he pulled out a metal bar to try to fix the strip on the roof, he says on the video.

A woman passing by saw him — a black man, wearing a hoodie, with some kind of bar pressed up against a car.

She picked up the phone and called 911, telling the dispatcher she thought she was witnessing a car break-in.

“He had a bar in his hand, and it looked like he was jimmying the door open,” she told the dispatcher.
When Crosby drove off, the woman followed his Chevrolet and relayed information about his location to police.

Crosby was on the phone as he drove, and communicated his growing unease. He realized the situation could look suspicious to a passerby and hoped it didn’t escalate.

“It was a little bit dark,” he says to someone while on the phone, captured on video. “You know how it is with black people — they think we’re always trying to do something wrong.”

He noticed the car following him, and told the person on the other end of the phone that he’s going to head to a place where he’ll be safe.

“I think this person is still following me,” he says. “I think they’re trying to play some games. I’m about to go to the police station now.”

He never makes it. Two blocks from the police station, an officer pulls behind his car and puts on his blue lights.

Crosby stops the car in the driveway of a church, and slowly gets out facing the officers, hands in the air.

He begins to explain, but the officers order him to keep his hands up. Others scream at him to get on the ground.

He turns and, in an instant, five officers sprint toward him. They drive him back several feet, kneeing him to force him to the ground and striking him with open hands to make him comply, a police spokesman said later.

“Stop resisting,” an officer yells as another strikes Crosby’s thigh.
“I’m cooperating. I’m cooperating,” Crosby replies.

He continues to explain that the car is his, where he got it from and when. He attends Northwestern and is a civil engineering PhD, he says. He was just trying to fix his car.

He asks the officers why he’s being handcuffed; they say they have to figure out
 who the car belongs to.

They determine it’s his, but he was still arrested and charged with disobeying officers and resisting arrest. A judge later threw out the charges, Crosby’s attorney Tim Touhy, told the Chicago Tribune.

The officers were never charged or disciplined. The Evanston Police Department has defended their actions.

Crosby, who couldn’t be reached for comment Saturday, filed a civil lawsuit in 2016.

Evanston Alderman Brian Miller, who is running for mayor, told The Washington Post he’s been outraged about the incident ever since he saw the video months ago with the rest of the city council.

“There’s underlying problems in our town that we’re not admitting,” he said. “There’s a true desire that people have — they want to want to address these problems and actually solve them. But we don’t want to necessarily admit that we have these problems.[Source]

Nope, because we are "post-racial" now, and having a day dedicated to MLK proves it, right?


  1. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit6:07 PM

    The fact that this is the last Martin Luther King Day of the Obama era makes it extra important. I dread what will become of this day under the Trumpsters.

  2. and this surprises no one. Though the whitey wingnuts of Amerika will be crying in their beers that more black blood was not shed, another black man won't be dead.

    James Earl Ray did not act alone. The offspring off millions of white Amerikans live with the knowledge their parents or grandparents aided and abetted this senseless death of a peaceful soul.

  3. Yisheng is a retard6:25 PM

    I learned today that New Hampshire of all states was the last to officially recognize MLK Day in 1999. Oh, and Robert E. Lee was a loser.

  4. Lilacpr6:43 PM

    I feel sorry for Steve Harvey because he has a television show and he's successful,happy and comfortable there. He obviously was put on the spot. How can he refuse the president elect without perhaps jeopardizing his career? :(

    I dunno...

  5. Then, I reckon, the black victimhood cultists are operating on borrowed time, seeing as their lives have been ending for decades now.

  6. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Josh, did you vote for Trump? I seem to recall you calling him a moron last year. Or did you vote for Gary Johnson?

  7. Trump might actually be better for race relations than some limp-dicked liberal. Trump won't kowtow to race pimps and Professional Blacks. Hopefully Black Entitlement is on its way out.

  8. Drumpfuck will be good for a race to nukular armageddon.

  9. I am going to pay better attention now.

    I should have been paying better attention before now.

    Maybe Trump is the ultimate wakeup call.

  10. Yisheng be the geniusest9:21 PM

    Who wouldn't be suspicious of a black man trying to pry his way into a car? Come on, have some sense!

    And Happy Robert E. Lee Day!

  11. Wesley R9:21 PM

    Cops are going to feel empowered under Trump, so there's going to be a lot more of this. Hopefully there will be cameras around so the victims will have a 50/50 chance of their stories being believed.

  12. Anonymous9:29 PM

    @Wesley R: Well, car thefts should go down, so there's that.

  13. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Thank God there are straight white males around to blame for everything.

  14. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:45 PM

    The three states that still celebrate Robert E. Lee Day are unsurprisingly some of the dumpiest, most white trash states in the country. What else is new?

  15. Omar Thornton9:45 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "James Earl Ray did not act alone. The offspring off millions of white Amerikans live with the knowledge their parents or grandparents aided and abetted this senseless death of a peaceful soul."

    All white people are guilty for what James Earl Ray or any other white person has done.

  16. Anonymous10:03 PM

    John Lewis and the rest of the congressional black caucus are only marginalizing themselves further. They are making a huge mistake.

  17. Anonymous10:15 PM

    8 shot today at MLK festival in Miami. Now what kind of bs is this?

  18. Yisheng is a genius11:04 PM

    Hidden Figures was phenomenal!

    Main message, Black women are brilliant which I already knew. And the space race was delayed during to sexism and racism.

    And because the White men didn't know what the f**k they were doing!

    1. Yisheng is a genius11:06 PM

      "delayed due"

  19. @Yisheng:

    If black women really made the space program possible, and the space race was delayed due to "sexism and racism", why can't today's Affirmative Action NASA even put a person in orbit?

    We have to hire the Russians, who don't have any black women to help them, to take our astronauts up to our space station.

    1. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Wow, that movie really has you trolls frazzled. I guess Hidden Figures is the butt hurt of the moment when it felt like just yesterday you were up in arms about the white guy who got beat up in Chicago. Troll outrage is so fluid.

  20. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Oh yeah Ms. Dessert, the Steve Harvey situation will be interesting. He is a bit arrogant so maybe this will be a good thing. shrug


  21. farmer mike12:00 AM

    Leave it to Donald Trump to turn a placid, peaceful city like Chicago into a violent war zone.

    1. Anonymous12:31 AM

      Sorry to disappoint ya Farmer but just looked out my window and there's no war. I suggest you watch less Fox and stop listening to Trump.

  22. Stemy Hoyer12:18 AM

    Yisheng is a genius said...
    "Main message, Black women are brilliant which I already knew."

    Yisheng is like some brilliant warrior goddess from a tribe where they choose leaders based on court mandates to hire and promote more women.

  23. Limpbaugh12:20 AM

    There sure were a lot of people silent about the corruption and cheating that Wikileaks revealed. Now, after Hillary lost, they say the Russians did it. They don't even mention the reason why Russia would do it or the U.S. would lie about it, the proxy war in Syria. And it is strange how the DNC leaks stopped after their Data Director, Seth Rich, was murdered. Did anybody notice that John McCain, the biggest "moderate rebel" cheerleader gave the dubious golden shower documents to the FBI without even telling Trump.

  24. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit12:27 AM

    I wonder if Trump's administration will try to repeal Martin Luther King Day in the near future. Wouldn't surprise me.

  25. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Happy Robert E. Lee Day Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas!


  26. The Ministry of Truth12:44 AM

    I can't automatically fault the woman in this case for calling the cops. The events, as described, may genuinely have looked to her like he was breaking into someone else's car, and calling the cops to investigate would be the right thing to do in those circumstances. There is no easy resolution to this quandary. We don't want civilians to harass each other by calling the cops for trivial reasons, particularly when the person(s) to be investigated are black or Latino. But we can't have them NOT call the cops when they see something suspicious; otherwise, uniformed police forces become nearly useless, and that makes everyone less safe.

    If you listen to the 911 call, there was a note of concern in the woman's comments that she couldn't be certain of what she'd seen and didn't want to get a black man in trouble if he'd done nothing wrong. (This was similar to the 911 call that resulted in Tamir Rice's death, in which the caller included all sorts of caveats and cautions -- such as the possibility the gun he saw might be a toy -- none of which were passed on to the trigger-happy officers.)

    I can without hesitation fault the police. They showed no restraint whatsoever. They assumed Mr. Crosby was, in fact, a car thief, and that he was dangerous. They ignored his efforts to establish ownership of his vehicle and commenced beating him immediately. Shameful incompetence, or racism, or both. I guess Crosby can count himself lucky that he survived this encounter, but that's pretty cold comfort for something that should never have happened.

  27. This post is proof that racists are not redeemable.

    Just like child molesters.

  28. RE: Steve Harvey, Survey says you're a house negro???

    That was a GREAT line Field!! Did he think once about the consequences to his numerous gigs?

  29. Facts of Life1:18 AM

    The Ministry of Truth has a tiny penis.

  30. Troy Duvall1:20 AM

    Damn Yisheng. I would hate to be in the same theater as you. The smell would be too unbearable.

  31. James Deplorable1:25 AM

    "If black women really made the space program possible, and the space race was delayed due to "sexism and racism", why can't today's Affirmative Action NASA even put a person in orbit?"

    Don't ask for logic from Africans.  They cannot reason, only emote.  Whatever narrative makes them feel best is the one they'll insist is true until the cows come home, no matter how contrary to fact.

    "Wow, that movie really has you trolls frazzled."

    So why do these "Black" (when they're mixed enough to pass for White) women not appear in any astronaut biographies or memoirs?  This movie is as fake and absurd as every other claim about your accomplishments, like the Zambian space program.

    "I wonder if Trump's administration will try to repeal Martin Luther King Day in the near future."

    I hope so.  He was a Jewish stooge, and Moshe's Little Knigger should be known for his plagiarism and love of beating up White whores rather than anything else.  We should either bring back Washington's and Jefferson's birthdays again, or celebrate Robert E. Lee, whose position on the issue turns out to have been the correct one.

    1. James is kinda slow1:56 AM

      Wow, is anyone now convinced James has an IQ of 150?
      I can't help but laugh when associating that doofus with a high IQ.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  32. Yisheng is a retard1:38 AM

    We haven't had a great (or even good) President in many many decades. Trump will not change that.

  33. "If black women really made the space program possible, and the space race was delayed due to "sexism and racism", why can't today's Affirmative Action NASA even put a person in orbit?"

    Because Republicans cut the budget. The only time they spent money on space exploration was when it was directly tied to nuclear weapons. As soon as the Pentagon got DARPA, there was never gonna be any more money for NASA.

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit1:45 AM

    For a supposed Northerner, James sure does love dick riding the Confederacy.

    1. James is a trailerparker1:59 AM

      James is a Northerner? Man, I would have sworn he would be from a Mississippi trailer park. Well, he sure comes across as such.

  35. The Ministry of Truth2:22 AM

    "We haven't had a great (or even good) President in many many decades. Trump will not change that."

    Yeah, and who was sufficiently racist to be a good president to you, Mr. Troll? Nixon was pretty racist. Woodrow Wilson, too.

    Or were they not racist enough and we have to go all the way back to the 19th century? Andrew Jackson was not only a large-scale, unrepentant slave owner but a slave trader, and extremely hostile to Native Americans as well. Winner?

  36. The Ministry of Truth2:25 AM

    "So why do these 'Black' (when they're mixed enough to pass for White) women not appear in any astronaut biographies or memoirs? This movie is as fake and absurd as every other claim about your accomplishments, like the Zambian space program."

    Because some of the people who worked in the space program, and the journalists who reported on it, were ... wait for it ... kinda racist.

    The clue is in the movie title, "Hidden Figures." Guess who did the hiding of this particular piece of history?

    1. James is a moron3:35 AM

      You're trying to "educate" a man with a supposed IQ of 150. Ha! I guess he is too smart to go to NASA's website which has the biographies of these women. Such stooopid for a guy with such a high IQ.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Gasp. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  37. James is a moron3:41 AM

    "So why do these 'Black' (when they're mixed enough to pass for White) women not appear in any astronaut biographies or memoirs? This movie is as fake and absurd as every other claim about your accomplishments, like the Zambian space program."

    Can anyone calculate how much stupid there is in this one paragraph? Holy fuck, how can this idiot even breathe?
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson3:53 AM

    I'm just glad to see we are going to have a new Attorney General, who will bust some ass...regardless of race, or political affiliation.

    If he balks; I will be the first one calling for his head.

    The Holder, Reno, et al shit is dead.

    AG's DO NOT ANSWER to the President. They enforce laws made by Congress.

  39. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes4:07 AM

    Just wait until the Nat Turner movie hits the box offices. What a hero. A butcher of men, women, and children.....(of course, they'll show Wendell screwing a whites girl)

    Biggest Box-Office loser of the year. You Negroes go see it. We'll know where you are.

    Matter-of-fact! You should get in freeeeeeeeee!

  40. "Leave it to Donald Trump to turn a placid, peaceful city like Chicago into a violent war zone."

    Actually farmer mike @12:00 am, we can thank the policies of like-minded folks who put him there for the decay in urban America, which ultimately leads to crime.

    But all of that might be a little too complicated for you to understand. It would actually take reading instead of watching Fox and listening to Rush all day.

  41. GTFOH8:17 AM

    I'm just glad to see we are going to have a new Attorney General, who will bust some ass...regardless of race, or political affiliation.

    If he balks; I will be the first one calling for his head.
    Bullshit! You mean the guy deemed too racist to be a judge back in 1986 who is David Duke's choice as AG? Downright shocking a dimwitted racist like Lt. Commander no-Johnson supports him. So when he goes after them damn niggers and mooslims racist assholes will be overjoyed. Hey, maybe the killer of Jessica Chambers will finally be caught and punished and LCnJ will finally STFU about it. Nah, that'll never happen.

  42. The Ministry of Truth9:26 AM

    "Hey, maybe the killer of Jessica Chambers will finally be caught and punished and LCnJ will finally STFU about it. Nah, that'll never happen."

    They already did catch the guy who killed her. Or at least, police/prosecutors caught a guy who they think did it; he's scheduled to go on trial this summer.

    Regardless of whether or not he's found guilty and punished, the racists will never shut up about him, though. He seems to be their favorite go-to example proving all black people are subhuman monsters.

    So far, there's no word on why they are not promoting Armin Meiwes, psychopath who cooked and ate another dude, starting with his cock, as the official representative of all white people.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      No way MoT, you mean they caught the guy who killed Jessica Chambers? So why us LtCnJ still upset? What else does he want?

  43. isheng is like some brilliant warrior goddess from a tribe where they choose leaders based on court mandates to hire and promote more women.

    How exactly did dumbass dubya get into Harvard/Yale when his grades weren't good enough for the U of Texas? The same way he got into the Texas Air National Guard after jumping over 5oo better qualified candidates and scoring the absolute minimum on entrance test for the Guard. WHITE AFFIRMATUVE ACTION plus DADDY"S CONNECTIONS!

  44. Had the victim been WHITE the cops would have helped him break into every car on the street that night. No bias at all in whitey wingnut police force.

  45. Facts of Life said...
    The Ministry of Truth has a tiny penis. Well, duh! Spit it out. It don't belong to you. Facts of Life. Or stop posting/ boasting with yer mouth full.

  46. farmer mike10:10 AM

    field negro said...
    "Leave it to Donald Trump to turn a placid, peaceful city like Chicago into a violent war zone."

    "Actually farmer mike @12:00 am, we can thank the policies of like-minded folks who put him there for the decay in urban America, which ultimately leads to crime. "

    800 murderered blacks in Chicago last year, and their blood is on Trump's hands for pushing welfare policies that destroyed the family, preaching hate in the schools and using the federal government to hamper police efforts to enforce the law. I'll bet he looks down from Trump Tower on Michigan Avenue and laughs an evil laugh at all the dead black people his Republican policies have caused.


    Drumpf defined to a fare thee well.

  48. Eric "My People" Holder10:24 AM

    "Bullshit! You mean the guy deemed too racist to be a judge back in 1986 who is David Duke's choice as AG?"

    Disgusting smear job by the Democrats. Only witness was a paranoid nut who was later sent to a mental hospital. The guy turned out to be lying in the service of Ted Kennedy, and his claims of being called "boy" were refuted by everyone else in the office.

    Jeff Sessions is an infinitely more qualified individual than the last few AG's the country has had. And a much better man than his detractors.

  49. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Mr. Crosby appears to have been very wronged by the police officers. I would be angry, too.

    Police do sometimes make bad decisions. They are fallible humans, not omnipotent gods.

    Field is very dishonest to perpetuate the myth these bad decisions by police officers are only experienced by black citizens. The data says that narrative, that blacks are consistently mistreated by police, is absolutely NOT true.

  50. Let's be real10:55 AM

    "The clue is in the movie title, "Hidden Figures." Guess who did the hiding of this particular piece of history?"

    Because the government is always so desperate to hide any achievements by blacks?

    Fun fact: Right from the start, JFK decreed that they needed black faces in the space program, and mandated that NASA find black astronauts. Despite all their efforts, they couldn't find a single one who could make the cut. The guy who came closest, a black aeronautical engineer named Ed Dwight, couldn't fly well enough to qualify for the program, even after months of remedial training. Chuck Yeager got called before multiple civil rights commissions and grilled repeatedly for not advancing Mr. Dwight, but in the end, getting to the moon was not compatible with affirmative action.

    The failure of this effort isn't surprising, seeing as blacks had been largely excluded from the fields that asronauts were drawn from, and is nothing to be ashamed of, as 99.9% of us aren't really astronaut material. But the idea behind "Hidden Figures", that the government wouldn't have trumpeted any significant black contribution to the space program, is absurd.

  51. Being white, I can't claim to be able to imagine what it's like facing this kind of constant suspicion and threat of abuse. Reading about incidents like this is sickening enough.

    Miller is right. The fact that the police behaved that way, and kept on doing so after finding out that the car belonged to Crosby -- and that the police department defended their behavior -- shows what a deadly serious problem there is.

    Funny how most of the comments ignore the topic of the post. The police behavior is impossible to defend, so it's easier to just "become silent about things that matter".

    Oh, and

    why can't today's Affirmative Action NASA even put a person in orbit?

    You do realize that the modern space program has explored the entire outer solar system using autonomous probes? The technological sophistication involved far exceeds that of the Moon landings.

  52. dinthebeast said...
    "If black women really made the space program possible, and the space race was delayed due to "sexism and racism", why can't today's Affirmative Action NASA even put a person in orbit?"

    Because Republicans cut the budget.

    It was a Democrat president, with a democrat Senate, and a Democrat House, that killed the manned space program. That's a fact. Obama killed the replacement to the shuttle. Obama's head of NASA, Charles Bolton, said that Obama told him that his primary mission was to make Muslims feel better about their contribution to science. That too is (sadly) a fact.

    After Apollo, NASA just became another Affirmative Action government department, slowly losing competency and gaining diversity. Today, they are no longer staffed primarily by people with the "Right Stuff".

    For the hard stuff, like "autonomous probes", they outsource to private companies that are allowed to hire people based on merit not race or gender.

    Diversity is the death of excellence.

  53. @753, you DO realize that being a racist and using logic are mutually exclusive, right?

  54. It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
    @753, you DO realize that being a racist and using logic are mutually exclusive, right

    I don't think the concept of ‘racism’ has anything to do with logic. As I have learned more about history, it has dawned on me that we are living in a fake culture. During the 20th century, a fake morality was imposed on us from above by elites in academia and the mass media. You know, the worst thing you can be is a ‘racist’ or an ‘anti-Semite’ or something like that. The Left has a dozen of these -isms and -phobias which it insists is the litmus test of whether you are a good person or a bad person. None of these -isms or -phobias existed a century ago.

    If you are a Christian, Jesus Christ himself had nothing to say about the topic of ‘racism’, which is a term which didn’t exist in the 19th century. The greatest philosophers in the history of Western civilization – Ancient, Medieval, Modern – had nothing to say about the morality of ‘racism’ either. It wasn’t until the mid-20th century that Americans came to believe that ‘racism’ and ‘anti-Semitism’ were great moral failings. The cause of that was the Second World War and the rise of television.

    In our own lifetimes, we have seen the -isms and -phobias multiply exponentially. Now, American society is said to be plagued by ‘systemic racism’ and ‘institutional racism’ and ‘white privilege’ and ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’ and ‘heteronormativity’, etc., etc. Leftwing academics conjure new moral failings into existence and they are popularized by the Lügenpresse. I had no idea what ‘cisgendered’ meant until a few years ago. When I was in high school in the 1990s, I never heard the term.

    I chave eased to care about being seen as ‘mainstream’ because I don’t believe in any of it anymore. I don’t think ‘racism’ in itself is a sin or a moral failing. In my view, a good person is someone has character traits like honesty, bravery, integrity and loyalty.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. FYI to the uninformed, given how deeply racists (whooteemoo) and troll heavy the comments section is here, I do NOT read OR respond to posts from folks I don't know/trust.

  57. Whoooo...its been awhile since I came to this cesspool of foolishness...Heyyy Stephen check out Professor Black Truth commentary on our sorry do nothing 44th President...

  58. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I knew you'd call Steve Harvey a house negro and John Lewis a field negro. Maybe they're just a couple of bald buttheads!

  59. Think ejaculated.....

    It was a Democrat president, with a democrat Senate, and a Democrat House, that killed the manned space program. That's a fact. Obama killed the replacement to the shuttle. Obama's head of NASA, Charles Bolton, said that Obama told him that his primary mission was to make Muslims feel better about their contribution to science. That too is (sadly) a fact....... not!

    Back on March 2, I published an article titled, “Why Bush Cancelled the Space Shuttle.” It was in response to the false claims at the time that President Obama had cancelled the Space Shuttle program. The truth was that President Bush cancelled Shuttle on January 14, 2004.

    The article wasn't a criticism of Bush's decision. It was made in the wake of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board report the August before which found that Shuttle had a fatal design flaw — the crew vehicle mounted on the side, where it was exposed to flame and falling debris — and should be replaced with a system that featured the crew vehicle on top, such as the rockets of the 1960s.

    Bush's proposal embraced that recommendation, but also addressed the CAIB observation of “the lack, over the past three decades, of any national mandate providing NASA a compelling mission requiring human presence in space.”

    You can click here to read Bush's speech.

    In the weeks following my last blog on Bush's speech, I've wondered if his proposal faced the same outrage and distortions now hurled at Obama's proposed FY 2011 NASA budget.

    Two major criticisms of Obama's proposal have been (1) the loss of jobs in the Space Coast, and (2) the "gap" created after Shuttle's retirement in which the United States would have to rely on the Russians to send astronauts to the International Space Station.

    My earlier blog documented that both complaints should have been directed six years ago to Bush's proposal, because that's where both decisions were made. So I decided to find out whether anyone actually complained all those years ago when these policy decisions were set into motion.

  60. Looks like PEEOTUS is being sued for sexual assault.

    Thanks Gloria for the PERFECT timing!! Though if NippOTUS flashes a boob again, people may focus on the PEEOTUS moving into the White House instead.

  61. Jesus Christ himself had nothing to say about the topic of ‘racism’, which is a term which didn’t exist in the 19th century.

    Arguably the parable of the Good Samaritan addresses the same general issue. The Samaritans were a people despised by the Jews who made up most of Jesus's audience. In the parable, a Samaritan helps a crime victim who had been ignored by more "respectable" citizens. The point is that an individual should be judged by his own actions and not by the group he belongs to (as bigots do). "Not by the color of their skin [or, in this case, ethnicity] but by the content of their character." It's a rebuke to the same kind of people as those today who condemn or fear or reject blacks (or Hispanics, gays, Jews, etc.) as a group rather than judging each individual by how that individual behaves.

    Personally I'm as far from being a Christian as it's humanly possible to get. I'm just making an observation.

    @753, you DO realize that being a racist and using logic are mutually exclusive, right

    That seems to be the case with many flavors of right-wingnut. But some of them are reachable, and most blogs are read by a lot of people who don't comment but may be persuadable by logic.

    Looks like PEEOTUS is being sued for sexual assault.

    What, again? Is it the Epstein-party 13-year-old-girl thing again or is this something different?

  62. ormer Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos, one of multiple women who’ve accused President-elect Donald Trump of sexual assault or misconduct, is now suing him for defamation.

  63. We have officially entered the era of people side stepping questions thanks to PEEOTUS.

    Watching ANY Rethug speak these days is a lesson in bullshittery!!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Nah Doc, this is nothing new. W did the same thing in 2001. Maybe even worse. Whenever a Repub gets into office they immediately stock the administration with people hostile to the post they are filling. They say government doesn't work and then they set out to prove it.


  64. Happy Birthday Michelle Obama.

  65. PX, I don't remember EVERYONE side stepping questions,it's painful to watch an "interview" these days!!! And I don't remember it being this bad back in the day.

  66. James Deplorable12:47 AM

    "Because Republicans cut the budget."

    Riiiiight.  Say, who was it who showed up at Canaveral with a donkey cart demanding the NASA budget be spent on Black people?  It was that good old Republican, Ralph Abernathy.

    Oops, Abernathy was a Dimocrap.

    "The only time they spent money on space exploration was when it was directly tied to nuclear weapons."

    What, precisely, was the connection of Apollo to nuclear weapons?  The Space Shuttle?  I can't wait to see what kind of insanity you produce to support this.

    "For a supposed Northerner, James sure does love dick riding the Confederacy."

    Unlike Black people, I can recognize a mistake (of my own ancestors) when I see one.

    "I guess he is too smart to go to NASA's website which has the biographies of these women."

    Precisely when were these biographies written and posted, and by (((whom)))?

    You forget, some people know the history of the Soviet Union and have read both Orwell and "The Gulag Archipelago".  We know about retconning and the memory hole.  You can fool yourselves, but you cannot fool us.

    "Actually farmer mike @12:00 am, we can thank the policies of like-minded folks who put him there for the decay in urban America, which ultimately leads to crime."

    You mean folks like FDR, LBJ, WJC and BHO?  Oops, don't want to discuss those?  Whyever not?

    The decay in urban America began when sybil rites based on the fiction of racial equivalence was substituted for the hard-won experience of centuries.  If only White America (who you call "racists") could have demanded performance from the Equalists, and forced reversal and repayment when they failed.  If only....

    "there's no word on why they are not promoting Armin Meiwes"

    MoT has to go to Germany to find such a sicko.  Why couldn't he have looked closer, like Brooklyn?  Because the sicko in Brooklyn is Black, that's why.

    "Had the victim been WHITE the cops would have helped him break into every car on the street that night."

    I was in Iowa when some (presumably ex-Chicago) Black boy relocated to Des Moines took his father's work van and went around with his homies, snatching and robbing people.

    It didn't take long to locate and arrest the perps.  The work van was painted very distinctively with the name and logo of the father's business.  Police found them with very little effort.

    You do this sort of thing because you're morons, plain and simple.  You are too evil to have morality and too stupid to see the connection between cause and effect.  You are truly, in the words of Kipling, "half-devil and half-child".  We need to be rid of you... and we will be.

    "Mr. Crosby appears to have been very wronged by the police officers."

    True... but Mr. Crosby was painfully clueless about how his attempt to fix his car's trim in the middle of a trip would appear to others.  He could have waited until he was at his destination.  He was not that self-aware.  He was impulsively foolish... the precise character flaws which practically define TNB.

    "given how deeply racists (whooteemoo) and troll heavy the comments section is here, I do NOT read OR respond to posts from folks I don't know/trust."

    And she accuses others of living in thought-bubbles and failing to give facts and reason their due.  Know why the left is failing?  Blatant hypocrisy just like that.

    'Shuttle had a fatal design flaw — the crew vehicle mounted on the side, where it was exposed to flame and falling debris — and should be replaced with a system that featured the crew vehicle on top, such as the rockets of the 1960s."

    That design was forced by the budget priorities of William Proxmire, (D)-Wisconsin.

  67. James is an animal rapist4:12 AM

    Oh dear god, the white genius James is back to thrill us all with his 150 IQ.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha! Gasp! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    This stupid fuck would be glad to have an IQ of 5. Who let this shitkicker out of his trailer? The white race is doomed if this is the best they have.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha! I have a fucking mule smarter than this dumbass.


  68. Riiiiight. Say, who was it who showed up at Canaveral with a donkey cart demanding the NASA budget be spent on Black people? It was that good old Republican, Ralph Abernathy.

    Deplorable is wronguh, as per usual. Abernathy never said the word Blacks.

    On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor. He was met by Thomas O. Paine, the Administrator of NASA, whom he told that in the face of such suffering, space flight represented an inhuman priority and funds should be spent instead to “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, tend the sick, and house the homeless.”

  69. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"
    I guess this doesn't apply to our "no snitch" rule. We see a crime, know who did it, but when police ask for help identifying the perp, nobody knows shit. Then they wonder how our neighborhoods get so bad. We keep letting the same people do bad shit and get away with it.

  70. James Deplorable9:25 PM

    "Deplorable is wronguh, as per usual. Abernathy never said the word Blacks."

    But we all know that's what he meant.  You never gave a damn about the poor Appalachian hillbillies, or the folks living hand-to-mouth between logging jobs in Maine, or anyone in flyover country.  They were always the "bitter clingers" who were weak Democrat constituencies at best.

    And now they've discovered their voice, and even worse, found a champion.  Oh, woe is you.

  71. Lt. Commander Johnson4:17 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    No way MoT, you mean they caught the guy who killed Jessica Chambers? So why us LtCnJ still upset? What else does he want?

    6:54 PM"

    Yes I knew they caught the bastard.

    If it had been a black girl, and the perp was a white guy, field would have been ALL OVER it.

    Th hypocrisy was was my issue. (ala. Travon eat shit).
