Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Breakfast with "the blacks".

Image result for trump black history breakfast imagesHerr trump's handlers told him that it would be important to do something for "the blacks" today--- it being the start of Black History Month and all--- so there he was posing with every black person he could find in his White House. Not to mention their family members, the White House help- staff, and any other black person he could find within earshot. (It must have been a long search.) He  called it a "little breakfast", because God forbid anyone gets the impression that he is trying to do anything serious with black folks.

Of course it all went about as bad as you would have expected it to.

Herr trump, as usual, found a way to make the entire occasion about him,  by calling out CNN for spreading fake news.

He had one of his Negroes who was always on CNN defending him, and he gave him a nice head pat and compliment about being the kind of Negro that he likes. ("What's the matter boss, we sick?")

Ok, those weren't his exact words, but you get the picture.  He might as well have said it that way. Donald has a way of praising his kind of Negro when the occasion calls for it. "Look at my African American over here."

Anyway, Paris Dennard must have been feeling on top of the House today when massa trump singled him out for praise because he stood up for him to those evil doers over at CNN.

"Trump went around the table thanking many of his African-American supporters, including GOP strategist and CNN contributor Paris Dennard. “Paris has done an amazing job in a very hostile CNN community. He’s all by himself, seven people and Paris. I’ll take Paris over the seven,” he joked.
“But I don’t watch CNN so I don’t get to see you as much,” he added. “I don’t like watching fake news.”'
Good old Paris.
So if he doesn't watch CNN, how did he know the particulars of those shows that his buddy Paris was on? The man is such a liar.
"Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I noticed," Trump said. "Harriett Tubman, Rosa Parks and millions more black Americans that made America what it is today. Big impact. I'm proud to honor this heritage and will be honoring it more and more."
And everyone of them would be turning over in their graves right now if they knew that after everything that they had to fight for, America still saw it fit to elect you president.
*Pic from  


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Damned if he does, damned if he don't.

    You are a joke, Field.

    1. No, anonymous moron. Anyone still supporting that egomaniacal racist pig is a joke. Anyone who can watch what he's done over the past two weeks and not be sickened, not wish to Christ almighty they'd listened to the warnings and not voted that monstrously ignorant pawn of Bannon and the Nazis of America into office is a joke.

      A sick, sad joke.

  2. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit10:50 PM

    Black History Month 2017 will be the most memorable in recent history. tr**p and his minions will know that we will never back down from their treachery and what they are doing to this country.

  3. Donald Trump isn't the bully; he only insults and abuses people in power who have attacked him. Obama consistenly went after little guys with casual lies and the heavy boot of the government. They're the fucking bullies. The left, with their smears, their witch hunts, their slanders, their insults, their riots, their violence, and their weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy.

    At this moment, leftist thugs are rioting at Berkely, setting fires and beating fellow students, in order to prevent an invited guest from speaking.

    There aren't any rules anymore because the left only applies them one way. And in doing so, they've left what once was a civil compact between the two parties in smoldering ruins.

    I have no personal investment in Donald Trump. He is a tool to punish the left and roll back their ill-gotten gains, no more and no less. If he succeeds even partially in those two things, then I'll consider his election a win.

    Further, I no longer have any investment in any particular political values, save one: The rules created by the left will be applied to the left as equally and punitively as they have applied them to the right. And when they beg for mercy, I'll begin to reconsider. Or maybe not. Because fuck these people.

    1. Christ, you people. You'd rather see this country go down in flames than admit you're wrong.

      I don't know, maybe there will be a thin silver lining; when things go really, really bad, maybe some of you will end up on the wrong end of a gun wielded by an insane person, purchased legally because of the GOP reversing the laws against CRAZY PEOPLE buying guns.

      And maybe people like me, with nothing left to lose, will finally just say fuck it and start tearing the whole thing down.

  4. Yisheng is a genius10:55 PM

    Did y'all see Frederick Douglas there?

    Bawhahahahahaha, dumb ass PEEOTUS we have!

  5. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Black History Month in Chicago will be bad for many in da hood....

  6. "Yisheng" doesn't know who Frederick Douglas was.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    It's BLACK HISTORY MONTH girl!!!!!

    Get some knowledge!!!!

  7. Skippy11:01 PM

    Black History month, where we talk about George Washington Carver's peanut butter recipe for 28 or 29 days.

    Yay, black people!

  8. Anonymous11:04 PM

    celia said...
    "Yisheng" doesn't know who Frederick Douglas was."

    She's only been in college for 40 years, give her a break.


  9. Trump thinks that George Washington Carver
    invented the knife and with this invention
    carved his own wooden teeth!

  10. Yisheng is a retard11:18 PM

    Yisheng doesn't know much of anything. Hence, why she is a retarded ape thing...with a rotten cooch.

  11. Yisheng is a retard11:19 PM

    Actually, Yisheng does know something: How to be a stupid cunt.

  12. Seth Meyers said it best, at the dinner that pissed Trump off so bad he decided to run for president:

    "Donald Trump says he has a great relationship with the blacks, but unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I think he's mistaken."

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Seth Meyers is an unfunny hack that only simple-minded folk like Doug would listen to.

  14. Lance Cockstrong11:37 PM

    I agree that Yisheng has below average intelligence, but you are still a white boy and a Butt Trumpet supporter, therefore you have a below average dick.

  15. This year Black History Month will be the biggest chimp out ever.

  16. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit11:53 PM

    Nope. This year Black History Month will be the biggest example of the voice of the voiceless being heard, and there's nothing you losers can do to stop it.

  17. To date, Trump's reached out to blacks more times than Obama. And every single time you cunts cry that it's some photo op.

    You morons have been crying for decades about everything from more funding for third-world-equivalent schools (that you created after white people ran away in sheer terror from murders and rapes) to your feelings (because a random white person is allowed to say "nigger"), begging and pleading for somebody to pay attention to you. "Nobody cares about us" is one of the top-ten phrases uttered by black victim cultists. Lo and behold, someone extends their hand, you instinctively slap it away like the crybabies you are.

    I want Trump to help all Americans, including black Americans, especially inner-city black Americans. But there's a great sense of karmic cosmic justice if he just says, "Fuck you stupid nogs" and allows you to disintegrate even farther into your own shit and mire.

    Dude's a get-shit-done president. After 16 years of idiocy in the White House, apparently you folks just don't know how to handle competency.

    1. Jesus, Field -- look at all these racist trolls clogging up your blog. It's almost as if they know damned well how wrong they are, and have to scream their bullshit at top volume everywhere they can, to try convincing THEMSELVES they're not fucking damned to hell for the evil they've enabled.

  18. James Bold12:06 AM

    "Herr trump's handlers told him that it would be important to do something for "the blacks" today--- it being the start of Black History Month and all--- so there he was posing with every black person he could find in his White House."

    The appropriate thing to do would be to show that every significant accomplishment that Blacks are praised for was done first by White people or assisted by same.  Because it's true.

    Hey, Feeled?  This "practice of law" you do?  The English common law is cultural appropriation from the English.  Give it up, you racist.  Go back to Jamaica and grow breadfruit.

    'Seth Meyers said it best, at the dinner that pissed Trump off so bad he decided to run for president"

    And he won the election, and he's set to piss on you for the rest of his administration.  IOW, you are his bitch now.  Deal with it.

  19. The Real Lance Cockstrong12:16 AM

    Micro-dicks like Josh and James are just pissed that the actual sensible and intelligent Americans don't like their shit "president." They are the real crybabies.

  20. Brigade Fifteen12:21 AM

    Someone needs to tell Trump that Frederick Douglass is not a Trump Organization employee. The way he talks about him, it sounds like Trump believes Frederick is, in fact, one of "his blacks" and was planning on giving Frederick a raise, just to prove to everyone what a generous, open-minded, non-racist guy he is.

    I assume most of those black people sitting around the table for the president's Black History Month breakfast thingy are just unprincipled sycophants, willing to do anything for a personal payday. But there is always the possibility that a few of them actually believe in what Trump is doing, and this really baffles me.

    I am very already extremely frustrated with the white working-class folks who aren't particularly racist, yet still voted for Trump. It is maddening that they believed in his transparently ridiculous plans to bring back the economy of decades past. And also maddening that they were willing to turn a blind eye to Trump's plans to stomp on various ethnic and religious minorities, because they selfishly assumed they would not be the ones getting stomped on. These people are bad enough.

    But exponentially more inexplicable are the minorities explicitly targeted by Trump ... who voted for him! How is this even possible? How are there ANY Blacks for Trump? Or Latinos For Trump (the exit polls said something like 25-30% of the Latino vote went to him!)? Or OMFG Arabs/Muslims For Trump?

    How is this possible?! A candidate spends literally months making it very clear that he hates your guts and wants to harm you, and you vote for him? The media is reporting on a family of Syrians who supported Trump and got deported by him. They are, of course, now absolutely shocked that this has happened to them, but how did they not see this coming? How, HOW, HOW? There was gobs of hate speech that should have clued you in.

    In a month or two we'll be treated to outrage from incredulous, angry Latino Trump voters shocked that a border wall is being built, and about how they had never heard anything about a wall from that nice Mr. Trump and they can't believe he has now betrayed them. Never mind that every other damn word out of the candidate's mouth for months and months was "WALL."

    WTF? What is wrong with people?

  21. Yes. You may be right.

    If "sensible and intelligent" now means hysterically screaming children in the streets violently assaulting people because they didn't get their way. Or if it means American Western women who are so against Trump and so sensible and intelligent that they spit on pro-life women, tears their signs up, push them out of the crowd, and then start wearing hijabs and chanting "Allahu akbar" in the expectation that America should operate under Sharia Law because it would be "so diverse." Or maybe you just mean the most peaceful thing you side does now, in claiming every single one of your political opponents is a racist fascist, while you wish for and condone violence against them. Or maybe it's something like literally not knowing one fucking thing Obama did in office that wasn't in a speech, because media never told you, and acting like maddened hens clucking furiously about how Trump's "Muslim ban" is so unprecedented and un-Constitutional.

    So fucking sensible and intelligent, you people!

    And you still can't see why you lost.

    Welcome to Kekistan, you cunts. You're here for at least the next four years.

    Shadilay! Shadilay! La mia liberta!

  22. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit12:51 AM

    Ben Carson is definitely an Uncle Tom. Perhaps he is not as smart as people make him out to be.

  23. Well, the election, it came out really well. Next time we’ll triple the number or quadruple it. We want to get it over 51, right? At least 51.

    Well this is Black History Month, so this is our little breakfast, our little get-together. Hi Lynn, how are you? Just a few notes. During this month, we honor the tremendous history of African-Americans throughout our country. Throughout the world, if you really think about it, right? And their story is one of unimaginable sacrifice, hard work, and faith in America. I’ve gotten a real glimpse—during the campaign, I’d go around with Ben to a lot of different places I wasn’t so familiar with. They’re incredible people. And I want to thank Ben Carson, who’s gonna be heading up HUD. That’s a big job. That’s a job that’s not only housing, but it’s mind and spirit. Right, Ben? And you understand, nobody’s gonna be better than Ben.

    Last month, we celebrated the life of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., whose incredible example is unique in American history. You read all about Dr. Martin Luther King a week ago when somebody said I took the statue out of my office. It turned out that that was fake news. Fake news. The statue is cherished, it’s one of the favorite things in the—and we have some good ones. We have Lincoln, and we have Jefferson, and we have Dr. Martin Luther King. But they said the statue, the bust of Martin Luther King, was taken out of the office. And it was never even touched. So I think it was a disgrace, but that’s the way the press is. Very unfortunate.

    I am very proud now that we have a museum on the National Mall where people can learn about Reverend King, so many other things. Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I noticed. Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and millions more black Americans who made America what it is today. Big impact.

    I’m proud to honor this heritage and will be honoring it more and more. The folks at the table in almost all cases have been great friends and supporters. Darrell—I met Darrell when he was defending me on television. And the people that were on the other side of the argument didn’t have a chance, right? And Paris has done an amazing job in a very hostile CNN community. He’s all by himself. You’ll have seven people, and Paris. And I’ll take Paris over the seven. But I don’t watch CNN, so I don’t get to see you as much as I used to. I don’t like watching fake news. But Fox has treated me very nice. Wherever Fox is, thank you.

    We’re gonna need better schools and we need them soon. We need more jobs, we need better wages, a lot better wages. We’re gonna work very hard on the inner city. Ben is gonna be doing that, big league. That’s one of the big things that you’re gonna be looking at. We need safer communities and we’re going to do that with law enforcement. We’re gonna make it safe. We’re gonna make it much better than it is right now. Right now it’s terrible, and I saw you talking about it the other night, Paris, on something else that was really—you did a fantastic job the other night on a very unrelated show.

    I’m ready to do my part, and I will say this: We’re gonna work together. This is a great group, this is a group that’s been so special to me. You really helped me a lot. If you remember I wasn’t going to do well with the African-American community, and after they heard me speaking and talking about the inner city and lots of other things, we ended up getting—and I won’t go into details—but we ended up getting substantially more than other candidates who had run in the past years. And now we’re gonna take that to new levels. I want to thank my television star over here—Omarosa’s actually a very nice person, nobody knows that. I don’t want to destroy her reputation but she’s a very good person, and she’s been helpful right from the beginning of the campaign, and I appreciate it. I really do. Very special.

    So I want to thank everybody for being here.

  24. Brigade Fifteen: Idiots come in all colors, just like decent human beings.

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Third grade level, I say a generous B- or maybe a C+. Sixth grade level, a D or an F. Obviously no knowledge whatsoever from any point of interest in his entire life, not even of the obvious names that he mentions. He mostly talks about his election. His royal bitchenness.

    Oh yeah. He does mention a twitter battle about King's bust in the WH. He mentions the wonderful election and presages a bigger plurality in 2020. "So this is our little breakfast, our little get-together." Lots of preparation there. I'm sure it means a lot to Trump. What does Trump understand about black America? Inner city is code for bad black neighborhoods. Blacks have really bad schools and lots and lots of crime. "Did I mention I had a black guy in my cabinet? He took me to a lot of scary places with black people where I had never been before."

    I'm thinking black lives don't matter too much to Donald Trump unless they can be persuaded to vote for him. What an insult to every thinking American. Most of us have read several books and read and watched many speeches by Dr. King. We have studied the lives and accomplishments of Douglass, Tubman, Truth, W.E.B. Du Bois and others. Those of us of a certain age have read about Malcolm X and Eldridge Cleaver. We have grown up loving people like Bill Cosby and Nipsy Russell, Muhammad Ali, Dick Gregory and Flip Wilson. We watched the Damion brothers on "In Living Color" and Garrett Morris on SNL. We dug on Eddie Murphy and David Chapelle. We listened to Muddy Waters, Stevie Wonder and Chuck Berry. Louis Armstrong and Wynton Marsalis.

    Seems that Donald Trump is a little bit late and several dollars short on showing any love to the American black community. That fatuous fathead.

  26. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Donald Trump's comments about Black History Month today were truly inspirational and indeed brought many people in the audience to tears with the profoudness and eloqence of his rhetoric.

    Trump displayed his masterful oratorical skills with soaring rhetoric and impassioned argument that harkened to some of the great orations in history: Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address"; Churchill's "Finest Hour" speech; Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech; and, most appropos, Adolph Hitler's "The Jewish Question."

    It's obvious that the Donald has been honing his oratory by studying and emulating some of the greatest rhetoricians in history!

    Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed, according to his ex-wife

    #AltReality; #AltFacts

  27. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit2:13 AM

    tr**p doesn't know the first thing about black people, or anything related to black people's history and culture. It's mostly a nuisance for him.

  28. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Field, as usual, you "hit the ball out of the park." Keep up the great work. It's been over 20 years now and you haven't lost your knack for keeping it real and telling it like it is.

    P.S. Is Omarosa still dancing the Black Sambo jig for the Donald? Bugging her eyes out, flashing that wide tooth grin, nodding her head up and down and doing the "Yes sir massa sir is going to look good on her resume.

  29. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Donald Trump discoursing on Black history.

    Two words:

    Comedy Gold.

    Trump’s Black History Month speech inspires rewritten history

  30. They say death is the only guarantee in life. I think I've found another. Not a single Trump-hating lunatic here watched the video of his breakfast but instead are reaching the conclusion they've been told to reach by white corporate media. (Yeah, yeah; I know: Of course you watched it. LOL)

    And it's really amazing what's going on in this country. Trump's "little breakfast" comment was said in the context of they're going to sit down and have a little breakfast and discuss black history and its importance (he's being incredibly fucking generous!). He even goes on to call out "fake news," and how they report lies about him. And what's the first thing CNN does? Report a lie by quote-mining Trump to make it appear as if he's insulting blacks by calling it a "little breakfast." And what's the first thing the supposedly smart blacks do? Quote verbatim everything said by CNN rather than watching it themselves.

    The sad part is that you lunatics know that you're being led around by the balls by fake media. You know you're only marching like brainless zombies at the orders of your masters. But it feels so good to be tribal; it feels so good to have an enemy. You long for the day when you're a majority and get to subjugate white people. You don't want equality; you already have it. What you want is revenge for shit that's never happened to you, and you want it on people who've never did shit to the people it happened to. You willingly embrace their lies because you need to embrace their lies. Their lies give you justification to create your little cults while pointing the finger at the other side for splitting the nation in two.

    Whatever plays out in your fevered dreams is not going to go well in real life. Just look at the fucking globe and play a game of spot-the-third-world-areas, and it might dawn on you.

  31. "Josh is spot-on about "Purple Cow". You can see how insecure he is by his need to respond to everything Josh writes and his inability to ever admit he was wrong.

    What a head case."

    Quit the sock-puppeting Josh, you are convincing nobody.

  32. Quote: Josh The Proven Liar Fascist

    "You don't dedicate yourself to running someone down who's boring and tedious and just a liar. You ignore them. I'm obviously striking a nerve with him. Progressive neo-Marxists have a natural aversion to truth, like sunlight to vampires."

    So the months when I ignored your hysterical diatribes until this last couple of weeks don't count then?


  33. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:33 AM

    Give the Cow a break, Josh.

    He has a fat, toothless UK "white" woman, and a cat/dog that looks like a homosexual.

  34. "So the months when I ignored your hysterical diatribes until this last couple of weeks don't count then?"

    You fucking moron. I wasn't here for like six months. You didn't ignore me. You couldn't fucking find me! And when I did get back, you were rambling, the very fucking day I got back, about me in prison or some such nonsense. The very day I got back!

    For fuck's sake, the lies never stop with you. If you were just shitposting as a joke, this would be TOPKEK, my man! Top fucking Kek! But since you're serious, it's just pathetic.

    "Quit the sock-puppeting Josh..."

    Field can very easily track IP addresses. I'll pay you $1,000 instantly via PayPal, today, if you can find ONE SINGLE INSTANCE IN THE HISTORY OF MY POSTING ON THIS BLOG where I've used a sock-puppet. You can't. Field might be with you in hating me, but I don't even think he's that cruddy to lie about it. Just ask him. It's not me. It's just strange how paranoid you cultists are.

  35. Right wing delusion and stoopidity is yoooooge. Drumpf reaches out to blacks only to insult them and them make the meeting all about Drumpf.

    Drumpf seriously needs a strait jacket and years in isolation. The rest of the deluded wingnuts just need to be vanished.

  36. Now the "Cow" is in Josh's head. Josh sounds desperate for an enema.

  37. moron from iowa9:37 AM

    Drumpf blacks crazy. Stoopid! Murder wingnuts. Rectum.

  38. So the FBI confirms what Black folks already knew, that there are White "wish they were" Supremacists in law enforcement.

    NO SHIT!!!

  39. "So the months when I ignored your hysterical diatribes until this last couple of weeks don't count then?"

    Nope, because you're back to giving him what he wants and doesn't get in real life, attention.

  40. Brigade Fifteen said...
    "I am very already extremely frustrated with the white working-class folks who aren't particularly racist, yet still voted for Trump. It is maddening that they believed in his transparently ridiculous plans to bring back the economy of decades past."

    Exactly! Nothing pisses me off more than white working class people wanting the government to pursue economic policies that take their interests into account. It's like they want some signal that there will be a place for them in Americas future! Get lost Nazis, you deserve nothing!

  41. Lawdy if only Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder had plopped down beside Drumpf in costume from "Blazing Saddles" and run Drumpf out of town. Priceless memories.

  42. James Bold9:52 AM

    "Micro-dicks like Josh and James are just pissed that the actual sensible and intelligent Americans don't like their shit "president.""

    Irony.  Your shit president was actually the color of shit.  We suffered under his gross malfeasance in office for 8 years.  Now it's payback time.

    Trump's approval rating is going up, 49% approving to 41% disapproving.

    Trump will be re-elected in 2020 in a 49-state landslide.  Guaranteed.

    "I am very already extremely frustrated with the white working-class folks who aren't particularly racist, yet still voted for Trump."

    That happens when you're tossed into a "basket of deplorables" and marked for destruction by the other candidate.  People tend not to like that.

    "But exponentially more inexplicable are the minorities explicitly targeted by Trump ... who voted for him! How is this even possible?"

    It's not inexplicable.  It's already been explained to you.  But you won't listen because it conflicts with your dogma.  And that is why Trump will be serving through 2024.

    "I'm thinking black lives don't matter too much to Donald Trump unless they can be persuaded to vote for him."

    I'm thinking that the conspicuous indifference of Black Lives Matter to the skyrocketing rate of loss of Black lives wherever it carried its war on the police who actually protect Black lives formed a big part of the Black vote for Trump.  Not that you'd understand things like cause and effect.

    Or that previous sentence.  Because non-trivial ideas are beyond you.

  43. Shout out to Berkeley, the alma mater of my parents!

  44. "desperate for an enema"

    I shit on you all the time. I'm fine.

    But knowing you, and how the blacks love their sexually deviant perversions (like the ungodly number of trannies in your community), it probably turns you on to be shit on. Come to think of it, you're undoubtedly envisioning another man's cock going into the ass to give this enema. Sick fucks, all.

  45. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I love it, live and in living color, we have the arrogance of white privilege coming across our flat screens talking loud saying nothing! Comrade Golden Shower displays his blacks like he displayed his wives cheap, laughable and full of stupidity.

    1. What Anon@10:35AM said.👏👏👌

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
    Shout out to Berkeley, the alma mater of my parents!

    Yisheng applauds smashing cars, setting buildings on fire, and beating people unconcious for attending a university-sanctioned talk.

    She is not only an epic failure, but a complete moral cretin.

    Someday, a real rain will come.

  47. Ironically it's the left seeking to return us to the times when your skin was your uniform.

  48. Sally Yates has been niminated for JFK's Profiles in Courage award. Meanwhile Drumpf gets a tinfoil dunce cap.

    Trump's approval rating is going up, 49% approving to 41% disapproving.

    Only according to a Fake Noise contributor. Even if that poll was accurate (and it ain't) Drumpf is still the least popular new unelected Potus since forever. And he never will be competent because he is like, totally retarded.

    The only suffering whitey wingnuts did under the greatest Potus ever is when their yooooge racist fe-fes got hurt because Obama was and is extremely intellectual and popular.

  49. Winning!11:02 AM



    Drumpf sets modern record. Reaches majority disapproval rating in less time than it took an imaginary deity to make the world and everything in it. 8 fucking days is all it took! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

  51. And Travis Bickle would have the Founding Fathers crawl around and kiss the King's ass by way of protest. I see where Drumpf followers like to shoot and/or throw protesters down stairs after they choke them. It is okay if you are a wingnut, I guess.

  52. Anonymous11:26 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "I see where Drumpf followers like to shoot and/or throw protesters down stairs after they choke them"

    Where did you see that?

  53. Brigade Fifteen11:26 AM

    "Exactly! Nothing pisses me off more than white working class people wanting the government to pursue economic policies that take their interests into account. It's like they want some signal that there will be a place for them in Americas future! Get lost Nazis, you deserve nothing!"

    Did you miss the "transparently ridiculous" part of Trump's plans? The Orange Con Artist has no way of delivering on any of his economic promises to blue-collar America. His ideas about bringing back manufacturing and coal jobs may sound nice, but they ain't gonna happen.

    You are probably one of those epic geniuses that signed up for Trump's "University" (i.e., Get-Rich-Quick scheme). Or bought blocks of gold from Ron Paul because he told you in an infomercial that the Federal Reserve was out to get you.

  54. Anonymous11:28 AM

    "Comrade Golden Shower displays his blacks like he displayed his wives cheap, laughable and full of stupidity."

    Have you heard of "Yisheng"?

  55. Brigade Fifteen said...
    "The Orange Con Artist has no way of delivering on any of his economic promises to blue-collar America. His ideas about bringing back manufacturing and coal jobs may sound nice, but they ain't gonna happen."

    That's right, those jobs rightfully belong to people outside America and to brown immigrants. They are the future, not some Nazi filth who refuse to accept their fate. There is no way progressive America is going allow all the progress of the last 50 years to be destroyed by letting working class whites think they have any role to serve other than paying taxes and dying. That's the main reason to hate Trump: He lets these people off the hook for existing. We will not tolerate that kind of hate. Resist!

  56. Brigade Fifteen12:01 PM

    "So the FBI confirms what Black folks already knew, that there are White 'wish they were' Supremacists in law enforcement.

    NO SHIT!!!"

    The FBI had to keep their investigation on the downlow, though, because Republican politicians throw a tantrum every time someone admits that dangerous racists (and other wingnut loonies) are a real problem.

    A few years back, Republicans managed to kill off a similar Homeland Security investigation into right-wing terrorism:

    "Then, in 2009, the Republicans directly—and almost certainly inadvertently—identified themselves as aligned with the dangerous radicals. The Department of Homeland Security produced an analysis saying that violent right-wing extremists posed the greatest terrorist threat to the country—a report since proved true. But Republicans used this to feed into another conspiracy theory, proclaiming that the Obama administration had just deemed conservatives as a terrorist threat. To those unaware of what the report actually said, it was more evidence of a coming ideological war. To those radicals who knew, it meant establishment Republicans agreed that conservatives and violent right-wing extremists meant the same thing. Congressional hearings ensued, and terrified bureaucrats shut down the Homeland Security division that conducted the analysis of right-wing extremism, just when their knowledge was most needed."

    Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

  57. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "So the FBI confirms what Black folks already knew, that there are White 'wish they were' Supremacists in law enforcement."

    I thought the FBI were anti-Hillary racists?

  58. Brigade Fifteen12:11 PM

    "That's right, those jobs rightfully belong to people outside America and to brown immigrants. They are the future, not some Nazi filth who refuse to accept their fate."

    A lot of those manufacturing jobs now belong to robots. And yes, some of them (an estimate 20% of so) were lost to workers overseas. But regardless of how you feel about the latter situation, Trump does not have any realistic solution to bring them back. Despite what he keeps telling people, having built a bunch of lame casinos does not give him any kind of special insight into global trade policy. He knows jack shit about the subject.

    As for the coal jobs, they are inevitably going bye-bye. Those jobs will simply not exist, because coal is going to cease to be an actual sale-able product in the very near future.

    This isn't about anyone's feelings. These are just the facts.

  59. Anonymous12:16 PM

    "The Department of Homeland Security produced an analysis saying that violent right-wing extremists posed the greatest terrorist threat to the country"

    You mean Obama's leftist political hack Department of Homeland Security produced a piece of propagandanistic fiction in order to turn the force of government away from the very real threat of Islamic terrorism so they could focus on persecuting their domestic political opponents.

    The very idea that our government is harboring white supremacist sentiments is so absurd one questions the very sanity of someone making that assertion. But keep calling everyone you think is not 100% on board with your racist priorities a Nazi and your dreams will come true.

  60. Brigade Fifteen12:28 PM

    "I thought the FBI were anti-Hillary racists?"

    No, some of them are pro-Trump, not all -- it's a big government department. (I think we can safely say that one James Comey is a huge Trump fanboy, however.)

    And let's be clear, police officers who are pro-Trump because he opposes police reform aren't necessarily racists. It's not the case that ALL of the cops who oppose police reform in general hate minorities. Many of them are just arrogant assholes who feel they shouldn't have to be accountable to anyone. Accountability is for other people; cops are the "good guys."

    Or, to be slightly more charitable, they FEAR that police reform efforts will be badly implemented and unfair and will somehow end up taking away their legitimate right to defend themselves. Given a choice between (as they perceive it) potential future injustice happening to them, and injustice actually already happening to civilians (especially the black ones), they prefer the injustice keep happening to other people.

  61. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Oh man Field, did you see that one lying negro preacher who said the Chicago "gang thugs" called him because they wanted to work with Trump? I would LOVE to know the. names of the "thugs" who called him. Ha!
    BTW say a prayer so the Apprentice ratings can go up.


  62. Brigade Fifteen1:05 PM

    Speaking of those earlier Homeland Security anti-terror efforts that were killed off, Trump is going in the same direction again.

    A program that was intended to focus on terrorists of all varieties will be amended to focus ONLY on Islamic terrorism. Racist white-guy terrorists are fine in the Trump era. What a surprise.

    Exclusive: Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam - sources

  63. Anonymous said...
    mike from iowa said...
    "I see where Drumpf followers like to shoot and/or throw protesters down stairs after they choke them"

    Where did you see that?

    1 protester at Milo Yippyskippywinguttyfuckface rally in Seattle was shot by a Drumpf supporter.

  64. There are currently more black folks in Beyonce than in the entire Trump cabinet.

  65. Quote: Josh the Proven Liar

    "You fucking moron. I wasn't here for like six months. You didn't ignore me. You couldn't fucking find me!"

    This is how Josh's lies work.

    1. Josh says because I disagree with him and tells him he's talking bollocks when he talks bollocks, that makes me a "stalker".

    2. He then says I respond attacking every post he makes.

    3. I mention that I didn't post on Field Negro for a couple of months until three weeks back, so that can't be true.

    4. Now he's saying that he was gone for six months during this period (?!?!)


    Got a feeling this is going to be one of Josh's many 'easily disproved lies'.

  66. Field thinks that blacks are cheap, laughable and full of stupidity.

    Go figure.

  67. Wise Latina2:59 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    There are currently more black folks in Beyonce than in the entire Trump cabinet.

    I think the experience of the Obama adminsitration shows without a doubt that although affirmative action might be okay for the Post Office, it has no place in picking Presidential cabinet members.

    Diversity is the enemy of Excellence.

    We can all be thankful that the adults are back in charge, and competence is being valued over image.

  68. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Wow, Josh sure has PC wrappped around his little finger. He just can't help himself, can he?

    Better ease up on him Josh, he sounds like he's losing it again.

  69. Brigade Fifteen said...
    "A program that was intended to focus on terrorists of all varieties will be amended to focus ONLY on Islamic terrorism."

    That's like taking a police unit that was intended to focus on rapists of all varieties and instead focussing ONLY on male rapists! CRAZY!!!!

  70. Fake News Update3:31 PM

    The WaPo article on Trump's calls to world leaders has been amended to remove references to an AP report alleging he threatened to invade Mexico.

    "mike from iowa" undeterred.

  71. trump is sure making a mess of this whole foreign policy thingy. Austrslian PM hung on him. Thinks he is an idiot. They threatened Iran ("You are hereby put on notice") because they fired a ballistic missile. Iran says they will keep doing it. Now what?

  72. This American experiment with lunacy will not end well.

  73. Anonymous3:42 PM

    field negro said...
    trump is sure making a mess of this whole foreign policy thingy. Austrslian PM hung on him.


    The experiment with lunacy is the leftist rioters in the streets who are legitimizing political violence. Eventually we will start hitting back. It will not end well for them.

    1. "Hitting back" with what?

      This should be fun.

  74. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Nazi is the white "N" word.

  75. James Bold3:44 PM

    "Drumpf sets modern record. Reaches majority disapproval rating in less time than it took an imaginary deity to make the world and everything in it. 8 fucking days is all it took!"

    If you're dumb enough to believe that, you certainly believed all the cooked polls by the same pollsters who predicted a landslide for Hitlery.  November 8 hit you like a Muslim driving a semi through a Christmas market.

    You're at least out of the shock phase in the stages of grief.  You've moved on to anger.  Anger is going to be REALLY counteproductive right now, so you'd best move on to bargaining.

    "To those unaware of what the report actually said, it was more evidence of a coming ideological war. To those radicals who knew, it meant establishment Republicans agreed that conservatives and violent right-wing extremists meant the same thing. Congressional hearings ensued, and terrified bureaucrats shut down the Homeland Security division that conducted the analysis of right-wing extremism, just when their knowledge was most needed."

    And where have all the terrorist attacks since then actually come from?  Muslims.

    This research wasn't wrong, it was lying.  You can fix it with a quick search-and-replace, though.  Where it says "right-wing extremists" it means American patriots, and where it says "the country" it means the Deep State.

    "Diversity is the enemy of Excellence."

    Diversity is the enemy of adequacy.  Any organization which pursues diversity sacrifices all its other functions.  This is why Black-run cities and schools are shitholes.

  76. At this point, those name-changing anons bring more to the plate than you bring, TPC. Mike from Iowa (stage name: FyneMichelle) is bringing more to the plate.

    Step your game up, Negroid. This shit isn't even Kek-worthy. Dafuq I'm 'sposed to shitpost after the 15th identical comment of you doing exactly what I said you'd do? No sport in it. Like fighting little kids in karate. Or speaking about science with black progressives.

  77. "And where have all the terrorist attacks since then actually come from? Muslims."

    And communists, though to a much lesser extent. For now. As Project Veritas correctly points out, we have dozens of progressive Marxist political organizations in America right now plotting acid attacks and violence on people. And they're only going to step their game up, seeing as they get a 100% free pass from mainstream media.

    The average idiot here thinks things like the women's march, and Black Bloc and white millennial protesters railing against Trump are just the "people" rising up organically. And this delusion creates the illusion that they have hope going forward. LOL

    No. These people out raging against Trump, showing you your natural place in the world as followers, are there for two reasons:

    1) Many are bought and paid for useful idiots who use the money for their Starbucks fix or toward their latest tech gadgets.
    2) The rest are just even more useless (to life) useful idiots who get all wee-wee'd up like rattled little sheep when the bosses behind the leftist political movements fearmonger and stoke their hatred by claiming all white people are Nazis and fascists.

    Everything you see happening in the streets is 0% organic, 100% the influence of corporate globalists. And that's why it will lose momentum by year's end. God Emperor Trump, after he solves the refugee crisis, stops illegal immigration's overwhelming influx, and brings jobs back, will do to those corporations what he did to fucking Macy's: Speak his thu'um and cause their values to plummet so far that they'll step back in line begging for a return to the days of blind consumerism.

    Shadilay, my niggas. La mia liberta!

  78. Lilacpr4:26 PM

    A little joke to lighten up the mood:

    A Boricua doctor goes to set up office in New York.
    While he waits for his NY license, he opens up a little business, the sign reads "we'll cure any disease for $20 dollars, guaranteed!"
    "If we fail, we'll give you $100"
    Trump walks by, sees the opportunity to make $100 and goes inside.
    "I've lost my sense of taste" he says.
    The Boricua doctor says "nurse get the medicine that's inside box #22 and put three drops on the gentleman's tongue."
    Trump shouts, Ugh, disgusting! This is shit!!!
    The Boricua doctor says "congratulations you've recovered your sense of taste! That'll be $20!"
    Trump, leaves quite annoyed, but a week later he returns vowing to recover his money!
    He says" I've lost my memory, I can't remember anything!"
    The Boricua doctor says "Nurse bring me the medicine that's inside box #22"
    Trump says,"GTFOH, that's shit, that's what you gave me last week!" The Boricua doctor says,"congratulations you've recovered your memory, That'll be $20". Trump leaves really pissed!
    But he returns once again, determined more than ever to recoup his money!
    He says "I've lost my quality of vison,I see everything extremely blurry and the glasses don't help!"
    The Boricua doctor says " Sorry sir we have no medicine for that, here's a $100 bill.
    Trump says,"you're one son of a bitch! this is a $10 dollar bill!"
    The Boricua doctor says "Congratulations, you've just recovered you sight! You owe me $20!

    xD xD x*D

  79. What about fascists? Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch founded and led a student group called the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ at his elite high school, can reveal.

    The club was set up to rally against the ‘left-wing tendencies’ of his professors while attending a Jesuit all-boys preparatory high school near Washington D.C.

    Gosuck is a fascist, right wing terrorist.

  80. Anonymous4:40 PM

    That's good Lilac, thanks.

  81. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Seriously folks, does "mike from iowa" sound retarded to you?

    I mean, he even makes Yisheng seem sentient by comparison.

  82. Gorsuch joked in his High-School yearbook about founding the "Fascism Forever Club" and Leftists are losing their minds. Glorious.

  83. Literally Hitler4:51 PM

    While Obama was muttering "weed, man" and running around with the Choom gang, Gorsuch was plotting a Fascist takeover of America and a thousand year reich!

    That's the kind of high achieving, goal-oriented individual we need running our country!



    Pastor Green did not meet with gang leaders or any gangs. Just people from the street who ain't exactly fond of dumbass Drumpf.

  85. While Obama was muttering "weed, man" and running around with the Choom gang, Gorsuch was plotting a Fascist takeover of America and a thousand year reich!

    That's the kind of high achieving, goal-oriented individual we need running our country!

    This maggot won't be running or ruining the country. Leninist bannon is Potus.

  86. Anonymous5:08 PM

    field negro said...
    "Hitting back" with what?"

    With whatever it takes to defend ourselves and the rule of law.

    Do you think you'll just be able to beat the majority into submission without creating pushback? You are as deluded as you are amoral.

  87. Brigade Fifteen5:28 PM

    "With whatever it takes to defend ourselves and the rule of law.

    Do you think you'll just be able to beat the majority into submission without creating pushback? You are as deluded as you are amoral."

    If you want to defend the rule of law, you're going to have to time travel back 3 months and vote for someone other than Trump.

    And I hate to break it to you, but you're not the majority.

  88. Lilacpr5:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    That's good Lilac, thanks.

    4:40 PM

    Thanks, I thought so too! It was sent to me on Facebook in Spanish, but I found myself actually laughing, so I translated it to English. I don't think it lost anything in the translation.Glad you liked it :)

  89. Brendon S. Peck said...
    Gorsuch joked in his High-School yearbook about founding the "Fascism Forever Club" and Leftists are losing their minds. Glorious.

    4:47 PM
    Snoopes sez it is unproven whether it was a club or not. It was not listed officially. Doesn't mean he didn't do it.

    Wingnuts already lost their minds.

  90. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit6:32 PM

    tr**p is just putting on a show. I bet the average small town in Kansas is more diverse than his cabinet.

  91. Anonymous6:48 PM

    The Alt Reich here is desperately doing damage control on every Trump Regime crime, misdemeanor, or lunatic move.

    Looks like they want to go down in flames with Trump and their beloved White nationalist President Steven Bannon.

    Let them burn themsevles.

    They will reap what they have sown.

    No amount of "alterative facts" will save them.

  92. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anonymous Brigade Fifteen said...
    "If you want to defend the rule of law, you're going to have to time travel back 3 months and vote for someone other than Trump."

    You people are insane.

  93. moron from iowa6:57 PM

    Snoopes sez.

  94. Anonymous6:59 PM

    So every poll has more Americans favoring the travel ban than not, but the media's still going to tell you the opposite. Good work, guys!

  95. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit7:05 PM

    The Right is never right. We should just rename them the Wrong.

  96. Mangled Apricot tiny dick has blown Obama's executive order record out of the water. Pigface Drumpfollini has 20 in 10 days. Obama only had 18.

    Drumpfuck's guest worker ban doesn't apply to any of his businesses. Go figure.

    Drumpf miled the swamp for crocodile tears to shed for Drumpf's very first American body in his body count. He will easily beat dumbass dubya's record.

  97. Anonymous8:13 PM

  98. Speaking of breakfasts, now the damn fool wants to get rid of the Johnson Amendment and start a fucking theocracy. Sort of ironic that the push for theocracy comes from someone who never even read (anything) the bible.

    And about those WWC manufacturing jobs, which according to economists and the CBO will diminish seriously under Trump's presidency, no matter what lies he tells about them, you know who did more than probably anyone else ever to save and create them with policies that helped and encouraged their creation and allowed many to survive the transition of business ownership (which is a major mortality factor for small manufacturing businesses)? Barack Obama.

    I know the linked post is too long for a lot of you, and uses words you don't like or understand, but so is reality itself, so you might want to do yourself a favor and read it anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  99. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Wah wah wah! We wost!

    -Doug in Oakland

  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. Fake News Update9:21 PM

    Punxsutawney Phil emerges, is immediately stomped to death by antifa angry about no denunciation of Trump.

    NYT reports on Trump's tweet about it

  102. Anonymous9:31 PM

    You will hate Trump no matter what he says or does, Field. Some black people will give him a chance, particularly black people who want blue collar, good paying jobs, better schools for their kids, and safety from violent thugs in their neighborhoods.

  103. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "Some black people will give him a chance"

    Field will call them House Negroes.

  104. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I agree. Field will call them "House Negros". Even as he is an immigrant, educated in America, and has benefited from America's opportunities in every way. Field never was a field negro. He is a very privileged man.

  105. Anonymous10:16 PM

    And he lives with white people.

  106. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I don't know or care where Field lives, but I think he is a monumental hypocrite based on his very good life. An immigrant, college educated, lawyer, with two parents who claims to be a "field negro"? Pffft.

  107. Anonymous10:34 PM

    The more you give people, the more they hate you.

  108. James Bold12:54 AM

    Real-life example of how pathetic Black people are:  Lilac's so-called joke is a retread of one that gets posted every other day on Reddit.  Here's one of the posts from 3 months ago.

    "Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch founded and led a student group called the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ at his elite high school, can reveal."

    He was trolling the left wing during the era of Usenet.  Good for him.

    "does "mike from iowa" sound retarded to you?"

    He sounds above average for a Black person, but that's not saying much.

    "If you want to defend the rule of law, you're going to have to time travel back 3 months and vote for someone other than Trump."

    Funny, it was Hitlery who got all the fraudulent votes around the country.  Did you know Wayne County, Michigan tallied almost 800 more votes than there were voters... which of course does not include actual physical people casting ballots they weren't entitled to.  There was one Detoilet precinct which counted 306 votes cast, but the sealed ballot box only had 50 ballots in it.

    Go back 3 months and shoot all the non-citizens and people voting in the names of dead people, and it would have been a 45-state landslide at worst.

    "I hate to break it to you, but you're not the majority."

    I hate to break it to you, but you're deluded.  Wait, no I don't.

    "The Alt Reich here is desperately doing damage control"

    We don't do "damage control" here.  We come here to be amused and amazed at the stupidity on display.


    Now how many niggaz do you think can afford a belt-fed, $8500 rifle?  You're talking about clowns who probably don't have more than 1 box of ammunition for their stolen 9mm, and it's the cheapest hardball they can find rather than JHP.

    I still haven't gone around the house and counted the rifles.  Too busy with plumbing.

    Hey, I'll be damned.  Feeled actually removed a spam.  Now if he'd only go back to the older threads and nuke them there too, he'd get spammers to stop posting here.

  109. Anonymous10:00 AM


    Now how many niggaz do you think can afford a belt-fed, $8500 rifle? You're talking about clowns who probably don't have more than 1 box of ammunition for their stolen 9mm, and it's the cheapest hardball they can find rather than JHP.

    I still haven't gone around the house and counted the rifles. Too busy with plumbing.""

    I think the OP on that was saying moo&oink cannot legally obtain these but many law abiding Americans can and may want this for protection from the hoard......

  110. James Bold12:20 PM

    I have a Chinese SKS I inherited.  It cost $100 back in the day.  There were dealers at gun shows literally selling them by the crate-full.

    I also have a Ruger 10-22.  Korean shopkeepers used them to very good effect to keep the dindus from burning and looting their stores during the Rodney King riots.  A few dindus who didn't keep their heads down far enough got them shot off.

    You can get a Marlin 795 semi-auto for $180 at Dunham's today.  Whitey could buy one bipod-mounted, belt-fed monstrosity... or equip himself and 46 of his friends with Marlins just about as capable in an urban riot setting and allowing far better coverage and rate of fire.

    Just what do you think Whitey is going to do here?

    1. James is a bitch4:54 PM

      Bitch please. Bring your white ass to the hood to try out your plan and see what happens. You won't do a damn thing you coward. Now take your dumb ass back to your trailer and suck your mama's smelly ass. Oh my bad, now you can suck Josh's ass. Fucking keyboard warriors.

  111. Riiight

    You guys know where to find me. And u don't even have to aim for my head. I don't wear bullet- proof vests,cause they might mess up the fit to my suits.😏

    Wingnuts are truly delusional.🙄

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. James Bold5:32 PM

    "You guys know where to find me."

    Things haven't gotten to the point where the idea leaders of the enemy are legitimate targets yet.  By the time they are, I expect you will have hopped a plane south.  The street-level offenders are still officially treated as individual criminals, not soldiers out of uniform.  Things may not get bad enough to change that.  Not that you aren't still trying, despite November 8.

    Like I said, you ought to get on to the bargaining phase of grief.

    "And u don't even have to aim for my head."

    Given how simple explanations bounce off it, it's probably the least-vulnerable part of you anyway.

  114. Exactly.

    But isn't it kind of fun watching them implode before our eyes? :)

  115. If you have an issue reading views that aren't your own, to the point they're amplified in your head when you read the text, Maryscott, that's not the fault of the person(s) writing. That's called psychosis, and you should promptly see a physician about this dangerous manifestation of echo-chamberitis that causes your brain's auditory cortex to, per your imagination, drastically amplify because you view what you're reading as waycism.

    Makes perfect sense that someone who views every single person to be against your views as a racist fascist Nazi, for this person to start experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia. This is what partisanship does to people, after all.

    - Hallucinations (visual or auditory), check
    - Delusions (you're right, everyone else is Hitler), check
    - Disorganized thinking (wailing about hell and trolls and warring and such simply for dissenting), check
    - Disorganized behavior (having to multi-post because you can't organize your sentiments in a streamlined fashion), check
    - Seeing "special meanings" hidden in ideas (believing dissent is all evil, racist, fascist), check
    - Paranoia (everyone's SCREAMING at YOU!), check
    - Social withdrawal (staying only in the echo chamber), check

    You may be experiencing schizophrenia. This is not a joke. It is incredibly common among holier-than-thou leftists who willingly become communists to fight who they perceive to be Nazis.

  116. "watching them implode before our eyes?"

    Who's imploding? Last I checked, it wasn't Team Trump out there in the streets smashing businesses, burning shit down and punching people. It was the #NeverTrump morons, the communists--the only people in history WORSE than the Nazis--causing mayhem because, apparently, not being on their side makes you a Nazi now. So they smash, trash and burn.

    But black folks obviously don't see this as some sort of emergency state of lunacy. The white middle-class communists are just doing what blacks have done in America for decades: Loot and riot with impunity.

    Kek help you undermanned, undertrained, low-IQ buffoons if those on Trump's side ever start fighting back. It will not be pretty.

  117. "Kek help you undermanned, undertrained, low-IQ buffoons if those on Trump's side ever start fighting back. It will not be pretty. "

    Serous question:

    What is your IQ?

  118. I'd guess at least 2SD higher than yours. And we can put $100 each in third-party escrow to test this in real-time.


  119. James Bold12:24 AM

    Damn, Josh, you're working cheap.  These clowns have made a whole bunch of laughably false claims about me.  I've offered them bets at 2:1 odds (their favor) that they're wrong, and never gotten a taker.

    Maybe they've got a problem with $100,000 minimum bets, but that's about what it would take to interest the legal help in Vegas to settle the bet as a suit and counter-suit.  Doing this stuff all proper-like costs money.

  120. Yeah, I'm cheap as hell. But I also have to stay in the price range of those I'm challenging. I don't imagine the Law Offices of Field Negro are raking in that high-dollar clientele.

    But more importantly: I'm waiting to hear why the implication is that my facts are a somehow a dumb point. It's objectively not the Trump people in the street losing control. The Trump people are sitting around in Kek nation, posting dank memes, and winning the entire planet*. It's the Field Negroes of the country who are out there having mental breakdowns over it. Mainstream media can't even hide that fact. The best they can do is call them "peaceful protesters," the same way they call black thug criminals "youths" and "teens" when they murder 86-year-old veterans and little babies in strollers.

    The height of hilarity: These morons stroll angrily through the streets by the tens of thousands, and effect absolutely zero change, which is why they're punching people. 4Chan sits at home and saves the entire world using memes.

    Fuck. These progressives are so damn inept. No wonder collectivsts always resort to violence. They can't win anyone politically except the stupid who are prone to act out like babies.

  121. In other words, u don't know it, or you won't tell us.

    Is it in the 150 range like your buddy, James? . :)

    In the Internet world everyone is a billionaire or a Mensa candidate.

    Must be nice.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Josh is as dumb and broke as her boyfriend.

  122. James and Josh make a cute couple4:44 PM

    James has a high IQ and can afford high priced weapons and Josh is supposed to be smart too?
    Alternative facts! Truth is James is a dimwitted doofus who couldn't figure out how to pull a trigger and Josh finally found a friend. Aren't the two of them cute together? Josh finally has a boyfriend!

  123. Josh is Jame's bitch4:47 PM

    Maybe you should charge a fee Field, James found himself a woman despite the odds. He has sooooo much extra money!
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! gasp bwahahahahahahahaha!

  124. James Bold12:06 AM

    "James has a high IQ and can afford high priced weapons"

    I tell them about a Chinese rifle that cost $100 retail, and they're all on about "high-priced weapons".

    Black people are intellectually outclassed by a pile of rocks.

    "Bring your white ass to the hood to try out your plan and see what happens."

    How many times have I told you that my scenario involves YOU making the first move, such as doing something stupid like shutting down the highways that bring food and gasoline to YOUR hood?

    Then there's SUDDENLY NO FOOD IN YOUR FOOD DESERT (gee, who could have seen THAT coming?).  At that point you do the same thing you do everywhere, every time:  loot and burn.  You try raiding the suburbs to steal what you expect to be given.

    At that point you'll be raiding into checkpoints manned by men with 'scoped hunting rifles.  Dead meat.  And there's still no food in your food desert because there are no stores left for them to supply and charity trucks get hijacked or shot at, so you keep trying to raid and keep filling mass graves.

    Eventually you run out of gasoline or the suburbs shut off your electricity and you can't pump it, so you have to try to raid on foot.  That works even more poorly.  By that time, everyone is so sick of Typical Negro Behavior that anyone proposing charity gets the shit kicked out of them.  End of Cibil Rites era.  End of Black-Run America.  End of you.

    If you try this in the north in the winter, the story runs a lot quicker.  A shutoff of electricity and natural gas kills your water, gasoline, heat, cell phones and internet within hours.  You are dying of hypothermia within a day, the survivors getting dysentery from eating raw food or drinking contaminated water.  They are too sick to fight and either freeze to death in their heatless hovels or collapse and die trying to trudge their way to civilization.  Did you read about the two African refusegees who almost froze to death trying to WALK from North Dakota to Canada... in the middle of winter?  That will be you, by the millions.

    There is no way any of this comes out with you on top.  Your delusions of adequacy are going to kill you.

  125. "In the Internet world everyone is a billionaire or a Mensa candidate.

    Must be nice."

    Stop projecting on me that I'm bragging about my IQ because you feel intellectually inferior when challenged on it. I gave you the perfect means by which we can find out, simultaneously, which one of us scores higher. If at all you're personally interested in my IQ, we can find out, you and I, very easily. My guess remains my guess: At least 2SD higher than yours. Not bragging per SAY, just an observation.

    I'm broke. I don't go around claiming to be rich. And that y'all cannot help but think in terms of logical fallacies is not my fault, nor is it anything I can fix by doubling up on white guilt. When I call your little team of anon trolls low-IQ morons, that's not to say mine is Einstein levels -- just to say it's not retard-level low as theirs.

    These motherfuckers can't write proper English unless they're aping it off us through copy-paste. Damn. If ever anyone needs to feel they are smart, just speak with black liberals. That'll fix ya right up.

  126. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Blacks yes,Niggers no...........

  127. Josh and James are very stupid bitches10:59 AM

    No one is afraid of James and no one reads Josh's bullshit. Oh yeah, you stupid fucka have high IQ's. You butt buddies prove conclusively that whites are not superior in ANY way but by all means keep posting here.

  128. James is kinda a loser11:46 AM

    James is just the typical racist troll. He has no education, no job and takes his frustrations on those he sees as better than him. Ya know, anyone with a college education. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
    If James spent as much time educating himself as he does writing dumb shit he might finish the 5th grade.

  129. James Bold8:21 PM

    "James is just the typical racist troll. He has no education, no job and takes his frustrations on those he sees as better than him."

    You're 1 for 3, which you win only on a technicality as I'm semi-retired.  It's funny, I've bet you clowns that I have a 4-year degree from a prestigious institution, and you always refuse to take my bet.  Why harp on that all the time?  Obviously, you think I'm better than you and want to take me down a peg.  Runs off me like water off a duck.

    "If James spent as much time educating himself as he does writing dumb shit he might finish the 5th grade."

    Writing is what I do now.  I've gotten good reviews on what I have thus far, but I have a long way to go before I've got a complete work to publish.

    1. James is really really dumb10:41 AM

      You publish? BwahahahahahahahahAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!
      Writing dumb shit on stormfront doesn't count as being published!
      I bet your girlfriend Josh believes you. You are certainly a dumb mother fucker!
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  130. James Bold1:42 PM

    "Writing dumb shit on stormfront doesn't count as being published!"

    Some web site I may have followed someone's link to (probably have, I read a lot just like I write a lot), but I can't recall ever deliberately going to to read?  That's the best you can do?

    The real irony is that I save all my racial stuff for here.  You're the ones who need to see it the most, after all.  If I can't puncture your delusions, your reactions to obvious facts work wonders for enlightening others as to your true nature.

    Chew on that for a while.

  131. Marvelous, what a website it is! This weblog provides valuable data to us, keep it up.


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