Thursday, February 02, 2017

Open thread Thursday

Tonight is supposed to be open thread Thursday, but I can't let the night go without revisiting something I posted about earlier: Donald trump's Black History Month breakfast.

I just watched the video tape of the event again, and after watching it I have to admit that a lot of my friends on twitter and facebook might be right about one thing: trump doesn't know who Frederick Douglass is, and worse, he probably thinks that he is still alive. (No Mr. President, that is not Frederick Douglass; that's Ivy League professor and Obama provocateur, Cornell West.)

It has gotten so bad that the man's family had to jump in and school the president.

"The world may never know whether President Trump just got a little sloppy with his verb tenses on Wednesday morning or simply had no idea that the famous black abolitionist Frederick Douglass was, in fact, dead.

“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice,” the president said.....White House press secretary Sean Spicer struggled to clarify Douglass-gate when asked at a briefing later on Wednesday. “I think there’s contributions — I think he wants to highlight the contributions that he has made,” Spicer said of Trump’s reference to Douglass. “And I think through a lot of the actions and statements that he’s going to make, I think the contributions of Frederick Douglass will become more and more.”' 

Just stop it!

It's open thread Thursday y'all, let's hear what's on your mind.


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    He just dropped a mix tape.


  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Gonna be a long 4 years.


  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Gonna be a long 4 years.


    10:31 PM

    For libtards....

  4. Brigade Fifteen10:34 PM

    Yup, that Frederick Douglass is doing a great job and is definitely getting a raise. Trump doesn't want to hear any arguments against it.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    You people are so lame.

  6. Reginald Denny10:43 PM

    Will you join all decent Americans in denouncing the beatings of dissenters by masked men in Berkeley as hate crimes?

    1. No Reginald,I will not.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Fake News Update10:49 PM

    BREAKING: President Trump signs executive order to make menopausal slam poetry a felony punishable by death.

  8. Fake News Update10:54 PM

    College campuses across the U.S honored "World Clitorectomy Day" with Muslim female students showing non-Muslims how to remove the clitoris as done by women who practice Islam.

  9. So congress is using an obscure rule to get rid of regulations, mostly just for the sake of getting rid of them (and the ability to brag about it to right wing Reagan fellating morons) and what do you suppose they've decided to cut?

    Well the first one was to say it was OK to dump coal mining waste into watersheds where rural dwellers get their drinking water, because, hey, they are steadfastly on the side of the forgotten white rural voter!
    And no, this will not in fact help any coal miners get jobs, and will in fact allow big mining companies to switch to mountaintop removal in these areas, which employs far fewer miners.
    Gee, Trump voters, are you enjoying your buggering yet?

    The second one is basically a hand-job to ExxonMobil, and removes a rule forcing the disclosure of payments to foreign governments by energy companies, because, hey, what they give to uncle Vlad is their own business, right? Why should any little people need to know any of that stuff? It's not like their elected representatives could write laws governing the behavior of the companies we pay all of that corporate welfare to or anything, that's just crazy.

    Next up? A relaxation of the rules governing the FDA's process for approving new drugs, because hey, the pharmaceutical industry cares first and foremost about how their products affect the health and well being of the people who buy them. They don't need any bureaucracy to tell them not to charge people for poisoning them, they would never do that! The invisible hand of the market wouldn't let multinational corporations continue to do business anywhere they damaged their customers, right?

    OK, Trumplets, form a line to the throne, grab your ankles, and start in to squealing!

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Anonymous12:10 AM

      Why so worried Doug? The invisible hand of the free market will solve everything. If a drug kills you, makes you go blind or you grow feathers then people won't buy it. No need for an FDA.


  10. The End of Liberal America11:13 PM

    Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

  11. Walt Wright11:20 PM

    The more hysterical the media gets, the more leftist thugs riot to intimidate their opponents, the more people come over to Trump. Watch and learn fucktards, your entire ideology is imploding.

  12. Anonymous11:43 PM

    It is time for a RICO prosecution of George Soros.

  13. In the interest of liberating individuals from the despotism of conscience and helping them free themselves from themselves, an all-out war on shame is waged, and "shaming" is accordingly decried as the highest degree of the crime of being judgmental, and subjected to withering denunciation. As a corrective against the pathological effects of shame on freedom and health, the individual is instructed not only to do that which tradition and morality held shameful, but to do it as publicly, conspicuously, and proudly as possible. Right now, the flagship forms of this enterprise are sexual inversion and travesty/castration for men, and immodesty/sexual delinquency for women.

    Throughout Western history it has always been the case- and the men that dreamed up modern democracy, who knew their Aristotle, were painfully aware of the principle- that virtuous and rational self-mastery is the most elemental criterion of fitness for liberty, and that whoever can't or won't govern himself according to the precepts of reason and morality is destined to come under the rightful (and despotic) authority of somebody who can, who subsequently exercises rational judgment on his behalf, and so makes his rules for him more generally.

    In any society, shame is a corollary of social honor, and so increases as a function of social status. This means that true shamelessness represents the absolute, rock-bottom degree of ignominy and social degradation.

    Finally, in any society, the absolute depth of degradation that shamelessness and slavery entail find its prime manifestations in- you guessed it- a man who assumes the role of a woman, and a woman who serves as a common prostitute. (Even in the present, and notwithstanding the constant onslaught of exhortations against transphobia and slut-shaming, it's a safe generalization that nobody really thinks that being a prison bitch or a streetwalker is some sort of apotheosis of human dignity and liberation).

    The foregoing analysis suggests that the explosive, uncontrolled, and uncontrollable growth of the power of the modern State is no mere historical accident, aberration, or unintended consequence. It is perfectly natural, normal, and indeed, inevitable that those who studiously affect the manners and habits proper to slaves- whether they are self-aware of it or not- should get the type of rule they have coming to them, namely slavery.

  14. So, Trump's like 87% of Americans, then, and doesn't know who the fuck Frederick Douglas is. So what?

    Motherfucker could know every conceivable detail about his life, and y'all would sit on this forum and say that he crammed before the breakfast just to kowtow to Uncle Tom blacks.

    Likely is the case Trump, like myself, learned about the dude back in grade school. I still remember a bit, though I'm fuzzy. I could cheat it via Google, but won't. All I remember about dude is that he was influential in his freedom writings, and I think was a slave at one point. I'm 36. I was taught this shit before puberty. Trump's 70.

    Who the fuck clings to this dude's legacy, anyway, besides black victim cultists who identify as modern slaves?

    1. Josh's tits need attention11:13 AM

      Blah blah blah blah blah say stupid shit and flash tits for attention. Rinse and repeat. Does anyone even read Josh's pathetic attempts at attention?


    -Doug in Oakland


    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Goddammit Josh! R U fucking kidding? You never heard of Frederick Douglass? Just STFU right now and go the fuck away. How old are you? What state were you educated in? Are you a drop-out?

    Enough about you. What a fuckin' dumbass. Oh right. You are a trained geneticist.

    I don't think that Trump really meant that Douglass was really still alive. He's just so narcissistic that he can hardly believe that he was the last guy to have ever heard about Douglass. He doesn't make the connection that since he hates negroes and therefore has never done any research into abolitionists or any other early freedom fighters, that maybe other people, and even perhaps schools have made Douglass a major course of study. He's just like a family pet. He doesn't know everything that you and I have been interested in for the last twenty or more years.

    He's just a big dumbass.

    1. Madame Josh has spoken11:16 AM

      Josh is white so of course she hasn't heard of Frederick Douglass. She even gives stats of the number of people who haven't heard of Mr, Douglass as if she is some kind of fucking expert. Such arrogance. No wonder none of the boys in her school pay her any attention.

  18. Quote Josh The Proven Liar.

    "Step your game up, Negroid. This shit isn't even Kek-worthy. Dafuq I'm 'sposed to shitpost after the 15th identical comment of you doing exactly what I said you'd do? No sport in it. Like fighting little kids in karate. Or speaking about science with black progressives."

    Joshy, I'm worried about you mate. Isn't 4:30 p.m. a little early to be drunk?

    Have you talked to these people?

    You'll love 'em - very right-wing, quasi-religious. Everything you crave.

  19. 3rd February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0

  20. Man these wingnuts must realize that their days are numbered. trump is their last great hope to "make America great again". It's kind if sad, really.

    I wish them well.🙄

  21. So J2S is a trained geneticyst? What a fucking hoot. Guess which African continent you find genets on, J2S? That's right, homey. The Dark Continent. Welcome home, bro.

  22. Reginald Denny9:45 AM

    field negro said...
    "No Reginald,I will not."

    Then you are no better than them.

    May God have mercy on your soul.

    1. I think god is kind of busy with other things these days.
      And why would she have mercy on MY soul? My soul is just fine thank you.

      Why just yesterday I danced to an entire James Brown song. Seriously. "Papa Don't Take No Mess" I think it was.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Half of America is truly delusional. They fell for Drumpf's and wingnut's lies to kiss it and make it better for poor whitey wingnuts, all the while kicking them in the teeth. And these goobers lap it up and whine and beg for more mistreatment.

    Truly surprised Drumpf isn't made an honorary klansman for ridding the WH of that black guy. Drumpf could tell his half of America he personally threw Obama out and of course the inbred masses would believe him. Even the inbred whitey trolls that troll here would fall for this line of shit.

    That is what charter and religious schools do to de-educate the inbreds. Whitey wingnut land the dumbest, most god forsaken inbred white racist country ever to exist.

  24. According to an eyewitness rumour, Drumpf was last seen about 2 in the morning wandering around DC with a lamp asking people if they have seen Frederick Douglass.

  25. Anonymous10:03 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    So J2S is a trained geneticyst? What a fucking hoot. Guess which African continent you find genets on, J2S? That's right, homey. The Dark Continent. Welcome home, bro.

    Who gave this retard a computer?

  26. moron from iowa10:11 AM

    Drumpf genets racist. African Douglass geneticyst wingnut no genets. Obama God. Stoopid inbred Drumpf klan! Whitey!

  27. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Obama bombed 7 countries, 72% more war deaths than under Bush, extended the Patriot act, expanded spying on American phones and texts, put a travel ban on the same 7 countries Trump did, and by the way Obama, Clinton, Biden and many more Dems voted to build the wall in 2006. Where was your outrage then? Do your own research. Its all true.

  28. Merica's opinions on Drumpfuck's EOs-

    Anymoose and moron- name me one other country that has indigenous genets. Come on, I am waiting. Put up or stfu.

    Typical Drumpf ass kissers. All you do is spout bullshit.

  29. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit10:24 AM

    More people need to be taught about Frederick Douglass in schools. It's a shame that people today barely know much about him.

  30. 72% more war deaths than under Bush, where did this nonsense come from?

    Keep in mind if dumbass war criminal dubya hadn't invaded Iraq for the hell of it, none of these soldiers needed to die and the 900000 injured might all be hale and hearty.

    Obama has his faults but the death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan is all dumbass dubya's fault.

    dd killed a million plus innocent civilians in Iraq. He seemed nice.

  31. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I consider Bush, Clinton and Obama to be of the same party.

    That's why the establishment hates Trump so much, and why they make you hate him.

  32. Frederick Douglass was the father on "My Three Sons". I don't get the connection.

  33. Everyone stand and bow yer heads. Kellyanne Conratbastard just told a sad tale of a Muslim massacre in Bowling Green, kaintuck that never happened.

    It Never Happened. Not even close. Let that soak in for a second. The entirety of the wingnut party is batshit fucking looney! No other way to explain it. Charter schools and religious schools are turning these fucking zombies into zombies that reproduce stoopid.

  34. Queen Josh speaks11:29 AM

    . "Or speaking about science with black progressives."

    Really Josh? Now if you want to hear some true lunacy talk science with a white conservative. Now that is a fucking laugh and a half!

  35. Josh, why even bother coming here anymore? Every commentator destroys you.

  36. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Now that everyone has a camera, we can show to the world the true nature of the Left.

  37. Anonymous12:19 PM

    All White people who don't hate themselves are Nazis.

  38. Anonymous12:53 PM

    This administration is in a hurry to remake this country into a billionaire's paradise. National right to work? That is just a way to totally decimate unions and help corporations. Of course "job creators" want unions to go away. Let's make the entire country look like Mississippi. Hoo boy, gonna be a long 4 years.


  39. Anonymous said...
    Now that everyone has a camera, we can show to the world the true nature of the Left.

    12:18 PM

    You left out the dead Breitbrat/O'Keefe habit of editing videos to entirely change the context to show the true nature of the Left- the best political party ever.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      That is the new common theme to connect the left to violence. A conservative I know was trying to push this idea. Say what you will about the right their communication network has been maticulously created and works seemlessly. Put the word out to Drudge, Limbaugh and Fox and just wait for the mindless repetition to begin.

  40. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Weakening rules that oversee Wall Street and banks and weakening unions. What could possibly go wrong? It may be good for business in the short term as an economic bubble will be created but not good for average joes in the long run. Interesting times.


  41. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Check this out Doc.


  42. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Aren't Republicans supposed to be coal miner's friend?

  43. Think1:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    This administration is in a hurry to remake this country into a billionaire's paradise

    If that's true, why did the vast majority of billionaires go all-in for Hillary?

  44. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    That is the new common theme to connect the left to violence.

    I think the Left is doing that quite well on their own.

  45. James Bold1:57 PM

    "Truly surprised Drumpf isn't made an honorary klansman for ridding the WH of that black guy."

    David Duke endorsed him.  All the left gasped and said that made Trump a Klansman (because of something David Duke said).

    This must make David Duke the actual POTUS, because his opinions have executive force.  It does make you wonder why he didn't declare Obama a member of the Klan and force the left to hate him, doesn't it?

    "Drumpf could tell his half of America he personally threw Obama out and of course the inbred masses would believe him."

    The video is buried in the search results now, but there was a really short one which had Trump declaring the first things he'd do followed by a short clip of someone brown-ish being bodily ejected from the WH.  It was just the kind of thing to trigger the likes of you.

    "Half of America is truly delusional."

    At least 85% of Black people are truly delusional (you're one of them).  Hispanics (mestizos, indios and culturally Spanish Whites) outnumber you and they HATE you.  The ONLY thing protecting you in the USA is the 60+% White majority.  You want to destroy White hegemony, but White hegemony is the only thing keeping you alive.  Right now it's a race between Hispanic numbers and White alienation by the racial politics of the left to see who gets the pleasure of getting rid of you once and for all.

    "Anymoose and moron- name me one other country that has indigenous genets."

    genet (or genette) [jen-it, juh-net], n.
    1. any small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, especially G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail.

    I don't think that word means what you think it means (speaking of delusional).

  46. I can't even count the amount of violent alt-right protests there have there have been over the past few weeks.

  47. You are the monsters2:29 PM

    Conservative students pass out constitutions on campus: 3 students arrested

    Liberal students beat people unconscious and burn campus: 0 students arrested

    Let that sink in.

  48. Anymoose and moron- name me one other country that has indigenous genets."

    genet (or genette) [jen-it, juh-net], n.
    1. any small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, especially G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail.

    I don't think that word means what you think it means (speaking of delusional).

    I know exactly what it means. You are too anal retentive to get anything. Did you find another nation or country that has genets? I'm still waiting.

  49. Think said...
    Anonymous said...
    This administration is in a hurry to remake this country into a billionaire's paradise

    If that's true, why did the vast majority of billionaires go all-in for Hillary?

    1:54 PM

    Prove it, buddy. Liberal billionaires give more to groups that identify donors. Lying,cheating wingnut billionaire prefer to remain hidden. There is no way to quantify your stupid statement.

  50. "A couple of things happened this morning," Trump said referring to the report. "So we are very happy about that. I think that it's really big league. We're bringing jobs back, we're bringing down your taxes. We are going to get rid of your regulations."

    Conservative outlets, including Fox News and Breitbart, also misleadingly implied that the reported job growth came under Trump:

    Lying liar Drumpfuck trying to take credit for job growth under Obama. This POS can lie in your face and show no emotion until someone proves his inauguration was the smallest on record, just like his electoral college win and his pee pee tail. Smallest ever, Sad.

  51. "R U fucking kidding? You never heard of Frederick Douglass?
    Enough about you. What a fuckin' dumbass."

    Junior, you've proven yourself already to be incredibly hard of reading, back when you quote-mined me to hell and back and ignored (and still are ignoring) Random, which was a vital part of the context. But now you're going way too fucking far. This is TPC and Field-level dishonesty, for no other reason than to insult me.

    You do realize how retarded this makes you look, right?

    I said: "Likely is the case Trump, like myself, learned about the dude back in grade school. I still remember a bit, though I'm fuzzy."

    So, as you can see, I plainly said I've never even heard of him. Right? LMFAO!

    Good girl, Junior. BE the stereotype!

  52. The Trumpening3:30 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "We're bringing jobs back, we're bringing down your taxes. We are going to get rid of your regulations."

    It's called winning. Get used to it.

  53. "I don't think that word means what you think it means..."

    Could be said about 87 times a day on this blog.

    I read it and was like "WTF sort of Bollywood Tyler Perry remakes has this dude been watching?" I'm not even sure what his original point was supposed to be.

    Hey, Mike. Think of a genet like a fox that diverged its family after its evolutionary order "Carnivora", but is much more like the civet, members of the viverridae family. Or if that gives you trouble, get out your coloring book and think about them as a really leveled-up meerkat.

  54. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Josh: Do yourself a favor and stop trying to reason with progressive morons. They do not respond to logic or facts. For a leftist, there are no objective truths; everything is about "feels". State your case but don't expect them to acknowledge anything; pointing out their fallacies is sufficient. It's much more fun to watch them try to squirm their way out of reality.

  55. I think we're veering O/T even for an open thread. Here is something to cheer and inspire. George W. Bush's (Shrub) remarks from February of 2007 at the White House, these ten years ago.

    Of course he had help with professional speech-writing and the research and all, but I think it is very sweet, heartfelt, sincere and even illuminating. Good for you Shrub!

  56. I went with your headline Josh. I read that other part later, but I wasn't very impressed. In fifth grade our teachers mostly instill a desire to learn in us. You're not done with the morning lesson. Obviously you care little if at all about black Americans and their achievements, kinda like your favorite president.

  57. I should stop trying to reason. I agree. As I typed my response to Flying Junior, who objectively quote-mined my comment and didn't even bother to read it, I got to thinking about why there's such a disparity between what some whites know and what some blacks know.

    Then I got to thinking back when we learned about Douglas, in the 5th grade, in elementary school, because it's elementary knowledge. Then, I reckoned, with all the cries of cultural bias coming out of the black community, likely is the case some people on this blog didn't learn about Douglas until high-school; while we were learning about civics and economies, they were just teeing up the ball for a binary pop-quiz about Douglas; e.g. "Was Douglas African-American? Yes or no."

    But that probably doesn't cover a lot of folks. There's a simpler explanation.

    It makes sense that black people simply care more about Douglas than whites. Understandable. I am not breaking balls for caring about the dude! But we have Edison, Telsa, Ford, Bell, da Vinci, the Wright Brothers, Whitney, Watt, Morse, Archimedes, Faraday, Einstein, Newton, Diesel, Kilby, Bessemer, and thousands upon thousands of other influential white figures whose contributions led to our modern society. And that's just inventors and scientists, not getting into politics.

    The other side doesn't exactly tip the scales with an abolitionist writer and 72 ways for the peanut. So it stands to reason that black folks can focus more narrowly on Douglas, whereas to many white people he sorta just gets buried under a never-ending stream of prior accomplishments by our own people, of whom we are perfectly allowed to be proud, just like any other race/group.

    Black History Month was never presented to us as an opportunity for whites to learn about blacks. It was about satiating black students' parents who complained that too many white men popped up in textbooks. It was a fairness measure for black kids to feel pride. And I'm fine with that. To be honest, a lot of we white kids tuned out in paying attention because we knew some pitifully easy test was coming on the subject that we could instinctively ace. It's not like they asked hard questions after these lessons; just always shit like, "Was Martin Luther King, Jr.: (a) Surgeon (b) President (c) Astronaut (d) Civil Rights Leader" I mean... LOL

    Sorry, folks, but that sort of knowledge gets replaced. Okay, okay. I should have every detail about Douglas hardwired into my brain instead of epigenetics and haplogroups. My bad! But unless I'm going to sit down at breakfast with nothing but black people to talk about black history month, I'm not sure what knowing a lot about Douglas gets me.

    Sorta like how most of you here treated English.

    1. Queen Josh is lonely4:36 PM

      Jesus Josh, do you really believe any sane individual would read that long assed rambling post in which you spew juvenile jibberish and then flash your tits? You are more insane and Jameslike than I thought. You are FN's version of the crazy girl who wonders why she can't get a date. Tell us Josh, honestly, when did you last have a date sweety? I promise we won't laugh. (heh heh)

  58. Queen Josh=Queen James4:32 PM

    Josh and James are ideological butt buddies who are here in a perverse desire to prove themselves intelluctually to the darker race. They fail miserably but hey at least they're not quitters. No wonder both support Trump, alternative facts rule!

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha!

  59. Okay, Flying Junior. Let's play a game. I'll download past episodes of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, and let's set it up (maybe via YouTube), and you tell me, in live-time (no cheating!), how much you can actually fucking remember from over twenty damn years ago! (That's for me. I don't know how old you are. I'm thirty-fucking-six years old, bro! I was 10 in 5th grade. LMFAO! Are you honestly a retarded person?)

    Sorry, bro, but Douglas knowledge has never, a single time in my life, been pulled out of my memory bank until now. WTF was I supposed to do? Build a shrine to the guy and refresh myself on it every year?

    No. Whatever he did, it really has no bearing on how I live my life. Obviously you want to take that to mean I don't care at all about any black people, ever, and I couldn't care less about any of their accomplishments.

    Well, whatever. What's your fucking point? That I'm not catering enough to your feels isn't a fucking argument. Why in the ever-lovin' sweet potato fuck would I care about impressing you? Holy shit, the vanity is strong. Reading comprehension... ey, not so much. Self-confidence? To infinity and beyond!

    1. Princess Josh4:39 PM

      We know why you want to impress Junior there sweety. Are you sad no one is looking at your tits Precious? And watch that little temper babe, it's not becoming of a young lady.

  60. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Oh Christ, you see the picture of the guy who did the shooting in Quebec? What is it with white guys with weird distant looks in their eyes and bad haircuts? How much you wanna bet James has a bowl haircut and weird eyes? Inbreeding?

  61. Hey, Mike. Think of a genet like a fox that diverged its family after its evolutionary order "Carnivora", but is much more like the civet, members of the viverridae family. Or if that gives you trouble, get out your coloring book and think about them as a really leveled-up meerkat.

    Hey, Josh-you're the geneticist. You think about genets. They come from Africa seeking your wisdumb.

    I am so in yer head!

  62. Anonymous5:14 PM

    See what I mean?

  63. What media conspiracy?:

  64. The Trumpening said...
    mike from iowa said...
    "We're bringing jobs back, we're bringing down your taxes. We are going to get rid of your regulations."

    It's called winning. Get used to it

    Turpentining- you are taking credit for jobs Obama's economy created. You aren't lowering my taxes. I am not a millionaire or a billionaire. Coal jobs won't be back until we run out of cheap, cleaner burning nat gas. Get used to losing loser. Pretty soon you will be drinking coal fouled water down in Appalachia where all you turpentining morons that voted for Drumpf live and die of black lung disease because you voted to have Drumpf take your health care and black lung benefits-stoopid.

  65. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Didn't see this one coming did ya? Solely focus on scary moooslims and not the biwl headed crazy white boys who actually blow up and shoot up shit.


  66. Drumpf's dumbfuckery clearly has taken hold of the Pentagon. The big P showed footage of raid to prove Yemen was a success, except the footage shown has been floating around on the internet for about 10 years.

    Completely inept and whining because he isn't being showered with praise for his stoopidity.

  67. James Bold5:52 PM

    "Josh: Do yourself a favor and stop trying to reason with progressive morons. They do not respond to logic or facts."

    We're not talking to them.  We're talking to you; we're just talking at them.

    "Sorta like how most of you here treated English."

    Oooh, burn!

    "here in a perverse desire to prove themselves intelluctually to the darker race."

    Personally, I'm here for the lulz.  Like that one.

    "Self-confidence? To infinity and beyond!"

    If Buzz Lightyear had been written with the IQ and diction of the average dindu here, the whole film franchise would have gone bust on the very first weekend.

    "What media conspiracy?"

    Journolist lives forever!

  68. Kellyanne Conweasel is hereby known as Barbie Goebbels.

  69. Sean Spicer who, a week ago, refused to use the 4.8% unemployment number because Drumpf swears it is higher, was only happy to use it today when talking about all the jobs created in January, for which wingnuts are trying to take credit.

  70. Things started taking off right after Trump was elected November 8th. Consumer confidence and business outlooks started to improve immediately. Today, it was anniunced that Trump has already created 227,000 new jobs! And a lot of these are real jobs, not the part-time barista jobs of the Obama economy.

    This guy gets things done! WTF was Obama doing for the past eight years? Oh, that's right, golfing and paying off cronies! Thank God for President Trump!

  71. Fake News Update6:17 PM

    @PX: mike from iowa posted a link earlier about how the Reuters CEO had directed his staff to sabotage Trump with fake news. Reuters is not a credible source for anything.

  72. I know why Kellyanne Conway is so thin: No-one around her has any brains to eat.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. Photographic evidence of Trump grabbing a pussy:


  74. "Hey, Josh-you're the geneticist..."

    This is a microcosm of how fake media is so pervasive. Example: Flying Junior intentionally lied about what I said about Douglas, and then called me a "trained geneticist," which is also a lie. He decided to invent these things (the latter because he doesn't know WTF he's talking about). And rather than people actually reading them from the source, they instead take his lies as factual and use them in reply. LOL Dafuq sorta brain blockages do you people have?

    Geneticists typically train in advanced chemistry fields and microbiology, bioinformatics, population, quantitative and ecological genetics. I studied evolutionary-biology. We study genes as they relate to natural selection; descent and speciation. We cover genetic architecture of molecular evolution, genetic drift, biogeography, and things like taxonomy. There are evolutionary geneticists, and evolutionary biologists who train as geneticists via molecular biology and such. But they're not the same thing.

    You're sorta like creationist Christians who don't understand the far-from-subtle differences between applied and theoretical physic fields.

    I was just trying to help you form a mental picture of a genet, Mike. No need to lose your shit over it. Your people make great stew out of them, from what I understand.

  75. "Did you find another nation or country that has genets? I'm still waiting."

    Umm... you do know that Asia's on Earth, right, and not some hostile planet? LOL

    But what was your point ever supposed to be? That evolution by natural selection is true!? Different species evolve based on different geography? Well, imagine my shock!

    Unless, of course, anyone wants to point out things about which races can build civilizations and which can't. Then, of course, evolution by natural selection isn't true, and evil white fascists are just trying to push their superior propaganda, because we all know Somalis and the Congos are who really built the first-world West until whitey stole it.


    Check this out Doc.


    Hey PX, I saw that on my twitter feed, but thanks for looking out! ;)

  77. I know what a genet is and what they look like. Maybe it is time to let you in on the genet-icist joke before you cloud up and rain all over this site. Hornswoggled by gawd as ever was.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Hey, Josh-you're the geneticist. You think about genets. They come from Africa seeking your wisdumb.

    You should REALLY bitch slap yourself for saying something so stupid, LOL!!

    I this muthf**ka was a real geneticist, it would have been able to have a scientific conversation with me years back without using wiki and/or being wrong about science all the time!! And it wouldn't have time to be here all f**kin' day!

    Now I get sarcasm, but that dumblef**k isn't worth sarcasm.

  80. Why can't Yisheng ever invent something like a laser that kills cancer? Or even a better test tube brush?

  81. And speaking of know nothing whoteemoos, Conway is showing herself to be a REAL con artist. But in true whooteemoo fashion, they'll keep saying the Muslim inspired Bowling Green Massacre happened so much that every PEETOUS supporter will kill themselves to prove it's true!


  82. Anonymous7:02 PM

    @Yisheng: Jealousy of smart white women only makes you look petty.

  83. Yiscunt, why does your dumb-ass go through proxies to speak to me? LMFAO! You come in here and say that you ignore me, but it's obvious you're a liar. You read every fucking word I write. All my haters do.

    You've also never spoken about "science" the entire time you've been on this blog. The closest you come is living vicariously through those colored girls who get into STEM fields at an exponentially lower rate than whites and Asians. But when it's time for you to speak about "science," you can't even spell the shit! You bungle the spellings on the most rudimentary terms, and then claim it's because of AAVE -- your culturally appropriated and bastardized blackspeak English. Now you're going to pull the revisionist history card so you can look smart in front of Mike. LOL Bitch, ain't nary a time e'er existed here where you've talked "science." You're incapable of it.

    I've argued with people here constantly about evolution and albinism, etc, displaying an actual masters-level understanding of the topic. You show back up to spam a link about the 3 colored girls accepted into STEM in '16 and call it "science."

    Mike, thanks for letting me in on the joke. It's hard enough to understand you people when you actually try to just speak English like normal Americans. It's another thing entirely to try to pick up things like sarcasm and humor when your brain is constantly asking "Dafuq is this bullshit?"

  84. You KNOW things are bad when people want to take Arnold up on his offer to switch places with PEEOTUS!!!

    Hell, even Cruz looks like a better choice at this point!

  85. One week after the "Muslim" ban, how has your life changed?

  86. ABC said...
    Photographic evidence of Trump grabbing a pussy:

    Your link doesn't work.

  87. Princess Josh=Queen James8:04 PM

    If Josh and James would just fuck each other then maybe they'd leave us alone but we all know why they're here. Both are cucks so we know what time that is.

  88. Lying Drumpfuck started the repeal of Dodd Frank claiming his friends can't get loans. Au contraire me piglet. Carl Icahn has taken on billions more in debt in just the last five years by borrow,borrow,borrow.

    Plus he made it easier for your financial advisers to cheat you.

  89. mike from iowa said...
    Your link doesn't work.

    Sorry, try this:

  90. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Leftists have gone completely insane.

    This is going to be the Easiest Civil War Victory Ever.

  91. Josh and James are some dumb bitches8:07 PM

    I bet Josh believes his girlfriend James actually has a 150 IQ.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  92. The Fixer8:09 PM

    Righties have gone completely insane.

    This is going to be the Easiest Civil War Victory Ever.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  93. Porter8:24 PM

    Trump is already realigning counter-terrorism resources from fabled “white supremacists” to the Dar al-Islam. This should be expanded further to infiltrate and break-up the leftist terror cells. People are being routinely attacked now for simply wearing a hat in support of their sitting President. Like so much else, we actually don’t have to live like this. And if the state under Trump performs its duties with a fraction of the zeal it has previously reserved for recalcitrant conservatives, we won’t have to.

    It will be pleasantly dizzying to watch how quickly the left’s barrista-based militancy evaporates at the sight of the first few pimply antifa to go weeping to their sentences. They call for war only because they expect it will never come. They attack and destroy only because there are no repercussions. That equation needs to change dramatically. Then we’ll see their true heart for war at the arraignments. I, for one, am expecting to be sorely disappointed.

  94. Yisheng is a Genius8:27 PM

    VERY interesting watching all the whooteemoos in government trying in vain, to undo Obama's legacy.

    One thing is FOR SURE, Thump will be the first PEEOTUS to have been peed on by a Russian prostitute.

  95. Anonymous9:31 PM

    "One week after the "Muslim" ban, how has your life changed?"

    Well Ed, seeing that a federal judge stopped it it shouldn't change too many more lives.

  96. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Obama was the first PEEOTUS to have been peed on by Larry Sinclair.

  97. Nazi is the new "N" word10:46 PM

    Whenever I hear about “white privilege,” I am like … so what?

    We ought to be preserving, expanding and deepening white privilege. We have a sacred duty to pass along to future generations their birthright. There’s nothing immoral about being White. It’s wonderful. It’s great. It’s basically fascism.

    Yes, you heard that right. According to the *woke* antifas, cisgendered White people being White and enjoying things White people like to do like science, commerce, inventing new technologies and exploring the universe is fascism, white supremacy and white privilege.

    Every time I hear The Resistance say we need to smash the white supremacist, fascist, cisgendered patriarchy … it has the opposite effect on me. I find myself identifying with it. I treasure it. If these fucking clowns are so against it, I know that I am for it!

    1. Anonymous11:36 PM

      Uh, who really gives a good fuck what you identify with. That's the problem with you white assholes, you actually think someone gives a damn what you think. Must be some kind of genetic flaw. That and flat asses.

  98. Nazi is the new "N" word12:04 AM

    Wasn't talking to you, boy.

  99. James Bold12:35 AM

    "If Josh and James would just fuck each other"

    Our ultimate sexual fantasy is to take the still-warm severed heads of you nitwits, one at a time, and pass them to each other as one of us skull-fucks it through the plucked-clean left eye socket, and the other the right.

    "We ought to be preserving, expanding and deepening white privilege."

    White Privilege is evolution and any attempt to diminish or erase it is genocide.

  100. Anonymous3:15 AM

    "Wasn't talking to you, boy."

    Who were you talking to? Lemme guess, your fellow butt bandits? You queer whites really like communicating to each other don't cha sweety?

  101. Queen James is an idiot3:16 AM

    White Privilege is just stupid white boys like James who don't realize how dumb they sound.

  102. "White Privilege is evolution"

    Still not sure, for the life of me, why historical and scientific facts are considered the most racist thing you could ever talk about.

    I just don't get it. You might not want to hear it, folks. You can say it triggers you. You can say it's mean-spirited to bring up. But it's not fucking racist. White people built Western civilization around the globe. Black people built a repetitive Congo around the globe.

    Seriously. Which one of these people are going to do the best by and large with an equal chance?

    Let's take it out of racial terms for a minute. Let's say you have two different packs of elk living in the woods.

    Group A: Works together to build dens. Takes care of their young through adulthood. Stores food for the winter months. Develops a system whereby elder, experienced elk make the tough decisions. They live in a clean, safe, plentiful area.

    Group B: Constantly fighting one another and killing one another while the strongest males rape the females. Females have multiple babies that cannot be fed because B doesn't save food but rather devours it instantly. They live in a dirty, dangerous, threadbare area.

    Which group members are going to advance to the top if A and B live together?

    What we have working in the first-world West is literally as ANTI-NATURE as you could ever possibly get! We have group A having to care for multiples of group B, while those groups B provide nothing back to A in return but scorn and a hoof out asking for more.

    And some of you dumb motherfuckers want group A to go extinct, huh? LMFAO. Once all of group A is gone, and the entire planet is filled with nothing but group B, who the fuck is going to support B for the price of a cup of coffee per day? You morons are attempting to regress back to prehistoric tribal times. It's hilarious.

    Don't worry, though. Despite your scorn and violence and everything else, group A won't let it go that far. A will keep holding down the fort as A has done for the past 600 years.

  103. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "One week after the "Muslim" ban, how has your life changed?"

    Well Ed, seeing that a federal judge stopped it it shouldn't change too many more lives.

    9:31 PM

    You didn't really think Drumpf/Bannon would let a little thing like a federal judge or three stop them from breaking the law, did you? Not on yer life, bucko. These thugs threw the entire constitution and history of America under the bus.

  104. Josh is a little bitch10:19 AM

    Still not sure, for the life of me, why Josh insists on posting stupid shit that no one reads. She tries to sound intelligent but is just a spurned little bitch. Hey Josh, just pay for a dark dick and go away!

  105. Anonymous10:20 AM

    You didn't really think Drumpf/Bannon would let a little thing like a federal judge or three stop them from breaking the law, did you?
    He's pissed off a lot of people including the Bushes. They appointed a lot of judges so there will be some payback/pushback. Not everybody is down with Hitler er Trump.

  106. #Josh is a dumb bitch10:23 AM

    Josh is actually intelligent #alternativefacts

  107. James and Josh are some dumb bitches10:27 AM

    You're right Josh, history is full of racism and dimwits like you and James think we're somehow going back to those times but give it up, them days is done! I guess you're sitting around with James' dumb ass waiting for the coming race war. Such ignorance. Maybe, just maybe if you two combined your IQ's it might equal 150.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  108. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Got 5.45??

  109. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I don't know what all the complaining is about the naked pictures of Mrs. Carter and her pregnancy just made my gun store sales go up this weekend. I own a small gun shop outside of Wake County in North Carolina. A group of men came in from some farm family in Zebulon in Wake County . They were all black and bought about a bunch of guns for their wives. I saw some of the ladies too all very beautiful girls. I asked them about taking classes to use the guns but it turns out that these pretty black ladies knew how to shoot already. I am from "up north" .One of the men in the family told me it was different down south. He told me that pretty girls down here grow up knowing how to shoot and they own guns and pack and carry. I have never seen anything like this. Then I heard them talking about how the Beyonce pictures had them worried for their women's safety and they were taking them all to target practice and going to make them carry guns all the time now. Thanks Beyonce! Down south you are going to have all the light pretty girls down here making me rich with high sales for my guns shop. God is good. The next day another group of family members came in. A week ago I did not know how I was going to pay the lease for this shop now I am set for another 9 months
